HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-05-21, Page 1W. T. 03Z, $liter and Proprietor.] "The Greatest Possible (133i to the Greatest Possible Number.'• $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE1 r- 1X,ettrg. .he ewe/ OUZ OWN BROAD LAZE." • kneepad le wintry glue'. a, drew, When ..db.r eight our awed mold chew, 1''.,. retied w greet the apnug-ulo hours, Whoa Memo bad Muslim retook the bow',. To hear tem cheerful Mum Ley bi bads WI mount the early .pray, tar mart what golden gloms shake Their redeem dee "sae owe keyed Lk..' Te sal the genial w.ewa bream : 'e lie W bum damp" tweet tree the /aw'rw early birth, haesAmebseossLm s twtakwes mink, Nissl dimly held, seek verdant wear. }.a. dhagliag emote' meets '1t1• eewee, hlaN the vaned it, Wiens es by 4141 4 .�kr." 1I weaves 1 tbe sue Mar aparttsg sssala 1.r glorious throe• be scary hand W groves remould, Aad vs,Ml grandam Moses mould Earth's pappus boom throbs u s, Aad every sepbyr breaths panto•, tibdoa gl.dsose lambs u tdd or brake, epon gall by 0w "own broad Lala ." Lot Hems nee from W intro rhes, Wsapaly ea as shades agao 1 SW herd wav' . heeling char, D•l'eht theme and Aaron the sr! le tasseled tare m f bags green. Wei light and abode mimeos sea scene; Ad reaming munoure quaiouy wake, Ib music by " uur uwe brood Lake." Mork! when W woodman'. serous blow, PW lariats cusbriou• Sweet low ; The crackles' Impalas' tow'rieg Haze, Ascending dime the auostide rays; The ploug►maa. shorting, guides his team, The lowing hell.. wades the omen); Asd Art seg Induary awake, Their kens wooed " our owe brow 1 Lake.•• " Heil, Huron t Queen of beauteous foots ! " Thy (Mile adds end echoing woods; " 1a peace thy cities far arise, " And whole-ea:led commerce o'er thee dies ; " The beading keel -the d,pp.ag prow, "Thy noble de..my avow; e Ad future hank the theme shall take, w And proudly...um, "Ota own brood Lake." WILLIAM B.'NNATYNE. Aibleld, May T►, NAi. d the Siemer. The tole belongs to Mr. McQueen, late e . THROUGH SUFFERING They were silting about tho library fire, Margaret, Dr. Moortield, and Philip Du- pl.iz, in silence,iud with only the ligl.t ofa single jet burning low in its globe. The stir in the halls without had diel away ; flowers ware trailing from cornice and casement, crowded .o tall vases, aid drooping from baskets ; drawing -rooms and stsircam a glowed like the Pavilion of 11 troun, flaming out ou the night, through the dank intervening shrubbery to the soddeu roads beyond. and Maid old Rocky Crest. all day en delirium over ata youn{ mtstresi a whim ul a arinter • reception at her country era rather deo in town, bad settled at I..st into that current Mill.w and expectancy peculiar to bosses m time of fete. t1mN IW seen 'roamed hapset Moonl- ess weft stew in a reeswd windy. looking •p at hide wish a oaatlW glide, • thing of the lips, in whish hk- eyes had n0 pait. 11. d et ROW eek.-iith • wo- ern oe the haat the dare of n the fik' and why,►is liliesytcoo�j aud�untouched of leer table; guessed, but kept admire of word rod look, and, as a consequence, Margaret blur.. lend, es most girls do in mob matters - fancied, because he bled.yenerth his armor. that ber bine had failed lost promote of mind, and did what she bad not intended - offered him a met beside her. Meanwhile the rootless music was throbbing. and groaning about them like something lir • tag and in parr. Golden memories ofthepeat golden time came Beek with every wailing chord. The 0 rue of bs power was strong upuu her -the old subtle thrill of his look tingling in every vein. i think then rod there she must have repented, only now it es. hie taro to bluuder. " You will not wear any flowers 7' he said, touching the fuschias. Ou the instant she was triumphant. He was root strung after all. She had hurt hits. The stems are ao thick 1" she answered, carelessly; '• and though lilies do vastly well io romance, in real life they have such a paiful teudeocy to break short in sae's Bair I" ;That was your reams -your real rea- son T" "How you look l -as if you were grand inquisitor at least. Pshall take advantage of the law, however, 1 am not required to convict myecl(." Thu is trifling." "Oa a gore subject -Lilies ee. Fui- cbias. ' " Will you be serious for a moment ?' "To -morrow. Lent commences then, mad I dull lay aside all my foL,ie together." "Oh, this is intolerable f' '' It is indeed. The air is poeitirely) stifling; but they are w ohstieate about tbo-4res I and Mr. Dupleix has my fan. Wou'tyou ask him for it ?" - He rose as if to obey ; went toward the eurtaia ; came Sack, resolutely, "I will not go. There is some meaning in all this lolly. What is it 7" "Really ytu exact too much,"' abe re- turned, scornfully. " Authors wide.m furnish commentaries on their own works." I will not receive that as an answer." " You tool nal." I tell/ not. A fair bearing, and the truth are co ly my right. and 1 claim them. and will have them, even front Margaret finderod.. Is there no sense of honor amen,; you women that you will pledge look, manner, aiuon- alp but words -and then *all it a jest 7 That 1 love you honestly and dearly you know ; and you -let it round as it will if you are worth, thought or mention, if you are any thiud but n lair deceit -you love me. You can nut deny it. Your very face convicts ]ou." He might' her hands ea he spoke, thinking her involuntary shrinki5g a movement to escape, and holdinq Ler fist. looked steadily lulu the face bend ,,, lower and lower before him, hot with blushes of shame and indigna- tion. Ikmonetrnnre, or .fiercer m.ger- somethiug warner or never -she had ex ported, but not this. She was positively tingling with selfeontempt ; all the blond u the outspoken 14v -dr -rodeo' round and burn iog to punish the lie, even though it were her own. Her silence and 1:enbtim: deceived bit. He thought her g•i•.ved (w u.e... she wee -' GODERICH,� t• W,,,TIIUR8DAYe MAY 21, 1863. tonal to give her in the stir piths Int and opened the topmost ow. It ma from Fairchild and Littlejohn, he lawyers. She reed a paragrcpb, stop shot, rat on again aids a sort of ineredul ty, @kismiet the dry legal details and reeve in their examimanon for a cooler time Their sem a child might understand. Ti great lawsuit that she Lad inherited with he estate bad been decided against bar. Lan 1 moneys, all were goo*. 