HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-04-07, Page 2Ar sett besot'. pah.. el 'h. dark bale era essimeb t are mediae welt.), ere eram lir hr/y, ae tk f, Tie ted t reeks time see manes high. top eased eat se the sugar ale! 7•b pestle Wader ter baby s., Lane by kale wing sedate taste s Tall the $eeseeer aureate gayly eels 'ee re beds sed limners of the coral des s. Link by IWe re eel a i oug*tfw hey, - Memos N araiswt.l'M wsM .up*o7, !remise a laad. every 1.r. Ase rut .po.Jing an any tune to play. Red err the rale is ml mad shall dwell - 'Whomever I de, t well do it well' Mite by little, ase neer* to *sew 'Re treasured wakes of twee ago t Awl ewe tethers dee. perhaps we'll are :int she weal well bet►s rear for tee," Aad do yes we Was eat ibir Seer plus Made him s woos ad e,a1Y1 r.s 1 Tit MITE'S TREIGSRE. TraaeeribSd tw 5. ager Sr". samosa. (COWIllciID ) Watch till the brunch sad sum unit-, and form ouy one lire of shade, mark ata ertremi- 17, for !Dere, ter feet below the *ureter, the Isabella, •• give me the game hire and 1'u elenr cue coatataaeg the gold is hinted. 1-brt tie war myself." He then made as if he gogold,father, ..r, vas sinfulld any gut, but fasts and met to approach her, .hen 4 hmiily tt..pped lureard, and liftinz up the da,r u: toe cum- p..umon way. la..hella in an instant darted ne- Ise. •• Tine lady is nut a til suhket for either wit or emelt nc .'said I, abunina the dior, "and he is lee than a roan who would insult en unprotected female.' For a wii!e hestaid 'mine ane, as if hesitating whether he should resent my interference ur remain poetise.; at length he turned sloelr *trey, as he said, - You .ill ruffle and crow 'tithe brisk mute, my lad.•' (TO as CosTI*1gD.) fir se sake ket eep the crew erre. the ueero,b a,ing his e 1 by L.a comrades, was agsia sdvaiein4, when the hoarse voice al the bomsw.tu• ea he ran to the scene 01 set ion, arrested his pro- gress. " hello yue there, whet'* the srluall fur. Avast avast. Mlogo, of hands is fair play ; abip that blade of yours or 1'44 mod my fist throng* your ribs, and make da light shite them is a misete.•' 1 related the be- haviour of the negro, rad mu ',goodies him to order the leave forward, when I wu cut short with, "Them .re no shares here, young man ; we are all alike fns. in • Britian ship. But d -n his eyes lur►n insolent son of a-, be pretended to loos a pretty girl, PA let him know ah,• belongs to his letter*. The black wench is ger d enough for him any day. Curve, my dear," he coutieueu, turning t. be 1, ite...e, .sad 1 expected lobe" tar mists true m.rema4 W 4 -fared .,- I+,ei "Ate Fur *wren'* ar eethonty over he the truth ; for ode, andseppott a • u one, masses without eembey'bsee heed said, and I trust that the bVirgin hasi.iteroakd for the forgive. .em of . 1 great wickedoer. I hare now duce, !feel flint, dying. Oh let me clan, my ebild once more to my heart before_ ,. ' $pre the met et the sentence baeame Mee, aigi.t, from the death rattle in his thrust. 1 leaped oft my et and sprang upthe hutch ode, and bad mks ton the lop f the eorm- pnbioa•ladder, when pien:iaz shriek from below, making me (pelma my steps, I mired asp hold, and %II ire ovine person teatime -if os the outside of the cubic door. The person, Without naming •stogie word, row and amended the steps; but as he emerged into the taint light which stilt li•igered in the ber'moo. i landed *het I could disuegouh him to be the Captain. On my entering I found the Spaniard dead, and his daughter lying in $ star of insensibility by hie aide, white the female alai. esu &pekoe and leering her heir like ow in a pbreaay. The priest trot teatintly absorbed in his u with- er bin; lifted the atlady and bore bar to the state -room. The greater part of the night was pared in tryie; to remote bar tel seiistioe. Fit after fit fcn.rwed each other , Micah (pock etiCC,..ao,n that I be; in bap prebend the worst ; bat at length the taws sew to ber mien, tilde became somewhat composed, when I lett her id charge ut her attendant. The next dry was spent in taking out the remsade'r of the Felucca', cargo. There seemed sow so anxiety on the Go- tare's part to proceed on his voyage; he appeared to have forgot the necessity of being in port at • limited tire The wine and spirits of the Span) hod's were lavishly served out to the whole ahip'a company, with whom he mixed woe, and b. i_ had that baaghtieess u(be.riegg which had marked his 'Deduct hitherto. Io'hhe evening the body of Dom Diego was brought upon deck, where Lis crew, under the superintendence of the priest, prepared it fur the deep. The corpse was, es mita', in. such cases, wrapped up in the blankets and sheets in which he had Isis, sed a white napkin was tied over the face and heal i in his right hand. which was covered over the breast, wan placed a gold doubloon. its left b1d h small bag containing a book, a hammer, and a candle. while ou the bosom was