HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-09, Page 12A brilliant display of Christmas flowers Poinsettias 3,4,5,6,7,8 blooms Azaleas, Mums, Kalanchoe Vulcan, Cyclamens IN FULL BLOOM! The Christmas Flower Store Christmas Trees WE DELIVER BAHAMA DRAW TICKETS, TOO lu 1111313PTIC71 ROELOFS' FLOWERS SHOP EXETER EVENINGS 235-2242 235-2906 Scotch Pine and Spruce $2 00 and up A GIFT SUGGESTION A Certificate for a Guaranteed Investment $74.41 will buy an invest- ment guaranteed to grow to $100.00 in 5 years — a mighty nice Christmas Gift EXETER titularly to Mrs. Delbridge. The T-A choristers under the direction of Mr. Ron Heimrich favored with several selections with Miss Janet Miller at the piano. Following the program a re- ception was held in the church rooms. B1CK'S SWEET MIXED PICKLES 3J2A4)z 490 BLUE BONNET OR TULIP COLORED MARGARINE 3 LB PKG 890 EASY ON SPRAY STARCH GIANT 24 OZ BOMB 794 SHIRRIFF °S BOND SEAL A REAL BUY LUSHUS JELLY DESSERTS 6/590 NESTLE'S QUIK 100 OFF 'it: 554 FLUFF0 SHORTENING 34 OFF PKG 1 LB 364 Times-Advocate, December 9, 1965 Page 112 -"?1Mic121ZIEW.MII 'N FANCIES Wins proficiency award Miss Beverley Wall, Holyrood, won the proficiency award in the Registered Nursing Assistants class of 1965 at South Huron Hospital and was valedictorian at the graduation exercises Friday night in James Street UC. --T-A photo MR. AND MRS. ALFRED E. WUERTH Local couple celebrate fiftieth anniversary ipuporurimir r FOR WOMEN McBRINE TRAIN CASES FROM $ 9.95 McBRINE OVERNITE FROM $11.95 McBRINE WEEKEND FROM $13.95 McBRINE WARDROBE . ... FROM $17.95 FOR MEN WE HAVE PIECES FROM $14.95 to $29.95. BRIEFCASES FROM $7.95 SAVE 20% LAYAWAY A deposit will hold any article, We will wrap in Christmas paper for you, SPECIAL SPECIAL 3-PIECE SET (wardrobe, train and overnice). Only one set left, so hurry! $32.95 EXTRA 1;....:„:p:eie:c'.5ce.s.1 Discontinued SPECIAL! L i nes $31.50 Samsonite Set Starter Special for men or women, Weekend size, Re g, $39.50 Smyth's (fame of Sava g e Shoes for Children SHOE STORE LTD. Exeter 235-1933 Sunk California ORANGES 650 California CELERY STALKS 24,5 ea, 290 NEW CABBAGE 2 lb„ 250 SUPERIOR *FOOD MARKET* Open Friday Til 9:00 p.m. Phone 235-0212 FREE Delivery At an impressive ceremony before a large audience in James Street UC auditorium Friday night 12 registered nursing as- sistants received their diplomas and graduation pins following ten months training at South Huron Hospital. Guest speaker for the occasion was Rev. James Ferguson of Stratford who has served on hos- pital boards in Barrie and Strat- ford and also on the provincial hospital board. He said the im- portance of nursing assistants is being recognized more and more all the time. "The entire health program is on the march and the nursing assistant is indispens- able in the hospital today her role is well recognized by the Christmas decor formed the setting last Saturday afternoon for Main Street UCW bazaar and tea in the church rooms. The bazaar was opened by Rev. Ro- bert Hiltz and guests were wel- comed by President Mrs. Lorne Porter and unit leaders, Mrs. Earl Russell and Mrs. Ila Mc- Kenzie. Bake table was in charge of Mrs. Earl Carroll and Mrs. Ben Tuckey; candy booth, Mrs. Mer- vin Grainger, Mrs. Arnold Math- Main St. Christmas Bazaar nursing profession" he said. The speaker was introduced by Rev. S. E. Lewis of James Street UC and thanked by Mr. B. W. Tuckey, a member of board of director s. Mr. I. Kalbfleisch chairman of the board of direct- ors, presided for the program and welcomed the friends and rela- tives. Mrs. J. H. Delbridge, who has been instructress of the class, presented the graduation dip- lomas assisted by Miss Myrtle Ninham, assistant director of nursing. Mr. E. R. Hopper of the Board of Directors presented the graduation pins. Miss Alice Claypole, admin- istrator of the hospital, spoke briefly and announced the special • ers; gift table, Mrs. Eugene How- ey, Mrs. Jack Doerr, fancy work, Mrs. Glen McKnight, Mrs. Clar- ence McDowell; produce, Mrs. Cecil Murray, Mrs. Roy Webber; mincemeat, Mrs. Oscar Tuckey; antiques, Mrs. E. R. Hopper, Mrs. G. Burrows, Mrs. George Hawkins; fish pond, Mrs. Don Webster; tea tables, Mrs. Art Clarke, Mrs. Claire Hoffman. Mrs. Jack Doerr and Mrs. Ross Tuckey convened the de- corations. Over $400 was realiz- ed. Induct members to CGIT Fresh Turkeys DELIVERY DEC. 23 8 24 ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY FROM A & H Try a fresh turkey for taste and flavour. 