Huron Signal, 1863-05-07, Page 4Bnroory ! E. Propsi.lor. SOO ACRES UNDM& CULTIVATION illk the Mem dew earn ed, 'Wad lade bad Mimed eeeime s.dd k w►teb {beg read to b. nudes. This w fee- tpnaYJ that .t Is.gq nosy dateredgied weft rams sem' rat epos "them wWtiae W Oe Me mentiag HM „the sweet wee *as Belled sabered the Mem std, sear Io k*/ et epos geode, pawed b imam As she was the .fere we el the Moshe w hes sr' tempt b cermet IL mamas* • silk wwhic's' Head r gieg IOtta the he.* . A mord werv.at was hawed, sad the Mama the easaii-ing ter hot, Raced three tam* Ned will Peds of e11 Mee, iwle ing .4ba tdbbxm& Imes, ad., whish led .ppreetlp bins +ole.. TM intake won takes te da esetnl station, sad a large patios et ehm goods mg* tdentilsd by Lake street onstaa h ea bwimg bees .toles from nark Mersa The cats eame.► Kale yesmrday mem i.g at the polies court, sed the b.i.► ooueltrive .mare the del.odbtlt, she wee held to bail is the Mum of$1,000 to await trial it the Hesotdues Court. Th. defe.d.at berMotore has moved is the samefaekioaabie circles, and beetle s food aphelion. Her come is leagelisenuy twwi.heA sed has always bero knows as an aristocratic eitabli.hm.nt, sod was pstrouized try penoes of respectability. The ease has bodied earideranle excitement is certain circles, and the police court room was .roweled with beauty and fashion to ottani ins mini. Yrs. Bider is about thirty -Ave yearn of .;u. Mad a husband who is ss is ..tide HETI;UN F&UNDRY MN& ORNAIESWIAL TRFE14, AT LOW PRICES. Tb w -rites uiNaMu Rly, M;be .. • G DERICH NIIRBERY, TNS /D/eCAT/sa-!gee re w .Mew as.Wmm load* basemsIworld draw the s0Smi.s el eetes••f allwei'S W torr ham Dwarf and Standard Trees! A Inanity i; ItasaIactnre. 1 taw substance has lately been perfoohed .. nide Mara ba exact rw.•mblace w the most e , odor kinds.( weed, tad, like wood, eaa 1w mead ia tee mmsdsct.re of manage ate molmy " d especial!y of all the ariso tel articles which ars Itediaarily made from wood with i Oahe et. and labor. The pristeipaI tar ,rip need in the composition is wood drat, •• int/tined with other elements in such a way . to reader it at Act plastic, so that it can Le urd.d intu-wy beat, .Sid retard tp ex- ', emely solid u 1, hnodV urea h, 'tidily and fineness of appearance to the • ir..icest. The advantage of this eastlrial is that it inn be made to aware* all sorts of fairy .hopes --boxes, and the like -be moulded in- t a carvings and other deo/fall's appliances • ith very little trouble, sad therefore at coma . atatively small .:pear. Chair -backs, pic- nvre frames, toys, lanes boxes, any of the smaller articles in the maoufecture of which wend is mead, can be more elegantly mole st leo than half the price; w fact, then a no reason why iture should not be made by the same pflKd 0 • eQ Oli /024a uJ bay'. e' J quart e' bur ketr " Five dollars," '' Oh, sow." said ' "that ain't fur 1 Suas•k.I►'a bars MOW "sr. s hs veins x1•l a Il b.► ho. mach - _ . S. CHECQUERED STORE) Market Square, Sip of the Large Padlock H. GARDINER & CO. bag to .Mora the peke that they Nva mom d WN • RETAIL Hanlwery tame, m the Coen Hot ttemw,tled aveb. 1 hey will al ways hay..m head •lamp sed w.0 set..vd Muck ot Heave 4 .4/ Ailer/wms, waprwee: ole. In... all eras: Hoop sad Iled beet Caraele Plate. Ti. Plate 9. .