HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-05-14, Page 2ewe. , mei meth Med d — *I" 4.11761/Atite that eat het • he with twipsrl bee time Nand bas hnaeheld themei.a he sem 1 ee, Mer • "Tref Meow he u. l,Be, wheel 1Yi� �r�atassail r1��t,rnt ieehh i el aha■t "s whin■b". • ompeneatmothighlene �mei. ager y, abs **M bow viaof Use My wapectiewr MI( owp Yui M me ed thee she MI oMian elft hie, !no ttimams wine meth banes baseWhampsittam em meak Ile gem, ahthe thenlbs d wee smother; sal 1 Maul mink ' ••i semembd amen fs eau mala Davy, ion. 1 One .rap . wee my ewe ,then trues. sea i win► Ile Yves • geed My ef; het he sins henry "I sea bee Y ib maw gad ties to the farm, when he wee midi Went wale mad. Ile leas ern and itw I.iaef, el lTI}s Me m it e, wt iLiedisciona entio- ..them tai ow• Lsladd ed aged to Me .r mile', esea.ye we to e esplaia,aad ,,aide each row as what M, perhaps, tall Wt. he my we Om aphis cods - nes eoshomem bad a had .greet ; M y awbiased ley jeelesi.. avid goad• me, ser the [lima. diaeu.teeted and unhappy ; h•eiag s o real et.w toe un►eppsss, 1 rttgeind any .aria, and, until the time the ,mat viii esusn rad, alma tbet I lad ► seepseth•r. , wasthree years y..pr let ase M two Sawn. 11 • Ole reldert deal ret love a all alike. she pet as Mame bitweea a, es, if say di.tinc- ties}lee gad, it sea ie m livor. larked, I r , emu Newel new many of iadul- ��m.peonptens gag rented to the test ll[y Sober leis weifemsy kid to s ail. 11e was ter tiles in. lensed, kis lite les • lee ofcoatisunl arena. Bas with rre•gth, ad industry, this did not Meath* hies ; he me always cheerful. He W i Wt, sad se W ay wpatother, the Um and proper sores of ekeerfulneae—they seen Christian.. The believed the Bible, sod loved it, and . shaped their coarse by it ; and if this will sot yidm chnrf loo, surely .Ni•R.i. can. Thu, though lot • rich, sew Ms . happy family. As far as was io his power, my father },emendtor s t • good .dae•tion ; and at �mmeteevi yemm.faye I ilk eeMaok wt.r.bl, we/ MewMed se week upon the farm. This sae • I vary well !kn. l had never W idea tbma that of beingbrought ap to brain an W Never fancied labor to be saber taweaeable or dirystable. I well restashar the d• whoa 1 began to tiimk .tiwwiwass. I wby myself, taming • heap ,haws e• a field Dear to the road not fbr Aiwa the ire yard. It was my first at - mope M this kid of work. And my father W essmrtged a to ..drtak. the 1eb with the eovieduat imintea that I .hood execute i s welled the het sun on the farm. It wee warm week, and fatiguiot; but the I did Not nal.11 1pptr .d to the slurs, I was head. lig the dasgloek manfully, when the sound of what on the rod eared MO to look ■p. It was y noel Dsvy's gig, and my uncle himself was driving. Is las than a .1..!. I bad thrown down ay H . was rune* to the road. yam do, mete Y' I exclaimed, seedy oat of breath, s I stepped into the hes l fess *Me gi4 was wbitti.g by. M the e Miad., looked at me la ' What, Fred, Is that yea r' " Yea, sae* to be seas ;" and I held out myhead toMa. Hs woad not tam it "I'll shake hands with you, Fred, after you have malted yours. What M the world is the amain of your Inc fug et work like that r" I birthed . my 6agr's .oda at this cold meatiest of my advances. " Father told me M do is," Laid. " Year father oagbt to be ..tamed of him- es1f Shun," replied my uncle. " I suppose he .meas be mho a down of you o.tnght. Peer Fad I If year mother had lived yo. away Not ham Ian, awed like tlti, I nick - en. Noe shell you stow, if I can have my wilt." I tld ant taw what reply to sale to this my ispespr ad msjmt epee ; as I held same e�.it-iiwh.4 Deli, of y Om imo Ins. • he alter • Mon .hal sills. ugges why ki ; "1 See it all sew. Ya ma • silly bey, Fay bat you will gra air head by I Dupe. 1 knew year unci had tail yo• .bat par ea- prtMYo•s, r you all them i Ned 1 wseo.vy orf it. Yew woad INFO knows ail .bat it from me i• good timO. Rapenmeioe• eftbe eat do sot du pane men may geed punumey, and tem is why yea were hop ia commie, of quo., Roma: yosr stele thought Jif - knotty ; and l didy ye bed leen good sense is you Ala a ►ane year lens sae& But you ere like the rest of the wool 1 sea. Aod now 1 tell you plant, that the mosey yor grsadfatier left you will do more hers than goad—yin, Fred, ail harm mid no geed —if you kt the thought of it •duct yea is this sort of way." Mach men to themes elect did my father say 1 k• waned me still mum e..yiattsalty quest sugaring the love et money, • the root of all evil, so seep into my heart and choke every bettor being; and ageism hist miodednese. and "swung in unoena+a ricks "—riched whieb, as 8wlauou says, take to themselves wisga, and fly away as au eagle towards heaven—instead of •• in the linug tied, whogiveth us richly all things to coley," In sewn, be pointed out to me the peril into which he s. I was plunging myself, and nrg.d mm to tore sight of my expedolivas ill rilliug ut.edaesce and hearty indttry.