HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-04-07, Page 34 Osamu M,a..IL. 3.l.- T pia*, enivel me is telM a/ bate !► .wilt boa Pi" he os6 IBMs Iso( sad p/Md threagb Lu.ti a without he. bee sasay of the Anal m •k.►«--ebe soneeses t elotaeaut, sad a a great Iwo/4414144141 Whsa is ark be same& the d a lining by givi.g Iona -nal h.lerea asNtla, ad is taloa' aatmed W see`hf eller. Boaaowuo nutmeat -flat tee sensible advice ■►lac► was glen to An rosyg bear, " peened se keel, how to walk. Shall 1," end be, "neve my right front paw bay or tbe two hied ow. or all at tea, sad b.7 " The old she btar came to his relict' with the advise: ► Lean of thinking, sod walk." It is sot egierei a for men t0 pi.ee them. elr.la the pndiasmst of the yo.us bear; to iavoln themelvw m seedless perplexities by tr.mpiug rep y diScNities, a by ttmeroaely 100831: and 1. the futon.- There Sr. some who appear to sue pentium i■ 0ati.g edemS1 baroscope on their Ia,end then le so este who don nr.t suffer, more or 1.• fromn sad perplexities. from trials morrows, morrowwwhich have no real ezieleata. M • paers1 Wag, ow who is over anzios about Mare and doubtful dsues, may bemire dim he is shirking present and plain duties. It seldom happens that the duty of the Priest +Direct ea.aot b<dimcerned. 1f that as done it becomes • torc*lhrowiug light oa the duly seat at band. la every department of life, We oertif that the habit of borrowing troublu is found, Grip- 7 ling action and sound thought Iu religious same correct. '.xperie.o.,it is often a hindrance. Its victim, while neglecting palpable duties, bewails he pressnt condition, and laments that he bo. not the emotions which he should have, and tor- ments himself with doubu Rod fears A more devout Sikh would lead him to walk cheerfully, asd step by step, his appointed path, and to believe that the merciful power which 8.d up- held him hitherto, would shield hum to the end. -7111 Examiner. Nee a beertiecm.cnts. z-1r-nr-._aa- TRi 11F.-.,,TIMMER'S BOOK TOA TIM TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY FOR THS YEAR ENDING 1862-3. DR. 1862. To Bal. from last a.e't 8208 01164 " Cask Noe Er. Tann143 76 ' " " Limos 111 76 " Clergy Reserve211 62 " from Collector3637 624 " NurBa.. Mosey21 5l " for boaadary liars 35 60 1863. 11 .1 dr " Oliver Wendell Moffatt sent two poetical letters to the " post office " of an Episcopal fair at Pittsfield, not long ago.In one of them the Ent striae was : Fair lady, whoeoi er thqu art, Tun this poor leaf with tenderest care, And hush 1 -oh, hush I m) beatin j heart - The one thou horst will bet there. On tarring the " poor leaf." atm was foetid • one duller bill with verses bejioaiog: Fair lady, lift thine eyes and tell If this is nota truthful letter, This is the one (1) (bun breet well, And naught (0) can make thew love it bet- ter (10t E(rtp. ENGLISH. -In Goderich, on the 6th of April, the wife of the Rev. N. F. English, of a son. 3111►ra. HOLMES.