HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-09-30, Page 11I AAOUG# fiass1feellify01 es emomyyyytomsynyvyyyyseyyyyyteloome if" • oo Abeiviiiiimemsecigimiliemotemotototialtmem iiiii 411011111 66666 "J71 FREE tetstsityyymetettlestemyysttottioutstottelimeteytot,tyyyytittot 111,, 666666666 04,14414041101144141411104044411111111411411 1 111 1 491 411,111141111111111,161 ELECTRIC BLANKET $29 95 VALUE WITH A NEW ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER $29.95 value—Free! Double-bed-size electric blanket with a 2-year replacement guarantee .. 25% acrylic fibre content . . convertible con- toured corners . .. nylon binding top end bottom . . . illuminated dial control, Free . . . with the purchase of a new electric clothes dryer at any store featuring the Hydro Special A modern electric dryer frees you from the worry of washday weather, frees you from the drudgery of hanging your clothes out on a line. Enjoy the automatic convenience of safe, odour- less, flameless electric drying. guy your electric dryer now and get a FREE electric blanket! Take advantage of the Hydro Special Offer . , good until November 20, 1965, This offer applies only to residents of Ontario your hydro Hydro Special FINAL SALE DIXON AUTO SUPPLY CLINTON Starts Thursday, September 30 ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD Hardware • Farm & Home Supplies • Paints • Enamels • Toys • Sports Goods • Auto Accessories • Tools • Power Tools • Auto Parts • Bicycles & Parts • Etc. THIS ENTIRE BRAND NAME STOCK OFFERED NOW AT COST OR LESS — DISCOUNTS OF 50% OR MORE! EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD--OWNER QUITTING BUSINESS WE CAN LIST ONLY A FEW--SEE THESE AND HUNDREDS MORE Kem-Glo Pa• int Reg. 3,95 qt. $99 ON SALE 1 qt. Hockey Equipment Gloves, Pads, Sweaters HALF PRICE I Snow Tire Ri ms (extra $C88 wheels) SALE a ea. i ENTIRE GROUP OP Seat Covers Were S9 $ 00 ta SI9 SALE L ea. 1 GOOD QUALITY OIL BASE WHITE PAINT S 029 EXTERIOR SALE a gal. FREE .n. pair of sheer, f irst quality seam less with a Nylons 3.00 quality P Auto 1" Thermostats SALE ea. Engine Block Heaters. SALE $4 00 ea. Super Kem-Tone Reg. 3.5 sile SALE I qt. YOU SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE —MANY ITEMS LESS THAN HALF PRICE Starts Thur., Sept. 30 - 10 a.m. DIXON AUTO SUPPLY & HARDWARE CLINTON Times-Advocate, September 30, 1965 Pig' 11 Z5 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm. Stock and Machinery LOT 5, CON, 5, STANLEY TWP. 11 miles north of Kippen and 3 miles west, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 at 12 o'clock noon CATTLE; Registered Polled Hereford bull, 2/ years old; 2 registered Holstein cows, 8 yrs. old, milking; 2 grade Holstein cows, 8 yrs. old, milking; 4 grade Holstein cows, 6 yrs. old, milking; 2 grade Holstein cows 4 years old, milking; 1 Here- ford & Holstein cow, milking; Hereford & Holstein cow, due soon; 7 Hereford & Holstein cows with calves at foot; 4 yearling heifers; 5 yearling ,steers; 9 spring calves. MACHINERY: Fordson Major Diesel tractor, live P.T,O, and ,,hydraulics, heat houser; Owat- lona (29) self propelled swather ,,with hay conditioner, used 2 seasons; Model S McKee har- vester and 24' automatic wagon, seasons; 3-furrow wide bot- . tom Ford mounted plow; 12' spring tooth cultivator; 8' Ford stiff tooth cultivator; 12' Ford hydraulic flex-o-disc, 1 season; 16 run International double disc seed and fertilizer drill with grass seeder; set diamond har- rows; Ebersol 32' grain elevator with 8 ft. swinging extension; Ebersol grain thrower 12' - 4" grain auger and motor; George White #6 threshing machine on Steel; 2-wheel flat trailer; 4' rotary mower; New Idea ma- nure spreader; 10' fertilizer spreader; Allis Chalmers in- dustrial motor on wheels; 10" Bear Cat hammermill and screens; 6 ft. dozer blade for front end loader; Webster air compressor and tank; Webster paint sprayer; 100 ft. air