HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-11-25, Page 15•25 Auction Sales Evening AUCTION SALE for the Estate of the late Mrs. Craven to, be held in the PARKHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE BUILDING, Parkhill, Ont. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 at 7:00 p.m, Selling will be the household effects including GE 4-burner electric stove; refrigerator with across top freezer; GE electric washer; kitchen table & chairs; dining room table and chairs; buffet; GE electric radio; Spar- ton television; 2 davenports; platform rocker; upholstered chair; rocking chairs; hall tree; antique parlor love seat with carved back & matching chair; book rack; small tables; mir- rors; trilight lamp; several electric lamps; pin up lamps; cook stove; space heater and fan; bedroom suite; dressers; beds; quantity of bedding; quantity of china ware; fancy cups and saucers; kitchen uten- sils; electric clock; GE electric heater; GE electric fan; clothes hamper and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash plus 3% sales tax if applicable. BILL ELLIOT, Auctioneer 294-6759 Parkhill 25:2c By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Miss Margaret Kernick atten- ded the Perth County Wardens Banquet Thursday at the Victor- ian Inn, Stratford. The annual Sunday School mee- ting was held Tuesday evening last at the home of the superin- tendent, Mr. Victor Jeffery to plan the annual Christmas con- cert which is to be held Friday evening December 10. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann were guests at the wedding of their cousin Miss Joyce Ferguson and James Skinner at Guelph Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Box of Belton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Elford. Mr. and Mrs. John Bray and Agnes were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton of Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ah- rens of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde Douglas, Glenn and Calvin were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery Alan and Connie were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Luther, and girls of Sarnia were s und ay guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Ray, Bob and Betty Jean of Wood- ham, Miss Ruth Miller of Lon- don, Mr. Jack Constable of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. David Blackwell, Helen and John of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Everard Miller, Earl and Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda of Zion, Miss Marilyn Morgan of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Miller of Exeter were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, the occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Chas. Miller. 20 Cl/ OFF /0 All PARTS IN STOCK AMAUNkiNWHiNgiW • -An,- :),:::',000NVICW Hi Farmers! Get your spring needs now! F.W. UXTABLE Tat EXETER By MRS, FRED BOWDEN MERNER'S AMARKET Dash wood Phone 14 Pre-Christmas Sale Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 25-26-27 lb. 430 lb. 750 1 4 1 lb. 990 Maxwell House COFFEE Vacuum Pack 350 Parchment Wrap Tulip Margarine Save 64 STOKELY'S Pumpkin 2. S6¢° 2/27 Tomato Juice 2, 310 Wax Beans 1.5z. 6r 2/350 15 Peas oz. 15 Corn PHONE DASHWOOD 14 Neilson's Jersey ICE CREAM 1/2 gal. 790 Save 140 Schneider's Ring Bologna Home Made Summer Sausage GRAPES S 270 ave 4 lbs. 490 Libby's Deep Brown BEANS Chase & Sanborn Instant COFFEE 6rt 2/470 Save 930 10 oz. $1.29 20 oz. 6 oz. 2/37 2/350 Save 60 Save 12d Save 150 STEAK S2A7 SRLOIN T- I BONE 22 Notices NOTICE Of STREET CLOSING NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 249, Section 459 and other powers (hereunto enabling, the Corporation of the Town of Exeter proposed to stop up and close; FIRSTLY - All that portion of road allowance known as Gidley Street and shown on Registered Plan Number 22 in the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario running from the Westerly boundary of Pryde Boulevard according to said Plan Number 22 to the East- erly boundary of Block "A" according to said Plan Num- ber 22. SECONDLY - All that por- tion of road allowance known as Gidley Street and being composed of parts of Lots numbered 1135, 1136 and 1137 according to Registered Plan Number 20 for the said Town of Exeter in the County of Huron and being more par- ticularly described