Huron Signal, 1863-05-28, Page 1.+rearw..* -.rA..w.0...--.-+wmr.Yn• ..+..r. -ad dad. •,... -.-"• ...1111"e.... 0 W. L Q01, litter II Ild Psoprister.] emdeer- *1.60 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE!. ellenelr- ROM'. 1 NUORIa$ 01 $OOTLA=D. AGM meads I teal d &seas y here. d istery dulls •M gl•oele6' nest Plisse tend WWI mressie thus, airy arstumnemaga that banm no teems„ r.ektlef irl y wisdomMersa dWM.ter a memo warm :vent, Whet. Nro...* pe'w's ambee.eshMr Ass sssresp wam".y eater eon tam 'rbT&Ik that mattes stye r gay, Aber the eree§ a dean of day t They weber eared Lashes aaamr 'real sleet. as ten whir amen•, the a•esee s eerete by, that eaay... race, MIS tide try platens' slats. wipe,., 'hysebae sero., and grey gawk. she, dere mends will ye he dear to one. ea may • Maad.y*i sten Rem mss • amp tied leap tea, Taw' may a noel aid runty area, (h, may a ,darer s*ayMd Pati, lily man arena, IltAim and teen., • erste iter mem • gew•aaeshe tea, y1 A••T eighty rudes is the. I domes' ,ter►, t resin d tone, ave eitt how vats teem drweuage revs t U, Steak Is std fraeaihip kis', Aad baro that hard tare lame ryx , Waal fes•' the lead aid e, net he Imam tar drew sad me ; Ars far /porus& Edd sad pat., 1 Mho my rod thy shores apo. A bedewed slow that only beams; Penne/tea' my thoughts and dream.; A Mores are, a k►tnot a anal, A Mad W We • hese to 4d A wtideere sighs same tear, Avera' Pee loft W cherish see Aad whim 1 owe ■ Soultr► teals, A 0eetau a.'. pride ie Bootie* Fara. Wa. B s. Adidd, 11th May, lin. DEATH OP ter STONI W ALL L " JACKSON. " Stonewall" Jackass, wbr a repent lomat make oometle thwauds mcurn, bed gained aur himself mak • world•wide fame that we ogee rspoi,p for giving coasidsrabie apace to the fxllowiag description of his wound., safferiag, death and burial, which we take boa 61. Rich.sod papers. It will be read with m.incloly interest by everybody now ne Wu Wo1WD.D. The Richmond '• lawgiver," of the 13th Met.. says :- "fJpu. Jackson, having `ole some distance in front of the line of .kirmthe:s on Saturday eveaiag .•s returning about * o'clock, tt- Madel ley kr staff and pod t of his couriers. Yk. aval.wle was in the darkness of ten aigbt mistaken for a body of the enemy's ltaalyt and Lied spots by a regiment of his IMO Will. He wed Mirk by three ball, as through the left arm, two incite. below Ohs ether ar jeitst, abeuering the boas and ..,..* iesiid arta" ; eretbr h.0 poser tamer the same IAA between the elbow sed writ, making its exit throegb the palm of the land • • tai ball encased the palm of the right hand abost4rridi, pain; trrough, mi*We�o boas. He was *Deeded un the Mark- Bra, .boot fifty ye,da i i advance dthe essa H. full from his horse, and au a.g=i by Caps. Woman. to whoa he r•m.rMd 'All my wands are by rte owe men.' He had given orders to bre at any thing coming up the road, before he left the line. The enemy's skirmishers •peed ahead of him, and he tarred to ride break. Jr. the* some one cried out a Cavalry, .herge P had immrd.tely the regiment fired. Tee whole party broke forward to ride tuna oar lies to escape the ire. Capt. Boswell was killed, and carried through the lire by his borse, and feel among her own men. Col. Com Chief of StO, was wounded by lis sits. Two couriers were killed. Major Pendleton, Liras. Morrison and Smith eve (len. Jackso. mw imam diet* pl.esd on a litter and started for w roar. Tb. firing attracted the .ttention'of the enemy, and was resumed by both hues. et Tie Ahalsst Possible Good *Ohs Possible Number '' moo.` QODERICH, C. W., THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1863. hem I wit M b.. appeaser froes w Gelate $ it isshew lag Public gad, �tb l.04 Y by eatisled wham told that they were .abate. Major Wree'a kattablea ,imatkehly well. stony la haaid , ad waned ko ✓ He lid set era of wwlry, sad the Yishraai ue tb.ententes of Ms star, ball wess adviisedddd4 brecey W sea Oe Wadesaday he -errs looked n. the 10.4. ssaskaMy wee. Ha singled tu4o b Rich- Hare drew, fete whiis howls. sFFew awed tbW�,r mad War prevented by tai•. the - This night, while his eurgeoe, who bad slept �� sim�~wsm of tone for three eights, was .slap, be ere- ad with /wumm. plained derma, and ordered bs boy, Jt., Fallbeams, eo tng of the air d the l pima • wet towel over kis stomach. This lamented Hero. sad aged other w.. dose. About daylight the wrdeoa WY oilers of hifh reek, warms awaked by w boy seeing, 'the °erre/ L i the i L d w nd ne to 1. The pun p ver is the right aad rid., ���y a sereoerer, rhea 10 himself attrihsted ttoo thasae.d, fbilowsd- 1 _d b w tall from w litter. On Thunder Mrs. and dieser atldwlN truth Jadeite arrive, greatly to .his joy •ad slam as chlel. of De lineyy hews,and ale faithfully pureed rim to the Mate sad Coaftdent. i ad. lie asillsor ready hots prestratien.