'them was eft her the Rrederode name and pride, Gail reeds, apt to pierce those who lean on them. Put - tine the letter in her bosom she went down stain witb a somewhat enigmatical but ser• taiuly Cala enough face. Philip Haslet* looked at her earnestly, but she only Welted and remained impenetrable. As fur Dr. Moorefield he was gone, and without biddies bee gool•ntgbt. Hs must hare been bitterly enurgrtey, and I reso to ve, llyforgotten kis satuel helloes that she ifl ou�ht more of that as she lay awake that night than ot the crush of her fo tenni. Her ayrangementa were simple and easily made. Everything was dis,riesed, erery- thimg sold. She had no relatives, and no friendships. 1)r. Steadied cams to see her, but she would not receive him. The gulf between them wear wider now than ever. Phi'ip Dupleix came elm, and was denied like the vat, tbourh she was not a little as lonishgd *t his coming. Stir had not expect. ed it. Oyer Rocky (hest, se dear to finder ode pride, she shed some tears, but she had not tuuad w much pleaeure in her life of eating, drinking, and dancing that she must needs lament it with a very bitter outcry indeed there was little time for de monnratiou of 'Lit sort ; she was down now ; on foot among everyday stragglers for life. and peo- ple who go swiping their eye+ are sadly apt to be trampled on. There wee • niche for her somewhere in the world, end she get imnalf to find it ; discovered it of a,lptatsn on the globe in a Connecticut village, tutees se swig- tocraey compeller) so far to allow vulgar maeges as to send their children to school, were determined to coeetse t0 more 10 tat encroachii.g ooms.oa humanity. Peenastis should have • picket -fence, and Helicon a special drinking -cup, or, i1uorance forever ! In shoot, there was required ne teacher a lady by birth a:,d education, who woold receive no other 1' pt.a than those useigned her. The terms were fair, M:irgani easily satisfied, sr. behold her installed as tetieber of the S -- Select School, d,inS well with it -thanks to her old habit of authority -and lending, a life nutwar ,, monotonous, yet nct altogether plc/using. (CoWCtt'U.D o5 2 ,o reoe.) e►eesag, seal he loot t• eweelsi•s a sent Par! L r mi ear ma bidding pr .. farmer telt 11 dein to eapngg ad the Provimoe ms bei ded by AlluaIse egiattt.eacies of i- Providence to the selection nlaurntatrvos whom judgment, fo May enable them es= The my eRorts am. ____ _ r ereigu, end to s, happietrse PARLIAMENTARY . TER PROROGATION OF PARLIA- MENT. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL.' Quenite, Maj 142, 1863. At three o eluck his Excellency y the Gov- ernor General proceeded iu stat. (d for Chamber of tee Legislative ' Cow.cil, iu Par filament building. The member* of th Leg. islattve Council being assembled, his-Eze,l• kncy was ple.aed to command the attendance of the Legislative Assembly, and that House being prime', the following (tills were as- . seated to in he. Meyeety'e came by his Excel fancy the Goter.or Genera!, vat :-Au Act to provide for the •p.pointmcut ofa Port W.ir lee for the 1Ltrbur of Mmnteal ; to iucorlorn.c the St. L:,wrenee Tow Boit Com- pany ; to tetaherdi the boundary Isles of ova tubi concessions. lus, and side lunes in the towesbip of North Dorebe-ter; to amend the law as inspects persons dying in any Prove, cast Luoauc Asylum ;" W continue the incur• potation of the Comity of Elgin in the man- agement and control of that portion of t! L.ndun and Port Stanley gravelled road lying within th- limits of the town of St. Thomas; toameod the consolidated Act Upper Canada, intituled an /et respecting derma andJuries; to legalize and confirm. bylaw oftlte County Council of the County ofLinco'u, changing the place ofibe County Town; to enable E.ijah Powell End Thomas Men ill ['.ince to be admitted to prattide medicine, surgery, and midwifery ; to author ize the trustees aid executors of James Games to sell his real ...tete to pay his debts?, to correct an error in the patent erecting the Protestant )parishes of St. Thomas and St. George, in the District of Bedford, end to define the houudaries of the said patiahes ; to enal. a Thomas Edward fielleede to under- go an examination to practice medicine, sur- gery, sad midwifery ; to authorize the Courts of Queen's deice end Common Pleas for Upper "aneda to admit Peter Taylor Pouset,is m an Attorney ; to incorporate the Montreal House of industry and Refuge ; to amend the Acts of ilo urporauon of tt,e Provincial In- sur..nce Company of Canada ; to authorize the Corporation of the township of St. Vin- cent to impose end collect certain tulle, and; for other purposes ; funkier to amend the Acta relating to the Nagara Distract Rank ; teamed the Act 12 Vic., chap. 114, relating to the Quebec Tnnity Hois.. n apectng affidavits. declarations, and afhrmauone made Or of this Province, for use therein ; to in• eorperate the Peel General Manufacturing Company ; to authorise the ministers of the New Church signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation, in Lower Canada, to sol- emnise matoimoey, and for other purposes ; to incorpdrete the Ascot Mining Cnspani ; to ame.d chapter 45 of the Consolidated Statutes for Upper Canada, respecting molts gager and elates of personal faope, ty ; to amend the laws of Upper Canada affecting trade and commerce; to.mead Lower Cams