HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-11-11, Page 16..Page 11$ Tfirnis-AdVocate, November 11, 1965
Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott Phone 47,420
and district news
Ceremony marks burning
Revival Centre mortgage
Kleenex Pop.Up White and Colors
November 7, 1965 will long be
remembered by the congregation
of the Pentecostal Revival Centre
for at 3 pm on that day they
beheld the mortgage bur nin g
ceremony, which meant the cul-
mination of 10 years of hopes
and self sacrifice in building
and paying for their church.
Rev. E. A. Gagnon of St. Cath-
arines, a former Lucan pastor,
was the guest speaker and assist-
ed the pastor, the Rev. J. E.
Sexton, in the mortgage-burn-
ing ceremony, by igniting the
paper. As the last embers died
away Mr. Paul Graham touch-
ingly sang, "Bless this House,
0 Lord we Pray".
Prior to the burning, three
board members spoke briefly.
Mrs. Graham told of the day,
her late husband, the Rev. J. A.
Graham decided to undertake the
stupendous task of building the
church. Mr. Meine Eizenga spoke
on the number “10" — ten years
since the church was built, Mr.
and Mrs. Graham and children,
a family of 10, the 10 command-
ments and the 10 virgins. He
ended by urging all to be like
the five wise virgins. Lastly Mr.
Ed. Butler gave a short financial
Arena news
Monday Nov. 1 saw the Sham-
rock Hockey Association open its
league for approximately the 13th
season here at the Lucan Arena.
Dorchester supplied the op-
position and opened with a thund-
ering victory as their Pee Wees
simply overwhelmed the Irish
Our Bantam team put up a good
fight and came out a little on the
short stick as they went down
5-4 with Tom Hodgins supplying
all the scoring punch for the local
The Midget encounter was a
pleasure to watch as both teams
passed and skated almost as well
as if they were in mid-season
form. Dorchester with their new
uniforms failed to dazzle the
Lucan six and both teams battled
evenly to a 2-2 draw.
South Middlesex League re-
sumed their regular Thursday
night schedule and supplied the
fans with three exciting games of
hockey. Ailsa Craig proved to be
the powerhouse of the night as
they whipped their opposition
Rankin Ford 9-1.
The second game pitted Lee and
Stewart against the boy's new
entry the London Firemen who
put up a very good battle but
were defeated 6-3.
The third game saw the Lucan
Merchants outskate Strathroy to
a 6-3 victory.
Snow plowing
contract awarded
Clerk Austin Hodgins reports
Jake Van Arenthals of RR 1
Lucan was appointed grader op-
erator and Ed. McMurray of
London was given the contract
of snow plowing at the Biddulph
Council meeting last Tuesday.
Thursday evening, Nov. 25 was
the date set for the Court of
Revision on the assessment roll,
the meeting to be held in the
township building.
Former resident
of Lucan area
Mrs. Charlotte Kirk, 80, pass-
ed away Monday, November 1 at
the home of her brother, William
McCann, of Toronto.
The body rested at the C.
Haskett & Son funeral home,
Lucan, until 2 pm Wed. Nov. 3,
when the Rev. G. W. Sach of the
Lucan United Church, conducted
funeral services. lntermeht was
in St. James Cemetery, Clande-
pallbearers included Messrs
Joe Bonn, Harold Corbett, H. B.
Langford, Harold Hodgins, Stew-
art Park and Edgar McFalls.
She is survived by one son,
George Denman of Chicago
brother William McCann, three
nephews and three niedes.
Mrs. Kirk was the daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom
McCann and spent her childhood
on Concession 2 Biddulph, where
she attended SS 2 Biddulph (a
nuMber of her schoolmates there,
still live in Lucan and Visited
the funeral hOme). The family
moved to LUcan in 1912 and
Mrs. kirk left in 1917 and went
to the West with her first hits-
band. Her second husband, the
late Jack Kirk, predeceased her.
UP until last January Mrs. Kirk
had been living in New York,
She was a nurSe,
report telling how, with a meagre
building fund, the small band with
faith, not only built the church
but also a parsonage.
Mr, Gagnon gave an inspiring
address, warning tile members
that now the church is paid for,
to not forget the true purpose of
Mr. Paul Graham, who led in
the music, also sang a duet with
Mr. Gagnon.
Many former members return-
ed for this momentous occasion.
Refreshments were served after
the service. Two other services
were also held, the pastor being
in charge at 11 am and Rev. F.
J. McPhail of Arthur, Conference
Superintendent, at 7:30 pm.
Mr. Edward Dundas of Lake
City spent last weekend with Mr.
& Mrs. Roy Hamilton.
Mrs. Wes Atkinson has return-
ed home after spending a week
in London, with her son Mr. Ger-
ald Atkinson and family.
Randy Kraul, seven-year-old
son of Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kraul
of George St., was hit by a car
last Tuesday night, but x-rays
showed no broken bones,
The members of the Lucan-
Clandeboye CGIT and leader Mrs.
Murray Hodgins held a jewellry
work-meeting in the Anglican
Parish Hall last Monday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Al Bromwich'and
family of Toronto spent last
weekend with Mrs. H. S. Stanley.
