HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-10-14, Page 7Wed in Woodham Miss Marion Margaret McNaughton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. John Thomson, RR 6 St Marys, and George Laverne McCarter, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McCarter, RR 1 Centralia, were married by Rev Nelson Ernst on Saturday October 2 at 2 pm. They will reside at RR 1 Granton. McDowell photo TOWN TOPICS A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE This is the Oldsmobile Toronado and you've never, ever-, seen anything, anywhere, nearly as new-honestly ! Cutlass Holiday Coupe aifa,70; These are some of the other new Oldsmobiles for 1966 i:Fro ,40 0 ooftriTop 7,1 111010, ' jam', t ...they're luxurious, elegant, exciting, powerful, appealing. And all those things. Dynamic 88 Holiday Coupe They're new. You don't know them yet. But they bring you the best possible references. They're all Oldsmobiles. Which is to say that they're extra-special. Extra-powerful, extra-luxurious, extra-smooth. Improved Rocket engines, teamed with smooth Turbo Hydra-Matic transmissions, are available on all full-sized Oldsmobiles. They offer you new interiors, new style seats and carpeting. And you can get familiar Olds luxuries like air conditioning or totally new features like Automatic Level Control that lets you load 550 pounds of load into the trunk and still ride the way you did empty. Including, and this is a real revolution, if we do say so ourselves, including today's only full-size, front.wheel-drive car. The Toronado. There's never, ever, been one like the Toronado. A 425-cubic-inch Toronado engine pours the power through a re-designed Turbo Hydra-Matic Drive, right to the front wheels. Toronado performs and steers and holds the road like nothing you ever tried before. It's an Oldsmobile. You'll pick out the family likeness right away. We hope you'll take the time to come in and see the new Oldsmobiles, soon. They're very nice cars and very, very new, Oldsmobile for nineteen sixty-six SEE THEM AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S TODAY 0 X.1114C AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE DEALER IN EXETER EXETER tNELL BROS. LIMITED PHONE 235.0660 Times-Advocate, October 14, 196 Page I. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Murray returned Monday from a two and a half week trip to the Western Provinces going as far as Vic- toria B.C. They were accom- panied by a nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray of Greenway. Mrs. Lorne Johnson returned home with her son Friday after- noon having been a patient for ten days in Branson Hospital, Will- owdale. At the James Street CGIT mee- ting last Wednesday evening, Brenda Dinney was elected presi- dent, Trudy Stover, vice-presi- dent and secretary and press reporter, Judith Sylvester. By MRS. L. PRESZCATOR THANKSGIVING VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Brad Smith (the former Edna Finkbeiner) of Pon- tiac, Michigan, visited over the weekend with Mrs. ClaytonSims. Miss Nola Faist and Miss Ger- trude Ratz of London with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilborn and Cathy of Prescott. YP ELECT OFFICERS The United Church Young Peo- ple met Thanksgiving evening Oc- tober 11. The worship service was con- ducted by Ruth Hodge and Brian Lamport. Rev. R. Hiltz showed a film on Amos. This was followed by the election of officers for the coming year. President is Ruth Hodge; vice- president Elyse Lamport; sec- retary Wendy Neil; treasurer Jim Finkbeiner; press reporter Shir- ley Pfaff. The next meeting will be held October 25 and all are to come in costume. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamport and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lamport attended the Beckett-Brand wed- ding in Toronto Saturday. Mrs. Hilliard Sperling of Walk- erton with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock and Mr. Eldon Smith. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Faist, Charles and Marion and Mr. Dennis Jutzi of Kitchener with Mrs. E. Feist. With Mn. and Mrs. Charles Browning were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckel and family of Hen- sall, Mr. Ken McCarter and Miss Joyce Bowers of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gower and family of Ingersoll with relatives in town over the weekend. The. WSWS of the EUB church held a Thankoffering meeting Tuesday evening. The meeting Mr. and Mrs. S. Fulcher of Brandon, Man., are visiting with their son-in-law and daughter, Hon. C. S. MacNaughton and Mrs. MacNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Howitt and Richard of To- ronto and John of UWO were Thanksgiving visitors with their parents. Mrs. C. S. MacNaughton opened the bazaar at Huronview last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. H. L. Snider and Mrs. J. B. Pryde also ati.ended. The CGIT is divided into three groups, senior, intermediate and junior. Mrs. Roy Stover is leader of the seniors "The Stovepipes" with president, Margi May, sec- retary-treasurer, Barbara Mc- Dougall. Leader of the intermediates "Pantherettes" is Mrs. Don Ecker, with Pam Sereda as presi- dent and Linda Dougall, secre- tary-treasurer. Mrs. Lyle Little .leads the ju- niors "The Cutest Girls in Town" with Jane Broderick, president and Susan McDonald, secretary- treasurer. Mrs. George Sereda also ass- ists in the CGIT leadership. opened with Mrs. Emmery Fehr- ner at the piano. The committee consisting of Mrs. G. E. Wenzel, Mrs. J. Ratz, Mrs. H. Zurbrigg and Mrs. L. Lamport followed the Thankoffering service given in the World Evangel which