deConsolidated Municipal Aet and to etfret the vitiate of Chicoutimi into a separate manieeelity ; t, enable Pierre Auguste Joseph Crevier to he adeited to practise as a notar7 is Lowey Camels, upon his losing en eassu,mtioe, and proving the requisite serve* ander ankles • to enable the trustees of the Si. Andrew's Lburch,in the village of Lanark, iD censor -nen with the Church of Scotland,, to WI a vers lot of land ; to Incorporate the Girl's H and Public Nursery of the citof Toren to amend an Act ia rektton to ire irw Companies not incorporated within the limits of this Proviace ; t" am.,.rf the diameter of the ore flank : to amend tie AM for emisolida ng the debt of the town of Cobnnr After which Hli. Eccellm the flrvernnr General was pleased to elms the second Seenen of the seventh Pmpinebl Parliament, with he filbwing apeeeh :-- Hamoc. Gentlemen .f IAt lot" C•.reed, Ge.fl see .f ,A. Legislative e A.esmefr :- TM ."eras d easel hes shows that it is ese � prsasibia to eeedeet, is a sensfe trey problds beeleea..f the Pawkier emir the•amiteur eediti.es el fhe Lerida. We Mir. It was getting late. Mrs. Raynor. whom 0 Margaret had constituted hostess for the m evening, wee dressed already and waning in stiff splendor, and ;et MaL8aret eat piayiuig th with Fwna'a silky ears, and frowning over me (bethought t of the jnat.ended diteuwion, or rather dialogue ; for Dr. Mourleld sat •p• m mating the subject coldly hy, till urged by Duplex s sneers, she had hermit dragged the evil spirit over her threshuid like Cbrtaabel, and insisted unou an answer. 1t csme then, curt, decisive, uwnswerable : Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." And Depkix had turned te her with a rmean int smile, saying, "Sense maccola !" and she Bushed redly, dropped the subject into a silence stormier than word' ; for this was no jest bat conviction. The man's whole earnest natant was in his eyes as he spoke. F.ai looks and true obedience would he exert rigorously of the woman that be loved. He woad cherish her indeed tenderly„generous ly. He would be very patient with ber, doubtless. He had been so with her, but be woad not bate an iota of his prerogative. - She mast be always in his thought iulerior, at hest the pale reflection of hissself, treated tenderly ext of very scorn of heating any thing so weak, bat yieldiag to him b return will and tko.gbt, as " too little payment of so great • debt." Perhaps the was what he winked of her ! Why, this was what see had already done, and bank reeked Muting IDIOM sns. of low -bot on., but over and again-. she W been turned gem her most ateadfut pltrree by • touch, a lowepoken word, a Iw1 At the very thoagbt she bent oat, angrily : Sooner than that-" then stopped shat. "Sooner that what'!" asked Dr. Yeordedd, softly. Margaret rose ea if she hal Dot heard him. It a nine o'clock. Why did not some one .sad stse op emirs an hear ago r ' Yru have time enough," answered Philip, at whom she looked. "Do you paean to wear that colorless, 61sy,flating thing, that 1 me as I passed your door 7 Why, you will be a veritable mow maiden-• thing of the mist xfoam. Hive a dsh of color some - to ware as that 50are of earth ; soMbis eF purple or scarlet-Nicht**, for 110111110110111110e.' /. No, wear Bliss. I have a horror of feti- chist." ug-china" Margaret looked from one to the other, bet the time for di*eaasion .as goo* ; wheels was at the door. The bell rang eat sharply. At the ,nand she va.isted. la her dresieg-room stood Victoria*, ber paid, blsck eters - the "colorless, 61 my, Wotan t meg,•' and two baskets on the table, BDkiu* with* meek reproach, /Which dowers did Mademoiselle pre- derr Tasman 1 Margaret stood •snood and wdmeibl tefege breed? greedly carved lilies 171y(B ssl stages their Maas, ad flrsehus mrmkec le mad aorta. ale W got whimsw tet%and leg sp d east betwDn weir velkemr and �rdes� het Dr. 11[oerleM end W #e kat eery yet aw•fi Mai She less Wray aeon Mar, uP • her We.. 11eialymwiegd a s Weise seam her. • "Tea *s teal e. she said The ends von ea Wow. Taro Midst Deme item treaded, th. as Emir e *Mei et he D sk heed .miry the rel/amt. lie ha .tees he Mee- g,�•g/inllsg sky g�w�lidi, MOM ti.hig.«ham hiliw�11 glia ./ tallOr y.: d•.e pew ee bet whits * ableru ken w - beet W Alta lewd/ lair et tae bNb wmB l.M her= trim. wee• betelate), and drew her toward him, mut- urine, passionately, 'Oh I why will you sink.. me speak like is when 1 love you .o well 7 Why not give the right to !nee you always 1' "Polite pa. lance. meetiny5(:oke yoerself y serf; my hoed -slave for til.•. " "1 see 1 ass mistaken. You do not love r.' ' 1 do,' (heed erect and eyes flashing) ; ' put I love freedom more• '• You have no trust in 'me." "Oh yea ! f know that dr•enotism would be sweet, and von pre so dear" (crimsoning violently, lout bringing out the word resolute leo)"that 1 sbou'ddouhtlees prove a enntent• ed slave. But i will not sell my birth -right even for you I" Your birth -right 1 Should it not be • meek and quiet spirit 7' •' i am no divine." "You are a woman, however, the dearest one in the world to me. and should be amen able to reason. Listen, Margaret ! I am no tyrant. 1 should bare no wish to exercise this authority of which you are en jealous, except where you yourself would approve, ea you not helle.e that ? You say you lose tee. What kind of love is tbat that will put no faith in its ohject 7" Margaret rose with a wearied air. "Sptre ear the discussion. it is quite useless' Resides. here is Mr. Depleir. When have you been ? I have wanted my fas." ft has done duty, 1 .none you ; bet won't you dance 7 You promised me • welts, and this is your favorite, the Lava Strome.' A touch nn her arm, felt principally by intuition, and " Remember your promise to me .!" mounded close in her ear. Without turning, she took a spray of helio- trope from the Indian vase. e Will you fasten that, Mr. Dtipleix, in my bar- to the right ?