HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-09, Page 18Page 2 Lucan Shamrock (Exeter T-A) December 9, 1965 United Church construction Construction has stopped on the new addition to the Lucan United Church because of the weather, The foundation and side walls are now up and the brick is on the site ready for a break in the weather. Older brick of the same type as used in the Church Construction will be used to blend the new building into the old. (T-A photo) Lucan Personal Items Cathy' S BEAUTY SAWN (Roman Line) Permanents, Finger-Waves and Coloring OPEN Tues. to Fri. and Tues. Wed. and Thurs. evenings. Phone for appointments 227-4526 Dear Friends Looking for something special? Visit THE LITTLE GIFTSHOP Indian & Eskimo Hand- icraft, Stationery, Cal- endars, Christmas Cards. Free gift wrapping. Free gift for the children. M. Breedveld R.R. 3, Con. 7, Biddulph. Lucan Open 9 to 9 • Lucan Shamrock (Exeter TA) December 9, 1965 Page 7 Friday guest of Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Garrett of London. Mr. and Mrs. John Woods and family of London were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins. mt. Paul Scragg of the NuWay Motors, has purchas-ed the Noriman Schell home. At present his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scragg are occupying the house. LARRY DITTY LARRY DITTY Proprietor New! WRECKER SERVICE N.A.t. 14 Hour Call 227-4728 Lead the way to savings Christmas shop at DAVIS Good selection HARDWARE of gifts 227-4242 LUCAN and toys A Santa's Stocking Store OPEN TIL 9 p.m. NIGHTLY STARTING THUR. DEC. 16 SPECIALS 799 8 97 22 79 20% OFF Midget Christmas Lights Johnny Seven OMA Secret Sam Special Hazards Road Race If -4 gava ? . , re= We weigh in with the lift your car needs. GREASE JOB . OIL CHANGES TIRE SALES & REPAIR SHORTY SOVEREIGN 227-4781 REIVIEMStkair 634 ,114;4;:r.*:g DOD FOOD VALUES Our Prices Are The Lowest Shop and Save for Christmas Dec 9, 10, 11 AYLMER TOMATO JUICE tl AYLMER CATSUP iooz BOTTLE AYLMER PEACHES 15 OZ TINS AYLMER PEAS TINS 15 OZ AYLMER CORN 15 OZ TINS BICK'S SWEET MIXED PICKLES 'COFFEE BLUE BONNET MARGARINE DORIC RAISINS NS NESTLE'S CHOCOLATE QUIK LUSHUS ASSORTED JELLY DESSERTS 6/591 FiaCIRTENING I LB 364 SUPERIOR BREAD 5 FOR $1.00 MIXED CANDIES,NUTS FRUITS GEORGE H. PAUL SUPERIOR We Deliver 227.4462 •FOOD MARKET•, „,s4A. cog 32 OZ 6 OZ COLORED 3 LB 1 LB 1 LB 27t 2/3 5t 2/5 7t 6/$1 6/$1 494 994 894 334 554 For FAMILY-STYLE BANQUETS make it the Shillelagh • Separate lower floor facilities • Complete privacy • Excellent cuisine • Banquet permits available • Truly fit for any family gathering Fully equiped for every occasion, be it • clubs • reunions • annual dinners • anniversaries • wed- ding receptions • teas • meetings • sales confer- ences • or just a private get together. SHILLELAGH MOTOR HOTEL Lucan 227-4411 YOUNG'S DRY GOODS Exquisite Form 170 0FF Girdles 0 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS AND DECORATIONS CAR COATS Laminates and Woof s 20% Christmas Store Hours Open All Day Wednesdays Open evenings starting Dec. 17 LAYAWAY A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Article Tit Christmas Lucan 227-4213 Complete Toy Selection • games • dolls • wagons • models • doll carriages • books RIDE-EM TRACTOR With front loader Reg. $7.95 dri 9 Sale u Not exactly as illustrated Mr. & Mrs. Keith_ Kraul and family of George St., Lucan, spent Sunday in Tor- onto at the home of Mrs. Anna Paton and family, where there was a joint birthday celebration forJane Paton, 19, and Linda Kraul, 9._ Mr. Orville Jones who in- jured his knee when he fell outside his home underwent surgery in St. Joseph'sHos- pita'. Mrs. IL B,. Langford of Lunen and Mrs. Bob Hamil- Lucan To all who supported me in the election on Monday, my sincere thanks. John Lankin f wish to take this op- portunity to thank all those who supported me during the 23: years I have been in office. qtaugety Zaafjoitti Lucan My sincere thanks to all those who support- ed me in the election on Monday and my ap- preciation to all those who: took part in the- election or helped in any way. Steve Storey Lucan Rec News By RAY DOBROSKI SZIEWEIMNIMMEEMMEEMIS Activity at the Lucan Arena is very steady with a major event being staged nightly either in League hockey or figure skating. There were only two games played in Shamrock Minor Hockey this week as the Midget game was cancel-led due to high school exams. Huron East Athletic As-sociation hosted Strathroy, first game Huron Peewees 4-2, second game Strathroy Bantams 5-2. Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 the ice surface is taken up with figure skat-ers both young and old. This night is sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the Lucan Legion. From 8:30-12:00 midnight the Tlderton Bush League operate the Arena with a six-team league whose play-er personnel is made up from the many graduates of local minor hockey. In the South Middlesex Hockey League the London Firemen came from behind late in the last period to overtake Lee & Stewart and it was Don Beattie's goal with 30 seconds remaining that finally decided the en- counter. In the second game Strath- roy Jets downed Ailsa Craig Flyers 6-4. The third game saw the local Lucan Merchants go down to a 7-3 defeat by Ran- kin Ford. The Lucan Ilderton Com- bines filled an open date in their OHA schedule with an -exhibition game with Strat- ford who they defeated 5-2 in a fast hard checking encount- er. The Combines were never behind as they led 2-0 after the first period and 4-2 at the end of the second period. Jacques Cousineau and Doug Galloway led the way for Lucan as they each scor-ed two goals apiece with the final going to Norm Noble. Stratford scoring was sup-plied by Bill Lindsay and Don Stone. Combines next home game is Friday Dec. 10 with the Petrolia Flyers at 8:30 pm. In Lions House League Hockey in the first game it was Rangers 8 and the Bruins 2; second game, Ilderton Blues 2 and Ilderton Red — Please turn to page 5 Legion branch elect officers At a meeting of the Lucan branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, in the Legion Hall last Wednesday evening, of-ficers were elected for 1966. Past president is J. W. Smith; president, Earl Carl-ing; vice-presidents, Bob Holland, Harold Butler; sec-retary-treasurer, Keith Dickson; sergeant-at-arms, A. E. Reilly; executive com-mittee, David Inson, Larry Ditty and Ray Whaley. LEGION EUCHRE The Lucan branch of the Royal Canadian Legion held a 16-table euchre at the Le-gion Hall last Saturday night. Two prizes, donated by Mol-son's Brewery, a silver tray and silver mug, were wonby Mrs. William Mathers and Mr. Wm, Shipway. Lucan My si ncere thanks to all'those who have sup- ported me during the past 12 years and in the election this week. Mrs. A.E. Reilly Lucan Congratulations to our 1966 council and my sincere thanks to those who voted for me. William Mathers TEEN TOWN There was a splendid at-tendance at the Lucan Teen Town Dance at the Com-munity Centre Friday night. During the evening 20 re-cords were given out to the dancers. One of Lucan's teenage bands, "The Prisms" pro-vided the music. SAINTSBURY — Continued from page 6 Mr. Larry Greenlee is a patient at South Huron Hos-pital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. George At-kinson & family London were guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tindall & girls and called to see the form-er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Atkinson, Mary & Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Mogk,Guel-ph, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr. Service for infant boy Mark Andrew Van Vliet, six-week old son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Van Vliet passed away suddenly Friday December 3 at his home on Lot 9 Concession 11, London Township. The body rested in the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home, Lucan, until 2 pm Sat. Dec. 4, when the Rev. John P. Cook of the Bryan-ston United Church, con-ducted funeral services. In-terment was in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. Besides his parents, he is survived by his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Par-nell and Mr. and Mrs. S. Ducet all of London, also two brothers and two sisters at home, Allan,Richard, De-borah and Jennifer. Poulaga4 — Continued from page 2 tism of their small grand-daughter, Catherine Bar-bara, at the Evangelistic U-nited Brethren Church in Rodney on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Has-kett and family of Toronto were weekend guests of Mrs. Will Haskett, Mrs. Ed Morris and babe were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murdy and took home to Mount Forest, her other daughter, who had been holidaying with her grand-parents for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ban-ting spent a few days in Lon-don, guests of Mr. & Mrs. Earl Paton. Mrs. Dave Egan, who re-cently moved to London, fell on her way home from chur-ch, and broke her left arm. Mrs. Bob Coleman was a ton of London have returned from a few days, visit in Springfield Ill, where they were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Morris Brook. Mr. William Brownlee has returned from a few days visit with his daughter, Miss Marilyn in New York City. Mrs. E. C. Attwell and two of her children of Ottawa are holidaying with Mr. D. A. Ashworth. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rum- mell and family, were week- end guests of Dr. & Mrs. S. J. Morrison of Detroit. Mrs. Alex. McFarlane has returned to her Beech St. Apt., after three weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Aljoe Culbert spent last weekend in De- troit, guests of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hankala. Mrs. Bert Jackson (a former Lucan resident) has returned home to Blenheim after a week's visit with Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Cantelon. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Emery of Alice St., Friday, attended the funeral of their 13-year-old nephew James Kiss, son of Mr. & Mrs. Clevelen Kiss of L ondon. James was London's 27th fatality during 1965. While spending last week- end with Dr. & Mrs. •C. Bruce Cantelon of West Lorne, Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Cantelon attended the bap- - Please turn to page 7 Prizes Prizes Just Forlhopping LUCAN NOW 10 Winners