HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-23, Page 4Page 6 Times-Advocate, December 23, 1965 Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Redden, Phone 262.2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025. Hensall Kinsmen donate $210 aid for retarded The generosity of the citizens of Hensall in supporting the ac- tivities of the Hensall Kinsmen Club was relayed into national support of mental retardation Thursday 9th, when President Jim Hyde presented a cheque for $210.00 to the Kinsmen institute of Mental Retardation building fund. The payment represented the first of three annual payments ctet us share in the wonder and joy the shepherds felt that first Holy Night when angels brought their glad tidings of peace, good will toward man. W. G. THOMPSON and Son rtrektofttailti cfAit W4d Wed oftWedWdd WedzNiWid Wid 'oft Wed WddedoW0 New Water Rates yy Effective January 1, 1966 $3.77 for 2,000 gals per 2 month period $4.65 for 3,000 gals per 2 month period $5.53 for 4,000 gals per 2 month period $6.03 for 5,000 gals per 2 month period $6.53 for 6,000 gals per 2 month period $7.03 for 7,000 gals per 2 month period $7.53 for 8,000 gals per 2 month period $8.03 for 9,000 gals per 2 month period $8.53 for 10,000 gals per 2 month period All additional 220 per 1,000 gals. All above rates are subject to 10% prompt payment discount. Hensall Public Utilities qp FiftlAwcF,tzfAmtsI;vdtqAtFAtcmcgalsmt:rAttwitmailttwtiti,graittst:fttp.Avoi Commencing Saturday, Dec. 18 Hensall Mills CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY until further notice Cook Bros. Milling Company Ltd. E. L. Mickle & Son Ltd. W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. Village of Hensall V: Product& Of General Motor, F Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL WoMt'?A,I'WetvaTitiWtd.Wt:VW%d Wde, WeiWedWitdWAVWkiWitiW.ed•WAVW.rWedWed•WedWitWedWterWAtWedWedIPMWedtailtiWWW,e4WedWAVAdWit, Hensall Store Hours JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH and APRIL Open Tuesday through Saturday. Friday evening until 9. Closed all day Monday. Don't Forget Free skating during December and January, Saturday afternoons for children. Sponsored by the Hensall Businessmen's Association. Wed•Witd WgeWedWt*WedWedeWedIViedzWWedW4d WiedeWtiWg Wed WItcWASWedWedlgtdcWeS•Wiliwtiotrorctmomivq:ed.1:xtdwe4 MERCURY H ensall Motors .COMETMETEOR 94 London Rd, 262.2604 dt:NciaPtioNtictv?.elviWrIP.);*:z.Nz We: 4y' NeoVziliazoilo9i W.ettiVio Oka csiiziOiOi.kzPie47;k7A4:0sW4.1:iiticiela0KastiV:o.VigIvAltWAV To all our friends and patrons, we extend ,joyful greetings and best wishes for the Christmas season. E. L. MICKLE AND SON LTD. 120 MILL STREET HENSALL 262-2714 wsid Wed Wed Wed 'Wed Wid 4;41,45 wstd W,6 Wtd wed wtd omwed-wetwkeW:i tiCedigedWeandeftdpedWt WeldWid WidWed W.ed Wed teetd•4VA'W.ed Wt Wed Wed Med Wed wed•4ited•tatittl•Wed WedlattdWed's r-T 1 his Holy Christmas brings again its spiritual blessings and grants us once more the opportunity to unite in our prayers for peace among all men. TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED The Car King of Huron County Zurich 236.4361 235.1800 Exeter of 'a7 t:Ai TAN czY4 e:?<'4 '4•74i rqla WAi trfd (arAi tve.i 'OM cz?f,4 talI4 .(‘5 4:FA4V40?:tio?,# ziV4 V?:a WAIN:Ni4;FAI {;(4 t?st ailt4z Wiltk 6 Brownies receive wings at flying up ceremony 262.2527 of the Hensall Kinsmen and was accepted by Dave Fischer, Kit- chener, on behalf of the Kins- men anniversary project. Kins- men projects in Hensall, which raised funds for the contribution include Christmas tree sales, peanut drive and ticket sales. In announcing the national pro- ject early this fall, National Pre- sident Will Klein of Regina said it was expected that the sod-turn- ing ceremony will take place dur- ing Canada's Centennial in 1967, and the structure will be com- pleted for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Kinsmen in 1970. The institute is to be built in Toronto. On completion, the institute will house the national headquar- ters of the Canadian Association for Retarded Children, which will assume responsibility for annual operational costs. The institute will be a clearing house of ideas a point where every new devel- opment in the field of mental retardation will be assimilated and made available to every other point on the map. It is estimated that by 1970 about 2,000 volunteers, profes- sional and technical people an- nually will receive instruction from the institute. These people will then be able to return to their