-thank yon." "Now, will you come?" "If you go with that man ! shall know how to understand land ' I o voice. pursued the low, steady vo Margaret palled off her gloves. "They are soiled with these flowwre. Keep them for toe, James. Now, Mr. Du pkix, 1 am ready." And with the waltz.1,eat beginning now 10 sound out of the wailing chaos, they whirled away. SAW the Dr. Monrfield stood quietly tMl) looking ager them, pule and sad. bet with to wavering about the e"mprescd pips, so relenting in Is burning ryes. Margaret ow and read aright ; felt that henceforth a great gulf was fixed betim s° them, and she moat tare done with him forever. 11 was only .het she had wished, and the was glad, of course, only a little startled and solitary in feeling habit is so roams, tad this fools habit of trust dependent* d. Mm was growth of ttoo M�emn. Heart and bra were in • whi I. eld neither dance or t.lk ; she most think, but refuge there ws none velem it Moak! be the roost Mf Mrs. Wilson the housekeeper. Up the suite .he Bed like a t, frond it empty, locked and bbtwsi the r, est down, and drew a long tweak As M shaeosd the had takes Mrs. Wile's eesy.ehmi., avidestly hep joss Eft muudhg Mess a little table. on Oath m ipm bask sed the good minaret =it Msshmiawlly she glassed dews a tM aiit. mf 1M and and : • Clod hese nembttd tat_hir., mai Baish.d it. no. ties la dm iatam*s and foend werttirag." the hard that terrified the Rabylem king waved W verde en the sal before her, sea seald sowed, have telt • thrill d mese w twrm. 1a her thembed .d heated seas the maww and wposteo seamed limidy siM_ d to her and midi k4. his • etas asides lite kmtrry • p.shtug of Week the deo taut that am Rias Mit it tt 4 eppo,. to kat yew, tee gsstrk.a A m dmie- lettmtbhave kind awseem the milidesee et the Legislative Am.btp; 1 150.), thele. `em de mmieed this PsR•msstt, wild it dew te he .s.. evils that 1 may ascertain. q in. is hs spoil ow eY eeleiri mmmgp the gar ef the people epee the epresent Mete 01et tppsWle sane. lionsTaw emeeetell wwa Ike redsem +. a . of ariasq the Preview., end'111 Ms lalseeal _ llivoyel mats gad Mee., im.ds that ne Thee, • It is geoersJlyeoaoeded that Mr. he returned be &eel:uuatio.. It•S ecadUctsd himself in the Hume in and a manner, and with ao deuce withal, that be and confidence, not friend., but of many bum M the last electiva. poemble that oJ.ition Mak moment, it lie. the(7oua 'bo . � in S o'e. The Rome doors. Wben the d qq were nem was being tipboesS4td with of *haat, at ten s1oa1W past th tleman Veber of the Meek Hod pompom, (welch wag ja. tad ZBse, ing), and aws.med the Hit Excellency the Governor G Chamber of the Legislative Council the Royal .•sent was Area 10 see and Parliament was prerecord. a not dead yet, or ngrificatiwt he ham ho does the liar Early this week 1rn'alo and Lake Huron Railroad striate 'raltl.l:. SUMMER AR*ANCEMENT. ' 00110 8.181. DODRRICH, Ltiy Ekrren rear X.30 Ai N. IIASPHN..........r' 9.08 iEAHPUHHF.Y..•" 9.30 " SEA FORTH _• r 93g CARRONSHOOK " 9.55 0 MITCHELL " 10.11 " "."7"1141 TRATPOBD Aa..Io.So - . • use. 12.15 r. s. sula0 1MIT. rnteri ORL 41 . - . Asa. 2.74 ; . X. 0 3.33 41 MITCHELL CARBON ilRtOOK " 3.52 .1 SEA FORTH " 4.15 " HARP('RfIEY 4141" 4.21 " CLINTl1N ....... i1 4.45 •a OODERICH . pct. 5.30" " consorts at Stretford with orad -freak sat at Pans with Great Western, Holy Stages he,. G.alerr h. ro .11 1.1111114 of the •utroundrug toust Puesengere reach Purl on Y esEthe coast b • V 7 "Id Honl.il'a sI.amen. CCIy juror g GODERICH, C. W., MAT 15, 1863. THE POLITICAL SIT1TATIOH.- otb* side. t.ported that hooker had recrossed �, tat he could mess the enemy fly Oggthe hills, that his advanced purl was prtetiq into Lee's rear, and that the latter was making tracks fur Richmond. The next going's news in- stead or confirming the statement inferred us quite cooly that nothing of the kind had taken place --had not,in fact, been thought off The situation is unchanged. Hooker is recuperating, and his officers are tortur- ing their imaginations to prove to a de- monstration that a defeat is equally as good, if not better than a victory. If the telegraph has only lied about poor Jack- son, we would be dispoeed to overlook many of its worst sins of omission and commtesios. . Reported Death of " Stonewall" Jackson. It Is announced, with so much circum- staatiality as to oarry conviction to tho mild, that " Stonewall " Jackson -the Christian hero, the idol of the South, the respected and loved of all good men, has ;one to his last resting -place. The news will bring unfeigned sorrow to millions of hearts wherever the English language is Ppoken, and in his death the South will suffer an irreparable loss. Peaoe to the ashes of the beloved American Have and confusion to the wretch, if 'the me to be found, whose mean soul ea oiee at the fall of a noble and b SI.roe the date of cur last ie o', import. ant changes have taken place ie the politi- cal affair, of Canada. The premier has -) carried his point, much to the chagrin and disappointment of his opponent, and His Excellency has prorogued Parli:uueut with a view L. an immediate dissolution. Thu event bas bion hastened by the hijtldy insulting manner in which the opposition refused point -blas k to fiuioh the unopporcd business of the seeaioo, and to give a vote of credit for the supplies absolutely neces- sary for carrying on the ordinary businctu 5 of the country until after the appeal to the people was made. Talk about honor and 't eortststencp, loyalty and purity of grin- f ciple 1 _fever was there a more arbitrer_ measure adopted in the neighboring rc• b public -never was there under British w rule, short of Revolutionary times, in tat 1 Au disloyal and unconstitutional proceeding at from a Legislative body, as that now cwt- ei summated by M. Cartier and John A. el McDonald. But what have they' rind m by such savagery ? Have they forced( the P premier to resign or to gine up a single bet point? No, thanks to the impartial con- ri duct of Lord Mouck, a repetition of the at scenes of :;8 is impossible, and now they 1a "forbearing" gentlemen will have the Ann opportunity of hearing the voice of the pen • plc as to whether they are 6t custodians of et the public purse and the public do- bre main fo (heir heavy siege gems Mail h. Mase to Bank's ford. This was seven avis above when he started from. (Bank's Rud is the place we tried to .ruse in January Ion, eader Remade, but were prevented by the meed.) 1Lrn'bete was • formidable range of tortifr- ealious. IIe took them through, but found there was just suck another nurse directly in the rear, and Arrying into execution the plans of Csptaiu Sebald.