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1963 RAMBLER, 6 cyl. automatic, A71666
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1961 FORD 4-door sedan, V8 standard, over-
drive, red and white, A54406
1960 MORRIS, clean, A58424
1960 ENVOY, real sharp, A58503
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1963 CHEV 1/2 ton $1395
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1964 COMET
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1956 FARGO
1/2 Ton, in excellent
1/2 Ton
1 Ton, 202436
ARNOLD — Marge and Jerry Ar-
nold, RR 2 pa.shwood, announce
the birth of a daughter, Julie
Lynn, at St, Joseph's Hospital,
London, October 25—a sister
for Joe, Brenda, Tom, Laurie
Ann and Johnny.
BENTLEY Dave and Marion
Bentley (nee Belling), Lam-
beth, announce the birth of
twins David Robert and Karri
Lynne at St. Joseph's Hospital,
November 5.
CARROLL — Ian, son of Ronald
and Margaret Carroll, RR 1
Centralia announces the ar-
rival of his chosen sister,
Brenda Eileen Bathia, born
August 3, 1965 first grand-
daughter for Eileen and Harry
Carroll, RR 1 Centralia.
CLYNE — Al and Jeanette Clyne
(nee Beaver) wish to announce
the arrival of a baby gi r 1,
Brenda Joanne, at Grace Hos-
pital, Winnipeg, October 30 —
a sister for Billy, Linda and
DIETRICH — Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Dietrich, RR 3 Zurich,
announce the birth of a daugh-
ter, Theresa Jean, at South
Huron Hospital, November 6
— a sister for Kevin, Randy,
Timmy and Lorraine.
DOUGALL—Mr. and Mrs. James
Dougall, Harriston, announce
the arrival of a son, Peter
Malcolm, in Palmerston Hos-
pital November 2.
GINGERICH — Mr, and Mrs. Al-
vin Gingerich, RR 3 Zurich,
announce the birth of a daugh-
ter at South Huron Hospital
November 8.
JONES—Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones,
Sanders St., Exeter, announce
the birth of a daughter, Kelly
Sharlene, at South Huron Hos-
pital November 5 a sister
for Dale.
LAWSON — Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Lawson, St. Marys, announce
the birth of a son, Michael Al-
len, at St. Marys Memorial
Hospital, November 2.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Scott of
53 John St., East, Exeter are
celebrating the occasion Of their
golden wedding anniversary Wed-
nesday, November 17, 1965 and
will be at home to their friends
and relatives from 2 to 5 and 7
to 9 pm. Please no gifts. 1 I*
We wish to express Our sincere
thanks and appreciation to all our
friends, neighbors and relatives
for all the lovely cards and gifts
which were sent to Ralph while
a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
and since his return home. Spe-
cial thanks to all those who helped
the day of the accident also to the
staff on five C, Drs. MacKenzie
and Granger, also to Mr. H. Hoff-
man of pashwood. — John and
Ola Batten. 11*
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to my
relatives and friends who re-
membered me with cards, flow-
ers, gifts and visits while a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
London and since returning home.
Special thanks to Dr. Gibson,
Dr. Wilson, pr. Patterson and
also the nurses. M arjorie
Bieber. lie
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Devine
wish to express their sincere
thanks to their many relatives,
friends and neighbors for cards,
gifts and personal wishes on the
occasion of their silver anniver-
sary. It was all very much ap-
preciated. 1 1*
I wish to thank all our neigh-
, hors who so kindly took me up to
the Clinton Hospital to see Mr.
Mustard while a patient there,
and also to those who contributed
to his flowers, special thanks to
Dr. Wallace and Jim Bengough.
My sincere thanks to all.
— Cassie Dougail. 1 lc
I wish to thank my friends and
neighbors who sent me cards and
gifts while in St. Joseph's. Hos-
pital and since returning home.
They were greatly appreciated.
— Marge Arnold and Julie Lynn.
I would like to express my sin-
cere thanks to all who sent cards,
flowers and treats received while
a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
and since returning home. Spe-
cial thanks to those who looked
after Robbie. — Mrs. W. R. Es-
sery. 1 1 c
I would like to thank my rela-
tives, friends and neighbors for
cards, flowers, treats and visits
which I received while a patient
In South Huron Hospital and later
in St. Joseph's Hospital London.
Thanks to Miss Claypole and her
staff of nurses and the staff of
St, Joseph's 4th floor Hospital,
London. Special thanks to Dr.
Rousseau and Dr. Meltzer. —
Mrs. Roy H. Finkbeiner. 11*
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to our relatives, friends
and neighbors for many acts of
kindness, messages of sym-
pathy, floral tributes and those
who helped in any way during
our recent sad bereavement. Spe-
cial thanks to Rev. Lewis, Dr.
Read, the Hopper-Hockey funeral
home and Unit 2 of the UCW of
James St. United Church Mrs.
Wm. Homey and family. 1 1*
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to all
friends, neighbors and relatives
for cards, flowers, gifts and
visits, while a patient in St. Jo-
seph's hospital and since return-
ing home. — Mrs. Lloyd Lovell.