— "•These will do more for you," he a.ld.d.than • tbo sa d pound, tee times told. They will bring ewtcntameat and true pleasure which money alone never hbrought, and s never will bring." This serious address set me to thinking for • little while; bet is good effects d.d not Ise lung. 1 could nut, that i, I did no care to try to get rid of the thought of my great ea. pectntions; and numberless were the '• castles in the air " that my roc tine ran up, day after day, as 1 sanatered on, dreaming of my thousand pounds. At length my tather,kind and p..lent s he wee, was wearied out. I would not rise in the morning to early work; I would lot drive the team, nor bind *sheaf, nor take a turn with the fail; that i,l would not du anythmz with a win : any, I most even have a boy to saddle tied bridle my own pony when I wanted to tide. " You had better turn to something else," said my father, at last; you em only injure ing me and yourself too. I earauut have such an idler am you are on the ground, you only cumber it.' "1 did not are for this. I had persuaded myself into a settled dislike to fanning, anti into a wish to see more of the world; so,in a short time, I les transferred from the home- stead to * draper's shop in • not far dimwit torn. I bad taken • fancy to this busiues, which I thought was genteel sad not over la- borious. In this opinion I confirmed long enough for iudeaturea to be drawn,sealed,and sg■ed,•nd my apprenticeship premium paid, which, in consder.tiou of my age—I les then more than sixteen—god the abort term of my ap- prentice.hip — three years — w • a pro- portionably heavy, my tether, I know, made some considerable sacrifices in d,.nc- ing it y tmmgse. "This is not the sort of way in which I like nos my anger's see employed," eontiuued mole Davy, with geese warmth—had he not 1... very wens he would not have spoken so, 1 so sere --"and," aaid,h.,"t shall interfere, and pet • stop to it I have • right to do so, ea the trustee of your grandfather. Do you riot know, Feed, that there was • forts** MB to you by yuur grandfather, that you will OMB to when yoe are of ege i" I knew that my mother's father died when I was about five years old. I koew also that be had been diepls•ed with my father for marrying again. Bet I knew nothing of the Jest thee my milli -brother whithiag Ong the med. He had bele tosehool, eed wen *Wry dreseed. I forgot the diaereses h ear ages —Mt bet three months before I led sejeised ie Imam Moor aa paring to weets—aerd in three years Ms, Hwy meld. in the regular older of thaw, he a dimerfork. 1 sot awe to ter get Jen his Images. Peer deer I mob* this ; felt sin jetheskaa7d Re weadwed end lie the eintler, nod. with Wm in Ye trynt, onkel deny bona non Weed* I followed Vie I en, aher theady et the meth. My hem the nibs eif ray dors eareether men to be le talna VOWS, 0111.11 Wen eyes nide* I my hire we Mem eth so was my wele. It wei lam • thwanitil posy. roe saran! Maar, and Ives gni In% stein. I was ANA emsed weir vr, be raw with me. heltheraliaPlientsedli6= ti=gmet an it Thesappzeri Were_ Wows Ibenn. nonang When Me amen% he teak • me Min o I eery Welty sed holiably to the rea401•11 lam *on to weer itin Moly way. Ile Um lat.teei end he le nes mid hind, sad elle Ionised tie hi hens sal Peva he • gen Wm in dee ir hie as MI se by =kmSeel ea ea pan sem est Ma theerEit leed t MI led wog le le Bet I soon discovered my mistake ; sod if I hid disliked tanning for the coattail' atten- tion and labor it required, began, wih sll my heart,to hate the coofiaernent aod harass - (Gent ot •shop: Theo, was no help for it, however, sad I managed to lire through my three years of apprenticeship without guani- ne die tenth part ot the meful knowledge itud insight into *einem which were asses miry to success. This I did not earn • pia about, for I detersaioed never to be a shop keeper ; and with this determination I hamened home, on the day that ray amasses were out of date. Meanwbile, my step brother Harry,who bed no expeetatious but those denved from his own iodmtry and God's blessing upon it, was making head.way. had been bound ap. prenece to • Carpenter ; for our father fore- saw Do probability of eventually suing Min up in a farm, and be knew that this positiee of • young farroer without capital is shoo* • and bade fair to be • elearmad seam My stepsisters at the ma time, Vele growing the to be essfal to their anther; aed —and, to sbortee my history, I wet on:y melees and themateeted member of family; bet thee, I la erpedatione. As lehgth I reached the legal age of sac Davy te deliver op his My hoed ; and with that day seme:neagzimpais 's legacy had beat 1 him - and instead of • themned, I wee After Galled me het this , my meth in per ea all .r IAes, wed ' R wee Mee m- all MS.taw Des w l 1 anted to be y own masa, have a tmmwd tq ewe, Asa haw" ledge mad sapeeieaes, my eusiesit wee equal a my hewwasal ideeaee, erg 1 wsere 1 *owall sheet aims sell farming. will, • yew maths el.ruas , I L• lags lass a h lade, enemy to 1ey father. advise, who r'oagly urged me to try • small one gat Tlll wee *eats, wit ergo. For a fan years I msafsd on, ittiiag good advice, that es diatheses Mask em, who took ed - wage iw age.f m) an ,men •d spedl•g ml seen tee le mstfiedslgemt Mamie. It tray the sad ewe I toy thane sees gee, a ons bete math/ lo+I e sew 1 de ase knew, .