-in Morris Township, County of Huron, April 2,.d, 1863, of S,rirlet fewer - Thaws Gomore, t8n beloved son of Thos. and Eliza Holmes, aged two years and eleven soothe. "noted gone from in, bright one • • • Thou'rt •one a dew drop is swept fro theu m bough, Oh. for the world where thy borne is now I How may we love but to doubt and fear. How may we anchor our fond I,earts here; How should our joy but • trembler be, Beautiful dust when we look nn thee." Mn. 11111Art. HENRY. -In St. Louis, on the 24th inat, of congestion of the brain, Marlon Stua,t, eld- est daughter of Robert L. and Slimily Henry. £oalatgrctaL GODEEICH MARKET& Swett Orrlca. Goderich, April 8, :863. Fall Wheat, 0.78 • 0.82 Spring do 0.68 a 0.73 Oats, 0.40 a 0.00 Peas 0.40 • 0.45 Harter 0.60 0.63 Pot•ioes 0.374 a 0.00 Fleur, per l:bl 4.00 • 4.50 8hortar.per toe 14.00 • 00.0 Nun, do 12.00 a 00.0 Beef, per Ib. 0.08 • 0.0 Mottos, per lb. ... 0.06 • 0.8 VesL pet lb. .... 0.o5 • 0.07 Dear . 8.10 • 0. 12 Eggs, per dos. 0.10 a 0.00 Oatmeal; per bel .... 6.80 a 0.00 Cornmeal, do 4.00 n 0.00 Hy, per ton 16.00 • 19.00 Sunw, P load, 5 00 a 6.00 Cordwood (dry)2.00 a 0.00 do green 1.75 • 1.00 Reef, by quarter. per 100 lbs. 3 00 • 3.50 Pork, ' 100 10. 3.00 • 3.at Hides igneo] 4.00 • 4.05 Sheepskin, 0.50 a 0.60 Brag per ton $0; ilPttll Zbbert(sentnits. TO 1GAGISTRATES6 Keele's Provincial Justice, - $5.00 stn Magistrate's Hand Book, - 050 -ALaO- BLANK FORMS At Lowest Bates, AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. HENRY GRIST, Depealwatal & Parliamentary Agent, QUEBEC, ADJUSTS CROWN LAND CLAIMS, �.wrtsee Land Pates* I Preemie. idorna.- iw.IssM.eie O.m .y M 00. Pease Depart nor., Tiro. est lesa•foe 1.ye.taas.; Nae. MS Trade Mark. had Dames; Tahoe eerie of Tema sties dense 4.r• pewee tbswrh Me L.1Wt., 14e., km "arras Vb., 00 .es4e to deem rear o.e tom se sesta brie.., ee Vansil- ling M ,seer the nevem armorer er n Q.•bee. Rrn.srose.--Mos. Atss Cs.gbell. a/. L. C., IlIerPre t Lind Je•••s, E, Mreilier t We. M. wger, i'., rare, W.. LU.larwn., 1.g., Dalevrra t Meow R. Lewy k Bre, Tmww 4 Mee. J. Orbs", M. P. P., Larne. *roger, p. -pe,, e MENET O11$T, Bea 144, P. (1., pse6.e. wl0 BCHOOL T U8TKIM X EXPERIENCED FiRST - CLASS T..8., tss.w. we 06.g..* by she r elth.Mmlkw a.00. w dtmhtg the tri* da. Oro year. I Trsl..malr 4.l.ry ,ab. jest. ,bombt11tbombr. 6. he aP IlktrJ. iL L. ,ebery, Maes Sam, I. wall TOWNSHIP NOTICE. The Court of Revision M Tee 11/111IIiP et TQttOltET, wo % W m W Ileem df ale. Wim Ike Thome.. tar II. Ow.T, a srlluiy. at all It Meer,, one, JAMIE JOILEIME, resole *� To bent', Mesh ark. Mr, w 43666 17 clt. 1862. By Cash pail County Rates (being bslaa10 fur IMl)..,..... 3 TO 1863. By Cash p'd County Ratafgr 1861, 1612 83 " •• Towrhtp oEcery _ 10 '• Cosurivae ..... " Leetaoa Expenses- " Imp/overeat on Buse dory N6 •' " Other items, print - we have examined the Tsesberry. Much 28th, 1863. 44 4, " " Unman' oa Silver Homers to Belied Seeuooe N 37 7 26 071 11 106 12 43566 17 t foregoing Aoeouut and it -aloud the THOS, FORTUNE, THOS. FANOW, v AGISTMEI141. JOHN FAIR a Co., mriT0 AYTS.moa To Tura FIRST ARRIVALS * SPRING GOODS! N etc/ TAT .Art JUST OPENED_ Gouzsttm, TtA April, 1863. Own • iN COURSE OF PUBUCATION, A Gazetteer and Business and General Directory of the COUNTY OF HURON. ITOOPme or OORTEITe 1. A mar S0* Historical Account of the F.aiy fett,ea sol and 1 reoperate Growth el the County. 