HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-05-07, Page 1► sol e- r e t'• is r soot
. is - ., :. ,` : , eel
a The Greatest Ptadtih Geed t• the (}r'sstast Polulble Number.''
GODERICH, C. W., THUR81At MAY 7, 1863.
.ecmomj aced b7 Wy thethe roW of th twhrwta
Am,„eWthe theMo('w Unioe.ntowd.
Pa., meaty five
/be the 'yowl
tie sessaer ever weasel t
the nag. Mae mew Ogg 1
see Mors wreler hw■mg,
dr,erves r as bis wwcag.
t old, sot and balmy,
mustata,n, der the me,
vele breath au calory,
thrum' blas .rl y
rib ter Ferny Wu Mete,
veers Ut est Mer tees
lovely crestereee. Mise thew sot wads;
s' Go I aid nag thy wwawr sag "
m the easy www,
~seas► tee pow.
is. teethes howwey
11idYag tierWeems te flow.rWaking ttkes.r*apiad my sleep bdeed '
T. the ..vere& Swag berth,
Ceuta. tease tree eyes tau weep
Cam. mat's heart he gladdened,
WWI ilj Mimeos lug Mtn .adiend ;
(were ell my ecus,
.Alr tossf•uy 0n et peva drys;
.www sus'nss, with r ..iawa.d &wen.
dad well talk tore a Aurae bower.,
1'. B. le
Roderic►, Aped, 1111.
Maw Overboard.
' The following thrilling picture not
'only of a man overboard, but of ooe of
the Miserable cad out of the pale of So-
ciety for his crimes, is from the magic
yrs of Victor Hugo. It will bear reeding
ever sod ever again. -[SD. $mesal.
A. man overboard I
Whist amuses it I the ship door not atop.
The wood is blowing -teat dark ship must
keep un her destined Duane. She passes
• The man disappears ad thea reappears,
he plunges and rises to the arcate, he cell.,
he stretches out his bands,they bear him out ,
the ship, staggering under the gale, is .Lraiu-
eg every rope ; the solum awl pwengan
maths dwwuug gun nu Wager ; bis miser
able bead is but • poet is the ...roar of the
U. heels eries of despair into the depths.
What &spectrrlethal d'sappeannosail I He
looks upon it with Creasy. It moves away ;
it grows dim. He was More but just now, bee
wee ens pl the ones, he emit cad caw arta
the desk wait the rest, he bed his share oldie
air and ,Np3ight, he was a living moo. Now
w heeler hemmer of bun 7 He slipped, he
1.13, and is is laiabed.
a sale to mapuous deep. H. hu
nothing beeoth hie fent but the yielding,
Seems Amulet. The waver. turn *aid ecce
Mrwd.by Oke vied, close round him helso" vy;
the raiiag ot the abyss bean hit away ;
shreds of water are flying about his head; •
pop.lsoe of waw yet upon biro ; confused
upenmg* swallow him; yawtriad precieiess
f ail a duk.ess; bastully uuknowu vegeta-
tives eine upon btit,bied his teetaod drawhim
to Ihettuwlves; he leets that he is beeomieg
the great deep ; he make+ part of the foam ;
the billows toga lino from one to another ; be
tastes all bieerness ; rte cruel ocean is eater
to devour him a the mike µvv playa with his
agent It seems as if eke ere liquid heat
he str
Bat yet aggles.
Ha visa to defead himself ; be tries (0155•
filo bitsenlf; he struggles ; he swims. He.
that poor strength that fattest) soon, he man-
ias, *0. unhriiino.
Where aur is tae ship ? Far away yon-
d er, hardly visible in the pallid:gloom tithe.
horiann. The wind blows in gusts ; the 03l-
b+s overwhelm him. Ile raises hie eyts,but
sees only the livid clonus. Ile, iu bis dying
agony make* part of this immense insanity of
the sea. He is turlu, ed to death by its Me
measurable madams. Ile Ileacs sounds
which are strange to mw, which seem to
Dome not from earth, but from some frightful
rales beyond.
Tors are birds in the cheerio, even as there
are angels above human distress, but whet
can they do for bim ? Tbey fly, sing, and
float .0lire o is gasping.
He feels that M is baried at ooee by these
iadaities, the ocean and the ay -the one is a
test, aid ;Is other a pall.
Night deaccede, h9 eas bun swimming for
hours, his strength is almost exbausted, that
.bioOhm far-off thing. whet* there were men,
µl/ora ; 0. stoke, be "stems*, he writhes, he
fehle beneath nim the shadowy monsters of
the assoem ; he shouts.
:Men are no more. Where is God?
,11e abuts. Help I help I he shouts ia-
callootthAog in the horizon-notLing in the
. He implores the glee vault, the waves, the
reels, all ate deaf. He supplicates the tem
mut • the impertwsble impost obeys only
the termite.
Around him are darknear, storm, solitude,
wy40pmd aaeooseio.a tomtit. the cesseless
tellphi of the Serve wate,s. Within him hot,
eel •ad ezbumtion. Be.eath him the en-
gulfing abyysas No resting place. H. thinks
of t he shadowy adventures of this Ii:eleesbody
n the nudes' gloom. 1'he biting cold par-
alysis Ms; his brei climb speee0.ieslly,
oradat ns hieg. Winds, clued., whirl -
blasts, stars, all soles 1 What shall
he **f' N. yields to despair ; won oat! he
sesta death i be an longee germ ; he gime
himsedistp ; o ahandoes the evillest, and heiwortioll
Otto the dismal depths of the
Tk. DRB d felhart.s to Hewlett*
,Iiag1 : 's volume of'Mremllaaies,'
eoaains the fellow-
ot the tie k. of
I., referring to
earners oa the fold
e the popular *Woe
• ft is wry tree Observes the Dalry) list
I jams aim aid Met 1 considered Byname's
le the field to he egsal w 448011
leis its eery leesa
t be, Me idea i a very diNc
of his pasessee battle
se • minforeemmitof 40010 mw.