&. ii that 1 W m as geed with it p say .aril hea•g. AIMr a few hrmlletad .*t gts whoa it um w Mt, I MR my tarot al saset psalm n and there was the ad of my ismiLit w msi• ams, my Maher Harry w hens pledtfag a es elms papa 1 and W then of mei ,awash w ser /reals s to wises them of *easewhisk bed loos Wo- esa Mruelysin sad my slam are wend. Tb.y bad, ease 4 ably .,also i she them, had map •rp.hwalos i bet thaw hese md..iwr ti.g.I, .d persevering.— This erseverm j—This time char I W Isle lm dre•miag, very W mapieyed i wrong. More this all, thsy hal .de tbsererla sebodiew a cusp a*j t sed 1 had bees nada wthe world. ]tter ell, 1t was a msrey foe me that .y espectatieee cams le sethi g`. M pmesaeem hsagM sun a r.IMla sad to .yng M mid. W hat 1 am sew, either tem- poevily or spinally I will me testidi- wedge, except by vyitesti* ng, will regard to the the lather, • Dy the gran of God, I em what I am;e sed, with maid to the termer, that to lbs le ■ inimmcied plrosprity, 1 had nem obi m bulk head, 1 em in dsbu4 air tiudb geai uas . s, for tle , wen of maims oysmtf out of the pit into w ale my szpsd tls.e had pleased me. And mow,ti my story needs • moral, here it it: t£spo:camas, Seidl used, are good Wags in their way, and sot to be lightly eo teemed; but when they hod other, s they led me, to throw away salt-depeedeno, humi- lity, perseverance, and every moble and gen- erode feeling. they ave madly perverted. They arc good if used es a walking stick ; bad when based epos tis a crutch." alame r• penwddees meas 'MOW artillery lair/ thdr he w I d aths . theme OWNS apeatthe, sod bag hula ei rho uses ad ; wee telly and seat g ,itis alemmont area Or pais, Ilse it an@ levy nen —a i mals thews by its thaws, well seat d—to a heti and Webedsd the p■aaya. Ottani dsakd se belied sad nova apoa the thee, 'hair dries easing haal. g ad calling to the foams' to oro lees. iw.w jerpi the trove oaken the er lee ,tee eewmWd over is, surly oblivious w the fart that the oppwNs ids yr tee■dd with nee whew lives wen :.alio peed. Bet by the 1leckede dna main pew Vie, the atsmperde •d the artillery and a�n�drqy bad been prisoipally checked. Oma Yltea, mune began a return to thea whe ltd pea• vionely lues it, cod nab of the scullery, properly marred, was peal, Mese heck e pee the 6011 A fl.tegalalienloa. We learn 1 romQi hes Etat then w • 1ooaa�g cams Council y.swday. Itis nedrs►ood that the peke dwcensd w w►Mte . honed be a re-so5Areethu of eke Mose ar after • gene Wal ebceioa. Per Omeadma Liberal, se maims that teen ,heel b. a policy of thebilge wine ie as wall r a tteal to the people, It aMap tale spats sill out A . Ie*k. with. Th. .Row to finish t will occupy all a fe will be able , • lean neat week. We as happy to learn that then .na•imity among the Upper Camila aim in the Reese. They are determined al to forsake their principles whatever the coarse of the Ministry ay be, and are prepared . go to the country unitedly and viewed) an the old platform of tipper C•n*m.a ngN�r which they have ao ecosieently sgMld enar very trying circwn.taoae daring the preset Session. W venture to may, that they will he mutely attained by their twratoente.— Woos. lied an Ake "bike Lees 1,414 tp' 10,11101111 arm Obi L their pei.atise, if tilay atm only 'Nil Ae Menne Whim Upper Cemeia epakdwith the elt.4p,. What are I$ 4 ret enr►.iK sad aeosesy, ad s1iroe ,nein, M tiler 1—they haw h*+MOW apou the Open* paned X11► bk. Bowled ramie _se kV OM tf 0 b neeede t le • direst tag le 1P der le SRtresli tie ,seeks, lyes the homy MO et *0 44% iul%,rose, Mar, Lows Olasda kiltka hod tune the nab naked lite llinhtq. 1f thio is the name is whkb Jobs A. sad Menne more their eieltry, then we must My the Ministry Bins .dews hmoraby and with the ;ring ab the meat head. e hem sell mens Geo. Blows and Diekam for voting •qp s they did all other reform mamba and ',- generally ►generally there was mock in the and its manna that ti4 did not adore ad amid not had fdt palled the defection of )Mr. McDougall lie avowed principles, Of the Repwsstatim teed they could net eminently with "pnlhmiaes aawat a the hep. AOM RAW BlD ; but what it ewe to a *Meg of Jam A. and Mahar Cartier eplast the boa. J. 8. MaDoend and Mr. Elsa* he .vat have bum a remain Re- tamer otamr lathed who could beritete for ow msmt as to which should reeein hie von. True, there are some people who think that becalm ocrtain men thought it their duty to vote against the Ministry on mach questions as the School BM, and Representation, they wen in duty bend to vote also for the Maim of Want of Cusfdmee. This is most tanaamable, mad taking into ecoaidratios the revelations made by the