HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-16, Page 18Page 18 Times-Advocate, December 16, 196S
and district news
fervent pledges to keep it simple,
the holiday season seems to begin
earlier, grow more garish, and
finally turn into a three-ring
circus befere the last stocking
is hung.
While we all deplore the ex-,
pense and exhaustion involved,
we are all ardent players of that
great North American game
known as "Needle Your Neigh-
That's why the simple little
candle in the window has evolved
into that hideeus phantasmagoria
of colored lights all over the
frent of the house. That's why the
few,sprigs of evergreen over the
mantel have evolved into a liv-
ing-room resembling a spruce
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United Church Women
elect 1966 officers
Correspondent: Misr ',ins Abbott
Thursday evening 27 members
of the UCW met in the c hu r c h
basement for a pot-luck supper,
followed by election of officers.
Mrs. Murray Hodgins assisted
by Mrs. Jim Lockyer led in the
worship service.
Mrs. Erie Young of the no-
minating committee presented
the slate of officers for 1966.
President is Mrs. Charles So-
vereign; vice presidents, Mrs.
Robert Stutt, Mrs. George Car-
penter; secretary, Mrs. Sheridan
Revington; assistant, Mrs. Bert
Thompson; treasurer, Mrs'..Rog-
er Heath; leadership develop-
ment, Mrs. George Paul; Chris-
tian Citizenship, Mrs. Dave Park;
program, Mrs. Orville Jones;
social functions, Mrs. T. A. Wat-
son; assistant, Mrs. Jack Lankin.
Finance, Mrs. C. H. George;
Community Friendship, Mrs. Ce-
cil Robb; Christian Education,
Mrs. Ivan Hearn; assistant, Mrs.
hold party
Friday night 38 Lucan-Clande-
boye Explorers and four coun-
sellors met at the church to go
carol singing to 14 shut-ins and
to present each with a pie-plate
paper holder gift. The girls were
divided into two groups, with two
counsellors accompanying each
group. On returning to the church
the film "When the littlest camel
knelt", was shown, followed by
games and refreshments.
Service for
Mary Hodgson
Miss Mary Edith Hodgson, 22,
of McGillivray Township passed
away in Cedar Springs Hospital,
Monday, Dec. 6.
The body rested in the Murdy
Funeral Home, Lucan, until 2
pm Thursday, Dec. 9, when the
Rev. John Davies of the Ailsa
Craig United Church conducted
funeral services. Interment was
in Ebenezer Cemetery, McGill-
ivray Township.
Pall-bearers included Messrs.
Wesley and Paul Hodgson, John
and Howard Patterson, Sandy
Thompson and Stan Dixon.
Besides her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Hodgson, she is
survived by one brother and two
sisters, George, Patricia and
Catherine Hodgson, all at home
in McGillivray Township, also
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon Hodgson of Alice St. Lucan
and Mr. George Thompson of
Nomination set
for .Biddulph
At the meeting of the Biddulph
council here last Tuesday, nom-
ination day was set for Monday,
Dec. 27. Nominations will be
accepted from 1 to 2 pm followed
by a regular meeting.
There will be nomination for
reeve, four councillors and one
public school trustee for the
Biddulph Central (for 2 year
If an election is necessary
it will be held Monday, Jan. 3,
1966. Another meeting will be
held Wednesday, Dec. 15 to wind
up the financial business for the
Edward Melanson; flowers, Mrs.
H. B. Langford; literature,Mrs.
George Carpenter; stewarship &
recruiting, Mrs. Stewart Park;
membership, Mrs. John Park;
Supply and social assistance,
Mrs. Owen Saward; assistant,
Mrs. Wes Hodgins; auditors,
Mrs. H, B. Langford and Mrs.
Jack Lankin; pianist, Mrs. H. B.
Langford; nominating committee,
Mrs. Stewart Park and Mrs. Ro-
bert Stutt; afternoon unit leaders,
Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Mrs. Dun-
can McPhee; evening unit lead-
ers, Mrs. Robert Stutt, Mrs.
Ross McRoberts.
Owing to the lateness of the
hour the Christmas panel had to
be omitted.
The meeting of the Lucan-
Clandeboye CGIT in the United
Church schoolroom last Tuesday
evening began with a craft period
when snowmen from absorbent
cotton were made for patients
at Thameswood Lodge.
It was decided there would bp
no pre Christmas party this year
but there would be a tour of
Silverwood's Dairy during the
Christmas holidays. The date
chosen was Thursday, Dec. 30.
The trip will also include a
matinee and dinner at Simpson's.
The leader, Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins explained the meaning of the
vesper service and also showed
samples of articles which could
be made from felt for the gift
cupboard at Thameswood Lodge.
The members decided to attempt
this project after the New Year.
The presentation of the lanyard
ceremony was conducted by Pre-
sident Nancy Park and Mrs. Hod-
gins for Wendy Cronkite and Pat-
ricia Smith.
