HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1966-01-06, Page 10Promotion for Ron Crozier . Mr. Ron Crozier, who for some years was Associate Editor for the London Farmer's Advocate, is now Ontario Editor for the Winnipeg Free Press Weekly Farmer's Advocate, which re- cently purchased the Toro nt o Globe and Mail, as well as the London Farmer's Advocate. Marks birthday Mrs. Warner McRoberts, who has been a patient in St. Mary's Hospital, London for over a year following surgery, celebrated her birthday last Wednesday. Her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery of Wood- ham and Miss Lina Abbott of Lucan spent part of the day with her. Other Lucan callers included Mrs. Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Jack Marshall and Mrs. Don Lankin. Although still unable to walk, Mrs. McRoberts has made wonderful strides towards re- covery and is looking the picture of health. Page 10 TinnesAcivocate, January 6, 1966 Lucan and district news corroopondiint.t. Miss 11„,10.a. Abbott Phone 2274255 By GORDON MORLEY Holiday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Trevithick and Neil were Mr. & Mrs, Dpn Newey, Carol and Colleen, Oakville, Miss Ruth Trevithick, Islington, Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Trevithick, Detroit, Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Trevithick, St. Thomas, Miss Vera Denhart, Kingsville, Mr, & Mrs. Howard Dorman, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dor- man, Joyce and Max; Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Walper and family, Greenway, Mr. George Neil, Mrs. E. Johnson and Billie and Mr. E. Walper, Messrs. Dave and Jim Mor- rissey escaped injury when the car they were driving on the Brinsley road was ditched due to a faulty mechanism in the steering. VCIPIRCH NOT/SD United Tuesday Dec. 28, Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Wm. Froats took the senior CGIT on a tour through Victoria Hospital School of Nursing and Thursday Mrs. Jack Marshall and Mrs. Froats assisted Mrs. Hodgins in a super- visory capacity, when all the CGIT group took a bus trip to London for a tour of Silverwoods, a theatre party and dinner at the Arcadian restaurant in Simp- son's. SUNDAY SERVICE At the 11 o'clock communion service, three couples were re- ceived into the church, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon Froats, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dobraski and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Alex Finlayson. Pentecostal Holiness With the pastor still away Mr. Ed. Butler was in charge of the 11 o'clock service and Rev, Geo- rge Eizenga of London was in charge of the evening service. . photo by Engel MR. AND MRS. ADRIAN VANDERVENNE Honeymoon in Holland 111{1,1,1111111111111111111g11111111I11111111111R111111111111 N11 Rec news BY RAY 13013ROSKI llllll lll itiottisou ll l lllll tiositglitum11141111.11IIIMIlil With the holiday season now be- hind us maybe we can settle down to some serious hockey and plea- sure skating. Lucan Ilderton Combines re- ported good news over the week- end with the entry of Seaforth and possibly Stratford which, with the strengthened Petrona squad, will make it a four team league. Combines next home game is Friday, Jan. 7 when they host the Petrolia Flyers who have added to their roster from the with- drawn Forest Lakesides. Figure Skating is progressing very well and new members are still being welcomed by the La- dies Auxiliary of Lucan Legion every Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm. A Teen Town dance is being held Friday night in the Com- munity Hall. Top entertainment is supplied every Thursday evening as the South Middlesex Hockey, League enters into the New Year. A real battle has developed over first place as Ailsa Craig advanced to within two points of the leading London Firemen. In the opening game Allsa Craig defeated Lee & Stewart 5-3. Craig was led by the three goal per- formance of Jack Priestly singles going to Jerry Quaife and Mery O'Neil. Rankin Ford upset the first place London Firemen 5-3 in a fast hard-hitting game. Rankins took an early lead and never looked back as they were led by Ross Holmes who turned the goal light on four times with a single going to Jim Pawley. Strathroy Jets continued their win streak as they knocked off the Lucan Merchants 6-4. Lucan goal scorers were Leo DeWan with a pair, Bob Hardy and Jack Park. Albert Colbert Albert Henry Oswald Colbert, 65, who passed away suddenly at his brother's home in Arva on Saturday, December 25, rest- ed in the George E. Logan & Sons Funeral Home, London