*. .11 kr.d., Cwl Chart Arnim Y Ihnit 'ah'. Bellaire; Harr N.,Is; Cut Nailer Premed N.J., Wrought Ns let Glum Puny. Orli tied rarest Cole,.. Spoke and IMisim rd throw sad Neu* ' Shot; Powci., Rorkle"Oahu m, Droseniuo n.a.. Sseelf Hardware, of Every Deseriptloe. Ir VAC?, Ewwehiar that Mould be kept is a Hari ware Siwe. Ouknr k. *511. M GODERICH FANNING KILL AND ratweTta w APPLES, PEARS 1 CIM, flm3B'80My ♦prlbot.. Noe4oriaa., Peaches, BIBDR1AW ORAN do. Abs, M Parr NATIVE AND FO MAPES!! VNiiela.e, $'FRAw-sjf:18 Rash,$, he., Orr deka. sed hetet venetian ICH OINAYENTAL TUX &robs, INewera, 4c-, ,j This M.ewy coot he .ups -4 T LAST .fate awmae.t mbar Renate ow' h".. by this NerryMrs :- URAtown.eir,t Jame.' Stet, Wirers. Hu., k. Jolts Hada. y1 castimalks James how.. Jui...TIs.T'tlAw Harry -+- Tib.. wa, Lure Oeiwl, David YeMeame, John Moro AMML.111 Jobe Cook.. Juba Fhdey. Devil McCarron, Coe. Qpmo.d• Wil. CAMPBELL, Agent, .2 -les a! - R. ftUNCIMAN` & 00., fifithifittleprs of Grist and Flouring Wills* Circular, Mulay and Sash Saw -kill, AN DIGINIS HI( ARB, THILA_ Ski I1NG1-: C TIN ES, ![owing and Reaping Machine/, Wood Saws, TC81t , CAANGI- pYaOVC $AI, TORS AND HORSE POWERS, Weis Castings made, and Blacksmiths' work dom is a nest and sulstaatiol tower, Castings of any d•scri • made tp order. Also, all kinds of machinery re on short > Ica. A large stock of 0, PARLOU AND BOX STOVES, Al Seger Kettles, Wagon pe Us. i s. As oar pates rof the ahem are approved kind, we would solicit an inspection of our stock before pereb.ing g• ears •e wit aro offering the above at the lowest remunerative priers for cash, a er tip- pkatetC'roak. Old aleW, Haar, Copper, ted all kinds of produce take* in ezcb.s.e. Dederick October. Hid+. ten Tee Error? or PAxeex.-40 the garrisol town of Woolwich.* few years ago, aresldier was about to be brought before tie cum - no odiei °Seer a( Hyt for some miedeadoor. The officer entering the sol - (Sees mate said, 'flew is -e-- sgar ; what can we do with him? He bas gook through slams ewer! ordeal.' Tha asug•use major, Mr. 8-, apologized for intruding, and said, 'There is ors *ding tbat has never been done with bias yet, sip 'Wbat is that, , sergeant-myor T' ' Well air, he has never yet been forgiven.' 'Forgiven r said the Col., 'here i his rare entered.' *Teti, but the man is act before yodet, and oouy Cart cs, tit.' Altar the calomel reie4fbd'a'f w ideuteti be ordered tbu man to be brought before him, when ha was Raked what he had to ay este ties to the charge brought against hires 'Nothing sir,' was the reply, 'only that I am sorry for what I baro done.' Alter staking some suitable remarks, the coloalsaid- we ars resolved to Negev/you" The re soldier was etck with ataoshment ; the Mare started from bk1'eves i he wept. TO Colonel. with the adjutant and others present, felt deeply when they saw the man se ham - blot Tho nanstar had the moldier satJer his olio* for two years ands MY alte, this ; and never, during that time, was there . charge brought against him, or fault found with him. Mercy trinmphed ! Kindness conquered Tbe man was won O'Coonell in said to have choked • panic on a hank of which he was director, by making the cashier roast the gold that was given in change for sows. The crowd tamed they were coining money in the back parlor, and that they could not break • bank which could supply its customers with gold like breakfast rolls. Betides, it was rratr ancotalortable to pink' op hot soverei Los, and the process of cashing was necessarily slow. Tag Pincus DAGGI•R.-Thri repots which speaks of Princess Dagmar as the destined hemle of tie yoeng heir of All the Roraima," as r the wow of the diplomatic world, is now conirtned. This younger sister of the Prin. ion of Wales, is fat move beautiful than ber hodemes atA charming meter, sod is said to be by Ihr the most besatital of all the unmar- ried danghtem of the rebating booms. if it be true that Princese Almond/a promises to he " the most besatdel woman is Ragland." as Ira bees aamertemi by enthusiastic Maximo of tier sweet and graci.ous awe, it seams to be no leas tree that her fair young sisor promisee to be. with parleys' the steer emotion of the lovely Empress tlisabete of Austria, the mot beautiful woman in Europe ; mod this ..00romniate booty, it is now easerted, is