HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-05-21, Page 3WLIITIOBti. rad wits& each of the four pentane, A,, B., C. and D. are worth, by knowing 1st, That A's money together with ; of Ws, C'. and D's is uaI w $ I37 ; !tad, That 11's money, with of A's, C's and D's Is equal 111117; '$rd, That C. money, together with of A's, B's and D's is equal to $137 ; 41 , That D's money, together with : of A a, B'. and Co, is equal to 1137, This, Sir, is the question given by " A Subscriber," in the Signal of the 151b ultimo. Now, sir, it is evident that + of B's, C's and D's money is the Dawe as i of the sum of all, minus of A's ; therefore A's. to- gether with s} ut' B's, Ca and IJ's, is equal to A's X j ut the runt of all -I of A'n, which, by the first 000ditwn, equals $1:17. Consequently j ut A' --v-7.$137---* u! W m of all. A'a-; of 137-1 of the w of all. In a similar way we get I1'.=4 of $ I37=j of the saw of all. C'c: of 137-4 of the sum of all. D'i; of 137-: of the gum of a11. eking the sum of these value. of A, B lad 1) we get the SOW of all=OI ; ) of $I37-(#XIXtX:) of the n x' 1. (IX4Xt}J(IX,) of the sum of all I') of $137. And tie sum or al40,A4 frx0i.11:t, q h of $137-3I7 of IMPS:W.14j rrr 1137=1317. This value for the sum of all being sub- stituted in the above values, of A, 0, C sod D, we obtain the following results A's=; of $ 137-; of $317=1447. What A of : 37 --of 317= 77. Mai What B lW C's=; of 137-; of 3I7= 92. Whit C of 137 -:of 317=101. Whatt D I.ma A's 547 >e of B's, C. and D'i=$137. D's 7714 of A's, C's and D's= 137. C. 92 'id of A's, B's and D's= 137. D's 101 O4 of A's, B. and C'c 137. This .olutioe would have been forward- ed sooner, had the question beau seen. Ashfield. ---O. The following is auother selutiou of the above question, by a pupil of Mr. Arthur Molesworth, BeuwiUer. It possesses the great merit of brevity, and we will tbauk future contributors to follow the example, ase far an possible : -* Assume two numbers, 300 and 306 as being, cacti, the -whole sum. Then, by performing the operations indicated, the errors, by Position, will be as follows : 300 306 Error % 38: Error % ^.y', Then, by the rule of Pusiuon, 311 will be found to be the whole sum, which, accord- ing to the Qbestion, will give A. 41 B. 77 C. 92 D. I01 317 Which can easily be proved in the condi- tions of the question. ORNAr FIRS IN OGuchsnunu.-On Sunday morning last, about hnlf past twelve o'clock, • fire broke out in the wooden buildin{ used as a paper infill by Mr. Sturtevant. and owned by John C. vallum, which wag burnt; the fire communicated with two large stone flour- ing mills adjoinini. owned by N. Sackader sad G. Hulbert k (:o., wLich were consum- ed. Lou $100,'.'00; insurance shout 00,- 000. In Sackrider s mill were about 7,000 bushels winter *hent and `DO barrels flour.- In Hnlburt'a mitt, 2,000 bo,rele Sour and a large quantity of wheat. Alarge number of tin hare been thrown out of employment, and the •enelal loss must be immerlse.