HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-09, Page 17MISS LINA ABBOTT, CORRESPONDENT DECEMBER 9, 1965 One new councillor, 18" FLUORESCENT DESK LAMP *Large capacity with up to 12 table settings a Porcelain interior, permanent vinyl- coated racks, hose and cord storage •Many other deluxe features REG. $14.95 $ 9 99 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL This lamp gives an excel- lent light for work or study. Fully adjustable with brass plated flexible arm. Avail- able in assorted colours. A Christmas for Mom FREE Home Demonstration by Harry and Steve Roll to the table, load with dishes, return to the kitchen and snap onto any kitchen tap. It's just that easy. HI-FASHIONED FR G ERM MALI E Sir I Worth $19.95 to fill your Santa's Stocking KELVINATOR KELVINATOR PORTABLE. DISHWASHER • Washes dishes really clean and sparkling with double-power wash action • Dries spotless with, heated air stream during drying cycle eis4garS44W-vtle43*-10ff"Atif, Ladies' Yuletide Special - 1 LADY GALT TOWEL SETS 144 REG. $299 $4.65 Highest quality 100% cotton towels. Set in- cludes one 20"x 40" bath towel, two 14" x 25" hand towels and two 12" x 12" face cloths. Available in pink, aqua, yellow. :11‘'.41r -"C4V 311Ar WOOD TOBOGGANS $849 6 Ft.... Sturdily constructed of selected Canadian wood, in smooth varnish finish. Easy to pull with front chain. $ 49 Tow rope not included in price of toboggan. 1 o. Reg. $299 -ale No Plumbing Required OP2iR At® 5 Ft.... WASHERS Chromatic Wringer Washer e Five-year guarantee • Stainless steel tub • Heavy duty wringer • All the features 959 No Trade Needed A stereo unit with remarkably attrac- tive cabinetry and performance for its price class • Four Duo-Corte 8-inch speakers - actually two speakers in one a Automatic 4-speedturntable so reliable it has life-time guarantee o Professional -type cueing lever for skid-free track selection •Automatic shut-off • Sensitive AM/FM* tuner with automatic frequency control is adaptableto stereo(Multiplex)*Tape recorder outlets and inputs o Al I-wood cabinet available in two finishes: Swedish Walnut, and Swedish Light Walnut. 5 Other Models to Choose From Reg. $299 sale '239 Plus . . . Harry and Steve will give you FREE Electric Hair Dryer Nuway Motors holds grand opening Nuway Motors Ltd., under its new ownership, marked its official opening with a showing of cars in the lower floor of the Shillelagh Motor Hotel. At left, owner Paul Scragg, talks with a group Saturday night. The new company picks up activity from Glen Haskett who has since moved to London. This is Mr. Scragg's first auto dealership although his father, now working with him, held a General Motors dealership for many years in Eastern Ontario. geterolted True value for shoppers During the past year residents have had an opportunity to share in several projects sponsored by the Lucan Businessmen's Associa- tion. These promotions are aimed at you, the homemaker, in an at- tempt to have you shop at home and support your own community. Lucan merchants are proud of their stores, their selection of merchandise and their comparable prices. They are presenting first class merchandise at a reasonable price and in doing so are provid- ing a service for the community. Progress is touching Lucan with the installation of a new sewer service and various community projects. A community can only grow and progress if everyone gets behind it and works. This in- cludes shopping at home. The dollars spent in Lucan help the town grow through providing employment es well as paying taxes to subsidize improved facil- ities. There is no other way for a town to grow. This year when you start your Christmas shopping turn first to the local merchants, examine their merchandise and Lind what many people have known for years — true value lies in shopping at home. WRAITH STOREY HARDWARE SANTA'S STOCKING 227-4732 Lucan Lucan couple win trip Mr. and Mrs. Fred Windsor of Lucan have won a trip to the West Indies in a contest sponsored by United Co-operatives of Ontario. The couple, patrons of the Ailsa Craig Co-operative will leave April 9 for a 10 day, 2,300 mile cruise. Mr. Lyle Pettigrew, manager of the Ailsa Craig Co-operative is shown at right congratulating the winners. (Photo by Jack Doerr) Lucan couple win West Indies trip Bowman is new reeve A couple from the West- ern Ontario community of Lucan have won a trip to the West Indies in a contest sponsored by United Co-op- eratives of Ontario and 140 Local Co-operatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wind- Grand opening Nuway Motors Mr. Paul Scragg, who suc- ceeded Mr. Glenn Haskett, as owner of the LucanNuway Motors, held a successful official opening in the base- ment of the Lucan Shillelagh last Friday and Saturday, when five Pontiac and one Buick cars, were on display. Coffee and donuts were served to over 150 visitors to the display. Floral dona- tions from GMAC-MIC, G. M. Zone office, McKerlie Automotive, all of London, Hall & Urbshott & NuWay Staff of Lucan and Ken Cart- er of Clandeboye, were all appreciated by Mr. Scragg. Saturday evening 12 staff members dined at the Shil- lelagh. Each visitor to the official opening was given a chance on three draws. The lucky winner of $25 was John Tele- zar of London; Interior car heater, Stewart Cunningham of Clandeboye