The worship service, based on
the meaning of the Advent can-
dles, was takenby Maureen Smith
and Lori Crudge.
CGIT annual
vesper service
The Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT
held their impressive National
Christmas Vesper Service in the
Church, Sunday evening.
Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, CGIT
and Hi C sat in groups in the
centre section of the church.
President Nancy Park and past
president Marilyn Hearn — both
Sr. girls, were the first and
second leaders. The c a ndl B-
lighters were Heather Froats,
Roberta Cochrane, Daisy Cob-
leigh, Marie Cochrane and Wendy
The theme of this year's ser-
vice was "Emmanuel — God with
us." The senior choir led in the
Helen Shipway and Leslie Carl-
ing were ushers and Jane Corbett,
Janyce Grose, Joan and Helen
Lewis took up the collection.
Medway euchre
Last Wednesday night 18 mem-
bers of the Medway Euchre Club
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Lewis.
High score prizes went to Mrs.
Cliff McRoberts arid Mr. Wilbert
Stanley, lone hand prizes to Mrs.
Otto Daley and Mr, Austin Hobbs
and low score prizes to Mrs. V.
Nixon and Mrs. Cliff McRoberts.
The next euchre will not be
held till Jan. 10 at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Daley.
Dispensed by Smiley
Regardless of such things as a
happy family gathering, the plea-
sure of the old carols, the joy
of giving, Christmas is not really
a success unless we can come up
with something that will put the
neighbor's noses out of joint.
And this iS where I come in.
I can't bear to see people unhap-
py. Except my neighbors, After a
lot of thought, I've come up with
a few pre-Christmas suggestions
that will turn your neighbor green
with envy, red with rage, in the
proper colors for the season.
How about a Yule log this year?
Get that old mattress out of the
attic. Or off the bed in the guest
room. Saturate it in gasoline.
Roll it up, tie it with ropes and
hide it in the garage.
On Christmas Eve, when your
neighbor is gloating through the
curtains at the vulgar nativity
scene in four colors on his front
lawn, take out your Yule log and
burn it on your lawn. When he
rushes out —and he will —tell
him it's the genuine article, or-
dered from England. Then watch
him burn. By the way, don't over-
do it. Don't try burning your Yule
log In your two-foot-wide fire-
A variation on this theme is an
eternal flame. If you don't have
gas, have a line run in to your
front lawn. Tell your neighbor the
guys who are tearing up your lawn
are looking for a leak in your
sewer. This will please him.
Then some night, half an hour
after he turns on his electrical
monstrosity, flip your gas switch,
and slip out and light your eternal
flame. The fiendish ingenuity of
your plan, the simple dignity of
your little light burning away, in
wind and snow, will drive him
wild. It'll be worth the few hun-
dred bucks it costs.
This year, forget all about that
junk for your living - room:
Christmas candles spruce
boughs, sprigs of holly, colored
lights in the chandelier. Oh, let
your wife go through the motions.
Women enjoy such futilities.
But a couple of nights before
Christmas, when your wife is on
a last mad shopping scramble,
throw all that garbage out. Then
take two gallons of paint, one red
and one green, and paint every-
thing in your living room one or
the other. your neighbor will be
livid with envy when you ask him
over for refreshments, Your wife
may be any color.
A variation on this is to let your
kids help you paint, and not ask
your neighbor over. Christmas
morning, you send the kids over
at seven a.m., in appropriate
colors, and they ask him over.
Speaking of refreshments, how
about a wassail bowl this year?
It's quite simple to make, and
bound to impress. Take any large
bowl or small washtub. Half fill
with nut-brown ale. It's an old
Elizabethan recipe, and don't for-
get to tell your neighbor this.
Stir in several wassails. These
are small , ancient Englishmen,
pickled in alcohol. Something like
the shepherds in shepherd's pie,
but no gristle. Flavor to taste with
nut-meg, nut-brown maidens ,
mistletoe and garlic salt. Fill
bowl with gin. Ply neighbor gen-
erously. But don't touch the stuff
If you haven't got him by now,
there's no hope for you, and you
might as well relax and enjoy
Christmas with all the oldfamil-
iar horrors of last year.
People become a bit frantic as
Christmas approaches, and I don't
blame them. Every year, despite
'two-oft-eft-set WO. weisesseeestfAismetstossetosetomeeresolverresteeeivereseiges
We Now Deliver
4 • 6 pm. Week Days (Wed. excepted) Sat.
10 • 12 noon, 3 • 6 p.m. Minimum Order $1.00
J.S. Radcliffe, Phm.B
227-4792 Lucan
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Lucan Masons
elect officers
At a meeting in the lodge
room Thursday, Irving Masonic
Lodge 154 AF&AM Lucan, named
the officers for 1966.
Wor. Master is Bro. J. R.
Young; IPM, Wor. Bro. J. M.
Murray; sr warden, Bro. Jens
Andersen; jr warden, Bro. D. K.