• expi- je 77M.seseed . 1-Reppellsoa e
the[ ever apo .she at the t4 a
irmy. q weeanmeige
d the
.eeetry as wall se he Witter, Chief .f the
esmy. That erasettrryy war --1.-d spa a
aL int Isa(4tmia... 0
fipMarpeag of ferrate, and ma*
with a grew t. e.gwa
swear* et the ewe wore
Elwin p540550 wit ler
!wan • pme.M ae}pa
so II* ersierairth
.. the Irma der les
AM tallepr ..i-* w»..'.40
ewaeWe e en w a*
tba raseer.ra ed the Preemie
orders and responsibilities. eat Napoleon
eajoyed more advantages of Otis description
dean any other soren,ya that ever appeared.
His presence, es saved hy se more [baa once,
was likely not only to give to the Freich
army all the edv.nta,vs above detailed, bet
to pet M .ad to all the jeabotsiss of the
Preece Marshal sou their uwotar setita of
each other, whether:founded upou bad renn-
etyles .ud passions, or their lair differences
of opinion. The Forsch army teas bed a
unity of action. These four souaideratioos
induced me to say generally that his pie -seem
eight to be conselered se 40.000 men in the
coal.. But the des is obviously very loose.
as must be seen by a moment's reflection. If
the two seines opposed to each other were
40,000 moo on Ota side of the French army,
ensure if there were 60,000 on each side, or
possibly even 80,000 men on each side. It is
clear, however, that wherever be went he
arried with him as obvious advantage. i
don't think that I ought to be quoted as
calling that advantage aaqual *0 1 reinforce-
ment art 40,000 men under all possible cir-
Queue, April 28•
The Speaker took the chair today at 2
The third report of the .migration com-
mittee wee laid hems the House. It gives
• letter from Mr. Buchanan, the agent at
Liverpool, saying there was • prospect of a
meth larger iermigraton this year then be-
fore. A. • field tor ,amnarauou Cuda has
attracted • much larger share of alteotiun
than formerly.
A message was rece,re,I from the Governor
„General tnuaanittin, the Estimntestor 14463,
• d
On motion of Mr. J. 8. Macdonald they
were referred to Committee of Supply, M,.
Patrick in the chair.
Mr Howland then opened the budget. He
made • three buses speech, ening u ful: and
eear exposition of the fianc,al a(! ire of the
province. He opened by reworking that he
had adopted • neo mode 01 bringing dowu the
*atlmate5. He would risk Parliament to vote
all the exeendmtare except where s eci6c mons
had levee apyrupriated by act 0t ['Ai hasten'
several items, thsr,tery appear now for the
.[net time, such .. grams to a. riculthral soci-
eties, immigration, Rghohieues,.cessteavvey
end collection of memoir, 1 be letter item,
according to the ',Mem hitherto folloeed,wns
almost wholly order the dreretinu of the
bead of ;he Department He beiieved hi
asking the unction of Parlilae•,t for this ex-
prnditure instead of *Ilo.104 the Gose' -mast
to deduct it *rum the revenue ; it .cold he
productive of good resells. He .i.be1 to
mak4'another change, to hate the enlim*tes
voted from Jlay *o 11 because an evil .orate
from the fact that • third of the year how
expired before the House voted the apply.
Moreover, if there were a deficiency now it
hod to be met from the whole year's expen-
sed, but the Goverueseutcould .only increase
the revenue for about half the year. He then
proceeded to explain the carmates, det tiling
the iucresaes aid decreases of the expendi-
ture for the current year. They were 1u m-xt
particulars the same ■s given last night. 1t
wan writ neoesaary, he said, to ask $100,000
for the Ottawa buildings iceaddiuua to the
appropriation of last year. A consider able
slurs of the militia expenses woad not be
nedwsser, again for five years. Tae Seiguur
is* Tenure redemiption could equal the Wy-
went of that debt The total +-eduction in the
expenditme as comperedwith let year res
$991,309. Of the &me.uat proposed to to ex
tended this year $1,227,464 would he out of
previous appropriations andel the following
heetle:=Geological survey, $7.600; balance
for militia, $152,575; arm, agriculture and
statistics, $3,200, public mot .s, 16:,4,297 i o
roots and bridges, $21,520: Indian aonuties,
$8,000; capital ot'the Seignonal Fund $261,
562; additional Capital 01 Seiguoriul Fund,
8116,110. He then went on to speak of the
estimated income for the year. Receipts from
cest0ms, irrespective of changes which might
be proposed, he estimated at 45,421.740;
from excise, under the present laws. $845,
146 ; from public works irrespective of the
re -imposition of tolls, $305,758• and from
other sources of revenue, including .1..1.,..
tare. and the redemptirnof debt. $7,313.250.
which included 14,192,000 redemption of
debt. The estimated total income under the
present laws at I3,H85,$98,'and the exuendi-
ture at $15,672,48e,1eaving a deficiency to be
provided for of $1.786.582. He entered
Into an argument to show that the revenue of
the county had not kept pace with its growth
in population and products. It wasneeasay
therefore to devise new means re increasing
the ravenhe in Coder to meet the espnediture
w ithout contracting more debt In stating
the measures he in*ended to propose to meet
that deficiency he auumed that the trade of
the country the year would not he ler than
last, except perhaps in one article, Tet, in
which event the duties from the customs
emelt- 11e $844,827 :over last year. TO a
seise from the fact that the specific duties im-
posed last year would be brought into open
non tbroughont the ebole year, whereas last
year these were only in opeestioo about sex
mond*. He estimated that he would obtain
from excise an increase of 8664,451 without
any change in dunes From the Public
Works he expected an increase a $217,061
wittiest tolls. He proposed increase 01 duties
spon some articles, ape n which heproposed
levying excise, expecung to derive therefrom
$75,000. He proeetuled to stet. that he pro.
