HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-10-14, Page 14By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE.
578 Main South Exeter 235-2322
e, One Only
*4 t :41 New, fully equipped.
.4 '65 METEOR Montcalm, S e d a n,
power equipped, 9,500 miles.
'61 AUSTIN 850 Tudor,
'60 FALCON 4-door Sedan, 6 cyl.,
new tires, A48114.
'59 DODGE Sedan, 6 cyl., auto-
matic, radio, A48115 ..„ $595
•/4" $445
All sizes.
04'eed • ••••4 ?X: ••!.4
roll Kg
58 METEOR Sedan, automatic •
'57 CHEVROLET two-door, A50442
Nt. • ilk
kW; • • 4 tote4
Come in and have a deal.iwir1111••
.S4W1V-litittik .41(
1963 GALAXIE convertible, V8 automatic, A50517
You've got my eye teeth at $2,100
1964 GALAXIE custom 500 coach, V8, stick and
radio, A49926. I'm very distressed at $1,900
1963 FORD custom 6, stick and radio, out of province
car-new licence being bought. I've got tears
in my eyes at $1,750
1963 PONTIAC sedan, 6 automatic, with radio, 892914.
You've got me by the bank account at $1,750
1961 CHEV wagon, 4 door, 6 stick, new motor, 85611X
With a new paint job should be worth $1,000
1960 FORD sedan, V8 automatic, A50508. This d . . .
car thinks this is home-I'll fool it-give me $700
1957 METEOR coach, 975353. Take it away while I'm
at the plowing match for $400
1958 VOLKSWAGEN, A54635, motor worked on this
spring. Somebody should want this beauty at . $200
1957 BUICK sedan, A17215. Will make somebody
happy at $200
1958 MERCURY 700 dump (no licence)
Should be worth $900
1961 VOLKSWAGEN van, C67229
The ideal thing for something at . ....... $650
1961 AUSTIN van, C73429
Should make a good hen house at $150
1953 MERCURY 2-ton stake (no licence)
I'm tired of looking at it $175
1952 JOHN DEERE 'A' and 1-row John Deere corn
picker. If you want the second best, buy this
outfit at $1,400
1957 FORD 641 tractor, motor overhauled,
painted, new tires, the best at $1,650
1960 CASE harvester, row-crop and pick-up attachment.
Everyone should have one of these at $850
SCOTT VINER beet harvester. Bless its ugly soul.
Can be yours for only $450
WOODS corn picker. Best on the used market at $350
MASSEY 30 tractor of unknown vintage.
She runs and has a heat houser $225
4-TON WAGON, uses very little. It's some make $150
ALLIS CHALMERS 'C'-lt didn't run when it came in
but I think it can be made to run $150
GEORGE WHITE harvester, row crop and pickup
attachment $400
Page 14 Times-Advocate, October 14, 1965
By Ann Creech
Of general
Many Thanksgiving visitors to area
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webber of THANKSGIVING VISITORS
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock
of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elford,
Ava and Michael of Elimville,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray, Rob-
ert, Janet and Ruth with Mr.
and Mrs. William Elford.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thomp-
son of Clandeboye with Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Pym.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dawson
of Bailieboro, Mr. and Mrs. Clive
Brophey, Glenn and Elizabeth
Ann of London, Mrs. Fred Daw-
son of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Dawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Fisher
of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Blair and girls of Centralia, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Rennie, Miss
Janet Rowe of London, Mr, and
I am very pleased to have been
chosen for this job and shall
endeavour to keep the readers
of this column informed on hap-
penings at the high school.
We have, as yet, had no elec-
tions for Student Council, but
the members of the Council of
last year are busy drawing up a
constitution for the entire school.
This year the Student Council
will handle all the finances and
the Paper Staff and Athletic So-
ciety will have representatives
on the Council. When these mat-
ters have been settled, there will
be an election.