- cite, milimil O• Friday he seared ao rut bat "erndoo jodici'�y ^ hareem& The Mayor of the city eej members et the Oeeeaii• WS LAST mono. "Oa sillier .ids, red as the !war, ea ie ' Oa *wag oris h vermase throng of ladies and geadeee., chil- e wit try M wee wF 1. . skier' area, servants sod soldiers, ..gird inn ialbe.d stilts 1_,„.,a JJ00 yd 'Dov* along with the promotion. The keesod lull earns with him, ad told Wm. ems were hatedrillwith .alp, ted the swat M wes to esd ` d IM .I 1 •,y bo, res dead at t e '!tel reed m ill*Id;Hog• � od' Wt The artillery bre w sad itigafa i the /�+s� , bid arra of the Watery were reverted • the dna "weary said, 'I sea& Bess wounds • bless- aim maw,ed u the rem InThey wen Shade for Wale_4°C4 and gi � n waw psspa*�, 1 weid nes part wis1 them if the .; . brie meeratb w easbaat boomed foal' 1 would.' Ho meld of !(.jot peedksm, the . t... W. 'Who ie prra0Wag u ktmigrrtere t°,_ dy Ti .' ie ceremony, Gwo. proceeRandolded to t Chief Marshal He sent a mMilaw to all tic* Octan. H• of die cared. w ved slow. w hoot, and "Peen" • 1104 ta he 104.4 a Lessiiiggtteeqq the area through ged slowly cwt epee Oovs. i. w Slat. 0f YGgiaM. D.Gag d.14in. morsoeet tw od ti lI emu. oo. leu diad merted to ake.6ettloisW, sed he •else of 1M err dirge swelled forth in Dad too. •.nt order b A. Y. H.I, to for eo ape Gem t dells g od forth .ora- tion, sed to Myor H0.k, w Com. TI. teal ten leading d pup* n . Governor to and to t6.eargeor H. fre tlye7 The rreeitu dole Gr, sad b .d to hie aide bw wail that H,ajor Oerr• Mein *treat, ,uta. ,o the latter, Mod pro al Ewell should be ordered to command kis crowde r ll s See; .t1. The • cls dere turps. His comfideme in General Ewell ww crowded with people; .tore* were elo.ed.- rery gnat, and the nee in .lith he k. As w ( speed , .tad fro. any 'p° windows/row Uag, dr in .omni' the alettott uadividtd atteotioo' d of kin .bowed that he had duly considered the i'- matter.'' The Ila,!* ups the public iredldags n.ma.rdtttea dteeiety, from the r on Monday, at elf mart. The *Der one.of rioyalty down to the humbled aaatrs� or team Nmrain a arcnaoxtr-rax Maths -street was bleed adequate description, tss*1 011• or 11 $1 lelCT. eo improssire, w hehetiful so 1612 of Marina _ exaspt(.R, of coarse, the few individu associations, blending with the martial dirge who aro no &cite elevated in intellio o Tbe Richmond " Whig of the 13th r of the bands, the gleam of mr6et, rife and above dee ren they drive, am to be utter. L " r ' sabre drawn, w sheen of bleak mason, .1.21 ors sa Aa " Yesterday was a sad day in !Geared.- thorarde of throbbing beams, and ten soil and: y ppily, oblivious of Bowe ass Lad Zona beabedSm rases T.A.0* a. Annidel dm$NT. OMB w. DA, etAY0 TN . ...... • 1.34 CARBONEMOOE........ " tees •' MrT0HLU. " 10.11 " STIATIROND Asa It}I e. " • ..... ro. 1 IITz M opera WEPT. .ars. ttniQ emir. 3.60 a L.33 " =LOOS " Lb: " p,�(p " 4.12 N�I� .............. .. d 4.411 amp. 6.30 " neige * 060.0 arra M 11It0e1 Its r*1 ..11. o. tjrs �A...th O M gtOn 0M a�itR�wptioe d our "s le tesiim,t• . ds1 j#mt..1 Wby, tbq tura nvnnd y h'.04 " dna snood wYo�.-•iot0 mmol against We raocursrtoa or aa-aasarsuw, Up.. Misiwyn.Vb thio, 11.01. (:artier, wl.ed, u a.na este ate drupes mai tea (halt, tri 1. A. YMioraald, beoaur they of our Pmts., sf T hate to cart ver we0 banal I�at 1ilLts getlemen will be •deity in Provitteial p.rj�iam....yo4. n Daly 10. v1i� M pry into their hand. bCyotmairetl of o0l .add d oar - ju tN Well might Mr. Secolteesll together Me Lagiislat Ade lay . ,stirs ks diegost,and better fur Dersad Pruriace, to meet 1. o0 dty of wrmryLiberal and Liberal Quebec, in our .aid Pro►t.e., a Friday, the ad third day of July next, thea sad tore to bare say sod views in both conference and tatty with w great an /arty and unljnchingly t, and LrgoIaure Co..eil of our .aid Prov Upper right., whatever alae br inti In the teMisaay whereof," died tides. If enrtberw was a moJsant in the Pd wk• : � will he wtmed b dada_aai Paella L....e errs r. 0.J. Can W immed to.ktep• �•h7, lei * � Ne refereed'. hw. EeseId,. e.wwith. himlrk Ii MM •r the all, -"NrrlSC i1M.odaed "um up he Mee of F� hi two woes Ram Brunt.- We m e hammed ce aped authority Mat Mr. G. & Wmibes 1.a".ta in (hi Reform interest for this Itidiag. `.Horth O.Jbrd -1t a 71.606le Mr. Brew. .111 be nearer by acclamation for the Sid tog. Cauoty N lee r. -h a 'bottomed tart Mr. O'Coanor i to be the Corvwpllomit este did•tr at ten approaching elerio.. aft/M.-We hear limy w mode d Mn Al - of I r • postal •pnret of Mr. McKellar, but it is reported try M P. re declasd ag•in to be • "asdidate. Lom6tcaw.-No of Mr. Mackes.ie lees yet appeared in 16. Ikld. Norte Waterloo. -Mr. Foley will, doubt, be reelected without opposition. Sort Wd:er4. -it is n.ered that Mr Wer. Robison, of Galt, will oopppose Mr. Cow an. Shodd he du so, Mr. Cuwee's steelier may be eortsideredwrtai.. . ss /tweet with deeed Treat ■ et.pub are Women. Daly !user soy a5 all L ne e.t.a itis mesonathas Weal en eaed Pere en drama belfsaRvery aid users ' este.... Inial Wiry of this country when the fringla.4 baa d jut sad good govern - meet M aerated bymotivesofhoro' union of feeling, it se is tQip Our rights are dear to ua, ,r., and we boor be res who come boldly out ad 4tlIsr is the Rce of the public that Willa wieingly support any set of res Wb ell! ldseeeely and earnestly take them a/' Poshest amongst needed re- formakill pelerleaos by Popelation,and although