as fol- lows: COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly limit of Lot 1137 aforesaid, being also the West- erly limit of Registered Plan Number 22 for the said Town of Exeter at a point distant 80.80 feet Southerly from the North-east angle of said Lot 1137; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limit of said Lot 1137 a distance of 66 feet 4 inches to a point; THENCE Westerly and parallel to the Northerly limits of said Lot 1137, 1136 and 1135 a distance of 307.80 feet to a point; THENCE Northerly and parallel to the Easterly limit of said Lot 1137 a distance of 66 feet 4 inches to a point; THENCE Easterly parallel to the North- erly limits of said Lot 1135, 1136 and 1137 a distance of 307.80 feet to the place of be- ginning. The lands comprising that part of the said road allowance hereby stopped up and closed, and the subsequent sale or other disposition of the said lands, shall be subject to ease- ments for existing sewer, wa- termain and hydro services on the lands in question, That subject to the said ease- ments, the lands comprising that part of the said road al- lowance hereby stopped up and closed shall continue to be vested in The Corporation of the Town of Exeter to be dealt with from time to time as the Council of the said Corporation may see fit and deem proper. And that the Council of the said Corporation will hear, in person or by counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applied to be heard at a meeting to be held at the Council Chambers at the Town Hall in the Town of Exeter on the 20th day of December 1965 at the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening or as soon thereafter as the said meeting may be held. DATED at Exeter, Ontario this 16th day of November 1965. E. H. CARSCADDEN, Esq., Clerk, Town of Exeter. 18:25:2:9c ONTARIO PROCLAMATION RE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP- OF STEPHEN Public notice is hereby given, that in accordance with the provisions of The Liquor Li- cence Act, and in pursuance of a by-law passed by the municipal council of the Town- ship of Stephen on the 5th day of October, 1965, I require the presence of the voters at the Town Hall in the Village of Crediton on the 22nd day of November, 1965, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Standard Time at which time I will announce the names of the persons ap- pointed to act for the Affirma- tive and for the Negative re- spectively upon the poll to be holden under Section 72 of The Liquor Licence Act, upon the following questions, Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house licence for consumption on licensed premises to which men only are admitted? Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge licence for the con- sumption on licensed prem- ises? And notice is further given that the vote will be taken up- on the same questions, in the manner provided by law at a poll to be opened on the 6th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1965 from the hour of 8 o'clock in the forenoon until 7 o'clodk in the afternoon (Standard Time) at the following places: LIST OF POLLING PLACES: Polling Sub-Division No, 1 - Comprising Lots 1 to 12, Con- eessions 1, 2 and 3; Lots 3 to 5, Concession 4, and Lots 6 and 7, Concession S.B.. except 11,C,- 22 Notices A.F. Station, Centralia. Polling Station at Centralia Library, Centralia. Polling Sub-Division No. 2 - Comprising Lots 13 to 20, Con- cession 1; Lots 13 to 25, Con- cession 2, and. Lots 13 to 23, Concession 3; Lots 16 to 23, Concessions 4 and 5, and Lots 4 to 11 North. Polling Station at Basil Coolman's Residence. Polling Sub-Division No. 3 - Comprising Lots 6 to 15, Con- cession 4; Lots 3 to 15, Conces- sion 5; Lots 10 to 11, Conces- sion 6, and Lots 8 to 10, Con- cession S.B. Polling Station at Barber Shop, Crediton. Polling Sub-Division No. 4 - Comprising Lots 3 to 9 and Lots 12 to 23, Concession 6; Lots 3 to 23, Concession 7, 8 and 9; Lots 12 and 13 N.B. and Lots 11 to 17 S,B, Polling Sta- tion at Community C e n t r e, Crediton. Polling Sub-Division No, 5 - Comprising Lots 3 to 18, Con- cessions 10, 11, 12 and 13 and Lots 18 to 26 S.B. Concession. Polling Station at Residence of Ross Pickering. Polling Sub-Division No. 6 - Comprising Lots 14 to 33 N.B.; Lots 19 to 23, Concessions 10. 11, 12 and 13; Lot's 16 to 23, Concessions 14 and 15; Lots 21 to 23, Concessions 16 and 17. Polling Station at Dashwood Community Centre. Polling Sub-Division No. 7 - Comprising Lots 3 to 15, Con- cessions 14 and 15; Lots 3 to 20, Concessions 16 and 17; Lots 27 and 33 S,B.; Lots 10 to 18, Con- cession 18 and Lots 10 to 15, Concession 19. Polling Station at the Residence of Stuart Sweitzer. Polling Sub-Division No. 8 - Comprising Lots 3 to 9, Con- cession 18, and all Lots 3 to 10 in Concession 19, 20 and 21, and Lots 9 to 19, Concession 22 and Sauble, and from 34 to rear in S.B. Concession. Polling Sta- tion at McDonald's Store, Green- way. Polling Sub-Division No. 9 - Comprising Lots 19 to 23, Con- cession 18, Lots 16 to 23, Con- cession 19; Lots 11 to 16, Con- cession 20 and 21; Lots 1 to 8, 22 and Sauble Concessions; Con- cession L.R.E. and 1,11,W. and A and B from Lots 34 to West- erly limit on North Boundary (except Village of Grand Bend being Lots 1 L.R.E. and L.R.W. and part 1 Ausable Conces- sion). Polling Station at Resi- dence of William Desjardine, Grand Bend. Polling Sub-Divisions 10A and 10B - Comprising Centralia Air Station. Polling Station at So- cial Community Centre, R.C.- A.F. Station, Centralia. And further that at the Town- ship Office on the 8th day of December, 1965, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. (Standard Time) I shall open the ballot boxes, add up the votes given upon the said questions, and declare the result of the said vote in. the said Municipality of the Township of Stephen. Of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. Given under my hand at Crediton this 8th day of Novem- ber, in the year 1965. GERALDINE SCHENK, Returning Officer God Save The Queen 25:2c VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND By-Law #142, 1965 NOMINATION and ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Village of Grand Bend will be held in the Town Hall on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1965 between the hours of 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock p.m. for the pur- pose of making and receiving nominations for the following: 1 Reeve; 4 Councillors; 1 Member of the School Board; 2 Members of the P.U.C, And further notice is given that in the event of more can- didates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elect- ed, the proceedings will be ad- journed until MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1965 when polls will be open from 10:00 o'clock a.m. until 7:00 o'clock p.m. in the LEGION HALL, GRAND BEND. And all persons are asked to govern themselves accordingly. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Murray A. Des Jardins, Deputy Returning Officer Mrs. Audrey Hutchinson, Poll Clerk PLEASE NOTE: In the event that an election is necessitated, the following question will also appear on the ballot. "Are you in favour of extend- ing the right to vote at Munich pal Elections for members of Council, to all persons of the full age of 21 years, who are British Subjects, and who have resided in the Municipality for at least one year in accordance with the Municipal Franchise Extension Act?" CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND SIM-MAY A, DES JARDINS, RETURNING OFFICER 25e 22 Notices TOWNSHIP OF ..STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the TOWN HALL, CREDITON on MONDAY, NOV. 29, 1965 at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Council- men, and also for Trustees of the Township School Area com- prising sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14 and Union 8 and 16, one to be elected. And further notice is hereby given that in event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular of- fice than required to be elect- ed, the proceedings will be ad- journed to MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1965 when polls .shall be opened from 10 o'clock a.m. until 7 o'clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by township by-law viz: Poll No. 1 - Library Rooms, Centralia; Gor d on Wilson, D.R.O.; Elmer Pow e, Poll Clerk,. Poll No, 2 - Basil Coalman's Kitchen, Lot 17, Con. 3; Preston Dearing, D.R.O.; Mrs. Archie Webber, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 3 - Boyle's Barber Shop, Crediton; William Oe- stricher, D,R.O.; Nelson Schenk, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4 - Township Hall, Crediton; Russell Finkbeiner, D.R.O.; Marion Schenk, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 