Ottawa sad other Commissions, it would be mai- n em for any liberal to mootioa by his countenance and support the return to power of mon who were capable of such shameler transactions. And then too much stress is laid on the inoonaisteooe of Mtn wbo went into Parliament on the platform of Representation by Population, ad who,oevertheless, voted for a Ministry which hs hoisted that question for a definite or " indefinite " period, We would just auk such reasoner' whether the principle of Upper Canadian Rights would be materially advanced by voting for John A. McDonald and M. Cartier, who fondly hope to be Balled in, in ase the present Cabinet is compelled to retire ? Hs not Mr. J. A. McDonald voted and spoken time and again in favor of the principle in Tanta ?—and has be not, since he elaged his views, voted against it, nidi mated it, and reproached its advocates with bolding revolutionary principles ; and has n ot Mr. Cartier, of oodiah notoriety, been a meet bitter and frothy opponent of any asanbr who dared to all in question the right of Lo.r Canada to at least two- dards wothirds of the entire revenges of the coun- try 1 Oa any priompis of reason or com- monness i it presumable that them mall batty become regunenfed m far as to be walhj of eke omftdeoos of geetlemn who spa tone he the principle' of their po- dia fres T The thing is absurd, and eta piss with the inconsieteoeies mod ememm°m into which the Opposition has, mwMehgly it is to be hoped, plunged Wit I.snsist.ney indeed ! If the Oneidas gentleman wished to show their inmmity, they should have remembered lee they linin ertromsiy thin glass home mad eadeavend to cooduct themselves sembsgly, for, hitherto, their charges hare ument wed book upon their own heads with seining e5ret Stills and Lake Heron Railroad Traits TA131.1.:. 00140 An Incident of the late Battle - A correspondent of one of the New York papers, who was an eye -witness of the scene, describes the stampede of the Germans in the following graphic man - TeX 555555 De 07 THE ILLTE111111, But the climax of the disaster was not yet reached. The 1th corps had been ordered to advance ou the right of Birocy,and moved "forward to take the position aseigned to then on Biruey's fiank. One brigade succeeded in getting up the kill, and repured, hy its com- ment* (whose mane I have unfortunately lose) to (immerge Sickle. mei Hirer,. The nem of the corps met the enemy in fore* when about twothiris of the distance up. Here they bad a short engagement, in which it does out appear Uhat they had eve° so large a force to contend against as that which Wi/ limns, with his single division, liad fought so tinnily. flooded by their commauder, the pedant Howard, the German corps charged boldly up to tbr rebel lines. Here they were met, as the rebels always meet their foe with shouts of defiance and derision, a detennined froot and a heavy fire of musketry. The German re;iteents returned the fire for • short time with spirit, manifesting • disposi- tion to fight valiautly. Bat at the time when all micouragemcet to ths Mee es/ needed Om could be gine, then some officer of the division, (one, at Inseam I arn infontied, fell back to the rerr, leaving his men to figlit alooe. .At the same ems Geninal Dines" commending the Is divides, was unhorsed and bodiSsounded in his foot by a asket *IL losing at • ei incal moment the Mara sae of the Comediege premeas of their emosisadara the am boa Ith ter, thee to fall back. aed daelly two* la • threw lima into the breach ad to rally the Munn solar hel CI= were perlbeidy hal& reuses war panic stritalladad so power ea earth cad tally them in the face a the may. %somas aware a the there Gen Sista e mit to was Hinny of it, and wrier him a fell back. Theatersieg to OM. nelleeeieift, he darted him to tthe dime eft* eirMeryi an win it all epos the e8ods eenteleg Me frit mad it with hi mithey, held the rents is sheen thry some as him, ned himself dead era meet Whipper, thee =ooze:a hem they weed' in the b= whew the Ilya,/ Omens gume Mein raw the field is eememeeting tbe heed eirWhip We solemmed mapst-ag Meath be Meek main se esly ems no rem when enswined that me demennese awaing then At the arse wanseet lane mime el the Mel ittlantay awe *Mg Mouth the nee ea the gent oth net den up se the field, ter seedami me of men emi semen Ts add se the antithe emil mar of de th• rice= ess ahead* high's* ie Meese all Der riper CL• INTON 41 9.0S 411 MITCHELL a 10.11 " S TRATFORD *az. 10.50 " WING _TUT. theism to the some tese followed. bee de pima hunt epos es. May I ewer be Mares to smother met mom 0. cree Mod wee solid enema or infantry Must - ins at doable snit& froas the Mee et So sec my, who Peri areedy warding their rear ; • deep am of bap who g faeaties, sad were thadhempavatieg the hared mhilth that wore seekiesatizepe Oa the were ese d of lits now, Fiala -desk swim milers apes as led les=ase area die eine ie ; emery Wertheim at the ded detherp from diremidlis I • score of batteries of ornery me down len disorder, some propel, mesegi.poseeroa pie mitten for ethea eatery deite= Zs= Zs=la me ely=ilosaideallie ems. amodeven pewee la yes them. Mlle the Mee nen mama, there we be meassatessempe hem the and del theesth • rAvew seek cce tie by Ileseth Tweeds es • 111111M11411 ea poem the sees eap. Thee sent paned, aed the pansweisiten ileardeill body et me sad Meths petalled el eli deee tireadi the Ohm wee nth. env, wer themeties see. ia the milt el thajeellim aim woe meted tplille dsteeinkied odd Mrs* geolt.ese Ale se them rage • eam, Whiedephiel the Wen et thane Pad is meek hail trkep US ink vtau ArsZ lie nuomii, sed Men walle Mealy, fee " Wei, reed, liehee yeer vete.