HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-04-07, Page 1•
W. T. 031, Editor and Proprietor.]
st rostible Good to tat Possible Numbe
(11, C. W., T
. TUC MAILIBAGB OF TUN I the diva, tam sed stake a deep end rover- , bustle in the save
°ittirso:It siliderOftratILre.jui thre la=r br4" tosbebilati entered sad
ery eve Ba'aule ale. when
Lamm* Entheataam te England. the cheers from without the building come
g Md
d amd dear, with • sound that is shout
CIIIIYON113 AT WINDSOR Boise aid that etately pousp and quiet, the &instated stoat the youngestof ali
Ilia glom .1.WWsad glimmer of pearls,
QUOMM, My, mad row ra one.'"
and the strains of u
the bad* planing the her lovely Wth
ein at brooded in fair array
hm National Anthem can be distinctly heard behiud her Though not agitated, she ap-
ethe London Tours, Mock I I.
_____ Iter.d.litot the peewees of ins prairie* of peared nervous, mid the soft, &lame bloow
(Coostissued frron our Iasi) ithe re al family. There is the usual , of her color, w hid) ordinarily 1 inputs
- 1 slight dulay while it is marshalled iu the leek of joyous happtheas to her expressive
VIZ KNICIRT3 OT Tilt CAliTtIL. ' tellipirafy
I apartaueuta, 'bud duo the ' footers*, had all but disappeared, as, with
It is a quarter to lt,aad there is • short 1 trumpets hunt forth " it eoWm the build- ' head but down, but glueing her eyes up-
hill& of expeetation-ene of those periods 1 mg. casionally froin aide to aide, she moved
of seaceoentable silence which always fell TUX GRAND tXTREL. Andy up toreni the altar. The pos-
it intertala even upon the most crowded! Offeers of the household, penetrants grenitue tells us that she saseupperted on
god eniessaed assembliss. The Usher af and heralds lead the way as before, haltiug the :right by her Rayal father,
the Mhek Rad, sir itegessee (eilleidsi and making a double tine below the d '
„.1„, Christian of Denmark, Bunton
enters, earl thee there a another passe,
that is quickly broken ley a loud hum of
admiration in the nave, which the more
stately end Wed gathering in the choir
Qody loticie by inerused uprightriesa, till
the owe, el* murmur is mode kaare
b thaappeerseee
et the entrance of the
• *law Garter, all robed sod jou.
while the Prine. 88 3lary, cif Cambridge, the Duke°, Cambridimeand value dry
her magnifioeut train borne by Lady Edith but swot autboutk &commit leads u- 40
SOIDerttet, paerie. up the clugr with the believe that both were in full uuifonnoind
man stately grace. At the dais her et. wore the *slays and badges of their *spec-
tendant paws, and she turns to rid* 1 dn orders of kniehtliood. But without
her train over her arm, end, moving tq the 1 teleiduK at ail to 4.rogite from the ttePur-
centre, realms a profound eourte.y to her fleece of the illustrious mooeges, we
Majesty, then peat at once to ber pI.soe 1 likeJ ee.Y diet eel nue el" might hill'IM4`
is dune &linnet regal costume, and on the north or the altar, in front of and 17 bfines their part, au deep, so alkabeorb-
headed by tbe haler himself. They just betteeIh those treasures of irouwork, 6g. was the intermit with which the bride,
maker' noble and a gaffaut show as they 1 the gates of Quintin Matays As etr, Ned bride alone, WAS watched. From the
sweep up the choir like a procession of, paaies in the 1/tiebem of Cambridge fee wa, ber &dune are now shaded by the
moaareha, with their long velvet manila; lows, with like state end ceremony, and trifftwed her i031"1 bei" forward, it is tiiili-
uf imperial Wee, looped at the shoulder* thee the Princes; Beatrice, Prineess‘ Halt to sea her features more fully, but as
with a white riblund, trailing after them. Louise, sea Priumies Helena ascend in glas seers the altar, she drops her ane, and
Lord Palmerston proceeds at aloe to his tarn, followed by the Princess Arthur and the firat dune pipettes beneath the folds
stall on the left, where he is joined by 1 Leopold, tbe Latter is Highland drames of of her reit a barge boquet of orange Bow.