until 1:30 pm Wednesday when funeral services were held with inter- ment in St. John's cemetery, Arva. Among those attending the fu- neral, was his brother-in-law Mr. William Brownlee of Lucan and his family. CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND TABLERITE FRESHLY GROUND MINCED BEEF 2 lbs. 89c TOP VALU INSTANT COFFEE TOP VALU FANCY TOMATO JUICE 2 TOP VALU FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6 TOP VALU PEANUT BUTTER 3 TOP YALU RASPBERRY JAM 6-oz. 790 Jar 48-oz. 590 Tins 6-oz. 990 Tins 990 24 Jar 16-oz. Jars IGA JANUARY "WHITE SALE" S 2159 EACH TEX-MADE SINGLE BED SHEETS DOUBLE BED SHEETS Flat Sheets 72" x 100" Flat Sheet 81" x 100" Contour Sheets 39" x 75" Contour Sheets 54" x 7-5" 41..•••••• TEX-MADE "ROYAL ORCHID" TEX-MADE "HOMESTEAD" FLANNELETTE BLANKETS PILLOW CASES 42" x 45" Pillow x 90" s2,59 Each Pc:g; Cases $1.j09 I First phase of -sewer project now complete Lucan .Personal Items 11111gq,U111111g11111111 111 1 1 1N11,111.11/111N1q 111111111A1111111111111111,111111181 q111111.1111/111111111/1111111111111111111111111811 turned home after aolidaying with Mrs. Ada Jennings and other London friends. Although the official opening of Lucan's sewage operation will not be held until later, at 2 pm last Wednesday, village council- lors, Ontario Water Resources Commission officials consul- tants, and construction officials met at the lagoon. Alex young, puc foreman, whose duties will include super- vision of the sewage plant opera- tion, was in charge of a valve turning ceremony, after which all adjourned tq the Legion where an informal meeting was held with Reeve Ivan Hearn, assisted bY C.J.K. Wilson, supervisor con- struction division OWRC presid- ing. Mr. Hearn outlined the advan- tages sewers would mean to the village. The first phase of the project is virtually completed at a cost of $180,000. This includes pump- house, lagoon, gravity main from the village to the pumphouse and the force main from there to the lagoon. Sewer installations have been connected to 35 homes And when the first phase has been completed 135 homes will be serviced. Second and third phases will provide connections to most of the village's 400 homes. Mr. Hearn went on to explain the cost to Lucan's ratepayers and how it can be paid. The cost of the project has been financed by the OWRC in co-operation with the Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora- tion on a 30-year 1pan retirement program. NEW YEARS GUESTS Mr, & Mrs. on Crozier and family with Mrs. Crozier's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Mueler of Water- ford, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Davis and family spent Christmas with Mr. Mrs. Bill Reavie Of Barrie and New Years with Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Bray of Brussels. mr. & Mrs. W. W. Garrett, Mr, & Mrs. Don MeTaggart and family and Mr. Jack Garrett and friend of London with Mrs. Bob Coleman. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Haskett and family with Miss Angela Armitt, of London. Mrs. J. R. Murray and Mr. Bob Murray, with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murray and family of Lon- don. Mr. William Brownlee and family were Christmas guests of Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Laverty of Hamilton and spent New Years with Mr. & Mrs. Percy Colbert of London Township. Miss Amy Hodgins of Toronto with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jenkins with Mr. & Mrs. Ben Black- wood of Don Mills Thursday and Friday and had Mr. & Mrs. John Woods and family of Lon- don as New Years guests. Mr. & Mrs. Art McLean and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Park and fam- ily of London, Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Langford and Mrs. Dave Park and family of Lucan with Mr. & Mrs. John Park. With Mr. & Mrs. Evan Hodgins were Mr. & Mrs. F. Triebner, Mr. & Mrs. T. Triebner, Mrs. E. Fitzsimmons and Mr. Ed. Fitz- simmons, Mrs. Agnes Ashwell, Leslie Irvin of Thorndale, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robinson, Marie and Marion of London. The organist Miss Betty Mor- kin provided traditional wedding music and accompanied the solo- ist, Mr. Alfred Kerckhaert of RR 4 Penfield. The reception was held at the bride's home, 39 George St., Lucan, where the bride's mother received in a street-length grey silk dress, with blue gardenia corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Al Ray- mond of London assisted at the reception. For a honeymoon trip to Hol- land, the bride changed to a two piece black and blue wool suit and pink rose corsage. Tile