Hodgins; chaplain, Wor. Bro.
Harold Cartwright; secretary, V.
Wor. Bro. C. B. Culbert; treasur-
er, Rt. Wor. Bro. M. H. Hod-
gins; D of C, Wor. Bro. W. R.
McFalls; sr deacon, Bro. Rudy
Engel; jr deacon, Bro. C. H.
Stanley; inner guard, Bro. M.
M. Culbert; tyler, Bro. D. E.
Pettigrew; sr steward, Bro. W.
C. Moody; jr steward, Bro. T.
G. McFalls; organist, Bro. J.
W. Smith.
These officers will be installed
at the meeting January 13, 1966.
Stoney Brook supplied the op-
position in this week's Shamrock
hockey and it was a disastrous
night for our teams.
Stoney Brook peewee's swarm-
over our boys and when it was
all over the visitors score regis-
tered 13 Lucan 0. The bantam
game proved to be the most even-
ly matched contest of the night
as our team lost 5-2. In the
third game the local midgets were
thoroughly outskated as they went
down to an 8-1 defeat.
Ailsa Craig Flyers defeated
Rankin Ford 5-2 to maintain
their top standing in South Mid-
dlesex League.
The London Firemen defeated
the Lucan Merchants 4-2 in a very
close game which was not decid-
ed until late in the third period.
Lucan goals by Frank Hardy arid
Jerry Legier were just not
enough, as the Firemen put on
a late charge and scored two quick
goals by Gord Condy and Roy
Lee & Stewart blanked the
Strathroy Jets 5-0 in a fast
penalty infested game. The game
ended in a real donnybrook as
Lucan prize winner
Tony Damen, R.R. 3 Lucan receives the $25 prize as top student in
soils at the Western Ontario Agricultural School from Maurice Neut-
ens of Ridgetown. The award was made at the annual Presentation
Night held recently.
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tempers from both sides flared.
The officials were kept busy
trying to restore peace and pen-
alties were assessed after the
conclusion of regular time.
In PHA Intermediate "B" Lu-
can-Ilderton Combines over pow-
ered the short-handed Petrolia
squad in a 16-2 victory. Irish
scoring was led by Bill Neil
with 4, hat tricks going to Jac-
ques Cousineau, Dusty Aldis and
Norm Noble. Larry Bickle with
2 and Don Urbshott a single.
Both Petrolla goals were scored
by Leo Dewan in the final period.
Lucan Squir ts made it 7
straight victories in a row with
a 5-3 win over Strathroy Satur-
day. Lucan goals were scored by
Dennis Wraith 3, Allan Van Fleet
with 2.
In Lions House League scores
were Ilderton Maple Leafs 5,
Lucan Bruins 2; second game
Rangers "I, Red Wings 3; third
game Canadians 4, Hawks 1.
In the final the Ilderton Ban-
tams defeated Lucan 6-1.
More Lucan News on Page 19
Phone 227,4255
Love thy
After the baptism of Mrs. Jake
Van Arenthals, her d a u gh t er
Gloria 13, son, Johnny 4, and
niece Sherry Young, in the United
Church Sunday afternoon, Mrs.
Van Arenthals held a reception
in her home. Guests included
Rev, and Mrs. G. W. Sach, Mr.
Murray Abbott, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Abbott and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Mugford and fam-
Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster, Sunday
entertained Mr. & Mrs. John
Lancaster and family and Mr. &
Mrs. Robert Lancaster all of
London in honor of her son John's
birthday and also the birthday
Of her mother, Mrs. Lena Sal-
vadge, who makes her home at
the rectory.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Young and
family of Mitchell end Mr. Jack
Gould of Grantors, were Sunday
guests of Mr. & Mrs.• Jim Free-
man and Mrs. Herman Young.
Mr, & Mts. Robert B. Patter-
son and LeSlie spent the week-
end in Parkhill, guests of Mr.
& Mrs. W. F. Patterson,
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Stanley
have returned from a week's
visit in Whitby and Toronto,
where they were guests of Mr.
& Mrs. Peter Wiseman and Mr.
& MrS. Andrew Elders.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Riddalls of
Drayton were Thursday guests
of Mr. & Mrs. William Ayle-
Mr. & Mrs. James Byran of
St. Marys were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Jane Somerville and Miss
Mary Towell of London was a
weekend guest.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kilmer were
Sunday gueSts of Mr. & Mrs.
Prank Wilson, Base Line Rd.
Mr. Murray Abbott haS return-
ed horne from a week's visit in
Scotland, where he was the guest
Of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Maguire
and family.
A number of people had flood-
ed basements after the weekend
Mrs. Jim Mugford who Spent
a week in Niagara Falls, with
Mr. Billie Abbott and family while
her niece Colleen Verna Abbott
Was born has returned horde.
Patricia Dawn Smith, small
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Don
was baptized in the Lucan
United Church Sunday afternoon
by the Rev. G. W. Sach.
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