lmportent measure has not yet beeereasisd, we believe that the day i. bit gpresshiog when it must be. The ammtila that de Reform party bare - throws it overboard is a fakes one, and it mune to be used u a candidate in the -will be guile tiros enough for opposition "'leg mateat, aid should he do so we imams. to twit m with the abandon. Pledge him our unistance in mewing his �nma signal. (IODEIIICH, C. W., WAY 22,1863. ELECTION INTELLIGENCE. Huron and Brice. -At a full Meeting of the Central Reform Committee held in Goderieh on Wednesday hal, Robert Gib- bons, Eq., presiding, the following repo lotion wee unanimous* adopted " Moved by M. t:. Cameros, Lg., seconded by A. M. Roes, Erq., That the Central Committee of lbs Rut✓on. Associ- ation of the United Counties of Huron and Bruoe is perfectly satisfied with the line of conduct marred by Jam Dirk - eon, Eq„ our present representative ; that we respectfully rapist him to allow bis POTITICAI. SITUATION 01' CAN A. Tae political situation of this " groom, f tees pent ce this air ions triumphant return." pTipajii, champ oat happy, " country le just Dow engross - take .p t2• maim aid aid be carrying Mr. Dickson's return may be confident - , • into f-'01-- t the Icstoeharished hopes ly relied 0pore, bat lading reformers of Upper Qmra& Trop, Representation throughout the Comtism rhoild not lie peasant aeeordteg 10 population was moved in idly on their oars, fur it u barely radii ale amendment b the Address at the opening :that some of the Toronto legal gentlemen ee of the late anion, het with what degree i now dodging through the back townships y of sincerity f Did mot the opposition it- may be induced to come forward at the nomination. Dickioe is the man for aU self u mtah tip u6:110wiedge that it was a Huron and Brace, and the farmers will bl .day afternoon the report that Galant of sorrow that mantled over all. From Sea the doings of the outside world, with t Adson's death was eurrent, but though pre- ondetreet, through which Me proesesiou political turmoils and fretricidai wars. a7 from serrnl pertly4010 pared, rett. uree t into Ott mast, The Pres with its tbousanda of tong° pulp's that dm condition of the illustrious down which it returned to Capitol square a. ehieltein was deemed critical, no use was wit. tering b Monument rue At different h buy at the pro* and f M' .trout 'Made* (the obsequte. the 6 6 4 hollow preteses-apolitical trap to catch ',moult their beat interests by sending back ee "'Lid say, "iCWe • Political Deril, er- w stem e no other desire than to forward the aquae rayed ja eheaF'. clothing, at the °lir dd of Upper Canada, and of his oro oematitD- in particular. - the unwary y Yee, as Thomas Carlyle Dee "f &.,„adv. ---. man who hot ling to credit the tidingsof bis deur w o eat o . mistry da"oO°' which and Opp'wteen-the "great men " of th full trurboee of w coriectae of the uncal• 'rer•omtd 'tenoned at the foot of We dopa Dome sew. went, pealed at in rasa of thunder, which Proviooe are pOding away to their eo " The city papers yesterday morning Iron. heightened tee effect of the tolling bele, the iitust.-a1 is excitement, and,no doub nosed the mad, sad and all solemn meiq-and the greed display. political seal and rancour will duringt doubts being Mutt removed, gleam and sorrow ' The hearse being drawn up m root of the pervaded the community. Capitol. the eoO6n wr removed b tee Hall of next month, as et old, raise barriers Ire - "In accordance with the pe the House of R in front of Me , when it we twee friends which will not soon. of 1 O o'cclock a.' re. business lk,ween 11 and 12 o' lock, Th uvlaid iii uistcrned.•d into the buuiilddiinameet - g tray men down. What a game of Chess a large concourse of lath.* and gentlemen bearin; splendid bompeta with which W Polities I How fruitless of alight bu e work of Temptation I and if the shabby) II. fat - subterfuge ed it was because there were eert, mento deal with who were not to be Auld- L'"'d'J••-Mr. Carling ha. consented to he fied through a shallow sophistry. stand seam for Leona. 1 (Concluded is our Hart.) • Cow Ontario. -The Reform Co be , cation for this marry, held at Canning - is too, on Friday lad, nominated the Hon. TSN YINIOTBY• W. McDougall, C of Crown es'" Lands. West Elgie. -Mr. Macbeth has deter- mined, for printe reaseoa, Dot to oppose assembled ou Bradstreetexpected, to witness the ate %dour the cutfirt, and at night hundreds were promises I How indistinct party lin epeeist prcted with the turned away atter ho t (runless .Rppma despatch ea honorer. received r)iuF rd Le iSures between Mee orb° server that "tie tip. urnals are he area.. will be Mol to x- How little of d' oPpeai jo ren iulae..ioo that the !num 6ariog bwo ingtou this v:otmiu All the cosily in Rich. • n rally to learn all about the un o inti er .rtes booms when thoughtfully invest' The Quebe• Mercury very properly nb remit. of the del,.rt.d�hero. A'telegraph without seem the face of the beloved rte rt- thong J tgateti- conr - war,,or. jj deleyed at that point, would not arrive until mood passed m ,loon. of res to the ..elm a the e'meel observer se...6.. b tsar e clock p. s. memory of Jackson, and adjourned to mused r�• gulf 1 And who the clash Btu sexton Mr. Feeble in West Elgin, and it seems T new minority ; aid the brief delay in its " TW communication wee I the ceremonies," - esmam--wham opinion u hailed .gains! reconstruction whim& neeemarily took to lett stomal ria meson .Imp.n.d to !