HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-11-18, Page 4A question of judgement
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425 Main Street
by W. W. Haysom
your telephone
I'd like to remind Exeter church and social groups
and other clubs and organizations that over 60 entertain-
ing and educational films are available from the Bell,
free of charge, for showing to your members. All are
of course professionally done — many in colour — and
there are bound to be several which will have particular
interest to your group. One favourite is this year's main
addition to the Company's film-lending library—a fasci-
nating 20-minute film called "Communication". It shows
how human beings have communicated with each other
down through the ages--:from the caves of pre-history
through Egypt, Greece and Rome, right up to modern
day Canada. The colour is beautiful, the technique avant
garde, and the result is actually emotional. Incidentally,
the fim was produced in Canada, especially for the Bell,
and certainly shows the tremendous talent this country
has for the movie-making art.
A free film catalogue which describes the many
films available from the Company can be had upon re-
quest. If your entertainment committee does not already
have one, they need only call our Business Office at
235.1550 and we'll have one forwarded immediately.
Reservations to make overseas calls during the
extremely busy periods of December 24th to 26th, and
December 31st to January 2nd, will be taken starting
Monday, November 29th, at 9:00 a.m. Reservations can
be made by asking the Long Distance Operator to con-
nect you with the Overseas Operator for the desired
country. The Overseas Operator will arrange the details
with you.
Because of the heavy volume of calls during the
two peak periods mentioned, I would recommend that if
at all possible your overseas calls be placed on other
days (no reservations are required). Many Canadian
families have soldier or airman sons in Europe and Asia,
and a call at Christmas time is especially important for these boys.
If you want to take advantage of Christmas this
year to give your family something that is really useful
all year round, why not order an extension telephone
for the kitchen, master bedroom, or workshop? They're
only $1 a month!
It's T-N-T
Trade-in Time, Shove out that old look.
Slip in the new look. Now's the time to
make the deal of a lifetime on a new range,
water heater, washer or dryer. Find out
how much your old appliance is worth on
a trade-in!
Hotson Propane
One of the main marks of the
mature mind is the ability to
appreciate what is best in the
past and present. It is to be
sensitive both to the value of
tradition and to the value of
change. This tension is hard to
live with and maintain. By nature
or temperament or because of
circumstances or experienc e,
some of us tend to be tradition-
alists who hold tenaciously to the
past. Others of us with different
temperaments and experience
are radicals who are impatient
with the past. We push aside
standards once accepted as au-
thoritative, spurn ancient cus-
toms and ways of doing things,
and welcome whatever is new,
revolutionary, or exciting.
But it need not be a strict
either/or. We don't have to be
all revolutionist or all diehard.
In Jesus' teaching there is one
fascinating phrase on this theme
which Is relevant for us: "Every
scribe which is instructed into
the Kingdom of heaven is like
unto a man that is an house-
holder which bringeth forth out
of his treasure things new and
This is true in a great many
areas of life. We can't fully
appreciate literature without
reading modern authors. But our
experience is sadly limited if
we overlook Shakespeare, Dick-
ens, Milton, the Greeks, the
Bible. Both the new and old are
required for mature apprecia-
The same is true of architec-
ture. For example, I love the
ancient cathedrals of Europe—
basically Gothic in design. But
I also admire the thousands of
new style churches that have
sprung up in Western Europe
and North America since the
Second War. There is something
exciting in the new and some-
thing priceless and timeless in
the old.
This principle applies in poli-
tics as well. We need conser-
vatives who will seek to main-
tain what is positive in our her-
itage. But we also need "pro-
gressives" who will be "liberal"
enough to seek new ways. This
is seen in Canada in the two
main parties which have slowly
incorporated both aspects. Per-
haps the time has come in Can-
ada when we once again need two
main groups with one emphasiz-
ing the left and one the right.
But our principle of things new
and old in combination plays
havoc with this oversimplifica-
tion, so you in effect find some
"conservatives" who are more
"liberal" than "liberals" and
Mr. Cecil McLeod has bought
a half-interest in the barbering
business conducted by Mr. Frank
Boyle and in future the business
will be conducted under the firm
name of Boyle & McLeod.
Mr. H. E. Huston of the Exeter
Library Board was recently
elected vice-president of the
Library Association of Huron,
Bruce and Perth at a meeting
In St. Marys.
The picture show at the Dome
Theatre Tuesday evening in aid
of the Soldiers' Aid Society was
well attended. The pictures were
good. Miss Follick sang a solo,
Rev. Collins introduced Pte. Hu-
bert White and both gave recruit-
ing speeches.