posed to rem .Il ousting pars relating to
eerw with •.ices of a more efficient college
till of Meeeae under awes dense. With re-
gard to brewers and drlilleii he proposed to
oaks their heeese. for the year the mums as
seder the existing lees, namely, for distillers
"nlifyieg bymtendiem. 1110; by other pro-
ems than 4Iteratro., $300; dredgers rectify-
ing foe 1110. H. proposed also le regsin
seamen ter ming ferw,aating'sttab, dicot lif Ms,
17 pe • gglbe fie the year. He woe*
Yu *45050. kir a aborter period, the teem
Wee* a ferthigbt M Me save vee.. He pre-
wpuled that lienees car brumes 0.140,
a. •
lesmentfar s AMA tr
• of Maha awl ee*hra.,
.eeyfor every genes ie 'opacity -the beerier
en lest the whole Feer cool tor so Airier
period. He this p•wpesed *levy es eadee
det7 of he • g)iiloe se epki0e1egaad three mats
oe* h limps
'. He /..posed es • for eachw
wirer. •s eoFi 1 1190: • hems she
Ore the ale et seek Women theme
pr(tlla, *109; for
earth egoist maehiee, 134, ser* Pao and
sell 46e. M. dears pnjw4 se usuisis dmlp
▪ p .q, missed Mesa t.rof lissom
[par / ,andan M..w ti* posed
d «w b.
s attwq '.t tet
4 ase E ..
cigars meal
Pound % .tine . lean f ens et •cases, w
sass • to rewire a li-
he tom, ie ilii erode el re
lot Mmol thaNlle'1. 1 he
of Petroleum Oft. He would embody'4n Ike
Hill • provision for granting become. for ..-
fining this al et 50 dollars. (M every gallon
of mauufectured oil, there would be en excise
duty of oa, rens, and one neat per pilots fie
impaction. Limners for dealers in the ar-
ticle would be $10. He estimated the n
mime from this source diet year would be $30.
000. He proposed licenses for every tannery
511160; tor the use of vats for tanning,01 per
gemmed capacity; Mau an ear duty of 6
Ceuta per ;mend upon calf and kip, live amts
upon upper,4 creta upon sole,sp,lit and harness
and 5 cents upon any other kind of lather.
He proposed licenses for wholesale dealers st
$20: He promised also to incrust customs
duly 3 cents per potted. He estimated to
procure this year from this source 1273,331.
He proposed to repeal the bunk impost lied
impose one half per cent tax upon paid ep
capital, expected the following income from
these Inelare.:-
Couoms ....$5.497,575
Excise 1.419,721
Public Works 512.809
Beak Tec 134.000
Otber ordinary re.e0ee8,121,258
Redemption of debt *qui v-
alent to amount of other
side ......... 4,194,000
Total 414,887,363
Leaving • de6caeney of $785,117
He thought this aura small when the Here
reflected that the Ottawa buildings• and the
payment of the Seigniors was not nrdinery ex-
penas. To provide for it and against any
contingency that mi4bt arise he weld ark
authority to iea,re 41,500,000 In debentures.
He believed the messmes proposed would
meet with poputarapprobatioo. lie conclod-
amid applause.
Mr. Galt and the speech of the Fin•nee
Minister was a full vindication tdthe lateMin-
istry. He made • speech nearly two hours in
length, atteeking the budget and the general
policy of the Adm;nistratioo. He complained
of iaj.tiee bwueds the Oppusitiou by the
Minister of Finance in presenting the accuur.la,
He charged the tiaaseiai pelicy wit~ failure,
and declared that the lime had arrived when
the Opposition should take the responsibility
and attempt to tura out the Miantry. Heat
/town amid loud cheers.
Mr. Brown give the Minister of Finance
credit for his clear and candid statement,
nevertheless be thought be hod not tone for
eaough in the way of retrenchment Hedlosld
have cut off every shilling of expendttune pos-
sible 'suttees' of imposine new taxes upon the
people. He hoped the Finance Monster
would consider the matter and chop down
A0101 expenses.
The immolates rose, to sit on Friday,
and the Huuae edjounurl at a quarter to one
Basle and Lake anon B,atlroad
TIM.[ TA/31.W.
Gotha EAST.
Err F..prem.
OODERICH, Der 8.30 A. x.
CLINTON 0 9.08 a•
HAKPURHEY'" 9.30 "
SEAFORTH a 9.36 "
CAHMO NBROOK ....," 9.55 "
MITCHELL .. o " 10.11 "
STRA1FORD ..........sora. 10.50 "
. ........Dar. 12. )5 r. e.
0011(1 WRAT.
$TEATFOILD - - • • min. 2.28 r. x.
Dv, .2.50 '•
MITCHELL 4. 3.33 11
CARBON BROOK res 3.52 •('
SEA FORTH " 4.15 "
RARPI'ILUEY " 4.21 err
CLINTON .... " 4.45
GODERICH . nal. 5.30 '
Coeascu at Stretford with Greed Tmok stud
t Par,. with (;real Weslurn. D•dy 8lages More
(lodrr.-h lo ell pwnsul the .urroundiaf , entry.
Parw•npen rear h Porta of the meat by YagEver y
orad Ruer0i1's aleamera.
Amon i gxal.
OODEitICH, C. W., NAI 1, 1863.
road palmed the Iaaactal mowers of the jtat
Previews m sa••y weary yearn. Its'
very easy > t eau at bis fireside to elk
of the emolamwta of *lee, bat we firmly
believe that any m1.i.try that would thus
set itr f to work, dearly ears. whatever of
.molu..eet it may Legitimately vaive,and
• high-minded man is sere vepaW by silver
add gold for the public slavery iuvdred in
any official politica, however exalted. -
Little thanks need any Inas expect from
It is now curtain that the Oppoailism
will try their full strength in the H.....
To -day will tell the story, for Mr. 3. A.
McDonald, a000rdieg to his notice of
motion on Wednesday, ia to bring in s
direct vote of r ant of Confidence in the
Macdosald-Sieotte Ministry! This de-
termination was arrived at in causes no
Wednesday, after a long dimension. The
Opposition feel that it is now or never
with them, and they me determined to
make one desperate effort for power and
patronage. We doubt very much the
wisdom of the course pursued by the Op-
pposition in this instfoilabeesum twist and
tam u they may, they must appear be-
fore the eoatsery in an anomalous position.