= Mee at Mho often mad wpm *We last the asesey, and the ben I'lletbe: Wog I ben ie get int yen this Wet bire, natio wader Aim. OW No% lea Mae est boo the bolpite:iff Are pee sight to Wee been, Prot, el Ihre, yea hose been • gem hen om beeed de de! veliall stee sate rod hare It.— rowing ep • See Mombisdavtirvabet da se *A wh-ib3 tr .1=19:44 it the nths it an she bleniag of pm at hinteme.--iter—sed he newel AWL o nneweber who ; het Dena 11101/mit need. Of ems Isheeld b• amply rod elks to es- alm—esped=egy taker mid lee raft them 1 why my ends AWN As 4111.• hitherto, 4 111# atainar. how theme be at el nein, I rill sot M begs! shams k *oh le Ms irep. o w emu any tholghe let did ast Om thin ..11. Alp dip VALsfpl•--7•Atir dh• pomp is the lispOr refEew MN heel b. d=dilithe Image. nth 11 MITCHELL CARRON BROOK SRAFORTH 14 4.21 Cowiects at Stretford with Greed Trask eied at Pena arab Great Weaera. Deily Sums item Godlerieb to all pens of the ranoundim conntry. Perms.. reach Porta oa thee...au be thief...my sod RutobalP• steamers. 4uren THE WANT OF CONFIDER= VOTE The vote on the maim of Jobe A. McDonald on numbly het wee, as we anticipated, a ckee tee ; at dm Weed thet the Hon. never emet Wee hoes mon it to be msommeed thee ha we sure to be amid hy a her mehithey. The Leader o f FA* lays : gen the ear " Call m iter weeeems." Tan was name masemme eisi memo era* ie deplane sad wee mieepee ea Gan At we Mew pee em the Speethr ems the • all a mem Meg lem MID nee la lir Mine maim balm Sem &yid. eine mime diem • Owenwas. Cooing. Came. Carlini. Cnnehess, Mime. tioriss, Ceshivire. 01111100_1101011 Drank Dellentherals. Deem% 'Wel" mama Deman, Ample ransaismit, Pam Peamee, Md. therwewel. thourd, Ike* Tomb' me, Tam Timed alleb-414. Beil, ninth lass" Ihealle, am, Berm Burhin% Damn, Diemen A. A. Dena, Dommend, h. Dthana. liventerel, Foley. Feder, Gorr% Hebert, Howled, Jell, Vigor Lame* raa, Patrick, Primo, kites, Sestchved, huh* AMMO, Speak, Walbridge, General Smelts, 8sreervi14.11Mailko= The -SPEAKER anoseard that the modem me cannel mei nspositiO• Sr. SA NI/FIELD MACI70/46=11 10•^41 that whim the Mews k ad- journed till Mender. C awed the adjouniaest of the Useeti int carried, eel the Hone +need at LW. There was poet enema ederrward, the e mbers wheal rie tie *me sed slam se the Minetry left the ethanhen ti amen that Moe le ea haperbeet Mine is the above, be ha as " amestot " the %be %fern es that voted lath the M inistry mad eel WW1 it. nal wend be Om Whin ken him A. and ma eddies to the lekiiIkr— seeking die hal visie yea (111, 60—the w▪ ain to Wm holm' er ,liej "el MOM anannakahly the there me se pore the simmael wilk mpg& is Math nein within to LthottAkaallit. It tine bee We wash edbeeniefer, hew i• k peak is mama lie libe *he" 4It Lowt Cana memilin *in si tie eon liven le goipon the ed atie it 14 tesennsed Upper Cotedithe Mesh dm is iaid upon the forbearance whieb the Opposition trested the emissendiegly permitting k ep on ie the develowent of he policy as has as it did,amd we their the hoe. gen- them did eel hp take to themselves ell the gunk posible, Mae they eadd wry help thimine, mid whim My min ell the mow at armature they timid eine* es • egt-of against the mew dam eels Wag brought home to than ahem daily. " Free seek hrbeareess, sow Lord deliver us," said the premier, nower la the bones ot Joke A. ea this There is seemething hopeful to the num- try in the fast, sow perhedy treespermat, that the " old set " is est doers am en worthy of • Mem le power, and Mt it leek the imodywerited opprobrium le whisk its pith en bee subjoined it. We do sot speak InetBy or unadvisedly. The hree of the seeitieg, eighths Ma wee hit in the tory rano es the Oggithl Mee, se it appears) was reseals& win the KeDenaidAsses Witialis. Wirt wee the Arse ad in the Opieshisa swaths thilowin ties divisiele ? Wee Ma A. the champion, to be reworded with opena. ienkip Ind new hags at path I IL Cartier, the Lower Oman flipped% to Ire favored will/ a What palm rne le knowing bopothl "twain Oath*" wee the best joke et the noise : Foam med Amery Omen Week Hen J. M. Ommega. On=lear of Oars et die Oment Mee. 11". PirageLliair. Seineeery Mr. Proems. Od Mom Mil • eoptaiside se Ws bathed sad mid ealy bs mentied b ,• peoethe et ems Mee thee spdaj pap•- ead xr. J. L lleDeaald