Lady Palmerston ; eul dm othees, after ' the Royal tartan. All bow and ennui, ere, carried itt • princely' gift from the
waiting fur a tingle second is 4 stately ' deeptv'to the Queen, and the Prams 3114'1°31h phideeP Singh.
group, pees alas to their mate Hellas who wears a train, gathers hers as
II.,W PBC WAY Imes:ten.
her arm like the rest, and seats herself
On these occasions, we believe,. the
TOO 40115 CHANCELLOR. near the Dachas* of Cambridge. The tat of the bride ranks in general eatima-
it is the Pr,.kliee, wearin- a able
Alter alt the kaighta aro bested, the .
herd Chancellor, 6 his state robes, Sud
carrying the Great Seal, penes slow and
steady up the choir-alene, but a perfect
pageant in hinmelf-to his seat at the
head. °fail. It is now I 1 i O'eltlekr and
the Arebbiakop of Cauterbury enter; fol-
lowed by the Bishopof LOhn1011, attending
as Dean of the Chapels Royal ; the Bish-
7 of Oxford, as thancellor of the Order behind him at the pageaut, and with diffi- et wh,te mlic et/Mr-emend eith sever, end
on y SCCOO ri importance to the
coronet of brilliance who pays the mune
celAration of the ceremony itaelf, which is
deep reverence to her wither as all the b., be rgretied, for a lady'a drew. like •
rest ; thee the Primer; Kept!, looking as Indy., beaitte.e3n only be disicribed by its
Pmafig, aa simimbh.' and ma Inlaid I's when' effect. It -is embroidered white silk,
with slow were, she herself was led to the trimmed with ei.ver,
which 0.40 just be
altar at the Chapel Keyal, but this timediweord in neh .r.tateiie4 tet.reee
leading by the baud a flue little boy, who, the eery folds. To.. treditioaal white ix
all unawed by the stately pout arouod uta. however, departed trout, though over ail
dragged on his mother's orui, as loiked eeves
the Outer i the Bishop of ‘VtuelLettett salty brought his little feet to surmount' *Lich, foime tigtit, lets alr her 11448 ing ea 81
smile prelate; die Biehop of Chester, as
, ; _e-
au, them steps of the east pas. All have land 1,0:11;etti sytuateey el foo in to abailure
Clerk of theCloset and the Dean of
nem M they' enter. and the Queen now Perte"'°n.
Windsor, as Registrar of the larder of the rites toe, and bows to her daughter with
threw, with the Canons and Minor
a kind and witinine rinilt•-the first tliat •
10 •
w Man
efter (LA's
inetninotry t
tete hart stel.
health; aod,
eta, este her, "
To this tie entre
'monad, his ettentre
the AMIN mafiosi, "
Caroller Maim, Sere
ennernsad the •
netball awn
failure/lag. Deirdre wee liras he
use and re cowling her with a Mew
Ile tUbd. before leer ler stedive.
• made advances tuna.* her oe several
*erasion' bet did re Mint bis purpose until
the eth of Feb. Bee. Her chola was bore
oft tee eth of November last. Defendant
sr in Blythe.
MeDeemett for plff. No detest.* -
et for pit
for ri
ta love
tioure, though now again. when ,t was die
turn elthe patine /wide, she could be beard
to rarer Were &reel, mid her cheeks
were .utruised witba c. hewn ere, aisd sae
,e -,nett very nervous.
Tietbe " WhO.giveth this woman
to he tuts 1 te Ibis mon T'' the rural lariat
t the lei& on'y.Ironed sod ,••,.1
tire Preeerus, who wet removing her -
Luo y. TI the l'retiate jeteed thee
hands, Rail in • clear, soft .eotee firru!y te,
prated the or& ir-
'• With this thee wed. with my holy
1 thee aurdep, with All my *o - id., ; ,, ,
1 be end,* ; in the name 01 the rather. Id
the l‘ta, and of -the Idol. Ghost. Arnim."
All then koret down w tele the prayer com-
mencing. "0 Eterrethel, Creator end Po -
server tele meekied, Giver of a *pi. l'ami
g see, the Author of Eve. lathier acid
Thy vv.essin; upo.vv these 117 nervants, the
Oran alai 1641 ise 61. -as Th.
mime." woe leiletraelreepeatall and thee te-y
i.e., whir the Pr inmte jeer.) tb.-ir 111 4..
and said the beat would. •• Tina* intim 114
both jeitted tvereihn keno niso put &swot r.