The Paper Staff has been or-
ganized for this year. Trudy Sto-
ver is the editor and Janet Mil-
ler and Dennis Hazelton are as-
sistant editors. Tina Mills and
Louise McBride are the Social
Editors. Enid Blackwell will han-
dle the Girls' Sports and Larry
Skinner will report the Boys'
Sports. Gary Flaxbard is in char-
ge of Class Humour. Cathy Cor-
bett will handle the literary de-
partment. Casey Kok is the staff
artist. Shirley Snider is the bus-
iness manager. Malcolm Hilts
and Brian Hogarth will handle
advertising. Alfred Aquiline and
Vernon Hern are in charge of
photography. The Paper Staff Ad-
visor is Mr. McAuley.
The Athletic Society of last
Hay centennial
plan approved
Hay Township Council have
been advised by the minister of
municipal affairs that provincial
approval of their application for a
grant under the Centennial Grants
program has been given. The
application has now been for-
warded for federal approval to
the Centennial Commission in
The approval provides for the
construction of a picnic pavilion
at a net estimated cost of $6,447.
This cost will be shared $2,443
by the Township of Hay, $2,002
by the Province of Ontario and
a similar amount by the govern-
ment of Canada.
The Township plans are to
build the pavilion on their pro-
perty at Lake Huron, a mile and
a quarter south of St. Joseph. It
is hoped to start work on this
project some time this winter.
Final tournament
of lawn bowlers
The Exeter Lawn Bowling Club
staged their final tournament of
the year last Wednesday and 36
area bowlers were on hand for
three games of men's mixed
At the end of the day's com-
petition a St. Marys rink skipped
by Gord Ball, was declared the
winner with three wins and a plus
of 25 while Frank Sills' rink
from Seaforth placed second with
three wins and a plus of 22.
Walter Westbrook's Goderich
rink posted three victories and a
plus of eight which was good
enough for third place while Ray
Smith and Howard Ince of Exeter
captured the fourth position with
two wins and a plus of 17. Mery
Mercer of Clinton was close be-
hind the Exeter pair in fifth
place with a pair of wins for a
plus of 14.
Last Wednesday's tourney was
sponsored by Jack Smith Jeweller
while previous competition spon-
sors have been Walper's Men's
Wear, Gould and Jory and Cana-
dian Canners. The local club has
had several successful tourna-
ments this season and are very
appreciative of the donations of
their various sponsors through-
out the season.
Large supply on hand. Come
and make your choice.
Lots of
235- 2603 37 Main S. 235.167d
year, sponsored their first dance
of the season Oct. 8 in the school
auditorium, The Mountain Dew
Dance was enjoyed by all, and
most complied with costume de-
mands. The Mountain Dew Queen
was Ann Mickle and the King was
Melvin Whiting.
There will be a football game
at South Huron this Friday, Oct.
15. Everyone is welcome, so come
out and cheer for our Panthers!
There will be a volleyball tour-
nament in St. Marys on Saturday,
Oct. 16, between our girls and
St. Marys girls. We all wish
them the best of luck.
The portable classrooms in
front of the school opened for the
first time Tuesday morning, Oct.
12 and everything proceeded
Although it is a bit belated, I
hope everyone had a safe and
happy Thanksgiving.
Nomination date
set for Stephen
The nomination meeting for
council posts in the Township
of Stephen will be held Monday
November 29 with the election
scheduled if necessary for Dec-
ember 6, 1965. The decision was
made at the regular meeting of
council Tuesday, October 5.
Included on the ballots this
year will be a plebicite in re-
gards to liquor. Council passed
the by-law authorizing this Tues-
day. A request for this was made
at the September council meet-
ing and council agreed provided
the interested parties put up a
The George Radford Construc-
tion Company was awarded the
contract for the construction of
2,278 square feet of sidewalk
and for the removal of old side-
walk in the Village of Crediton.
In the future council meetings
for Stephen will be held the first
Tuesday of each month at1:00 pm
starting with the meeting of No-
vember 2.
CGIT enjoys
wiener roast
Following the opening exerci-
ses, the Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT
met Tuesday evening; a hay-ride
and weiner roast to be held Fri-
day Oct 22 at the farm of Don
Maguire (weather permitting)
was discussed and plans made.
A jewel catalogue was then
displayed and jewels chosen to
be started at the next craft meet-
Daisy Cobleigh led in the wor-
ship service which was based on
the theme, "Thanksgiving".
