HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-23, Page 20Page 22 Times-Advocate,.Pecorrber 23, 1905. twommomoinawilaiwommalamontonaaaamilianammlaummullinalaamaitulomoulawal AT THE HIGH SCHOOL. By Ann Creech Public speaking results IllllllllllllllllllllllllllhllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllgllllllllllllllllllhllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIII By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE $4:g:4,,ea,;;;,,,kz.Nizow:4711.;:k:,,rigo.s:k341.1:74:1.watx,,i0.Niz.Nea G .N.a. via:4;4144044g. . c,, As we hark back in reverence to a night of wonder and holy joy, nearly two thousand years ago, may the spiritual blessings of that first Christmas be with us all. Jake's Plumbing & Heating PHONE 235-1464 EXETER Harvey's Taxi PHONE 235.2100 EXETER •Otiiitio*040:41.4seteoot<tefteft•vimett.e4t-onztvol 44 s•XtalwoiyatsrtilsrAtatti*Oreorio• EXETER PHONE 235-2603 z.NiaVi.PiiinWizsgio4liz,Pgio.14040.1:Xileiaz•Vka•Neo.Nisi..qc .Nio•PiatMifas174e1S*: OUR FONDEST WINES FOR VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS JO ALL-... RNA SINCEREST DNS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE Reder's Florist vSsi eft eft eft cft w4ievgt cePtreft eft centleNs ott eftertrogta eft 1ft eft efts t' tRettlatt**WWWRII:06.33::Fidvililz?AiWAila?!.i,titi^:=?AVAS.ca?.fii eftlfteft' Warm and sincere greetings, from, all of us to all of you, and many thanks, too. Rether's Restaurant 380 Main South Exeter 235.1202 Iftlft eft c?Xl tfttft tft eft eft eft efttft =NI ;ftwArIeN eft'tft eftetrAtt 'We take this opportunity to wish everyone a 4:t ri$tulco qilope your Day is a happy one, filled with all the special joys of the holiday season. . .............................. Custom Trailers (Exeter) Ltd. William C. Smith and staff Thames Rd. East, Exeter 235-1530 omtrgisycliftorsmeorg,ftm,RA 01:4 or..iiesqlsime.scsMegtortroverattistosttigattemtimirmtittnattiloNotAts:V4 teil0 al;t0 et?.14 eft•o% efttft eftlgt eft eltial•Iteg•Ae Rate your date for driving is OPP quiz Once again public sp e ak 1 ng prevailed at SHDHS. This week it was Grade 10 and Grade 11 speaking. The Grade 10 winners were, first, Ron Durand speaking on "Freedom of Canadians", second, Gordon Jones speaking on "Television" and third, Nor- man Howey speaking on "Camp Sylvan". The winners in the girls' division were, first, Susan Allen speaking on "Law", Judy Estey, second, speaking on "Stepping Stones to Life" and third, Sheila Hern speaking on "Money". The overall winner was Ron Durand. The Grade 11 winners, in the boys' division were first, Dennis Hazelton speaking on "Conflicts in French Canada", second, Bert Vischer speaking on "Agricul- ture" and third, GordGreenwood speaking on "Superstition and Witchcraft." In the girls' divis- ion the winners were, first, Trudy Stover speaking on "Origin of Products and Product Names," second, Sandra Dickey speaking 1,000 children visit with Santa Some 1000 children of Huron Park housing area and Air Force families of the local area gather- ed in the R ecreation Centre, RCAF Station Centralia, for an hour long Christmas programme last Saturday afternoon. Emceed by Bob Perry, the children were treated to car- toons, sing-song and a magic show by Bob Perry. Big Al of CKCO-TV was there to introduce the Guest of Honour, Santa Claus, and together they visited with the children and distributed Christ- mas goodies. A side trip by Santa and Big Al took them to the shut-ins. on "Teenage Driving", and third Janet Miller speaking on "En- glish". The overall winner was Trudy Stover, Once again, thanks to the judges for the fine job they did. In connection with Grade 9 public speaking last week I said Ken Johns, speaking on "Huron County", was first for the boys. The winner is Ken Jones from Hensall. My apologies to Ken. Four new cheerleaders were selected Dec. 15, by the older girls. These four, happy girls are Judy Estey, Sheila Churchill, Valerie Baron and Shari Robin- son. Congratulations, girls! The SHDHS cheerleaders also have new uniforms. The former outfit consisted of a red wool sweater and a short, black, plea- ted skirt. The new uniforms have retained the red, wool sweater, but the skirt is now a "pert" skirt, with red shorts underneath, the colour of the sweater. These are very fashionable and look quite sharp. The Driver's Training Course has started again at SHDHS for this year, for all students who are 16 years old or older. The first meeting was held Wed. Dec. 15 with twenty-five students pres- ent. On Friday, Dec. 17, the senior and junior boys basketball teams from St. Marys journeyed to SHDHS for two games. Both SHDHS seniors and juniors won their encounters. Last week I said Teen Town was going to Canadian Bandstand on Friday night. Well, I was wrong. There was a change of plans and they will now be going sometime in the New Year. I hope I didn't inconvenience anyone and if I did, I'm sorry. Merry Christmas to everyone and the best New Year ever. What kind of boy is an ideal date? Most girls have about the same set of lofty specifications (with minor variations) concern- ing a boy's appearance, person- ality and talents. As a practical matter, they are willing to make a few compromises, but they do inspire most boys to superhuman efforts to be supermen. Unfortunately, this "power of a woman" has not yet been fully brought to bear on one important qualification of a good date. That qualification is his ability and willingness to drive properly. Too many girls fail to object to reckless driving, either because they don't want to be considered spoil-sports, or because they themselves think that this kind of driving is good sport. A courageous and