For many years past our country boa been
pursuing a course of ruinous extravagance,
ib Government being in the hands of
seedy adventurers whenever bot an op
port..ity of making um of the casual d-
vwbges seeming from their preition ; the
',edit of the country had declined, ad
e a4(nal bankrsptoy stared ea in the far.
We all knew how this pnitig•gy entwine
ted ---how the cow try, tired mid hardwood
es it wee, threw ot, shreugl its ,epeeneo
*dm, the 3.ealfae whish bad viI*1
draws =ban its vitality. The New Gen.
emend, semis( fees power as it did,
Maned mar cremes' dimdveattg..
Debt. Led bete atetehebd, esseavagem
eismw hd Seo *fend i.b, ted ea
every heed dlflliekiee were hasped .p.
Osa* soy Wimp oder the elm Lew
yaw melee frees ea.IlatgI7 mitlemlier er4
Isbeesied resits. am sieteetpesep ri y
s hag and 1y •ilMr 4 r As will
.ig►l to Atr60060611100 *SW*
a fell stop Item • tersegitamst W I Tb•
Moo sem ehookielyispoodbir. M.
thin the sew IMMO Mast awl des
easel of ties holes p to--elbM it gas
• p priamiplie width lei Moog noon iikhil
is, hat it verrsgthellpa, IMpimi.ided
jb ilea MSllidrnllw of easy Miami met
I i thee, Iltlw .thee rF e1 , -Wes 10111..add. • t
ho A
undred lives
Supposeto be Wet.
Society for earnest and well-intsltaded efforts ONE HUNDILED AND t .
to advance e INA i•ter.dsofhie country. Ti E'BOD8 , ' e
This a ' ,.,thankful selfishness
has at wait, mOd is just as ub1-
'116 potent mounint, as it ever
was. kat the stand to be taken by
Her ajestyts Opposition to -day. Mr.
Howland bol it neouswry to impose
a tax *pea the luxuries and some of the
necessaries of bfe, so ea to bria,g the revert.
ue of the present year up.ls the anticipa-
ted eapeoditure, which his bete reduced
*much as it is possible to do, instead of
borrowing from the beakers of London, a
system which has been so long followed, to
our lasting diagraoe. How is the Minis-
inister of Firaace met? Why, gopd /wee*,jolly Mr. Galt, backed op ether gentle.
men of the same way offeeling, holds up
iia hands io holy horror. " What," says
he, "Attempt to harmonise Monate and
expenditure! the public cannot beer the
heavy burthen of taxation -why not bor-
row money to pay the interest on borrowed
money, and for general purposes, as I have
often done? " Thu, we repeat u virtually
the answer made to Mr. Howland by the
montbpieoee of the Opposition. And has
it came to this, that you Upper Canadians
are not willing to make one effort, to place
your finances above the fluctuating and de-
moralizing ineuenes of the London money-
market -that you are willing to put your
hands into your bosoms and drift helpless-
ly down the cunent of national degrads-
tiow? We will not believe it, and we
trust and believe that this day, when Mr.
J. A. McDonald brings up his shameful
motion, he will be met with justly-mented
diadomfture. There should be to to -day
a union of all who desire to see Canada
riae triumphantly above her past disgrace,
in order to thwart the designs of unscrupu-
lous and needy political cormorants.
287 L1vete LonT.
In another oolumo is a telegraphic an-
nouncement of the loss of the One Mail
steamer Anglo-Saxon. Later news front
the scene of the dreadful occurrence, puts
us in poeension of the awful fact that'
237 persona lost their lives by the sinking
of the ill-fated Teasel. The mails also
went down and are lost. The full partic-
ulate, names of the lost, kc., have not yet
been ascertained, but there is no doubt
many Canadian homes will be left deso-
Mar The East Durham election was
declared void yesterday, in the House of
Few York, April 29.
The Washington lwoeligencer of Tries
day morning announces that Gen. Hrs,ker
commenced kr forward movement on Mon-
day morning. Heavy ma'am of artillery and
other troops were grossing the Rappahannock
at wary*..
The Tribune says the 7th and 11 t► corpse
and the cavalry took the lead.
Murfreesboro, Aerie.
The Confederates am reported as having
made important movements on (nor derivingfront,
materially deriving the situation ; whether
in reply) to ours on McMinnville, or that the
Coniederatea are weary waiting for s to ad -
Taus, is not known.
its hwosrn that Braeg hes been reinforced
by one brigade from Mobile, and • Mississippi
regiment from Vicksburg wwent bock from
A force hes rwiaforeei• Mancwes'er to
strengthen the Confederates. One brigade
.eat buck from Shelbyville to T.'iktes.
Johnaoa is reported t0 bays sieved M. Seed.
quarters to Shelbyville. Clitoithamiletivision
e at Gay's Gap teles miles frost Yafreee
bore, oa theShelbyville wad Triune reed. and
than are twevbeigadas at Bell Bnekle, while a
third lone maid b be M DoetittI. Pike.
Poe semis dap it is believed In Confederate
*ape that if -Oseerabs did not advance.
Bragg would attach.
Owe authority suet/ran has 75,000 nen.
Then is no eonrrOsaion of the reported
death of Bragg.
Nu Tort, April 29.
WWewbaadrjse nate that Hill% force
wee M Or../sad rod Pottier North. ; Our
ea 'thihaabeth City and Wletkld bed
.ilhrrrelota Weithiegtou and Plietot b
me to reedited. A Fort 4 budding .dI.
W ere phial 46c0 win pItbk .f the with
druid sof nor regisae.ts www then foe opsu .
does elwbere.