and car rug, Ivan Hearn of Lucan. sor will leave April 9th on a ten day, 2300 mile cruise that will take them to ports in Florida and the West Indies. On the trip they will visit Port-au-Prince, Haiti, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, San Juan and Puerto Rico. They will also spend two days in Port Everglades in Florida. The Windsor's win was the climax of a contest that at- tracted more than 20,000 en- tries from Co-operatives a- cross the province. The con- test was held in conjunction with the annual CO-OP Fall Savings Sale in which 104 Co-operatives participated. Mr. Windsor says this is the first contest he and his wife have won. "We buy tickets and enter all sorts of contests, but we never won anything before." The Windsors filled in their lucky ticket at a giant outdoor barbecue held by Ailsa Craig Co-operative. They were among more than 600 members, customer s and guests, city and rural, who attended the barbecue held in October. Mr. and Mrs. Windsor moved to Lucan a year ago from the nearby community of Mitchell. Married 13 years ago, they have a daugh- ter aged 12 and a son aged 5. CPL. W. M. ANGLArl Promotion for OPP man Cpl. W. M. Anglin of the Lucan detachment of the On- tario Provincial Police has been promoted to sergeant, and posted to Strathroy. The announcement was made by OPP Commissioner E. H. Silk of Toronto. Before coming to Lucan in 1961, Mr. Anglin served at Woodstock, Ingersoll, and London. He has a family of three small girls. He had a new ranch-type house built, just south of the village on Concession 5 Biddulph. Mr. Anglin began his new duties Dec. 1. As yet no one has been appointed to replace him. New reeve Russell Bowman, a three year member of the council, was named Lucan's n e w reeve, to succeed Ivan Hearn, at the nomination meeting, in the Legion Hall, Friday November 26. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bowman, he was born in Ailsa Craig. Before moving to Lucan in 1959 he ran the General Store in Denfield for 33 years. He also gathered cream and eggs for Canada Pack- ers and Middlesex Cream- ery since 1935 and is still working for the latter com- pany. He sold his Denfield busi- ness to Dennis Molnar in 1959. SENIOR WA Miss Lina Abbott of the nominating committee pre- sented the slate of officers for 1966 at the meeting of the Sr. branch of Holy Trin- ity Anglican Woman's Auxil- iary. Honorary president is Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster; past president, Mrs. Frank Hardy; president, Mrs. P. 0. King; secretary, Mrs. Erwin Scott; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Haggar; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. WillHaskett assisted by Mrs. T. A. Hod- gins; educational secretary, Mrs. Harold Hodgins; social secretaries, Mrs. Harold Corbett and Mrs. Earl At- kinson; "Little Helpers", Mrs. Jack Murdy; Living Message, Mrs. Wilson Hod- gins. The meeting scheduled to be held at the home of Mrs. Jack Murdy was held next door at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Alma Price, a returned missionary from Japan, which gave Mrs. Price an opportunity to dis- REEVE BOWMAN play many of her Japanese treasures. Mrs. T. A. Hod- gins was assistant hostess. Mrs. Jack Murdy report- ed on the "Little Helpers" party. In the absence of Mrs. Harold Hodgins, Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster read her paper on the origin of the hymn "Si- lent Night". Mrs. T. A. Hod- gins and Mrs. Harvey Hod- gins gave Christmas read- ings. The January meeting will be held at the rectory. EVENING GROUP Holy Trinity Evening Aux- iliary met at the home of Mrs. Jack Gilmour last Wed- nesday when the officers for 1966 were elected. Past president is Mrs. Gerald Lewis; honorary pre- sident, Mrs. E. 0. Lancast- er; president, Mrs. Jack Gil- mour; vice president, Mrs. James Davis; secretary, Mrs. J. W. Smith; treasurer, Steve Storey headed the polls in the election for Lu- can councillors on Monday. He received 220 votes, 51 more than his closest rival. Harvey Langford polled 169 votes, Mrs. A. E. Reilly, 155 and Jack Lankin 154. Russell Radcliffe received 149 votes while William Mathers and Jerry Nurse each received 89. Russell Bowman, a three year veteran of council takes over the position of reeve next year by acclamation. He succeeds Ivan Hearn. Pigeon winners annual show The Lucan Racing pigeon Club held its annual show in Exeter Saturday eveni ng, December 4, with all mem- bers entered and visitors from London, Toronto and Stratford Clubs. Wally McFadden of Mit- chell judged the birds and found Jack Hardy's Blue Chequer hen to be the "Best in Show". Other first prize winners were Clarence Hardy, Lucan and Willy Van- neste, Clandeboye. Mrs. Kay Egan; Dorcas Sec- retary, Mrs. Alan Scott; prayer partner, Mrs. Kay Egan; educational secretary, Mrs. Don Ankers. Owing to the illness of the president, the vice presi- dent, Mrs. Clare Stanley presided. She was assisted by the hostess, Mrs. Jack Gilmour, who read the Scrip- ture lesson. Mrs. Don Ankers read the origin of "Silent Night". It was decided after the New Year to continue the jam- making project. Mrs. Clare Stanley and Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster were the lunch committee. The next meeting will be held at the rectory. Holy Trinity elects