- Prearott Telegraph. TPt7111 3bbtrtiscrcnts. - PRO CLAIATION ! QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY THE following r •• partial Lists" the Excreter. and Amusements to le enrr4 out in li,)DE- BICH, m u the nay appo,tld Def the celebration M Her Majesty's Birthday, rite: MONDAY, the 25th inst. V OLZIMT7NMRi W,Il are •jet de y.,r on 1eter,. v9. S.u•re, at 12 o'cka .y. ,n. e. p. = IRE ME , BRASS BAND, GAMES ON THE SQUARE. TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION. Masco. \'•SEesae A Rt'apA.L hate kindly ooanwMd to mike passengers from !MITOSES and KINCARDINE earl Return for 50 rents each. The Boat will arrive about 8 o'elobk, a. m., on the 25th. The BCTOTA will arrive with guest, fres SAGINAW. shout 9 a. m., same day. Masa from LUCK NOW, DUNGAN- NON, he., will armee at ores soar. God Save the Queen. R. CI.TPFORD, Chairman of Com. W. 1'. IIAYS, Aee'y. OeMiea, May lath, 181131 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS ll.wad C.rlrsa of Y M M voles • Writ Varus and Rhea. B Pion F.•m Woad oat To we: )d Her Mye.ty'a Vomit. Came of re Vatted Counts. of Hama earl Belpre, sad as me thwa sal swam the L•wda .ed leer mom el Jahn Ceeawg, N cls son of Robert flow 1 lay. clad sad takes it eteratMS ea 'w Vas e s sad elthe and D, .dsst, lit s Ow Needed ..1 Twesty- hum s an Aialsyvl0t kn the ('Awe'y es Nero% wAIce bars+.t Whet Land. sdfonasW 1 doll her ask atm Mika i. tja. Osafe Hefty rowTows ef 'aW. es ett~Or beetrard of Twelveel the .lnek .Termer/Mk day oil kms' next, r JOHN MACDI)NALD, I•hwlr R. A B. Mr a Pettaes., "!watt . elboat , Coes. ps1w... 3 IoM 11.y, MC S. 1 wla TOWN LOTS FOR SALE 1 ,1t TOWN OF'a GODERICIL SASII AND BLIND I'ACJTOILY. The wok -rammed hes w hart a LARGE ASSORTMENT fes sceacarus muss. "1 60 TOWN LOTS SASH, DOORS 1"()rt id A_ .E, WITHIN • lew misters wall work of the Mart_' equate. From Low Long Catlin given, if ,k&alt04. Apply to JOHN BLAKE, Huron Road. Ray 11th, 11110. wtedit CASH FOR WO% AT Tan Goderich Wool Factory. THB wlaonb.r, ta returning thanks to Ma ~loners for Inn librra1 wppost extruded to him u the Wool ranliog, Cloth Drarweg .04 Mheallaetenne isomer, would beg to eau (hal au ropes. has beet. (om..e•.on) mod in !l- ing up rverythoa a MIA close inler ; uW having eegagd the servi00a of eiprreenced sweat/we, be wiilt be able, (rum this date, to execute order Io any Amount in the IOW.r bunntr, 111 all us rem- ota Marrone. Penin, at hnre,di,re, coining 1roa a detente, will seldom Ind art getting their woes can4.l tae wins day, in Buie to rarry borne will them. The highest aelket price will be paid la cash or cloth no. • qu.Ality .a good, CI.ma Wool, free from burs, and well ..a•A,d. THOMAS LOCA N. Oannrh Mall.. &h May, *843. vMale The Oldest, Largest and Cheapest MPORTING HOUSE IN THIS TWO Col lois rue •u. slam, use Books & Stationery IS THE SIGNAL' OFFICE, When Dealers can be supplied •1 LOWEST WIIGLESALE HA'rI(s. Call and exaisu.a price.. T. J. MOORHOUSE. May 1611, 1813. OODEIIGH &.UANNNAW The t'YPER- Screw Staunch, CABIN Steamer C i O T A, CAPT. TRAVERSE, ti'1LL LEAVE GODF.RI('H EVERY Tur.My and Friday evening.. on the •m - cd of the Tram from Banda, nu Bay City .Id East Saginaw. RETCRi ING: Leave I'.a*t Saginaw on Monday and Thursday afternoons, and sire in Uoderkh to toe for the Manned 'I non for H.iHel°. Fur Freight or Passage, (lin mg superior a•- .°mm:malatiuns), apply to Hudalu 5c I.. 11. R. Cu., t Gude,,rh, or J. N. G ARDNER k LA% ERIlk,, aw70N0l Ewe Saginaw, Propnetom. MAIL CONTRACT TENDERS' rhlrn-uo4 to the Postina*ter Gen- eral, will he revelvrd at Quebec until Num. tie FRIDAY, fig JUNE, .1863, For the conveyance of tier Mu)ery's Luis, un propard Contracts I, Lr heir Saar. onInl- hinting Rome•, on and from the NS July next, let wren Bodnun and lingerie. ('omen -three Imes per week, finch way; Creihion and Ik•v,,n-mire per week, each way; Wuigham and 'Lebon,' -three torics per wrel, each w'ay; Se&forth and Railway Station -12 I),mbl.