HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-09, Page 6Page 6 Times-Advocate, December 9, 1965 Hensiti and district news CORRESPONDENTS. Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262.2025 COMING TO HENSALL SATURDAY 2 p.m. Town Hall * FREE MOVIES * POTATO CHIPS * CHOCOLATE MILK * CHOCOLATE BARS A good day to Christmas Shop Hensall Leave the Kids with Santa Largest Stocks Never before has Hensall been able to present such a wide assortment of worthwhile gifts as this. Never before. Shop your home town first because prices are lower (lower overhead) and the shops you know and trust. 4 Longest Hours Now Hensall is open all day Monday — both Friday and Saturday nights too. These are the longest hours in the district. Not equalled anywhere. Christmas week we're open Wednesday and Thursday evenings and closed Christmas eve at 6:30 p.m. Christmas Shop Hensall. Use this guide for Products Of General Motors F Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS 1 Hess the Jeweler 1 4' ZURICH 11 gr FINE QUALITY WATCHES — RINGS — SILVERWARE 11 CRYSTAL — CHINA — DRESSER SETS * ,a. 1)* — Shavers — Electrical Appliances — A o ?‘ a Ci 11' Illuminated Every Evening (1 a a & Just a $1.00 purchase entitles you to draw for a fine kl LADIES' or GENTS' GOLD ELCO WRIST WATCH Value $25.00 Draw Christmas Eve ;zi vi.itv<si 't.i vewttivAi•,,411:NI:;%stviv46,:tv,kinvtervti zu.itax51:2qr ti :Pci•crt,ttt A.Vq'gr1:44":1!!41:?.t0*vKs., C?4,4qts =f,.5 c...t.5.V1tr"i 'ti, ..<1 tzy.,i1:?itc?,,*-tv.,3 p DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT E a CUCKOO CLOCKS — CHIME CLOCKS I We have an excellent stock of Bluebird and Keepsake Diamond and Wedding Rings Yukon Black Diamond Rings for Gents and Ladies SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Compare 930 Compare 690 Compare 330 Bottle 13 oz Bags 15 oz Tins Amber Rebekah Lodge plan Christmas party Legion elects new officers NeW slate of officers for 1966 for Hensall Legion Branch 468 are:- Past president, Ted Rob- erts; president, E, R. Davis; vice presidents, Wilmer Dalrym- ple; Wm. H. Bell; Sgt at arms, Jack Simmons; service bureau officer, Fred•Beer; Executive, Garnet Allan, Jim Taylor, Byran Kyle, Sam Ren- nie; padre, Rev. H. F. Currie. Sec-treasurer is to be appoin- ted later. Ten dollars was voted by the branch to the War veter- ans Christmas tree fund. Chiselhurst UCW visit Huronview The Chiselhurst UCW visited with the residents of Huronview last Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Harold Parker presided for a short program which in- cluded a sing-song of hymns and old favorites, humorous readings by Mrs. R. Taylor and Mrs. Rus- sell Brock, and a quartette com- posed of Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Tom Brintnell, Mrs. Alf Ross Jr, and Mrs. Jack Brintnell dressed in old time costume sang ,.Put on your old grey bonnet". Little Jane Ross sang a solo, and Mrs. A. Ross was pianist for the program. A cup of tea and light lunch was served and the remaining time was spent touring the home and visiting with the residents. Mrs. George Clifton Nob 1 e Grand, presided for the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge last Wednesday evening when plans were made for the annual Christ- mas party Wednesday, December Hensall council discuss dogs A ratepayer who brought eight pups to the last regular council meeting in Hensall sparked a dis- cussion in regards to dogs run- ning at large. This has been a perpetual problem and council will attempt to find a solution to the problem.' In other council business Don- ald C. Joynt was appointed repre- sentative on the South HuronDis- trict High School Board. This is for a two year term. Council ac- cepted the resignation of Oliver Jaques from the Parks Board and gave a grant of $800 to the board. Friends honor blind typist Miss Kathryn Sells of London and well known in Hensall, being a friend of the Misses Amy and Greta Lammie, retired Tuesday after 35 years with the London Life Insurance Company. She was honored at a reception and dinner at the Holiday Inn, London, Fri- day night, by officials and fel- low-employees. Miss Sells was the first blind dictaphone typist in Canada when she started with the company in 1930. She also studied piano and violin at Brantford and holds an ATOM degree. Jeffrey Brock, Port Credit, re- turned home Sunday after spend- ing a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock, Miss Shirley McClinchey of Zurich, was a week end guest with Miss Faye Troyer. Mr s . Clarence Reid has a Christmas poinsettia two and a half feet high which she pur- chased from Reder's Florists, Exeter, December 10 1964 and which has bloomed all year un- til quite recently and is still living and healthy. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Blackwell of Lansing, Michigan, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Blackwell & Mr. and Mrs. David Black- well & families. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Fink were re- cent visitors with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Wm Fink and daughters in Clinton. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. MacLean, Brian and Allan of Exeter were recent visitors with the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mac- At St. Paul's Church Sunday night the Fellowship Club pre- sented two flags for consecra- tion, the Flag of the Anglican Church and the Canadian Flag. The Union Jack was also con- secrated in memory of Pte. Ar- thur Sidney King who was a member of the Perth Regiment and was killed in Italy. The Union Jack was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Rev. Lyle Bennett was in charge of the service. WI EUCHRE Women's Institute sponsored a progressive euchre in Aberdeen Hall Monday evening. Prize winners were ladies high, Mrs. Heber Shute; lone hands, Mrs. Junior Doupe; men's high, Wilfred Wilson; lone hands, Junior Doupe; lucky draw, Clar- ence Switzer. PERSONALS Miss Zeta Dykstra has return- ed home after having had her appendix removed in St. Marys Memorial Hospital last week. Dr. & Mrs. Norman Amos are spending a week in Florida. Dr. Amos is attending a Convention. Mr. & Mrs. Bert Gordon of St. Marys and Mr. & Mrs. Gord- on Haskett of Grand Bend visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. wm. Scott. Mr. & Mrs, Austin Bailey Of London were Sunday visitors with 15 with members exchanging gifts. Donations were made to the War Memorial Sick Children's hospital, London, and to the Odd- fellows and Rebekah Home at Barrie. Plans were discussed for a banquet in honor of the Assembly Officer to be held January 51966, in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall. Gerald Volland, anemployee of Mickle's Mill, fractured his left arm last Wednesday in an acci- dent at the mill. X-rays were taken at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Gerald is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Volland. Winners from euchre party A successful euchre was held Friday evening in the Lodge Hall with ten tables in play, sponsor- ed by CP & T committee of the Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodges. Winners were Ladies, Mrs. Ross Richardson, RR 1 Zurich; gents, Gerald McFalls, Exeter; lone hands, Bill Ford, Exeter. In the draw for a bushel of apples, Mrs. Gerald McFalls, Exeter, was the winner. Christ- mas cake was won byJack Brint- nell, RR 1 Cromarty. Winners of cakes Two Christmas cakes were drawn for Saturday night at Tay- lor's Ready-to-Wear and the win- ners were:- Mrs. Viola McNich- ol, Hensall; Mrs. Ella Drysdale, Hensall. Incoming reeve Mrs. Minnie Noakes drew the lucky tickets. The cakes are an annual pro- ject of the Hensel]. Kinette Club. Lean. Mrs. Ralph Holland of Clinton, who was a patient for two weeks in Victoria Hospital, London, re- turned to her home in Clinton after spending the past week with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Sangster and Bradley. Mrs. Everett Fletcher is spending two weeks with Mr. & Mrs. William Fink and daugh- t-:.'s in Clinton. The Christmas meeting of Kip- pen East W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Vern Alderdice Wednesday afternoon December 15 at 2 pm. Roll call will be "My favourite Christmas dish." Mrs. Gordon Parsons of Staffa, was the lucky winner of $100 in a draw Tuesday morning on the IGA Shopping Spree, on CFPL- TV. Don Gray made the draw. In a recent canvass of the Bible Society, St. Paul's Angli- can Church were represented by Miss Sylvia Henderson, Mrs. Tom Lavender and Clark For- rest. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Paul. Mrs. Heber Shute, RR 1 Kirk- ton, campaign manager for the Rehabilitation Foundation(March of Dimes) for Usborne Township reports to have collected $209.05, Sponsored by Kirkton and Huron- dale WI. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Henry, Ruth Ann and Mark, Mr. Robert Dobson of London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Blackler. Wins award Jerry Drysdale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Drysdale, Hen- sall, has been awarded the Price Brothers and Co. scholarship of $250 for satisfactory work in forestry at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Hi-C fellowship view films Hi-C Youth Fellowship met Sunday evening in the Hensall United Church with twenty two present. Ted Mock and group were in charge of the program. A film "The work of the Prot- estant Church in Quebec" was shown. A discussion of the as- pects of the film followed. Members blitzed the village Monday evening for a calendar Blitz to sell the remaining 105 calendars left over from the Snowflake bazaar. Miss Ann Mickle was ap- pointed to replace Miss Lois Simmons as a delegate to the Toc Alpha convention at Nia- gara Falls. The group decided to purchase a spotlight for the nativity scene in , front of the church. A donation of $50, was voted to the M & M Fund. Senior WMS regular meet The Christmas meeting of the Senior WMS was held in Carmel Presbyterian Church Monday ev- ening with president Mrs. Earl Campbell in the chair. Scripture passages were read by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. Plans were made to pack Christmas packages for the sick and shut ins of the congregation at the home of the president December 15. Meetings will be held in the afternoons the sec- ond Thursday of each month dur- ing the winter months. Mrs. E. Munn favored with a piano solo, and Mrs. Campbell gave a Christmas story "Where will you be at Christmas?" A social hour was enjoyed and lunch served from a tea table artistically decorated in Christ- mas motif. Thirteen were pres- ent al the meeting. inionanu lllllllllllll llllllllllll it llllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllll llllllll Hensall personals 111111 lllll 1 llllllllllll 111111(111111111111111 llllllll llllllllllllllll 1 lllllll lllllll llllll 1111.111111111iimmitois llllll 1111 lllll II Church women visit shut-ins Thirty seven Christmas pack- ages and two bouquets of flowers were delivered to shut ins of Hen- salt UnitedChurchTuesday even- ing, November 30 by the friend- ship and visitation committee of the church. In charge of the project were Mrs. Pearl P assmore (con- venor): Mrs. Harvey Keys, Mrs. Robert Drysdale, Mrs. E, Chip- chase, Mrs. Bryan Kyle and Mrs. Joe Ferguson. Home economist checks sewing The eighth and final meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes with Miss Diane Liddiard, home econ- omist, as guest was held at the home of Mrs. E. F. Durst, RR 4 Seatorth, at 7.15 pm with all mem- bers present. The roll call "Something I have learned from this course" was answered by the members. Discussion centered around the demonstration to be held Ach- ievement Day. Miss Liddiard checked the sewing done by the girls. Lunch was served. Wise Shopping in HENSALL By POPULAR DEMAND ri,14 Unequaled prices AL'S in HENSALL ,ddisogoti- ,afik„,tuAtirvdp.m, Oranges 2 Doz 690 Produce No 1 Sunkist Size 163.'5 WING0RT-BONE STEAKSib 790 Spare Ribs ,6650 Braising Ribs ,6350 kerlt and Sausage ,,,390 Bologna 341 L's POT PIES 8 oz Frozen Morton's Turkey Chicken Beef ele" 5/$1 PASTRY FLOUR Cottage MAZOLA OIL Hostess CHIPS Aylm er FR UIT COCKTAIL Baker's 12 oz Pkgs. CHOCOLATE CHUM'S Clover Leaf RED COHOE SALMON Compare 530 ea 2/890 94V.Ph vim 61 iv elk en, ro Libby's Deep Browned BEANS Tins 15 oz Compare 2/450 Monarch 7 lb Bag Compare 740 48 oz apple raspberry or Tins apple-strawberry Compare 890 32 oz Compare 690 ea 2 /8 90 XMAS ry STORE HOURS Store wilt be open on the following Mondays in Dec„, 13, & 20. 4/790 ea 654 ea 74;q ea 13U ea 2/S1 2 /5 90 010 4