HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-23, Page 18(RCAF photo) PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Ted Hansen of Morpeth visited the latte r' s daughter, Mrs. Fred Burley, Mr. Burley and family Sunday. Mr. Cliff Carty of London visit- ed Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prance Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wilson of Sarnia celebrated their 20th wed- ding anniversary Saturday night at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jerry Hunniford and Mr. Hunniford. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Desjardine and Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Des- Jardine of Dashwood visited Mr. & Mrs. H. Prance Friday. Mr. Earl Little has been in the doctor's care for a fortnight. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Little of London visited at home over the weekend. Highway construction pro- gresses from the west side of Lake Smith east, nearing the centre of the lake with heavy equipment. Miss Linda Martin of Sarnia, a cousin of Mrs. Wm. Hall and Messrs Peter and Seward Bur- ley, who was injured in a freak auto accident last summer, is progressing slowly. By MRS. KEN McKELLAR By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS ‘_,TfOp e your Holiday begins and ends on the happiest of notes, with joy and peace for you, your family and friends, Merry Christmas! Quality Produce Earl W. Neil R.R. 1 Exeter 235.1921 (Exeter) Ltd. Shur-Gain Fertilizer Altro?:O.MtaliFSizlIkraftWar 0Fe'tgalgtalgtlertftlgtvgilatqtrtqgr4:NOWit*O140,:krcgeoFtAtaVEalgftravgaltiliedeXt Page 20 Times-Advocate, December 23, 1965 The Commanding Officer serves Service tradition dictates that the Commanding Officer and his officers will serve the serving men their Christmas dinner. Shown here, Group Captain G. F. Ockenden, Commanding Officer of RCAF Stn Cen- tralia serving Leading Aircraftsman Jos Valour of Shediac N.B. his dinner while Aircraftsman Kenneth F. Lumsden of St. John N.B. waits with great expectation for his holiday feast. Here's wishing you a bright and merry Christmas and a Yuletide season sparkling with good cheer. Fisher's Hardware For Everything In The Hardware Line Phone 235-2190 EXETER 01E0t.it* Here's a very special delivery of warm wishes for a merry Christmas. A MERRY CHRISTMAS The sounds and scents of Christmas fill the air with joy and merriment. May your Day be filled with these pleasures. Exeter Community CREDIT UNION Devon 'Bldg. 235-0640 Harold Patterson, Manager gt=i'n'er;ketqaaglsissaeortrogi oa-w.a-sgt.trc eniis H ere's to you, valued friends and customers good wishes by the sleigh full, plus hearty thanks for your patronage throughout the year. May you all enjoy a Holiday rich in love, warm with friendship and abounding in good health, good cheer and good fellowship. • C. A. McDowell Ltd. GENERAL CONTRACTORS - READY-MIX CONCRETE PHONE 228-6961 CENTRALIA .tvaeiw.isst;ao4.is.a,,a.'ssio.O.MaseNsitsioxi,mogesseis.osm.oai.Ossiales.ems*s.O.nnasemsOesOesOassieooeisfaii.o.einciesisonaisalieosinoit Christmas dinner served early to Centralia airmen JAieP•Oio;U:4Zies•Vt.io.Oles.olktionlio4i27.14;i:5.3.i,tegoNes•OolS.S..;-1O;e,OiasUes Christmas Dinner, RCAF sty- le, was served to 400 members of the Airmen's and Cadets' Mess of RCAF Station Centralia last Friday evening. The traditional turkey dinner was augmented by a choice of a T-bone steak. Group Captain OF Ockenden, ELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers of the Senior Citizens Club was preceded by a pot luck dinner with many in- vited guests present. After the noon time meal Mr. Nelson Howe and Mrs. Fred Johns entertained with violin and piano music. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. McCaughey at the piano, more music and step- dancing by Mrs. Bruce Arm- strong. The roll call was ans- wered by naming a favorite Christmas carol. Mrs. T. L. Scott took the chair for the election of officers for 1966. Past president is Thom- as Laing; president, Dar r e 11 Parke r; vice president, Mrs. Cecil Bowman; secretary, Mr. Wilbur Miller; treasurer, Mrs. Wilbur Miller; press reporter, Mrs. Grace Scott; pianist, Mrs. R. McCaughey. The next meeting will be held January 11 with all members contributing to a pot luck program and Mrs. McCaughey and Mrs. Bowman convening the 1 u nc h committee. Euchre was played at the conclusion of the meeting. White Gift service was observ- ed at Cromarty church Sunday with the junior choir leading the singing and the junior Sunday School pupils with their teachers in the centre pews. Special mu- sical numbers were rendered by the choir and the children who presented their gifts beside a lighted Christmas tree. Rev. J. C. Boyne gave a spe- cial Christmas message basing his remarks on "The Family". SCHOOL CONCERT SS 6 Hibbert school concert was held at the school Thurs- day night with a good attend- ance. Mr. Eldon Allen acted as chairman for a program of mu- sic, singing, readings and a two- act play by the children. Old Santa arrived at the close laden with gifts for the children. THEME IS CHRISTMAS The Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary met at the home of the president Mrs. John Miller. The Christmas service of worship from the Glad Tidings was used with fifteen members answer- ing the roll call. Mrs. Eldon Al- len gave a topic "What to Give a God Who has Everything". Mrs. C. Douglas gave a reading "The Story of the Christmas Guest". The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for 1966. Honorary presidents are Mrs. Thos. Scott, Mrs. Cald- er McKaig; past president, Mrs. Lloyd Miller; president, Mrs. John Miller; vice president, Mrs. Gerald