• Tripe per week. Pncr per Ibwhle Trip (to and .nd from the 81.110.1) to he auto, I. Prated notices containing lumber intnnnstio0 as to condinon..,f pop. oa•d l: rect may he *ern, and Ilan k hrtm,,.t Trader inky ta- obn,n.d at Inn Post ()diem above mentioned, and at the °the of the .ilscnlier. IiILUERT GRIFFIN, P.O. teepee -tor. Piet (Ave Inspector'. Office, t sw72wlh London, C. W., 711, April, 110 ( 31 SHERIFF'S STALE OF LANDS. t'nn.d ('sande. of ) Y virtue of Two Writ. Huron and Bruce, 1J of fieri F'.n,. ,vied To wit not of Her Moje.ty', .'our of Chancery at Toronto, and to tee d,rerbd ■ gIonrt the Lards and tenements of John Semi and lain rr-ol, at ate wit o' Wibu,i Lawlor. I have trued and token in Exa•utiun ■II the neat, title and mterer of the said De:entrants, in o no to 1411* number Forty-one, in the F,narteentn conerwsun re the Township of Hallett In the Canty d Huron, with the 1wriMmvs thereon, meted Which Londe and tenement. I shut d6•r tan role al Any (Mee in the l'onrt Rause in the Town of Uudench, oo Tuerry the Twelfth day of May next, at the 'hour of twelve of the clock, noon. JOHN MACDONAILD. Sbenf, H. Sc B. By S. r t.t.ors, (deputy Sher f. thenl'e t Mie, f(7l denck, February Mt. IMO. t mil The above sale d preopooe.si till Tue.lay, the 7th day .d Joie. 1P163. - bheriff's Sale of Lands. ',toted Couniie, or7 v.nue of . writ of . Hun ..l Brun, Fier, Fe -tar reed out To wit: )) n( Her Mtr..y's Qwnty Corn or the Vatted Coo miry of Hunan and Brom, and to ma din+ird against the Land ■0d tem, - moor of Joseph Bsoon, at the mut of tletaeel Mellroy. I have trued and taken ie Marmites all 'he right. tire sad termer of the sad deemed - ant, in and to lin miler Fourteen, in the Gra ronr+r,on, N, D. R . in the tow,uhip of B.s.l, in 11e Dowty of Bruce, containing hny sen.. stars or pees p which land, end lesieteent. 1 ,tail oar for sale at my oiler, ,n the Court II...w, ea 110 town of Uodennb, on Tumidly the E•ghteesuh day rt Armee text, .t the hoer of Twelve o(the Nock, noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Sherif, If. B. By S. Potence, Depnty Sherif. "Mont °in•e,!tadernch, ---, 141 May, 11183. wig ---- Sheriff's 8a1e of Lands. United Commtat. d Y vales of • wnt d H.rom ad 0..de, } IM Paolo mooed out To wni : j of Hot Menotti'. Coun d (&Amman Pies, .ad to me Mooted amnia the Lan&. .nd leernrent. cl 7wbelon Maresaws Adam mad W Witham Little, at Ilse M e suit Moore, Wilburn La.phter. Inmost R. llh.rri,r awl Jesuits Sheen - ow, 1. iMmN troll Ym. the law ll ad teratereent dal Daniel M.rphy,Ikement. 19. re e.so1 snd tate% 10 Kiseebe all the right rite sal .Ura.. M 110 and defmnde.ta.im mod in Lot ..mhor threw es t9. ow the womb side M High alma, to tet lore of Rewthomp ane its the comity of awes IMO N. hornier Marone, W hie► Lauda moil (snonl.5Y 1 10N oiler for we M my Mire, m t9. OM Ha.r. Is the rows of (t.edwiti, o. % Eigrarmok ear sl Alarm welt, N a, hew et Twelve et the eloet, now. JOHN MACDONALD, asst& H. ,t N. A B. Puotera, Amey, ehsld Obeer asre, (tdsfob, tt math Miry, I. ` oris MONEY e GR iwvarwn.n es (Idmsiewir_ eesi Noma wisp hemum. measeehe Mea. Ne Dor Homs re 'hew +. Raw • SINtl AI Pet'► .wlT/mh Oed.rx•h, I IM , BLINDS, MOU LD(N08, •as Ever) tking required la the Batldllg Line. SEASONED LUMBER! PINE AND HEMLOCK ts3C_A_/NT r.1`LI"I 4;, CEDAR P08T8, LATH, FLOORING, AND ALL OT8ER PLANING DONE TO ORDER. We. E. GRACE, Oodertch, April 46th, 