T. a Pref t ' the more monied that
Gen. Auks peesft ile4'off88 .age
t► part rto* c .e.1 04. ratee1d A
Ma, L►, .where tee genfetle tth1. lead • )apo
Imeneity •Cetwee .ed soar. it ft met he
possible, if say, tint they Live a8 beim mar
A titieliwe of the Oak shpt the
Lanes i.wl 3 s'smeett fro* the Odle .4i6b . COW
*ewe rmiirepert. the Cer er.t. l.tw.M
MNgaabw. only 81e fereog, .ad 'apposed
M be soya para utiparnes who leam bus
esdesvorisg re M gs the 4utimasre mad
U p , .Iroed. IM ne teeiirtoupeet h aWiag.
reap. 1f m1 Oi.Me. h -
QLMr jK i►,isg0 it 11 ! t Noss
f1 [ewe, Sty i'1 dkpq r r ll j to
"rf. IW mid k
Hon. Joh*
y among
regAII,' we (Given) en -
e. ' 400 the Ognadrarr sgam-
er " A On
' on llre set (IS d
land, oast 11sce. 0a Monday, se
•soon, ger Area fog, she strait the chore,
sad Wit
wwttr O. ea boor atterwan.
sb0 was atom, the purser
aye irtt bdespatdO, that seventy
people wan .04 that afterwards boat
No. 2 cams lever, with twenty-three on
board. The letter despatch says that 00
l.esday, et 9 a. m., nearly twenty-four hours
afienw,ls the swamer ",Dauntlee" pocked
up two bouts with nicely persons 01 1 nerd,
nncltali'u ,
via are happy to gar, the Hun.
John Young, of Montreal, and his family.
Tbie giver's wtal of •se hundred Ind er;:hty-
tleee saved. The purser specks of three
beau having been. cut away on the port side,
and we pghetit sol there ate all row ac-
counted for, •d Wort the remai,eler of the
psasen:ens ai.d hr+ weal down in the i1LGted
ship. The eaptsin, Me. Burgess, whc hes •
brother and coulee residing in tbis city, was
drowned. He was an able, experienced sea,
man, and had been long employed on the
The "Angie Swann was one of the first'
built of the Canadian steamships, and esu a
ren feet vowel. She aIle( from Liverpool,
biased for Quebec on Thursday, April 36th,
sod wan approaching the Gulf pu the 1 lib clay
of her voyage, when she 'struck on Cape
Ranee. Its apposed she, bad a very lenge
number of passengers. There were probably
near y four hundred souls on board, paseen-
;;en and crew. The escape (done hundred
and eighty-three leaves, it is but taw likely,
nearly two hundred unaccounted for ; bet we
may indulge u . that at the terrible Int will
not Ire 0o Ion**
The lora of *be vessel and of go many lives
is not merely a calmnity to mdrvtdeals, it is
an iujury,to the Provisat,and will be n.ovrsel
every.bere. All bed begun to hope that the
Caerahan steam.bip line lied phased through
is baptism of disaster, and [but henceforward
tiw,e would be nothing but prosperity and
progress. -Hut we mast await the receipt of
further iutelligence before myiag mote.
Corr. RACE. April 27.
Tb .lfesers. Edwonsfoae, Allan 4 Co.,
Mont rad
eo trail,ingloSa.rea. daring a dens- f -get
noon today, struck tone Rules nut of Cape
Haim amt Kot broedaide to the rock.. During
the tiroe she was adoieseventy people 1.04.4.
She keeled to port and in *0 boar sank below
the rails. 'Three boats on the port side got
away. Capt. Crawford, with number two
bout and twenty -thee people, has arrived
Mine. Ilon. John Young mid family are sup-
uppulsed to be in the miming boats. Capt.
Itur nes wee drowned. Officers all min ieg,
:sod the decks broken op. At fur o'clock
we lett the wreck, when all had disappeared.
The people are all here.
(Signed.) WM. JENK INS, Purser.
8r. Jose, N. F., April 2H.
The steamer Dauntless, at 9 a. m. nn
T,001ey, picked up two of the Anglo,G,r-
00's booty cuotaining ninety people. The
dol i. rain_ hit of passengers are reported in
the Amadeus :-Hon. Jdhn Young, lady
end seven children ant one servant; Mrs
Hop.', 51iae Hertharm, Mrs. Capt. Soddan,
Mr. Green, mail e4eer, Mr. Towers, Rev.
Mr. Fette, ('opt. Cassidy, Mrs, Jackson and
r•hild. Mrs. Wm. Wright John Mai tin, James
Kirkwood and sister, llln. E,in James, Cath.
rine Cameron. Mary Auu 'Thomas, Mary
,Ann Adam., Edward Moir, .or Mans, Thomas
*.'dwell, 51r. Hoare, first officer?, Rtntert
Allan, third ulcer, Mr...Scott, fourth officer,
Jewea Haudenu.n; fsirth engineer, Cbsriss
Ca,,on. 6fh engineer•
The steamer RfmdA.med has gone to
Cementite for the pIl,4 there.
sewage city, weak with weltering, and bels[~
big with hanger, she sank delve helpless e w
11 her trouble had ended here it woeW hare
certainly been had.00.gb. bet they did sot.
She h.4 hardly got mho the hell wise she
wan loll ,e.d oy • arae, who appesoahed la a
familiar and nutting masaer, sad, t.kia1
advantage of her helplessness, root heaiag
her tearful entreaties, nor her .rias be ear
ror, proceeded to commit • korrible and bru-
tal outrage on her poison. Hee cries for
help soon anmcted mural pnless to the
spot, but sot moil alter the villain ked sea-
rw'ded in winking hes escape. The girl wee
feted on *be street in the morning, and told
afferiegs to several whom she met.-
* became of her aftemiseds isnot kauws.
She wan positive she could identify the per
sou wlso perpetrated the outrage, it she could
gee kis. She represented dist she was eigh-
teen years old, and bed come to the city for
the purpose of visiting tin craves of her
rents, and finding, if pouib:e, sum. of bar
reluures and friends.