laid the tittle crucifix, worn by the de ceased. It was next eoveloped in a hammock with a couple of eight pound shots and agog of battiest at the feet to sink it, the hammock was then carefully and closely sewed up, mid the wieder operation finished by bearing the sail needle thrust through the nose. At mid- night the veswl was hove to, and all the ship'. company einem led at lbs :,, n;;way. The Spa.iarda and Nr_roes bore encu a horning torch in her hand, the blase of which, as they field them adenoid above their heads, cut a acreage and fearful light through the deep dtrknees, and iUamioated the wean far and wide with • eupernatarel eftegeucy. When all was ready, the priest, accoiopaaied b1 Isabella, cams up lrim the cabin, mod the Spaniards lifted up the body. carried it fur - weed to the waist.•- 4*. a one of, the ship's gratings had been put projecting over the side, and on this the corpse was laid with its met to the water. Around this the torch- bearers Coned • circle, and the priest, maul - ie; at the bead, begsn the funeral rewiree fur the teed u see. The wind had how subsided mom a pintas breeze, and nothing disturbed the pr 'mindjtlana of the emir during ansa, save the .digit aplashieg of the waves agsiun the windward lade of the ship and the deep «..skimt sobs of the you young lady Mas Mi•Lsssdatd, the priest solemnly chanted the fira.st astir.. Hs sprinkled the body with hely water a • he said : - It With pleased God to We the sae' of ear dear brother here departed, unto himself ; we therefore remit bis body to the deep, in the sure tied Certsio hope ed • jnyfsl resurrection oo deeds, when the ss..hdl give up ite dead- Lrt him rest is pease.' /'be Spaniards responded. Ames. The priest mod. the sago of the crony and tie bogen, which bed been loaded fes the o . etdslb 6'i4 , the and of the grating wee /tattiserered,ead the eurpse heavily played ia(a sea. The waves paned, teems W bas'IJ*wewd the body, as it dtaeppem.j wires N «r !New end uttonisomertt, N be- held it the seat minute slowly return to the whoaiese, d ±ved of tie mean covering in h itdived sewed I T6a dead ease =the .e tp a fMlltt hal goes down, m n v..*' je luck tad tenting a Berle tient ASA r the Weld i bet the mien Mahe llis wale sward r low rood Tintugs, Wept was eimsr hmh lb*-: spout, and .. to, a them Gem mere Yee leaf thee teems '`"' h, es. nest 't .se-.7,. '- the aef areelltio, 1a suint is '_gene had sidle seise he body saeg d ie.seself Miss ems of it- - Mr a11-7 atm a ked leg a soil y to carer the few hitters to secure the aerviess of • de rill *all at various pla.M es coast of Lake Superior, and vebpa the mining, flaking, and reties region. Mr. Ward's boat w do this. It will make a single trip the lake to Fort tT illiam,and omit tbe,busiaw of Thunder Bay. 'We baldly say .thas it is not desirable oar floveriseot should spedaN7 oas.nregtt Aphorising to enter into trade with Nr shores, iu preferenoo to Canadians. B de not object to fair competition, be the Government is payiegmouey to w for carrying mails, we should he to ecu them Csnadiau .red est BI'&IIttl Awns. a nth selootle /Wa .I ,a•the QO m JAI "'-g l+Wd.i4J.6 goNgy, Num le a very rase; sea, app.t 0 t1 _abah 21 :11.1,44111."4441 tw vsd. a superior education. H e leeks very little like a man sub would he °h.rged with the communion of Ranh a BLACKWOODa MAO-IiL1rtot Mesh before us, and, as usual, is ltemtily cd. come. Its hest browu covet dearth minds us that like a ripe nut it is saw le contain many a good kernel. Sir B.Lyt ton's sparkling papers are continued. - Mrs Clifford's Marriage, a new story, is commenced. English Village -in French, is a' le. The Frank in Scotland iseeery blz, Ynd the opening of the Seeds ie ly tory, which is the only drawback b the number. Leon- ard Scott & Co., N. Y., sold at this office. THE BRUCE GRAVEL ROADS. BY-LAW ADOPTED. TIIE WORK TO BE PROSECUTED. A special meeting of the County Conn - 'tie, sad lake Haron Railroad ell was held in the Court House on Tura TIMM TAIOLIC. day last, for the purpose of considering WINTSR AR A. NOIMINT. ase.*y. Use E.pima Viand the Bruce Reeves were present, with the GODEBICH, 10.00..$. Ilene.-$, exception of Mr. Ruby. cLINTON.. 10.42 '• 17.051.