1863. Proprietor. ..vti7 w 13 SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. JOHN V. DETLOR-&. SON -- 1 !tare Im.l removed a LARGE & WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODd, Which have bee bssgkt on Rick terms as will warrant thew iu stating that they are able to sell u CHEAP AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE TRADE. ?MIR rtntic Di DM tOJDB t'oasuts u, CLOTHS, TWEEDS, FACTORY, DENIMS, Shtrttngel, '.t'tchii,11,.: 1'rintw, 1)e]LAtttt.4, Muslins, Cobourge, Shawls, Mantles, Parasols, 1 Hosiery, Ole a SPLENDID A ' 1n tact., Mama C, ALSO ----A GENERA REBS GOODS. aired for lbe trade. OF STRAW GOODS. READY-MADE C 1*4 Gaul v•as5TT. ,r. 13OOTth4 A_ IN Worthy the Inaplpe HIND',,• ly ILI i l Pei G R 0 C4 R I E S: Cul.sisting of Sugars, Teas, Tubaceo,t, l' .9„ Spicas, pi.k1ar Lc. -Rufen will scaly their iutrmel Lr rv,.uu u,ne till d.P1'MOL SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE : Beteg maperters of Hardware, and h..viu; n;l rcyuired for the trade is this department, go ds eau be furnished upon the lowest mei u.s. The subscriber*, thankful rot the very liberal euplrort they have hitherto received, beg respectfully w solicit a continuation of the pasts„I;a,e wceordrt3 them, .assuring their patrons that they ai!1 eudravor W consult thrix lute. rel ui all tre.uauetious. GODERICH, 21st April, 1"13. JOHN V. DETLOR & SON. .14 Eqt REMOVAL. s PARKER & CATTLE Fashionable Clothing ABRAHAM SMITH MERCHANT TAILOR, Markel Sgsare, Gederieh, Has just received from the test markets a large and well tasotted stock of rm. 03(1 oos mnu r'0\4IUT17G Or Seefrh, Eng!irA and Canadian Tiered., I esfiw9s, d•C. : READY-MADE CLOTHING And a' variety of Fancy Articles, Mach as Shirts, Collars. Neckties; Caps, Ac.. dc. ,1V'W1111.1.1 he ia thanlhul for the ene•oenging tn,naye be bu hitherto rec.-11,-41 trim, , Ow people id limit -614i, he daa,res to inform bw i pelrong that be hu ,n-und 11. latest nnpruve- mrnt,. which will rnalde him to till any orders with whu-h he may R, Unwed with dnpatch.and in • nOle ropul to the neer.' 0)' Prompt attention will Ise paid to emiouer Iurtou6mg their own goods. A. SMITH. Gedancb. Arent !I."463. tett CHANGE OF TIME, THE S'1'EAMElt D, ROWAN, Master, Will run as follows, until further notice, weather permitting. LEAVES GODERICH FOR SAUGEEN EVERY Monday, Tuesday, ad Saturday, •T 6 0',. •..., &A 'I'Illr rtrctn , rat 7 A. M. LEA V Er SAUGEEN FOR GODEBICH Every Monday, Tuesday and Saturday, AT 4 dc. r. m., •W Fnda,, a 7 •. ■ . Calling at Kincardine. Inrerhurv>n and Pt. Elgin each wet.. LEAVES GODERICH for SARNIA Erery IVe.Jnred. .Vorniny, At 1 o'elo•k„ and return wine evening, leav- ing Sarnia at 5 o &duck, p. r. VANEVERY k R('MHALL. Goderich. 30th April. 1861 .14 NoTICa OP ASSIGNMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that James Moen dtha Town has mode .n amarn.wrnt o all hiegoird..nd efforts to the undenign,d for the Nowa Mho creditor.. All per e., rrelirr• of the said J.me. Maw, w090` to come wider Said ...gement ran do .n by Galling el Ihr Mike .4" W. TORRANC E HAYS, tokens, Uodern h, and all wow indebted 10 and lat1 • Mo. are reported 10,011 at the .hove °oke i'n1pi mole their aceouata witao.t dd.y .d rove ria J. &J. sem LLER, Fehrean Seth. 16113. A .wi0- CAUTION TO TRESPASSERS. NOTICE is hawhy liven IM' any person of ponos. mend t ..Tg upon the premise' of the sehaeriber, lent 10. Wel, Nayeatll Ra0d, Goider.eh township, mu Rehm, or other.k'aa ' Om the date horse,, w8l he reeeme sod to lar COLIN MUNRO. M.y eh, I. wtll.et Sheriff's Sal. of Lands. 