couple will make their home at RR 2 Ilderton. Guests were present from Sar- nia, London, St. Thomas, Orange- ville, Denfield and Lucan. Mike Lippert of Windsor, who is holidaying with Bob Arnold accompanied Mrs. Jack Arnold and family to West Hill when Lynn was taken back to. School there after spending Christmas week at home. Mr. John Park who underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital was able to be brought home last Monday. Miss Marilyn Browelee, an employee of External Affairs at Ottawa, has completed her three- month session in New York and is holidaying with her father, Mr. Wm. Brownlee. Miss Judy Haskett spent part of her Christmas vacation with her aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs, Jack Cummins, of Toronto. Another record was broken when for the second consecutive year, Lucan had a green Christ- mas and green New Years, with only a sprinkle of snow in be- tween. One resident picked a dandelion in bloom and another had her picture taken in shorts on New Years Day. Why go to California or Florida Mr. Ward Hodgins, a second year student at Guelph Univer- sity, is still holidaying with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Murray Hodgins. Mr. A. R. Wilkinson returned to work last week after surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Goldwyn McCulloch of Pt, Elgin and Mr. & Mrs. Jim McNair and baby daughter of Carman, Man,, were Tuesday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Lewis. Mr. & Mrs. Art Bell and Mr. & Mrs. Art Black, former Lu- canites, spent the New Years weekend at the Shillelagh. Mr. & Mrs. Victor Drought of Centralia were Sunday guests of Mr, & Mrs. Don Abbott and Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mugford, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane has re- NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCES Three large successful New Year's Eve dances were held In Lucan at The Shillelagh, Com- munity Centre and The Legion Hall. Allan Logie of London was MC for the Lions Club dance at the Community Centre and Clare Stanley of Lucan at the Legion Baskets of white mums formed the setting at 10 am Monday, December 27 at St. Patrick's Church for a double-ring mar- riage ceremony, when Rev. Al- phonse Vandersteen united in w e dlo c k, Petronella Henrica Steeghs and Adrian Vandervenne. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Steeghs of George St., Lucan, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vandervenne of Hol- land. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride chose a flo o r- length brocaded damask gown, featuring long sleeves and round neckline, trimmed with lace. A shoulder-length tulle veil fell from a tiara adorned with. seed pearls. She carried a cascade of red roses, white carnations and ivy. Mrs. John Westelaken of St. Thomas, as matron of honor, was the bride's only attendant. She was gowned in a street- length brocaded dress with round neckline and three-quarter length sleeves. She had a pill-box head- piece, and short tulle veil and carried red roses, pink and white carnations and ivy. The best man was Mr. John Westelaken. Varied events, success for Lucan during 1965 ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. 5 - 8 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING NAME BRAND ! Top Valu AND HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE REASONS WHY CHIQUITA BRAND, YELLOW RIPE. BANANAS 3 us 3 3c $14.06 each, and Margaret Hol- land and Ron Masten of St. Pat- rick's School, won $10 each. Tony Damen of RR 3 Lucan won $25 as top student at the West- ern Ontario Agricultural School, Ridgetown and Jim Gignac of the Sacred Heart School won a $10 award. Norma Stewart was crowned Medway Queen. Mr. C. E. Robb, local State Farm agent, received an o 11 painting of himself, as an award for top Canadian Life Produc- tion for 1964 together with 100 percent persistency. Mr. Ron Crozier, Associate Editor of the Farmer's Advocate in London, is now Ontario Editor for the Winnipeg Free Press Weekly Farmer's Advocate. Miss Marilyn Brownlee, an employee of External Affairs at Ottawa, was chosen as steno- grapher to accompany the dele- gation of Canada to attend the 20th session of the General As- sembly of the. United Nations, for three months. Mr. Terry Culbert, endow- ed with above average talent for art, realized his life's ambition, When he secured the position of commercial artist for the Min- nesota, Mining and Manufactur- ing of Canada Ltd. Mr. Michael Murdy received his embalmer's licence in Toronto, Two golden weddings were celebrated during the year, Mr. and