HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-12-09, Page 2•r`-,
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Mr. & Mrs. T. L. Scott visited
recently with Mr. & Mrs. 0. R.
Francis of Woodstock.
Misses Carol Ann Dow and Jo-
anne Dow attended the graduating
exercises in James St. United
Church Exeter, when their cousin
Miss Jean Doupe graduated as a
registered nurse's assistant.
Miss loupe trained at S out h
Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Mrs. Alex Crago, Kirkton and
Mrs. Alan Somers of St. Marys
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
& Mrs. K. McKellar.
The CGIT under the leadership
of Miss Carol Ann Dow led the
singing at the Sunday service and
sang a special number. Misses
Heather Daynard and Elizabeth
Smale of Staffa as guests, sang
a duet,
Miss Marilyn Laing, daughter
of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laing, is
ill with pleurisy at her home.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ramsey of
Stratford spent the weekend with
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Ramsey.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gardiner
spent Tuesday with Mr. & Mrs.
Burnell Wilker and family of
Sarnia and also visited an aunt,
Mrs. Millie Klee who is a pa-
tient in Sarnia HospifeT:"
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Russell
are visiting with Mr. & Mrs.
Frank Cadick at Chatham.
Mrs. C. McKeller
Mrs. Christina McKellar of
Mitchell and for many years, a
resident of Cromarty died in Hill-
side Rest Home RR 5 Stratford
Sunday at the age of 85 years.
She was born in Illbbert Town-
ship a daughter of the late Mr.
last date
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Mr. Alex Fisher, Vice Pre-
sident for Planning Research on
Engineering for the Steel Co. of
Canada, will be a guest lecturer
at RCAF Station Centralia. He
will be speaking to the Military
Management Course OD the sub-
ject of Management in Industry.
Mr. Fisher is a graduate of
the University of Toronto and the
Graduate School of Business Ad-
ministration, Harvard Univer-
sity. He has been employed with
Stelco since 193'7 and has held
sever al managerial positions,
until his recent appointment as
Vice President.
Besides his very active life in
the industrial field, he is pro-
minent in Church and social work,
being the President of the flamil-
ton branch of the John Harvard
Society and a Director of the On-
tario Committee.
and Mrs. John Scott.
Her husband Duncan McKellar
died in 1950. She was a member
of Knox Presbyterian church,
She is survived by a number
of nieces and nephews but is the
last survivor of her immediate
The funeral servide was held
at the Heath-Leslie funeral home,
Mitchell, on Wednesday withRev.
Alan Ross of Knox Presbyterian
church officiating. Burial was in
Staffa cemetery.
WMS officers
The Christmas service of wor-
ship in the Glad Tidings was
used for devotions at the Decem-
ber WMS meeting with Mrs. Wm.
Harper presiding and leadingthe
worship period.
Mrs. E. Moore was hostess
and gave a Christmas topic.
Twelve members answered the
The president Mrs. M. Lamond
conducted the bus ines s. The
members of the Marian Ritchie
Auxiliary will join the WMS for
the January meeting. Mrs. La-
mond led in the study on Nigeria
and pot luck articles were given
by each member. The president
gave her annual address, and re-
ports were given by the various
secretaries, The slate of officers
for 1966 was presented by the
nominating committee.
Honorary president is Mrs.
Sadie Scott; president, Mrs. Mal-
colm Lamond; vice-presidents,
Mrs. Grace Scott, and Mrs. Mer-
vin Dow; secretary, Mrs. T. L.
Scott; treasurer, Mrs. W. Harp-
er; supply, Mrs. T. Laing;
Literature secretary, Mrs. R.
Dodds; Glad Tidings secretary,
Mrs. Grace Scott; Home Helpers,
Mrs. John Wallace; press, Mrs.
K. McKellar; nominating com-
mittee, Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs.
Calder McKaig; pianist, Mrs.
K. McKellar; CGIT leader, Mrs.
M. Lamond; Explorers leader,
Mrs. M. Lamond; COC, Mrs. Jim
Miller and Miss Shirley Gardin-
Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mrs.
Allen assisted the hostess in
serving lunch.
CGIT grads
A CGIT graduation service was
held in Cromarty church Sunday
afternoon for Barbara Gardiner
and Carol Ann Dow. All mem-
bers were present with several
members of the WMS as guests.
After the service a pot luck
dinner was served.
Sunday evening the CGIT ves-
per service was held in Crom-
arty church. Using the vesper
service programs the congrega-
tion joined with the girls in the
service. The girls sang two an-
thems under the leadership of
Mrs. Cliff Miller.
In Ontario each year, Depart-
ment of Lands and Forests air-
craft fly more than 13,000 hours
on fire ranging and other govern-
ment business, carrying up to
32,000 passengers and 8,000 tons
of cargo.
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Dr. P. Fraser
Dr. P. Fraser
receives award
Dr. Peter Fraser, physics pro-
fessor at the University of West-
ern Ontario and son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Fraser of Exeter
has been awarded a $5,000 re-.
search fellowship plus travelling
expenses to spend the 1966-67
year at Royal Halloway College,
University of London and the Har-
well Atomic Energy Establish-
ment in England. He is studying
slow electrons and positrons col-
liding with atoms,
The grants were awarded by
the National Research Council
and were announced by Dean R.
J. Uffen of the College of Science
on Monday.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Millson and
boys, London and Mr. & Mrs.
Gerald Millson and Debbie, Clan-
deboye celebrated Mr. Clarence
Millson's birthday Sunday.
Miss Debbie Millson took part
in a concert held in the United
Church auditorium in Parkhill
sponsored by the Academy of
Music. Debbie played an ac-
cordion solo.
W-gift service
White gift Sunday was observ-
ed at Clandeboye United Church
with the Rev. G. W. Sach giving
the story. The choir was Sunday
School pupils. Scripture read by
Ricky Rollins and prayer by
Wayne Donaldson.
Gifts are to be sent to the
Saugeen Reserve.
D.E. Hills
Mrs. David E. Hills, the form-
er Grendalene Paton, died in
Victoria Hospital, Monday, De-
cember 6.
She is survived by her hus-
band, stepchildren, Mrs. Regin-
ald (Shirley) Reynolds, Douglas
E. Hills, both of London; broth-
ers, Emerson Paton, London;
Willis Paton, Regina, Sask.; sist-
ers, Mrs. Lawrence (E velyn)
Heam a n, Ailsa Craig; Mrs.
Aileen Riehl, Mrs. William (Mar-
jory) Marvin and Mrs. Morley
(Reta) Hobbs, all of London, also
h 0
ix 5,
Baptism at
Zion church
David Mark, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hayter, was
baptized in Zion Lutheran Church
Sunday, December 5 by Rev. Wm.
Gatz, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Baynham were sponsors.
A number of ladies from Dash-
wood WI were guests of Crediton
WI at their Christmas meeting
Mr. & Mrs, Wm, Baker and
family of Thamesford were week-
end guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Adolph Keller.
Mr. George Tomlinson, who
underwent surgery in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, returned home
Mr. & Mrs, Arthur Biesenthal,
Windthorst, Sask. spent the past
week with Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph
Miller and Mr. & Mrs. Elmer
Miller also of Windthorst, spent
the week with Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Miller. A social eveningwas held
at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ru-
dolph Miller. In attendance were
the above and also Mr. & Mrs.
Ken Clark of Dresden.
Student teachers, Miss Brenda
Schantz of Waterloo and Miss
Anne Ritchie of Lucknow, stu-
dents at Stratford Teachers' Col-
lete, are practice teaching this
week at Dashwood Public School
under the watchful eye of Princi-
pal Mr. Don Finkbeiner.
John Braid and Jim Guenther
went with the Exeter Bantam team
to play hockey at St. Clair Shores
last Saturday. They were ac-
companied by Jim's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Guenther. They
were billeted with the hockey
team's parents.
six grandchildren.
Mrs. Hills was a member of
the Rebekah Lodge which held
a service in the chapel Tuesday
evening and also the Orange
Lodge and Crystal Chapter held
services later the same even-
Funeral service was held Wed-
nesday, December 8 at the George
E, Logan & Sons funeral home,
London with interment in St.
James cemetery, Clandeboye.
WI family night
On December 3 family night
for the Clandeboye WI was held
at the Clandeboye United Church.
The smorgasbord meal was well
attended by the members and
their families also some of the
guests were a number of senior
citizens from the community..
Mrs. David Henry was con-
vener of the group in charge of
the food and Mrs. Rae Hodgins,
Mrs. Alex Macintosh and Mrs.
Arthur Simpson assisted. Pre-
sident Mrs. Andy Carter presid-
ed for a short business period.
Mrs. David Kestle, public re-
lations officer was in charge
of the program and brought greet-
Two numbers were sung by
Mrs. Arnold Lewis, Mrs. Jim
Donaldson, Mrs. Alan Hill, Mrs.
Charles Coughlin, Mrs. Wilmer
Scott and Mrs. David Kestle.
Mrs. Arnold Lewis read a poem
and Mrs. Omar Cunningham read
a story about Santa's birthplace.
A skit was presented by the
same ladies who sang.
Greenway UCW met at the home
of Mrs. Bryden Taylor with Miss
Evelyn Curts in charge of the
worship, the theme centering a-
round Christmas. Mrs. W. Hicks
and Miss Curts favored with two
vocal duets,
Mrs. L. Curts presided for the
business and Rev. G. E. Morrow
conducted the installation of of-
ficers. Past president is Mrs.
Curts; president, Mrs, C,
Woodburn; vice-president, Mrs.
G. Dixon; treasurer, Mrs.
Brophey, recording secretary,
Mrs. E. Curts; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. J. Horner; com-
munity friendship and visitation,
west, Mrs. E. Woodburn; east,
Mrs. S. English; north, Mrs. H.
Pollock; south, Mrs. B. Lager-
werf; Christian citizenship, Mrs.
Russell Brown;
Stewardship and recruiting
Mrs. Paul Eagleson; cards, Miss
Evelyn Curts; program, Mrs. C.
Smithers and Mrs. J. Steeper;
group leaders, west, Mrs. C.
Smithers; east, Mrs. Bruce Stee-
per and Mrs. H. Adair; south,
Mrs. K, Rock; north, Mrs. H.
Pollock; supply, Mrs. C. Smith-
ers and group leaders; pianist,
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Miss Evelyn Curts; literature,
Mrs. Ross Brown; rep. to ste-
wards, Mrs. L. Curts; rep. to
Christian education, M r s . B.
Taylor and. Mrs. L, Curts; rep. to
official board, Mrs. C. Woodburn;
auditors, Mrs. Jim Eagleson,
Mrs. C. Smithers.
Bible Society service was held
for the A nglic an and United
Churches in the United Church
Sunday when S/L Mc kvany of
Centralia brought an inspiring
Following the service Rev,
Crawford took charge of the elec-
tion of officers for 1966 which
are es follows; President, Mr.
Ken McLinchey; vice-pres., Mr.
Manuel Curts; secretary-trea-
surer, Mrs. Jack Eagleson; di-
rectors from the United Church,
Mr. Bryden Taylor, Mrs. Karl
Guenther and Mrs. Hugh Adair;
from the Anglican church, Mr.
George Mitchell, Mrs. Lyle
Steeper and mrs. Mack Hodgins,
Mrs. Jeanette Hunter of Tor-
onto spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. & Mrs, Bruce Steep-
White Gilt service will be held
in the United Church Sunday at
2;45 pm when envelopes will be
received for the M & M Fund and
gifts for the War Memorial Hos-
pital, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Baird and
family of Sarnia visited Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Curts.
A presentation was held in Cor-
belt Community Centre Friday
evening for Mr, & Mrs. John
Tinsley (Heather McGregor).
The annual Christmas concert
for the Anglican Church will be
held Wednesday evening Decem-
ber 15 at 8;15 pm.
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Page 2
Times-Advocate, December 9, 1965
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