Fairfield school celebrated the
tenth anniversary of its opening
Friday, November 8 and also the
wiping out of the mortgage. The
first teacher in the school was
Miss Beryl Hill, the late Mit.
(Rev.) Hagelstein.
MisS Lenore Norminton of the
Hensall public school carried off
the Huron County. public speaking
championship in the senior class
before Huron County council last
Eight persons appeared before
Magistrate C. W. Hawkshaw in
police court Friday of last week
and paid filleS of five d011arS
each for failure to take out radio
Friday night the Exeter High
School held a suCcessful dance
When over 300 paid admission to
dance to Willis Tipping and his
'Cascade music.
vice-versa--no wonder people
are confused!
In matters of faith too the old
and new must be kept in constant
tension. Christianity is built on
Judaism—the old, It is also not
bound by that tradition. Tradi-
tional rules and regulations were
broken down by Jesus.He offered
new insights. So He too brought
forth "things new and old".
I believe this is good guidance
for the Church today: we must
be sensitive to the heritage of
the past and the value of tradi-
tion but we must at the same
time be open to the challenge
of the present, the need for
change, movement and experi-
We must be traditionalists in
the sense that our criterion will
be what is given in Christ and
the Bible. There are precious
things which must never be lost
or surrendered. We must hold
with conviction that the Bible is
a book through which God speaks;
a Book through which He reveals
Himself; a Book through which
He challenges and comforts; a
Book that can never be super-
seded; a Book that will always
occupy a central, unique place
in the life of the Church.
But our interpretation of what
is given must always involve
new insights and fresh thinking.
A church that believes in con-
tinual reformation: that believes
in the Living Lord cannot be
So I believe we must welcome
scholarship where the Bible is
concerned. We must not be afraid
of the remarkable new research
and discoveries and insights into
the Bible. We must be open to a
fuller, more intelligent under-
standing of it. This is an age
when we are all taught to under-
line intellectual integrity and
honesty. To use our minds and
the best insights available to us
in no way discredits the Bible
or our faith.
So I believe in the old but I
also welcome new insights. I
feel I must be constantly pre-
pared for new creative experi-
ments. I believe that where wor-
ship is dull or irrelevant steps
should be taken to devise more
meaningful patterns of worship.
Where old ways of ministering
and serving are ineffective new
ones must be devised.
In my opinion, then, we must
be loyal to all that is good and
eternal in our faith, but we must
also be sensitive to urgent new
problems and movements in our
time. In short I believe in "things
new and old" in every area of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McCarter
were installed as Worthy Matron
and Worthy Patron of Exeter
Chapter OES last Wednesday eve-
F/O Malcolm G. Graham was
presented with the Distinguished
Flying Cross by the Governor
General Viscount Alexander at
Montreal Monday. He is the son
of Dr. M. G. Graham, who prac-
ticed medicine in Exeter about
ten years ago.
Mr. A. B. Quennell of Elmira
has purchased the Lakeview
Poultry Farms and Hatcheries
of Exeter following an assign-
ment made recently by Sheldon
and Kenneth Wein.
MisS Jean Taylor, former star
athlete of SHDHS was named
Queen of the annual Beta Sigma
Phi Sorority Ball Thursday night.
Taking part in the crowning cere-
monies were Sorority president
Mrs. Don Gaiser; sponsor, Mrs.
Arthur Fraser, director Mrs.
C. Wellington and formersweet-
heart, Mrs. Ted Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. William Moody
celebrated their 63rd wedding
anniversary Wednesday, Novem-
ber 9.
Exeter Bantams, who won the
WOAA "C" baseball title, were
presented with jackets by their
sponsors, Exeter Legion, at a
banquet last week.
Exeter and District Players
Guild made plans for production
of another three-act play and
three one-act plays at its meet-
Inv Monday with President ltrs.
Art Whilsmith in the chair.
"That's Eddie . . , he's the best football player in our
• class!"
by John C. Boyne
Things new
and old
There are times when, the actions of one news-
paper reflects discredit on the complete profession.
We belieVe this is to be so in the case of the Lon-
don Free Press in their handling of the situation in
Stephen Township where 'a shortage in the munici-
pality's books has been discovered.
This fact in itself is news and certainly worth
revealing in a newspaper. This is, in fact, the duty of
the newspaper, The question at point is: How far
.does that duty extend? We believe the London Free
Press has exceeded duty and entered the realm of
persecution in this matter.