* most fertile imagination, he •• hook them too." But here he saw still another ra.ge,but ala greater distance. off. V ileery see pry he should bate seen (deuce that his force wee tau small to bring eta, into the epee field statue t sorb a hoe/; but Set/prick's valor gut the better of his discretion, and he wdveuteed tato the open Plein. The result was. that the enemy pour- ed upon his Mingle corps a furca nearll as large as the army of the Potomac, sad aids• wick fell bath. The rain commenced shortly after this; and the streams bemuse swollen, tendering it extremely dit6.ult fur oerlv,y W advance. After making • stand en the right, the 6ret tliag Hooker did was to pitch hi• nut direct- ly iu :root nor then plant a battery before it. The firm shut told well, for it broke the truw ions off a Iteuvy gun. killed mine of the gun- ners end passed on to a caisson, which it ex- ploded. The crimen killed w i ber of horses and leveret emu. Whoa the ewiaiuil w:,s 1,1104 with shells, or mere powder cartridges, I can't tell, but ether would have don- the work. The right advanced step by step cuttheg d.owe trees, and making breast. work, 01 them. Sometimes charging on the enemy, and oftener beius charged upwn.- 'llte enemy always toeae a charge by closing • division en mase. On the right we had !sued u ten bun battery, and this the rebels determtod to take. 1 saw them 'seeing out of inn weeds. First, true entire brigade, at a trout -facto, another brigade in their rear, and another, 514111 the whole division vies formed iu this lhape. We hexed distinctly, from an oflirer on the right of the Division, therein. mand • Forward? Double quick 1 March ! I I" I{ow the Battery boys rubbed their hands as they mw the big game coming directly up to their gals. They waited until the came pretty close, and then six guns blazed a heavy rol!ey of gra e, making greet -broad taps through every brigade in the division. They staggered. They were coufused. Rut they rallied, and charged again -sad with lets succrs. Fifteen distinct charges they made, when they gave up t.. despair, sod did at a ltu!I Run rate to the woods. Not one. fourth oaf that Dirigioo was left after their fifteenth charge. . • Anotberbattery of one( was charged upon, and mattered greatly. and having but Glee! force of infantry W support it, it was foru,d necessity to give it up. But, before doing so, the gentler loaded the best gun to the curate with sand, horse-sboca, nails and env. thing that would 611 up, 'all tightly renamed, and left it. The rehrle saw him load it and loci, , cone uued to turn it to some adva.tege.- re is 1 Thep tamed it on oer retreating men, and n re- fired. There walla most terrific explosion; but instead of throwing anything after our rare boys, it bunt into a thousand fragments, kill- ing alt the rebels that were withiu sixty feet of it. Among the prisons rs the 21th took, was a Lieuten:vert and his entire company, of a Louisiana regimen*.. 115 was a little saris ed at brink lecoguized by our boys as adeser- ter room the Int Michigan. All things considered i think this about the hgreatest battle that has been fought, and if it as not materially aided our aide, it Its cer taiuly done much injury to the rebels. If it was not a victory for us, it has had the street of • great victory upon the spirita of the sol- diers. I never saw them so .jubilant before. They are all anxious to re-crrea and try their bard again. Since the battle they almost worship Hooker, say that a braver man cover lined. I agree with than. I don't know much shoat our leg* 'bat some of the wounded of our regiment say that there were far more wounded rebel. than mon men iu the general Hospital. we My health nod s, Kirit, are bettor than I tee be mewtier tat being in tat any time be5,re, •he JAMES. 31, enemy. A Gaderich Boy's Account of the re- cent Battles. 'James F. Clegg, one of our old .N4/flat boys, sends home accounts of the receut Battled, in which he took part, and from which hu came out urescathed. We pro- pose giving only a few extracts from the rrit better, dated May 5th and 8th. Ci gg was in the fiat boat that preceded he pontoons in crossing, and he was oue o the first men of Hooker's army to tip out the " sacred soil" on the South ink of the Rappahannock. The crossing US about 3 miles below Frederickpburg. {is brigade then charged up a steep hill, d drrve the confederates from their po- tim with the bayonet, taking a number -prisoners. They worked all the second gbt in stre•gt ening their position, and :xt morning witnessed the *cannonading ween the b&tteries on either side of the ver. While a New Jersey regiment was prayer on the Northern pile a oonfede- te 1!beil buret in its midst, putting de cone/at 30 men. Ilia brigade, ftcr .Dune severe fighting, was sent to the taunt right near Falmouth, under a piling sun, as the men though t to rcin- ree Sedgwick, but they there learned of defeat, std that a retreat had been •red. 8o they likewise fell back in