le .; mice bprowl bye, the crown of the Northers accomplished, asealy young felloir, highly .poken of by those who know him, mid ef a beet& build greatly raper:or to *as et w ell -was* hat weak sad esartia isms NOT TO BE BEATEN Y. $. KIRK [2 EGS TO AIrNOQWCE that he Lal/ has now nttaae* W WINTER STOCK! Which Ina ail atilt' Greatly Reduced Rates ! NEW FRUIT : Valenti'', M. R. and Layer Raisins, Patna Carriage ; Tu key and sear Rigs; French Prunes, is jars; Or- ange, Lemon and Citron Peels ; 8.8. Almonds, Filbert mod Bra- wl Nate; Pickles & Sances, ALL KINDS. Ora 31120 2.11q MUCH REDUCED: Piegsney, Monne and Twankay Yong Hysou, Contort, Souchongs japan. F ninp li`aotory rrvHS a 6ee byt_ •leIs(prm tr. iheb- 1 ,* Math tat ids. r* Yu.00 sad B rae. !teal ba is etll NannIaetnrrng en.d Lea on hand •.emberof . smpert.r Fos - elm, ifgi11e and PUMPS. He vouln par - neology V., etteadod to IJs idle, at he all warrwt them t.. free Wheat from oats sock It,*her A.. Pampa made t•ord•r and warranted .s*l=oes 1.”reera~i Ni. ""- H• ENRY DiJLD. Ru z L..1 •.1,4 i L. Important to Saddlers ! THE SUBSCRIBERS beg to draw the at teapots of Saddlers to their large iron - earl of O.oarIea. OetoM. cls. IIMA SADDLERY HARDWARE! IMPORT ID $ISICT, Which tory are prepawi to sell AI TUT LOW r . Hanes, Hsssklas, Sit%tlle-Trees, arra, ire, on band. H. GARDINER & CO. 14 Market Square. Goderie6. ea C.W. HEADSTQNES FROM E5 UPWARDS Oodeneh. lith November. 1961. .40 T■E ToltION11116 COLLEGE, C. W THIO 114STITUTIONi hinted in the Ar 4sa- fre /pw.rw. 71wearo, bet bees addled w BRYAN T, STRATTON at du ATTON 1 r-,o'N. sham of Ceimaeyei.t Cottages trabli.he4 in Now York, Brooklyn Pbr'mklpbia, Albany, Troy, Bu4a1o, Ib ovdsud, Dams, Cresco and 01 Lora The Mist of these Colleges a tr impart to Tom, Yoe and Ladies thorough ■sd premier iaer.rrsa is took -keeping, emnmeretel Lew, 'omm.rrial Arithmetic, Spe.eerr.n . Bummer Peamaaship, Correspondence, dre., and to ft thea beady department of burner they may Amass Nebdar.Iips wed in Canada will entitle the andel to romplete hie course in any Collip of the ebrre sad .w react, wslluet additional .is•. eidtege althea day and evening. EY, autumn. Psrecrru_ Foe IY0 er information rear cell at the Col- lege, weer fur Catal,.g.t • d Circular, encl.». ng imnrataap. Adams Bar•rr, STa.Tioe air Co. Tomato. Jan. 1. 1063. aw34w46-1y • PELEE ISLAND, AND POINT PELEE KEW, LIGHT HOUSES. ALL KINDS. TOBACCOS, IN LARGE VARIETY AND curAP. LIQUORS • • Brandies, Julies Robin, bottle. WinesellSandeman's No. 1 Port, Booth's Old Tom, in wood •nd bottle, Old Jamaica Rum. Dunlop's Scotch, Murphy's EVERYTHING In GROCERIES REPT MID rOlt 11.4 LIC Patentater- Drawer. 1818t simple tad &dive Machine sow It one, for dorallag water. FION ‘111.8 OF DEPTH In Not Liable to get thr pails. is Met as akar me water amen Mier yrs for am PLUMBING ! PLUMBER, Kingston Street, GODERICH, Opposik dte Huron Hotel. LEAD PIPES! in kw the imnireyance mad or hot water .I. to ports of Dwellsett HOOMM Hurls and Public Beddiees. Reeklemes Med up with Lead and Eno Baths, Copper Boners, Water Tanks, Wish Basun+, Sinks, WO Trays, Water Closets, FORCE & CISTERN PUMPS. 71.• intention of Farmers. fimwers and Railroad Lthermar. meted to the tastily of the HYDRAULIC RAM ay WOurb watar can be Merited Poet Opening 3rerwk to Breweries, or Rendenoce. This or erotism Fame Tants, toe the waterloo salkitalwe Nectar requiree no manual labour, end will throw ir steady stream of row, by /lit OW1 hobo*, for the year round Osier prettmlly invaded JO. 0051044441 SON.. MI. .64Clins DMSION COURTS Tinos andlpleoe roe rim if Order the hue* be holden commis or & BRUCE. at /kaiak*, court. Holiday, kb June, 1843. rtl, DI violent Coors RD II, Tuesday, fah May. 1.211a3eas Co am ALE, Thursday. 7th May. 1211 May. teem DUNG aireorday. 