home communities better equip- ped to fulfil their role in the com- munity retardation program. In a Christmas setting last Tuesday evening six Hensall Brownies received their wings and flew up to Guides, They were Pam Mickle, Kay Davis, Jill Drysdale, Sheila Sangster and Ruth Potter, who has newly ar- rived from France, Sherie Chuter, who was sick and unable to be present, will be received into the Guide Company on January 4. A welcome was extended to all the visitors by Brown Owl, Mrs. Ro- bert Cook. proficiency badges were awar- ded to the following Brownies by Snowy Owl Mrs. Barrie Jackson:- Melo nie Veal, house orderly; Bonnie Sangster, skater and dan- cer; Judith Mickle, collector; Prepare boxes for shutins Twelve Christmas boxes were packed at the home of Mrs. Earl Campbell last Wednesday after- noon for the shut ins of Carmel Presbyterian Church, a project of the Senior WMS. Nine ladies assisting were Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Len Purdy, Mrs. Ed. Munn, Mrs. Pearl Love, Mrs. George Walz, Mrs. Stewart McQueen, Mrs. Harry Snell, Mrs. Harvey Hyde and Mrs. Malcolm Dou- gall. Farewell party for couple A farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Pepper, who are taking up residence in Seaforth, was held in SSIO Tuckersmith when the school section honored Mr. and Mrs. Pepper and presen- ted them with end tables. About eight tables of euchre were in play; the lone hand win- ner was Richard Taylor; Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse won ladies first and Diane KcKay conso- lation. Winner of first prize for men was Tom Slavin. the weekend with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Fink. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick of Hay- field spent the weekend at her home here. Marjory Schwalm, Dottie and Shelley Kipfer, and Brenda Link, visited several shut ins in the village Friday evening and sang several Christmas carols. Mr. Ed. Norminton is spend- ing the winter months with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Traquair and fam- ily, Woodstock. At Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, welcom- ed into the church on profession of faith were Faye Troyer, Janice Bonthron, Rose Marie Campbell, Carolyn Campbell, Cheryl Mous- seau, Lois Wright, Charles Sch- walm and John Skea. Residents of Hensall and dis- trict are going all out this year in decorating their homes and lawns with attractive Christmas decorations and coloured lights in keeping with the Yuletide season. Mrs. Grace Harpole left Thurs- day for Ottawa where she will spend the winter months with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. D. H. Peacock and family. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, who re- cently underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is improving nicely, and expects to be home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scane, Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan, Zurich, attended open house at London Teachers' Col- lege Friday evening. Miss Betty Graham, Owen Sound, was a weekend guest with Miss Dianne Reid. Members of Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary delivered seven Christmas plants to four life members of their organization, two shut ins, and one to a war veteran, in Westminster Hospi- tal. Following the evening service Sunday the Hi-C Youth Fellow- ship of Hensall United Church met for a brief meeting and made arrangements for a visit to Queensway Nursing Home Thurs- day evening December 23. They will sing carols and present a large Christmas box to the pa- tients. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Rooseboom and infant son Allan, left Tues- day, December 21 by jet from the International Airport, Toron- Yam Mickle, skater, dancer and thrift; Kay Davis, skater, thrift and collector; Jill Drysdale, col- lector and dancer. Tawny Owl, Mrs. Rodger \Ten- ner also presented goldenbars to Joan Goddard, Patty Van Wieren, Joan Allan, Janie Heal and Diane Chuter, and District Commis- sioner Mrs, Tom Lavender pres- ented golden hands to Kay Davis Pam Mickle, Sheila Sangster, Karen Broderick and Jill Drys- dale. Following the presentations a Brownie play under the direction of Tawny Owl, Mrs. Venner, was acted by several Brownies. The Brownie fly-up ceremony took place and the 1st Hensall Guides Twentyone ladies answered the roll by naming their favorite Christmas carol when the Chis- elhurst UCW met in the church Tuesday afternoon, December 14. President Mrs. Harold parker was