We wish to thank all who ex-
tended kindness to Mr. J. Almer
Stewart through their visits,
cards, gifts and thoughtful in-
quiries during his recent illness.
Your assistance and expressions
of sympathy since his passing
were greatly appreciated. — The
family. 11*
Mr. and Mrs. Eben Weigand
wish to express their thanks to
their many relatives and friends
for the lovely cards and gifts
and personal wishes. The WSWS
social group for serving the din-
ner on the occasion of their 25th
wedding anniversary. It was
deeply appreciated. 11*
Frank and Dorothy Wildfong,
wish to express their sincere
thanks to all who sent cards,
flowers, treats and to those who
called or inquired, while Frank
was a patient in Victoria Hospital,
and since returning home. It was
very much appreciated. 1 1*
The family of the late James
Mustard wish to express our sin-
cere thanks and appreciation to
relatives, friends and neighbors
for hospital calls, the beautiful
floral tributes, messages of sym-
pathy, memorial cards, the nurs-
ing staff of Clinton Hospital, Dr.
Wallace, Rev. Boyne and the Bon-
thron funeral parlour. 1 1*
Roy Parsons would like to
thank all who sent cards and
visited him while a patient in
South Huron Hospital. Special
thanks to the nursing staff and
Dr. Read. lie
Many thanks to all who visited
me, or sent cards and treats
while I was a patient in South
Huron Hospital. Special thanks
to Dr. M, C. Fletcher, Dr. L.
P. Walden and Dr. R. W. Read
and the nurses and staff of the
hospital. — R. E. Pooley. 1 1*
We would like to thank all our
relatives and friends for the
lovely gifts and cards on the
occasion of our silver anniver-
sary. Mr. and Mrs, Homer
Russell. 1 lc
I would like to thank all those
who sent cards, treats and visited
me while a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital and s ince returning
home. — Mrs. Nelson Schenk.11*
E141AS — In loving memory of our
dear son and brother, David
Ellis, who died by accident
November 15, 1963.
We do not need a special day
TQ bring you to our mind;
For the days we do not think of you
Are very hard to find;
If all the world was ours to give
We'd give it yes, and more
To see the face of dear Dave
Come smiling through the door.
L o v i n g 1 y remembered and
sadly missed by mother and
dad, brothers and sister. Ile
FISCHER — In loving memory of
William Fischer who passed
away five years ago, Novem-
ber 17, 1960.
The date is here with deep re-
It brings back memories we will
never forget;
Death is a heartache that noth-
ing can heal,
But memories are treasures no
one can steal.
— Always remembered by wife
and family. 11*
PFAFF — In loving memory of
a dear father, Nelson Pfaff who
passed away three years ago
November 10, 1962.
We placed the flowers on your
To thank you for the love you
Today, Tomorrow, our whole life
We will always love and remem-
ber you.
— Always remembered by the
The fourth and' fifth meeting
of Elimville 1 club was held at
the home of Geraldine Blair. Ten
members and their leaders were
present. Mrs. Tom Brock gave
notes on facings and understitch-
ing. All members made samples
of corded piping and handmade
bias binding.
The sixth meeting was held at
Mrs. Tom Brook's. Mrs. Brock
showed the girls how to set in a
sleeve correctly. Mrs. Tom Hern
assisting Mrs. Brock showed the
members how to apply lace by
hand and sew a monogram for
their record book.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hern
celebrated their 30th wedding
anniversary Sunday with a smor-
gasbord dinner in their home.
They had as their guests Mrs.
Mary Martene and Edwin, Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Salmon, Eleanor
and Margaret of Dashwood, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Hern and fam-
ily, London, Miss Janet Blair,
Centralia, Miss Margaret Johns,
Elimville, also all of their own
family namely Muriel and John
Tookey, London; Alma and Ross
Ballantyne and family, Kirkton;
Tom Ron, Lorne, Wayne and Alan
and Misses Barbara and Sheila.
Mrs. Ross Hern of Detroit is
visiting at home for a few days.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Strong, Sea-
forth, Mr. & Mrs. Grant Skinner
and girls Exeter were Sunday
visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Nor-
man Brock and Bill.
The UCW met Wednesday
afternoon in the church basement
with Mrs. Ken Simpson and Mrs.
Donald Kerniok as hostesses.
Mrs. William Rowcliffe was in
charge of the worship service
with Mrs, Ross Cottle and Mrs.
William Rohde assisting. mrs.
Lee Webber gave a reading FiThe
United Church Women".
Mrs. Rowcliffe was in charge
of the study assisted by Mrs.
Edwin Miller, Mrs. Ross Cottle
and Mrs. William Rohde which
was about Brazil. Mrs. Edwin
Miller was in charge of the
business. It was decided to pack
a bale and Mrs. Victor Jeffery
offered to help Mrs. William
Snow pack the bale.
Mrs. Ross flodgert and Mrs.
Victor Jeffery gave reportsfrom
the sectional meeting which was
held recently at Crediton.
Mrs. William Cann was in
charge of the election of the new
slate of officers for 1966.
President is Mrs. Donald Ker-
nick; vice president, Mrs. Wil-
liam Rohde; secretary, Mrs. Ray
Mr. Ken Appleton and Mr.