We do not dispute the shortage in the books,
We do not dispute that Ross Haugh was the clerk at
the time the shortage was incurred. We do not dis-
pute the fact that Ross Haugh has admitted respon-
sibility. But, we do not believe the complete respon-
sibility lies with the clerk.
Because the shortages occurred over a long
Accidents do happen which apparently are
unavoidable. On October 10 a car crashed into the
north end of the bridge over the Ausable River kill-
ing the driver. Thursday evening two cars collided
in a head-on collision on Highway 4 just four miles
south of Exeter, The accident occurred on a straight
road and for no apparent reason. Two men were
In the case of the accident in Exeter it is be-
lieved the driver passed out and the car swerved
into the bridge, In the more recent accident it is
doubtful whether anyone will ever know what
caused the driver of one car to swerve into the op-
posite lane.
Safety editorials, features and lectures ap-
parently do little to stop certain types of accidents
and so something more is needed. Anyone who
looked at the wrecked cars from either of these ac-
cidents must realize that the weakness of the auto-
mobile must have been a contributing factor.
We do not say that the two drivers in the
automobiles in the most recent accident would not
have been killed had they been driving a stronger
made automobile. We do however suggest that the
driver of 'the car which crashed in Exeter in October
might have been spared had be been driving an auto-
mobile of a stronger construction.
Automobile manufacturers admit that they
can manufacture a vehicle which is much safer but
throw up their hands stating the public does not
want a car such as this so there is no use in putting
One of the unfortunate things in our way of
life is the fact that many parents refuse to accept
their responsibilities. There are probably many par-
ents who consider they are doing their best to raise
their children but they are in effect, "freeloaders",
taking advantage of the work of other parents. At
the risk of raising the ire of many parents we will
say that many use youth organizations such as Boy
Scouts, Cubs, Brownies, Girl Guides and Minor
Hockey as a free baby sitting agency and take all
the advantages their children get from these for
We see the "old reliable few" out working
for these organizations month after month, Some
of the volunteers have no children of their own,
or their children have now grown up, but they con-
tinue with their job because they recognize the need.
Parents could and should take an active part
With the editor in
Tuesday afternoon I was reading of
some new inventions which allow for
"living better electrically" in the October
issue of the Ontario Hydro news and
Tuesday evening the great power failure
brought home the importance of hydro
in our way of We. It is amazing what is
being developed to improve life. Take for
example the following article from the
above mentioned monthly.
'And while we are getting to the bottom
of things, here's an item on a new electric
toilet trainer for tots that lights up when
success has been achieved. According to
the manufacturer, it is psychologically
harmful to a child to have his mother lift
him off to see if he's done his duty. The
Baby Biffy gets around the problem with
an automatic indicator which lights up
when production is deemed sufficient.
Sounds like quite a load builder. Now
all we need is an electronic forecaster
able to predict the intention of kiddies in
the pre-potty age group.'
An even more significant development
will add to the economy of the country
over a nine year period.
'One of the hazards associated with
earning one's living at the throttle of a
big diesel locomotive is about to be
eliminated—elimination. Ever since the
first Canadian railway began operations
130 years ago, lack of toilet facilities
in cabs and cabooses has given rise to
jokes and quips about the staying power
of railroaders. Electricity is now coming
to their rescue.
The CNR plans to spend $1,500,000 on
a nine year program to equip all its
diesels with electric toilets. It thus be-
comes the first major railway in North
America to get at the seat of the toilet
problem. The unit utilizes some of the
locomotives electric power to incinerate
the wastes, eliminating disposal worries.
Obviously the CNR has not been sitting
"Or ereferZinteigabuorafe
Member: C.W.N.A.., ()MICA., C.C.N.R. and ABC
period of time and because the books were in such
ObVi0l18 disorder and because of many other facts
which come from investigation of this case, we be-
lieve there is a moral responsibility to be shared by
all members of Stephen Township council and in-
deed the bank where the Township's business was
These words are not written because Ross
Haugh is a former employee of The Times-Advocate.
We will at all times come to the defence of any man
or organization we feel is being treated unjustly.
The London Free Press described Ross Haugh
as an "odd-jobs man who completed a three-year
correspondence course for Municipal clerks". We
would describe Ross Haugh as a man who has been
ill and has now come back to the community and is
attempting to face his responsibilities as a citizen.
We feel he is doing a good job of this under very.
difficult circumstances and we wish him every suc-
these in production. We wonder where these men
found the proof of their statement. When has the
public had an opportunity to purchase such a ve-
hicle? Why are cheap good looks more important
than safety?