Mrs. George Ward in March and Mr. and Nirs HaroldCoursey in September. Cupid was extra busy in 1965, resulting in a3 weddings. During the year two teen-age bands, The CaSuals and The Prisms managed to get their feet firmly planted on the first rar.g rif the ladder of success. Laak of spaee results in the saraieeen of Many events, which gonad be i ncluded in this sum- mary < the elections, warden's banquet, the aharerock's first 2,ri41-0..rsary, octogenarian and aonagenarian birthdays, Jimmie Bean, Lunan'a Mathematical wiz- ard and Lucan'n first Opportunity Clans, FROZEN FOOD 8. DAIRY FEATURES "OVEN FRESH" BAKERY FEATURES The Home and School Associa- tion, which sponsored a bigger and better three day North Mid- dlesex 10th Music Festival also held a successful Fashion Show and an illustrated address by London's Free Press cartoonist "Ting". Lucan and Biddulph Central schools held graduation banquets and open house. Last April Van Bussels were granted the $100,- 955 contract to erect a large ad- dition to St. Patrick's school, which included an auditorium ) used first for their Christmas concert. Two large official openings were held during the year, The Shillelagh, in June and The Nu Way Motors in December. A zone rally attended, by over 150 Lions, was held at the Com- munity Centre, when Robert Hod- gins of Ilcierton was elected zone chairman. The Liens assisted in a mammoth fireworks display in May. The Women's Institute mem- bers are now planning to erect a plaque in memory of Lucan's first school. The Lucan IGA has also had its share of fame. In the "Cashier of the Year" contest, Mrs. Verda Lightfoot won a portable TV and $50. Under the leadership Of Scout Master Earl Carling and Cub Master W. C. Moody the Scouts and Cubs enjoyed several outings and a "Going Up" ceremony was held in June for Brian Ankers and Jerry Freeman. Most Worshipful Bro. John A. Irvine, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, Visited the Lu- can Irving Masonic Lodge In June. The new Wor. Master is Bro. J. R. Young of Lueari. Many children have brought honor to their parents and schools, during the year among them Maureen Smith, Jarle Gra- zier, Agnes Steeghs, Julie Hardy, Jeffery Culbert, Allan McPhee, and Gay Stewart, for pub/ le speaking. In scholastic attain- ment, Gayle Matellin and Jim Nate of the Biddulph School *wen TOP VALU REGULAR CHEESE SLICES 8-oz. Pkg. 29° SHIRLEY GAY APPLE PIE Family Size 24-oz. 390 Pie Were a vote taken, no doubt, most people would say the in- stallation of sewers was the high- light of Lucan's 1965 activities. The Ontario Water R e s our c e Commission awarded the con- tract to Frank Van Bussel for $140,886.94 early in the year. Since then much has been ac- complished but the installation has left in its wake, broken side- walks, almost impassable pave- ments and great quantities of mud and dirt. A runner-up on the sewers was the re-organized BusinesSMeris' Association, headed first by Mike Bobor, then Steve Storey and lastly Gary McFalls. Probably their most important monthly meeting was a dinner meeting at the Shillelagh in November when J. R. Delaney of Toronto out- lined the best ways and means of bringing industry to Lucan. Dur- ing the year four editions of "The Lucan Shamrock" were published and two big contests, "The Witches' Brew" and "San- ta's Stocking" were held. The Arena bad a busy year and a picture of the Arena Board was added to ,,The Hall of Fame". The Legion Hall was also a busy spot all year. The Auxiliary ladies Catered to many weddings and meetings including the lath annual meeting of the Middleses Municipal Association in April; and the serving of refreshments after the Remembrance Day ser- vice in November. The Auxiliary also sponsored the Figure Skating Revue held at the Arena but the Legion's highlight was the burn- ing of the mortgage March 13. After nearly two years of wait- ing the Ladies' Guild of Holy, Trinity Church attended, "ACt Fast" and "Take Your Choice" TV programs, whidh netted over $200. Most important United Chureh news was the sod-turning cere- anOny in November for a large addition. A week later the Pente- costal liolieess church had a Mortgage burning Ceremony and are now hoping to soon burn the Mortgage on their parsonage. PANTRY SHELF PROCESSED RICE 24-Pk oz. g . 49° QUAKER READY TO SERVE OATMEAL Pk of g 1 . 0 33' LOWNEY'S ASSORTED WRAPPED CANDIES 2 9;('2::. 49° TOP VALU ASSORTED 99' 41' FRUIT DRINKS 3 48-ox. Tins TOP VALU 2-FRUIT MARMALADE 24-oz, Jar FREE '1 PKG., OF ROBIN HOOD ASSORTED CELEBRATION CAKE MIX With the Purchase of 2 pkgs. at only 98c DARLING'S IGA Exeter Lucan