file " Meeh, d • u Own w et Beili.h OorW Repelled Tom sea R Slime 1 kW, le month, we Ilik r to alto le the sousey at Inge that • dimsstbs amid take peso, mad that the Mhhtry, by stead appal le the eoertitaemie-, easy he saelairwd or rales ed ea their Polley, gad that the people may have as oppolnity et pars by their roe. whether they an willing le nein het the veld set," with the old pokey, the aid ewes -•as ye, met half reneed, and the vii gree et borrewlaa gamy te pay the boned sway. The dkmdatioa, we belie«, wiL M greeted, peace is wenn toady, and et the resell we have grounds for hopdt& eaddesew THE AKEILWAN WAIL 111,11 TAWAS 01012i. 11001311, MO V pa oftth proposed "sew set", is lee base ot the ?A ittet., : "There is ime the slight a Janda on the pat of the apposition of Mos peeled andemedies eat ire am are es mated as taw messens. TIER WAR Lew& The latent meatiou Molting Wer mat - ie that Riotherged has Ma reheat by Generals Keyes (an W.J.,) sad Peek.— Bat se the WM seeounts smoke no meation of it, we are preety Ma in Min it down as thet canard of the War --ow a the World's history." The merry sem by way of Philadelphia, probably by under- ground railway, Moen by the *ritual LISTS OF VOTERS. Now that a (lateral Election may be upon us at any moment, it may be well to state that some of the township in these United Countini are in danger a being dithanchised through negiigenoe in not returning their Voters' Lists to the Clerk of tha Peen, m provided for by An 22, Vie., chap 6, Con. Stat. Catena, being an act:for the Registration of Voters. The municipalities in this category are, we no derstand, Brant, Carrick, Greenock, and Clinton. Although we should not fret long or very severely at the disfranchise- ment of Brant and Greenock, politically speaking, it is only • matter of aimple jun- tioe to direct the attention of those interes- ted to the matter. Parties guilty of non- complianoe with the provisions of the act cited are liable to a the of 4200. The returns should be ant in at once. EDEIFBITRtl REVIEW. The number of this able and interesting Quarterly for the current Quarter is at hand. The opening article is a lengthy and not very favorable reviews of vols. I and II of Mr. Einglake's aew work, The Invasion of the Crimea. This with sev- end of the other papers will be permed with avidity by pond madam Leonel thia office. tor 12,000 nine months and two yeses men are to be method out of the Federal service soon. Wir The Globs understood@ the the Oppomitionists in Quebec " are al ethos at the idea of a dissolution. They did not expect it. They thought that either the Premier would not ask, or the Gamma would refuse the appeal to the enstiteon nes. They have been frightfully mid, and woald gladly recall the vote of Thar. sir- The London News mays Mr. Cen ling, the member for that city, has nigni- fied his intention not to offer Munk hir the suffrages of the electors. He width* ly feels the unpopularity of hi pookiim. Several candidata' are spoken teC aumpt than MenarL Farrar, Scateleard, IN Air derson, and— who would hare think it --poor Cornish. LAM? MOM MISC. PR 0 POS 1113 RECONSTRUCTION OF THS CABINET: leer special despasetwe from Qualm am es the Sollowieg east : Mr. John Sendleid Meallesald some at the Haws when is mem tecky, te the Anssmbly, es agrame el' de nee of Thmeday eight We, thee Ibe Reset - Ism pre bh mast and Mt Parliginene w th shady be paved with • view te es meat all sok Pariimews the mese eery feeds to carry ea the their of the many, sad also to pm nopposed men The Pinder hes been ingeged sae the vele ie ensweeriag to neemest the On. mem ea aa imperred brie, sed is ea deemeoll dem Wawa Brows, Dora, Moine end Relette Me bees esnothed. 41111them Ile in the way, het k do tiny my be nerems. The seedeom may be iseethedi erns Wm the =lisilitikillebr:ills.peley es that mem will he imirenrely whelinli be esehheicp:ooreir In snot bat thge an el. MI est be tage de mem of the nes Wig op de beim end strieg tar the diettletlee..-; reaseemeM will serenely mhe nese, homer, *awe the imp.—Gisba PIIIMITMAN het— MAIM Ilerne Moss re On flant—Os Nese* iset, Joseph With wield wee Meg la see beer Mr the rescetare as this tows. the as wields e seem, a tore et ties& At theek se mid kr. heath Terser, the Med the nen were epee* of WM vemisse yen est Oriel es cm the hat or trelling erne sin le nee hew, Jae bas ghee mealy the elbeed by Melly ithee ER wiliest per Witte qi nit ICl/ • Tbe Sarno Spfra moth the Ana etiL thrtrie. law, Oink or die thews ead Amer this ,00d him et Mee 116 Over. 111thiothe .there et the Crewe lad odor Ms Sibtetc"41 =denhes opal of de Omni Jemethem Ism Pap Mew Yeas, May O. The noses W nmsch, Wee SAO Madon4e ZY.s.W.em Monday nen* theme ruin la Ike othebe, an that be was vete esti end Antal ensioneaties emend ; The pude coatheeed Team merning, whee it was Wogs that Garai Sammese mai ea lin way dim the miesals. Beic.