11142 May. tab 11022111016 Camel. teorrtaLe, NA Mil Nab ~deft coats. OWITOK, Tenelay, MA Jaw sew Sloodoe comic esek Saarketry, Nei him 11. 0o0P1M. LAKE ERIE. NT, OT10E i3 hereby riven that on, and af 1 • ter Ate 1551. of Aril next, the Light elbobt- ted es Peee Island, near the upper end of I.ake Erre, 'oe altered 60 as LO she% • 6rtgla reef, sr that 00 Potet Pelee wiil he altered to • Agate hide C•theins sod Pilots a rei,e10, Will therefore bear is mind, that in peering up the 1 ake the or es Ural win be oa the eteromall side, and tO red hest on the larboard eds. By order ol the Coinilitanamr, T. TRUDEAU, Departmeist of Public Work.. thebire,C•neda, 16 March. 1b63. awl6trix-t Ai=earearpoodoet the Ilse Torii Osassave land ;Milk *doge, es in proisatiaaad si_abs. Oils seat SOK aad tie ;seek II la dr araldfilli ond akeselia far the inispesissee of Named ' /01211 *NW premewitard latalsosital• seems 4,064", lag Apr& al Oa Isa reposatkos tar Ai mask en Oherleayes The light lamed brel lesif ma er ad mei sallara al Milani okras. twig 22101. maimabfb tompaskiik essaeosaita MAXI shoat Aslarlipa•Lrsertssit hailmea•oad aridiad ono wag amid ha Mkt Is Sae dossid m• slaw. Ai 11101. Ile pia. *Met sa *NA tIwy took At mimosa Wog *eta gai/Mtwielag wee etliagshltettieimit. tbe X MI Is heldes MI dry at Mem rofirawe tow elbow A.M. Ity oder ad Ms p ussorr wet ada ewe mem sr by 1rtympana, al (omit ammo As:6k% is do Townships/ Alkikesi sad WaortaWarlil poinlamo in *sus DALTON, is sail al a Amps • TO ADVIIIIMS Scanlan' own throsehoot the UAW Corn - ties of Huron and Brum, anl rlanwhemil, wit do well tr. remember thin tbe HURON SIGNAL, ADVERTISING It F1)117111 I • Clreolatioo of More than Daible that th •ny town& in the Counties, MRICHANTS and otters who desire to svorls the greeters! member of pevigile Wilb their aotam$, may, at Itey thone.'examato ratter ear lint of Ia. fide mherribers. or thr polr 04 wetted pa- per for each week's mew. whet we her ece iss ofiebas0 Moats teey will be ratOrd with Termite wbst we Mole. Same Mr. Regimen lased the fient 407 rem& a the Snit ort L. (Wen veleta *ph it has leen ninthly larreantur III retalkidel, Sad has mower been graffito, Mew 14• paste Me. We do not make thew remarks oat GOMM* • e•y faring tfl le oar Adverming Palmieri on the corm", we have had as rnany frountleely powler se we could smtremeeily find roma fie, mod ,Ife make a • Knot tier, to allow se same tondo to remain in the pager leyird the time have hem homed minty drag the met sr ✓ are, 'as we are eetemosed. ie scresilmos emit the decree.* ih• Press narietielis w ' Orr them vete at • cent lea 'ban dm film ow caved frote local Merchant.. Notwaitithadhig thre, hoover, den Forth. tome inentiosed, we her serried tem rebore of new adv.-nistrateste pee week. This fria prove" a mammy erwiresse,es ot is roll ker. by all Weenier thee e pier war be the bret brine. tribute, which. al mortal elwaysthat harm( ortrelledoet la the PIIIVIAnr, sad, lodes or rad ter& ie the Lawry tot Or Wm maw to renAi qt. awe* a Cakes& kr. 14.141100, yen bare teeth re men, horse 10 110. mil abeam er peetigezemaiment DR. HULL'S Aromatic Physic AN Ymportant Family Medicine. roa the core of &memo of the LIVER AND STOMACH, Indigestion, Balmer affeetiobs, Palpitation of the Heart, Costiveness of the Bowels, Sick. Headache, Pilcs, Jaundice, and all other eases where aa opening gentle physic is miquire.d. THIS 2113DICIN oorrAms NO MERCURY, oa ANY OTHER DELETERIOUS DRUG. BEING VERY PALITABLF. t meow kw de -so female. or Mildred. is amply • helpmate t,i nature, giving energy sad • bealihy settee to the Stomach, the apnea at Ois Moire the burly denten it. sueror. Thin Medicare hese( very closest to the Mete. mem beerane very peeler with tees rivers who boe Wee eckeeed web metros& Crier Oil, Aloes, Itheberts, &c. Wherever it Yoe bees ierroduced n has met with rest sereer, sod r likely to supertle all ether reedirthes as • good sad ptheirt prow. do Carta t F forme, and the trarte 15 'wee 111.Aileartila is lie if FOR SALE! kosense toads •r• Mame for Ws ea A Flew 011•S•01,1001.