5 - Ross Pickering, Lot 11, Con. 12; Clement Mc- Cann, D.R.O.; Joe Regier, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 6 - Community Hall, Dashwood; Harr y Hayter, D.R.O.; Melvin Stade, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 7 - Sweitzer's Kitch- en, Lot 10, Con. 17; Art Fink- beiner, D.R.O.; Roy Ratz, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 8 - MacDonald's Store, Lot 40, Con. S.B.; Wil- liam Hicks, D.R.O.; Russell Brown, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 9 - William Desjar- dine, Lot 4, Con. A; Ezra Webb, D.R.O.; Mrs. Glenn Desjardine, Poll Clerk. And all electors are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. Crediton, Ontario, November 15, 1965. GERALDINE SCHENK, - Returning Officer 18:25c TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Usborne will be held in TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE on MONDAY, NOV. 29, 1965 at 1:00 o'clock in •the afternoon for the purpose of making and 22 Notices receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve, 4 Councillors and 2 Trustees for the Town- ship Area School Board. And further notice is hereby given that in event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned to MONDAY, DEC. 6, 1965 when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 7 o'clock p.m, at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by township by-law viz: Poll No. 1 - Central Public School Building; Wm, H. Es- sery, D.R.O.; Maurice Coates, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 2 - Central Public School Building; Charles Jef- fery, D.R.O.; Lloyd Ballantyne, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 3 - Central Public School Building; Harry Jeffery, D.R.O,; Evan Sims, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4 - Public Hall, Farquhar; Robert Mayer, D.R.O.; Reginald Hodgert, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 5 - Township Hall, Elimville; La v erne Skinner, D.R.O.; Alvin Cooper, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 6 - Residence of Ross Hern; Ross Hern, D.R.O.; Everard Miller, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 7 - Kirkton Public Library; Lorne Marshal 1, D.R.O,; James Miller, P o 1 I Clerk. And all electors are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. R.R. 3 Exeter, November 15, 1965. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk 18:25c 14 Tenders Wanted STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6:00 p.m. Monday, December 6th, 1965, to furnish and install a 215 U.S. gallon pressure tank and a 19 H 202 Duro Submersible pump at the site of the new Stephen Township Central School. This equipment must be installed at the pleasure of the general contractor, George & William Construction Co. Ltd. For com- plete plans and specifications, information will be supplied by the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILMAR D. WEIN, Stephen Township School Area P.O. Box 181, Crediton, Ont. 25:2c TENDERS will be received by the under- signed until 12 o'clock noon, on December 4th, 1965 FOR ALTERATIONS AND RENOVATIONS TO THE AILSA CRAIG VILLAGE HALL. A certified cheque for 10% of the tender price must ac- company each tender. Plans and specifications may be ob- tained from Councillor Wessel Lenting, Ailsa Craig. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LEONARD G. CUTLER, Clerk-Treasurer, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 25c YPU MEETING Neil McAllister and Br uc Hicks conducted the worship ser- vice at the YPU meeting in the schoolroom of the church Sunday evening. During the service parts from the Sunday School Revolu- tion were read and later in the meeting were discussed briefly. The president was in the chair for the business. The group de- cided to contribute twenty dollars to the Missionary and Mainten- ance fund of the church. At the meeting to be held in two weeks there will be further discussion on the New Curricu- lum. Rev. Guest gave an interest- ing talk on the teen-ager and cigarettes and also conducted a contest. PERSONALS Mr. Amos Wright has been a patient in South Huron Hospital since Thursday of last week when he was admitted for treatment. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Greb were in Waterloo Friday evening at- tending the graduation exercises at the Collegiate Institute. Their niece Kay Hodgson who is now attending university was among the graduates. M r. Lawrence Hirtzel returned home Wednesday of last week with two deer following a hunting trip to North Bay. The heavy snowfall forced the hunters home earlier than planned. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Molnar By MRS. PACK USED CLOTHING The quarterly, Lutheran Wo- men's Missionary League meet- ing was held Wednesday, Novem- ber 1'7 with the president, Mrs. Ken Keller presiding for devo- tions. Mrs. Wm. Gatz discussed the topic "Is this the church?" Many boxes of good used cloth- ing was packed for L uther an World Relief. GIRLS LEARN SEWING The fifth meeting of Dashwood 4-H girls club No. 1, Dashwood Sleeping Beauties was held Nov. 15 at the home of Beth Snell with nine girls and the leaders Mrs. John Rader and Mrs. Rudolph Miller present. Notes were given on sewing on lace and hemming. The girls practiced making button holes. The sixth meeting of the Dash- wood Sleeping Beauties was held Monday Nov. 22 at the home of Sharon Martine with seven girls and the leaders present. The girls learned how to do monograms and discussed Achie- vement Day. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. John Rader. PERSONALS Many from Dashwood attended the dedication service of Peace Lutheran Church Exeter, Sunday. Mrs. Irvin Rader, David, Paul and Sharon spent the weekend at `London with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Howe and girls also visiting with Irvin at St. Joseph's Hospital. and Jimmie of Agincourt were Weekend visitors with the form- er's parents, Mr, & Mrs. S. molnar. Miss Cathy Scane and Mr. Pat Soldan students at London TeaCh- ers' College are teaching at the school this week under the sew- Mt. Carmel Mrs. Kathleen Houlihan and family also Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan visited in Sarnia Saturday and attended the Houlihan-Haley wedding. Miss Mary Ellen & Anne Ryan of the (‘Pines"Chatham spentthe weekend with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Rourke and family visited last weekend with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ducharme of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ryan spent Saturday visiting friends in Sar- nia. Mr. and Mrs. Austin McKee- ver, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McKeever on the weekend and attended the wedding of their nephew, in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. John Moser and family, Mr. Joe McCarthy dined with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Vanhie Sunday. Mrs. John Moser was drawn to act on IGA Bingo TV program last Monday morning. Mr. George Tomlinson is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. Homer James of Ottawa was a weekend guest at the par- sonage with his brother and fam- ily, Rev. & Mrs. Merrill James. He was guest soloist in church and Sunday School. The catechism class of the Evangelical UB class on com- pletion of their course enjoyed a fellowship evening at the par- sonage. By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL Weekend visitors with Mrs. Marie Pask were - Mrs. Er- nest Nicholas, Mrs. Paul Hyde & daughter of Flint, Mich.,- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hasson & sister Emma of Zurich, Mrs. Ferd Mil- ler of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McAdams & son Marvin & Miss Ruth Church of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gill of Brampton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson and Winston spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Camp- bell have returned home after spending a week with their daugh- ter and family at Kitchener. Miss Buelah Holt RN is spend- ing a few days with her mother, Mrs. Mae Holt. November 25, Page 1.1 vision of. Mrs. Lorne Mr, & Mrs. Glare Wright and family visited with Mr. Amos. Wright in.South Huron Hospital Stinday afternoon. Mrs, Wright accompanied them to Lendon but returned home later In the even- ing. BURRO PROPANE GAS Refills 100 lbs 4" 20 lbs 1 95 Yes we deliver for a small additional amount Seldon Fuels 235.2314 EXETER 235-0602 World's Lightest Direct-Drive Chain Saw • Weighs only 12 lbs. less bar and chain • Slices through 12-inch logs in 10 seconds, fells trees up to 3 feet in diameter COME IN AND HAVE A FREE DEMONSTRATION Milt's Mower & Cycle, 436 Main Street, Exeter, 0nt. Tel: 235-2940 ERVIN RADER