HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-23, Page 7GREETING
• •
with all the joys
of the season!
fn the spirit of this
gladsome season, and with
pride in the friendship of our customers,
we offer our sincere best wishes and warm thanks.
Purina Chows Exeter 235-1782
wid Wed wtV,4174 VA Ott ot.i 0?4,# *N w..4..ogi WeS valSWAit
Alex Ccirfrey, Art and Employees
•a***.eattn*e•tni•OtssOtstto trmemitasieN,i*e.004. aiNialae?„4,07.w0.4iipeati rrfa tea:
Whalen Corners 229-6118 feed service
Plow match date set
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The Buren county Plowmen's
Assoc iation decided to hold next
year's match in conjunction with
the international Plowing Match
at Seaforth, Oct. 11 to 14.
Thp decision was taken at the
annual meeting of the group here
Simon Hallahan, of RR 3, Blyth,
was re-elected president. Other
officers 'Vice presidents,
Allen WalPer, RR 3 Parkhill,
Fergus Turnbull, RR 1, Dash-
wood, Valentine Becker, Dash-
wood, secretary treasurer, L. E.
Cardiff, RR 4, Brussels; assist-
ant secretary{ Russell Bolton,
RR 1, Seaforth.
A total of '70 directors from
the county's 16 townships were
elected at the meeting.
December 23, 1965
Announce lucky winners
Cann's anniversary draw
Oa.rfrey Cann announced the lucky
long 25th Anniversary and
"Thank-you" Sale, held from
December 6th to 11th, Manager,
winners of their two lucky draw
At the conclusion of their week-
for the large mature bird, and
guess of 2'7 lbs and 160 days old this year since an addition to
as a result won a beautiful pre- meeting at the Dufferin Hotel at dressed Christmas turkey.
was the winner of a $5.00 SHUR- ers were present. On
December GAIN award voucher for guess-
Morley Chalmers of Exeter iag, at which 60 area beef feed-
the 25th Anniversary activities,
they also conducted a special
Centralia concerning cattle feed-
15th a busload of local farmers ing the correct number of eggs
One contest, built around a live
were guests of Cann's Mills Ltd. Tom Turkey which had been on in an exhibit at the mill. There and Canada packers Limited and
were 152 eggs in the basket.
display in, the Show room all week
the SHUR-GAIN Research Farm Cann's Mills Ltd. have had a was won by Vic Green of RR
at Maple. very busy month of December Crectiton who had the closest
“We have had more requests toftlamtiRSMAic«aiw!al:MeigAilMicggir:R.owYa wed aa4t2mgrStoakk aaialatiatalaoM aNci, TA$4i* to join this tour than the bus will
carry", explained Mr. Cann. "If
enough interest is expressed, we
will organize another trip to the
Research Farm early in the New
The Huron County 4-H Sheep
Club will be reorganized at the
Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture Board Room on Tuesday,
December 28th, at 2:15 p.m.
In 1964, members of the Huron
4-H Sheep Club won both the On-
tario and Canadian 4-H Fleece
Wool Competition.
During 1965 the members par-
ticipated in a brand new kind of
4-H Achievement Day program at
the Clinton Spring Fair. They
each exhibited a fleece of wool
and either a yearling ewe or a
ewe and her lamb(s) from their
4-H Flock. All of the 20 mem-
bers who enrolled completed
349 Main South
Rer*MaRte?.0.1tEWRi'Ats'zq'AtIRSI:Fil'e:T.ti- oNinaft't=?AeraiataTRMtv?Allgtd•W'fAilfaA.i•tsitFA
Plans for the annual discussion
of farm problems and policies,
sponsored by the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture, have
been set,
Federation directors, meeting
Tuesday night in Clinton, decided
the discussion will be held here
Dec. 28. Local members of par-
liament and the provincial legis-
lature will be asked to attend.
Committee members named
Tuesday were: Executive com-
mittee — members of the county
federation executive and Mrs.
Lawrence Elliott, Clinton; Tom
Cunningham, RR 1, Auburn; Mrs.
Ted Fear, RR 5, Brussels; Elmer
Fisher, RR 1 Clinton; Simon Hal-
lahan, Blyth; Harvey Taylor,
Brucefield; James Spivey, RE 4,
Brussels; Wilfred Strickler, RR
2, Brussels.
Insurance committee — Har-
vey Taylor; Bruce Shapton, RR
1, Exeter; Doug McNeil, RR 6,
Goderich; Warren Zurbrigg, RR
2, Clifford; Bob Henry, Blyth.