• Imam s • MLA MI III WI IT Mt Of me ma musics se ',SIGNAL Oftria. Iowa pkiti sad wow 63 gees tionsamil, •recy Mom toilers si raft seri se l'ese' ghat or st Lead* Neely OW =is nehrep fhlatiai nonl Orli, 64 'to Ell. Meet floe re 8,..wid raemd, yams* le the Certified sa be tresatzlikee essayed el atv:!,4E arrow Tlie oleo mi.. ...„„a vitt Oro*. imerat seat CHARMS With lellsomes re per oat. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS: loath T ie. let ecrM, Ad item, 1141 182 1 loft 411411t rel..., II: amen Nara II la dh ow, 111101111rak Nardi 12 i a 45 am., 1011 dam. LOS 2 teed a ie I lith sea., led Wee melt ;,,,,..14/41:41.1,...,11,47...,,.. 1.../1 sad ini eau., 1141aareetriali, Lot IS is 1 cam Ile elk i IAA 311 a 8 taw. 10 HOME MANUFACTURED ACJ. YRED SEWING MACHINES. R. M. WANZER & CO. MANONACTvaxa. or SEwI a stAciformi James Street, Hamilton, C. W. ALAGS 44.90271 EXTOP Fruit and Ornamental Trees SHRUIYI, RoeRB, CIR.,PE VINES 1 Strawberries, 4.,•••••••••1 1.irtri Hosts, ....e. At pies that of sae M l be seem e.ory r The nei tae seems Ihs1 WO mote - bleed se..,.l dowse ems AM Sewers, coobreed web the hew pini se wW May ea .sen ed. Mold M themselves be mire* to Oho every perm is was *TOMO ranchos* !'hem AT HOME ! Mated or purmisug ditaat .ad uakwwa estate 51•km•a.. ADeecriptive pplication, !hath Cefabyea Free m. N. T. Custead. Oodeieh Noreen. October 10. 1552. owIIaffil mums SALE OF LANDS. Malek Coolies of Or seta of Two W nr. el Hove and Breve,}) Fri Fria err out tel To Wits Her M.,ery s Com lyCorn of the United Commies of Herr sed Brow and to me d.ncred rare the Leda eat tesemenu,e June. Y.Uwre, James Hall end Juhr 11di.ue, .t the Masa or Robert hmehrsa and Joe Pew - rear, I hems mord sed tare is Saealsoa all Jr right, ole sad estero0 a the said Deleedame, Marl to Lot ' weber Fony-tbmw a the First loner.... and Let Tweety-lwu in lb* Secured Ore..woe of the Towr.eblp of Rink.+, ie the (tarry of Orem. rarer' Dee hrebel Acne, acs, more er tem ; wheel Lads red weaewea 1 Wk rim ferle at my Mice ate Court Hoerr ea the To.e d Uodencb oe Tuesday the Tw.ary- Met day 0Jdv real..1 the hoer of Twelve e the clock, ems, JOHN MACDONALD. emir, Y. It /y S. Femmes, Depty Steeds. Shen/ hr (l.ev. Uod,rir►, 13th Apel. they 11 1 Cewl"..rse., M.J....I r rttNZSS A Co:* C,rmkmlim Family &eve VV mg Machine. Paired m treads, ranee the best geahues of the Wheeler de Wilmot' and Saget's Marrs, gad makes the sere perfect ad. vote Mewing Machias row before the pate lie; rte rwoplu-sty ad toe perfect retrial' orris work, is a surbr,en, recommendation tor ate intro- duction into every !amity The public hay., only to call and examine ver Iher..rlvev, to he (idly eatwsed Om advantages over all others now te ee. They clan hlanufactu,e the well knodn Wand- er 4. Wioa. and Sieger ;swore, Mathis.. iter which they bur, received the First 1'ner, et the Provincial Eshibition, London; Mechanic.' le - dilute, Toronto; Agncultural Fav, Hamdtw, and .h cher places where they Imre rzhMtd i. the 1 rovaee. They beer seven! tkveatd Sewing Machines ettheir manufacture now in op. raw is Ceada, working to the enure s l,t.ot on dib. pr.nbu err, as the., numenae Testuuoniata w1l certify. All Crelnione reser St Cu.'. Beerier( Mar►.nee tear tbrst.mp of n. M. Wieser t Co.. Hanithon, on the plate. A mom important advantage In the primhaose of Wanner J: Co'. Machrnem, W that e ll corresponding pens bring rode •like, shook' any pin ter woken or tetanal it ego be replee-a a the shortest notes, thus rang the aaoreee .int zipper., of sending 10 the States for reps,., and passing the t'ueu.n House on bulk shakes. elm We hereby authorize J. HENRY to art ps our rule Agent in Huron ad *truce, from whom Machines can be obtained .t the ante once is we dell Them Icr in Hamilton. fa30 Cos. 14, Wawaaasi. 