Previous to the circumstance above 'elated,
Miss Wheelock states that abs teas assaulted
hr two persona. a .hits man and a negro,who
endeavored to form her isle a marriage, sod
in the attempt tore off her bonnet and mutil-
ated her clothes, leaving her bareheaded end
with a portion of her dress torn from her per
son. These men were frustrated is their de-
signs, whatever they were, by the screams of
their intended victim. 0 is also ueceasary to
nate that she had three dollars in money
stelen from her by IDUs oma in the course of
the night,
!be &Neve occurrence, from beginning to
ire culmination, u s weries of the moat das-
tardlvoutragee.hich were over committed
in Detroit Her condition waaeh as would
appeal to the sympathies OI a brute: A lune
women. stricken witb a fearful malady. from
the effects of which all bad Meanie perfectly
helpless, alone in the streets at a late hr at
night, hoer
without mosey or friends, is first as.
salted, them reamed, nein beanlerlydriven
to the streets, and the ditto: of villainy rep
ped as we have recorded. In all its aspect.
it is an outrage which, more than any which
have preceded it,calle for earful *mitigation
by the authorities, in order, if possible, to
bring the guilty parties to justice. It would
be n proposer abject for investigation by the
grand jury mow int sossrou.-i)etroit Free
A Flagrant Oatrage.
-RE Pte.1,11'1044 Or A Y&,UUDtaes Toc1110
WOOS. es ■xe aaxtvat. Rt ntT•otT.
A young neataal salved le the elty. Mon.
day evening, who fled hap ewe story, and
the forte that eoresiilliblit with it, is certainly
entitled to the warm egerby of all wbu
hwve heair to feel ffs unfortunate slid
friendless atrsnger. .r is Je.aje
Wheeler~, and ah, 555 fvillage of
H•Uand, Canmctirut.8he:Ma:
m h., own
alatnnenu. eighteen 706.1 ao orphan,
her father and mother Ream( been buried in
this city several Fenn age. The story to
+nich we beve referred* one which, if true
in every rrapeet, r h 0 startle the
whole e•nmmumty. '1'h. girl i1 a invalid,
bei,, cihjert to flu. 0.. c e from Coo►
,weteuI to 4paegnra 10141, when Neese d.•
11ia-ed .everair4sys .Hillme'eat Orf 414itultb,
but .tarred i 0.ew t10 oar MotiJay
mornnnit, feeling thesgh fes from
heiog well. On ►.ts .he car ale
tushed again wall thS *Wady to which she
.. teipl , sad e+a'.eipggd and r.3.
mat Mlppler long h. any to 11.
twit Ile train allaWe ilremar her
amend .t &boat-.efiM e'tdock in Oke
ereuin t. hu* iter nista A she .odd get
on this .ale of the rr4,> the way over
all wan uiar ved-+.sel.7j to b.
Cr u eras tom tapM
y' x, b the ease. soled
mp ha, ad
he Male r run satL bar :.*blit•. m
her drre a ernpP^R pie..
a the ('env drtrot es
round, It r5,mpnisiib4e M'
Hy .ors. mre xk
u }rant ul the S46jea
exhenn"l a^d nese. er,
ear, she ink h0pk.ta
la this meddlers Ali
James Cr'n .y. ee
Or.t.y satw
rese4..k. 0.4 .Oro.*IIy
fo..d gI.t.0. •.s
boleti** of ,paori
ksl ors ser. eat
Ne atewe proceeded
:o,n41"ill a
.s esti a hot.
r s cis..
.sacred h 1M
remain anti
Irina. that he had Illi
Mfortunae W0nalla
had 0. lendn a0 .. ,,. .
the stere {.h
wpw* 11rd ell h
`n Lob, iN list Mfb ti
A. 0440 oars *
a* elf
*ilbi,wyn Mtn .aseaPt.by oils
the awe*
the same,
• wdev tie*
th▪ e
item ower
Imo,M •
The Removal of the Seat of Govern-
ment .
We are glad to see that over member for the
west end,Mr. Robinson, isdeel1tgegmined th it the
remove) ot the sat ofelovernMeot to Toron-
so this year shalt not be overlooked If he can
help it. The honorable gentleman, we per•
drive, has given notice that he will move on
Monday next
"That, as from the nature of the contracts
lately entered into for the completion of the
Parliamentary and other buildings in the
city of Ottawa, at least tbree years are likely
to elapse be!Ore they will be ready tor occu-
pation, and es with the termination of the
present Session, Parliament will have been in
Quebec four yeas; it is the duty of this
House to declare to 3411 Excellency the
Goveruor General, tbat it would .for' *hit
House great satsfaction, and bean : of
jester to the Western section of the}
vine.; it the next Session of P•rt'..t.:nt
should be held an ,he city of Torontu.-
Mr. Glashier's lotentlfc Balloon
Mr. James Olashier, who lut year made
eight trigs Into the upper atmosphere, where
he reached • mutt higher elevation than had
been attained before, has resumed his opera-
tions the present Spring. One ofthe prin-
cipal objects.o.ght to them celes*idi excur-
sions hne been to determine the law of de
crease of temperature with increase of eleva-
tion. The seals that had been accepted up
to last year was • falling of ibtemereary one
degree for every three hundred -feet of eleva-
tion from the earth's surface. Mr. O. states
that the result of his several ascents made
last yore was that when the sky was clear, a
decrease of one hundred degrees of tempers•
ture took place within one bundled feet of
the ground, while at the height 0130,000 feet
a apace of tally 1,000 had to be Aimed
through for a similar change. It will be
thus leen that instead of there being a uniform
decrease with a given number of feettrav-
ereed, the decline take pl•se only is invents
proportion to the roil of the at.oaphen.