$. The following is the vote on the By- HARPi7,Rgl Y 10.09 " 12.45 •• SEAFOg$IfNN . • 11.07 a 1.10 '• Liar vs. SEAFORTH 5.25 " 2.45 •' H.iRPURIIEY 526 " 3.00 i, CLiNTON5.48 3.45 s GODEBIGH 6.30 " - 4.35 " the Gravel Road Scheme fur Bruce. All Juten Qign4!. CODERICII, C W., APRIL 7, 1863. WAR NEWS. It it now conceded on all hands that the Federal expeditions on the Yazoo and Mississippi have all failed. Several ves- sels in attempting to run past Vicksburg have been knocked to pieces, and every indication is that the Northern forces will .withdraw and leave it alone in its glory. Beyond a few skirmishes. there has not been a tingle movement of importance, and our readers will thank us for not inflicting upon them several columns of dispatches. the last of which contradict all that went Ie ore. THE " IRIRE CABADId We are extremely sorry to contemporary has set himself ! w special apologist of Mr. Murpbylew rabid, rank disloyal speech we res" ip few days ago. The " Canadi'pop outburst of indignation heap. 1 Scotch editor of the SigMi1 a n very uncomplimentary epithets, . thing should Dot be forgotten,:: supported in oar ricers by a gree of the n eluding Our of Latin ramie of Lino, to that ops p as s The Council met at 6 and adjourned again until 8l o'clock p. m. The Clerk then announced that the misting return had not arrived. Mr. McLay's motion was then put in again. Moved in etnenc mens by Mr. Parsell seconded by Mr. Gillis, That the final ity tyote be not tale,n until the Juno meeting for pre of Upper Oaiada, hg. oonsequeneo of the non -arrival of the of 1 of th. most infiutiatid - return from a ward of Greenock. M -A loag dipston then arose, several of the members arguing that it would he only just to .ant until full returns should be received: and when preying fun a declaim one. taken and then voted - a t*, Beers. Sinclair Fisher, cLe,- Law, according to the returns sent in. TOR AnADnaT Amabel and Albemarle. 17 24 ! (07 108 256 i22 1t0 41 186 14 88 137 s 000 129 150 21 Arran Brant ., Brno. Carrick 68 _..127 Culross 17 145 Elderslie 26 Greenock * 95 Huron n23 Kincardinetp .216 Kincardiue village •280 Kinloss I..0 Sangeen 41 Southampton 33 ......._._ ... loll.._ au 'Feedlot for plaintiff, $400.00 damages. stantbut at Let be owned that it wit khs' C. Cameral foe plaintiff. a. rieoocr ung erect head and wedim,TA, Q iem ~ I Sprung. Forgery, look .asf by the bili, in whkh the third count. Verdict (by ooa.ent) Not tioaa of lite brain could be distinctly Giller. Discharged. I( ) I The Queen Ds. Matthew Dnhy-Utter- To Mr. Harrison: There was bush oming forged money. Pleaded Not Guilty. both sides of the road. When the 1‘011 Aranr Swoa---I was a toll -gate keeper was bred the man who was with Cashes in the township of Hullett, on ther2l th of bran away .in the direction from which we Deoempxw Use Primmer and air ad coneI had hold of Casheo'r ttollar ciao drove up to the gate on that da at the time. 1 didn't see the pistol until, one of them (pained S a6aelou) band I saw it in his hand when he fell." I do wife a bin oo the ing width Bebe sr. I was that in Pounder is be feH,lawkd Powell. Iwo" aping, mr. Gore I Wild ;if igialkethid now is that he did not re - of Ile of hint and me P ,„.. Melee as an iMpOrt•01 011110 io his right. er thornlike 7n1 b. The plee pocket, of it down. Whik wee putting them on, did and put them on.- lew" handcuffs out of he 811baorti, aod mointain him while there. threw pistol away several yards. I Thie Wilk we believe, fully disproied. be said, " it was not me that sLot John, time the of Guilty d 7. an gpoa , sentenced moat is w whit* very her bee gust Sire:tromd, ability of only the 20th DRaslw.-Thu eireatwNaooee of portion, op al clef lied whiter it j.I I had Moe 1a BeWyf bins eel H. tree pat awafor re or ass Mr. Omni. I ea eel sins is the Ratter with Jaen, setimia doctor. Ids, ieWRnon.-Did yea telt the Rev. Mr. 'Obese whet wee the tset wj Witness. -Met What is It 1 toil t [Laughter.] Colewsun.-I lies in Ssaforth. I knew Ws. Rt•ao ; Nteaded his in Janu- ary, 1061. Het his ea be road with two sew wppurtieg his ; be was bleed - front the stns s .f s blow ; examined ie Mr. Downey'. beans. It was a wound, on tbs IsA dds of the Put ms Roger lab it and fila the of the skill. Ia Marek %rllowinsgg was talking to Mr Carrel, whoa be told d . sok,Rva.. We were speak- s *ss t w aetaalL My serving'rig 1 did sot mak. say Dote of my ; visited him three or four tibia. thew he hu unsalted se Ibe dimi- tteM,'melancholy, &c., which I treated aim be. He admitted to a that M was Nib - jest to 8permatorhea, but I de eat think that is the casae of the nervous symptoms. I think my ahsrge against Ryan is aborti 1150.00 John Dbrsie.-I know Ryan about 15 years. I brought him up. When grown up he was a very fine chopper. He has sever been the same since his injury in 1861. He is about 28 years of age. This closed the case for the ptoseou- Dr. SAMer of Stratford wan Balled for the deface.. He stated *dearly, and plain- ly, that Ryan had been under his treat- ment for a disease which he acknowledged had been brought about by a eertaia kind of aelfabuie * * * * * * * * He [Ryan] was suffering from softening of the brain, induced, the Dr. said, by the practice to which he had alluded, and .me in hls opinion, through the effects of a blow upon the bead, 1Ie believed if Ryan did not soon die be would certainly be- come i.aaoe. The evidence of Dr. Shaver had the effect of convincing, we think, every person io Court that he knew what be was taking about, and that he was rigid. WM. W ALLACI CA/MCL.