200 ACRES. THE ABOVE LOTS are offered for sale ras very theap, and on reasonable Mous.- And the oublic are hereby cautioned against stealing timber from the said Lots or tree - pairing ...in the same, as any partes'olfeeding will be proceeded 14/111inat., ander the ow Statute 23 vie , Cap. XXX VW, which mattes the stealing or destroying of timber punish- able by imprisonment in the common gaol for 6 months. For particulars es to sale of land or timber, apply to fiodench. March 6. 116L ther53-64 VALUABLE & WELL -SITUATED PROPERTY FOR SALE! TN TIM TOWN OF OODERICH. rr HZ sober -Mee inarucied to of*, for sale • the Were( merit wooing!, A BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED PROPERTY SitITT•nal• Moab. The Melees room oyes large rooms, goed ester. We. There are four-dilis a an acre ol reettmeet Frisk Trees, nmet whirl* see toommeemag to ewer. 1 id Ouster of this pro. perry is ens of the /nee in the toWR--beving a raser Ilrom the Market Nom. • Mow dome weml Ike Feuedry. The helm simels. la Ma prom WO b• *NNW MOW mil, LOW feast rem. einem sandm er Thew fir EXCELLENT COTTAGE more ead heehaw This popsy lecksige te. kiss well Moues Rem OWN 111 Mem ilkikpirk• Nab /kw. Ma The 11114411 prapsee win he sold elwag, Ap. SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS, Untied Creates nY rase rd .Wr4 at Fen Hero. sad Bruce, A) Ferias ke.rd oat of He To Wit: 1 ysjMy'. Cwaiy Coen of the - Uaited Counties o( Hartle and Bruce and w one directed avows' the lasedo and teammate of Devitt Nen., A.drew Nene .rd Rotel \former, et the res d Tans Great arm Edward Italkwr0, 1 have deiced and 'rear Eacrwoe, en the tight, Wile and lerrest tithe aid Direndarl, is sad to pen tel Let No. Thirty-one,,. the kw eour•.Yer M tk0TewWip d ifmmeyy. 1. the Casey of Menai .ad Prweate of Camila,ewhet. ay le Mown and der robed u d ore : ecrn.wedose at the ellenu ,. d t realm as a count North nine dories thirty ..muse Wirt from the $wino. awely Aisle ef sari few ; alone South eighty degrees fat) tar , les, West three chain, water ed • ball leeks ; theme North nine degrees tbiny mnatce, West uho rhea seventeen teaks; Ihe.re firth eighty degrees fete mares, East them chess ":tree ▪ • half risk., to the Look.. Bud ; trace South ave degrees tow,, m,wle., lam owe erre reveries her, 1u the par. d hernea.. ems. perches by da.aeermvel or reed Mrd treat patches te Le rural the burro. therm era waste Leeds ed 'reeeww ( wry oiler kw .Ns a1 my Oars in the Coen Hoar. se the Tows ef Onderich. on Toe*, tr l wrely<egtah day of July Next, at the luno of Twelve of the chick, ria. JOHN MACDONALD. Skene, H.. B. By tl. pounce, Deputy Arts. Slertfl'. Were. Gud.neb, 141b Aped, 1.511 13 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. 1! nned Cniasties DY virtue .4 a Writ Hume and llowne, 11 Voris., le. To : red WI of Her blejelity's Cowl of Quern's Sem*, •ed me duetted, aganue the Isar sod tenements ri John Jamie- soe, cleceard, ad the tone or ha rote le the hand* ot Aar latureer, mdmieranarix of the goods avid chattels and Arta Jobn briers, de- ceased, who Mel intestate at the cced of John and taken te Executor MI the right, title and in. feral orate said Defend•Dt. la sad 1.