1. A. Alpeb.ural La of tee Rendesta in each Township, web the CoRoerilrOdi and Lot of their nepeeinre headmen. 3. A Gowned and Beer= Directory of 4.M Tows, Volleys, sad 1'M WJir. LocaLtie, de- scribing the boundary et wit Mal lh iw0R. 4. Chs ekes, with Meer Lavaboes, and the N.M.e et tne,r Mi....,,., Pastas. A. &Roel., Cottager. `.'e0lsens, sod other Rdur.i,00al inernebuns, with tbeu Locums sed 4.e Name of the Pn.tpak and Tweet. /. Literary Solvates and Me,:k.n,n' 1stenu- 1e. 7. Maouie, Orange, Good Temples. Tar poe, sort other 80metirs, .t 8 tk. Nunn of their rrpetis Ofc.oes, ti.ues sad Pias el Iletuep. Cricket Chiba, .nal all other Cluha, Sueaes,. end Ass cation@ isbrsain. es wbtck con be obtain.d. 8. A11 Nampa and Military Oei.Ristao•.. 9. Agrieelts0180.iesie.. 10. Bask. .d Rnk.na, lwnnm Compeers W (twMnag Soma.. 11. Ner�e�,p..pen, favi. Huey .Rd Peaks, Masses of p*kpheru, .ed Days d teen. It. Ila Stem Beales, and T.hls of Dmswes 13 Com. N IA.. sod .be sewer TRW* and rise.. of Holes(; Jaws, Clarks .ed 4Jmsa. N. Casty, Tow..k�1pr,, Teens nod Views Coro* or a ea+1s of 0ism. 16. (Mew el tea Iwgsefal Oesemsseetowl AlWknncN LIMO( .d PRAY.... 8. T.8le of swami wsrbss W Yweeew Table fm reviewsCLlL.., axed err or IW Meiresie . A. • See* est Oseerel IabmeIL. r .ill he h.00 irseerris w 1Me..slag se eh drew le the Illiorreser oral Prothe mai lies, we . Dore tory. w .e. piety .f earebd.khr sed re. ed las rebel epee -re at deestel ~with r rmeum tore � F048 803*..arterreiPke wish l.w0Aak hirers eperliee , will NM Oh tb..+y kmt pbe�tt.MldealiYlso, se it .r br pssrmd 7p.M, Ism/ miry MMeAiey read the gruel. mica 4.Publit. leMate ram penteepo .,MI.Y�d,�the -,'rat' =term Trmw.i Ole. Ilkoli aseq �eel .*.&.less whom kk+as{n 1ea.lYrM Noir Moe - w leet' teal ** ale pl,gF hely eoll love tka*se mss leelsehew Or psiee ea. Da& OHO* sib he s/tow weeeve.re) M $14.111 t04Teldnillib ad Iris to M11111•14. p.. IlalwtTn.wo ItATtit rsil Awe. WO Demi 010.100 Persoursisslal:311.4• 12 tad aa..►, Mla • M 4 LIME [ED member el Cahn Cattle will be taken to graze on Sorbet farm, Maltlead ens., tow.08.p et Goderich. lona the 1M,4Yq, 1167. T.rw meanie. Mr, Apply to Mr. T. BEST, Lamm, is the pegs - We. Sterling, April 6, 1863. .1041 Ile GODERICI: WAGON & CARRIAGE Maxx la c tc THE subscriber would ■. noose to the public W Herm and Brum that be 6s on band sad will make to order Carriages Wagons, Her - rows. fate., which will la sad c►esp kr cash or approved eraalo. JOHN PASSMORE, Vtaona Street. Godrr•a h. Apnl to, 1863. w49 tiu MONEY TO LEND ONsemate N improved farms at R per i • kw tusked puu.ds,ow town property. J. B. GORDON. .01.51] A NEW STOCK Violins, Aecordeons, Fifes, &t., &c. b, A .PLR\DID TAKIETY Or Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes ILCalVSD Ano mos s*Li A T BUTLER'S. SELECT SCHOOL, BLISS SHIMINGS BEGS to stemma that her shoot will be re -opened -in, WEDNESDAY, 6th Arau, next, •Rem the Easter vacation. Engluh eanehee ..........85.000 per qr. Drawing „ .. Fancy Work...... 1.00 " .. G,oknA, IM Apnt. Ih07. rr0-41 A 'COOD SHEEP. R. iNGLIS, of Carrick, hes a Netynri Ram Lamb tat wrigbM WI lbw . were it was