-I am a son to deo. Carnal. He kept an Inn in 136 I remember Ryan Doming in and aekin my father to treat ; asked him also wrestle with him and acted very rough. other He commenced sparring across the coup - y and I ter. My father told him to behave him - ed 07 !self or he would make him , he swore and ane- !struck my father, who look m a n and it to I made a blow at him, which broke the gun rah a on the counter. lie then went around the Gong counter and Ryan took off his coat and they hat. My father told him to gn, away, but with he would mot, and my father struck him with the gun which glanced off hi and struck him on the bead. Ryan went off. LIN FITguz$ALD.-I lived in Mr I's about I 1 months, and was then when the quarrel took place between Mr - an swearing that and calling Mr. Carrol a liar. I did not aNiai eaew Ir ahly adeppdsaw aoe0" 'b ;shunk= Of the lealliweisea N Ifir. A. 11. Wilt & tassbw eau salsa lam persead beseledget kit*" had salsas is ones..is ad o.ntseet gas the eiselllnwres .front his tear eM'bleb irks blot Oarowagi.m w et ttrarsarrMBt`hH woh a. evolvable ase ebitise le *lire Tenths lege. w. teagraWw 1M swim of T. retls ea the asl0b ish.sei d whir vend Will ee.soehissl bMiws seised i• sbs4 miaei,eed reeomsaeed them to wowed been a gesnss support. We are satisfied that the resales achieved by the College is this sky, that the neem upon which it I. bard is she most thorough, practical and eaprdiiiose that has yet been devised for imp. tie. to the Poen a general sed sued beniasse ed.setioe. It a eve tem circumscribed by so astiead hairs. Catblie as knowledge and es broad as the Mssseity for instruction; ewe that .ill he found equally beneficial is all civilised com- metrlUes. elev AerA tr Liths bamo. dud r Mew York. will JNg AY.eteie.d Ea" mos* Ns a teeth ewe the Y.e.r•ms r Hso,■ rsy a w /gem* w kIL / all be M elle•. ?t.it C. ' seeaw whether eel . Tr Owe* WA he tem as preperey 4 fer6stlsi x kW hem hued ed Aapiewalt of the A.,ssh,e., Reiss 7Lylsr whim the Norther. !Ark left Ash, wangle the 20th. It te &Web! peseyrre wilt kis allowed to cress Nit se. TM .hove sews Y sossw►y & The "Outline s's Magazine" of 1731 etillh Uwe one Willem Peters, .ho was ou.mied to pease le Ir :a.d, bowleg hue rued eilm e.. oe • jsurney three days atter he had hall hung forhorse-stealing. Wiliam Dull, is- sued at Tyburn Is 1740, four the rats of fence, tame to life .be the sergsome were about to direct him. A ells. pee • re corded i. "Stew's atrocities e( leg. TARGET PRACTICE O. the sAer.00e of Fraley, the !rd int. theOoderich Foot Ant/tory Companyeearched to the river Flats, on ter :forth of the Town, for Target Practice. That was the first turn out of tau Company for Bell Practice, and .hes that r considered, together with the eery anfrvorable state of the weather -the ivied being high and cold, the more u indeed very creditable. The Company fired 5 rounds at a range of 150 yards -tae armee Score being 5.6. The following are the names of those who made more than the seemge :- Private Canoed 1 " Sm$th.... 1 ' J. Walker 1 " 7'bompsoo... 1 Hart 1 Caftaio Buss Private Aming Dixon ` Platt ` Hick " Compbell Robertaou " Andrews 8 Corporal Ferguson 7 Ptirata McPherson 6 " Robinson g Craig 6 A ue resulting between private Comma, Hogg and Sauth was abut off, again resulting is a tie between Custeed and Hogg -each soaking a centre to `Smith's outer. Cestasd and Hogg again shot, the former makteg a Bull's eye, the latter a centre i private Cel- l. iel- I . teed, therefore. ■lauds as the best shot in the g Commie,. to _ not thank thyro was anaccident about the sant of Western t. 7 - da. I told my wife when she showed shouting. Remember geeing Peter Nevin me in the hou.3e, that it was not wo that night Didn't tell him or Mr. St copper. I took it back and told the y John that he didn't intend to shoot peen if {hey had say moreeach bills Inc. had better take carewhat they did Thomas Posltder.-I am a constable them. They asked me about the in the County of Perth, and lire near Car- mereial Bank and I said it was all roobrook. Baker came to me et assist They handed me a bill on that -Bank him in "catching a rat," afterwards ex- I told my wife to take the change o plaining that it was John Cohen, who had it. She suspected it too was bad, escaped from him. We seircbtd 6 or 7 found it was the ca ,. I rot their horse miles for him, but did not heir anything. back and shut the gate, telling the We beard that he was at Ryan's. We would have them up. I demanded carted for that plat••, and met two per- they should go with me to Clinton. sons, who were near before we naw them. tried to get lie on the buggy but I wo When we came up Baker tool- hold of not get lute it. At last they leaped Cashen while I looked at the other chap. and dem mdcd the bill. Prisoner I then saw a flute and heard the report ofa Shannon to show his pistol ; he ma pistol. Bak,r told me to stick in. I took motion as if doing so. They both leaped Cashen by the back of the neck and catch- into the buggy and started towards Cho- ing the pistol thrust it while he held it ton. Prisoner was arrested on Sunday down to the ground and to hiaown breast I evening following. I did not know Duffy then got the handcuffs, and while potting before. them on he threw the pistol away. - Cash- i Asn Ewox. -Corroborated the evidence en, while we were atruggliiug with aim, ' of her husband. When I found the bill called out for young Carrel, who had been was a bad one I told him to do his duty with him. es a constable. He didn't seem to mind, Cross-Ex.mtned.