The let trip by the celebrated
eronaut took place, on the 81st alt., from
the Crystal Palace roomiest London. Dur-
ing the lee mile the thermometer soak from
50 to 324 degrees. At the second "mile
post" the memory bad gone down to 26
degrees ; •t tea third to 14 degrees ; at three
and threeeq.rte• to 9 degree.. At this
elevation a warm re , nt cm entered. midair
the thermometer to s . 1a • few
minutes ,hr ems pared, leg
end a half mike *temps
at zero. T:.1 wr at ane
afternoon. The wind wee g4ude, 0
most of thy w.) from Ihe lief. 'fhe ,
quite dry, both before .ad elle* Mavis
The *mow .peaks of the roar of
as being distinctly audible stew be
mile high. The clouds (cwmeft) hesg
math him like patches of shining
Railroad trains appeared to tie.1 line
pillars. At fhe teight of dire, ISO
mile. the face looked like ``lowing
ibis gndeally torsed to • deep le
the tn.eleta, taking
*Teemed net web pain r if
. ealdrd. in the epper regl/u
the aspect of deep *Mit..
D eas which crept over 46
was setting is spokes 0f
Ammer or Tea Poe, or Tae
The picot of Me area sled
thro.gb Philadelphia, IAO
u nder arrest. In order that t
eap1Fs her, he rim the
Wend. H. is the ser mors win
lime* robe*, Moen sad Saha
Hemmed 1 Mt. ' drool
goods is very Asi is wall
worthy iaspeotlos.
Sotazt.-Then is to be a Soiree in the
New Cease:iso Charoh of this town, on
Wednesday evening nezt,at 7!30. There
is sum to be a full house, on the occasion,
so that it is almost unseoeasary to do more
than wnoseos the matter.
Leorene.-Mr. Wm. Fothergill will
deliver a lecture on the Middle Ages, in
Crabb's New Hall on Monday evening
next. Mr. F. lectured lath Friday before
a Toronto audience, and, according to the
morning paper', made quite a seusatioo.
We hope our townsmen will, for onde,turn
out to Lear a really good lecturer.'
Steven's Panorama Coming.
Our citizens will this (Friday) evening
have an opportunity of seeing this work
of art, which our exchanges, both Caua-
dian and American; speak of in flatter-
ing terms., It is, they nay, beautiful!yi
executed, and gives a clearer idea of the
screen illustrated than oou1l be conveyed
in soy other manner. The subjoin/ of the
painting are the present Atoericau War
and the Massacres by the Indians in Min-
nesota. We hope to see ■ very full town.
dame. Adwielion only 1:icta.
The $th Commission Mystery.
Notwithstanding dm most strenuous
exertions of the police,essiated by the neigh-
bors, no clue hu yet been found to the
whereabouts, dead or alive, of the wotnan
McIntosh. It appears, after a careful
search of the house, that she did not, sup-
posing she Icft of' her own accord, take
any of her best clothes, and even her
spectaelee were found on the dre.cr. Tel-
egrams have been sent to Port Iluron,
where it seems, she has friends, but she
did not go there. If there has been foul
play, we are suti.tie l that it will yet be
discovered, and the perpetrator brought to
merited justice. Altogether, it is a most
extraordinary cane. Donohue was again
brought before the Polioe Magistrates yes-
terday, and remanded until Monday nett.
A. very interesting case Wu brought
before the Police Court on Tuesday after-
noon lest. His worship presiding, twisted
by J. P.'. Detlor, Horton, and Burrows.
Arch. Boyd charged Richard Walters
and Jacob Hobson with having stolen
from him the sum of $1 10 on Mooday
evening while he was in a state of partial
intoxication. The following evidence,
which we give in full, will explain the
cireunutanes :
ARCH. BOYD, sworn. -I was in town
ystrda7Sand got 4136 from the Bank of
Montreal on Mr. Lefroy's cheque. Placed
411(1 of the money in my Ted peeked cm
the left side. Also received he from Mr.
Savage. I eame in with •'s•ppt named
Straughan and waited in beim Mail he
mold have acme bills printed at the SigNnal- I met prisoners during the*
and 1h y seemed to follow me • elt► :
They knew I had received •wsesha money.
aet I west te the Huron Hotel ; they
wed res than, .ad we drank together.
I only left the bar-room few minutes
look at some Int the stable.
ter.) This seemed to
I was fie le go how and
tk iteMheR tdff to bed.ln beetling
remember that
late my pockets,
loom into which
mosey. This
1: te rfered
.f t0arta. 11..
lays +-Dees, malted sen 5N 1 ketis
rn•ecetr•e wits Oe.rnmest
it Y bola, or motes see will •
reedy set tore lairs.' Poe *siftm time
.f, firers me. es ito
(test WV*tass,rade ass AlMe,
troller I Wholeas
bled Ar lA.tlii
favor keen a Coe s yes -
izelpafteegAnd who., pray. would
P' 11" tie
chum cheaIf be Ad
las Paris 4.hrkts teem the "prep let m"
e t de4.•e*. TM evigeiaa Bsr et the b4
ie that gay eared • sea; ss.twism veneer.
she bis • priae+ly reeblishamei is the Ibex
ode Ns. His plus is lheased 4f tt.
mead N lease, wee ge b Iq0 se
lasso doom las► Ria wens* le tri
Mama &rasaof ledmtrid r1 3.flaildheig
Pahl$*S. Saw
lit *sat 11 o'gie00 sad had
to MA with A.. Next saw
si tie: 1... IMdo . isi•t ; IIw
iW drool M over um
0111,11 the y 4ll. lal o w whileteo womb ` t SIMMISOille
OatL wis1b[
ed hos with
iraoi 3 bales with
ease er Meeh'
s wlh res s'R " memhob a1.
pleobothMtie•.#nimmod bb the
yeah 1 tenmhald ly'1he room Whirrs
Par *Mat or boor" I nears*. my ac-
edy M Oak e•Mmae1 the use, we
tens. I War. adv A.r-os
ills e.ml sri it am Ml Mee I ( )
Was fat very saber whqg1 gm ditent
ha. I immediately bid Ib* 'mol• W'
I W beat ,Mid. The matey was is
mi peke[ boldin 1 ram it beam. 4s
G. wane of liquor. 'Tiley drank ronn'I
several ties. All the arstljy I saw wiiu
him wan a quarter. a while Dick
nmol, '(He is very you had b *ur
give him a bed.' 'f'o I se last IN -
wood; sad lad the way while' the prim-
ers mama his •p. Walk,, ball Ws
07 the arm while Hobson shoved up le:
hind. At the top of the first light we
halted a moment and 1 willed t., get hire
up another fiiuht when then was a bed
more proper fur a druukee man that MS
Oho Snit fiat. To this Boyd demurred,
deol.ring be woullu't submit to any such
degredation. [Laughter.] I lett the
three then. (it the top of the first light)
and came down. Atter mese num I went
up and found that they had apparently
got him inttia bedroom near where 1 lett
them, for one of the doors WW1 lucked un
the inside. Boyd was tiro drunk to bare
done that. In about 10 or i5 minute@
after [ came down the first time Hoboes
same down, asked for a cigar and left. I
did not see Walters leaving the house.