Carey; secretary, Mrs. Charles Douglas; assistant, Mrs. Frank Hamilton; treasurer, Mrs. Norman Harburn; assistant, Mrs. Eldon Allen; pianist, Mrs. Gordon Laing; assistant, Mrs. Duncan Scott; work committee, Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mrs. Lloyd Miller; welcome and wel- fare, Mrs. Lloyd Miller; supply secretary, Mrs. Lorne Elliott; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Robert Laing; Home Helpers, Mrs. R. Laing; nominating committee, Mrs. El- don Allen, Mrs. Norman Harburn; representative on Board of Man- agers, Mrs. John Templeman; Commanding Officer of the Unit, and a group of Officers and Senior NCOs, piped in by members of the Exeter Legion Pipe Band, served the airmen and cadets in the tradition of the service. Once a year, at Christmas, it is the privilege of the CO, his officers auditors, Mrs. R. Laing, Mrs. Lorne Elliott. Lunch was served by the host- ess assisted by Mrs. Lorne El- liott, Mrs. John T e mpl e m an, Mrs. Charles Douglas, Mrs. El- don Allen. PERSONAL Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gardiner and Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker attended a Christmas church ser- vice at Rostock Sunday evening. SUNDAY SERVICE A large congregation attended the Christmas service at Kirk- ton United Church Sunday, Dec 19 at 11 am, conducted by Rev. T. Elliott, using the theme "What One Expects from Christmas". The choir rendered the anthem Blow Ye Winds Softly also a three part number "Away ina Manger" with Mrs. Fred Switzer at the organ and Mrs. Alex Crago at the piano. The church was effectively decorated to add to the Christ- mas service. HE AR FROM MISSIONARY Kirkton UCW voted to donate $50 to the Board of Stewards of the church at their December meeting held at the home of Mrs. Ray Paynter. A letter from Miss Florence Clarke, missionary in Trinidad,.., was read. Mrs. J. Stephen and Mrs. E. Stephen of Anderson con- tributed a piano duet. Mrs. C. Ross, Mrs. Carl Mills and Mrs. C. Scott convened the program. LEARN OTHER CUSTOMS The Messengers meeting took the form of a Christmas party in the church basement. Some Christmas customs of other lands were learned, carols were sung and a Christmas story read. Christmas tree ornaments were made and games played. GIVES ORIGIN OF CAROLS A demonstration of Christmas decorations was given by Mrs. Raymond Paynter at the Christ- mas meeting of Kirkton WI held at the home of Mrs.EwartCrago. Mrs. Paynter also gave the his- tory of a few Christmas carols and members sang them. Guest speaker was Mrs. Fred Johns, president of South Perth WI whose topic was "Yesterday belongs to History, Tomorrow to God and only today is ours." She was introduced by Mrs. Cliff Scott and thanked by Mrs. Payn- ter, Mrs. Scott contributed a reading. Roll call was answered by a donation for retarded children in St. Marys. Mrs. Harold 0' Brien presided for a brief busi- ness period. Gifts were presen- ted to Mrs. Jack Thomson, Mrs. Ken Parkinson, Mrs. John Rodd, Mrs. Earl Watson, Mrs. Allan Eveleigh and Mrs. Reg Morri- son who were leaders for the 4-H club project "The Cereal Shelf". and Sr NCOs to serve the men who for the past year have served them. The Christmas dinner with all its festive trimmings is placed before the men of the unit and on this occasion it is the supervisors who take the orders. -- turkey, steak, pie, plum pudding, coffee, tea, or milk. It is also traditional that the youngest man of the unit be served first by the CO, and it is believed that AC1 Kenneth F. Lumsden of St John, N.B. fit into that cate- gory. Ken is just now 18 and has only been in the Air Force since January and at Centralia as a Supply Technician since July. To add an international flavour to the festive spirit of the occa- sion, students from Tanzania and Mayaysia experienced their first Canadian Christmas dinner. They entered into the activities with gusto. The Christmas season to them, weatherwise, means warmth and sunshine, not cold, clouds and snow; but the warmth of the season and the comrade- ship of fellow cadets are helping to make the season a little less cold and lonely. Hostesses were Mrs. Tom Crew, Mrs. Lawrence Beckett, Mrs. Hor. Greenstreet and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Herman Payn- ter, Kirkton, Mrs. Anne Oligny and Miss Velma Doupe, St Marys were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Paynter and family. By MRS. L, PRESZcATDR The Crediton United Church Young People are planning a Christmas bowling party for twine from hospital in Rechester Wednesday, Mr. Elmer Lawson is apatient in Victoria Hospital. The southern prairies hold the record for the highest tempera- ture ever recorded in Canada, 113 degrees. Ill Health ? your doctor first. to Tuesday December 28 at Exeter. Each member is to bring a friend. Everyone enjoyed a Don Lonnie record for teenagers. Mr. William Hodge and Mrs. Margaret Clarke returned home Bring your proscription from hospital last week. Mrs. Ed Hendrick returned MIDDLETON'S DRUGS 00444.1:Awia, vilzwao§liziNingvAiwAiavi.isivt4;44asmag4ismewaimaarntramadoaii• Soo Christmas is a tranquil snowy scene and brightly-wrapped gifts ... it is a time of hope and rejoicing for the many things it is our privilege to possess. We wish you an "old-fashioned" Christmas, filled with love and good cheer, and the deep satisfaction of friendships renewed. Happy Holidays! 540' ea sr Main at Simcoe EXETER 235.1710 ottoxo.aas.phirmaqkoakpmalvtiwaavamila 4`rhari.oVhamirmoNt4i:oPietz,No401 McKerhe Automotive Ltd. 329 Main St. South Exeter 235-1040 oPietWego*St4le:401404;4014:140NialNitAAVe1/40:0V400;04‘,404O4Y20414.00;iONANearriztiOlierNiocieLAcie:4 0AZMAPMZIWiz)cli:of 9i.i0Ote RON DALE