Land acquisition and t ax a -
tion — Elmer Hunter, RR 3,
Goderich; Alex Alexander, God-
erich; Art Bolton, RR 1, Dublin;
Sam Skinner, Centralia; Ted Hun-
king, RR 1, Auburn.
Resolutions — Alf Warner,
Bayfield; Elmer Fisher; James
Mixing about 10 to 20 pounds
of ground corn (medium grind)
per 100 pounds of grass seed
helps get the seed into the ground
evenly without drill plugging.
One of the most versatile ma-
chines on a farm is a rotary
mower, says New Holland. It can
handle jobs in weeds, grass,
sprouts and stalks.
cOest wishes of the
season to all our
friends. In the
spirit of this holiday
time, we wish you a heart
full of good cheer, a home full
of friends and loved
ones, and a life filled
with happiness. May all the
joys of the Yuletide be
lastingly yours, to brighten
and enrich every day.
Middleton & Genttner
their projects. Monthly meet-
ings were held from December
until May covering many aspects
of sheep flock management. A
number of interesting field trips
were also planned. Club leaders
were Ken Black, #1, Belgrave;
R. D, Etherington, #1, Hensall;
and Don Lobb, #2, Clinton.
All farm boys and girls who
are 12 years of age by January
1st and who will not have reached
their 21st birthday by December
31st, 1966 are invited to join.
Anyone who has an interest in
sheep is invited to attend any 4-H
Sheep Club meeting.
Spivey; Elroy Laidlaw, RR 2,
Lucknow. Finance, Mr. Thomas;
Alex McGregor, RR 2, Kippen;
Mr. Hunter; Mr. Warner; Mrs.
Education and rural develop-
ment — Mr. and Mrs. Hunter;
Mr. and Mrs. Skinner; Mr. and
Mrs. Fear; Mr. and Mrs.Strick-
ler; Mr. and Mrs. Ian McAllis-
ter, Zurich; Tom Cunningham.
Publicity, public relations, and
international plowing match —
Mr. Warner; John Moylan, Sea-
forth; Wilbur Broadfoot, Sea-
forth; Ted Hunking; Robe r t
Broadfoot, Brucefield; Ray Hous-
ton, RR 2, Brussels; Elmer Ire-
land, RR 5, Wingham; Mr. Halla-
han; Mr. Zurbrigg; Howard Arm-
strong, Seaforth;
Livestock — Mr. Zurbrigg;
Mr. McGregor; Mr. Spivey; D.
H. Miles, Clinton.
Russia invited
to plow match
The Soviet Union has been in-
vited to compete in the 1966
International Plowing Match to
be held near Seaforth Oct. 11 to
The invitation was made
through an agricultural counsel-
lor at the Russian embassy in
Gordon McGavin, of Walton,
co-chairman of the match, said
yesterday the invitation included
a request for the Russians to
display farm machinery at the
The match, sponsored by the
Ontario Plowman's Association,
will be at the James M. Scott
Page 9
Merrily, merrily we sing out our wishes
to you for the happiest holiday season ever!
Phone 235-2411 Exeter
eaRiit PONVeR sk,IA.Nsa wawa) sAin 51.1:4,;*0 Was w:inaptowaalwomtaNtia,404r.imwelawit.0
Plan reorgaization
Huron 4-H sheep club
Problems and policies
will be topic of meet
Gzvt.e4vied etvastmta.6 W 4itlitto
We see for you and yours, every joy and
blessing of this happy season , • , all in great good
measure. Merry Christmas!
EXEtER PHONE 235.1380
miasma tai shAtv.AwAt$41, 0.;:s Pies.wmwelaNia vroago ftai V*41$ Nal Ow VsionVka Neg4a5
rOeOROsit t$104.17%alaR liRROMacsetro oN110101.414
Steers at Valley Feeders Limite
Join the tour
"Join The Tour" the sign said and many area farmers took advantage of the invitation. In fact so many
indicated an interest in this that another tour may be arranged early in the new year.
aitatn t;FclItTe 10.14 tR‘t.i tRttefogswie W4Vta =Ai tvgs i41:?Aizqta tv't511?t,i
Thames Rd. West Exeter 235-0840
Phone 235-1115
@uring this merriest
season of the year, we send
our greetings and good
wishes to all our cherished friends
and neighbors. May your Holidays be
bright with all the joys of .Yuletide.
May they find you in good health and
leave you lighter in heart, happier in spirits
—looping forward with confidence to the
year ahead and all that it holds for you and yours.
Huron Trdctor
44liak;34:iaa2Sie.Woke:eal,PA i:4142v viz) hd,Ad,;uz NtD wl*oz,14;04:;as.4viikA, i;41);:pizvpito