12 to 27 lbs. NESCAFE -%•• 14. zt-INSTANT COFFEE IN 990 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Wuerth marked 50 years of married life with a family banquet at the Duf- ferin Hotel, Centralia, Saturday evening. Attending were the best man of 50 years ago, Mr. Edgar Wuerth, brother of the groom, and Mrs. Wuerth of Zurich and the brides- maid, Mrs. Howard Thiemer, Detroit, sister of the bride, also four brothers of Mrs. Wuerth, Mr. Harry Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. William Schwartz, Credi- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schwartz, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schwartz, Crediton. The family includes Mr. and Mrs. Reg Wuerth, St Catherines, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wuerth, town, and Mr. and Mrs. R, M. Long of Royal Oaks, Mich. and their fam- ilies. The guests returned to the Wuerth home for the evening to reminisce and view the bridal pictures of 50 years and the family photos since. Alfred Wuerth of Crediton and Lucilla Schwartz were married at the home of the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob SChwartz of Stephen Township near Crediton, by the Rev E. D. Becker on Thursday, Deeember 9, 1015 at 4 p.m. In the evening the bride and groom were serenaded by the Crediton Band of which the groom was a member. He also played in the Exeter Band until it folded. The bride and groom spent their early married life in Credi- ton where the groom worked With the late B. Brown in shoe repair- ing and assisted with the pest office which was in the same store. Mr. and Mrs. Wuerth moved to Exeter 28 years ago when Mr. Wuerth started the Wuerth Shoe Store at 369 Main St. He retired in January of this year. They have two sons and one daughter, Reg of St Catherines, Ray of Exeter and Mrs. R, M. Long of Michi- gan and seven grandchildren. The celebrants are members of James Street United Church and have been valued members of the choir. They will mark the actual an- niversary day Thursday (today) quietly at their home. CWL discuss Advent customs The origin of the Christmas tree and other Christmas and Ad- vent. customs were explained at the Precious Blood CWL meeting Monday evening. Taking part in the program which centered around the use of popular customs to assist in the celebration of ChriStmas were Mrs. J. Wright, Mrs. G. La- Freniere, Mrs. J. Glaab, Mrs. A, Williams and Mrs. T. Mc- Cauley. A Bible service was led by Mrs. E. Mittleholtz, and Mrs. P. Regier. Susan Zachar, Wellington St. Exeter, held the lticky ticket on the Christmas hamper which was drawn by President Mrs. B. Die- trich. The ticket sale realized $150. Mystery prize donated by Mrs. H. Minderlein was won by Mrs. Spruyette. Carols were en- joyed while lunch was served by Mrs. M. Lysack and Mrs. T. Van Reestel. awards. Miss BeverleyJean Wall won the Hospital Auxiliary award of a silver tray for general pro- ficiency in theory and clinical work which was presented by President Mrs. Harold Taylor. Each graduate was given a Medi- cal Association award by Dr. M. Gans. The supervisory staff award, presented to two students for greatest growth in professional development during the period of training, went to Miss Bonnie Faye Baker and Miss Perla Anne Lawrence and was given by Mrs. George Walker RN and Mrs. H. B. Horton RN. Mrs. R. Bailey and Mrs. E. W. Brady presented a gift to each graduate on behalf of the Hos- pital Auxiliary staff committee. Miss Beverley Jean Wall was valedictorian in which she paid tribute to the hospital and par- III Health? See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS CLOVER CREAM ICE CREAM 1/2 GAL 79 An initiation service for new members was held at the meet- ing of James St. CGIT last Wed- nesday evening. Joining the CGIT are Brenda Brintnell, Jane Broderick, Janet. Ecker, Penny MacDonald, Susan McDonald, Cheryl Penhale, Jo Ann Burke, Debbie Coughlin, Su- san Davey, Doris Ferguson, Bar- bara O'Dell and Lynn Richard, The CGIT groups are holding a vesper service in the church. $unday evening and next WedneS- day, December 15, the members Will go carolling and are having a pot luck supper the same even, ing. Spray artificial flowers with hair spray to give them a shine and make them less vulnerable to dust. Graduation ceremonies were held Friday night for the third class of registered nursing assistants who have completed 10 months training at South Huron Hospital. Left to right are Joan England, Crediton; Diane McRitchie, Tiverton; Beverley Wall, Holyrood; Anne Lawrence, Hensall; Shirley Feick, St Marys; Mrs. J. H. Delbridge RN, instruc- tress; Bonnie Baker, Listowel; Cheryl Jardine, Lucknow; Marilyn Weber, Brampton; Jean Doupe, Science Hill; Delores Burlingham, Mitchell; Gayle Turner, Bayfield. Missing from picture is Julia Harland, Clinton. . . . T-A photo RNA grads receive diplomas FROZEN FOODS HIGHLINER HADDOCK FISH & CHIPS OZ 24 590 HIGHLINER COD FILLETS P 1 KG LB 390 SUPREME FANCY STRAIGHT CUT FRENCH FR. POTATOES 2PKG 450 YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT THESE Fr SPARE RIBS lb. 65e Maple Leaf MAC & CHEESE, DUTCH or CHICKEN LOAF lb. 490 SCHNEIDER'S Sliced or Piece BEEF STEAKETTES lb. 590 Maple Leaf WIENERS 2 IL Foil Pkg, 980 FRUIT and VEGETABLES 113's Large Size doz, AYLMER SALE FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 OZ TIN 27 TOMATO CATSUP 11 OZ BOTTLE 2/350 PEACHES 15 OZ TINS HALVES 2/Sn FANCY PEAS 15 OZ TINS 2/350 FANCY CREAM CORN 15 OZ TINS 2/350 TOMATO SOUP 10 OZ TINS 2/250