• pantie Lot No. 31, Serum CO•W•11•1011., Tuerrbi p Melia - lop. and Coury of Heron, which parcel of Lend ppm dram one char, seventy -or Lith• frotm lbe Easserly • nee of seal Lot, and on a router Sorb thlay Serer West ; there South thirty degrees West. one chain 6.1y -eight •nd • imaner chain kflyeerbt mad • quarter Links; thence Nonh. thirty degree. East. one chain Rhy.eight and • quarter Lank.. to the phoce of beginning. Also, pm Lot eraser Thirtv.Fira Come...ton of licialop, ta rat County, ci0taining three roves, more or Igen, keown es Perk toC411 SOS. it, lb anti Id, in Abe Hays Survey of the Villithe • Hgeportry ges county of Huron. and real be described as Sa101om: cumierescing at the North- erly Ark of um said Lim 'Await .130015 MI? dere., Kee rieventythve Link•; theme Sorb thirty degrees West one chain sad Mit-eight anti a matter Urn; thence Norlb rislytk-strees, West Nevest?-11re Links; there North thirty degrees the piece of beginning, containing emit. One Acre of Lead, more or left with the buildings thereto tater kw Iale ott my Olice la lb. Coen HAMM in the T0011 0( Goderiork, 00 Tumidity the Terribly. eighth day ofJelytext, at the hoer or Twelve of the clerk, roe. JOHN' EIACDONALD, rakerit, li. Is B. tit S. Pirmice, Diwy Shot 14th A pril. ell xs 1111111 0111 Very Reasonable Terms ! of Bence. The Tdhige messed cia the nuns teed brewers klarartiimi mod Walkerton, tke Comfy Tenni of Heave. Lot Number au, Neete dee Mirehantee Arra, the Tv*. Kinewries. wont Lose, dale, also 76 and 76, West sik Vieseeis ni Ike Toni al Kimeedim, Demme el Itreww. Lots Illembere 3,-4.11, ea km Serb efthe Dre Lan Market Now, is dr %%Nava Kiiiimihno Alpe Los 6. 4 sad 8n. the Doesien sad ist os tee froth mi. of rho Dismira 111100. la Yr Les It sad et ma West id& • time TOM is tee Tom COFINdill4k Fee pastrulass apply o HaisttrWreels .26 NOTICE 07 ABSIONJUNT. Amick ka. knititt Wirt* Am Perm 11 Mem ours Time Me male ea mramismea in all art Abram as Me sedemetewel kw ehe se loos Mem milia.teassie midst meg easpreme cee ge be an Ike alike sad ell wan imileMat amid Jam. Hem am imseseed meg tmemesedleemidamde do* meow volituatdoky as, mop mak Feleume MM. ISIS swat FOR SALE: TRII non =NTT ASS* MONO Eon, Like NNW clow. APOtt IfiWielptOltafr Illawerlati, NM Jews* II. IMMO* TO mow sf,11( 'bat Three =Air Imi=sbaz. Ova Jew* All peed* se leorobwe *I" 7:2140•37:7hin *taloa iND WW2 taapeikille Oar OA, aaneildtkreank.. 711 IIALS OP LANDS. aided151.51.40.51*....*) Hera .M TMHit comm. Wane Liaised lady mei wader Ma and takes 1. weer et the earl F. es the meth !rik ,( _ _ *Ilneass Nimbus U, 14, 'ti 111.1 ! ^ f aid Alias Rtes! 1 :.a4 4._netlri d High Street. kat Nu, t. rt4 millet Ae. Downes*. d kre1M Je.e;p. awl l e es the ll .Yr M rlBArl, ft .t •, imeei . Coen a aastant tie iAP` seised ow Mom SammeameamomeCtsuate earairei Mar earemeh, memo kers the Coed Reuse, as the Tows wf ga Time Twelve Otis trek, raw. JOHN M ACDONA LD, sanurrs SALE or Luta- Unitise Cornea efin 1. virtue a( Tete Writs - Herr sad arms Jill ef Fie. here &end ' To ern : set of litist Majosty's Lowe: of Char/eery at tomato, wed tes wzairb.kweirted Au. 1 bevy twirl gad take' ' neat, tufo amt. letter uf the ta, in ' Boa 10 1..44 member Pory-oine, la dr in ' 000e0000.1 Ca the Tower" of Hilkill 4= . Cu= or Honor., wish che beildiard offer tor sale et my Oise ila the Court Mood *. the Tows of thievish, op Tommy dew Twelliti day of May sem, at Om hour of Twelve el the reek, mos. JOHN MACDO NA LA by 8 Poasoca, Deputy Moir /IMF:RIFTS SALE OF LANDS. limited Crakes of 1,)7 virtue of • Wot co Huiroe arid Bniem, 1.11 View rotas reed out Court al Ilse Mimed C00111100 01 Hama sad Bowe and to me doweled agmssfahttlirdadrad the smut ot Joke Plowmen sad lobe Prey, 1 bays reed ead mks* le Exicatioe.s• *be ingbil, let* mod interest af the said Derearre le owl to ttpa parcel or meet elf Lase, rare, lyiei ea the Towethip of Steal* le the Coest; mad rnIninle of Canada. arratalaimff 07 ' realer thee Are ta rug, brag pier egf telt Nose* Thiry, Ant ecommem Tomei, el Ste ley sed Carty of Mos, ...I ecomoremei al tbe Nacticast conber Cie Ike said Lat. ea the Lorre Road air femme. me roars piece, end - past of ithe mid NOsteeeir moor erak Ile ode. los throe erected . which Liao tad INA - awaits I shall idler (of sale at my tam O We • , mat Hoose at the lira of Ounktrielt, Se Tme- day the Niath day uf Joe, at Or beer* Trretre ef the clerk , nose. JOHN MACDONALD, • By 8. Pootra,Depetyaberiff. March 51h. 1143. 