-I wav about Weal and I ran out an ? held the horse, after feet distant from prisoner when be fired. °uiog the g'te, L I my husband got on Edward Ilornbrroik.-I am a Burroslou cloth«- he was about starting I and physician. Saw Baker en the asked him if he had his pistol, intending of Thursday the Saw ak r en the well to frighten -tae young men, an we had none He was Nthe1 19th ofme, Carron in the house. Witness showed by ber I found a ou11 punctured wound on the dos..evideD ffyathat it would rake at least Ralf a left side of tire head. Probed and head dawn Du13yt to fool her. that a ball had paned through the outer' mss' Co acre amd ■ prisoner inWar- table of the skull and partly through ebe rant cm. I 1st offd pDecen bey ander War - internal one, there lodgin_. I enlargedrant cm the t2 nut nno it Walker's tavern, Clinton. I found no bills on him, the opening and extracted the ball.- internal skull it considerable thicker than bat found some in a pocket book lying that of ordinary men. I think it was a our the house where I found him. (The wound that nli;,rht have casted death• was produced by witness ; it com- Dr. Daniel f'rrnii. - I am a medical a miscellaneous collection of mis- practitiuoer living at Carronbrook, and When counterfeitstwith and bills n bad bank concur entirely with the testimonyof Uel' When I went with Mr.d Knox to rar e witness preontr we had some difficulty is retog Dr. Sharer. -I am a b .ician d3arat 'using him with his overcoat off. P Se J. M. Flsilipa.-Teller in the Bank rd. Koos that the signature on the fee. Montreal, Goderich, testified that the $3 the Warrant is in the htedwgitig et bill offered at the toll -gate and shown him, r. Jarvis, Mayor of'tratferd. had been altered from a Ito a 65 The figure " 5 '• seemed to be clipped from various " Western Canadian " Bill sir_ kr to that shown. There was no au Beak as that of " Western Canada." Thu cloned the case for the crown. fr. Harrison defended Duffy with'his areal .$gaoity- Verdict, Guilty. Sentenced to four years in the Penitentiary at hard labor. Daring the delivery of his aentence,Daffy, who has resided and been known mn Gttde- riot from childhood, seemed much affect- ed. It is to be hoped that, when he was put in iia period of confinement he will endeavor to become a better and wiser member of Society. Friday. On recount of this being Good Ftiday, Hu Lordship decided to delay the .pee- ing of the court till half -put i p. m., so that all who wished to attend Church sight do so. RYAN AND CAtROL AGAIN. own- blow right. arm and then sat of EL and I j Cerro 11. f As we write, ea the 714 of April, the ground is covered with snow. The I... sprirg u telliog *evenly against the farmers, aims, of whom are entirely destitute of fodder. Near' CRowDED OUT :-Our Lengthy, and, we hope, interesting report of the a Assizes, has crowded out a letter from our a Quebec correspondent, an editorial on the, Harbor Question, and the Schedule of Convictions, all of which will be attended • to in our next issue. 1526 1484 Majority for the By -Law, 42. The By -Law wire r',_n read, when Moved by Mr. 11cLay seconded by Mr. Sutton, That the BJ -Law now read be adopted,and that the Debentures be signed and prepared for sale. Mored in amendment by Mr. Brockle- bank, esentied y Mr. Pinkerton, That the Coitatl do now ski art until 8 o'clock to see if the Kincardine mail should bring the missing return from the 4th Ward of Greenock. The vote was taken and the amendment was carried. - a of One hlw m 1 i Carrol and Ryan Heard Ry Tb d I see much of the fightin Ttt NIwIN.-I keep an Ion a► nbrook. Hare known Ryan some years. Ile admitted that he wan to blame himself for the affair with Mr. Robinson addresed the jury on heifof the defendant, his speech be clear, pointed and conclusive, at kaat very large majority of the spectators. Mr. Harrison for Plaintiff. Ilia Lordship having charged the jo they retired, and in a few minutes brow in a Verdict for Defendant. This probably the last we will ever hear of Ryan vs. Carrel, or vice versa. u Pt out!Cerro told de al.even much Carrel. Cover or CuA.ret.T.-We are re- quested to state that His Lordship the Chancellor will open the sittings of this Court in the Court House, at ten o'clock, a. m., on Monday the 28th of the present month. Mir Mr. Dickson left for Quebec this bo- morning, and the•Slembers generally are log on their way down, as the House meets on to a the 9th. Tans° ro Gtr Orr. -Hawkey the res forger made an effort to pick the kick of his gat cell yesterday morning, but was discovered is in the act. raatlxr$cxv. The Grand Jurors of ,sur Lady the Qu on their oath present, That in accordan with the usual custom they haw" exami the jail, aid 'nave found it clean aid in a co Portable state, the prtsorers ■11 well pleased with their treatment, and the jail Governor satisfied with the improvements that ha been made for the safekeeping and comfo oldie prisoners. . They are pleased 'In hear that there is present a bill before the LeFislatore to p vide for the payment of Criminal eider's. a.) They are dissatisfied t hear that the tor Jack McLennan, this ugh the ex- ertions of Mr Harrison on his behalf, has sen been released. He has grown quite fat ea and sleek in his free boarding house. tied r° Me' The Rev. Robert Burnet, of Ham- ilton, will deliver a Lecture on the late re R*-nvah in Hamilton and Montreal, in ri St. Andrew's Church tomorrow evening, .t Wednesday 8th int., et 7 p. m. so- Sir The Fruit Grower's Asaoeiation rent ehonties of Godericb allow Reamed trains has issued a pamphlet filled with interest- - to trate! on the Sabbath d.,, to the great ing matter to those interested annoyance of the Ministers of Religion and the communityin general, sell contrary to all Law, and recoea nd thA the ChM( Magi.- a- The Illustrated Weekly Balladist trate take the matter up and put a stop to it u the title of a new paper printed at Ham- tf possible. ilto0. It ooptains some good WILLIAM SNEYD, Fo . huts. may strive; by the me oto' by d oomposi- of his he vote was Or tea' i Tamendtaent s t SW= can, Parti' a' niearB For the v oom puree. When • ignoran e ing Li. home, sad • good t truth .. 'et r Vy • * 0 tyre, Walker, Pinkerton, Hater,-. applause. 'WAIST dah.1e the le - was' strork for the tits seed -me- Semen, k, Meladdatt, adjoerwsd ata late Lea. beard fres. Tie the his Mho ego MIN kook, oad wig grab. Wks datell ery Asa days Boltsasimiles‘ 144 hut es *moll ; fie bop ins alemi, or bell ask se. am hod maggen no peek mesa as ese woo he shendsge sus to the emie head las ems armada* yowl lart es eby. eel ere ogieldysime do Sall anal • poi forilikaly owe mi. she Oven ssiteugic 07b crania s die. rtepel eupfgei Ithe Its be s litho here earefsl feta halms ie satel a verbal ha *NM De should eel renters 4funrAer cosi et tee het so *orb* rapiortse Wa repeat that hieeprila ems asti led he eillased esebeente against Mae el he " Case - dines ewe ramerralie Govetsamme he neeMeillismi have had the imperbasky of teseinstiee la same egarlishesesedesesem LAX/ 111/1011210a NALLS. The Ilallowiee hem the Olhe maws env hem weedy. h timid lime hese mesh lifter W the sestreat hod haes_simp 10 wish • atm se este bled cir irsartiefeell N SW is vas BOOT Linz. kip elf this pleec lies how* es if Ids imertion, we n paths in whisk it ditirs ram plas we, 1st, elisidedie ; bed, it* Ppir *lei Wieser sad Pall wear It seams 4111011110y blepest The bandies lite he woe Ihrosol sad give Mr. O. • Wiliam Bremer Abeseest or vespewirry or asset. .-% gel* est Nadia el the rime. Wasemeef *eh ensile. caleme. The Caney of thread, Mae bed meet eepertesiee In she besisma We asessemeed he made. bash asset. who it tees, ea the et bah* et the W. D. lIorriaea.-I am high c,nstabie of Perth. Pounder gave se this pislsi as the night of the 'Kith of February. )Naw of the barrels were loaded m l ore empty. (The moved balls, as weal as the pisiol, raluced.) Thornnr Ryrnt.-Prisaoer was at my house on the afternoon that Baker was shot. I heard a shot. I have eels the pistol produced before. It was In aha hands of a stranger in my house en that day. It was given to the planner. Then seemed to be one or two 01 the barrels re- loaded at that time. I told the rinser he should not cal ry a pistol became it sae dangerous. He mid if he was stiesdy hosted he would shoot at Baker se N 10 scare him. He said he had bees.,,. aA. He told me that he had rep away NAP pas a stranger came. I adroed Casi6t 66 pistol. To Mr. Ramie*.-foliea told rs be was gulag to Stratford to give Ilb1112W ape •ef axe's to ase Cashen. I heard deal yang Cease. Carrel * *tot eg went oat sad tried Ifire it. the. too& st the lock lhosi it, prisoner (Oahe) sat This deed the sae lir, tibiae held that RAW* Torrent wee when he q tted tea beesseery of thil sty of Penh and ink= hes, he hod no legal nzhi in take in the County ef Heron Oveerwisd by Hie Lordship. Peer Mete era exiled for this Maim& Mg sated hat Rake lad him es tot: Ones Any that he did tint fhb& isiesded hem he, ie • 11111114111111•1 - St John mid Oat ne he Now, Ay ham,* dee nem' fay os es shooting took pilot Riker and Ombra ly gas ament of hit had were together Chan onsse= Muer end It hie time Bebe awl ba did NW Wes* Orem ietemdrd to iiihres;. lb. Harries., he Jam mismsd sr the bide.