HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-10-14, Page 1125 Auction Sales Antique AUCTION SALE of Household Effects at the VILLAGE OF VARNA (former residence of Dr. Moffat) on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 12:00 noon Settee and 2 wing chairs; rocking chairs ; occasional chairs; antique flat top desk; office desk; 6 antique occasion- al chairs; oak sewing table; large round dining room table, 6 chairs; carved antique wal- nut sideboard; book case and writing desk; organ; drop leaf table 3'x8'; gold frame mirror with marble base; 2 large mir- rors; pictures; paper rack; chrome kitchen table and 4 chairs; radio; couch; wicker set; spinning wheel; 4 complete bedroom suites; bedroom china; 4 slop jugs; beer stein set; antique dinner bell; bird cage; verandah f urnitur e; lawn chairs; Victrola; kitchen cup- board; wicker lawn set; GE frig; rugs; white enamel annex, wood or coal; 4-burner white enamel gas stove; washing machine; dishes; kitchen uten- sils; sealers; medicine cabinet; cutlery; electric rangette; elec- tric lamps; antique dishes; china; vases; silver; pair of Girandole lawn mowers; elec- tric mower; garden tools and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash, No reserve, property sold. HARVEY TAYLOR, Prop, GEORGE POWE'L, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 7:14c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Dairy and Beef Cattle, Tractor, Combine, Farm Machinery, Dairy Equip- ment, Hay, Grain and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 12, CON. 3, BIDDULPH TWP. 1i miles east of Centralia, thence 2i miles south or 5 miles north of Lucan The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 1:00 p.m. DAIRY AND BEEF CATTLE: Black Holstein cow, recently freshened, second calf; 10 Hol- stein cows, freshened since 25 Auction Sales April, all re-bred; 2 black Hol- stein cows, recently freshened, re-bred; Ayrshire cow, recently freshened; Jersey cow, 4 years old, freshened in July; Holstein, heifer, fresh two months. This is an extra good herd of dairy cows, good size and quality. Convince yourseif by inspecting them before sale date. Test negative, 10 polled Angus calves; 6 polled Angus steers rising 2 years old; 6 polled Angus heifers rising 2 years old; Holstein heifer rising 2 years old; Jersey heifer, rising 2 years old; 3 summer calves. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Surge 2-unit milking machine, com- plete with piping for 20 cows; 12-can Sterling milk cooler, re- cently purchased; Viking 650 cap. electric cream separator; 16 milk cans; strainers; pails; milk cart. TRACTOR, COMBINE, FARM MACHINERY: Oliver 77 stand- ard tractor, good condition; Int. No. 45 hay baler, good condi- tion; Allis Chalmers No. 60 combine, completely equipped; Cockshutt 7-ft. power take-off mower; Int. 4 bar side delivery rake; Malco 32-ft. hay elevator; John Deere 8/ ft. heavy duty spring tooth cultivator; M-H 28-plate tractor disc; 3-section diamond harrows; 2-section dia- mond harrows; M-H 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; Oliver 4-row beet and bean drill; Black Hawk 2-row corn planter; M-11 rubber tire wagon and rack; ()taco 2-furrow plow; Int, horse drawn manure spreader on rubber; M-FI 6-ft. binder; land roller; 2-wheel trailer; Fleury-Bissel root pulper; team scuffler; 20-ft. grain auger; 2 steel cattle troughs; steel pig trough; 120 feet steel cable; quantity of steel roofing and scrap iron; 6-bale stooker; trac- tor umbrella; electric fencer & posts; quantity snow fence; 100 feet drive belt; colony house 12x14; 3 chicken shelters; oil brooder stove; iron kettle; forks: shovels; chains, etc. HAY AND GRAIN: 2,000 bales choice quality mixed hay; 150 bales second cut alfalfa and red clover; 800 bushels mixed grain. wheat, oats and barley. 8 Collie pups; quantity of household effects. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. LEONARD SMITH, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 7:14c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Feed, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises SOUTH HALF OF LOT 9, CON. 15, HAY TWP. 2/ miles west of Zurich thence 2/ miles south or 11 miles west of Dashwood thence 2 miles north, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR AND FARM MA- CHINERY: McDeering Farmall "A" tractor in good condition; 2-furrow tractor plow; 2-row tractor scuffler; Cockshutt 8 ft, tractor disc; 3-section diamond harrows; M,H. 5 ft, mower; Cockshutt 11-run grain and fer- tilizer drill; M.H. grain drill; M.H. 6 ft. binder; spring tooth cultivator; rubber tire wagon and rack; 2 steel tire wagons; circular saw; single plow; horse drawn disc; 2 single cutters; set of sleighs; 2-wheel trailer; cutting box; windless; gas pump; sap buckets; set of har- ness; vice; bicycle; galv. bar- rels; lawn mower; incubator; set of chime bells; sleigh bells; blow torch; hay knife; root pulper; butchering outfit; ket- tle; forks; shovels; chains, etc. FEED: Quantity of hay and straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 4- burner electric stove, frig; Beatty copper washing machine; double barrel shotgun; butter dish; glass cupboard; kitchen cupboard; couch; oak bed- stead; food chopper; cabbage cutter; 2 wringers; crocks; sealers and many other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash, FERD MILLER, Prop. HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 7:14c STUTT BROS. 25th Anniversary Sale 40 HEAD REGISTERED HEREFORDS AT THE FARM 2/ miles north and east of FOREST, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 at 2:00 p.m. DST OFFERING — 17 Bulls. Most of these ere performance tested and eligible for the government grant of 20%. Twelve are sired by Silver Return 914; he was bred by Jack Turner of Boerne, Texas, U.S.A. Balance of the bulls are sired by Jarvis Battle Mischief 37P; he was bred by Jarvis Hereford Farms, Jarvis, Ontario. 23 Bred Heifers. Fifteen are sired by Silver Return 914 and 8 are by Jarvis Battle Mischief 37P. These heifers are carry- ing the service of 914 and 37P. Catalogue upon request W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneer 14c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 Complete list of sale in fol- lowing issues. MRS. EMILY HOPCROFT, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 7:14c By MRS. HEBER DAVIS M. & Mrs. Maurice Mac Don- ald spent Thanksgiving weekend with her sister, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Noels, Forest. Mr. & Mrs. Tex Maxted and family, RCAF Centralia, were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Davis ac- companied by Mr. & Mrs. Howard MacDonald, Lucan, attended the Grand Old Opera at Nashville, Tenn. over the holiday weekend. Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mrs. Heber Davis attended Perth Deanery W.A. meeting at St. James Church, Stratford, Oct. 6. M. & mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr. and Freddie were holiday pests with Mr. H. S. McLean, Teeswater. DAFFODIL AND TULIP Just Arrived MORE POTTED HOUSE PLANTS REALLY NICE By GORDON MORLEY visststoitiers ~totbaYYtn98 Guaranteed Investment Certificates 5 on 1,2,3,4, and 5 years on amounts of $100 to $100,000. Larger amounts subject to negotiation. INDUSTRIAL Mortgage & Trust Company Established 1889 Contact our representative John Burke 235.1863 Exeter MIN 111=11.1 -•••••••,".••••:,,,,,I.N.,:"I'Vr•:;:::VgiZIMMIVM: *Mrs. •••••,,,, • • • ' • """ Here's what's new: bigger engines, more engines, bigger trucks, more trucks, high capacity frames and axles, sell-adjusting brakes on most light and medium duty models. And more! Check the long strong line of Chevrolet Workpower Trucks for '66 now! Chevy's built for bigger things in '66! By MRS. FRED BOWDEN church Sunday morning with the Pastor Rev. Guest conducting the service. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morton, Mr. Willis Dorman, Alin Craig, and Miss Flossie Davey of Ex- eter were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wright Wednesday of last week. Miss Flossie Davey of Exeter visited for a couple of days last week with Mrs. Arthur McFalls. HOLIDAY VISITORS Mrs. W. Palmer of St. Cath- arines with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hepburn. Sunday the Hepburns had Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Hicks as guests. With Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn were Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Dunn, Cathy and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dunn, Hen- sall, Miss Shirley Heywood, Ex- eter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Robert