A car is a means of transportation and a
necessity of our time but manufacturers exploited
this and made the automobile a status symbol and
a luxury rather than what it was originally intend-
ed for. Cheap tin and chrome have been substituted
for strength and durability which was the end in
view when automobile manufacturers first started
in business.
We would suggest that for a start police de-
partments should call for one of these manufacturers'
"safety cars" for use in patrol work. It would not
only make the job safer for police officers but it
would allow the general public to watch the per-
formance of the car and assist in the safety pro-
grams of police departments.
It might also surprise the experts of the auto-
mobile industry in that there is a segment of the
population with a degree of common sense who
would see the car in operation and create a demand
for this product. But then, are the automobile manu-
facturers interested in making a car of this type, for
with strength would came durability and owners
might not want to trade automobiles every year.
It is time the 'status symbol' was taken off the
automobile. It is a dangerous luxury which costs
needless lives every year.
in these organizations if they are to function suc-
cessfully. There are those who would be exempt
from this. That would be parents who are making
an active contribution of their time in other endeav-
ors in the municipality but there should still be
plenty left to fully staff all these groups.
This is not the case today. Coaches and man-
agers are needed for minor hockey as an example.
The lack of these could mean the curtailment to
some extent of this organization, or failing this, it
could mean that one person is trying to look after
too many boys and so all will suffer from .the lack of
supervision and training.
Perhaps this would be a good time for par-
ents to do a little "soul searching" and ask whether
he or she is living up to their obligations. There is
room for more volunteers in these organizations.
Kerr's Korner
did not have the radio on and she did not
discover how serious it was until she
heard it on the transistor radio in the
doctor's office. The first thing she heard
of course were the rumours of sabotage
and she had visions of being left stranded
at the doctors while I went chasing news
stories. It was a silly thought, but then
again, it was probably very close to the
Although the failure will cost a great
deal in terms of lost man hours and re--
pairs it was probably a good thing in
many ways. It certainly made a great
deal of people conscious of what could
happen to the country if someone wanted
to try sabotage. This was one of the
problems which will bear serious inves-
tigation, because we are, afterall, com-
pletely dependent on electricity.
This economical life blood of our com-
munity is taken for granted to such an
extent that were a power failure to occur
for two or three days the country would
be completely paralized.
We should be thankful that the people
in the areas Involved did not panic. Al-
though many people worried as to the
cause of the failure and whether this was
indeed an act of sabotage, they carried
on to the best of their ability. Civilians
stepped in and assisted police in traffic
control and many other areas. There
was little if any looting and normally
impatient drivers reversed their nature
for a few hours and acted courteously
thus avoiding many major tieups in traffic
at intersections.
During the blackout it was nice to be
able to drive past the local hospital
which was the only building in town with
emergency supplie s. The interruption
proves the value of stand-by equipment.
It may be used only once a year but it is
still money Well invested.
Dangerous luxury
Accepting responsibility.
down on the job and deserves to be con-
gratulated for a major breakthrough in
personnel accommodation. At the same
time, we wonder if this spells the end
to the famous old sign: "Please refrain
from flushing toilets while the train is
standing in the station".
Thinking of the recent power failures
which affected some 30,000,000 people
I can't help wondering about what some
people might have been doing when sudden-
ly this section of the world grew dark
and many of the facilities which we take
for granted in this day and age refused
to work.
I can imagine the frustration of the
modern housewife with a tin of beans
half opened on the electric can opener.
They would struggle trying to remember
where they put the old mechanical type
opener and spend another 10 minutes
trying to open the rest of the can, only
to discover that the electric stove wasn't
• working so all the work was in vain. Or,
pity the poor housewife who was in the
middle of carving a roast using her
electric carving knife and having to take
an old fashioned knife and attempt to
carve by hand. The poor girls really
had it tough.
In my own case we managed to get a
quick supper during one of the intervals
when the power came back on for a short
period. June had hurt her back and had
an appointment at the chiropractor's. She
was just nicely on the couch when the
power went off again so she probably
enjoyed the power failure more than
anyone. I would imagine it would be quite
comfortable having your back massaged
by candlelight until the power came back
on again.
She was quite worried as to the cause
when she discovered the extent of the
failure. We were busy at home and so
figgifeAgaillEfaiii.aokEirea 1600MMESMERAWATM04;AgfaTIMENSEiMiaRaireintRitTB.
PUBLISHERS: J. M. Southcott, R. M. Southcott
EDITOR: Kenneth Kerr
Authbrizeid as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept, Wawa, smiler' Payment of riiifiite Calif
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Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924