►err homes. About 3 o'clock fkoad street and "or. slit ■s..," episioq as were the everlasti.g hills torn the capitol square were again thronged by . The Richmond WAig o1 the Ibt6, in refer up by their shaggy bps and projected ladies and gentlemen. At 20 minutes 10 4 ring to Gen. Jacks.', dath, aryl ;- .th horrid tome ofJohn p y and sorrowfully) int mwatea the 'rein arrived at dor corner of premed the pen le of Virginia w der that if their f vane- men are not t Tim rel of Jackson. a surprise dud .d n h o'clock the thin termed the carve, and the since the death of Washington, no similar ' u by the angst depot sad dieter belt, were tolled. Io a yew event has so rufound: 110.too-then men persuade themselves y g ate u ev into Postetb!reel, .here it was hatted. T T6 pup ' ern, Use power t a while country will inevitably lowing officers were in chane of the corpse with which hs earlier feu in the war were go to wreck sad ruin, and the rap "Of Lieut. Cleo. Jaeuou a .tad: Major8. regarded had long since ripited into cordial T Re Pendleton, Ardjutant General in charge ; Dr. gratittde (or his .e,-. .. n., boundless coo. th tbem.elve. int* e ma. of Prtrty.- muter cure, Medias. Director; Major encs in his capacity, eutbuaiaatie a/reviioo 'roue Murrtw' amd S.itb, for hs person, and sincere venereum for his Aid.. character. They had wee, too, toregard •' On port of the Army Major D. IL him as one of those men who here a mission Brd teford, Captain ff. K Douglwbore e. to fulfill, acd who a shimmed On partot Commoueealth of Virginia: T6c Providence on which he bad sofinely re - Dr. John Mayo) Aid to the Governor, Col. lied had seemed to shield aim from harm, and John C. 8hie.da. there was a sort of superstitious faith that be "The coffin was covered woh wreaths, would pea m..c,ithed through all dangers to placed epos it by the ladies of Ashland. the end. They wc,e not. thereforet prepared With se little delay u possible, the body was for the cruel mocha .ce that steuck him down, removed under military mood to the rover- •ad still ler for the fatal mutt which hw so nor's M..ion, followed by, perhaps, the speedily followed. There s not one loyal largest assemblage of petoor ever collected heart in the Confederacy that has not, or will within the capitol square. not, sicken and sink with grief at his fall.- •'1'beCity Council held • special meeting Were it possible to restore him, w. believe W . IIawI. Ir Oes litter -bearer wes shot down, and the Oen. Test oral fell from the !Moulders of the mew. re-- exiviug a severe eootesion,adding to the injury tad of the 0m, and injuring hie aide severely. army forenoon, at which the following proceedings took place "Tim President innou,.cd the melancholy inp of w de.t6 of the lamented Latin Thorium J. d brie6y of • invaluable serviced rendered to the l -on- edernty by the departed hen,, and the duty w toenail in view of the wd vent which caused hs death, to pass suitable reeolatioo respect to his memory. , " .len. Randolph said it was usual on stmt• occwt00 to appoint a committee to draft table rewlutiona, and 6e would move the e lue appointed to consist of three or five inhere, as might seers best. •• The President adopting dm negation r the large Dumber, a poroted w said com- tete, Mesar. Handelp6, Hill, Scott, Hack. i•'s, and Glsreabrook. he committee, after brief retirement; returned, and, through irchairman, offered lee fullowing mole - Derr, which were unanimous. adopted : - " Rwafeed. By the Council of the City of chmond,'1'het, profound) i•.preesrd with great calamity sustained by the country in dash of Lieut. Gen. Thomas .1. Jackson, desirous of exp ming their sent of hie rates and his service. in the most emphatic err, they Mak that justice to his memory mires them b restrain from an attempt at ogy, which so language an remotely - prem. They lean, therefore, to tubes farther Pared her the bees l ere► be red, and when his public earner shell haw its fall fruits, to portray armoire and ettedeet rarely equalled is w world's 6e ' Rei sed, Tad they tender to lie allieted "The e.eejs fire a'utilery en this point Gen woe tamale. Or Jackson as left for five to .io•t., soul the fire slackened ; then placed le ea ae6.lemee, and carried to w field of heseiW d Wildman. Ben. He last • large of amour of Mood, and at one time told Dr. Meelalre he thought 6e was dying, and would 10 her bled to death, but a to.roigoet - int- modiarly applied. For two loan 1e was en' nearly palelw from the shock. As he was en hoieg earned fro. w ield,f ant inquiries e were mode by w ao$diers, Who have you there 7' He told w doctor, 'D. Not tell the fo troops i am wounded.' b £NroTATiOw DECIDED rips. • After Ile reaction, at consultation wee the held by Des. Mack, Coleman, Walk and Me- ti Orr, and ampstatiee wee decided apon.