and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Drought in Hayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom, Danny and Mary accompanied by Mrs. Edith Armitage and Mrs. Gwen Shoebottom of London with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Shoebottom in Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. V. Overholt and family with Mrs. Theresa Ma- loney in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Eaton and Bonnie of London with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. Misses Greta and Amy Lam- mie of Hensall with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Penwar- den of Sarnia, who were spend- ing the holiday weekend at their cottage at Grand Bend, with Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. With Mrs. Lorne Hicks were Miss Wilda Pollock of Kitchen- er and Mrs. Andrew Hicks of Exeter. Mr. Leonard Wilson and Mr. S. Molnar attended the Thanks- giving ecumenical service in the Mary Ellen Memorial Chapel at Grand Bend on Monday. Following the service Mr. Wilson was a guest with the Molnars. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cun- nington and family of Thames Road with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunnington. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Martin and Ken of London with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray L ammie were among those attending the service in the Mary Ellen Chap- el at Grand Bend Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden joined their family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Allison, A il s a Craig for Thanksgiving Sunday evening. FINGERS HURT Mr. Allen Amos while sharp- ening the knives of a forage har- vester mangled three fingers on his left hand when they came in contact with the revolving knives. He was rushed to the office of Dr. Scrimgeour at Parkhill for treat- ment. PERSONALS Mrs. Grant Amos is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Don Newey and family, Miss Ruth Trevithick were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevithick. Mrs. Sam White was a recent visitor with Mrs. Marjorie White and Mr. and Mrs. Levi White and Ruth. WEEK END SPECIAL Regularly $2.50 Cut Mums '2 Times-Advocate, October 14, 1965 Page El UCW MEETS An autumn scene made a color- ful setting for the October meet- ing of the UCW in the schoolroom of the church Thursday evening. Mrs. Ken Greb presided for the business and opened the meeting with a reading "My Thanks Comes Easy". An invitation to attend the Wha- len UCW bazaar Oct 15 at 8;30 pm was accepted. Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and Mrs. Chas. Rollings were appointed delegates to the Regional Meeting in Crediton0c- tober 21. The November meeting will be postponed for one week on account of the fowl supper and the roll call is to be answered with a parcel, fifty cent value, wrapped for Christmas. December 4 is the date set for the bazaar. Mrs. Robert Blair and Mrs. Frank Hicks were in charge of the program which had for its theme "We pray for the Christian Church". Mrs. M. Buswell read the Scripture and Marikay Hodg- ins favoured with a solo accom- panied on the piano by her mo- ther, Mrs. K. Hodgins. Mrs. R. Blair gave two readings. Mrs. Frank Hicks presented the mission study on Trinidad introducing the study book "A meeting of Faiths". Mrs. Wm. H. Essery, stewardship secre- tary, pointed out that "Increa- sed interest in Stewardship leads to growth". While the hostesses were pre- paring lunch Mrs. Chas Rollings demonstrated "Painting on Cloth". The United Church Thankoffer- ing service will he held in the AWARDS GIVEN Rally Day service was obser- ved at Brinsley United Church Sunday, Oct 3. The Sunday School staff was assisted by Mrs. J. Davies of Ailsa Craig who gave the address. The superintendent Gordon Morley led the service with Miss Marg Amos reading the Scrip- ture and Miss Pat Hodgson giv- ing the story "The Church is There". She also, with the sup- erintendent, assisted in giving out awards and diplomas to some sixteen scholars for faithful at- tendance for the year ending September. Diploma for attendance was given; 13 year to Neil Trevi- thick; seven' year to Linda and Elaine Morley, Kathy Lewis; six year to Carol and Linda Robin- son, Caroline Lewis; five year to Judy Robinson; four year to Linda Fenton, Bill Amos, Dar- lene Watson, Mary and Jim Rob- inson; three year to Gayle Fen- ton, Bill Watson; and Karl Rob- inson received a diploma for first year. Mr. & Mrs...Clarence Davis and. Mr. & Mrs, clifford AlOott visit- ed with Mr. & Mrs, Duncan Tindall, Listowel, Sunday, Mr. .4 Mrs, Jim Barker attend- ed the funeral of their .cousin, Mr. Robert Kelly, London, Sat- urday, Mrs, Bob Tindall and Mrs, Heber Davis attended the funeral also. Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board requires an instructor for an adult night school course to be offered in mixed basic choral music at CHSS Clinton, one night a week, commencing Oct. 25. Applications stating qualifications will be received by Mr. R. Homuth, principal, before Oct. 18, 1965, Once again, the Government of Canada is offering this special incentive to increase winter employment by encouraging the construction of Winter-Built houses. Any house certified "Winter-Built" by Federal government inspection will earn you a $500.00 rebate. HERE'S HOW YOU QUALIFY HERE'S WHAT YOU DO • You can build your own home • You can have it built for you • You can buy one ready-built • It can be a single dwelling or multiple struc- ture of not more than four units (each unit qualifies for the $500 incentive). • Work must not proceed beyond the first floor joist stage before November 15, and the home must be completed before April 15, 1966, except for outside painting and site improvement. DO IT NOW Have your home Winter-Built! You can pick up a pamphlet containing full details, and registration forms at your National Employment Office, any Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation office, or in post offices where there are no N.E.S. or C.M.H.C. offices. Or, your builder can do this for you, You'll be in your new home by Spring ... save rent make yourself $500.00. WINTER Will Issued by authority of Hon, Allan J. MacEachen, Minister of Labour, Canada, .,„ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIy A HIGHER INTEREST RATES lllllll lllllll • • 7;i i.`4, New Chevy Heavies up to 48,000 lbs. OVW up to 85,000 lbs. OCW Now there's a great new line of Chevrolet trucks; the 70000 and 80000 Series with OCW ratings up to 66,000 lbs! There's a new 92" conventional-cab that's best yet for working efficiency. There are new high capacity frames and axles. There's new power, right up to the 637 cu. in. Diesel and the 478 ca. in. gas. And there's Chevrolet's famous dependability built right in! lllll lllll • " •• .4 EXETER OCTOBER SPECIALS FALL CONDITIONING Lube, change oil, Inspect Brakes, and headlights, check cooling system. $1.50 Most Models-oil & parts extra. lit tom. iiiii it lllllllllll t oi i llllllll 1.. tit lllllll lllll ti MUFFLER REPLACEMENT When a new one is needed we can quickly instal a quality G.M. Muffler. $10.50 Chev & Pont most models. lllllll 1111111i vttIliti 11111111 llllll 11111111 llll ll III llllllll i lllll Ilt RUST PROOFING $9.00 With Supertest PRO. TECTYL. Snell Bros. Ltd. CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE 450 Main S. EXETER 235-0660 11411111111101411#11141141) l .111111111.11.1111 ll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll 11111111111111i1114111111illillioilimpisispiiolitiiii New low-cost Torg-Flow 4-cycle diesels for true economy! Five great new 4-cycle Chevrolet Diesels put the accent on savings as never before. Low first coat recovers your investment quickly; low running costs and low maintenance costs put new Chevrolet 4-cycle Diesels in the profit picture for everything from medium-duty round-the-city work to long highway battle. AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER IN EXETER SNELL BROS. LIMITED c P. v Ft Ct -r New engines New transmissions Chevy has a power plant to suit every job requirement in each weight class-18 engines,12 of them brand new for '66. There's new versatility, new big-load capability with both gas and Diesel engines. And you can match powerful Chevrolet engines with the widest choice of transmissions ever—from 3-speed Synchro-Mesh to 16-speed Spicer... automatics, too! 1-1661 Phone your Chevrolet Dealer about any type of truck you want. 268—count 'em-268 models! PHONE 235-0660 Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time: