HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-05-07, Page 2TOM ddab inn held *u,Iseki.g some d kwwrd - leSehoob iatroduesd for W4.rllerdrng We should be Fla.. . Ii;Mepi•a d ties i 'het the Si esker - brave lie carr, but whet it be the Adesim etrauon. al at peanut as t is not wacky of the eut.bdenea ut tkd. Ha red whet atter due delibetuptl those usually *curie with hi. /ted lake this..ease, as Lir towards the and the country al large It . It mead hi hotter had the tate Guest -memo been oat upon • direct ant of air I4suty became the *fjrt of the tertius .bill up*. second to dung hottWjured the reput.tioe LA* :0.a4v to a d. The prawn% Mini try took o6.s wider circumstances of tomsid- 'Table d.(ircatty, but thu Oppesitiost had dealt auosttsirly silk them. Wtau bliiiimeo .tuck a!bcs It wise usual to expel'{ a decimation of p otitis Ropnerunstton bared upon Popula- tion had lung been an exciting gteatiun its Upper Canada. 's%'1uen Messrs. Mr Dougal. Pelee. Wilson and Howland, took oaten alter ftimneutly agitating the gseslion, it rpt reasonable to expect they eery prepared with a solution of it. Bal {bey bad t.+ken °them and lett over fur fuer years the gees, ti of which they had said tap fraught with Jaeger to the peace of the country. but farther -Mr. McDougall its his speech during the debate on the Address, had said that , though moving for Representation by Popo. Wawa a fortnight before he took office he did sot believe it all the time. He (Mr. Mclbt. .030 also recollected Ibe ana.swe..Me speech of Mr. Skate against the umoo..siitutiumalu7 .mol immorality of the Datable Meju.ity. Yet n«eithstanwu;; the pled;e to adheue tao rf,ut0att principle, the School Bill was passed the Upya•r l'onade majority. }fe recollected when the Premier was taunted with kering the measures Spon Upper Cowed*, saying tit•{ it was nut foree•1 yap. What dad that meaty Did it not meun that the Premier was out s party to such barring? If sit, his rssa!atio.a had noun k ft him, and be had sbaedontd the Double Majo.ity. But there was one excuse whited the Ministers ofleyd fur taking otbte-Ecunumy ! Eeerj aero, mast give way for the purpose of stopping extrvapaaes and wnmana_rmeut of the late Government. Now. it appeared *courting the speech "t the member Jur South Oxford, that economy was a sham. He (Mr. Mac- donald) when its Englund, found the impres- sion ezutiog, that the delegates designed to kill orf the pro'ect of the leterculonlal Rail. way. The Cr e expressed the sane opinion, and Mr. Macdonald reed (rout the Correspuo- deuce on the Iutercoluuial Railway, claiming that it pruved his alle.gstiuo. Alter • d.gres- anon, defending the conduct of the lute Gov- ernment in deciding that the claim of the Grand Trunk on account of Postal Subsidy - should be submitted to arbitration. Mr. Mo- dooald wentto say That the adwinutration had repudated nut only the acts uf their pre. decessurs, but also their own acts, theta pro - ,unto, the impression in England that no faith could be paced is the Cauudian Govern- meat. The Moitia bill ought to he called a bill to 'ye the country uf the meant of defence. 1Twes utterly inadequate an illusory es to provisions. Mr. Macdonald argued pt considerable length sg,.inat the Bill. He read from flue correspondence of Mr. S. Macdon- ald and the Governor, endeavoring to 'show that mioiaters had to be whipped by his ]3x• eellene, imto actio. about the organization of the militia. After argiug scve.al objections against the Bill, he concluded his speech of nearly two hours' length amid Opposition cheers. non. J. Sandlield Macdor,tld agreed upon the propriety of testing the feeimg of the the adeya. Dar Ramose. S0 4. . , C:eM .1. • ..31i 9.55 ... " 14.1I ...ata. 10.60 " 12.)3 r. It. f 8TEA170 tea. 7 2 r. r. ....aur. 2.30 IMIT('HRLL • 3.33 e. CARRUN BROOK bre 3.51 •' SEA j'ORTH ......... ,r " 4.15 " BAUPUEBEY " 4.21 " CUSTOM ea 4.46 •' GODI*ICH . aur. 6.30 •' enaneeta at eirelA*d wail Greed 'freak eel at Pans with Great Wever.. Daly fits,. fawn Godes. h to alt pall/ .,r th. aur10014o1u4 .,n o*. Pae.npre mica Pons oe UMraast M Vast tea l and Kimbell% alcsmtes. juron ign4t. COMEit1CH, C. W., MAY 5, 1863. THE "SIGNAL" AND THS BEPA• BATE SCHOOL BILL. A etwrctgoodent, whose good opinion we value. intttdites that the Sigma/ has :-emained silent on the subject of the Seps- te School Bill, and the wrongs indicted by it on Upper Canada. Our good friend is mtetaken : the Jfg.nl did state in da- ttneb terms its objections to Mr. Soott's Bill, when it wee first introduced, and before the Globe commenced its agitation on it. And now that the thing has passed its final eage,exoepting the signature of His Excellency, we have not seen anything to Mune us regret on account of our expres- sion of " first impressions " with regard to the infiueooe this Bill will probably exer- cise upon our Common School System. In our humble opinion it would be fez better to exclude from oar system of National Education every trace of Secta- rianism, and by all means to render it .rational in the strictest sense of the term. The primary object of a Common School should be, and generally is, to secure to the children attending it as com- plete a knowledge u possible of those ru- dimenta of education which will fit them for enterint; a higher seminary, or, in cane of the harder working classes, prepare hem for entering life with the machinery for self -education, which, if properly used, aunt fail to make the fortunate possessor n intelligent and useful member ofsocie- ty. And, we conceive that education the teat which is calculated, to fit the child of the poor as well as the rich man for the station it must fill . in after life. This requisite is met, and fully met, in the Common Sobool System of Upper Canada. If the farmer cannot spam his soon and daughters from the field longer than will enable them to master the breaches taught in the Common School, he has the proud atisfuction of knowing that they are mmeasurably better equipped in this re- pect than he was at the same age. At least, such is the case in nine case nut of ten. On the other band, the children of richer or more ambitious parents have ample opportunities, in the Grammar Home. The late Government had faller de- eel verily. the Militia Bill ens prepared by a eommissioo who were totally idoonut of the c sire rmeances of the eontry. The late Min. a istry had loot the confidence of aHoare elect - antler their own auspices; and in prof of the liul.• esteem in which they were held in the'lountry, he cited the election oI the pres- ent Ministers unanimously, and the result of the Uppers House eleuioes. He was sur prised to hear Mr. J. A. Macdonald attack members supporting the Guvernmeut fur the course they bad taken on the question of Representation •by Population. especially as he had been more stroug;y nosiest the prin eiple than he (the Premier) himself. He (the Attorney Genera;) had only found faultwith his friends ler lamming the matter prsma- tnrel). Rut the member for Kingston ride ed ' cul a as revoiuiunary, and u leading to universal suffrage; yet he was the leader of e I party three -tomtits of whom favoured that s principle. Toe same was the raise with the Derivate School ques.iou. A large lection of the Conservative, w as against these schools, yet their leader was willing torivgthe Roman Catholics .anything they waetrd. The mein- ber tor Kingman, had voted for Remesenta- tion by Pupulation, yet he gnu that principle Sc up in 1854, for the perpeos- of gettiu r office eo by means of Leaver Cauada rotes. Itchen be tlt took office then he did oto by a eptiag the whole policy of Mr. Hiecks, shicb he had rel spreeriously denounced. TLe ubolitiou of the ex fleryy Reserves was among the thins& he had adopted. teut;h he had previously denounced it. Then ibere was the Electi,e Cuuneil b Bill, and also the !fill to register votes which oe he opposed, and afterwards passed. The same was the ase with the Seiguurial Tenure. He had denonnce4 the scheme as • robbery pl en Upper Canada, yet he afterwards passed be the Bill. (Rear.) Six o'clock baring arrived, the House ad- al jeweled. After the recess - Mr. S1COT1'Ii presented several addressee. Atty. Gen." kladona.ti brought down a pamphlet coehiuing the evidence brought be- fore the financial commission. (Hear. hear.) Mr. RYIF.RT brought up.l a matter of privilege -an article in the WILY Nan of today, beaded "Judas," charting certain members with htvin,1 attended the llppoeation masts on Wed..eeder, pn4emaing sympathy with them, and having afterwards told the Attorney General the wont of its sesswte, re- eeiviag therefor 1-10. Ile (Mr. khan) took the attack to himself, became he bob josla repeatedly told diet be wit Ila poses smut. He talked very indignantly. d.gragthe para- graph, and threatening to liens o brie; the slande.er to the har of the H..te. Ile ar pealed to the Attorney O..ered M •onbrs bit Alf denial. Amy. Ores. ifaeduaald staid he bot W dimmer with Mr. Mikan o. Wedatedgy, ken aofbing was said abut the sass . Be weird Mars to ask the secrets of a ease.. The eosin of the Oppaidtiow press of this e*y eras diagnentel. *r. M. Cuomo asked did not the moot er telt she P'e..isr abate the cases i. the Morula,. MS. Oa Meede.e d are he bed set Mr. =whim. be Md beard g. X . mlOt have with Mr. Cerner to the eases, hat seeZ mem huols, dtc., for fitting themselves to ter college. Admitting the force of ebe trite facts, it does seem that, while igioes truth Deed Pot necessarily be eluded host our Schools, it would be very easy to fie* them from anything in shape of Sectarianism, so that Church lithgland, Presbyterian, Methodist aid Roams Catholic might mat on the same efforts and labor cordially together in ilding up tkbetatiful fabric of Dation. intelligence. 1every thinking man must at the outset ' the difficaltiea is the way of sorb • h onions working together of the mem • s every inatio.. Protestants d de firmly believe, without a conscience, and their cherished generally re ad that est essistateassirmatitis. y, Ihepriaitiple hoe hes eeemagil ilea aced after, • careful permed et Mr. hill, we cannot fur the life of as sen that any fresh ouuoesuou hombre mads to *M" Hierarchy," or that it does more than render consistent the Separ•a 5ahoul Aot of 1833. Of course, we are fallible as mortala generally, and if our oorrespuudeut thinks he eau disweet is the Bill of this Seauuu the astrmativu ofany Dew principle, we shall be happy to give him an oppurtuuity of stating a through our columna. From what we have seen of the react agitation oft this aahject it .etre that Mr. Scott's Bill has merely roused in the popu- lar mind feeliuge of aversion which have existed slues 1555. A settietnent ofthe principle for the time being dime not, and cannot, .tile public sentiment ; and we are not is the last surprised that the Reformers of Upper Canada generally should deprecate any appearance of ocemiose oe the pert of Goverum oueut The concessions introduoed by the Bit; of '55 were dangerous to the integrity of the Common School System i self, for itis absolutely oerain that any other Church has as much right, from the precedent then established and now sustained, to ark for Separate Schoole u the Church of Home. The end will be, we fear, an en- tire breaking up of the whole scheme, and we candidly believe that if we cannot have one general uoseotarias system, it would be far better, and •more satisfactory, for every man to mg- directly for the educe - titre of his owe children. Will that be the end of the " irrepressible conflict r" JOHN A'e MOTION. We have nothing fdrther from Quebec with reference to the debate on the Motion of Want of Confidence, than Saturday night'sh t'. report. On Sardy the Ministry lost oneevote by the removal of Mr. Kierz- koweki in fa4or of Mr. Penchaud, the Veroheree Election Committee having de- clared the latter duly elected. The indi- cations are that the vote will be a remark- ably close one, and at present it is impos- sible to predict what the result will be, although we learn the Ministry is confident that it will be sustaiaed. In cane of an adverse vote, the House will, in all pro ility, be di .o t . Special Dispatch 1111 LIMICAll WAIL OIMAT BATTLE NE TBE *LPPLHLOCL A 1.)Nu 4.11,1_11111ttt$3$O OEPU OF THPROCEEDINGSOF H - ER'd AKYY. ala. Yosa tier: d. The TY arm sur. •t,tes whet afbc ti rw days skirmishing ye both.i.1 the r -be'. Stu $qtK• day, p. u'J ,renins, au+eked our eight dealt. Jeekson, with his whu;a corps ill 40,000 roan tooter litmeate iaietuously ea lien. flowed', 11 th curia, dun the aondmied was only penally sucowNW a.J renamed. menu lend preimtly sent by hien. the rebels wase kaideo,uelr checked. and a corps cousi ted of Sobsatti 8t•iesea , and Dime's Deentast. The Ties dent states this corps diegrTerZabaieloned thstp puaitiou baht., their brew -cork pushed, pesis etrittkes, toward headgear. 'era. Our right was the rowplealy turned and the rebels in a Lir doubling es up. - Holter flee, hum the saddle and tenet his owe old corm, shooed, rwI throw year da tato breach! reail. 1 frit,, tMtf bsyanets,, , u I b -e , tt.se They glotiou siy faw sda adlor;0d ganrrbal, aofthe ream, glittering ie w a•4 sabred to the beet* by Berard'. 'turps. Batteries were imgpi(diately man the erase of the hill, pouring io a tert{Lls Bre lamb the night. Gen. Planse.by also checked a llttsry 'flying artillery and drew up hi/ little Brigade of Cavalry, with drawn tabors to protect the guns. Ha had them doable abutted with canister and swept the enemy's position murderously. In th, charge of the rebels they took from the cowardly Dotchmaa, as the eon respondent of the nom stylet them, 12 guns. The Germans fled put Hooker's head- quarters in panic-atritten hordes. Macy members of staff with pistol and sabre en - day flight. orad to sot their zb 7 What made this retreat more diautro as was the fact that Siegel hal by a breach road pierced the enemy's centre, pstte- trating and cutting them io twain, and ..curd the key to victory, when the terming of Howard's position obliged him to retreat behind, bringing off 400 prison- er". Artillery combat eortiaaed till midnight bell- I fiercely. Hooker and his tuff were all the ties r ender the se.erest fire. Another cor. of the 71mri, dated Sunday Waaazaover, April Se. t hes ier It that use pitennaie7. YW 1 l ware e 8eid;ee vote laic two sad three Yrsderieks►arg, MQ we bawd r: last eight. emsey lions of battle, acrd beep & ie cher some also 4ed abw shutste get the nage. lame ,Bair lei l.at ime.r two o/leeA, ind 18 ee 4s seas killed and euuaded. Our Mem erased /m in ►oats, ad drove dm seem, set of their ride pre. killed sad yogurt - 011 kfl set *.o& 1011 primmer*s iuelaJi. sst/l.. true of .ham wee Lieut. Col. 1Sua.od, of the lith t.asrisra eremite Thee priesans ar third hers yesterday, and won eased. OW Calmtul. An darriadon sntosyJs that the tell viag =sheetro,g, ermined fo.r miles bobed . Fr- tlljttbsh. t, • Wile *1*.. .8.,,when Frwkli, previous teethe first tattle of Feeder •Thy Js;bt twelve bona, •ad H. enemy 'eget miles net of their rile frim send behind their entrencb.snm. The skied brigade of the first division saffar. .4 ,, than. any other in the fight Or have captured 800 or 100 prison trr, wbe sous be ero.;bt so thea city. Welly of these pruwao heee'Weidrily come Cees to t., haviuz throrn away their ems m small .rode and begged food. They pick to what t he w'4ere have hero.n awayon the march. Other rebels say that they ve plenty lo eat. The right wing messed st Kelly's Ford, sad General Sten.m.D's caeslry potted w be wwwle a in who iatariur corm ricks - burg. O.s correclaim aim as a :nerve. BLACKWOOD TOE APRIL --Conten Semetiou Diplomacy in Japan; a article on a subject which it would a is at present attracting the anxious at tion of the authorities of Britain. M Clifford's Marriage. part 2 ; Sir Ja Graham; The Inexhaustible Capi Caztoniana-a continuation of the pl ant speculative draminge of Sir F. Lytton ; Spedaings' Life of Bacon; Sp Writing in China; Marriage Bills; Leo and Scott Co , N. Y., publisher. So at this office, and by all Canadian boo sellers. THE PRINTER for April is welcome to our saDetum. This little monthly should find its way into the hands of every print- er, young and old, who desires ample in- formation oe the progress of the art. 0 RUSSEL THE " Timm " CORRKSPO DENT. -This prince of Reporters, a gentleman of Bull Run fame wrote t graphic account of the Prince's Weddi published in the Times and copied in most of our Canadian papers. He rccei ed the sing little sum of 100 guineas for the report. He is at work oD a book to be called History of the Wedding at Windsor, and it is expected he will realise a dammed guineas from is sale. Rus - .ell has received a regular salary of 110,- 000 a year since the Crimean War. So ouch for the profession of letters in Eng- land. osland. •eer'm g, says at was reported from Beard's Cunt {bat the rebel hate been en;aged all Fad q night in cutting a road put his ri.bt, Pear beet not meek attentioe paid to the faet l ten- I Oa Saturday littera .voe it was reported by rot pickets on the rivet o,f a'o,n'a Front, that mei waggons had been see" all day moving is • Lai; Westerly direction. esti Gen. Siegel with a heavy force sou sent B. , to reconnoitre, whoa th7 advance fell in frit I with the rear of Jocksoo s army. Siegel pushed on to cleekmate jackson Id and soon c apturel the ettire 23th regime't, k_ 400 men, Including officers. This moves ment of Siegel'. cat Jackson's force in two. Gen. Williams commenced a flank move - meat on the enemy's right with good pros pecta of success. It was tui posed that Gan. Howard's corps, formerly jig:e! s, would succ tufully resist Jackson's Armament, but the let Dir. amsailed Cerrol, wh i insttat! ;erre w:.r. 1000 of N. he cowards t!troe ci;away t!leirgun%,stream- ad led toward head µ.t n; Batton of the others, was unable' 10 stand to against the rebels, and Devon sodeu a' seconn time wounded while enavonrs v - hie raswows. 1. A ds.ertsr from the lid Ksetnekye. rebel, whot tt W risk:met this morinsj, reports thee Meehan Mire .dee end to Beech Grove reey mid Haa Gap ad'twelve miles from be, on the IManeheater Pike. He states 'het the satin rebel force is now in position from Meech Grove, through Waltr.ee Guy'. Gap sad Shelbyville. Toe supposed ii.teotiots of lobster' is to bold the Gaps mad force Gen. Ftei.er.na to concentrate his hoes. little hope is entertuued that Johnson will attack .hila despatches detailin;t this activity on the part of the robots must be necemarily silent rspadin,g Ives. It most not be @apposed tbrt RossonWill idle or unprepared. Calvo, May 1. The Mesmer to -day brings dates from Mil- lik•u's Seed, of Sunday ereoing. Yearly the whale of the army at that point war is motion. 71 marches *cruse. Tents and bag - gam ell left bebiud, the soldiers taking six day'. rations. Two tugs, Leiria; in tow four &y barges, ran put the batteries at Vicksburg last Setar- day night. The rebels did not fire at them. It o stated un w..at is considered reliable authority, that Gewrel Osterham •ow oc- cupier Grand Gulf. Arrival of he Europa. Hsurav, April 30.' The esamship Europa., tram Liverpool on the 18th, via Queenstown on the 19th inat., arrived here cis morning, with three days' later sews. Large aannsts of forged United Stases trmmer7 awes in dementaatiom. of 54, l0a anti 20 a had been i*.a.d at Sheffield. The Daily New. says {ben is an Nemo n os that Cooladerate Government sottos wsrraeta are in circulation in Eus1and, but it is announced that such of theme documents a* were created previous to the Confederate loan hare been reduced through the. medium of their operation. POL.'.ND. The Paris Pays urs the despatches England, France. and Autres were pre.cnt W the Court of Russia on the 1710. A d patch nays the gaeet)un disesteem! to amu greater oomplicatiora. Great excitement prevailed ie Norway and Sweden regarding Poland. The Courts of Italy and Poland bad con- veyed to St.jPeter,berhhure their adbesiou to the Nu:es of the three Powers. The revolutionary committee bit desiaed Poled into 23 districts, each to furnish 400 men and par taxes. The movecc•nts of the intermits had be- come more active since the publication of the amnesty. Numerous engagements are re ported, and un attack on Kaliach wit ilia expected. Losoox.-Funds advancing, aid a redac un of Bank rates expected. LATEST. LONDON, April 19. -Sweden is actively en- gaged reorsanaxmg her navy and completing her maritime defences. The Great Eastern safely floated off the rideroo last night. The following paragraph appears in the Mositear Cf yeat.rd.,, and has attracted ormiderble intention : The growing hoe lily of the United States towa.da En;tand is setting eneasiness in Lend in." Tyre tut eapitches from the Washington Government have a character of menacing irritation. Quarrel between John A. and J. H. Cameron. Political gossip et busy today eoneer.inga Darrel which took place between the Hun. . H. Cameron and John A. On the day the tier was elected leader of the Conservative maty, the member (or Peel suddenly left for omc, and much speculation was the come - mace. It is now said tbat an undernaeding sated before the overthrew of *be late Al- inuttration, *bat, in the event of the coati. on beteg defeated, Cameron should be pro- nted to the leadership of the Conserratives. ob. A. wart too corrupt and hu catalogue f politest crimes tea monstrous, ever w aft the party to victory again. 1'be mantle u to be worn by the member for Perl,whoee nowled;1e.l abilities and character for boa- t! were well calculated to inure party err 'mph. Therefore, before the defeat on the Mi.ttia last Bill, it was agreed that Cameron should be tbe coming sale. Early in this aralon, ho....,, Job. A.. contrary to the advice of many of his friends. • erineered to gel the nomination, and tie result Mowed be was seeeess*ul. The lnie.1s of Cameron, amongwhom I an permitted to mentiu. Jake Beverly Roberta**, Anderson, Crawford sad Powell -felt b.gbl isei nnnt at John A. for firming himself fawned r leader, emotes, M mu agreement, if ea ertueily impressed in black and wat.,as least perfectly .od.satood. C•mena himself felt keenly the alight at beteg toned aside, te make tome for lean godly of testes .vary mia is tb. peslitieul .slesd•r. The rivals hardy peak to sited Aber and Ow eere., .he is only kept fie. epee toae0..disalim; h lied. A.'. tbr.aspi.g mate mew ew.►issu..., s.ddeaty left Que- bec o. Teasley foe die Wast Depend emu K Iters b trouble in the apparition wig.ali, and the troth would Need a pretty arty nate d s1rit.-Cor, Hamilton Tss.t Aprnt >N. dbos.esed the es... id blood ed butchery 7. i1u chid lay in. a pool of gore, s.. gaol from hea.•.tb thwio.yr OttiMd .► AU .seed with the dint, role. the e lbow She .sedge.n yet hw..i►i.4, 0,t died almost ies r1f Ivwer of tbe j.. had bees ut ed muse red lam hod pet ped eon - OS ftaeft.ed aro.., the • sow am a TM losers erehe Idt Mad had ►see etM et 81rses sad leaps died had 8.se he.e her the shad's legs. The btebst wee heed..ewled eider the *Aboard. The .aataeal sweaters .he cult?, yp tt b rjht 6 arsnted p,neer, wee named Cu►•riw Mums, the daughter of 'ck Morsu, laborer, whose .ifs had beau deed wee years. The seig►bon mor that this Mts. M Coy r sot addicted to iutemper- a.m. Qoccc9aaaatutce Aa Improvement Wasted. Day Blumat,-Will you allow me • earner to moot se improvement which I thins it would be well to bring before our " 01ty fathom." now that they seem iuclined b lay out • few dollars to- keep e. rtain streets in repair. 1 mesa the Street leading to the Drill abed, Nelms, 1 hollers it is called. - Yoe are doebtteem aware that i0 sloppy weather, when the n,ghu are Dearly always dark, the wage• track ort that street te im- practicable for foot passengers, and the gds of the rood is so abominably roegb tut his impossibleto reach the shed without two or three ally marbles. Now is the tine, sir, to spend • few dollars to good advantage, .ad the fathers aforesaid would cooter • lasting obligation on the military computes if they would be guod esoegh to bare a portion graded aad • few pima& laid down. The cost wo.ld be triling,and the luxury a luting Ove. Something Of t0. kind . necessary, fur it will rarer do to drag strangers and oar lovely Indy visitors, wbum .e are proud to see present as sp ectatorw, through or over that horrible hit of road. The companies bays with judicious teal eapeude4 much of their own money i. .misting In the ouatcue- tion of the New Drill Room, mire this request w ill not surely seem out of place. 1t shoed be remembered a.eo {bet tbs room is o, be teed for Agricultural .red Ilortir•Itural Ezbi. biuooa, and that is another strong •rganseet in favor of the autge.ted impxov.me.t- Thanks beforshaod be to that roble-eearted• intelligent " ri tit a«d fellow " • of a co.neil- lor who .ill attend to tbs wishes of so many ratepayers of tie tows. Give w your meet. seen dear Signal; you s.11um fail in carry- ing your u f Pa n la the mowers re.pectfally yours, ARTILLERYMAN. OUR COHMOI SCHOOLS. Pe err &seat. If there is one thing more than anotber connected with our Secular interests Delver - sally neglected -lees thought about -avoided and quarreled over -and one thing more thea soother which u of greater importance to our present welfare and that of future generations - individually, as a community and u a nation, it is the eubjwct of Common Schools. ?or the sake of saving a few shillings -in many sections, cAeop teacher are hired and just time enough pat in to save the Govern- ment money -the children go viz months to school and rotn wild the met half of the year. The institution so well organized at first and designed to develops and train the yoethfut minds of uur country -is the last subject of conatdera,L-n by a majority of the people. The immense importance of the subject u seen but be few and their inaience is small opposed OU hd nor Colleges be but for the Common School sys- tem and the Grammar Schools as oar inter. mediate link. And ft is with much difbcul that the Grammar Schools M same localitie and kept up and it u only done by the ma strenuous exertions of the trustees and • le liberal-mindel men. This should and h -a0 would not be if the masses would take the interest in the Common Schools they ought lh. '•almi;;hty dollar" seems to be the con indention, and very many farmers think i they can give their sons a few hundred driller it is all they require -that farming u a bus, °I to monied sett interest What w es - Ude* Rad Auld it bar AL Aad {has .s w peoe/ad em dc. Ds..... to ow.. dew w►ea, this pM be get the lot la ::6"4 kir was We *.min Lead {rat it bad hoes et. On refs to the bush, it world he ase, tort la Noy., e A . , *mere sold to cietretreiebr e_d flees be Aid, madras• • ow to another until it got into Cm buds of the party for whew it was at the first tuned. ed, sed these ■s ow slag ental,, that whether 114, Lakin Bobinaoa was a speeds. ter or sot he had nut paid the eases a ful- filled .57 of the other - ditiuus is tOis wear bet was trying to take ,ray the ri:bu of a herd working settler without having the w► tineas or aceaey to offer him area cast by way of compensation. (Hear hear.) The motion was then agreed IA- Eon o. Ec ni & Q. ountio. • Fagan or Natwtttt-.-81v. Wm Swa- Geld of Galeria& township, farmer, owns a ewe which early this Spring had • Iamb. About three weeks after the event he was trot • little surprised to see his lock in - erased by two .ore lambs from the some *see. Such cases are of very rare occur- rence. In fact, we do not remember read- ing of more than one instance of the kind, THE OLD ROcuu.TE& NU&.Eay.- Mr. Wm. Campbell, agent for S. Mou'.o-'s Nurseries, bas just reoeived and is opus - Mg out at w elle' Hotel, • very large num- ber of ftuit trees. They appeared to have arrived in splendid condition, and are fine and thrifty in appearance. Partin. ez- pectiog these trees would do; will to have them planted u won u possible. l THE FORUM AND Ltrrzi RAIN. - We have been favored last night and to day with a splendid fall of rain -trot a sud- den downpour, but one of those constant, steady showers which is sore to reach the roots of every plant Nothing could have been better for the farming community than this to nely blessing. The Spring What is all sown, and sown under most favorable eircumaunceo--while the Fall Wheat, gram, Ao., will be equally booth, ledby the moisture that ia so indispensable b the germination of newly sown grain. So fu, the prospects for 1863 have seldom been is Canada. surpassed THE MIDDLE Aozs.-Mr. Fothergill lectured Wt night, according to announce- ment, before a very large audience, for Goderieb. The speaker hu evidently re- ceived a liberal Orford education, and his and of the English language is ex- cottonaedingly oomprehensive. His great ar- gument throughout the lecture was that The Catholic Church was the great instru- ment made use of in preserviog, through the barbarous feudal ages, Christianity, Literature, Arta, Sciences, and all these dements out of which the more advanced Civilisation of our day bee been evolved. While we are inclined to differ from the learned gentleman on several important points, it must be admitted that he. hu carefully studied the subject upon which he treats. gy WHERE IS THE WOXAN, AcIN- e TO8H i This question u still unanswered, not - d withstanding the diligent and patient t efforts of the beet available detective talent in the province. Not a single ray of light f has been shed upon the pnynterionn die- ! of this woman, and if sonic neo which requires no eduatiuu at all, o jun cnonsb to keep mamma. A more mis- t . he Gen. Devon's Division, by the demorali- t The War News. The Leader ways:- T4• American war efnnotches begin to get readable once more. Interest now u pan'eslartJcorneeatreted upon the movements o the Msppahannock, and the Confederate edemas ji66g Weet.•rn V;r- cede and P.syfvsa , a the despatches web refereeing . O arm we bad that MON • bast-t t ridiculous he expiated ism such a tat them ham their noisy tall they gereraliy get - it memo, W .+vaned the bulb above mad below Fred. Abo.e the tow' the baro ed Cbaaeelbrsvitla ; sad below they t attempted to ps•h on ',sassy drstaat. be river. We should may from such an .. Ibis t races. Mr. •letee gam some to mem is the Meer his speed. tire bedew he deeleed, wirereee kik he wee doe ie deliee AMA/ be theidged Aides et 011gasomere sod see ma& la aboadderrer1 most by Itr. Jobe A. WasilossId. The Pew Wriedy %Am Sir MIA TM A Aer yews Plebs* it. Ciliribled dr de Mil do , gee- = hy sod wooed see Add oilloo Ast be Arid rued Oblithe ref de deem old the esseley. lady Aar two leen, be nth dews wed Ha Sews Ore hers, eloaddee the he Federal arum are i ger. E..n ?kspo.ose d w odyssey by double to eery rare inflames ; and thee pidny of hie a•vw..nu e genies that ear ied him affe K has sot may 'weed '.'dtaei¢y aCeefederrie brae heistivwper. jr.ry be rap- "bestirs kisreelf-rii There I heOa er 11p es a probable divide. of L.. Pargio•st e ~ Me the tint Las wrathy of • mo...,' boom his to rally his men. lien. Howard could not stem the tide, and the ,brieads of Cob. Bushbriek and McLean having remained g fighting u loog as ible, retired u good order. Of course th1 disaster caused e the renal of Siegel, who bad been vigorous- ly igorous ly at work. e Gen. Williams' Division returned to d find a portion of his works occupied by the enemy. Siegel could not communicate with the whole of his army by the rove be came, and Hooker ordered a night attack to re- store communication. R'ard'e brigade yy aided by West's battery made an attack l at 1 1 'o'clock, which wit entirely success- la fill, and in a charge made by the brigade a portion of artillery bet by Howard was retaken. The enemy were driest' back q nearly a mile. That night (8ahrday), m our men slept on their arms. Sunday morning at 5 the rebels 000ld m be plainly seen on the plank road a mile J and a half from Hooker's headquarters at 1 O Chancellors -house, which had bee. pans 11 tasted the evening previous by a shell. w Oar line ol battle formed, and the ue.y M advancing,his infantry, in overwhelming numbers, seemed determined b gni tea id Siegel and Slocum'n brave thea 6.ld thee eu4 ie cheek, inflicting dreadfgl,eiaagiler soon thea. French's Division wee set is is an oar right tank and atm.rashed y that portion of the enemy's pia kis At it n'eloer in the morning ascot to Braker, stating whet he W the rends and was dn.i.f them bed= fi NAM Dre.,uas were tkeu., wpm tr Itwt he held the treeing is cheeks dss the slay .ser 2.00 meows. Ole • desperate head 1. lard emt/eh ..d W wet arm' f. p^ket ly fr;,h, ,l OHs.se ry the • dr.d si.4 4s ag rMf. Mrarsd /'h. g►.s•4 i• hs► beam. The refuels Cowing tb.aawlv.. qao the..ssie of o, g.'. Thrtaspre./A tr.n4 fee. /the ea 8.44 mat IAA who begin, h.'4 their for as ►e., trs 7411 bail to Cbane4p when the Mailsd mm kept er Theme.y bad gained saes growl het at a..erifice of 5 of its 7 Dividers. Seaday Amnon the rebel' 10.11. Mal attempts attempt• to force Darr Ib10. Mow - mil et their Storiesead 011 .rtlYary a_ r fryres .alit ofse WAR wee A r Chaeeellethonumar where Wm ttf cwt tigi artillery a "Basset bit pupa at position . impregnable, Gs. Lea bss •rdma11 fab ter 81.10 10ant be brakes" st.0 duels One .rasps are .tad. (:es Biu Y Md. 11an7 tea 141144 .8141. ,Tey tag.• heal Sono Cla it, as lieu; tid their eseibr Arise IAA hada lime dr dee. Adati that we, !NIPPON,- de, have the power, ate we )arlied is *tam epos a atieorby a wires at raid ▪ otheethoes takes okra It is fried Meals eti therelve el Arida' ear ea"." 6160 silseilled ewe, ▪ has let a• keep te rind thea oese iderom is always hard *pod a erboterar that rsith ray bele le Tide prim/tapir. inAnals Mk* le bre for while the Romer Orbs& isle - drake eleassearre edeseliem bit deem it Whir eatil APIA WO b A Aria Lower Omaha *Owl Mai the rank w say stbor sem lease epos How pm* k• mar ossaideeddemii sec We kive INN tkilimwail k. wriey utabefly desire Medd Gams Creeds 111 e d our IA TA of sine know Ai iflthellag isetsek. W' Add de ea is Virginia* sad to humid, rade op of They bare. dowry. the lishisete Oboe raking for --she Pedenale bore dasoreitt her Geer .plare they Ile wed Pidtherg thews am sanded SO emus or the The Alm or A, lode well for the Serb. Pi, do wye t-- eirerselp ter she= her is Me Wreath tri fro!! 14 swein sivr.......,:s ler newish ' het sit=ier With Ao ellerviiii1 boWeratalrirell biliaraelli A ciVeloollitieta. 