stressed the mission work in Sierra Leone, West Africa, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines and Indonesia, Latin American countries and also on the home mission fields. Readings were given by Mrs. H. Zurbrigg and Mrs. L. Lam- port following by a piano solo by Rev. H. Zurbrigg. The Thanks- offering boxes were brought in and Rev. Zurbrigg followed with prayer. The business for the evening was conducted by the president Mrs. E. Rats with reports from the various committees. Any used clothing to be sent away must be brought in no later than Oc- tober 31. It was decided to send a card shower to Mrs. Sam Lamport who celebrated her 94th birth- day October 10. The November meeting with the election of Officers will be changed from the first Tuesday to the second Tuesday of the month. A social half hour was enjoyed by all. Leave your donations for the hospital rummage sale at the Community Centre today, Octo- ber 14. Also the ladies of the WI are reminded of the change of date for their meeting to October 18. Mrs. Oliver Bell of St Marys, regional president of hospital auxiliaries, was guest speaker at the meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary Tuesday af- ternoon. She traced the history of the regionals briefly and outlined the duties expected of a regional president. She was thanked by Mrs. M. C. Fletcher. The re- gional conference was announced to be held in St Marys, Monday, October 18 in morning and after- noon sessions with Mrs, L. A. Ball, St Marys as speaker. To date $775 has been realized from Tag Day September 25 with some returns still to be made. Plans were finalized for the rum- mage sale on Saturday in the Legion Hall with pick-up on Fri- day. Mrs. Glen Mickle and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt will represent the Auxiliary at the Hospital Convention at the Royal York, Toronto, October 24 to 27. The Hospital Board are wait- ing approval of the plans for the 9 grandparents at christening Mrs. Margaret Hunkin of town attended the christening in Bru- cefield church, Sunday, of her great grandchild, Julie Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross McBeath, Kippen. A very special and happy event was the attendance of nine grand- parents, two grandmothers and four great grandmothers, o n e great grandfather and two grand- fathers, also a great, great aunt. The families were all enter- tained to a Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross McBeath following the christening. By MRS. ROSS SKINNER LEARN ABOUT SEAMS The second meeting of the El- imville 4-H homemaking club No. 2 was held at the home of Leader Mrs. Jackson Woods, Monday, Oct 4. The girls decided on being called the Sleepy Time Gals". The leaders showed samples of lace sewn on by hand, a French sean. and a flat felled seam and explained how to do each one. PERSONALS The Youth Fellowship Club of Elimville met Sunday evening at Elimville Church. Miss Margaret Johns opened the meeting and conducted the business. Mr. Larry Skinner was in char- ge of the program assisted by . Miss Elaine Johns reading the scripture and Miss Kathy Hern leading in the singsong. Mrs. Edwin Miller' gave the Bible study. Games were played following the program and lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rennie, Joanne & David of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly. Mr. Laverne Skinner returned home from Victoria Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston of Seaforth and with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mc- Naughton of Strathroy Monday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen were Mrs. Albert Roy and Mrs. Roy, Sr. of Salem, New Hampshire. Mrs. Albert Roy is a niece of Mrs. Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heywood & family of Camp Borden spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Heywood. The Elimville Messengers held a cookie and candy sale Monday afternoon netting $10.19 for their group. 111111111 lllllllllllll 1111111111111111111111 lllllll 1111111111111111 AMAZING New Hairdryer ouLy '3" It adapts to all types of vacuum cleaners instantly without any special adapters, any make or model regardless of age or orig- in. Dries ladies' hair, completely dustfree with warm clean air. Completely filtered. Two year guarantee. PILL IN AND MAIL JOHN'S ENTERPRISES Box 13, Dept. 11D7-4 DASHWOOD, ONTARIO Name Address COD's or Money Orders accept- ed. No cheques, Please add 12 sales tax (3%). 111111111111111111111 lllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 extension to the hospital and surfacing the parking lot is now in progress. Annual reports will be heard at the November meeting and the slate of officers for 1965- 66 will be presented. A cup of tea was served at the close of the meeting. Thanksgiving Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robertson and family of Galt with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor. Mrs. Ada Brown, Stratford, Mrs, Marjorie Cowter, Toronto, with Mrs. Myrtle Brown, Will- iam St. Monday. Mr. and mrs. Melvin King at Camp Borden with their daughter and family, Cpl and Mrs. J. Z. Maillet. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alderson and three sons, Ingersoll, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Penhale of Cooksville and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wright and Patricia of Chatham with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kestle and family of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hills, Ste- phen, Scott and Mary Beth of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgins and Stuart with Mrs. L. McInnis and Mrs. Norah Tay- lor, Sunday. DASHWOOD MERRY MAIDS. The second meeting of 4-H girls club No. 2 was held at the leader's home with all ten girls present and the two leaders, Mrs. Eben Weigand and Norma. Notes were given on finishes of materials. The next meeting will be Tuesday October 12 at the home of Shiela Willert. DEMONSTRATES SPELLING Dashwood WI meeting was in charge of the Citizenship and Education group with Mrs. Emil Becker convener. Twenty ladies answered the roll call, "My fa- vorite school subject". A poem, "One who didn't pass" was read by Mrs. Gordon Bender. Mrs. Letta Taylor, teacher at Dashwood public school with nine of her grade 5 pupils pre- sented a practice lesson in spell- ing. Anne Becker gave a selec- tion on her accordion. The president, Mrs. Syd Baker presided for the business. The institute is having a birthday party at Huronview October 20. They are to meet at the post office at 1:30. The ladies are to be guests of Kippen Institute in Hensall the same evening. The London Area Convention is to be held in Stratford at Vic- torian Inn November 2 and 3. A bus trip is planned for No- vember 11 to Sarnia. Resolu- tions were read and voted on. MRS. MARY SCHROEDER Mrs. Mary Schroeder, 94, the former Mary Biesenthal and wid- ow of the late Jacob Schroeder, passed away at Huronview, Clin- ton, where she had resided for some time, Wednesday, October 6. She is survived by two (laugh- ters, Mrs. Susie Snider of Dash- wood and Mrs. Freda Bruer of New Hamburg; one son, William, of Dashwoocl. She was predeceas- ed by a. son Leonard and adaugh- ter, Alice; also 11 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren sur- vive. They farmed in Hay Township prior to moving to Dashwood. She was a member of Zion Lutheran church, Dashwood, and a charter member of the Ladies Aid of which she was an active member until ill health forced her to quit. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Fri- day noon then at Zion Lutheran church where Rev. Wm. Oats officiated with interment in the Lutheran cemetery. Pallbearers were Hubert, Har- old and Jack Schroeder, Fred Smith, Armand Bruer, and Glen McLean, grandsons of the de- ceased. DASHWOOD SLEEPING BEAUTIES The third meeting of the Dash- wood No.1 4-H Girls was held Oct. 6 at the Community Centre with eight girls and the leaders, Mrs. John Rader and Mrs. Ru- dolph Miller present. Not es were given on stay stitching, gathering, and differ- ent types of seams. The girls started to mark and cut the ma- terials. Next meeting will be Oct. 18 at the home of Mrs. J. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reste- mayer and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe spent last week at Inver- lochy Lodge and enjoyed fishing. PERSONALS Special Thanksgiving services were held at both the Evangelical UB church and the L u the r an church. The churches were de- corated with fruits, grains and vegetables. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Braid and family at Elmira with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Selling. THANKSGIVING VISITORS Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Bachert and Darlene and Mr. Nick Miller of St. Catharines with Mr. & Mrs. Albert Miller and family. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dunn and family of Hayfield; Mr. & Mrs. Earl Horner and family of Zur- ich; Mr. & Mrs. David Carr of Niagara Falls; Miss Thelma Weber of London all with mrs. Dan Weber. Mrs. Wilbur Stewart of Lon- don with Mr, & Mrs. JackGaiser and Kim. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Weiberg and daughter of Lucan with Fred Wei- berg. Mr. & Mrs. George Wolfe of Toronto with Mrs. Wes Wolfe. Sunday they were all guests of Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and family when they celebrated Mrs. Wes Wolfe's 78th birthday. Mrs. Henry Eagleson was also present for the occasion. Miss Ruth Anne Salmon of Tor- onto with Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Sal- mon and family. Of the 6,860,000 Canadians with jobs, 1,045,000 are married wo- men. By MRS. W E LLWOOD ,GILL The Grand. Bend usiumber Gals", held their second meet- In Monday evening with eight girls present. The girls changed their name from Sleeping Beau- ties to Slumber Gals as another club had already chosen that name, The girls met at the home of Mrs. Susan Devine. The leaders led a discussion on patterns and materials and demonstrated the "Flat Felled" and "French" seams. HOLIDAY VISITORS Mr. Ron Webb of Winnipeg spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Webb. Mr. & mrs. Glen Manley and family with friends at Southamp- ton. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Allister and girls of Hamilton with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Willis Gill and family. Mr. John Gill, who is attending University of Western Ontario, with his parents, Mr. A Mrs. Douglas Gill and family, PERSONALS Mrs. Myrtle McGregor attend- ed a coming home tea in honour of Mr. & Mrs. John Tinsley on Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. A. Tinsley at Sarnia. Mrs. Earl Burr and boys visit- ed a few days with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Patterson. Mrs. Gerald Keyes, Debbie and Lisa are leaving this week for their home in Georgetown, New Brunswick after spending a month with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Fahner and fam- ily. Regional president talks to auxiliary By MRS., ,gFe.voi RAPER Brenda Dinney new president of CGIT Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC.TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time,