-Oes. theirgess maw thee Omen Senegion's hem the WM sight of Nish - nod, ad tee sCoor diem nod two mes "186 Veld ,arithla all* a mike an a get- ter et saaamra. Them were only thee slang the alarm We thee ea lean , mimed Vanes* Mei Biehatond, ; saying there is se than if Ilionemen'e or a ponies el il, led towed Reined ea hooky eight, WA thir geoid Mk have dose, they mid ban eshodlet Davis and his whale Oiliest, with • majority of the Coatadmele Ognmes ; mid hen Mat the bridges earms James river sad eat off all Lemma* Meth of dm 13th Illinois cavalry, who wee 0115 se Monday at =more up the Week the Orange and radioed Satarcley, awn the a* taking Women, he. Oa the main of liatarday Col. captured • Wein el Ouahderates at Aahland station. The ma were paroled, bet the Coalisderat• Colonel, Major, and other all- ows were taken off by Davis. He time pro Deeded to TuneudIS station, whore be met 3,000 Coefederates, having a severe skirmish. Deivis4 fans was ouly 400. It wee hare Lieut. Marsh was captured. It was Davis's design to reach Yorktown, which he probably h as accomplished. The whole number of priaooers captared by Davis mut over 1,000. street's force was puii through on Friday, Saturday, aod 8111141, before Stoneman had cat the connections. rho name special despatch maim that Gen. Siegel resumed the eominsuid aids old corps in place of Carl Schurz. The New York Tribes, has the follow - :—Fairfax Coed Hoene, Tuesday, May road fan Gordonsville to Culpepper, reached here this *Tsang. He states duet he left Gam/will* on heathy about four o'clock, °aim by way of Meows Coss House and James City, *cross the Hasa river aod the Rappahannock neer Berkley Foni, then he encountered 25 of the black bone canary and lost his hone, bet took to the woods and On Saturday morning it is said that Fitz Hugh Lee pared through Gordcnavilie from Culpepper on Friday, and that there was evening at Louisa Court novae, and that the Union cavalry wen also at Cobham's station; between Gordosivilte and Catonsville and the train this left Gordonsville for the latter place was obliged tel return, that the train between Gordonsville aud Richmond had ceased running sed that oar forces were in Tbere were about 1,200 Confederate in- fantry, 200 or 300 eaniq at Gordonsville. Heavy firing wu heard this morning while at Rappabaasock statical, in the direction of Germania Foci 0 Three veins were at Gordoesvillte, bet eoeld not get away se the roads were as. The Times mays Gen. Stoeghtoa mates he was informed by Confederate officers who w ere anChariesoe Wenn the light that Sa- w ;be ennunderiair rider the mos favorable elivimetenees, bed eleeitore hauled *ft The Tribune Ames that Gem A all! was tatatathaa Taal was of • at that tat proved themselves morthipasjof gemeleg placed seder anam al his amend gine tld Stain aaa _thy _North - to Gee. Pthemates ley Oa. Hooker in ea twat "1" al• "4 """ "4" maw"' sememe *this ressaiag without hairing v'm ova • lorw". di"! waY talk far cad his swam the gerrenement of themeditte, het milt kw ✓ itimma Wainly aim Wined vend. (" 010 eh I" ead Men.) An gement essows,inZ Oh yea Far, I haw thee ere ihmenesee near Prenienherg an the beighm-sed Reillisheele--edesee3—whe Me the port ef Oen opeile el to anmanism" totheitet—ene whenever meta am intie va• ne is Med no tee min of Ameries. h mem Mt te mein of eon sem maw a gm asenalien Man (Sine, WA lir, IMP landant of the Nab A meriees &WNW Sam hes Nagesa. (Chas.) n. amble lard bm ohm haw( beam • freed ef the beam, Se mar Awed obst mere dm to bis dem se ebe heed el the Itibilotoudato lir apomnontoono otoon000d nth dee ?mt.-- We me Ism rmerum raw? it who a thaw langemp--(shems)—est SF Wm. mah Cer, awl limp Comes wee se meth tir nod him power end Meg Omen bus 11111 foomist- sto mewl NW ouroolbolobe; we mad dim esetir% mid dip esserse. (Claw) tharane sae. has Men these, eadItt one me the porpeasegd a Wei te sw ing is die me of de Tem. • essil he Leans, impede Crawised),"74. handeva. the wee Med lo • sown pen. (Chins. She ens theed * en Amen memeienr, Mee ine se Jumerisen pen ad the mesons= of the Lige* menthe le ble Inserthe buds Me bees merly der wend by the menet of the Anarless gee - Bet not only wee thie dm, these nee po- win applied to the Aweless Maiater eir • permit Mt allow Mir ship m peeved liirer= te its demiendon That peek is god why" Detens thee dip arred em arms to de Mane* se be mod egninat Oln Freese [Ohm.) Sim thee ether we applied es the sem esker* few OEM permit. _Tbey hen hose teemed boom they we thineo, ared banes they en met on arms se aid the lienseem ea war, they mpg maw le Ilake within, and sow I geseitay dot kr. The peewit, 1 tepative;ea the Amnesia MMus, te the Miens, le Ocioneeree le Method. rived einegal I wend pet it le the ande terd;—the see ins hen 11111wee Mtn Metall one Mall the been *sky of 1 MR melt We whither M anereamet et WO lie Is the heed len eeme mg desothhille la Ibis tomer, sad W they Me Maw het Ate to we Parthemen whet ewe 41.1.86110 ties in. Sir, I thew tth emempasese dee sense lee my take. llt