Mrs. Charles Windsor has re-
turned home after spending a
few days in Cass City, Mich., the
guest of her sister Mrs. Ralph
Loney and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Leckie of
London and their seven children,
Alex 10, Susan 9, Danny 8, Scott
7, John 6, Harvey 4, and Michelle
3, have purchased the Drennan
house on Alice St., and moved in
last Wednesday.
Mrs. Gerald Lewis, who under-
went surgery in St. Joseph's
Hospital was able to come home
last Wednesday.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Butler Jr.
and Marline spent the weekend
in Sherwood Forest, near
Streetsville, where they attended
the 20th wedding anniversary of
Mr. & Mrs. G. V. Kleinfeldt.
Mrs. Frank Hardy and her
granddaughter, Miss Helen
Hardy, have returned from a one-
week plane trip to Canton, Ohio
and Cleveland. At Canton they
were guests of Mrs. Richard
Wise and visited Mrs. Gertrude
Hardy in the Canton Hospital.
At Cleveland they were guests
of Mrs. Lawrence Ryan.
Mrs. P. 0. King, who under-
went a cataract operation, in
Victoria Hospital, London, is able
to be home.
Mr. & Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson attended the
funeral of Mr. Wm. Culbert at
Kincardine last Tuesday. Mrs.
Wilfred Congram returned, with
It was through the untiring ef-
forts of the late Rev. J. A. Gra-
ham and his handful of faithful
parishioners that the church was
built 10 years ago, mostly by
volunteer labor. Early and late
Mr. Graham could be seen work-
ing with the men. In spite of a
bulging basement wall the col-
lapse of rafters, the replacing
of wiring and difficulty with the
ceiling, they never gave up.
August 12, 1955 the church was
dedicated by the Rev. J. Taylor
of Toronto, Conference Superin-
tendent. On the following day at
3 pm Rev. A. Noseworthy of
Weston was the guest speaker,
at another large gathering. Sun-
day Mr. Graham had charge of
both services,
the former, for an overnight
visit here.
Mrs. Wilbert Stanley held a
family gathering of 15 from Tor-
onto, Glencoe and Birr, Sunday
last, in honor of Mr. Stanley's
Randy Cronkite, two and one-
half year old son, of Mr. &
Mrs. Clifford Cronkite, Alice
St., who was in St. Joseph's
Hospital London for nine weeks,
with a broken leg, is able to be
Mrs. Murray Hodgins, as dele-
gate from the Lucan WI was one
of 450 who attended the Area
Convention, held in the Victorian
Inn, Stratford last Tuesday and
Wednesday and reports it was
one of the best conventions she
ever attended.
WO 2 and Mrs. W. C. Moody
of Duchess St. Lucan celebrated
their 25th wedding anniversary,
Nov. 2, with a quiet supper at the
Lucan Shillelagh. Their guests
included Mr. and Mrs. Sween
Tweed of London, Mr. Gerald
Lewis and Mrs. George Kelman.
CWL sponsor
social evening
The social evening, sponsored
by the CWL of St. Patrick's cath-
olic Church held in the Com-
munity Memorial Centre last
Friday evening, began with pro-
gressive euchre.
High score prizes went to Mrs.
Vincent O'Shea and Mr. Ferg
Flood; low score prizes to Miss
Catherine Kelly and Mr. Robert
Teckham. Joanne Dewan won the
girls' prize and Richard Munn
the boy's prize.
The euchre was followed by
dancing with "The Ramblers"
providing the music.
The name of Barbara Park was
omitted last week from the honor
graduate list at Medway Com-
service held
Following a church service in
the United Chureh members of
the Royal Canadian Legion, Aiix-
Mary, Scouts and Cubs paraded
to the Legion Hall for the annual
Remembrance Day service in
front of the cenotaph. Owing to
special services at the other
churches and heavy rainSaturday
night, the attendance was not as
large as usual.
The Last Post, the Silence,
Reveille and the placing of
Wreaths followed the devotional
with President J, H. Smith and
Zone Commander Dwight Ball in
Wreaths were presented for
Province of Ontario by Hon. Wm.
Stewart; Village of Lucan, Reeve
Ivan Hearn; Canadian Legion,
President J. W. Smith; Legion
Auxiliary, President A. E, Reilly;
Ilderton Legion, President Char-
les Grieves; Lucan Lions Club,
Dr. Lloyd Hall; Businessmen,
President, Steve Storey; H. S,
Stanley, son Clare Stanley; Kent
Stanley, Clare Stanley.
Following the National Anthem
all were invited into the Legion
Hall, where members of the Aux-
iliary served refreshments.
The Lucan Legion Women's
Auxiliary have been successful
in obtaining Mrs. Anna Chapman
as instructress for the coming
season which commences Tues-
day, Nov. 16. Entry forms may
'be picked up at the Legion or at
the arena office.
Mrs. Earl Atkinson was host-
ess for the Sr. WA meeting and
Mrs. Charles linger and Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins were joint host-
After the opening, taken by the
President, Mrs. Frank Hardy, the
educational secretary, Mrs. Har-
old Hodgins took over aad re-
viewed the catechism, with each
member in turn replying to the
It was decided to hold The Little
Helpers' annual party in the Par-
ish Hall Friday, Nov. 12 at 3 pm
with each member donating
A letter from Mrs. Robert
Skutt, the new chairman of the
Women's Service of the Cancer
Society, was read. (Mrs. Stutt
succeeds the late Mrs. William
Brownlee). Mrs. Jack Murdy and
Mrs. Earl Atkinson consented
to represent the branch as Cancer
Society helpers.
Mrs. Harold Corbett and Miss
Lina Abbott were named a no-
minating committee to bring in a
slate of officers at the next
meeting. Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster
read an article entitled "Arise
and shine for the light has come".
Mrs. Jack Murdy offered her
home for the December meeting.
The Evening Auxiliary met at
the home of Mrs. Clarence Has-
kett last Wednesday evening, with
Mrs. Jack Gilmour and Mrs. J. W.
Smith as assistant hostesses.
In the absence of the president,
Mrs. Gerald Lewis, the vice pre-
sident, Mrs. Clare Stanley, pre-
sided. Mrs. Kay Eget' read the
Scripture lesson.
Mrs. Jack QiImpur offered her
home for the December meeting.
The executive will act as a no-
minating committee to bring in
a slate of officers at this meet-
Most of the time Wednesday
evening was spent in packing
four boxes of clothing for the
Rev. Stanley Tomes.
The flowers in the chancel were
in memory pf the late Mrs.
Charlotte Kirk.
Monthly medals for attendance,
attention and co-operation
October were presented to Julie
Hardy and Peter Culbert of the
Jr. Choir. The candidates, who
were confirmed last Sunday re-
ceived their first communion.
Sunday afternoon the rector
baptized Janet Elizabeth Gil -
mour, infant daughter of Mr. arid
Mrs. Jack Gilmour. Godparents
were Mr. and Mrs. Don Ankers
and Mrs. Allan Scott.
Flowers in the church were in
memory of Mr. George E. Pat-
terson (uncle of Mr. Robert Pat-
terson) and Mrs. charlotte Kirk.
Members of the Royal Cana-
dian Legion and Auxiliary and
Scouts and Cubs attended the
service. The pastor the Rev. G.
W. Sach spoke on Remembrance
Woman killed
in area crash
A tlu'ee,vehicle crash, occnr-
red last Wednesday near pros-
pect Hill killing Mrs. David
Reeve, 32, of Waterloo and send-
ing two others to St. Marys
Memorial Hospital.
The crash happened, when a
truck owned by Parkhill cream-
ery, driven by James Dixon, 17,
of Parkhill, going south on No, 7
highway sideswiped a car driven
by David Reeve of Waterloo, go-
ing north. Another car driven by
William Plaskett of St. Marys,
behind the Reeve car, collided
with it, after the accident.
The truck burst into flames
when it landed in the ditch near
the home of William Rovers, who
phoned the Granton Fire Depart-
ment, as he feared flying embers
might set fire to his home,
Thos. Browning, 19, of park-
hill a passenger in the truck and
Mr. Reeve were both hospitalized
but Mr. Reeve's injuries were
not serious,
Mr. Dixon was released on
$200 bail and will appear in
magistrate's Court on a danger-
ous driving charge.
Was well known
local resident
One of Lucan's oldest resi-
dents Mr. John Leopold Hod-
gins, 96, passed away Sunday
Nov. 7, at the home of his son,
Wilfred Hodgins, of Lucan. The
body rested in the Murdy Fu-
neral Home, Lucan until 2 pm
Ice Packed'
6 -9 lb. average
Tuesday, Nov. 9, when the Rey,
K. 0. Lancaster.conducted fu-
neral services. Interment was
in St. James Cemetery, Clande-
Pallbearers included Messrs
Clarence Hardy, Sheridan Rev-
ington, Gordon Nicholson, Ken
Towell, Jack Dobson and Ken
Ile is survived by two sons
Wilfred of Lucan, and Verne of
Angus, one daughter Myrtle (Mrs.
Jack Dobson) of Aurora and two
grandchildren, Leo and A Ilan
Hodgins of Lucan.
Son of the late John and Sarah
Hodgins he was born in Siddulph
Township where he farmed most
of his life. His first wife Armina
Carter died in April 1913 and his
second wife, Charlotte Dignan in
April 1957.
For the last two years he made
his home with his son Wilfred.
Except for poor eye sight he en-
joyed good health. He was able to
be out the day before his death.
He just slept away peacefully
during the night.
To Mitchell
Rev. H. orb Miller, historian
newspaperman and author, (a one
time resident of Lucan) has been
appointed rector of the parish of
Trinity Anglican Church, Mit-
chell and Trinity Church Sebring-
ville. He succeeds Rev. W. H.
Godden who has been appointed to
St. Mark's Anglican C hu r c h,
Mr. Miller is married and has
one son Gordon Kevin,
More Lucan News on Page 17
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