in the chair. Mrs. Robert Kinsman led the worship on " A service of carols" Hensall briefs Families of the Hensall Legion and Auxiliary enjoyed a Christ- mas party, an annual event, Sun- day afternoon in the Legion Hall, and were presented with gifts and treats. Mrs. Howard Smale conducted games and a sing- song. In charge of gifts were Mrs. Wm Smale and Mrs. John Skea. Lunch was served. The CP&T committee of the IOOF and Amber Rebekah Lodges delivered twenty five Christmas plants to shut ins in Hensall and Queensway Nursing Home, and to patients in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and Huronview. Plants were delivered Sunday afternoon by members of the committee. Nine large Christmas stock- ings were packed by H ensall Kinsmen and Kinettes and del- ivered to patients at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich, and six pair of pyjamas made by some of the Kinette members for the Chil- drens Aid Society, Goderich. Service for former resident Funeral services for the late William John Carmichael, 60, 399 Brock Street, London, for- merly of Hensall, a retired OPP corporal, who passed away in St Josephs Hospital, London, Sun- day, were held Tuesday, Dec- ember 21 from the A Millard George funeral home, London with burial in Mount Pleasant cemetery. Surviving are his wife, for- mer Irene Jones; daughters, Jan- et, Nancy, Mary Lou, all at home, one sister Mrs. Nellie Fee, Clin- ton. During the social hour follow- ing the special evening Christ- mas service at Carmel Church Sunday Rev, and Mrs. J. C. Boyne and Mrs. Beatrice Hess were presented with gifts. to, for Holland, where they will spend Christmas and New Years with their mothers, brothers and sisters. They expect to be away four weeks. It is fourteen years since Mr. Rooseboom last took a trip to his homeland. The trip from Toronto to Amsterdam took seven hours. Mr. and Mrs. George Arm- strong left this week to spend the holiday season with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Love and family inClare- mont, California, Mrs. John Henderson, Jack, Jean, Sylvia and Kathie are spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and family in Hamilton. carried on with the program. Mr s . Tom Lavender awarded several class badges to Pam Sangster and Linda Fuss, and Jane Pyette received her citi- zen, swimmer, minstrel and homemaker badges, and J o an Simmons received her camper and citizen badges. A short movie, called "Life in the Woodlot" was enjoyed, and several Guides presented a skit on the use of knots. Lieutenant, Mrs. Robert Caldwell, led the Guides and Brownies in a camp fire sing-song, and the meeting came to a close with two medi- tations by Mrs. Lavender. Lunch was served by the Brownies and Guides. Mrs. Alf Ross accompanied at the piano. Rev. H. F. Currie gave a Christmas message on "God's great gift to us". Mrs. R. Kins- man and Mrs. A. Ross contri- buted a piano duet "The Christ- mas song". Plans were made to have a pot luck dinner and quilting at the January meeting. A donation of $50 was made to the M & M Fund of the church; $25 for the United Church Sum- mer Camp Kitchen at Goderich; and $10 to the over and above gift on the allocation. Fourteen Christmas boxes were packed by the Community Friendship committee for shut ins of the church and community. Hostesses were Mrs. Percy Har- ris, Mrs. Ed Dick, Mrs. Percy Wright. • tvrii•:*.ist tccw4i vid.,;:NoPiwp:461;ft n. :4! ti , i Friday aft. & , I)' it tt. & Dec. 24 and 31 .? it ‘' GEORGE PARKER viv 9 .e:2.i W.4:1 CVS1 :t1 Cq'Sei ev,t4::veievm tvrkv wtlt Mrs. Harry Klungel entertain- ed the staff at Queensway Nursing Home to a Christmas party Fri- day evening when a social hour was spent, gifts exchanged and lunch served. Saturday Mrs. Shirley Prouty of Exeter and her Pentecostal Sunday School class of eight girls visited Queensway nursing home and entertained patients with carol singing. ABRS I Larry Jones, Mrs. Jones and Chris of Churchill, Manitoba are spending the holi- days with Mr. & Mrs. James Sangster and Bradley. Mr. James McEwen of Toronto is spending the holidays at his home. Miss Ann Lawrence of Exeter spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Hilliard Law- rence and sons. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Bell and daughter of Toronto were week- end visitors with the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mervyn. H ENSALL Mr. Brian Fink of London spent Hensall personals Chiselhurst UCW pack 14 Christmas boxes Hensall Garbage Collection will be picked up on