three day. lees the • %ear old. [weak HONEY O4 nre,menr n• reasonable tenni. No o omm,..n,, f barged, me Interest ,a armee. !'stems will be lewd. Apply to SHAW t SiNCLAiR, &dream, m, bc., Ovd nch. Oodericb, 1116 Feb., 1163. aw47-41m1q AFFIDAVIT. Province of Canada, i In the Queen'/ TO WIT: Bench. JAMES HARRISON, Ptaintuy; the. WILLIAM STERLING, Defendant. T WILLIAM STERLING, of the Town- , ship of Goderich, in the County of He- ron. Yeoman, the above named Defendant in this cause, make oath and say, 1. That 1 never had an criminal inter- course of any kind with any Harrison, thy daughter of Plaintiff. and who is alleged to have been eeduo-d by me. 2. I swear positively that i am not the father of the child of which the said Hannah Harrison has been delivered. (Sd.) WILLIAM STERLING. Sworn before me at Goderich. in the Coun- ty of Heron, this 20th day of Ranh, A. D., 1863. IRA LEWIS, A Commissioner for taking affidavits in the Queen's Beech 'for the United Counties of Hama and Brune. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. United Canaan ,;)j� T erase of Two Wats Henn and Bryce, 1 •4 Veeaiti. I Izpo... To Wit : 1 sad FOND tpnm a Ire. Po - clay awed .ret of Her Mspwy'a Cow of Quee.'p Rencb and Cont vCeon avid to etedwerted against the Land. sal Teammate of Joseph Wdkw and William Welker. ■t the mud of TLe Beek of Up- per (a•eda, Robert Runcim.., Caroline Str.el.., Usenet.: ; Jams M. Btr.Avia eat Oliver Wirier. arr•maw. 'd the ter will bel terelee.t of the late AlexaWoad 8tr.ehe., d..•revi el, I here meted red t e. le liteaw,ea r the nay,, We end iWrwe of •M G U..leu., ie .4,. the Seer half of IL, ilea C . D. R., Towe.hip nae Rest, cantatas, 36 Aet pert of 1.r le is tie he Coolnetnelt, N. R R., ,wadris0 fb ayes; Len et Moshe In ee.eveits*. N D. R., astate.eg 40 sera i Lot 01, Ir nee w00oo, M. D. N.,88 limas t ran of LW sT7 , .rd l4, 14 meowing, N. 0. It.; La 16 ie le seummdes. N. D. R., intoning 4S lees,' pre of l.. 30 is Ins a ncemo,, h D. R , �glt�ntansy Ib been' .port el lime t'0 seen m 10. Lme.ewos 8 D wr R., owe aim 91 sen., 41 is the lowed," rel Dram mid Casty et erwee. W e.rh Lsn.b .d Tee00.* 1 Mail ems est es u my orre Mahe Coen He. w tbe .. , oa Tuesday the Shored day of December wen, at tele Mw et twain aims desk, eat.. - JOHN IIU.CT)ONALD. Illy 8.Tsttees, p4pmv Shone �� H. ai 1. aenty Mee, Ibdrri.,, I m6 Ir Ro.ere, IMI. 41 PORTFO)VRMENT. The stew mho . pew sad esti Teanilee Month WO. The shwa ee40 at lin b« ptrsd to wale. amity r/ - 1,080.►. Mi.- wel The .had w le nadir pretp.rl N1 holey the thmeMmfP.00.,. M1. PTTRTE1a POSTPONEMENT. too Teta Mut M sem hde Weedier btl Task* The dews ode at Rader piea*y.J r Tea hey tb /d kg .f Apd• attsl, no meas sty.. Arra peopnd M 1Lssder M W API, INS Dwarf d,PP Standard Trees t *1114 TEM MOM IOW I/ WI It NEIN MIME Aaa Tea RALA.00 l■ Viae Equal Luaatlaitallflleate, ..