realistic ap- proach to this matter by most girls would probably accomplish more than the efforts of all par- ents, teachers and traffic offi- cers in the country have done. Every girl who joins hi this effort would be doing herself a big favor by sharply reducing the chance of her being crippled or disfigured in a needless traffic accident. All that is needed is for girls to make it clear to their dates that bad driving doesn't impress them as a social asset, nor does it add to their enjoyment of any occasion. If girls put bad driving in the same class with unkempt appearance, bad manners, clum- sy dancing or cheating at games, most boys will quickly get the idea. Here is a short check-list to rate your date as a driver: 1. Does he keep his car in safe condition — or does he think it's more important to buy a flashy ornament than replace a broken tail light? 2. Is he really a skilled and confident driver — or is he a half-trained one, apt to panic in an emergency? 3. Does he keep his eyes on the road and his hands on the wheel — or does he let the car drive it- self part of the time? 4. Does he drive at a sensible speed — or does he seem to think that the higher the speed, the higher his social standing? 5. Does he obey the rules of the road — or has he an unorthodox (and dangerous) code of his own? 6. Does he avoid mixing drink- ing and driving — or does he think that alcohol makes him an even better man at the wheel? 7. Is he courteous and self- controlled — or does he drive with a chip on his fender? 8. Does he leave a margin for safety — or is he constantly crowding his luck? 9. Does he treat a car as a convenient and pleasant means of going places -- or does he regard it as a toy for playing thrill games? 10. Do you feel relaxed and secure when you ride with him — or are you nervous, as if you were riding a skittish horse on an icy freeway? If any of the boys you date fail to rate well on this test, try a little persuasion. If that fails, let them try elsewhere for a date. P. S. to the boys: If this could happen to you, why not beat the girls (and your rivals) to the punch with a quick course in self-improvement? IRREGULARS 50%Off Students home for holidays Former SHDHS students who axe attending schools elsewhere and are home for the holidays are: Misses. Elsie Gosar, town, Elaine Powe and Judy Finkbeiner, C r edit on; Dave Pyette, Gary Scholl, Jim Bisback and Ruth Hay, all of Hensall, Bonnie Tur- vey, George Godbolt, John Mac- Naughton and Ted Wilson, all UWO students; From London Teachers' Col- lege, Susan Dinney, Carolynne Simmons, Marion Walker of town, Margaret Hyde, Kathy Scam, Brenda Smillie and Pat Soldan of Hensall; Margaret Johns, Elim- ville, Sharon Lightfoot, Central- ia; F rom Waterloo University, Jim Carscadden, Larry Idle, Jim Coates, Wayne Baynham, Gary Wedlake, Dave Buchanan, HensalI and Barry Brintnel% Kirktom Debbie Johnston, Alma Col- lege, Toronto; Jim Sweitzer, Ry- erson, Toronto; Douglas Hodg- son and Ruth Ann Salmon, Uni- versity of Toronto, and Peter Lewis of Emmanuel College, To- ronto. Mr. Simon Nagel of Hope Col- lege, Holland, Mich., is spending the Christmas holidays at his home, Marlborough St. Wm. Morley was chairman Friday evening in the Church Hall for the Christmas concert pres- ented by the Sunday school. The program included recita- tion, Wesley Abbott; primary class Christmas number, Martha Klahre, Mary Johnson, Robbie Morley, Paul and Billie Squire; piano solos, Martha Klahre, Bruce Mills; electric guitar sel- ection, Donald Neil; vocal solo, Mary Johnson; intermediate class led in the carol singing; skit by Jr. High School class, Laura French and Douglas Squire and skits by Brian Hodgson and Joe French also by Jennifer At- wood and Ronnie Pullman. At this time Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson showed slides of their recent trip to the West Coast and Yellowstone Park which were very much enjoyed. Gifts from the Christmas tree were distributed and a social time was spent. A goodly number attended the Christmas service Sunday at the United Church with Rev. D. M. Guest in the pulpit. Special mu- sic was given by the choir with Mrs. Duffield at the piano. Christmas flowers adorned the pulpit. PERSONALS Mrs. Mildred Klahre and Mar- tha visited in London Sunday with Miss Barbara Gibbard. Mr. and ,Mrs. Paul Schrier and Susan, Stratford were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Baker and Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Hodgins and Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Bryan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kilpatrick, Lon- don, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins. Mrs. Florence Johns, Exeter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Simpson Jr. London, Mrs. Minnie S quire, Mrs. Arnold Hern and Carolyn, Woodham were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Several from the community attended the Christmas concert at Biddulph Central School, Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, St. Marys, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon John- son and family. thristmas Soy c9rn the Madonna and Child, mankind sees an ever-present symbol of the love of God, the glory of Christmas. May joy be yours at this holy, happy time. Dobbs Motors Ltd • 216 Main South Exeter 235-1250 opteweeemetmeow.45.4.12A•micotio4,40110 WaNii1V,A.V•iiit,9044;54isis 4014109kart.i* 412T GATES Centralia Christmas party Big Al and Santa are both favorites of the young folk and when both appear together children get excited. Over 1000 children were on hand at RCAF Station Centralia Saturday to welcome the two and enjoy the Christmas party.