com- pressor hose; 70 ft. 6" endless hammer mill belt; heavy duty bag cart; 91 ft. spring tooth drags, 3-point hitch; Acetylene cutting torch, tips; heavy sock- ets; 2 sets dies; power hack saw; steel parts bin; large as- sortment steel bolts; set rigid pipe threaders; pipe cutter; pipe vise; blacksmith anvil; heavy steel table; steel cabinet; work bench; 2,000 lb. platform ' scales; Badger feed cart; gal- vanized water trough; wooden feed cart; Remington chain saw; International self-washing cream separator; high pressure grease gun, pail of grease; electric cattle clippers; set of extra heavy cattle dehorners; milk pails; strainer; chicken brooders; feeders; waterers; egg washer; 4 baskets; pig self feeders; trough s; farrowing crate; weigh scales; hydro electric fencer; battery fencer; s'ilovels; forks; block & tackle fence stretchers; bull trainer halter; water bowls and pip- ing; fence wire; steel posts; cattle, feed . rack; 8x9 overhead garage door with Glider hard- ware; cattle loading shute; new rack for 1/2 ton truck, 8' box; girl's bicycle; some house- hold effects. FEED: 500 bus. Gary oats; 2,000 bus. Herta barley; 200 bus. mixed grain; 600 bales wheat straw; 30 ton first cut loose hay; 5 ton second cut alfalfa; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Chattels cash. 25% down and six months' credit on bank approved notes, 25 Auction Sales interest free, on swather, Mc- Kee harvester and seed drill. No reserve, farm sold. CHARLES D. IIAY, Proprietor RR 1 Varna HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer LORNE HAY, Clerk 30;7c Holstein DISPERSAL SALE. Of 40 Selected Holsteins Sixth Annual Sale On the premises LOT 9, CON, LAKE RD. EAST 2 miles south of Grand Bend or 2 miles north of Klondyke Co-op,, thence 14 mile east op Highway 21 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 at 1:30 p.m, Sale includes 40 Holstein heif- ers, majority to freshen around sale date, remainder in Novem- ber. Cattle all of good type and quality, selected from top lead- ing blood lines. Calfhood vac- cinated. An ideal opportunity to se- cure fall milk replacements. Convince yourself by inspecting this herd before sale date. Sale will be held under cover, Plan to attend. TERMS: Cash. JOE VAN DONGEN & SON, Proprietors GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30:7c Important AUCTION SALE of Registered and Grade Holsteins, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Truck, Thresh. er, Hay, Pony and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 8, CON. 11, USBORNE TOWNSHIP li miles east of Winchelsea, St. Marys Road, thence 1/2 mile south or 21 miles west of Kirkton The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 at 1:00 p.m. CATTLE: Registered & Grade Holsteins consist of 28 cows and heifers, majority fresh, re- mainder to freshen in October and November; brown Swiss Jersey heifer, recently freshen- ed; black Jersey heifer, recent- ly freshened; 3 Holstein calves. This is a high producing herd of dairy cows and heifers. Test negative. PONY: Chestnut pony stal- lion, well broken for saddle or harness. TRACTORS, TRUCK THRESH. ER: Fordson Major, 1961, stand- ard diesel tractor, completely equipped, live power take-off, in guaranteed A-1 condition; Ford semi-hydraulic 4-furrow plow, like new; 1956 Ford trac- tor equipped with manure load- er; 1959 Mercury 1/2 -ton pick-up truck, low mileage in A-1 con- dition; Goodison thresher, 28- inch cylinder, 46-inch body, equipped with Hart feeder, 25 Auction Sales grain elevator and shredder, 120 feet thresher belt. FARM MACHINERY: Cock- shutt tractor spreader; Int. power take-off tractor spreader; Ford hydraulic lift 28-plate trac- tor disc, like new; rubber tire wagon and rack; 5-section dia- mond harrows; 16-ft, hay rack, brand new; 3-section lever har- rows; Int. 10-ft, power take-off binder, used for swathing; Int, mower, 5l-ft. cut; hammer mill; steel roller; 200-gal. oil tank; steel tire buggy; set of scales; aluminum wheelbarrow; Surge milking machine, piping for 22 cows; milk cans; 8-can milk cooler; Master electric fencer; pig self feeder; exten. sion ladder: quantity of cedar posts; garden and carpenter tools; chains; forks: shovels, many miscellaneous items. HAY: 3,300 bales choice qual- ity mixed hay. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS; Cash. WILLIAM VAN der WIEL, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 23:30c Extensive AUCTION SALE Scotch Shorthorns, Tractors, Thresher, Farm Implements, Hogs, Grain, Poultry, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 38, CON. 3, LONDON RD. SURVEY, TUCKERSMITH TWP. li miles east of Brucefield, thence 1/ miles north. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 at 12:30 p.m. sharp Registered Scotch Shorthorns 30 registered Scotch Short- horns, cows, heifers and herd sire; 16 cows, majority with calves at foot, remainder soon to freshen; 6 yearling heifers; 3 yearling steers. Majority of cows descendants of Millhills Rothes Queen, Imp,, and Saultown Daily Clara, Imp. Herd sire; Briadale Selkirk, born Feb. 14, 1961. An outstand- ing proven sire. Cattle all extra choice qual- ity, dark roans and reds. A rare opportunity to purchase foundation stock. Negative test for past 30 years. TRACTORS & THRESHER — Cockshutt No. 30 standard, in A-1 condition; 1949 Ford tractor, fully equipped, 2-furrow hy- draulic plow and pulley, 3-point hitch cultivator; Lob sin g e r grain thresher, 24 cylinder, 36 inch body, on rubber, equipped with shredder and grain throw- er, in new condition; 120 feet thresher belt. POULTRY-200 Leghorn-Sheaf. fer breeding, yearling hens. GRAIN—Quantity choice qual- ity mixed grain, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Din- ing room extension table and chairs; china cabinet; kitchen cabinet; antique hall tree; oak bedsteads; dressers; 2 fancy toilet sets; commodes; coal oil lamps; antique settee; rocking chairs; daybed; bureau; Que- bec heater; lanterns; sealers; crocks; dishes; Interprise com- bination hydro and wood stove. 25 Auction Sales FARM IMPLEMENTS — Mc. Deering 13-run grain and ferti- lizer drill, like new; M-l-1 bind- er, 7 ft, cut; 2 lot, mowers, 6 ft, cut; Cockshutt side rake; int, 2-furrow plow, on rubber; Cockshutt team manure spread- er, on rubber; Mc-Deering hay loader; Int. 14-inch cutting box, with piping; small cutting box; 4-section diamond harrows; rubber tire wagon; dump rake; steel roller; horse-drawn disc; 2 sets 3-section spring tooth harrows; team scuffler; 2- wheel trailer with stock racks; Letz grinder, with bagger; far- rowing crate; walking plow; oat roller; feed cart; B & C electric bean cooker; root pulp- er; 5 iron kettles; set platform scales; extension ladder; 150 ft. hay fork rope; pump jack; circular saw; blacksmith iron; set of sleighs; 17 single cord stove wood; snow fence; 11 h.p. electric motor; emery; Quantity tile; forks; shovels; chains, etc, HOGS-8 York and Landrace sows, due October and Novem- ber; 6 purebred Landrace sows averaging 50 lbs. each; 15 stocker pigs, 50 lbs. each; pure- bred Landrace hog, 18 months old. This is an extra large sale. Cattle selling at 3 p.m. No re- serve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash, ROY F, PEPPER, Proprietor RR 3 Seaforth FRANK FALCONER, Clerk Auctioneers: ALVIN WALPER PERCY WRIGHT 30c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects, Auto, Volks Bus, Misc. Items On the premises 60 VICTORIA ST. WEST IN THE TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 1:30 p,m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 576, Plan 20, Victoria St., west in the town of Exeter on which is situated a one-storey brick dwelling, Large living and dining room, kitchen, 3-piece bathroom, 2 bedrooms and util- ity room. Full size basement, newly installed oil furnace; also small barn. Property nicely situated and in good state of repair. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 90 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Immediate possession. AUTOS: 1960 Volks bus with 1963 engine in A-1 condition. 1959 Olds 4 door sedan, radio and heater, VS automatic, A-1 condition, Anyone wishing information regarding bits and car please contact Jim Harrington, RCAF Centralia. Phone 228-6388. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Din- ing room table and chairs; chesterfield and chair; Westing- house 12 cu. ft. refrigerator, like new; 2 chests of drawers; end tables; mirrors; daybed; oak rockers; glass cupboard; vacuum cleaner; 2 bedroom suites; dressers; commodes; kitchen clock, mantel clock; kitchen table and chairs; Ad- 25 Auction Sales rniral 21" television, like new; Easy electric washing machine; oak high chair; 4-burner electric stove; Quebec heater; large as- sortment of antique dishes and glassware; silverware; kitchen utensils; butter bowl; fancy toilet set; 10 gal. crock; seal- ers; Toro 3 h,p, deluxe snow blower, like new; wheelbarrow; lawn chairs, etc., etc. No reserve, everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. EDGAR MAW1IINNEY, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk - ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30c SHOW AND SALE of Registered Herefords Polled 30 Head Horned SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 at FAIR GROUNDS, STRATHROY, ONT. 8 performance tested bulls, eligible for gov't premium; 22 bred and open heifers. All cattle show at 12:30 p.m. and sell at 2:00 p.m. Sale under cove r. Lunch available. Tenth Annual Fall Sale of Middlesex-Elgin Hereford Assoc. Write for catalogue to: W. G. BERE, Sale Mgr., RR 1 Arva, Ont, BERT PEPPER, Auctioneer Seaforth, Ont. 30c By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Baker were Mr. Fred Jameson, Misses Kate and Flor- ence, Mrs. D. Johnson of Kirkton, Mr. Johnson Robertson, Rannoch, and Miss Donna Baker of Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson attended West Zion anniversary services and were guests with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hern. Mr. & Mrs. Bob McGregor of Kippen were Sunday guests with Bill and Howard Rinn and Noreen Walkom. Miss Sharon Marriott has re- turned to University of Western Ontario for her second year stud- ies. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wiebe have returned to their home in Mani- toba after spending several weeks with their son, Mr. Ted Wiebe and family. Miss Vernetta Baker and Ver- non Baker, 8th Line, and Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Stevenson of London were guests with their aunt, Mrs. Alfred Baker and family. Miss Donna Baker of Toronto visited with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Baker, Sunday, HARVEST CASH ..FROM T A WANT ADS Fred Melick, milkman, got a Scotia Plan Car Loan -$1900-overnight Mr. Melick needed a better car— badly. But where could he get the money he needed to buy a newer car? Fortunately for Mr. Melick he thought of The Bank of Nova Scotia. He went to his nearest Scotiabranch and answered a few quick questions about his job, in- come and how much money he needed... OVERNIGHT Fred Melick knew he would have the money he need- ed to buy that car. And this is not an unusual case. Of course this actual customer was not named Fred Melick, but there are more and more people with all kinds of names and jobs coming to The Bank of Nova Scotia to have their money problems solved—quickly. Why don't you? If you are worrying about your old car—if you want a new ear— then get yourself a Scotia Plan Car Loan. The cost is low—you get life insurance at no extra cost—you get the same low cost for all makes and models of cars—and you get the speed of service that makes your money problems disappear —fast. How much money do you need? "' BANK nuai "U,'