1111 Afar the Demme leo Puri Worse, ebbe tele the any, twat die wow los COO Warn Saw ebbe The St. Leek Dessecret gives die details a Mrs Welty. A Koh ef biome* 11.• aerd six yore, Ilrieg AA, wee ward hy lbs. WOrry ber roam The elseM die doer, dram Ae eleleatior a hoesbee sod eareermid bowleg do se arWe irreales wieo Awl, _feet rictiorrirater: h. lobed the elarted de Uglier WA" or op ber Media Nal Mit adl MA the sod OP - koarmair9121t.• kis he rif im or A robe • eressao ity. sweats end ems lethelbeallt_thM sad be prism' e, the meellhave of mete semenkres e nd mot jateteetit04$ 41. to res Tonal* Caned Hoed by H. thespeddgesied Ity J. Neeigek bridges be paid. Carried. Seen, That • By-Iltratatodctl.barithe Moved ty J. poialsout of frooship *It 1%e pi. out yvar. Carried. The By.Law wee prepared, mad Salm 'Muted ilby J. Morita, Acceded by J. Wee with. that du Clerk eareeepead site to labor on Munn . Carried. Moved ay 11Forgsaoseseseees oy Thu all orders fot work dune ta the Tem. ship In paid by Timeline% Carried. }loved by H. Seellmentided by J.Morsmi, net Wm. Snell sod WaL Glom Se aeTokese Padua/niers fur the present year. Carried. Moeed in amendment by 0. thh. atatesdel by J. Warwick, That Lialkeeld flitads. sat W. Colwell be Padenasters, and bare pans to do their work whet. they sheik proper. -1 Aniendment carried by swim vote efl R"Mvo.r.ed by R. Snell, seconded by C. Doh, That Wm. lloggard do pay the sem of eielgy dollars, aod be rideened by die blame se &nearer on his village luta. Carried. Moved by J. Morgan,secooded by H.Satill," Tbst this Courleil do bow adjoern to meet stain at Lot sboro on the 29th day of Jest, THOMAS SLOAN, load in the Smith. (Frost Me Dady kickstand Examiner, April 2Io Wo eau oad the pimento et • eall hue a very intelligent and pet' iotie gentleman who lots been e &Yellin/ for amees/ months in the South, as far as Iliesiesippi and Louisiana, ea • mission in behalf of Me goverment. Ile gives us • very Nport of his oleo vations, and we wish that thou fen uneasy *pelts *het. see emmutly emeriviae the phantom of starration, could bar his ate counts, for before them this silly delmies woeld be dissipated like the wombs', dew before a summer's eau. We era assured that the greatest p enty exists throughout de South, and that there was never • greater unmake emee than to 'appose there is • sem city within our boarders. In the far Soothes elates the country is flooded with all kinds*: produce, and the people have mom thee tbey ean matte way with. le Louisiana for ia. stance, cunt was so plentifol that it was• dreg in the market sod the government was biting all it wanted at 40c a bushel, tbs highest price Mown in Met regicide being half • dos lar. In some parts cf Alabama and Mime" ippi the same Ohms exist, and molter* coed the complinut of scarcity be heard. The spirit of tbe plenters in relatiou to war in sail to be of the Dust generooe end patriotie chanters,. sad the most eat Rest desire W maw Mated tty them to supply tbe mats of oar army and distreeeed communities. There an thousands of barrels of corn, sager, boom aid other supplies in the South, the% the memo would be williag to make • free gift to the government or *donation to the themes& of refugees in our State, bet they comet get uranaportatioo over the railroads, which are clogoed up with barrels of whiskey and the wares of speculator'. We would sak why it is that the railroads are prostituted to tee liquor suieggler and speculators irs gives transporiatim to hernia of whiskey and bales of goods, whoa dm 'applies tendered oer oovernment and the poor, front noble gener- osity. ate refused transportation anti die breed kept frem the moutts of impoverished ndrigers ? It was bat • ene days ago we published a letter from a redeem of the noble old State of North Carolina distinguished for its munificent Iloestions in this war, offering, donation of proeisiors for the Fredericksburg sufferers. Tbe writer remarked that lie sp- ptied for weeks in vain for transportation for them, while the train ef thet was eliding by at that very moment was crammed with barrels of whiskey and " blockade goods," bought •p by speculators of Rielimood. Itee clue ta not obtained soon, we may alums] the monstrous fraud of such &system. Walk conclude that the cane is for the present a plea of boxes on the sidewalk% before the " hopelas one. Donohue has been further Jew thops ; jut take Up • newspaper aud read the thousands ef baleen of whiskey remanded until Wedneaday (to -morrow) "jest received,' and then think that the - at 4 o'clock, when, we hope, somethin definite wili be elicited. The neighbors living on the 6th concession and vicinity have turned out and assisted in every possible way, the search for the body, sup- posing she is really dead, of which, of course, there is DO tangible evidence. g radroadS cannot be induced to take eves tie much as a basket of provisioos to the infieriag families driven from their houses, and w• have some des of how *be human hurt is steeled by tbe love of the donee. Bat we are The whole South, we are mewed, in roll ti fond, beth meet and breadstuff, sad the enly impediment to getting it hi that no adeqtatte tratisportation can be had. 'noontime of barrels of dour might be gathered up at frfty mete in a dollar a bushel, and hundreds a thousands of of bacon can be had, learn, in the remote Soutb at forty to fitty cents a pound. The crops through thieve* are reported, too, to be in a mry promising conditiou. 