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Mrs. Maude Redden, Phone 262-2002:
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
Chiselhurst UCW elects
officers for 1966-67
'Cartoon collection draws interest
Ralph Lattimer's collection of cartoons which were on display at the Exeter Legion Hall last Thursday
evening drew the attention of all guests. The cartoons, which are reproductions of those popular during
the war of 1914-18 were drawn by Mr. Lattimer over a two year period. (T-A photo)
WI and public relations
theme of Hensall meeting
call by naming ,,A form of polite-
ness I admire".
The program opened with a
sing-song conducted by Miss
Greta Lammie. Motto "An insti-
tute is like a ship, everyone
should take a turn at the wheel",
was discussed by Miss M. Ellis;
reading by Mrs. Harry Caldwell;
solo, Mr. Don McCurdy accom-
panist Miss Lammie and reading
by Mrs. Wilbert Dilling. Courtesy
remarks were expressed by Mrs.
Rodger Venner. President Mrs.
Beverly Beaton chaired the meet-
ing for the business, and Mrs.
Annie Reid for the program.
The Christmas meeting De-
cember 8 will have as program
conveners, Mrs. V. M, Pyette
and Mrs. pilling. Program con-
veners for the public relations
meeting were Mrs. Annie Reid
and Mrs. Maude Redden; hostess-
es, Mrs. Gordon Troyer and
Mrs. E. J. Willert. Prize win-
ners during the social hour were
Mrs. Garfield Broderick and
Mrs. Alice Joynt.
with her mother, Mrs. Emma
Farquhar and Mr. & Mrs. Walt-
er Spencer.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer MacDon-
ald, Jack and Ruth Ann and Mal-
com Godfrey of Brampton were
recent visitors with Mrs. Mac-
Donald's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Cudmore.
A fine selection of 7 colours: Charcoal birch,
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1964 COMET, 6 cyl. automatic, 4-door, sharp,
1962 CHRYSLER 2-door hardtop, V8, auto-
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1961 METEOR 4-door, VB standard, A53038
1961 MONARCH 4 door sedan, all power
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1960 CHEVROLET 2 - door hardtop Impala,
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1960 METEOR Wagon, 6 cyl., 4 door, stand-
ard, 91263X
1959 METEOR, V8 automatic, 4 door, A51300
1959 RENAULT 4 door sedan, just what
mother needs, A53606
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1958 PONTIAC 2-door hardtop, 6 cyl. auto-
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1962 MERCURY 1/2 ton, as is,
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1952 INTERNATIONAL 1/2 ton
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Sirloin Round T-Bone
COFFEE 1 lb Bags
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Puss 'n Boots
HENSALL STORE HOURS eloseci all day every Monday;
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Until 9 pm; Open Saturday evenings until 10 pm. MARSHMALLOWS 2 pkgs490
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Specials for
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WIENERS ,b4.50
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Robinhood Celebration
CAKE MIXES 18 1A oz. pkgs, 31$1
Skim Milk Powder
JAVEX'.2: 790 VIM2 750
Mrs. John Henderson is visit-
ing with her daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lind-
say and family of Hamilton.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Drysdale,
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Mickle, Hen-
sall; Mr. & Mrs. Les Parker,
Exeter, attended the annual Cin-
derella Ball held by the Kinette
Club of London, in the Crystal
ballroom, Hotel London, Friday
evening. A golden coach, pump-
kins, mice and jewelled slipper
combined to create a fairy tale
setting for the occasion.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Whiteman,
Ottawa, were weekend guests with
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Whiteman
and Beverley.
Miss Margie Allan had her
tonsils removed at Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital, Friday last.
Mrs. Mary Scott of London,
was a recent guest with the Miss-
es Amy and Greta Lammie.
Mrs. Barrie Jackson is a pa-
tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
Hensall WI held its public rela-
tions meeting Wednesday even-
ing, November 10 in the Legion
Hall with 38 present.
Interesting highlights of the
London Area Convention held in
don where she underwent surgery
on her nose last Tuesday.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Troyer,
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Faber, and
Mr. Fred Funk, attended the
banquet and graduation at Holi-
day Inn, London, Friday last,
where Miss Sandra Troyer re-
ceived her diploma from Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Sim Roobol spent
the weekend with their sister-
in-law, Mrs. Tony Gelderland,
who is ill in Chatham General
Mr. & Mrs. James Bengough,
Bill and Joe, and Miss Cassie
Dougall, visited Sunday with Miss
Dougall's cousin, Miss Mary
Mowbrey of Walton, who cele-
brated her 96th birthday Monday
November 15.