'Ailed .0411us, Commie' d )1T vim. of a writ a( Hews .d Brel} PwM Phew. wM.y To wn: of Her Majery% Casty (bean el Ike UsiW C.em.w e' Moron .d abeee, sod to los dimrwd swan 111. 1 ads ad tae. .mesa el Wiliam 0.rgren, U dap raw odder, Waidenem, l have owtad awA toter i. treat&.. '.B the right, tnfaand 104,0.104 the sad band amt, la trod to Lasa. mham Twisty Eye and a 1h Termer Ntoo, et Oamstonise of the ewer Grp el GMM, le tae Chanty d senior, Wise It Lair rend lib. allle qtr ale r my ogee, la'y'na.l g s On Tema .f AWNS aat~M s1. Mv e . ieae JOHN MACDONAI'.D, eh.nf H. A M 0. rea&wsw, 01911111 DM 1601 AaOah,awerrh, IAM Him, IWO E w16 HAVE REMOVED TO Tail Store formerly occupied by Twomey & Black, 1 iZ ES015' BL(JCK, \\-here, in addition to their usual leery supply of Drugs, Pat.tit Hedisi„e,, kc., they have on hand a large Ftoca of ACRICULTURA•L SEEDS! Imported directly from one of tbi oldest and mist reliable houses in Glasgow, Scotland. THEY HAVE ALSO RECEIVED A LOT OR TRIM! TEAS, COFFEES & TOBACCOES, Which they offer Int %pry low prices. ALSO. W 1.7 XM 'AL fir LIQ O R MB, ForMedical and Family we. GODERICH, April 9, 1863. • r 13u25y1y NEW GOODS:NE GOODS AT WALLACE'S GLASGOW HOUSE! ANI.L-ES! MANTLES! • 200 Spring and Summer Mantles ! All the new ,sty les, from One Dollar: BONNETS, BONNETS! . TRIMMED AND PLAIN, - Large Sine*., suitable for middle aged and old Ladies, from 50 Cts. HATS, MEN'S, WOMEN'S Trimmed and Plain, HATS! AND CHILDREN'S, from Twenty-five Cents. DRESS GOODS: In all the nee styles, from One York Shilling per yard upward. RIBBONS, FEATHERS AND FLOWERS In endless vainly, GENTLEMEN'S GOODS: Tweeds, from Half a Dollar to Three Dollar. Taft.] and S.perltna auks made is the Newest and (test Styles, at extremely Lowp,kgga, • READY - 1RADI; CLOTHING, FOR THE MILLION 1 To suit the times we h•re mode up A Good, Serviceable TWEED SUIT for $&OO AND OTHER CLOTHIN(: IN PROPORTPQ}I, MEWS HATS & CAPS BY THE SHIRTS, cOLLAI6 AND TIES. a QTS & SKQEL GROOM'. OLAJOOW HOU.L OODERICR, April 20th, ills. 1,13 PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICK TVHF.RERYIVEN obit haw seised the Hook, d Reee.M of George Jtaonp of this tow.. needs, 00 .1.reame 11 toe Bort serf J. i J. Reagnillee, against and (fen Jere,. AN Partin are there(, es. - ween against swan with.. other shoe the tadwrd eed. Pardon who Lshoe.. paid mid Oso. Jalap re gives their woes ler *sweet of their .eeoeets, Din . t fa is my husk esti be held reepaa ihla for theiror•ee.i einem s. Y Le., JOHN MACDONAID, SOON H.AP. %roe; rs Olkw Oad,rieb. 2.Merck 1a3. wIt FOR B,AI,al rail Aewr.Fl&, demebed le meams Meeh .vishmarwe as e - c,mares)9 ..,. wssd, w • M m o.0n-. walk w •-" ( 1e .wm9, .es ache"" my • 'w Wel to sold det m:7l myhem„.yr. IMM T1s boo. Mlwir hm esama- a ken' as•'i•'•, e entree sOA..M10,w1owY5 10 warty 71e .holm 10 • e6e PS.r: Ase tear a Mm. W. Y. I1teJa5, r y mewl M. at,m: P $ l.rdwwa.Imh lit0.erv, ': amp Tailoring 1 HUGH DUNt un Of waa.er.. 1W9arr p 5, mean rnrM7 Mrs heMs ern de preso Liddy hkir. 1''s. 01 WUT ITI111. 