HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-09, Page 14CONKLIN'S Offer
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Foamflex Standard. (Vinyl Foam and Wood)
Has exclusive offset Draft-Stop, that as-
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For hard floor surfaces. Allows free door
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A self-sticking foam plastic tape for gen-
eral weatherstrip application. Per package
Full 1/4" Tatno Golden-Tone elm panel-
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3/16" American walnut pre-finished lux-
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131.Thames Road W.
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Shop in
Exeter DODGE
A new club banner
Mrs. Claire Hoffman, president of the Exeter Kinette Club helps to hang the new Kinsman Banner which
the Kinettes donated to the Kinsmen at their last regular meeting. President of the Kinsman club, Claire
Hoffman helped hang the banner. (T-A photo)
Local Women's Institutes
meet at Crediton center
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4111 Mothers Bros. •
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Offers Motorists
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1963 Pontiac 1962 Consul 1959 Meteor
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Sedan, 6 cyl. stick, radio,
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Page 14 Times-Advocate, December 9, 1965 ••••••••••••••••••• • ••• 40.4)•••is
• •
susan to Marlene Bell of Kippen
East WI.
Christmas candle table centres
decked the tables for a smorgas-
bord lunch.
WSWS hear talk
on leper colony
The Christmas meeting of the
WSWS of the EUB church was
held Thursday evening December
The meeting opened with Mrs.
Emmery Fahrner at the piano
and Mrs. Irvin Ratz acting as
chairlady. The Scripture and a
Christmas reading were given
by Mrs. Chris Dinney followed
by a piano solo by Rev. H. Zur-
brigg. A number of Christmas
carols were sung after which
Rev, and Mrs. H. Zurbrigg sang
a duet.
Mrs. Irvin Ratz introduced the
guest speaker of the evening Rev.
L. Stairs of Brantford who is a
representative of the mission to
lepers. He spoke and showed
pictures of the work in the leper
President Mrs. IrvinRatz con-
ducted the business. The Christ-
mas offering was to be given
to the work among lepers. All
the 1965 reports are to be given
at the January meeting.
A social half hour was enjoyed
by all to close the meeting.
Attend funeral
Noon visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Brown last Wednes-
day were Mr, and Mrs. N. E.
French, Miss Matilda Oestricher
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abell,
all of Windsor.
With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oes-
tricher were Miss Clara Oes-
tricher, Mr. Robert Greenwood
and family of Don Mills.
All were enroute to Zurich to
attend the funeral of Mrs. John
Brown, the former Mary Anne
Oestricher who grew up in this
community. She was the mother
of Fred Brown and a sister to
Wm. Oestricher, both of Credi-
Crediton WI
fete sr. citizens
Monday, Dec. 6, the Crediton
WI served a Christmas banquet
to about 50 Senior Citizens of the
A program followed and con-
sisted of sing songs of carols and
rounds, an accordion solo by
Judy Smith, piano solo by Elva
Finkbeiner, banjo and piano duet
by Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and
Glen, quartets by Mrs. Harvey
Hodgins, Mrs. Charles Brown-
ing, Mrs. Gordon Morlock and
Mrs. Walter Weber, reading by
Mrs. Bruce Shapton, piano solo
by Rev. H. Zurbrigg. Everyone
enjoyed Rev. H. Zurbrigg's in-
teresting talk.
Prize to the oldest man went
to Mr. F. W. Clark; lady with
most buttons on her dress to
Mrs. Wm. Motz, man with best
bow tie to Mr. Joe Finkbeiner,
lucky tea cup to Mrs. Harvey
UC Messengers
The United Church Messengers
Christmas meeting was held in
the Sunday School rooms Thurs-
Diane Hodge was in charge of
Christmas worship. Christmas
Carols were enjoyed and small
gifts exchanged.
MRS, 4,.
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Haist of
Detroit visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Emmery Fahrner and oth-
er relatives* Other visitors Sun-
day with Mr. & Mrs, Fahrner
Were Mrs. Orville Brown and
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Volz of Sebe-
waing, Michigan.