any laid se mend speakiree ear the InSpespla, dm Trwar. (Len end eLf I hew thee lanwer *so th• k (Make who tie hen* If Iliebeelee =hewowl pan Ilene In es Ifillreir who pawn Amen e sad we dell Vietaper be Mint so the ansititil will tate itimmenee of Ws men 111111111119 Shit 10.1110% nes. W▪ el heft ihemed mry teadra 4.8=71111103 Imes is Go Arerles• *Mbar Is it sew pose* to esker fkorstorrein limn peons Meal Wm) the ha cough dlogato posaalfil:0_2 um set* air. mph of 7LL,i...7 nese et sr iii34,84 =ashen with enni t ass bi the wag sentIVanewl."4.61 the reet.of the the nen nob ham kw Lee, lw inn 114111111/1111111 el them to Wisdom, the prinennor. a.' a skaama, Irbil eedisemblie Wort we. 1.... of Lividelant PektiMelbia aft PIM* pool% Pe ensdnen. owl we ogoonan with the etemiimenes et the Cesel. ail arrived is lifestes ea lieta:sonthat: This en ef m wed tle Sig. some hop fee mea who els Woo Is orlive Bet kis sompase pen ef de Whavreallit 0055. La*. Pas ea aniviag in tom hearead that the othe name ildth' tbes gala* mad lied MN lem amMr =Tby tier Weak esti *CM hisel esto M old Copied these. At the len we heal etas he wag es Me trey et fles. Martiodeligh=geresse to gem • pan In Mt hie and -nemelleates. &nth are the eighths* of wee. We meld see help thus we bend thie story, a the Menimine ed Mae. Gimp r- ig Ilk, vieh Mays is the head of MI seldiers meet on the dettle-lielth the mow whether, when these Iwo I fight like armies or althea Moe Othistimen For ose part, we do sal helium their evene wil be any the Ws 'Mem, seal any the lase detennined, for this haphard multiage of soldierly courtesy. Condon of Admired Wilke& From a. Laufer. We published yesterday wipt puiperted he • report ore short speech Ind/ delivered ie the Hones of COOING= by Mr. Anne Roebuck. Bat haste( Woo onhoo froon ea aa Ansericsa paper, st was, as might Um We pada • awes( apart the Kr. Hosbea-1 have not gives Bola of a hip to notice, I with to pat to the sale Ia. It refers to matters sow gmag cm *the Wom Indian Waters end very Dearly lish trade. (Hear, hear.) I 12tiva =teogs of aa Adsairal IN Ss rries with respect el= MIS. chant shipping goisA front ea penal neutral port. (Hear, hear.) I Shit * preface my quaetioa with me or two thaw dons, bat I will not occupy the time of Hee House very long. (Hem War.) Mr. Knightly roes, amid some eternise, le pet it to the Speaker whether *be hoeseddi sad lamed member was sot hdhlughett_ Met rides ot the House. (Cries of "US dressed to hfr. Roebuck, followed this bac Lord Palmerston interpoeed. He said— May 1 be just allowed to answer my boas able and !earned friend's crostini'? (Loud naghtero Mr. Roeboek—I knew the nothe leall is en older inan tlan I ais, bat, stilt, older es he ia he will not take a us that way- Ca WO.) 1 wish to make • tow othervatime before I pas the question to the noble lord. The mama relates to the condos of Admired Wilkes,. Sir, when the Ameriean war broke cies, nesapvey, the large ussiocity of the Foie& hie a shock of opinitie ea regard to t bear.) 1 mum sey for myself that that amok was of • very strong etilerfeeer, for all my early notions were that in America • gram experiment wall being made is goveameet. I thought they had entered es that before, mid that forth* would prevail is their favue,tor they were worthy of govereing them- selves. W ben the new" con* and that peat experiment was at an eed—for k is a* ea nil —thear, lease) -my heart failed a, for thee I was eapelied to acknowledge that ma Ilnumienek Lig It. Tbe following deeper* them the meennery Cena Weamernea, May IL TO UM Geatennew ef.einsin The hailing and asamaaramr hes ja math hem the asp 4 the Nana nm =le the Ms se mem deem to the egneethee midetheiney of the em. =lrelisy le the menewas. Webs semend the deer Win mem Pea et behoweilesmil meth othemilethem em The Illanalle Pinta emempendeme am the moseteg of the Ilsb gleos the f= mem et the tomensiew of way. The mapiell soda ef withdrawal Chilles Saviour's brim& bon the The unmet ••• •••dmord esanekrealy and wee onlinow• so the ememy, ow if they id hew is they demi it endest aet to Mew er the they nee mediae • min me on en Mem ie mom sew men A ow Mal We el bole wen hope up ley the re- bette Ind, trees felled. sad Waieresea's B. I battery hreoght op the tear. No may vas sae sent reeding the U. S. Ford, while • fe. Coefederete array were seaweed by • all. When we mend the Ford me by cas the fathoms meld tat the Pasiona, the Iteithear ewes tent vp esteem an ear army Ise newest roe - ark Division mad beedwarm sed pee: 1::Zithet rime don wen nee camp het am lemeibrighdy 'whoppers weft mallow Vas ht them is so aisle tame a a. somed, an she NOM; away sow * what Onanwern, May M. The trial cif teus emend yesterday. Tbe mime ef the Omit AI Cindy be Molianalld men Me Ming de Penes the Misablegeset alirendela la the room asenesset Sainsmies esesky, the Oman me led ho Pam, et the NM Modes Ceveley. San ali• ke we et se. Vie *PON MI 10 vet thern, sod the pesteneetty of &glen