Miss Catharine Anne Christie
will undergo surgery in Clinton
Public Hospital today (Thursday).
Miss Dorothy Farquhar of Tor-
onto visited during the past week
Stratford were presented by Mrs.
Fred Beer, and report of the
Board of Directors meeting held
in Hensall was given by Mrs.
Carl Payne.
Members answered the roll
The Chiselhurst UCW met
Tuesday afternoon with twenty
one ladies present. The worship
service was conducted by Mrs.
Wm. Gibson assisted by Mrs.
R. Taylor and Mrs. Percy Wright.
In keeping with Remembrance
Day a minute's silence was ob-
served followed by prayer by the
Plans were made to visit
Huronview in the near future.
Mrs. Clarence Coleman reported
on the Regional meeting held in
Mrs. Russell Brock completed
the study on Trinidad covering
education, social security and
race relationship. Mrs. Boyce
contributed two poems. Hostess-
es were Mrs. C. Coleman, Mrs.
Earl Kinsman, Mrs. Robert Kins-
Arnold Circle
elects officers
Monday night, November 15,
Vice President Mrs. Bob Bell
chaired the election meeting of
the Arnold Circle Girls in the
absence of recuperating presi-
dent Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. The
worship period taken by Mrs.
Trevor Wilson and Mrs. Harold
Campbell expressed the need to
be always ready to do the job
at hand.
A letter was read from the
president and thanks expressed
for all who remembered her in
every way while in the hospital.
Mrs. Bob Bell swept into office
as president for 1966 unanimous-
ly. Vice presidents are Mrs. Al
Hoggarth and Mrs. Don Mous-
seau; treasurer, Mrs. Harold
Bonthron; pianist, Mrs. Mildred
Bell; welfare, Mrs. John Baker;
Home Helper s, Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm; COC, Mrs. Homer
Campbell; secretary, Mrs. Lloyd
All ladies of the Presbyterian
Church are invited to the Decem-
ber meeting when pictures of
Mrs. John McEwens' trip will
be shown along with entertain-
ment from a group of singers
to be organized by Mrs. Mildred
Bell and Mrs. Homer Campbell.
A slate of officers was pre-
sented during the meeting by
Mrs. Robert Kinsman for the
year '66 and '67. Past president
is Mrs. Harold Parker; presi-
dent, Mrs. Richard Taylor; vice
president, Mrs. Tom Brintnell;
treasurer, Mrs. Jack Brintnell;
assistant treasurer, Mrs. Percy
Wright; recording secretary and
press, Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson,
as s istant secretary, Mrs. C.
Coleman. Christian Citizenship,
Mrs. Robert Kinsman; steward-
ship, Mrs. Ben Stoneman; com-
munity friendship and flowers,
Mrs. Ed Dick, Mrs. Russell
Brock, Mrs. Gerald Glenn; fi-
nance, Mrs. Jack Brintnell, Mrs.
Boyce, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Tay-
lor, Mrs. Ben Stoneman.
Literature, Mrs. Percy Har-
ris; manse committee, Mrs. L.
Ferguson, Mrs. Taylor; mem-
bership, Mrs. Brock; social,
Mrs. T. Brintnell, Mrs. George
Boa, Mrs. Alf Ross, Mrs. Wm.
Gibson; supply, Mrs. Coleman,
Mrs. Wm. Brintnell; communion,
Mrs. E. Kinsman, Mrs. Beatrice
Munn; pianists, Mrs. A. Ross,
Mrs. R. Kinsman, Mrs. Carl
London Kinsmen
visit Hensall
Twenty two members of London
Kinsmen club were guests of
Hensall Kinsmen at their dinner
meeting at the Hotel, Hensall,
Wednesday evening November 10.
Past President John Baker in the
absence of president Jim Hyde
presided and extended a welcome
to members and guests including
Deputy Governor Paul Van Lon-
dersele, of Simcoe, who spoke
briefly, and guest speaker John
Stratton of Stratford, who spoke
on "What kind of a Kinsman am
Mr. Stratton was introduced
by Kinsman Bill Clement, and
thanked by John Kerr, London,
Past Deputy Governor of District
I, who presented him with a gift.
The date for the peanut drive
was announced for Thursday, De-
cember 2, when a canvas of the
village will be made.
Stoneman; Christian Education,
Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Parker; no-
minations, Mrs. R. Kinsman,
Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. T. Brintnell,
Mrs. Taylo r; program, Mrs.