Mrs. Margaret Clarke is a pa-
tient at St. Joseph's Hospital.
Rev. & Mrs. Karl Tauber of
Fort Wayne, Indiana, visited a
few days this week with their
daughter and son-in-law, Rev.
& Mrs. Howard Zurbrigg.
Mr. Ed. Hendrick and Carol
and Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hend-
rick of Owen Sound visited over
the weekend with Mrs. Hend-
rick in Rochester, Minnesota,
who is recovering nicely of t e r
having undergone surgery there.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Finkbeiner
and family of Barrie spent the
weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Roy Swartz were Mr. &
Mrs. Joe Swartz of Detroit and
Senior citizens
hear Cantata
The Crediton United Church
choir of 23 voices presented their
Christmas story cantata "Won-
derful" before a large audience
of Senior Citizens Tuesday even-
ing Dec. 7 in the Legion Hall.
Mrs. Earl Neil was the narrat-
or, Robert Graham, the conduct-
or, and Mrs. Robert Graham, the
pianist. A male quartet composed
of Lorne Preszcator, Steve
Brierley, Robert Graham and
Bert Bocock sang "Yes I know".
Ross and Wayne Rowe gave a
selection on violin and piano.
Robert Graham sang '0 Holy
Night'. A mouth organ duet was
played by Mr. Rodd and Mr. Kirk-
by and Mrs. Earl Neil gave a
The ladies of the choir sang a
three part number and Steve
Brierley favored with a solo
"no place but a stable" and a
mixed quartet composed of Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Preszcator and
Mr. and Mrs. Graham sang
"Room in a manger".
"Sleep on Babe Divine", was
sung as a solo by Mr. B. Graham
and the choir as a whole sang
several numbers. A postlude
medley was played by Mrs. 13.
President, Mrs. W. Brock
thanked the choir for their fine
performance. Cecil Skinner and
Mrs. Andrew Dougall conducted
a sing song of Christmas carols.
Ladies of the Legion Auxiliary
served lunch.
The January. committee will
be: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trieb-
ner, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sch-
roeder, Mr. and Mrs. H. Powe
and Mr. and Mrs. R.' Greenlee.
& Mrs. Albert Ryall of
London, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Swartz
and Mr. & Mrs, Joe Swartz
attended the golden wedding an-
niversary celebrations Saturday
for Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Wuerth,
The two local choirs have been
busy making preparations for
their Christmas cantatas. The
United Church choir are pre-
senting the cantata e nti tled
Wonderful" in their church Fri-
day evening Dec. 17 and the EUB
choir have prepared a cantata
called "The Great Light" which
they will present at the morning
service Sunday, Dec, 19.
Mr. & Mrs, Wm. Oestricher
are spending this week with Mr.
Robert Greenwood and family
of Don Mills.
The UCW Christmas meeting
was held last Wednesday after-
noon in the church basement with
Mrs. John Pym and Mrs. Lee
Webber as hostesses.
A Christmas service of wor-
ship "Candles of the Lord" was
performed with Mrs. Edwin Mill-
er, Mrs. Donald Kernick, Mrs.
William Rohde, Mrs. Floyd Stew-
art, Mrs. Reg Hodgert and Mrs.
Ray Cann taking part.
Mrs. William Cann sang two
Christmas songs. Mrs. William
Rohde favored with a piano solo
"Star of the East".
Mrs. Donald Kernick intro-
duced the guest speaker Rev.
Andrew Boa who spoke on Dr.
Albert Schweitzer. He was thank-
ed by Mrs. William Rohde.
It was decided to get new choir
gowns. '
The annual Christmas turkey
banquet for the Happy Doubles
Club was held Saturday evening
in the church basement when 31
members sat down to a bountiful
After supper Mr. Ray Cann
presided over the meeting. Mr.
Glen Stewart told the story of the
Nativity. Several Christmas
carols were sung. A story "Unto
Us A Son Is Given" was read by
Mrs. Ray Cann. A reading "No
Room" was given by Mrs. Glen
Mrs. Murray Dawson presided
for the business when it was
decided to go carol singing to the
shut-ins Tuesday evening De-
cember 21.