► 4.1001* at 0 per mat. WNSHIP OF MORN* 7 . in 1M roe., 61 W85, 5 te 1st con , 00 l is 24 cute., 100 ill tld sea., 106 t. 48 con., 106 48 coo., 1 eon., 100 a theft to le loopoit to to WW ,..,.Itoyk sod 041.. A•ithwric, B eecono"n.e1d•• ,. ott tmseehip, Cu'v.y.mieec•, tc, std to • r $, say 4.9.aruasr 1 bwl.ese they any ,s. violent". Ord is (2 4 w,1 e.id, the .. tin ,Warr, his room. ie say t'saego of Owe,Ira oar err.,, w,4•oul .daditttr .1 ax. JANES E. DAT, I4.s cart Ptwdpet_ For fent' er t.Rrrhatlea *en cad at Ihe Col. l•♦r, wired fur C�e•ssysgs.e.mad Cv1Nermeet mg roe ramp. Adders Ser.at, 0raar 3.UM. lOorms.•. 1. *1 3. awMttaLty LIST,raa lea' ^ sappbd by dna Naewy CQUERED STORE Market Square, limes Marra Janes mar, - We. wa lobs Coolie. I Co.. Desmo.d. w3..3�t {{VN. CAMPBELL, MONEY TO LEND! AT • Reduced rate of Interest, to any Wel 1 2, 7, 4 or b yearn, oa Farm or 11, to lkport required down. No deducted frau amount of Leas. Asa very ,.deralo. Apply to SHADE GOODiNG. Solicitor. &r., Nest doer to Wanac'e'e Olasow House Godnrick, fhb May. 1001. 14-4. MORE MONET TO LEND AT TNN AND ONE-HALF Pre CENT'., in sters el ea We than $600, kr am, num- ber of year., ea unencumbered improved lieu Mortgages dome free or charge. Apply to -2 SHADE, GOODING, Solicitor, West Street. • Goderich, 1016 Much, Ib13. wbaw57 HEADSTONES M b d TABLE TOPS, &C. % ;DDERICH SAVE YOUR ASHES AND CREASE! THE HIGHEST Pr. -.pad for any quantity or Acne. sod Grease at the Soap,- ladle and Potash Pwory, Goderich. 2-ETER �ILLIF..g, Hatch, 1111, 1867. M. J. WRIGHTmCO. PLUMBER, C CD NOT TO BE BEATEN Jr Y. 8. KIRK BEGS Tb ANNOUNCE that he has now waved hie A WINTER , STOCK Which he will 5,11 at 3 Greatly Reduced Rates ! Oaks*Oaks*4th November. 1061 FROM 45 CPW.4A0RDs NEW BRUIT • ,r„ PLUMBING I *20,000- TO LOAN. THE subenber in peepers! to nerut.te imps n Real P..ute fur 8." nuns a w. Kingston Street, GODERICN, Opposite the Huron hotel. weeded, payed. by t.Malm.nta spread over r LEAD PIPES! 'Lad 101•s years, at reasee•bte rote of tole eel, with pr,riiege of repaying • pert or thy whole he- pUT in lex the convey ens of cold 0r h0l water n fumat --ddldarn interest 4.rLL y na tercet for unexpired time. Leiters of ingnlry mires be prepaid. 1T Crowe Pte,-nr taleo out, if reg.[re.f GEO. F. BURROWS, feb 34-aw.kw3me=q] Deeds. G. W. to all p.m of Uwell.n, Houses, Hotels ..d Public Buildings. Readout** G"ed up with[ Lead and Zinc Baths, show mm. Copper BNkr., Water Tanks, Wash FOR SALE! B'3�`'n�' wash Travis, water C,tnsrts. feat denial le. detached first -claw brick residence, known as 'MERTON VILLA,' !Situate os the Cambria Rod, with- i••kw mmutp walk M'hewrtHae«.I. HYDRAULIC RAM well adapted for • medical o, other protis•inn•I g.stleman. Will be .old on the moat re.waable Ry whet wales ran he e4rated lao.n •,t !.rote. The hums cunums 13 rem. and g.ad .peaty or suet. to FarmYard. I the g ll ewaraae. • large g ails., • fram, 4"'"'dan�d of Stork to Rrww.rrw. w Rendrn.-r.. This .4..;.rother .l• g,pThe whole in thow, eh repair. Fu - relLaning V•Phkln r.tpi0a no rn•n,i•I la lou r, lher angels* pan lie b•ined Ly applying ;e •.d will throw a airily ,tre•m d' water, by is M..GEO. 4.. MUORE, Proprietor, 00 1 e prem own . fns p .. Pnurd. naws Wielded to. Oaks Oaieh. Ifo► January, 1863. ..39w51 FORCE & CISTERN PUMPS. The anemias of !..'me,,. Brewers and Ra dread Cornrows Simard to the utility o(th. e Neaten.. NOTICE. THE COURT OF REVISION boa rwc TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, Will he held in School Hoese number gee, ON THE SECOND SATURDAY IN APRIL, Commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. CHESTER PROLTTY. TowneRN,Clerit. Stephen. March 3Ah. 11/7. ere NOTICE. THE COURT OF REVISION TOR Rtrls110 Ta■ a.1.r11T ROLL, TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY, Will be held ,n Turner'. Heel, Varna, ON MONDAY THE 4TH OF MAY NEXT, At IO°Work. A. M, All parties ialensd,pes e attend. JOHN ESSON, Township Clerk. &aster, Marsh Ord, 1001. farmers of Huron and Bruce ! ! Toa can be sapplyd wnh PURE CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED At the lowe.a Market price, by W. M. SAVAGE, Pude*• SS general deme, 4iede4.8, March *400.11 .01.00 BECSANGR OFPINE. Americas Paps: Ywy. Bought, et the mereo wan ereaehester. Br W. M. SAVAGE, M5/tet leq.ms, 0n00. k. 0.lw431.. Ike. 1/, alit NOTICE Tit HEREBY GIVEN teat ewe pews e A nenms tn.p.asi.g es rhe fresh owned hy W. Hawiien, is the Taesshipe of Ashfield gad Warare k will he piwaa.hd as to Lw 11ree1L MIMICS DALTON, ie seerge et Linde m A.he.id. 011140E EAST, t. Amy, .r Ismail. i Wsw80ak. Mink ilea. ew5ew0-110 FOR SALE: TNN FRONT SIOXTT AIMS Lots 7•aol, Maitland Ca, E. Ori Cs{beree, maw Aptly t. e. oAimes x1►nsgcga 1157E11 W 4T5Ow, got . JOAN NeDONA1.D.a... IIOR1(1 Mlj)1Ott R45 . armance. Gudrnoh-11th 3.w.. 1852. Ne40-4m FOR SALE, CHEAP! THE SIDi.WHEBL STEAVilOAr d4 VALLEY CITY," !PELEE ISLAND. AND POINT PELEE NOW laid epi Ooderiek. Registers &knot REEF, rtGHT HOUSES. 100 toilet are years old; fitt.d .ed far- nished in the hoeing* and in perfect run- ping oiler. flee -fourth of the par.b.se money downs Wanes to be divided over this season and sexy with Mlmfsc'oeryry aecwrily. Apply le YlINEVERYtBuMRAEL GodericR Emma a, 0863, (s.53.4 1 m Valentin, M. R. and Layer Raisins, Pstru Currant.; Turkey and other Figs; French Prones, in jars; Or - Lemon and Citron Peels ; S.8. Almonds, Filbert and Em- ail Nuts; Pickles & Sauces, ALL 41811G. T - AL_ , MUCH REDUCED: COMPRISING, Piegsoey, Hotline and Tweaks!, young Hylton, Con jos, Souchone A Japan. szraLlts: ALL KINDS. TOBACCOS, IN L%RGE VARIETY AND CHEAP. LIQUORS Brandies, Julies Robin, Renault's, Maetall' and Henneay, in wood and bottle. Wine', man's No. 1 Port, Pawartin's No. 1 Sherry. DeKaiper's Gin. Rooth'. Old Tem, in wood and bottle, Old Jamaica Rum. Dunlop's Scotch, M.rpby's Poteen, and other N hiskeye. CROCIERT & GLWVASS1RE. EVERYTHING in GROCERIES 4811 AND FOR /ALM At the very beset rwoer.uve price. Gods:cis leu Den. MOIL .0* DAY ON ERs VOTEL, .ROAD, NBAET TEfo, $M 0 ntw•w,sg thanks to tee saw old aro* am-„. yk bid patronage hr..•is as eaanwbed a hie opp rams was in Feist ba eery Soto& a this a midi@ t l t f ower and the doMie erersweaselly, el the kilt that 3.m here now .Ikwds .o•e..,mn.d► ..3.w in/..rude 11*. Caw s,, sad them - mumbo, to her.. 114 pat,.,. , hitherto 50 Marr -men .r other you ate the MIS ,x41 in to Wrenn, . his mese ROI in that teeny and thew tmr- gam to ledatorgi win led " Dart shot ..4. be- , awls,, .ed sada ,awry nalY•sante. °` 1`. , 8. l� mew the .f MS eel L. Ybl- M bm Mae* DATE, fns teare tam he w.9 rillowe brew.d wpm isanerted ,.dive, re lei eh ow Of s,4, arr.on rice. Ism oft seems, egg I Tteuntr, /1,4411" w din a and the Sow ria aspect .Area.