HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-23, Page 13By MRS. ERVIN RADER CivaAnumb By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL aJ tI'e optritual itl.conitip of Your CIA Agent 229.6294 KIkKtON /04040FAWA'04.04WAWA0NWAWM0N0ftwftwAt0/AWAWAWAVAWAWM04 T 1-1 Thank you for letting +It us serve you — best wishes diA.& for a happy, healthy holiday. ROSS FRANCIS 607?4,04WM ..AW4stv.M.0ft eft WM WA /04 to..4 By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE ;:f.',00Arv,4 We send you a bountiful load of good wishes, friends and neighbors. At this joyous season, may you-know-aft the happiness and contentment Of a good old-fashioned Christmas. V40ftWAWAWAWA/040140ftzet,i0eAWA0ftWerWe „ „ 04WerWAWAW.00ftWAWAWAWAWAWAWA/40/M04040ftWAWAWMWAWAWA/041:ftWAWAW. • SPeRRY Times-Advocate' December 23, 1965 Page 15 eowielt we aft WA .060rA0N WA WA WAWA WA/040ft WA 030/A104~0410t* A Christmas scene in lights Alvin Walper of Dashwood has spent a great deal of time to create draws a constant stream of visitors after dark from as far away as this Christmas scene in lights. Located on Highway 83, the scene Owen Sound and Windsor (T-A photo) An invitation to view Christmas decorations HAS BAKE SALE The Grand Bend WI met Thurs- day afternoon in the town hall. with Mrs. Roy Morenz, presi- dent, presiding. The motto "Peace on Earth Starts in the Heart" was given by Mrs. Lloyd Baker. The branch directors were in charge of Christmas program, Mrs, Leroy Bariteau, Mrs. Hugh Morenz and Mrs. Lloyd Baker taking part. Readings and carols were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Ed Gill's group had a bake sale. Lunch was served by Mrs. Elgin Webb, Mrs. Rosa Grigg, Mrs. Leroy Bariteau and Mrs. Mae Holt. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Emery Mason of Naicam, Sask., are visiting rel- atives and friends in Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Flear and family left on Monday by train to spend the holidays in Cali- fornia. Mrs. Melvin Douglas and Mr. Doug. Martin are patients at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. The CGIT vesper service was held Sunday evening in Grand Bend United Church. The national Christmas vesper service was used with CGIT choir singing several numbers, Mar- garet Jennison, Patti Glenn and Ann Sturdevant led the wor- ship. The service was carried out in the gentle glow of candle- light. 5410eNi09/101.AliwA10:41r24/Pre0.314e4/41;04Si;W•A;0/W0AiwAles•NW440440s•AIW.N0440/A10440/. Dashwood AND STAFF Phone 145 r.04/00.4 wt 40A 010ft WA ^04 WA 0WW/4 wt4 wm /040m WA WA WA Wm /0/4 DASHWOOD, ONTARIO *1•080tre:Mrtd teltte?Ae?Aii.tect?.4itaiV&00sMtatitAt84037A1P1164:AiigN tip (giltinfinau nranniftir ntitll Butt aitl pours. We're coming your way lb wish you a good old- fashioned Merry Christmas abounding in the great gifts of health, happiness and contentment. Lorne Kleinstiver JIMMY HAYTER The 1965 sugar beet season is nearing a close and with the exception of a few acres all were harvested,the average tonnage per acre will be about 19 1/2 tons, largest in history, the sugar con- tent being lower due probably to excessive rain at harvesting. This fall world prices for raw sugar and Canadian prices were the lowest in 25 years, due to these two factors the initial price was about 9.13 per ton for a 16% sugar beet. Due to the efforts of the Ontario SugarBeet Industry Board meeting with the C&D Sugar Co. and the Stabilization Board we were able to receive a $2 interim payment to the producers from our federal government. WINNERS AT BINGO A very good crowd attended the turkey bingo sponsored by Holy Name Men of Mt. Carmel parish and winners were for turkeys, Mrs,„Leo Boyle, Rita G1 avin, Jim Houlihan, Mr. Ad- ams, Shipka, Joe Marrinan, Tom- my McCann, Larry McCann, Mrs. Alex Voisin Sr., John Conlin, Mr. Majocka. Turkey door prize, Mrs. John Moser; money winners, Tony Conlin, Mrs. Mary Trainor, Mrs. Voisin Sr., and Joe Marrinan. PERSONALS Mr. Bill Dietrich and son of Union visited with relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCann & family, Mrs. Laura McCannvisi- ted in Mt. Clements on Sunday. Mrs. Laura McCann remained over to visit her daughters in Pontiac and Detroit for Christ- mas. Mr. Larry Carey, London is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carey & girls for two weeks vac- ation. The annual Teachers and School Board banquet was held Sunday at the Dashwood When the exporting countries of raw sugars meet after the first of the year, they will take a new look at producing raw sugars at below cost and in turn will auto- matically improve the price of sugar beets, Canadabeing a coun- try where these below costs of cane sugar is being dumped. The C&D have committed themselves to be in business at least five more years, we are waiting and hoping our federal government will commit itself to a like term in stabilization so that producers of sugar beets Can buy equipment and be assured of a term long enough to invest in this equipment. Lloyd Lovell Director Huron County SANTA VISITS DASHWOOD Dashwood Menst Club was host to Santa when he visited Dashwood Saturday. Dashwood and district children were treated to Choco- late milk, bags of goodies and films. FELLOWSHIP CLUB Dashwood Fellowship Club held a social evening, Wednesday Dec 15. Group garnes and contests were enjoyed followed by a Christmas lunch. PERSONALS Mrs. Art ilaugh has returned home after spending sever al weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she underwent surgery. She spent a week at her daughter's in London prior to returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haugh, Mr. NURSERY ROLL MEETING Wednesday afternoon the Nur- sery Roll of the church held their annual party. Mrs. Reg Hodgert, the leader, welcomed the guests and told the Christmas story by flannelgraph. Mr. Cliff Allen of Fullarton showed several films. Mrs. Lorne Passmore, assistant lead- er received the children's mite boxes. There were nine children gra- duated; Craig Alexander, Brenda Ballantyne, Brian Ballantyne, Ruth Bray, Bradley Cann, Sheila Duncan, Brenda Hodgert, Pauline Pym and Donna Stewart. Marlene Glanville was received from a former church. She also graduat- ed. Mrs. William Johns, Messeng- er leader, welcomed all members through the white gates and pre- sented each one with a Messeng- er pin. Each one was presented with a certificate and a picture. Brenda Ballantyne was pre- sented with a life membership card. Lunch was served. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Bert Bissett of Exeter and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jeffery visited with Mr. & Mrs. Milton Luther of Gorrie on Tues- day last. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Morley of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Cann and Mr. & Mrs. Mac Hodgert pleasantly surprised Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Luxton of Owen Sound Tues- day evening on the ,occasion.of heir twenty-fifth wedding anni- versary. Billy and Diane Caswell of London visited a few days last eft and Mrs, Ray Van Dorsselaer, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family were Sunday guests With Mr. and Mrs. Urban pine at Zurich, mr. and Mrs. Ed Deters of Zu- rich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Deters. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller spent a few days at Port Dover With Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Mil- ler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Willert, Fred Weiberg, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Restemayer and Mr. and Mrs, L,loyd Rader and Darlene attended the 35th wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Willert of Zurich Friday, Dec- ember 17 at the home of their son Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert. week with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Passmore, Messrs. Edwin M i 11 e r, and Glenn Jeffery were on a bus trip to the Shur-Gain farms at Maple Wednesday. The UCW finance committee held a meeting in the church basement Tuesday evening last, Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde attended the funeral of the ir uncle the late James Turnbull at the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home Friday afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer powe and family of Centralia, Mr. & Mrs. Winston Shapton and family of Exeter were Saturday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gilmour Kevin, Paul and David of Lucan were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. John Bray. Mrs. Robert Cann returned home last week after having spent the past month in Belleville with Mr, & Mrs. Jack Cann. By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Misses Janet and Edna Miller, London spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Miller. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Bowman visited Sunday with Mrs. Charles Page in Stratford General Hos- pital. Misses Faye and Janice Dun- can, Kirkton spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John Miller and family, Staffa. As we greet the Christmas season, it is with deepest gratitude that we thank our friends for their kind support during the past year. Hugh and Bernice Boyle V. L. Becker & Sons PHONE 60-W DASHWOOD Hedd Office CENTRALIA 22B-6624 Plants at DASHWOOD Phone 300 MOUNT BRYOGES Phone 10 Christmas decorations around Alvin Walper's house at Dash- wood are again drawing a great many spectators. Bus loads of people as far away as Owen Sound and Windsor have visited the dis- play. Alvin first started extensive Christmas decorations five years ago but it is only in the past three that it has begun to take the shape he had in mind when he first started. Something new has been added to the display this year. Set well back and appearing to be suspend- ed in mid-air is the message t'peace on earth" in blue lights. To the right of this is the white 'star of the east'. At the right of the property the windmill in green lights and decorated trees give an olden times atmosphere while on the tower of the windmill is an object in red lights signifying the rock- ets of the modern age. Perhaps the best portion of the display is the tower over the gar- age with carollers on the front of this. A bell in the tower is rung each day at noon and 6:00 pm. Hundreds of lights and the weeks of labor go into making this display but Mr. Walper feels it is worthwhile. There is an open invitation for everyone to visit the display. Newsprint is the only manu- factured product that the United States accepts from Canada in large volume. Oh come let us adore Him . . and recapture the joy that filled the hearts of those who knelt to worship on that first Christmas Day. With deep sincerity, we extend our greetings and wish each and every one a truly happy and holy Holiday. It is our fervent hope that the blessed peace of Bethlehem will be with you now and throughout all the days yet to come. DASHW9pp,LOCKER a WerWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWNWAWAWAWAWAWAWA'0NtWAWAWAI0410ti , Wed 0ftwft WAWAWMOMWAWAWM0ft w.M 0rMee.4 WA WM 0ft tvea gait:7'4 vka 41,41tV40."44.<3?:4 t*/4 4V4tiValititt‘s