1(eta.d dmiw Ire. the Markel awn. er anal s' .a+ro seal promptitude la tutor aehre e mem a ahem of pawl: Wn,msfs- HUGH DUNLOP. Oudarlek, Awl 13, Ian, w l l • 1 mer JOHN FAIR A Co., 3y1Ta ATTtnT10N 70 Taalt 1 I1tST AItRIVALS or SPRING GOODS! '4.IC. TWIT era JUST OPENED_ GODEe111T, 7th April, 1863. [ww10 c14::.a TczEir CABINET WARE! AND CHAIR EMPORIUM, HAMILTON STREET Neal- Dew to NW. NEW. ROBERT W. McKENZIE Manufactures and keeps 00,4.4.01, on sod a complete wOrtmeOt d littr etittly Sof Aft, Cane and Hair -Seated ORATES, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, STANDS,MATTRASSES, COFFINS, ac., &c. M1 -- Particular attention paid to onieral work. As he empluy.•none Inset the beet workmre, .ad mere nothing het the beet materials, Ma (un,ture Doan bet Sorrowed Inc quality. Lombe end (*riflery' produce rated in exeh.nge Of (ure,lure. fyodeneb. Oct. *544*. 19617 .w 13w3a SCHOONER FOR SALE! FOR Sale. the .hooner '• Brandon,”Carvel boih; Reimer ed ml tons, .-met years old te Spring ; h.. • e.no ' board, mitt. redone, sad ninnies tackle, •N dw,dete 01s it a lar pallor. Pox Nether per *who apply to HENRY LAWE. 7h..n1 . Pe►. la. 1010 4w413.. $4 M ray. P Whoa Lamm 411016 roam Raw A Y 4010018 ellen rat Wane• 1t 7bsw tl.or 11..r Ades t1.11y •ksr u lbw -me Credit .Dasa loamy Nadhk Ilan eve Roder W MaWeouetus l a• til heisswaJieas mousse W -M Jerky 4(. III; I, M'db. {t1 r..pmu rdairW DB. DHYiJCI wed op,MMimas1 Mowll usu. W ATTOILYEY.A s R IN (: ►s.ary, Qsay.,warer. S:e., W0L,. feet, CO. W Iku.a. wtlsrayp, '19o-,.sma ♦Vent bernid. GJIVll, ENGINEER ANI) PROVINe AL bard S.lr n. w. (td.. and Re.ibwt'a. Hauuetw 8:nsr, Goeratek. v1643 Aa shelve I)ROVINCIAL LANDBURVEYOR AND 1r cies liagie.ar, Witlrra. Jaty 1,411. hems Tlentson, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, awl Civil Eatnever. Ste. Survev.m,t of army WI. a dreeWeed and whir kkeetumeal liana Duos+-u- rwlaLa. I. w32-yly$r x..1H. /lanolin, Chita KNIHVERR AND SURVEYOR Leant Agent and Coaveya►rer, 0nterditie its M. 'l. Curt rind ix Co., MUR8ERYMEN, DEALERS 111 FRUIT LL7 sad Ornan,e pal Trees. *tenth.. bee. Or. der. promptly attrm,irl to. 11 John Campbell. UNNERAI. COMMISSION AOMNT, C,rnmwmn,-mein(i ueen•* tech, brt-aksss •ld.rda,Converaatcer, Jre. AC. (*ticems oed- way. Vtllang.ulKiaranb.,.C.W. 9:9 Jot.n ICwtne. COMMISSIONER IN THE COURT OF vv Qurea'. Beach,Cunveyinder, are. A Reg- istry kept of Farm and 'Iowa Lots lie tale; per - tier having lots for .ale, or Jeering to pmu,•ha.e, will please arta lull pelt eiders,. Durisesou. Frb. R1. 1837. 9:9 HARDWARE! TUE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR rale, it reduced trice., • large assort - weal d Bar, Rod, Band, and Hoop Iron, ( tST. 141.1 -.TER, GERM'N & SPRING STEEL, .ANVIInn, Vices, Bellows, Si cls and Dies, Sedge and Hand flamt.ern PLOW M( UI4I)f3, • Brake k 8sovel., Iron A MemOod(Isaies, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS, COLm'118, OILS, Turpentine, L...l Pope, Wrought, C'nt aW Rem Nub: Tw;oes and Cordage; India Robber Pack* d Belting i PtaOo-m and ('.inner Sears; Mukr, Cn... .,t. (:uvular. Pu, ani Head Sow.; Ca h,net- Mak rP. Il.rdw.rei Carpenter's ■ n.I Joiner's Tools ; Heroes Mach,ner; Howler Furns.binp use all l nye!.; cash, BI..'., tilos sod L,eahliages Chopping, Broad & Hand Axes, From Blood .red miter celehreted meters. Agent for (lurnet at Co.'. PLATFORM and LOP S -531 SCALES. With the Largest Stock of SHELF HARDWARE IN Tia COUNT... Peteba,ed trove the *laneem,timers, and ler Sale bY W. Z. GRACE. Oudeneh, 'Any d5*, Ia1D, e14 30 Weld Cabinet Warehouses !MD. GORDONOPAI Cabinet Maker & Undertaker, BEGS to anmmnere to the inhabits uta ml Oo,k. rn•b awl surmmn.hnr; t',nmtryy, riot be has nowinn bend se his Ware H,wu.a West Street, Goderich, A complete *iron,nent .If Furniture o1 every de- scnptfon, wrh On Tables, Bedsteads, Barrios, Chairs, Maltrw., hr., Of Homme M.aafa.tun' ail Imported. P.,w4M Diol• to older WI tar shone% woo V. Nalern•6. Oetu4e. 3192 .t7 HENRY GRIST, Deparlmeatal & Parliamectafy Agent. QUEBEC, A DJI'STS CROWN LAND CLAIMS, 11 Sevun+ lead Patents; Procurer i.fren,a- boa oles•naMe firm any of the Pu.1l. Depart- mental Te kw on Pent•for 343..