• ..e at the loses .ow R tea'. New Map Its Is lnds- . P ATOTTeg ra ..lord the Jrwp of An t the mit of J. Al Oro. J*'..p. 11.104 sta.'s man, reed. Dim. Jessup or R3. of tkr4r need.. At1tAs.. CL IVES tl.t lbse dGarr oa stead M .id sore for .merit le my bulk will emar4t. w held morn Shorith oleo Nth 3NALQ Icily M. t E. LAKE ERIE. OTICE is berehy siren that on. and at INS d April west, the Light eshab- and. neer Ihenprer, end d labs 4, M to ahem a law* red, will red to s Pdo4 , will se .p Ihe Im mwe r aka the We, sod tee By oar o! the 1001 ofP.1dir W. ec.C•arda, lT ,y" ser was then p THEcoml. cirlot Hardy -I u last spring. the 17th of Janne weld: lee the Mote an(wari est I aai�yl,,j ,/see that �haro de A ..A.a 701 oak, re 004 or, Sprat era r.ggrg. maples, Ntw r a tar +kakwtetly r Nett door ti WATCHES, C. 1EWELRY R8*A1R4e L In the best style di Warranted. AL•s, A owe AmeaYrr, or Wed& t Plated Jewelry, Watches. a•, ae., C+wrttr wIthend mad eat aeon'. meioses. m r r.prea•ad oai.i ter forosadsrs Ilea Met • CASH FOR WOOL al TM/ Goderich Wool Factory. THEwhl. k.rner, ie re n.ug ,kinke to he mamma tor toe hh...l seaport .:traded b him in the Wool Carding, Cloth Dewier sad Masufaew.nng bus's'., would beg to wise that so expo... her Ler (tea venom) seared is tt- iag up eveeyth,ss la the else order, and having enraged the .,wrics of ezpenewced worknre, be will he able. bum Ilei. Mie, w nsecwte orders en say sweat, is the alms b..,•e.A, in all w ran. one brunch. Parma, a Mntok.r , .-o.n, inns • drama, will seldom. Gil . serum their wool ell,hd immune day, te time to ewer he.. will Mem. The high.* mans price will be per ,. ran8 se cloth far • gosnlsy .r rood, time Wool, Inv from bun, and well ..e.1*./. THOMAS LOGAN. Goder.eh M,I4, Eh Mar. 10/1. 1x•4 DAYSIN'IB Patent Water- Drawer. The most simple and effective Machine now in ase, for elevating water. FRO111 WELLS OF IIIA CPTH! FRO* lel SIMPLICITT IT 1s Not Liable to tet oat of Order, AND antra mbmati.11 made of the hest mnals a well oalcue to meet the waMe of the public is gen.-.l. Boar or its mein 110, thel n test as /....sirs Nr in eine,. •.d that water ms w road by it a lees time thea is, sal other way. Por side at the Nursery, whereon wry Weer is op•0llo.. N. T. CIISTEAD. fio.oa.. Nuiat.T, August la. Dell. at17-tf T. B. MONTGOMERY, SURGICAL °&seise ■IONANl3Ab 1j40sea• 13 ENTItr4 OSee---Over the Nodes! Ralf, BLOS to ,.fur. the Public t►u he will prem. 4.l Opnr•tlows that an entrusted te his in O ki16.1 reamer. Ands, reek he1Redo. Teb.aaed 6.88.., Gold, elver, and Continu.w. 0s -work. Paniouln atentioa paid to the reeefatlo. et Aides's teem, toil the p.esen.tbs of the n et.rd we. Marge, Melwet..ad ,tg Teed Warrwure4 TA; RMS. CA6,11. 11.1.-11 nesM..t simply of Toth P..jm VIII ea kiwi. Oat/ 53 emu mer Box. 11 SION COURT. Fingd T RITTINI) et the awvkt.. Court wd11w held .Geory. neubWh ilawel, Utntsu, a onlay tbe 27th of April, 1863, hear T.a e'ebct le the foreee a. JOHN COOKE, Tower" Clerk. Mark 71, IOH. w/ -td so'r "Ira, 40'4 te., Ike. !NB L m 11/TO ORDER, meet rens Ibo37 • sad i tun" gatparriatugi STANDS, KATIPHA88L8, OOFFINS, 10., lo. outlaw IN the ntss m�Mfti 1 sea Owe eMaa. 