- He weaa.ke4 If we Lad •.potation mese hi wary, shall it b done u as T Be replied, the 'Yes, certainly, Dr. McGuire -do for ter tla `` tjiek a right.' The operathn and was potbellied while Le was order the Moe vi sees d ellesofsre, and as borne well - man He slept on tl..day morwiag, was cheerful, ca adds every wap a doing well. He snot eel for M.. J.e1 .., asked .ieutely shoat the eft battle, y� cheerfully of the reels acid rid 'III he sot been we•red or W r 6eur In name d 4 7lkx6t, 1 melt bore est off the borne warm firs the roof M w Upped Swim Feed, is dwell lees bed for Denary loq .ed tet wenn have 6....b1- y.d • to , oc me their way est. 'Tay hill tip ether m&.were. by tromps ee.a tialm raeg fad les during the sen he. a to drive .�m et ho. bet w polities.' lite sena said sailagly. 11M�i 0106 day d the the Mann e• semonse err ver las temltefwi0L met osa.._ . of hi emends I erre rrig°tt =WI tt> � be way he slept well. ahrrW wee to CM.mtlmlr Immo, our Osman' depot. He wee Amelia t relied sheet ten mid es, paUM rt 6.•f Ada rid d 0I*- toel. dem .fbla old flemow.a eaaw&des etherread V the " Ever since I was a boy," said a venerabl man to a Dot long since -a man of lees whited philosophical sagacity, " the coon try has been on the verge of ruin, but i not altogether gone yet." There is much fore in the remark, more perhaps the many people think ; but still a wide range of' observation will at 000e convince us that many countries have been not onl on the brink but plunged into ruin itael throes& the misrule of its public then and if this hes not been so in the case o phos, is treated as it taw mime oo the pari of the Premier. Wel) ere is much to be forgiven in a beaten party ; dissppoint- meet nears the temper, and hunger, whether for one's dinner, or the official bares and fishes- makes the milkiest of men morose and savage. We would advise tbem,�however, to be patient; for they will derive but poor comfort from the n treatmot wrier the constituencies hare in store for them. Now, our anxiety reepecting the movement of the opposition and the lead- ere thereof is not, at all, of a painful char- y octet. ; but, still, there u a point or two on which we should not object to be en- lightened. For insane, we should not d• islike to know who are to be the chiefs, under whom bowers the party is to rally, at the elections. Have the old leaden f' been deposed y Ras the mutt' which broke out in the ranks, during the debate on the motion of wast of confidence, been suppressed 1 Or are the mutineers dill determined to adder their and set up ot6en int their steof P Is t Powell to replete) Maeduostd 1 Morin to o replace Cartier T and i. Galt's star to pale before some la.sui•1 luminary lee bril- liant than he, bat,bl equally den- geroun, though Ober a different fashion. It is somewhat atrium', then, to Ind b I a1. a the M eu tits " btwoke� p Mimutry, to while they are thgt.elve, djv14.4 iib two parties whose d1.aroon are as notorious se their pretenders are irresoueileable.- The�old loathes and these who with le de. pee them and ill stir pigegs, again act mrdiatliy togat&er, - there are thousands .ho would give the own •• enr cassia " it wort be ottribntable to lives to tarsom him from the captivity of death. For all this love for him living, red the power exerted by a grow .0 this grief for him deed, there w rame iag intelligence, which has effect•olly ap- enosih ; for in the great straggle whisk New ped the retenewit knee to the descend eog.ge. aC hearts and heeds he was hie elf a power equal to many regiments of armed men. He had thrown into it the energies of a mighty spirit, the resources of a great i. teller! Wh0t others did or attempted from impulses of ambition, patriotism, or a ears of duty, he did, from, compulsion of moa - science and • reverential cosyiettoo of obli- gation to bis Maker. He did it with all the strength of mind, soul and body. So attest- ed, he thought not of to hie. sell -of dieters to be encountered or glory to be won ; and, so acting, he left no.h.ag undone that was possible of seeoesplisbt•e•t. There is no need now to rehearse 6a deed., they are fresh in the mnemoriee of all. Bet, 'memorable at those deeds an, and dared to become lessons tor military rodents for long ages to erne, it w.s not p0(601s so seer what in hie brief hut crowded career he a complished, r the isomer in which be did whatever most difficult lay before, and the ability he thee manifested for more erdeoee and mnrenlor i tee e:yWsa *6, wonderful growth of his five, and will give him • plea in Muer) amid the meet n, burned heroes and captains of all aim The olt Mother State that bore him s not sterile. The Coa:edereey for .6ieb he fought is (reit- fl of men •t bot it • sot to be expected that this war will prod.00. or this gearres•o. see ore who ie all r rpoeu will 1/ I the great space be les* loft add. Others may hew his tamped to nerve le the sight head or to Mg lrOem. We apprehend that the Gra Der deaaeda has grown out of th �y Pre.6ar area subsisting between twin adicas whish from the oomm epee. taeat have had Nothing in oom.o0 but a highway to the eosin. Is is now Dort tadsd by