% mods es reman a Good Friday, April 3rd, 1863. ch Ryas se. Carrot -Atteatilt and Battery. (It will be remembered that Rya. was eget tojail lest fall dor a brutal essenit on John Candi Esq., Reeve of Hibbert Ryan WM inducted to bring this action to roomer damages for an affair which ne- @erred in 1861.) Douai" Downey -Kn.* the partite to this settee. knew Wm. Ryon since he was • child. Knew him to be injured on the 2801 ofleausry, 1881. He wse workiog for see at that time. Is tie at bream ef that day he was lireeeld is my elms bieedisg, frog. • wetted is the boa Dr. CAMINO attended him aed Ihe lay is sity home fee sight or tom days. I think be image what he was with regard to health, Ned is Not likely be be. I had talk WWI Clerrell her or lee days aherwarch Bo hiked me about the boy, and stud he ma awry he what led isappeset Dr. Omega is illibbers We aro Orem Ike is MoKillera,ntels reeperbee enteilaipu Ryer nee is assierieh ow I lest, het 1 Wok he be gem hem s wee Iyiga br esehe shre the swab Re barbed MI hens* tar Mr. Carrel fie spans Spring Exhibition of County of Huron Agricultural Society. This Shaw tnnk**---place on Tuesday last, There tau • good deal of interest roanifented in the proem -ditty. The abow of Horses was poor, but that of Bulls was ex:.ellent. four fine animals bei shown. The Grain shown was of first-rate putlity, and considerable quantities. were brought in. Tbe Judges were, for Hones end Balla, George Oaks and William Jenkins, Gorkieh, and Wm. Tido of Colborne; for Grain Mews. Ferguson, A. Armand and Mitchell, grocer'. The prises given were u fellows Horses -F. Fowler, 2nd Wm Robson. Belle -George Anderson, 2nd John Balk- Wheesf-p. Cerro!, 2nd Jas. F.Ilintt, 3rd J. Torrance. Oate-W. I. Hayden, 2nd John Harter, 34 David McBee/fr. 34 Am. Young. Barley -John Holmes, lid Joh% er, Poste--Charen Blake, 1•2011 71'nefhp &a J. WilltIliett. We andentrand thst all the grain taking premiums was sold I I samples of w were shown. Tbe osta *hong by Mr. Ra denier, very superior, as also Yr. Blithe Lou ta Toaciare.-ttre take ski ?Movie, Wow frow the DoSsi• Crones, elute dues eh wore ties *ties to the parties twoosne ed: -Tile meant 'dominoes" espaineet made ler to hue a the beabere Stabs beta whieb he* serene hair essiehle him as pettily lieselseten and Meesees, hes, we ere Memel to laste, pawed sesseelld beyead the mem meesimi istmebeies. now age bomb ever drty poses is stemsdesse at he em ddeems the hem sed see Am Oellegs, • San easeeregise heilimposeen • mem emni se dm Me ehhe lb** is. Ammo this ef do Mee base hems marmot Tie reshientrtimipsl, ar. James a. lhip, frisemby Ikea iftedlees, C. W.) h, War The Canadian Illustrated Newg has changed hands. The lest number re- tains pretty portraits of the Prince sad Princess of Wales. For side at Butler's. rp. in Toronto, a day or two ago, two wonirn found that one of them had only ow husband between them, whereupon one of the ladies pu,led out a revolver and fired fire or six shots at her rival, but without effete The affair is being iovestigated. without any person in it was eaptord the other d ty while on itio way for Mre. lei Dane. It is going to he handed over to Mrs. President Lincoln. Alweech are the stidden'yrahiftieg moieties; brought about by the erases Wu 1 l'e)e Common Canadian Wiest brings fill 50 in New York The European Markets are unsteady. sr fele Mr. CODI1Of been sleeted our Col. Rankin by • small majority. tk' Tim doellieg home K Mr. feeble all imeoatenueonsemet1 sir fine on the mora- les &the I 7th. 4:)e The wire of Me. John MrIntnek. ted ethethen of Reach, kong hermit in her hes baggiblern, en Mooday lest No ream for 11:". AMON Dryden name to his asallt the 24th rt.. him wses Rueitthe gad Naha, by • fel tithe his weion. It is seeposed wm istetheased at the dine of the eseidesa 11.1rss Alleges rill, %A Chat iptuemearidied• by lige es Thersday. Them was • 13. What Mr. Sea Chnewes, ef Owes Shed, me Waugh he greeds. et • lelt babes ge lfampsit .eseisf the bp Sol sees ten Imalgenee hes the river Plebe, is beeh Arawitm hes teen imelved to he et be *Ms ArgemW easehmehe. ettehmligisi:tris garde el webisse. es Pereilla. The rem Bees Masuan.-8ese all the thews yam can ley hold of. Wheal yea get • gushy to- gether, pet them into • kettle, sad cover with ; if die water is cold warm oteatiosally for • few days. Them look. Yoe will find all your hard bores • soft _pelpy emus. Beni you Ims• pi eerie stuff. Dilate this, ead you will have • liquid 'manure that trill proifts growth that is Melon mirecelooe Add as teeny buckets of ester to lee of lye. bed the sat mutes of bous as yoe ass, lin we saw ts. las labor, or mix it with much, the mask will be manure. By all means save yen bones. If no other way, and you ere dem. rained to be careless,plow thew sour. Tem is a wealth of mews cd the beet quality le boots and carcasea.... rages Peruser. Tains viers Etssern.-The eislento COI. dial/ heretofore existing between lir. Bar- num and Oen. Tom Thumb seems to have been broken. Thumb, who has hien doing eery well in Boston, haa set up shop for him- self and •ife at Irving Hall, advertisisg that hes no connection with other bushier. concerns. To this Mr. Barnum hes replied in proclamation of a column in length, in •hich he iiitimates a breach of faith os the pert ot Thumh, and announces that be will continue to exhibit Com. Nutt and Mee Min- nie Warren, who together are aot as lazge as the general alone. 8o it goes. How it will end, who tensed respowdest of the London Star sap :-Gari- haldi bee moulted seeeral physicians vox the condition of Lis healtb-afier Irving re. eeived some iofonsatim by a courier meet expressly lessee Poland. 1 beliee the face are that the chiefs of the insurrection hove pledged themselves to keep the movemeet mere for three months to cense by avoiding densiee engagements. The physiciens he consults liawe assured Oaribeldi that is six weeks 'we be able to mount sod manor* a bone; and Garibaldi kas vowed that the next Mee be unsbeathee • meord it shall be oe the whored soil of Poland. A eorooer reasoned out a verdict after the following :-It appears that a man, eonceie- ing that • hue powder thrown upon some green wood would facilitate its beeping, dir burning pile; bet not powering a hand suffic- iently quick ut this off at the desirable moment. he wu blown to peer. The fol- lowing was the verdict given with great grav- ity by the official :-" Can't be called suicide, beta. se he del aot mean to kill himself ; it gruel •eisitstiue of God,' because he wasn't struck bv lightning ; he didn't die for want of breath, for be hadn't anything left to breathe with. It's plain be didn't knos what be was about ; so I shall bring in-'Ihed for waat of common ruse.'" BATS Or GRACI ACCIITTANCL/L- The Hon. Mr. Allan has introduced into the Legislative Council • bill to aboliah the present three days grace on acceptan- ces. We think that this is an example of miechierous meddling. Whether there shall be three days grace allowed or not can be a matter of no possible ituportaece in itself , but it la of very great i9''or- tanoe to 'mold introducing confusion into transactions' so numerous u those ter:b- leated daily by sem ptaneen. Every the understands the three days of grace, which are not only the rule here, but also in England. Why meddle with them !- Along/vat Herald. W•irrEn.-An editnr who, according to him corespondents, is not always reedy to MOW the injured and oppress d, and use his "pow- erful intimate to suppress every real and poodent whe does not want a "corner" for he effusions. or who does not apologise foe intruding en the valuable apace. -A gentis man who in proposing • toast, does not wish tbe same bad fallen into better or sbler heeds. - A clergymen who does not diride hie ser- mon into three parts.;- A policeman who who is • teetotaller -A temperance man whe does not like brandy sauce.L-A nanievaaht who is not fond of soldiers. -A cabman who dues not inwear and has got ehange.-A hair- dresser who will mit your hair in silesee, and without relling you Ws getting thin, or that it's dry And scurfy, and that his pomade eat pet it an right -Prick. A Southern Court. The Rev. John H. Sughey, a Presbyterian Minister trent central Miesiesippi, who was a firm friend of tle Union, bee pabliebed a nar- rative of his prason experienee. He -etre e. amongst of his tria/ before a Sowt here vigilance srommittee, and daring the interview with tie dignitaries of this zommitme the following 'Yoe are known to be 143 adept in Phono- graphy. and yoe are reported to be • re- sedeneead the memo of Phonography, jawed, bet the mai eeeliese polities.' Author of the eontanUes is- hirratsd gee. PhY by means Oa placated* alphabet, of the...wise geometria sieve ht ressuir is mak se repeesret mod brariably the same sment' Rim you Wit Peneyegrephy mid trilege does them fonts livo the, tate it' Ftr...smibieyose Ida speak the Wigwag, live l• In the Destriet ?' 'No, air, in the pnetieal eolemItia.' I wee nest interrogated by another 'niftier tee r ms, dr, Phonography, theireetly eons preeselle *bee side else, genitioe, aeLp.rainft mentel, waft, ph ;WA. yes seek to highelimint 011111•••• er yea loth te see ems label semismed 7-1.110 hemp me =4„1beeped t rn impatelts sum Teske* It is spread' his derhen, ashy. 1. Obi ask esolit he la ef imbue he pramies is aria eel Via eels the Mem haseememilsens1 rsa Nei swap bee is eiy eyes. ebb mid the The min It is eele to ia The is at then less aim that It Mt MON it be sem ling whits prim the meat dewo sad a belie held fair a the Fa lui foetid Fair This An of i HOL llu Ttt ele Thi Ho Bow Ho Beast HEN mit He Fel I Potat Matto Lute EVIL thitmi Cone Straw Corde Pork, Hides Keele Magi Bt AT Depiu ADJ see Te Leekh demos ties a ism MOWN Dawn We Awn 11.1 WA Its os rmiNit ewe