Stewart Appleton of Detroit visit-
ed Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Law-
rence Beckett and girls.
Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen,
Sharon and Brian visited Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Tony VanBeck
and family of Hespeler.
Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Exeter
visited this past week with Mr.
& Mrs. LaVerne Rodd and fam-
Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Rodd and
family and Mrs. Edgar Rodd of
Exeter attended Kirkton anniver-
sary services Sunday and were
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith visited
Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs.
Wray Sweitzer and Barbara of
Mrs. Frank Scafe of Clio, Mich.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Dietrich
visited with relatives in Windsor
over the weekend.
Mr. & Mrs. Clement McCann
attended the funeral of the late
Arthur Gelinas at St. Peters
Church, Drysdale, on Wednes-
Mrs. Michael Ryan Sr. is visi-
ting with her daughter, Mr. &
Mrs. Gerard McCarthy and fam-
ily of Maidstone.
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Desjardine,
Arlene and Carol Ann accom-
panied by Mrs. Emma Rowland
spent the weekend in Toronto
and attended the former's son's
wedding, Gerry Desjardine.
Bride was Gilberte Leonia Gal-
lant, daughter of Mrs. Albert
Gallant and the late Albert Gal-
lant of St. Louis of Kent New
Brunswick. Marriage took place
at Holy Name Church in Toronto.
Many CWL ladies were guests
of CWL ladies of Centralia Air
Station Tuesday evening and en-
joyed a very pleasant time. Miss
Catherine Toal, London, was the
guest speaker.
Mrs. Wm. McCann and Jane
visited in London Sunday and
spent some time with Jim Doyle
who is a patient in St. Joseph's
anti; assistant, Mrs. Arnold
Cann; treasurer, Mrs, Ross Hod-
gert; group leaders, Mrs, Floyd
Stewart, Mrs. Bev Alexander;
Mrs. Harold Rowe, Mrs. Robert
Mauer; Mrs. Murray Dawson,
Mrs. William Cann; convenor of
groups, Mrs. Murray Dawson;
Manse committee, three senior
group leaders;
Pianists, Mrs. Lloyd Knight,
Mrs. William Cann; press, Mrs.
William Rohde; Christian Citi-
zenship, Mrs. Mac }lodger t;
literature and supply, Mrs. Wil-
liam Snow; Christian steward-
ship, Mrs. Ken Duncan; com-
munity friendship, Mrs. Carl
Hume; nominating committee,
Mrs. Robert Jeffery, Mrs. Wil-
liam Johns, Mrs. Lloyd HackneY;
finance committee, Mrs, Ross
Hodgert, Mrs. William Rohde,
Mrs. Ken Duncan, Mrs. Floyd
Miss Judy Mayer spent the
weekend with Miss Janice Morley
of Whalen.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Mayer and
spent Tuesday with Mrs. J.
Mrs. R, Kirk visited this past
week with Mr. & Mrs. Bryce
Skinner and family of Munro.
Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler
and Mr. Clarence Fletcher were
Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Murray Gibson of Bryanston.
Mrs. Lloyd Smith returned
home from St, Joseph's Hospital
London Sunday.
Mrs. Gerald Brintne 11 was
hostess on Saturday evening when
relatives and friends of the groom
elect, Ron Sweitzer of Shipka
gathered to honor Miss Nellie De
Groot of Wingham, bride-elect
of November 27 with a miscel-
laneous shower.
Point Pelee and Pelee Island,
Ontario, lie south of the 42nd
degree of latitude, which is the
northern boundary of the state of
Bobble of London visited Sunday
With Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mayer.
Later in the afternoon they all
visited Mr, & Mrs. John Temple
man and family of Staffs..
Mr. Bill Snow of Woodstock
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. William Snow.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harris,
Susan, Bobby and Debbie, of Lon-
den, Mrs. Jessie Pfaff, Mrs.
Agnes Fansom Exeter, Mr. &
Mrs. Keith McLagan and Mar-
garet of Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs.
Art Harris, Ronnie and Randy,
Stratford, Mr, & Mrs, E. Ernest
Harris, Sarnia, were Sunday
guests with Mr, & Mrs. Leonard
Mr. & Mrs, Murray Dawson
and Larry ,returned home Tues-
day last after having spent the
last two weeks with the former's
sister and her hpsband, Mr.
Mrs. James McBride of Winni-
Mr. .& WS. Albert Ryall of
London, Mr. & Mrs. ArnoldCann,
Jeclith and Bradley were Satur-
day evening guests with Mr, &
Mrs. Reg Hodgert.
Mrs. Robert Cann is spending
some time with her grandchildren
at Belleville while their mother
Mrs. Jack Cann is a patient in
Kingston Hospital,
Mr. & Mrs. Reg Hodgert,
Grant, Brenda and Scott, Mr.
Robert Cann, Mr. & Mrs. Ray
Cann and Cheryl were Sunday
guests with Mr. & Mrs. James
Love of Grand Bend.
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Duncan
moved to Exeter last week.
The UCW executive had a meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. William
Rohde to plan next year's pro-
Page 10 Times-Advocate, November ll,, 1965