tea most unptqudiced polities eeo.omiym that snob a union u inimical good sad sattat.ottry government, and that, is fhot, where there are so eronger tis the those of oommroo-where the religion the rweiaticrts, the habits of thought, the traditions, and, above all, the nationality, of mil section is different from the other, the relation they bar to mei other is • !mien a woosruewre,whie6 seldom or sever ripens into indeviobility. It is • thoesaad piths that seek shoed be &s ease in Cured., bat who that thinks for hitsetf will deity that it is • deplorable fast. True l0 6. biome paths'r 'rivets, Lower Coach Maeda united es see man aaom in nearing her weds. 86e ie Never wog the won* widow their most heardhlt medoleme, end . reeves b damn other. isit from the t'soetarevtow N settaomwvtwr. hat le... r (*lomat" Ospmtmtk, b "hare awn 1w pt.il of lits, and stent hr tttaye damn °Noss of Gtr am- o ilsrew w ►ova i Mr grief for • lose elk. irr eartbte to her aid .oleate set feaseeratio. to the same `ides, aid hexa, at rhe tree pstmerpi at with the *drier and a0•.. hed ss, x0�00iiw ad sed the roe.trv. hot .. m0 hopein vet to Ind dl tram "Oa retia., the ('.awed Tglv.. Baa, aha akar a ahs can gen tied *.Depth nf.wr rroyl.e.. f Cameditb dleal.e a4jc•r•ad-" ted in o•a, add their peteney a fill y Na teem •, kik u reran ea ten ret 1'►ayiwmlol mar tet be will .o"ing 0d hi spirit O Pa•sfMo. RI" Pro • , wile► 0laadt M oFwr rid anim•tisag al(, tkry A..M hear, r J0t•!. b eaer en ten "adl for hash of mete halfead b 060 hs T tea th•pl Dad dee self lima yxa ow vee sieving ase wee,: t .wry Bele elf irk with Adm fes Pultia t^'•oy, sad for as lent we dnda fr�wt�ea% trsb t oy Tea /ugofrwr d w 13th tape •- est n .nwend ew�t mates* i/willed, draw 8d espial vantage that dry some an the ROS r w �y suaaalir assediagiy ode sols 4 le aaMid N► g d serseless •gNiist ten 6re. who masts -••s may he in the way of paints' improver '.cool day algae asst. ~ w ~ T probable that that gentleman will be re- turned almost without opposition. West Elgin u s lieform 0ouety, and we aro glad te se it redeemed. ,SoatA H...ej..gs.-Tbe C have started a story that Hoo. Lewis Wal brikge will be a candidate for Prince Md- ward,whi0b is utterly withoat foundation. Mr. Walbridge will contest 6u present , South Hastings, with every prospect d.oeoe�s. North H stintgs.-Mr. George Benja- min, intends to appeal once more to the electors of North Harang. and will again be opposed by Mr. Campbell Wallbridge We believe that Mr. Wafbridgc had a majority of good rotes at haat election, and rte do not doubt that he will be triumphantly elected on the twining ooes- sion. City of King*to..-We are happy to learn that 21r. Overton S.Gikderaleeve bas oormented to run forKi•gston u opposition to Mr. John A. Maedonald. County of Ardor. -Marra. Lowry, Elliott, and A. G. MoDonell,are named se probable candidates for this county. City of Montreal. -It u reported that 6e Hon. Mr. Holton will retire from the ems Meer now that " the new mt " Late events their bands, and ora are have power int meek litigable if they will sot u0 it wit► sill before Either " the aid uta' teat retire floes the time, or sesames Y bemigpt • The new net " win not pry ggseed bilk to " the old set " fbr our.' DISSOLUTION 0.f ZAntA*ZOT An extra d the GLtsa la Garottes issued on Saturday and received bre hat might YWs renew. 0► JAMBOY. "The city .ea a wletri the r raw their ewe. el, - sewne of anodise e.tbtry, of let none 'nipper! that Mame arrest sea w•1. het stew is Wiwi ti lar "Pre Am will on Awe lead 66 to rN.ti& banal sr1tives that U .�o.�i�f. and the bat oiess of besot es the io'..g.i..a the eoreilee mof _.t4r•tea to. Upper Canada, and ••rpertas tam ailicance .re p.l;ted with matte adore of or aunt , r .6021 he Muria to �h the Vpst gets as little Me raid Pron.oid end ten i.e;slades Knijlbw, Citi.ion Wih Mnsehly pso .eeliag sad att.s/..ea 4" ►.atgrtdot of the wes.mM , W day sated der a good, rNaN sate .ore the .nj aNY r en's win threwgk this ver writ hg t. sap, 1 wet •w Otto Ssaaew0. M rlats thi ebeiee. Me imbed AA mem 804 Strommill bdapd M Asia .04 est to flim." lath pessree.w6& been themhas e apes eOspcYn, .lea .very bash et w Caseate,. a.j with ag mew of beered hriy 6m Orearemers'i..md ileo disk gig paw/ I.et► it Bilge otErrw trod add �smy e7 esus, joked h As pq.es. add geseste4 aEPtwpsuma W 00.Nw Mow a W d r te� t. sua.iad f elms6 ^�4 � epeer. searttli.h swttttss011,gt1 gr eenshiee hi • yr m, .f w r:etg02og elf WilierOubersalleset,W' beth deer dasMuetien. The wale Ptw+tempsmews. Tlh mom int •embed by the " 1' te*d�y w as. Mat gave es /soirees hes W . wiles the s leaf './ t • tenor d Rem as, Ne laws es Ns memo 1• to fairer, ad hve i y ion The sem VW roadgill le 6e etre.► Mvt rd have ren ten lames. •f list taw yeai. tr e lea eapt m0es, whom been, lean withglow- ing low- _ or1dfoe.oonrise oSaolion f Ah•.ga bd..il .MI len Is the mem wbmst bees sass trS 0r- 2.1resitai &-s welt, 1. ion, �fbaali be • (! sMw 4 ovilw *apilr mil ta nage (read a grad reit "OW a fa. eine..