ROBT. BLUETT said be waa present
when the parties came to the Huron Put.
After supper saw Walters and Boyd earse
down the stain tcu ether. The latter wad
charging the other of having robbed him'
of about 1100. Walter* didn't to soy
knowledge offer to be searched.
Riser. THATCItam saw the men murkier
in. Walters, was betting Boyd ties bei
would oot lend him $3 if be wanted it,
FRED. NEWTON said he went !ntdthd
Huron to get a drink about 5 o'clock and.
saw thea man Boyd poll out a tubae roll of
$S dollar trills. lie had theta In Lu veoi
pocket -left side.
JOHN DARK said Walters and gild
Dame to bin father's Hotel about 9 o'clock:
A man had a kind of peep show there::
Hobson said he had a d -d goal' h '
*ion to smash it. Dick Maid, "better
not." Jake said if he did ho had plroty
of money to pay for it. Dsek told bite gar
shut up.
Thin closed the ease. Their Worship,'
offer to receive bail not being complied -
with, the prisoners were sent " down " td
await trial at the next Sestioua•,....we,
To the Editor ref the Huron Siymul. ,
&e, -It mustbe ceeeeded that all Gov
ernmental Officiate, as well ex theirappointe.'e,
should do the several deities allotted to new -
fearlessly, unflinchingly, and regardlem of
favor sod the country, at • whole, exacta
such a oour.e of echos in the strictest aero. , •
and freely sanctions sod duly appreciate.,
such a course of,proceeture. However, Otero
is a limit to alt actions (fortunately Govern•
meat officiate and their appointees ane aloe
exempt)end ail officials, exceeding their
duties, are to be deprecated by all claaee..
Now, Sir, with all des respect to the gen-
tlemen who wens appointed by the Govern-
ment to examine ipto The state of the Cure
tows' Department, and report thereon, every
one, unprejudiced, must confer that, tit a
arge extent, they have exceeded the duties,
confided to them, and, in doing so, have out
only forfeited the confidence of a large per,
tion of Western Upper Canada, but also their
action refects upon the Government e.u.d
brings it and its supporters into dire: we.
Their Repots (Reports I should say) a p uh-
lisMd in many instances, is unfair, aneener-
ous, unkind, and d,egsaceful, and very de oto
story toll'. character of the Commis.ioeera,
as public officials, and necessitates censure .1
the etrongen kind. N,t coil), that, it serum
they (or the Press) have materially varied fhe
lOoport, and comparing one .AFI the other,
the inoonsimtenciea are so apparent, that they
become positively shameful and ■heel.' be
treated with that contempt and derision
richly merited and deserved. It appears the
Commissioners wee. not satisfied with trans •
editing • Report (knowing it would he pub.
Bled) of the stage and condition of the
Custom: at the different `'tetiona, bet thee
must comment, and in doing so, hetet envim
gored and viln6ed the goal reputation awl
standing of many gentlemen. whose *04.iliee
and aiiloirementa would bear any test. And
then the inconsistency I Take, for intone,,
Mr. Edon, Customs' Officer, leryfield, (thou
whom no gentleman is more highly reelect.
ed either in Hayfield or t*oderien, by ail *ler
know him, either in his official or private
capacity.) One of the Reports published in
you paper of the 23rd last., etttes that M:.
Ellen is but fit for • "8abordinate niton:ioe,,"
in the some paper that lee 111 a e met itor io'es
o$oar," end in another paper that he is
" unfit for office." Reconcile these state.
meats. Sash matters should mot pass unno-
00.tined, the more so when they reflect upon a
portion of known ability and well qualified for
Ins psittor. Why did not the C^enuiestuuera'
report inefficiency or efficiency and if fault
foetid sanest to the Government to drawee
the oiled ..d not brand and &Oigmatize hien
t itis Pres? The cause of suet) 41.-
M heed when a motion is made
ie .ad Government brings d..ao,
the papers relative fhsrrto. it is hard to
mull to a conclusion whether Mr Foden r 64
the aa'61s►.rdiee. nicer," a'•Menitoriuue
e6l ose," ores ")tett for an officer."
I boob mals tines statements 0n my owe
S..pewin*Wp mea) u wining to app et to the
taset6Mass.ed amen of Godench fur theW
Tors, ie.,
. How., April 27, IH69, •
it .-.ii& ahem 5 0'.
slob • liwiery wewi.R thin' wile
tis hes lb. Berm I sees 0.,d woo
Cessna, April l Stb, 1843.
1 • t4 Pallet+ of the Hares eSiye sl.
Ste,- A hes weeks Woes the &gwef
Ise3W groat poise se the Iowa et&oderi. 5
he (u progrwm h sd.•rdes amt w douht
justly, red bs0s • wok eskrwwre te the
Sigessi,f hers elm fir the swear of *6
Teeth dyes bas, .d thew et germ et .
yngra pow will ghe Obs b$ewiag geodes ow
Q.rvsae -Ped whit mob et the
Poem, A, 4 C etel me 550.
e , Ms TW A'. marry
B Cr bel de, i mewl
B's nnaey, Mg01br wlb
f'a. imealen.1t9T1 >
a.sssaems*. . weft
.11e11. $11M
togetheeiwwb aas.eM
~ebietlw at