'There I nothing, except some calamity not to be anticipated. that eae now glad to learn, lime planted very little bed in cotton -hardy more than emegh to imp ply seed fur the next year's phintieg. TM consequence is that se Doug& mommt land has been set in eore and greia, sod as immense harvest may be looked fur, iffIve• thing should mein to mar Um Freeport if this policy of planting only what is AAA by the army and people is akved le, as as Itepo it will be, we bays no furs for the fetus. A Crown Land Onnanoe. Mr. Dickson, ea ihe 1st inst., moved fte the papers connected wile tbe sale mid lamas of the Patent of Lot No. 37, Con. C., liow- ick, to J. Larkin Robeson, EN., of Toronto. Ile said that die case relored to me one of indicted by non-rotident sp.-creators, on ranee by slum the (metre ben been cleared and rendered valuable. When the papers were hruneht down, it would he clearly seen ram in 18411 the late Cotenniesioner of Crows Landa utilised, deprived din Doer man et ins wily lot ef lend, 00 which he had resided Mom 1854, for which be had paid the tales to INC, sod performed the Statute labor, end 'pm whisk he hod made large impremeneets, tied ordered a Patent to be treed to Mr. Julie Lakin Robimen, of Toronto. • non ru- dest speculator, by whew the land was never men, and wbo had is nu my complied widi the conditions oe wbich it was sold. - The permit to wboes *he food in reality todeaged motivated *ith bio brother tie the eoentry from Indeed in ISA and ia lee., 1864, May went op ism the men, emetainiag imam thaw thole or thee settlers, and whim they bed to willeais te prirottot coming net for theaseleles what they hoped woad pain • home. Wen tbe land sass tete part in 1854, mu of the hne them was in stlimlaate, mid woo isferesed dot th. lar II led Wee deposed of to another pert,. liewerret, myth* as *ties Wiwi thew, At breathes adll hope ea the laml see soodubd to improve it, het to their her enr. ne Marine lest, ohs brother wbe wined tes Ly this weave deprwed er et least Oath were et irerowneerter rale eeee lead debt yeses el herd raw. re Ad wow le sapper: elek Maher who bed be. ewer a awe tweet by rases haulm hed wrierie No wish*. moth SS So de lot .4 the *sew dollIma, and ealeloweed bed of thew Ie the bee order seed he dew ort reilleve Arr. ft Au thowthe, AA the pewees/0 Seem es arra Ate Was. Wu _ggillost maid As haeareile ruder ihw Mope aell BAN Meeting of Colborne rp Connell. At a meeting of the Municipal Cooncil of Colborne, held the 26th day of April, at the Tavern of John Roes, Smith's Hill. Present -Thos. Hassey, Reeve, Messrs. H. Spence, Alex. Malloy, Wm. Young and James Rhynu. 111r. 11. Spence being eleeted Councillor for WIWI No. I, in the place of Geo. Lesturgeon, aol qualification of office, took his mat. It was moved by Jas. Rhynas, reminded by Alex. Malloy, that at the January meeting the minute resoreting tbe Non Resident Sw- um lahour being applied on the locality of their lands, be rescinded. Carried. Moved by Jas. Rhyme, seconded by II. Spence, that this Council eonsidey the Asses. so., Donald 31cMurchy, en incompetent per. eon to mime tbe Township for the current year, on account of the numerous errors and mistakes in the *oontment Roll now before Council, and therefure consider it mete eery to employ another Assessors -Carried. keyed by Wm Yoeag. seconded by Alex. Malloy, thet John Buchanan be appoioted Assessor in the place of D. MeMorchy. Car - JAMES TEWSLEY, Township Clerk. MULLETT COUNCIL. Hewer; Apra Mk, 1843. The Connell met din day persaut to we Gee from tire Clerk. All the melehom pres- ent The Memo of Comm ,ALpeaes haviag 04 clerk. " Moshe Weems, Is eve thee sowed by 3. Illereen, ateeeded hy C. Dole, That the Adrift el H. Worse wed ether be vet trourriest Came& Moved by H. beelLrearied by .1 Nemo. be gran Carried. Moved by 0, Dar ie oreadowers, seetarded by ---- rat the prides el 4. Menthes Ad ethers be oat asepad. Canes& Thee de Cooed de we liar limit Imo • risereesene, amid Addis the same. Then pada bade( Ian bard Wed" es the Arm* el Owe atimerearts be, ewe awed hy J. bargee. desedoe by IL at ite Set lee ems et momildida ' ft was do. soma by J. twesesdel Clerk dm weal MI was pool ly die CAA if Tits Arturne Tumour' Erroratem-e The great emcees Mi. hes attended the oe this country aad Onset Boma, reader k pee. tartly certain mat • sew riable will he loll mime the Adana: *est year. Over twe hundred sad lifty thoorad dare bee bees sebeeribed by New York. Ile seleseissel member over three hundred inerehanto awl leading and businees mem of that thy. The 1 het &deices from Busload etre dos ever me melon dollars be. been esbeertbed Awe, • and that no doubt mimed as to the raisin of the balsams neelesery, before A is weasel All the melitiyo boring hem meds, It relsaiee 10 meativet the math teili0 Itsporiummo am Mktg seadoesed ie ler the purpose earrewalalag dr ereptier tree swim of meet, laa, aid wee or two ads articles In the astern& sweeten ot the eft* .ed, rive to ammo t he beet pendia gem Mr Mel sow le h potbelly ihr the Adeatie cable, se/well as the per SOF, peso ethwariae rinse. ltr. Field hes ab. rival from Mar, aloft On. • Arles the ealtre--thirty woe oraber-hideir repo of Aproweereote waleb,hAveleits soda le die breach of serees.--lardee,. o• ihmariert dr. Jobe DAVAO, kw *set, NSW Lamm, woo ens elsh te Mr. ipteeesimiw ow, sai mob multali to 10111011110111e reamirase dews Nish As restelsW tram% weeresesel, awl he Am densere dose Weber, ea hb heed, Mi• MOON! Mob 114 *Mu des le Owl A Thareday. Ile t=tbartmosit, is um" tat byst swam ketty.-Aprdin poem itt7"115.1: tembritt