President Nancy Park intro-
duced the guest speaker Miss
Esther Whiting of Parkhill, who
works in London. Miss Whiting
demonstrated the making of dec-
orative parchment covered
hasti-notes and each member
began the making of one,
Governor is
guest speaker
Len Snider, District Governor
of Waterloo, was the guest speak-
er at the Lions Club dinner meet-
ing in the Anglican Church last
Monday evening. He spoke on
membership retention. October
being membership month there
were three prospective members
The Lions will again sponsor
house league hockey. Registra-
tion for same will be held Satur-
day Nov. 13 and 20.
The monthly dance will be
held October 29 and will take
the form of a masquerade. Lion
Clarence Haskett was named con-
vener to make the necessary
The mystery door prize was
won by Bank Manager Ian Dallas
and was delivered to Mrs. Dallas
the following day.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rodgers of
Kirkton and Mr. Ernie Vodden
with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Doupe.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Johns and
family, Mr. & Mrs. Dave Spence
of St, Marys with Mr. & Mrs.
John Rodd and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy McCurdy and
family of Kirkton with Mr. & Mrs.
Ira McCurdy.
Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen and
family with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd
Jaques and family.
Mr. Charles Brine, Base Line,
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby of
Kirkton with Mr. & Mrs. Laverne
Rodd and family.
Mr, & Mrs. Ross Gunning and
boys of Toronto, Mr. & Mrs.
Charles Jones and Mr. & Mrs.
Wm. Rodd of Exeter with Mr. &
Mrs. Jim Miller and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mills of Ex-
eter, Misses Blanche & Rhea
Mills with Mrs. M. Copeland
and Jean.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Tufts of
Kirkton, Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Skin-
ner and family of Munro with
Mrs. Roy Kirk.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Marshall and
family with Mr. & Mrs. Reg
Mr. & Mrs. Bev Westman and
Janet of Granton; Mr. & Mrs.
George Wheeler and David with
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland and
Mr. Ron Webb of Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Webb
of Grand Bend, Miss Agnes Case
of Atwood, Mr. Ralph Wareham
of Ottawa, Miss Joanne Webb of
London with Mr. & Mrs. Norris
Webb and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Jaques and
family of Zion West with Mrs.
Arthur Hopkins.
Mrs. Wilbert Payne and Jim
The Ladies Guild and WA met
Thursday evening at the home of
Mrs. Clayton Smith.
The president presided and
was assisted in the devotional
opening by Mrs. Irvine and Mrs.
Wm Blackler.
Mrs. Gerald Paul gave the fi-
nal chapter of the study book.
Mrs. Wm. Schaefer presided
for the Guild meeting. Plans
were made to cater for a ban-
quet and the bazaar date was
set for Friday, Nov 12. An auc-
tion of baked goods followed.
Lunch was provided by Mrs.
Creery, Mrs. A. Knox, Mrs. Ir-
vine & hostess.
Mrs. R. Butteel of Vancouver
B.C. called on friends in the
village Tuesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schaefer
& family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Paul visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Chas. Schaefer of Mil-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beatty &
family of Brampton spent
Thanksgiving weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Paul & Terri.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fazackerly
& Penny of Windsor spent
Thanksgiving weekend with Rev.
of London visited Thursday with
Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jack.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mills of Ex-
eter visited Monday with Misses
Blanche and Rhea Mills and Mr.
Edgar Mills.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and
Cheryl spent the weekend holi-
daying in Northern Ontario.
Rev. Gordon Hazelwood BA of
Hamilton was the guest speaker
at the anniversary service Sunday
morning in Woodham United
Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jack
visited Sunday afternoon with Mr.
& Mrs. Gordon Culver and Ken-
neth of Lobo.
Mrs. Robert Rundle was the
winner of high points in home
crafts at St. Marys Fair Wednes-
day, Jim and Jack won prizes in
the Western Saddle Class.
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Anderson and
Mr. Harold Barrie of Toronto
(having returned last weekend
from a trip to England and the
continent) were weekend guests
with Mr. Hugh Berry and Mr.