-da lie rwa.Rofs Upper Cnsadi- r•aerrsavnm 70 Ylllfw,b,gr„q• mt1R wk. are (hued whrtvr w eve elpie dor /sin. We whet aim r,o. ▪ et orris, y ""1"4. Mow Ivry wmpmtyrt ptee► •stated is t ph - j N "me. RV tedlY, Seg eetly wrung. Ad 0201 POhimesrr4 sed ell is the god whet i0 pistol by e.d,..w,.g b w ad.ies of eea r deaiilWe • ei emery Thaw midi Lew love t6ia day, Rima �i ♦ W 04 w de 05,40, lop rat i.ila 4, ant....' >bdar rel 0r. Ba.*Yeowe to err dal. a tae iNmdo 8sie0i 1� 1M wade&. d 161146.105 254.. .d to M sst"mialo erre mvt artwpt 4. amY ittldtsmb i t>lla. b bis t y flip• ..d her Nn Tsai `Leer Nerds, 'Am Kasha dnea �,eo.la. aed seapagh stripe Resew Or We =be rhl 11,14 01 00'41 ; pper Hoose ped ek their •lection 10r the ental itiveientt1Mestreal,00.represents. yMr.1tos. 0.1. Powell hasanbg.d fete fWakr tar ata stem whi tate, pear, shakos ear 04 ihre e complete, at • ggem sot aataetlisg !) intik }IOW 'Cato Aaotefag.-Mr. Jtt6. III.Tsveh, • Nos- !metal& shimss of tide TewesNp term Voir meet evig his earthly weer dosed or Me& d ee week elide at the freer of • boa - The by heat bed been tear and whir' the girt sed abort pest wen heig pet Isa.-11611 I(o1 Wag properly stayed, it fall, a Mr. McT•vieh map tU girt. He wee Whew to dm hoose, sampos d to be dead. Mopes erg row emertaned of he meant, A Nrf It"The Paris..eagiaser ly� d • o.mahiee et Pars, r which costes rugs ofere.y dse"i'tim wry be rooked ftal for W��i, sea ft it. w.ig worth a } Age ten l W 1►. eras M arel.i,{ 6.1 r ire bite or rd mains mail to *lest rrpiird how Egypt, 'hist, thoegh iArior to Almtri- eas souse, brig • hist peke ie the $alrf marina it is expected that (he ive.*oi will moms w steno, of collo. "plane s tbreagbr Preece. One ewa.6ctarerzdteseqg.4 et Oriwr� and • cores riser' ■t Deer, ins •Ire•dy tried the new the. Air .rd here found it to rarer pl►fe. fly. Other •s� oxen bare directed Med et .wheel te the se and .nd it is aot ialocdW. tint. _ tt1�.. power of erchieery,' Eurau;.0 sone nn may, to a certain oaten, be e come iod.pendeot of America Tide lure bio•, which was esknown a few weeks mitre, ie one of theme which effect • revolrtiup io indWry gad meteors (ebbe wealth to aq' ralw..eaeatentt. When it tecootidmcd how '•••7 minims are expended in the phieEpo of raw cotton, and the abort tt.e vel *nee fecund article lata•, eay m cblae likj fan maks wars oat gotten elybavriili fe h le *ening mast tender greet movies Oho NEW Boon. BOITI*H AlILa1CAN MO1tg9LY MAGA urea. -Toronto, Rollo and Adams. tar have received the first number of this Magazine, and have examined it with more than ordinary care, ea oro were anxious to see whether the enterprise was likely to succeed. Judging from the specimen before 01, we believe the Maga- zine ought to meet with a highly favorab reoeptioo from the more intelligent and thoughtful of Canadian renders. In en- deavoring (o bring before the public mat - ten of interest in oonnecttou with " 8ej- 0.0.', Literature and Art," a very large rope is allowed the contributors, home we have :before us a meal of rateable in- formation dnwn from every part of the American continent, particular atlatlon being directed to that portion of it includ- ed in the "British American Poesowio0.." The paper on North We.t British Amer- ica is timely, lucid, and very interesting. Several of the articles, however, important they ,may be, are not likely to be extern - sleety lead; for examplethat as The Bank of Credit F000ier. But with one or two exceptions, the book before us is all that oould be desired, and we hope to ma it encouraged and I aiiyy, one who whites this Pelfi� a b ter io solid literature. Prof. Hind, theeliisr, we are oon0dent, will conduct it with his usual ability. W for April, Leonard Scott & Co., N. T., aa;i at the 1'igsal Ace book Neer Casysb, Austrian Coputittr (.teeth. This is • clever article, and well warn the study of political eau. 2, The Reformation Arrested. This is in- tended to be tie article of toe book. It is based upon part second of Catena', Work, and books up the Bishop'a theory strongly, without troubling itself with any of his hesitation in presenting startling conclu- sions. The writer attacks the Ultra Protestants (u he styles them) of Sootland for their long adhesion to the Bible, and the Bible only, as their Religion, 'alerting that their notions would have excited in- dignation in Luther and Calvin. 3, The Reeouroes EPC I ai.. 4, The Jews of Western Europe. 6, Lady Morgan. 6, Truth ea, Edification. 7, The Antiquity of Man. P, C - Literature. GODLY roe JUNI.-This brilliant Lady's Magazine is as usual ovet•lowmg with gay dresses, "darling bonnets," eat. ning little bats, (pictures of them we man) had -dresses, and everything • lady Ilolfo..-It is raid that the Corraptionisu wants wee does not wig to be et lead are bonging out Me8imeoe Kerr against Mr. ,wnatA behind the age. Buy a copy for N'bite. Wr bee. De doubt of Mr. Whiu'a your wife or sweetheart. If have return by a rasa larger majority thee t••••yt,• fore. neither, it is your own fault. For oak, South WeafeenrtA.-Mr. Rymal, Mr. Set- (the books we mean) at this office. to., Mr. J. V. Spohn, Mr. Kearny, and Capt. - - Nichols are all eseotio.ed ea candidates for the rounty. We selrposs that •' honest Jo. Datta. INerxcrtoN.