order. On regaining the Northern bank, Clegg fogad • copy of the Sipa! We are pleased to nee indications of such InslM a recoructi00 as will !time a direct ten udc deocy to unite all liberal and moderate m mon in Upper Canada on the sae plat- form• and in support of the .erne pct of principles, while it will secure the Tulle ene, and hearty eo-oprration of the only real liberal -minded men of Lower Canada. "Li Such a course as this will be of incalculable het value to the party,and cannot fail to make is influence felt at the polls, because it is especially tree at the present motneett that political unity 1. p olitieal strrwgrt. What 000ld be expected from the efforta of a !a party wanting those eobc*ivc element, mho without which the platform kora, itp ef-• abT fectivenetn, and the Prem its real forge f 1 7 Thom indications are not so apparent is ss i any measures which bare been definitely 1„ promulgated at in the naw men to be ad- t, milted into the Cabinet. Mr. Doriea, in 0.•, Lower Canada, is a host in himself. A 'h Man of [sterling integrity and high-minded then y g G'R ' y pstrintigpt, he is from the moral foree of es hie character and his political associations from the rase oar pdtf). heed on• rarer. oo tbe lett, �.w the eminently fluid for the leadership of the centre, and the r... ea the Kong.. and moderate men of Lower Cana- da, and his business ahilitiee ere abiver- atlly acknowledged to be ofa very high order. Mr. foltcn, ea finance mitriiter. must command the respect, and a Targe mowers of the rapport of both sections of the Previa*. The Ree. Oliver Mowat and Mr. WaUbvidge are •ice grond melt and iron, and if well a eambi•atbon of nsen with seeh a Premier einem command the hearty appal of a vast majority in the two Provinces, that we shall be soon [dead indeed. waiting for hem, with news from 'Annie. [We alta bore that Robert Gibbon., ,they " bey .who weed his apprentice. p in the Signal ogee, took part in these II.", and etssuped injury.] The fodbwi•g is a second letter from aures Clew : Naas WRITS OAK Chitin, May 9, 18113. et.s neot•za, 1 wrote yon yesterday, l not feeling Slta rt. S t 1 will ',ridge cruel, it was very MAIM battle..e•ir•emvto all •little more he great t9 bent*.' It a_e.R r: ink a r; f .e wise bsll�j -"'� . side fit gluier oleo il to gad by the mseset . of if received by th"r patty, thou the "t'ea'l muht i • m mhie defeat- 'rhe pis. sa huh aides � r moss--hard)t hes tj•• V:: sec aur ten fell, she INN ss,11e11t bet to hundred*. to :.• wed ei.rme pitted all •leaps ;_ sensed miles. To l THE PE' '�' ' ' +TON THE 1t. ' A : A NNUCK. (From Me Rinhweed lwywirer, Map 7.) The tepee of Sunday is eo.sider•j one ot the mo..t desperate reser re mglt, as the slaugh- ter un bosh sides will attest. Daring the enemy's retrest'o.r artillery had a fair sweep of them whue cruseing • lord, rad added greatly to their dtaasteds. Our enure tom is estimated at from eight toter thosaad; tbat of the euem7 from tweety-tire to tki,ty thou- sand, including eight thousand prunuers A train. with a number of our wounder) from the battle et Chrncellorenlle, arrred yesterday morning at the Fredsrickanurg depot, ie this city. These woanded were brought from Guinea's Station, twelve miles this aide of Fredericksburg. 'bey cute that the 64htiug on Saturday and Sunday last was desperate. They atm state that D. H. Hill's division (commanded by Iirigrdier Generwl Rhodes, of .tlhbuma) ■tad Trimble's division (the two divisions composed of Ala- bama, Grove id, Vireiuia awl Maryla,d troupe. under the comatrlud of General Jackwn,) marched fourteen miles ou Saturday, sed reached the enemy's rear ear Saturday after- noon. Attacki..g the etremy in three lids of their entrenchments, they captured three laitenea, tuvetler with about bre tboused priwnm The Third, Filth, Sixth, Twe:fih and Twenty-sixth Alabama, of lihodea' brigade, 'effete' severely, it is reported, in other/r- are tui,•d of whom wine either killed or wounded -tire rOpue tion being ten wounded meta h, one tilled. Tee struggle on Marye'e Heights is also relirewented as peeing deel.enrle. On Sunday tIt enemy, by a think more.uent at Ma lleigh's succeeds -el in captueine ax guns, Iougilg to the First, Second, Third Fourth companies of the l.ouiaiens W Melon Artillery. The hifth i.uuisiane re meet were hearty a71 tike, prisons ntoget with teeny men belonging to the Si Louinlan• regiment. On Mendel) .our army flanked the ene and retook Marye'e Heights. Il.yv' I.) inn* brigade greatly distinguished Itself; in" fourteen pieces of the enemy's artillery. '1We lot in all fourteen pieces of at title sed raptured filty-ttree. We d.o capes nearly ten thousand prisoners, seven thous* of whom are said to be at Guinea's !heti, on their wry to echelons'. Our hue skilled and wounded is estimated at six seven thousand. Tax 1.0T131. OILIi tl into. melon from k'rede,icksbo was received yesterday to the f dlowi effect :-FIwoker left two corps dorms uiderSedgwick, on the I(nppahannoek Rapidan. Sedgwick's ivaructious were cress the river and atteek Gen. Lee's rear loon ns Hooker should engage them in fro. Sedgwick, ler some reesou unknuwu, delay his cro,•,n,g beynud Iha upp,iuted time, as did net get over until Hooker was beaten, ba vet is time to preveut (len. Lee (rum pus►pr Itis victory. Hooker is at United Stag Ford, fourteen miles below Frederick.bu end six or save miles below the centime of the liippahaunoek and the ltapid•n, hot iog • strong position and strongly e touched, receiving Leavy reiufurcemeets. •- Tin 00011,! or 08518x1. JAL•kao5. The Iiichmeud " Inquirer • of May 7, re. marks : Our tictory on the ILnpahannock has cost us dear in the esvrre wumuie unfortueauly received bythe. greet and good General Jackson. Iu left arm her been amputated above the elbow ; a bullet has passed ttroesh his right hand. Hu medniou is wow, we learn,_ as favorable es could possibly be expect- ed; and he will doubticre reco\er, and is not. trust, lust to active servile. 