Allen Berry.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith with
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson &
family of Uniondale.
With Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Lawson were Mr. and Mrs. James
Stead & Jimmy of Thorold, Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott Clarke of Ex-
eter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lawson
of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Rohde & Robert of Mitchell and
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wurm &
Kevin of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Allister McDou-
gall of Toronto visited for sev-
eral days with Dr. and Mrs.
George Morphy.
Mrs. Wilbert Payne & Jim of
London visited Thursday with
Mrs. Robert Rundle.
& Mrs. Lyle Bennett & Tom.
Mr. Bill Jarvis of New Lisk-
eard spent the weekend with Mrs.
Dan Jarvis and visited his father
in St. Mary's Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. George Hall, Mrs. Annie
Pearson, Mrs. Joan McCormick
& Bernard spent Thanksgiving
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John
Hanniman & family of Renfrew.
Miss Barbara Irvine of Gran-
ton spent the weekend with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mrs. Myrtle Doupe has return-
ed to her home in the village after
being a patient in St. Marys Mem-
orial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler
& family visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Stacey of St.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waghorn
were Sunday guests with Mrs.
Chas. Waghorn and visited with
Chas. Waghorn at Huron view
Home, Clinton.
Mrs. Lavine Copeland return-
ed home this weekend after being
a patient for several weeks in
St. Marys Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neil of
Vista, California, and Mr. &
Thames Rd. UCW
special meeting
The Thanksgiving UCW meet-
ing was held Wednesday evening
with hostesses Mrs. Barry Miller
and Mrs. Robert Cann. Mrs,
Lloyd Ballantyne was in charge of
the worship service with Mrs.
Almer Passmore and Mrs. Jack
Duncan assisting. Piano Solo by
Mrs. William Rohde.
Mrs. Murray Dawson introduc-
ed the guest speaker Mrs. Fred
Parsons of St Marys who gave an
interesting Thanksgiving mess-
age. Mrs, Parsons is on her fifth
term as a pastoral visitor. She
was thanked by mrs. William
Ferguson. Mrs. Ray Cann favour-
ed with a vocal solo accompanied
by Mrs. Reg Hodgert.
Mrs. Edwin Miller, president,
conducted the business. It was
decided to have the turkey supper
October 28. The UCW are enter-
taining the Messengers October
29 in the church basement.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Thomson of
Parkhill visited Sunday last with
Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills
and Mr. Edgar Mills,
In last week's column the name
of Mrs. C. Insley of Exeter was
omitted from the Sunday visitors
with M. & Mrs. Ted Insley and
Mr. & Mrs. Norris Webb and
family visited Sunday evening
with Mrs. Henry Small and Thel-
ma of St. Thomas.
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. McAllister,
Mary and Jimmy of Sudbury with
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webber for the
With Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Law-
son were Mr. & Mrs. James Stead
and Jimmy of Thorold; Mr. &
Mrs. Elliott Clarke of Exeter;
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Lawson of St.
Marys; Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rohde
and Robert of Mitchell and Mr.
& Mrs. Gerald Wurm and Kevin
of Exeter.
Mrs. Howard Morley of Hazel
Park, Michigan, attended St.
Paul's Church service Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J, Blackler
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Henry and family of
Point Clarke.
Ray Switzer of Waterloo Col-
lege spent the weekend at his
home with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCurdy
& Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Knox of St.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray of
Toronto spent a 'couple of days
this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Miller McCurdy.
Miss Lynn Paul of Toronto
University spent the weekend at
her home with Mr. and Mrs.
Reg Paul.
Mr. Cecil Dobson spent the
weekend in Toronto and visited
with his wife, a patient in Wo-
men's College Hospital, Toronto.
Mr. Terry Martindale of Ajax,
Rochester, Michigan, were
guests recently with Mr. and.
Mrs. Lloyd Knight. Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Knight, Exeter, spent
the weekend.
Mrs. Mark Strapp, Laurie, Mi-
chael and James of London spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
John Bray and Agnes.
Miss Helen Mayes of Willow-
dale is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Kernick this week.