•1,1,.30„ home ten Trite Mut. and bergs• 1 Tan,. rimer M oaf •.g *leo promo through the pontos who are una4le to misname tomtit bw..rre, re u0wd- Raiid emvellmg to (}ober. hta, rlswa--H..w. Aka. C.e,pMl, M. L, (1., Is Jere., Eel (10ml.un; Wo.. ,emeene; W.. IJvepr.., E.c., H. Lawm alk sea, Tomas ft y ' P P., hoodoo. prep Dal, Leta E. 427, tee. 14, W. Y2I, Cos. 14, . Wawanesl. 4200 ACRES. Trig AOOVE I.OTS are offered for cis very eh.apr, and on rea.nahk terms. And tome public are hereby cannoned Ri mi ss.aliry WOW from 11. said Inns, nr leer palming oa the same. as any party* °Needing win b. proeee'1e .rade ins(, ender the new Statute 23 Vie. ('.ftp. XXIVtl, whiehwakes tw sts.lin8 or drtlireiieg of fisher pettish - able by imprionmeli(le sbe e.ssom pot for a reo.1L.. For particulars se to sale IN bed or timber, apply to CHARLE4 WIDDER, E$Q., Os J. R. GORDON, FAQ., fta.r.eh. March S. tel. !••'ear FOR SALE! FIFTY ACRES, a....00.4 aerated, gad **nisi ds ar pn,anieg nap Mp. q/ I4alspmiW' Me .herm s wwaed maw in9 T semal. l3'w'et waved, O.eF, tanhiwd rod M her rs MaMy. *81 rested he irk krt. Wes Tnw-Oi w Crude. Arthe For ewer. p.Melar apply M nolmeasr, 'MOM AR SLOAN. *Mall MINIUM P. O, MtdWt. He Y OUST, Her JH, P.O., Q.wloe. __ *IO REAL ESTATE SALE BY AUCTION. J. P. BB NB, Auctioneer. THE U' DR*alt1NED, try Tgtw of. Power re Anontey ~al la 11m '.t ole Wen at law. enla odl by Awe AT UID)t'll; , NASPURNEV, Or P1ida',1M lay of Jose, 1363, >Iswsl Towwvhip se I. d gdke Mee Ie a w• ad as the its Aver MDA raeas..eg one Nembet Aeras, A•N ed whtA .w tier nt sewn., l We awl lea d••f, rod. mem 1 W • root bases le.(revive1 raw b. mud& ...0WelMam medweees in the Carty, Mees soli lure ids from the Il0'po Vyrr.t,.e dt9. B dd 1. IL 111, Tames ewe A -. .dlw..owwh d en -'-' 2. . wow, 1400. she bksn e oweved by pwr+satr aid p0yehle a owe. two sod throe •Neal mast - mai oda Iaswr. , the Ora 4rtl,,,nt dal, Ja.w. sty, HIM, A w1.Aeerry tele teal ` gone. EDWARD oast, wta-M Membatim al.. .Wp. MONEY TO LIND ions skla pan creat t . a ire O19 b,.b, t ,mer se a w+•a J i1RtxJN. Sawa Mir wruwy Yea R.,.nrdy Ara or Joao L.eirat Airs I./4..0W .ewe Marna Mn EH Marrs Grum." at iso J.W Mrp►y J.er u.,nrJ.a,e. r Mame Yeks.ler M..y 11,.•.. M YI M►bm, TIP. Mill. Nm Jr Merry ltw II. G.w,.d Are► M,Kr.'ste Mrs fty /lefty naiad N.itaun len, M rT.vrb Frady. ► 11111elrod Jr,hr Mutineer Jona Ma 1•em J 1trMlalew / A letar.Y John •Al, fiat ' y Jan r hemmed Wim 111.Cjlikp"nadetiej M.yrg iaCauar Joke lOraaa Ja0.w, Ale. album M'.. N.drm t1 . Mork G W 0...1 !Luce) lamer Lor„► r..► Jus) K 1 I'el.t W.IS) lar-b.an Dein/ Dwell !tarry Ryr. Peer IL,i,.... 5.04 Liber . W D I(.a„.•.. Wan rewire A 1' tlna,wlrn Anwar !leeks Askew Mal•cleittl Aka numb, crud Urul,l;T) Sur.. Mined adhribunl J,.try 11a.,1 e A ''„ .w, .., .J 'wuNnan fares laatlrey Y,d..l I..w.ao A4051 Aur a Dote r n1fr-wrY I:math (boors U endstHa,11 Wr NYffNWm Mon Alex Trrrr d'qi Thorpe. Die looks M'i1„•,, J., ,mea We.u. Roth l'o;hwt liners" Rt.s loam 0..o.rro ear* Mrs Dame Wan WM E tease ■ktar Wm Yore Jeeinh. will Wr11h Joie (1) Wit..JAn Wkaeh Den JAMES WATSO51, .'