Brock, Mrs. Roy McDonald, Mrs.
B. Stoneman, Mrs. R. Kinsman;
cards, Mrs. E. Kinsman.
Kippen East WI
visit hospital
Kippen East Women's Institute
journeyed to the Ontario Hospital,
Goderich, to entertain the pa-
tients on Wednesday afternoon,
Nov. 10. There was a short pro-
gram consisting of a sing-song
conducted by Mrs. Grant Mac-
Lean, a duet by Mrs. Wm. Kyle
and Mrs. Harry Caldwell, an ac-
cordion solo by Mrs. Joyce Coop-
er and songs by Misses Bonnie
and Marlyn Cooper.
A square dance with Mrs. John
Sinclair, Mrs. Vern Alderdice,
Mrs. John McGregor, Mrs. Ken-
neth McKay, Mrs. Grant Mac-
Lean, Mrs. James Chalmers,
Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse and Mrs.
Harry Caldwell taking part was
featured on the program with
Mrs. Ross Broadfoot as pianist
and caller.
Gifts were presented to the
oldest lady, the oldest man, the
youngest lady, the youngest man,
the lady with a birthday Nov. 10,
man with birthday closest to Nov.
10, person with running shoes and
one with most buttons. The pa-
tients enjoyed dancing and spot
dance prizes were given. The la-
dies of Kippen East served cook-
ies and candy.
Kinettes will
visit shut-ins
Mrs. Harold Knight was host-
ess for the meeting of Hensall
Kinettes Wednesday evening No-
vember 10. Prior to the meeting
members canvassed the village
selling tickets on two Christmas
cakes which will be on display
in Taylor's Ready-to-Wear to be
drawn for early in December.
President Mrs. Wm. Fuss pre-
sided and announced Sunday, No-
vember 28 was the date for visit-
ing shut-ins in the village and
hospitals. This is an annual pro-
ject of the club.
Mrs. Grant McGregor has con-
sented to be the Marching Mother
for the March of Dimes Campaign
early in the New Year. A letter
was received and read from their
adopted child in Italy. The raffle
brought by Mrs. Ron Wareing was
won by Mrs. Robert Baker.
In a social hour in contest form
Mrs. Jack Drysdale was the win-
Carmel Church
discuss change
Services in Carmel Presby-
terian Church were conducted on
Sunday by Rev. John C. Boyne
BA BD, who delivered a message
entitled "Things New and Old".
Mrs. Beatrice Hess presided at
the organ and accompanied Miss
Ruth Anne Fleischauer and Miss
Marlene Rader of Zurich who
sang a duet.
A congregational meeting was
held at the conclusion of the
service to arrange a three point
charge. The Board of Managers
will meet Thursday, November
25 at 8 pm in the church base-
Mr. & Mrs. Clendon Christie
and Catharine Anne visited with
relatives in New Hamburg Sun-
Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Bonthron
motored to Florida where they
will spend the winter months.
Products Of
General Motors
Sales with
UCW unit told of
work with blind
Miss Amy Lammie was guest
speaker at the November meeting
Of UCW unit 1 who gave a vivid
and interesting account of her
Work as a home service worker
for the nearly blinded persons
and told of the new services such
as books on tape which are so
beneficial to the Blind.
She described Tweeds muir
Hall, the home in London where
blind people lived and worked in
a homelike atmosphere. Miss
Lammie described some of her
handcraft that has taken prizes
at Western Fair.
Mrs. Vern Alderdice conducted
the Bible study. Mrs. Maurice
Tudor gave an interesting devo-
tional on the life of Paul Tillich
and read from portions of ser-
mons of this famous American
theologian. Mrs. R. Reaburn re-
ques ed volunteers for various
duties Tor the Snowflake bazaar.
The meeting closed, with a soelal
period and lunch convened by
Mrs. Walter Spencer.
Mr, & Mrs. Ross. MacMillan,
David and Tommy, Kitchener,
and Robert Mickle,UWO London,
visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Laird Mickle and Ann.
Mrs. James Bozzato and little
daughter Dana Marie left Monday
of this week for Foymount, On-
tario, after having spent the past
three months with her parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Kyle of Kippen.
Mr. Allan Olson, London, is a
patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, with a heart condition. He
was admitted Saturday last. Mr.
Olson is the son-in-law of Mr.
& Mrs. Wilbert Dilling.
Mrs. Lou Simpson has returned
from a week's vacation spent in
Rockford, Ill.
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Hensall personals
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Times-Advocate, .November 18, 1965Pap.:5