11'e could tier sparse u brigade or a.livision. It would grievous to Think then bis banner • ver mote flush out upool the Yankee rear, w them at it. nrsl gleam into headlong root, with the sudden cry. "Jacksun,s cora- ia1!"-tbat the stern eye of the hero will nicer more lighten with a warrior's joy as Inc tranches bri nolc after brigade upou the mob - bore for, until the hated gag stomps, and the columns reit. and break, and by, with the ve.gcful Cenfedcrate cheer riugurg iu their tan. Our bait foe will .1,11 in the disaster to Jacks.. ; yet the accursed bullet that brought him duwa was .ever mou:ded by a Yankee. Through a cruel mistake, in the confusion, the heho received two bulls from some of his own men who would all have died for him. seamy Moe .. tlitmy of este is doge �; ."t!�� sserg AM, t see so mask ands= oiew [Th. addrau emeleine a ken lam Peak 441•1 Davis, expressing We appsesiadea d les (dl'n.d) Ile B. LER. Gew«a1 Cemseandrog. Skeellaq •ad tat•► Aesadeat. Another of dame hia from the eareleas age *hash e.rt • gloom over • mmmtlly, aw Bud' rich strain oa Friday eight Mot. whew a brother uofoMwa.ly shot two of hit darts, one of whom is &heady dead, while the other is not expected a remover The followingare the freta of the t�.. ea we have teem from • mightier of the anforta.aie family : The yang maw Grieve. 1 • eeresher e( Copia* Wagstsd's Compere d ♦MataWoy who meet for drill ow tlnwdeh *tragi, about fourteen miles frau Wrier. Ow eke eves. - ins is gwestiu. Own.* relented home from dull, went the susessastion tented spas what he led jest teemed. H. said he .osis ohm them, end weenie the how for Magee te go through the msaial ezernea, and rest tato the yard. hie siemens stadLag le the dour of the hegee and IoobI, oe. In the noires of hie aerates be said M woad blew iM•m how they dread, whim the gen went of, leg some beek.bt in the gids of beg of hs Moen, and shooting the other thews+ hulk army me she stood salaams to him vlt Raided arms. !k. Oasgraia wee immediately rem. mooed, but aotwithaa.diug all his eat -Wore one of the Miters, who was married, died •1 five o'clock un Soari.y afterwooa. The other is sot 0:peeled to mover - It seems that the gun which awed the melancholy aerident had not been used fur • eonaide,ebl. length of tis* for ma nth ryv'. purpose than to exerci.• with, and su it had he- been snapped many times beim, it was not and considered to be loaded. ash- The sehappy. aetbr of the mischief in to hoe• • fearful state of mad at the rash of hie r carelessness; sal the .antimely death of tbis xth young woman adds &natter centime to tea undreds already on record •geiasl leaving my loaded firearms about the boos.. Ms- It may be proper to Mate here thee it was tae- not bis Government rile that M ems essinll • bat a fowling piece of his ow..-Eesra keg ry, Fii•ret. ACCIDaa?.-We regret to learn ,u, that, yesterday rooming, an accident ocean red iu t the Meaner Protectionist, .1lek resulted 9e. in the death of the second meteor. When the steamer was • little below Termite, on h e upward tiip from Montreal to Hamiltay the unfortunate man went into the mese-room to rg oil the eerie*. By some means, his clothes tog were caught; he was dragged in among the machinery, and literally cut to pieces. Wbe,. and take° out his body we in fragments, render. to irg it impossible to recognise a single feature. as His remains were placed in a barrel, and It. brought to this city, where an instant will ed probably be held. A more shocking spec. d tacle than they presented is impossible to t conceive. This s the fourth fetal accident r;,, that bas occurred on the Mate already this a season.-Batuilfas Times, Ilk. sego a n - W H E w !-The Buffalo Comntrrria/ pitches into Mr. Seebeck in the following bitter ntyic. It u a pity that there should be anything in our Canadian affairs upon which to base such reaaoning: A Titer ren itocacce.-Rascality in pats. tic life flourishes with considerable luxuriance among us; bet the Albany Joanal thirds we Inuit? yield the palm to stir Canadian neigh bots if ho.:( the stories we hear are true. A cue u(01i:ial swindling of more than ordi- nary magnitude, hasjnet come to li'ht. This is nothing hese than the robbing of the Cul. onitl freasury to the tune of one hawked thoue:u,d dollorw for the benefit of the City of Maltreat and the Grand. Trunk Railway Company. And the robbery ig committed by the custodians of the financial interests of the (iovernrnent l The money -so the rumour runs -was take. eat .f the cont by the Mei- rntr7,rtnenled to debentures, the only security for their payment abandoned, th•.amount was charred to bankers who not only Meer authorized the proceeding, but deny tLa�'Nsy were ever spoken to w the set jertl The newt time Sabah and his ere moved by the spatit to declaim mai "depreraty of the Americas." select this little transaction for their te HaateaVaRTuaa, ARNT 017110 Puvo110, May 12. The Richmond pepereofyesteMayannounee the death of -Stonewall Jarkwn, on Sunday afternoon, from the effects of hi recent am- patation, by pneumonia. Hie ?moist is fixed ter today. The mi.itary bend bas been leer (minute dirges the goeetrr partiou of the al- Irrnouu. • N.w Twat May 13. !trig Gem Meagher her W mewed We rung Caton as &-sadamt d .het he nejeatty iwprn se *be Irish tonged.. ender O.eetal o..i�' Womb r- emir- • leo w sem, AtPIatS et et the hMN& hide field, dMenlo sfseistimed se a goist tat low nuregee Ma �erstsl te risk d ta. Akrsldmro to he rgli.and hiseepeft[, stadSE- ptersoeul 50rvias 1', 110 Oevee.., pewis atrL�t4 Rtase limen in any othsv sigt•,y i •a ilIwlmgAddeo* hes hem nerd d y (les. 1.. to the army under kis eommiell. Grimm Oaoea No. 59. Animy el(Bisvthere V ie May 7, Wits tMttthlt gratiMMaa tie (iten.ral smpnrw M the army Memo, There is a pmpaiti.a before the Parhemrnt to rerure to the United fugitives from the draft who may foist their cowardly person. opne Canada, his said e, that the act 0,11 biome a law.