.Wsme10rr. , GODEItI('t? WAGON & CARRIAGE BE n u * .aatory THE subscriber would . o nouue to the pn&Jr of Huron .n11 Hruee that he ha• on basal and will make to onler Car,'.,.- , Wagons, Hua rows, 4c. , winch will he soil cheap fur cash Or approved 01.4.3. JOHN PASFIMORE, Victura Sterol. Gawk'. l.. April 1st, 1863. *49 e,,.. sgOTau rgp • r de., dc, ` ' gets. 0-\11‘,-41 P'c FT. S AND MADE TO ORDER, if ,7. C. ISIeiN'I`O>c1Ih Qpponite the Market. All kinds of repairing done, o.l sort real enable terms. wm37 REVISION COURT. N07ICE u hereby given that the Snit , niud of the Cart or 3(01,0kow and Appeal 6.r the township of Waw ano.a will he held e1 tki residence of Mr. John Tisdale, LA 47, KIh cos., On Tuesday, the '26th &net The alphabetical list id ratepayer can be rase at the muse piece until that day. JAS. SCOTT, . Tenements Ctrek. . ole• May 31h, 1881. NOTICE. THR COUiR'r OF REVISION for 110 Town. .hip of CAHIOCK rill* o a)t at Bummers, on M.rd,y, Itahbay, at to o'elo: k, a. .a. Br order, ED BAVAGE, *16.11 Township Civil. NOTICE. THE ColIRT OF REVISION and for hear. mg .pW-.!• agaiwl the a.•eeminent of the 7bwushap of Colton lie, will be held at the Tavern of John R.ss, Smith's Hifi, 00 7YJURaJJAr, the 8.144 day of .11A 3', ut le o'clock in the fore- noon. JAMES TEWSLEY, Township pial'. Colborn, M.y 13th, Ha. - ole NOTICE. 1 DO HEREBY FORBID any person or p•-. mono bat bourn! use 'rm.mg my wl:•, 1 ury Fulloud, or any oilier ,eve.., without air7' wrnu lc order, dherwae I will uM he ...vuer.ldle. ISA FULF'OHI). May 14th, 1963. w1611. - NOTICE. t TEACHER/' CONVeHTION for mho tnwnd.p of Ho,Mt, AdiriW, Wawel.uaa and Od.orne, *411. lied in Ike Sr hod Wore. a' Mencitimer. 011 T1'1 .D.19', J(','5'(7 lml, U k p. In. Rete.,. and rehoul Trustee* toom townships, and le*. -be,. frim W).n:urg township...re to atteud. F.W. PIUTCHARD, M. D.. WIFa1 1..001 &qen ntewdetrt: OOL CARDING AT WINGHAM MILLS. THE sulscrilter tiegy to infordm the Fartn.rw OTumhery anal the dj.matng Tow.•4ile 111.3 ha New C,,di.g Af.)l wall le m eperoone as the 1%h of May news, when 1s• wall be proper - • lo promptly y .serous all l ta.b of corona work 1 and Laving kW teeny years expere.e a dm hs•(0M tad his M Wmw.s yy brow of ow FN deantpesm, parties lamonor him wnh their ordeal M reline hav:nt all w,t m ,t -.,,r ,n 1,0* close myna Paa..w u(,u,,, • Maumee ,.n h•ye their wool earthed a nm. o Mtorn the „qn,r day. }} He bsa dor for .Ale , erlett amurtewent 8,Hd Clothe., S tinetta, T.ervla, Winurp, FleweM. aa., Chiesa, fur Cash or in es- ohmage a•ehut s /r Woo'. LIMBER! LUMU$ if Allo, es hand • Imes •••-k of Iwwhw or all tied., Pule (et, Pelmer't. CMsO,, Ai, Bar. wed, 4e. As the abort Y'10 !ewe ie as Njsk•, td Counties and embrac soee err w mem. Mir wM do well 10 aid exam..., a. Cas Swing, lirtating, Cafd}aRtiltp re don. on most mimeos/de terms end en ire ahnsrw w The rb.y.Mr Mime Mew et meet r /Meg ep thane Mit., hs tt.el.lhsl •N w#u to vet woad voles for thew Arms&, ori{ esu wienha. not Io bantams woe PSTEE FINISR. 11- Ow.we be Her ,wit,5* al asp! 11114, MtarhemAw. sed *meal. 1513. VALUABLE `NI)S Rf`oa ON IL .AHO1VASLE Magi L°1461.,&";71::"6" (7115 61., gss,, w 71:: 6" Map of.ale.b:.h, eeetelkla will. TM Mihaly wars eve 0490,04 ben to (bo.e1 ■Dad .e Ikrpa4M a1*; ore LaWoo, y.waw Tempered al10pered and .w ba l et mat. Ptlr •haven, aWty (e r r . OYi1IMe44 WIDOICIt (J.dse.1.3839 Mew. telt! i'