The new president for 1966
Mrs. Edwin Miller spoke briefly.
Names were drawn for next
year's program.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Stewart and Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Dawson were
in charge of the evening.
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We've still
got some!
1965 FORD coach, 6 stick, radio, low mileage, A57474
1963 GALAXIE 500 4-door hardtop, has everything except the kitchen sink, above
average, 460956
1963 FORD coach, VS stick, driven by a quiet school teacher, lily white, A28495
1962 METEOR sedan, I don't know what it's got, but it's got something, 948291
1962 CORVAIR Monza club coupe. Sports car fans gather round, A52918
1960 FALCON wagon, automatic, a d - - - good one, 82401X
1957 FORD coach. Every man should have one of these. Is it your turn? 448837
1954 FORD coach. A good car if you're not proud and have to have a late model.
1965 MERC 250 style side pick-up demonstrator. Driven by a quiet, sedate tractor
dealer, $2,200. Serial 234511B
1965 ECONOLINE pick-up demonstrator. You should have this one at $1,500. Serial
1961 VOLKSWAGEN van. It's good for something. C67229
1955 FORD pick-up, V8. Still has some running. C76007
Farm Machinery
New Ford 7 foot rear mower and semi-mount hay conditioner. Regular $1,485, now
$990. Pay May 31, 1966 with no interest.
New Ford 530 power take-off baler. Regular $1,995. Pay $1,369 May 31, 1966.
New Ford 520 baler. Normally $1,795. Pay $1,199 May 31, 1966.
1964 FORD row crop diesel, selecto 1957 FORD 641, motor overhauled, in
speed, low hours. good shape.
1961 FORD Super Major, OK.
1959 FORD, 861 gas, new motor, rad,
live P.T.O.
1960 DEXTA diesel, live P.T.O., ready
1950 JOHN DEERE 'A' plus one row
to work.
picker. Are you losing money be- 1959 ALLIS CHALMERS D17 gas, above
cause they didn't pick your corn? average.
1960 CASE 612 harvester. Row crop and 1961 IHC 400 diesel, motor good, tractor
pick-up attachment. good.
1964 FORD, one arm loader with hy- 1958 COCKSHUTT 540 with front end
draulic bucket control. loader. Why shovel it when you
8N FORD, above average condition. can move it with this?
9N FORD, step-up transmission, a good
1954 FORD Major diesel, new tires on
rear. OK.
1952 FORD Major diesel.
with cylinder and hoses.
ace bottom, all new bottoms and
FORD 3-FURROW PLOW with depth
LTD. 586 Main South Exeter
Wednesday evening December
1 the CreditonCommunityCentre
was decorated in a b eau tiful
Christmas atmosphere using
candles as the highlight. About
170 members of the nine local
Women's Institutes registered.
The main feature of the evening
was hair styling done by Mrs.
Arthur Attfield and assisted by
Mrs. Wayne O'Rourke, Mrs.
Charles Browning, Miss Joyce
Bowers, Mrs. Earl Neil and Mrs.
Walter Weber who served as
models for various hair styles.
Draws donated by Mrs. Attfield,
went to Mrs. Ruby Molitor, Cre-
dition WI who won the hair spray
and Mrs. Wolfe of Dashwood WI
who won a bouffant night net.
Carol and round sing songs
were led by Mrs. Harvey Hod-
gins with Mrs. Emmery Fahr-
ner at the piano. An accordion
solo was given by Judy Smith
followed by readings by Mrs.
Bruce Shapton and Mrs. Earl
Neil. Several lady quartet num-
bers were sung by Mrs. Harvey
Hodgins, Mrs. Charles Brown-
ing, Mrs. Walter Weber and Mrs.
Gordon Morlock.
Proceeds from tickets sold on
three items went to Children's
Aid work and amounted to $42.
Prizes won were poinsettia to
Mrs. Ruby Molitor Crediton WI,
Christmas cake to Mrs. Walter
Weber Crediton WI and a party
• • • • • be wrapped •
Keep Exeter