'rt »maw+ wgbaoi leMber del Illegmec Ins len e. pedtre Moil' euA.ge neetench. (MAI*. iKa roman HARDWARE TN 6` oar EXCLUSIVE HAROWAM1TOM IN THE COUNT t Sign of the largaloCk H. GARDINER akCO• bet to inlets the imbue that Miry Mee ens . WMOL A RRTAIb Hardware S1.re. on tee Cowl Ilesse lhuarht1 nch. They w,al wept w on Mrnad • p jai( finch. ha wall Wanted 0iuek a Mawr t Aid' M41"Mfsf atmp rata rt liar Iron. ell rami Hoop sad Mina frost Canada Piste; 71e Plata Str0. all kra4. Cod Chia. Anvils, v Smith's Shcewm Hew trade Cut Nai41 Pawed Nadel Wrorg8 Na p Shelf Hardware, of Every Des rlpdel, In ►AR, E tertAiiij tAal Amid 6e kept 68 e Nary ware Store. fiederkk. 1x1. A 0usint99 liredo>r�. 271. Cols, LATE Or STANLEY-CLINTON, HU.• nom Sad. (1b. T8waNw'alir.ler Storer holy 1,%X w. F. atshehon, M. D., TIOWNOPATEM PHYSICIAN. 88712- owe( De. Ilse,eree at Me. T. Ever .kick's, Vetter Mesita Likimen. , west A. T. Hou., M. U., l.aieuet Tem. 74,cs. a., M. D., Samoa I'Join Siam, Y. D.. Nsw T41wk eal. r►1mr Dr. Thea.. E. M. 70. V« PHTSICIAN, BUROEON, IND Ad o tocu mea. 14 T7141.0. .A n� . A. WORTffiIG I'ON, DH 'srcraN, SURGEON( ae., 0411' et, fwd, p.rticals49. to .Riess, a ind w,g4.d op0f04 oa. rime Ihe eye. Now.ca VttLA.a.Dve. 15. DM (w47 -1r ThomM Wemtrie natd. CIViL ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL 1,•d 8itneytw. 011oe sad le.ldersoe( Hamilton' Street, Goderl14. 118113 A. nay. OROTINGTAL LAND NI/0 M AND c4M1 Regimes', Chigoe. lel, ,, '81. I.. JS. lismltn, Cff IL ENOiNEBR AND SURVEYOR Land Ague sad county -sneer, Imeardw 11r 2:201st.os and Mawd80lald. DROVINCIAL LAND /RI RVETOHS. ..d Owed Eagleson, he. 10/knerneg 015.7 olsaseipl.a, ad Architectural pleas waren. Iaad esiaand valued. V8md N DENISOY W.J. MACDONALD( P.1.4, 9s7Mjd. I P. L. e, Uad04sl, itift M. T. au.t wd it Co..� M11URSERYMIN, DEALERS 1N FRUIT 1sad Onesum.enal Tres, Starlike, re. Ow mire promptly atus.dsi to 11 John 1:Tersimbs4Li CIE NBR-1*L COMMISSION AGLIT4 Oiretioreer isQuote's li♦web, i '08 wee. Yasent4.4 obi ar,Cbwe eal..,r.. jr. ,lee. wn as 80 . imeeiwe• .W. M Jots Kellar•, COMMISSIONER IN THE COUNT OP t6aew'. Renck, Cmrrrra.ber, Re. A Nee- Nee of Pane owl Tetra let. be flak, Pm' lie 0"'� k4. m eale, et d.8A.g to pmtrh.esr 3.M Mad8.1 pe Desu am.. ►.b. 1 . 1007. 8J1 idldeM Cabinet Warehouse. iimi1�GORDOMliIM Wand a Undertaker, puctte1baaM�lr sail•• P rtagoers War lee W WISE ESA" poSIHIS* (. A wglre a half =pea U weeg do Betook IIS T id% n� 111.11~ 110 nen Dr.n,1.. Feb. 111. IIIc. NOTICE. De (7DNTIT OR SETI'ASW11reh Tetra. vele T 4, r t w4 �Yai*41�4 Me Wind• wedser lay, lie t2ad day K Apt ant, M the peeper dfk.rm4 eprre wire Parr mea. Ore. nib tea, 100. .A DO srlUDIT webs r ti4il.t sty wrier =11=f JOHN SWAIN, Teymlrle nee. NOTICE It Itv,irssy CHr*IO NM .al. date a.., tk.den of 1940 meth', wet M meta .. ,►r Moo tI010 - fetheowe., c..01,4M er..rle•, Anther M. iOW I�rho . 00. =1.641.1 a.e. �et trellw.e&, f. dw OsaaiF h1 lbws ,0.1`41..wd 4;.,se 4faset/ d As Towed* r .tel le old Corey df Diem tt0emld. ' ,A lbelhh, Yews 4th.