Miss Pat Bauer of Monkton
spent the weekend with Miss
Margaret Kernick.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffery
visited Sunday afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. M anf o r cl Luther of
Grand Bend.
Mrs. Gerald Bell, Douglas,
Paul and Joanne of Hensall, Mr.
Edgar Monteith of Exeter, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Don-
ald and Larry were Sunday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ball-
antyne and Brenda, the occasion
being Brenda's fifth birthday,
Miss Sandra Gilfillan of Wa-
terloo University and Mr. Ricky
Jory of Oakville spent the week-
end with their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert
and family spent the weekend
with relatives at Owen Sound
and Collingwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brazier,
Michele and Carol of Brantford
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Passmore and Bev-
erley. Sunday they were all guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Mort Caswell
of London. Mr. and Mrs. Case
de Mooy and girls were also
Mr. and Mrs. Wilman How-
att of Londesboro were Monday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Hodgert, the occasion being Mr.
Howatt's birthday.
Mrs. H. Woodman, Mr. and
Mrs. Fraser Boa and family of
London were Monday guests with
their parents, Rev. Mr. A. D.
and Mrs. Boa at the manse.
Mr. Tom Atthill of Kitchener
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Dan Jarvis.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Elston &
family of London, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Greenstreet, & family of
Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Meeks
and Mrs. Summers of Stratford
were Thanksgiving guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Green-
Mrs. Olive Lang-tree & Norman
of Kitchener spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer.
Ready Mix
Plant 235-0833
Residence 228-6961
Mrs. Wayne Rowe with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Rowe,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery,
Alan and Connie with Mr, and
Mrs. Chas Jeffery.
Mrs. Lorne Luker of Hensall
and Mr. Bill Snow of W 0 o d-
stock with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jory of
Oakville, Rev. Mervin and Mrs.
Love, Allan and Carol of Lea-
mington, Mrs. William Gilfillan
and Miss Bella Hazelwood of
Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Hunkin.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stewart
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Schieck of Drayton.
Mrs. Percy Passmore, Mr.
Walter Gunning of Exeter, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Passmore and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Almer
Passmore and family with Mr.
and Mrs. Frayne Parsons of
Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde,
Douglas, Glenn and Calvin with
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson
of Exeter.
"Sorry I'm lath, but I couldn't
find my rabbit's-foot."
Auto Sales
HENSALL 262-2838
Before Our 1966 Models Arrive
220 American 6 cyl. standard
1963 Chevrolet, black, 6 cyl., stick, A53005
1962 Volkswagen, 78941
1961 Volkswagen, blue, A51557
1963 Rambler, 6 cyl. automatic, A71666
1962 CONSUL 4 cyl. sedan, stick, good condition,
black, A52268
1960 Morris, clean, A58424
1960 Envoy, real sharp, A58503
1959 PONTIAC sedan, 6 cyl. automatic, radio, coral,
1955 BUICK, 4-door hardtop, V8 automatic, power
steering, power brakes, power windows, green,
tip top shape, A20999
1958 International 1/2 ton, A-1 condition, C78200.
See us for a bargain $750
1955 Ford 1/2 ton pickup, V20249
15 ft. Monroe Boat, 35 h.p. Mercury outboard, tarp,
trailer, like new.
The boss
is away
at the plowing
I match
D s1171 E R F
Take Advantage Of Low Winter Prices On These
Fine Trade Ins And Demonstrators
1965 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan, fully
equipped, 3,000 miles
1965 VALIANT 4-door Sedan, 145 h.p. slant
6, automatic, 1,200 miles
1964 DODGE Sedan, 6 cyl, automatic, radio,
low .miteane, 778601 $2295.00
1964 CHEVROLET Sedan, V8 automatic,
radio, low mileage, A64184 $2295.00
1963 DODGE Sedan, 6 cyl. automatic, 25,000
Miles, 938874 $1795.00
1960 CHEVROLET 2• door, 6 cyl , radio,
real sharp, A2459 $1060.00
1960 A50FALCON
Custom Sedan, radio,
1959 DODGE Viscount Hardtop, V8
automatic, radio, A17294 $295.00