-On Tuesday Itymal " will come m,u he had done before, erecting that Major Baretto inspected the Vohm Fro.t*wos.-M r. F.rgoo an.a epeeist friend at the head of the reek. of Mr. John A. Msedoe•Id, hos been brought -.4.1:11r014 set r the Coalition ceridate against Air forbettor Hoary Smith. Cowry of Ped.- Mr. John Hillyard CAW "woo is very ammeter on account of his ad- • nary of the seeped readier of Mr. Scott's Separate School Bill, and will not :men., the support of the Orangemen ss • body. It is believed that he will be easily beaten by • S and friend of Upper Comedian principles. A eo...ntina wee Mid pesrrday to elect • eeedtdat.. The meek has not mashed as has been se • probable candidate for the empty, add to hare little erre re•leciiess. East Nortkembertawsl. - Wit _ranee tpr, whe is met o the best, is every sena of the weed, in the Home a Ameahly. Weir Durham.- fr. Crimean Sinter urn says that either hoesot Beery Mane, or some *titer Reformer as gond as he is, will eratiely In elected for Wirt Durham. North Leeds -We ean herilly reran Am Mr Jeri will have the harithal to nes agen, sfun the revelator a his rm. Mit limy la Crown load Servers lir. H. D lam mammies, will aria beelosedelma mod, we lieve doebt, will hoddli. Joss. seed. ly, be roam to came sr Perri - It reported that Mr. Said ION Miradoosid eat me ler Am gamete end kre Cesar fee ewes ether saes men - Tbis read be a aver ria two velem neessletv --We hoer that Mr. Ram very Direidaa, and will be aril, bar- formet -Mr. S. R. Wool, herriner, this town. The eompsniee to a man, unfortunately , the exercises being Roomers estlalweige se Lades Thai earth' an arewid ttc • series of experimiets al this Ar famed p ace for tbe iMIW artillery, epee • target in, eat. ed by oer late fellow -odors, Mr. Crimea which target, says the neer, had tea re- markable peculiarity, thet it was buth the inventor at his own Games, The rimmed showed that Mr. Chalmers was not too moo ripe of its rupee It resisted better then sod Warrior. 'informers preserre by the Aegio-Saxen, has been really unfortunate on shore. By tbe wreck of Ike Angle Seism be ton all as baggage, aeries him SitSOIll destitute. Me, England motes beid ltia pocket at the time of the reek. Oa Thursday night as be was Ng pee oneetrivis one oairi,...Peek.:;:yaiursealiw- b71.1.11°.4. As on the steamer • pessifter to Montreal on Wedeseday night, waa rise robbed, and in all probability by the UMW expert. It n thew/lit that the detective* of this oily are oa the track of the pickpocket Mr. • Foley es hie notitemenliblaingt hemwitthell 166 and endeavouring to lead the public lie'. that he Ms been shaniefelly traced, parapared to go trio epees/lien injurer- note:e thereof. The somas tales of some err deprive oth all credibility. They are mere ed op.at street cornets, ead pompon discreet hickeys by marines retailers leure we ere that try sear are from agy more reliable source, foe Mr. Firry is • mass too room able, ad prommed of tea NINA 1011140SblInt, to retail &orgies storied for the gratification of politica! epposents.- 1r ezIgensiee of the political errs requir- ed Mr. Foky's retirement, he well boon that as sa tie neer lb* good of the indit ideal meat yield to the rod of the many, en the. e astriageet ride in polities that the single member mem yield to the pert'. Such sacri- lege meet orerionally is made, aed when made reatifelly, es Mr. Foley is edge, trio sever be forgotten br °wee interested. - Igen ese• will feel • little sore at Wine left bottom in the ram for hoseer, het no tree ism will theeeforr deliberately act so as to Rarer all lionoers preeterly an We =allyresinerions of the COMIlptiOnnIA wit confidently. for we are segyineed that ▪ madmil to his in' a le rem lies bete se essesstent Am et lat. Feley.-Beggiben TT A recto" le Ragland, wbo wee se enforee. rale se to give oet dial on • eertain day he 'meld perform the marriage ceremony grand is honor of the royal marriage, hod the pleas- ure a malting in the bonds of matrimony forty Itotrphs. One party, unr.forturonewletytestemald toot be married, es the bride before the orient moment lost the ring intandad fur tereeem Terms of Pow. • letter hag tormily been sent from Tem. NOM, tbe telegrapher inventor, mid prone imen ram, is +bleb the " Pres Seiler" ▪ kys &tea • Modems lbw A* "pert - errs of perm,' is the following terms L Pease at all hazard'. by • atz= the Ilfew and reognition of the IL &eh Beeler these te deride penes. - are (a la Narcotises ia ILsessio whether to lialt fortunes nth those of the Lemehderney grog la ths Cake. lit. lespudiass all Netreal War Wit temethag he the llama. If. " The Oessmiteress es it is," b• re altered as to ter thews th• W New Zeiler is the Ilimase. VI. Tia Speeded Sesame to ha gawked to .911601411 seljaell the hams of More eematty m▪ ien diadem solmapt ot • too hem Amu at Imo bid Asir hinds se i• mein dilli. soldes." Then Ma lest floo Am out 4 ma so &At by thin taw dr dome Art stAirtimoN Awls sem 3 gene ha. mosedito gyms ap la the . We may rriA dm eel kilns es XL Wog arid Asa:Mt woad MOM_ Ogden eir (foresee Masser, Ifeh. • ffoi