-Rsflraio , Commercial. be 1 A ORTIR AL ELI IT°, s Alone •1 head, awl in di probability the Write will be est is a her Jaye With regent in nerves and Prowl w. appreeend More will be es dirt e•rowet of agnate re crewed on the ernes of Million' draaeed tented a`[ets "r 7,aee'dee line elands. t_ the rwsrFellr'e Ford, to theeste+ toe C rellonilto. lg. one perfect riot we .boat AAsapp /11404141, W- after kajery, sad helve lase pry work, pet for eel. M ewe lions.** olioMorelia ie 11p1yY�1 t►I*k S.srdy just ppreviously hese nfutfr, o.a wird dnrrder. Atwell mob, were ter this time. Oar Ike ray to reial:wee owe in eseh • harryj' who ears is @Olt to the niht. Thie dirk week. the like &ea geed( hr, by a fps and eery (aught mill took the heighs bank alrmred n, the rime; elver fornarnlinns the a ht should • olden ern On Mimi had Meet hem. am lied in lie seem, *him emna. et it le addl,ca Met the memo Milli where Alletumd be - de we 1 lv an We rather gum not. No suet pmpn- wtion has taken place, Reckon it was invented by the manufacturer of telegraph- ic lite. NT POST ()rrtcs.-A new Poet Oboe has been established ie Amabel, to be known as Illsisore•--m name arb0ld, we auppne, out nfnomplime.tto the Phis - ems of Wald. The sail Iln it is to leave Southampton, weekly, Thnreilay being the day of departure. We believe that the Hon. Mr. McNerich is entitled as the thanks of the settlers there lbw this first in*Wgaent of jnatike to them at the handle of the Government. -Brom 1'ieeii arMr. Arrnrwvss:wt.-Mr. W. L Copeland wes retarlay iteol ted as Pestie.Msr of Ude awn, is, the veers of Mr. 1. P. Menet, resigned. If long experience 1. the sib C'thmrlliss p..t•oies he aperersise foe be Meta tem agesteat o m- agemesA h the ream Mr. Oopesbrd has W ..east d is, fes he hes heed ever mem mem enismeeed ewh M cies-M, Calks. Mem /reel. dyers by the Oars sod ms.Mdrag i s le whIA they wMaet ilbotryint /i-'-° - sof hest sod mew* Yes folifeti tirembed is otswgly m- ead seism the valrw�, 16 e tri - M es iresty fields,nees ages le wk st hereof heof the him ' i seek. While this glories' Omer, eathise re to tae dm poise ss e end (agog .1 *. mem, these b tpM aver d rime -7, ter t 66 mom d dslivenps he bee t. t is, tlllgj,w asetly reemmsgdidp t the Weeps mite amday sect 4 esrlbieg a the Lerd ld the globi tl mala Ms mem tea ik.rsA, Is our reirk4 g. the wit* haw Agme » 444.e of weesU p514. wt'h. WWI .N wail din lament the ll►•• we Hoerne hewn Sok Ahnemaker'i Mello -ie Now W lode le , mend. ---�erae QOM Vtcrosia Aga TM Pttascw or Wat.za.-Te followiag bit of mart gossip is given by the Londo• oona.p.dset .f the Birmingham 'Pest' :-'Of emcee the buret- ing young Dane i. a Princess lave, let still of a modest and ratively b.e•bk 1.s,e• I am told that, likePenelope. she is mot .a• cmlowed to embroidery, and that... is nolo er proud, indeed, of her ekver.es with her needle. There am many well-aathemurated stories of the dmplicity of manners at our pare and well -ordered Court, but what would Mrs. Grandy my 11 .b. were sawed .n in- dubitable authoritythat a certain young Ninon" 5515.1ly is • playful meed, to show • prof of her taste sad ueaLlnins of tinier by seely trimming the hornet u( • Qwe,. regnant? When, alter mut+ ruttity and a great deal of laughing. the d..ited pepppasesesese. maim hes been r'iren the ladies la wait it .seas, matoke a that the pelisse whe•c kte.�let hack is much lighter •.d nam chgerit7 looking them before. Thar q.iok eyes maw dierover toot it is*g bees dirated of • peat 4 -al of craps. Perhaps a certain roysi personae. m..de the ma dimmer, . Perhaps the yos.g Pnnm.s stood Itsd and trembling, woaderiug whether the loving hint would be kindly taken. A little Dire Ma whispered that after a mneseeury sigh she received • hearty and affectiooste Um, and that severs pairs of loving •yea, by • not unnatural coi•eidruee, brimmed and tan over at the saute moment." Ma. Rstac.av Stools, see of the oontribe. ton to Pus,c*, lat.ty Rave • kenos ee • bind ern Satire," in which he gave some panic talars of Internet relative to our principle costo periodic'''. Mr. Mark Lemon, In aaeoriatioa with Mr. Henry Mayhew founds d the publica- tion. The bop a second numbers were brought nut, bet in troth it was • question whether the third woad have appeared for want of foods. Had it not been for 1[r. Le- man having a farm of "The Silver Thimble." accepted by one of the minor theatres, Pam* would have stopped. " The Meer Thimble" way however, big enoegh to cover an acorn, which Ise Mace grown iota m oak. Albin Smith was • wall -known contributor. and s. gM the IMsg celebrities connected with p•riodka was Mr. Tom Taylor. The late n RlameI•,d was ea the m•f; and • greater name that the that d nosier Heed was ammo these who smoke Inc Puma. Tb. mh,kraad-tboegb that wad Wil the word heed to he aid '• fiery of the ibM," vacant devil by Hood te Mr Lemma m forte ioee; •ed ii might M ,egad Ms net beton he.e made dist then was seat wok H the swops .ray " i sent h to a bakdam ter tend they erste back, ' It is as1N7 the tar gesrel people: Shea A yea r Ow e /dmtel . Hood& agl,mss•t wee 7a He wrote the Reiff air �,`ypj■» ssd ems am awe orf the andlieat pewit PiMM'e .sem es. The Premier lea mad batmut areatill mow WIN 1bl! oared, mash Iypp then wdl me Moths mere then Ne. Be ag.esenned that steamy d the Mem stow is e+•tatitshw can neither reed *ier write, and ham M 5*. pier the eateverde M babe their .$elml dt al ig amens. that a prominent mend mom her a/ the lo• e athe len tied std Ilgaltber. maple 4 emir be Was ratel beet' w.a, •es eat Min Ansa en ledip Wee eon die detv