1 eft sitzatrrs SALE OF LAND14 Pawed Counties of FIT 'Pipe of • *Sri Hire mod Bruce, 13 Perron. Export To Wit Fri Pace. lewd' *CM Her 11 weight Coen of Quires Hemet, to me Arra* ageneet sbe reds and reememmeet JOkiN SPENCE, at the Mot 01 THE BAN• esiestron all the right intereat of lbw rid de- feedeat en and 10 kr tu glee tnellia1110, three triserre. ua the rah sine of Heed AMOS 4 lute oars to ere krelesive, inertate to thrly-etree six, ea the rat Wm. mid shme, hem otel al, ea the west side Eleaserget Ayer*: treetfallsk live • eil ...bon the east thr, art Uwe, fusw,ihre Mx, oe the write ode or Greg wood Avenue ; 1111:0, fuer. Ave ua the rue aide, and three, hair, live and sex, 1.11 the west sae of Toroeto Street and eleven on the mouth err et Welivritoof Area., town militia. is the crusty el Bros.. Wert ; also thirteen Oa the south sok H street, ten end thrive. us the era warts 'ire • Louth.. and ovelie, int the rat tre of Flt#1 street. thirteen, oe the wrier. eirialerte MAK, and tiortythute and forty on the meth eider Cr ore street, mm1.111,1114 one acre altd all-leallm 01 as Sere More or te **tow. of Southaseptue, la the said county ut Bram • whteh leads and Court dowse, the lows of Goderith, un Timm day. the 1711, day ot Match sally el the lam of Twelve of the clock, noon. JOHN MACDONALD, fly S. Pottoes, Deputy Sherif!. The above sale Ut----*-postponed t121 ireithry Sweesti day of Jane next, at manse ham se: tire SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS United Crimes of UT virtue ot • Writ ot Huron and Bruce. 1.3 Fen Tarim *reed 0* To wit: of Her llejestes Comity Court of the Comity of Haltom arm ear dirtied moo the Lands and tenprent• of Santee' Can at the suit oi William C•rr, 1 have Owned sad tele, in Execution 511 tbe nett, tula eed loosest Number Twenty -Mx, emersion D, te the Tire. tare of lee Char and &ship -foe* ▪ frees Ikea the Northwest ark of aid Lint Twesty-sta Con. D the Tow.** ut Carrick, la beatOorg isouth sr 51. W. along the elotreerm buesdary the roes. alkoweirce beware Tweety-Ive Twenty-six in said Coors... D. Treat *OW 45 in • line parallel to the Elora Raid, • do - bee parallel tear Reid rower, hamar Lots Number Twenty -live and Twiner**, • diettamee of Six Chair and Teresty-thres Ism to the esethera heandary of Mel sat dr i•••••• beerier Law Nem Twesitintlesi GPI Timmy -Mx Thsace /4. 117.M 0. Meet elte Smithy. border" of mid toed ellenesoer,• distaste nf Twelve Chem, to the ohm tither mktg. eireining by eihneseremeat Biz Aar, Two Moods sad Niemen Perches, be the lame more or loom with the haddisgs Mateo ererod. Mairii Lewis mid Teammate I Mei air fee sale et my Ogee la tke Coen Hems re the Tenni ef ea Tuesday the Twelfth duly ot Ma& sem, eit the beer* Term albs. trek Moe. JOHN MACDONALD, ' 8. Pruner, Der.X.16,beelf. IIEZIUMP'S SALE OF LAND& trailed Comtism efi vow • Wak, •• as Noce, Bra Flan F; 'aelaresd mes seed ne me sworeed assess the Lode sod mem.* ham likikamid, tion eat of Mardi MI me rethe, tree sad Summit of the Mid wet ired to all aad simpitar that Lenart sare et Lead, metre, !yes. tad bekrig lea %woe IG,a the lila IFOOOFMNO• of the the . Mame 'Meg MX wi Ho I sad ohs swab pad wi are h• IMMO, et pan et rare I whirl Leads awl , ear wile at toy Mee le GM Cern ▪ Teas otorkwina, Tamil, OM day a I.* seat. at this Mew irt 21116: Meek, soak ay itimeirePou.17164.1kazime.2110,1ir 'I.!". ';'s Aged. NIL I ,Haii= • FOR SATAN &team astir Cambia