With the/. word., which ior law cosi eel. ti
the man lege ce.ent .ny, the iservite was men -
tented to the 67th I'M uh the 80100.11 otrete
01 which tafl. like a reit, f to Ivied re-• met;
almost the overwhelmieg of al trek', the
choir a. the Irrrth4 were ermeirg softly tbrou;h
both hale 814 .4t°.
climes anil III
II death us do park
hely ordinariee sod
my truth," the Pruive
y word for w rid alter he
o w ive &no si ver is TUE BENclitcTrolet
Osieme or the Chapel The slift"."° has pared =nem her sitice elm entered huese s. es.4 isai„. bets, le,
Bishape stand aside as the dem is re:mired, Then was contioticd the towel prayer and
the chspel. Beethoven's noble march has ages of 15 s..1 20, the vent choice and dower 40,4 twri. • h,eh tl.e
111 dm
an1 make way for the Primate, who paste ben ptaed ea they Gies', but, as may ei tle, lair Aeneas of eur in at eeriest booms.
:feu d boondoi forth. bed
at once to tits north of the alter, and the -.---------- , thongli beautifull rem The /ogee 1.1dies Mut hunored with so flue • item
Dean ratted in scarlet with the Canons, y .
the Steep er Iliiwu.. hunt the toeu seemed to
take thew places to Inc south. For • scene'as thie. The Qeeen hail evideetiv ail the „cleeghters of Dute., Ila:quies or th6ilite ii:rn.:ithh,sio.u.riii. Ilatied. !ittr. a . uir olv,nynt,
EA began Whin., hei ' isi.la
rise. Istand in line inside the rails. an object Whin twee deeply inter- ih.. mimeo of os, ii,6," oro,d. 14,,,,, ou...t.,7a,A1 eve:11 the wean gave one or leo
minute the prelates kneel in prayer, then found .. .. • . . • e Earls, oh ne titles are afroet an Earlier as
eels her, and inittead of resting herself lady reefatia,Alevatid.ft Mows ae Dos itivolutintry ape ite tied e Meth e, as if nnxias
IS' ' :lam
again, she remaina at the closet window, &eta, date:bier of the Dete �l' Dreier:it ; to her to the .see 01 lutrelooy. It wit:1 pie-
. Till CORPS DIPLOYATIQUZ. maturO, boa ever, and them wee re gentle hush,
Watching , her told children as they pea. lady Theodora Geovesnor. d... :leer of the
. itt, li re•tOred the former silence, abet the
-"Ttfell those is a shAbt rastk efeilks sad one after another to their seats beneath, Marquis 01 Wes:minster; Lidy Warta Beau -
clerk. daughter of the 'Duke of 84. A item* ; rimers was heanl inteinicerlthe exhieta
eliplilog of jewelled orders as need" the and even wheat they are seated die leans
Lady Eon& Bruce, deashber of the Er! ot 'ion. Then taatin If ' h • • .1-
g tit voter, • soreness I
whole. - Dipleinatispie game in and Wrenn*, d the benediction durin • •Itich the
El4in; Lidr Vrctoria Hate, sister of the
take their " has - antInneaih dke royal B.., of 1.4...4o.o. LA, A.„...,_, y.A.k... Queen, elm hal been tnore theely effecter!,
pew-Lishowing literally like a tguster of dau -1thie of th„ i..r4 or tie,twie-k. • L.A. 1.'1' and t'ar" b" fact iu iter b4iidh"1"el.
geld •nd jewels that equals Wien the ap-
miaow, of,:the Knights of the Garter,
Amid Pow therein a long and solemn panne,
during whieh even whispers ars audible,
surf the rustle of the dimes tome with a
noise es their fair wearers tura to survey Ceche le eeesley, daughter of Earl Cowie,.
there is the Fame paume, broken by the
the scene. •
. trumpet% and rattling kettle drums in the ' r
It is in truth s scene of such stately Nave d i • - n h ,-r II Ingle
, an t as time a mare t eieucen el- . .
pir sp and royal circumstance as few have ....,,, rise and too statollo, respectful, it at quite superfluous to say how thry look -
f r it is the bride • tit tha't u atromelate.Y. etr. it„,t;hinr,:izi:,:thed'7,.iViruit.;,in:dni47,.,,wraPla4lwit
eier seen before whore the. noblest by birth '''"
and intellect, tile wedeln mid wont ro- „° ....„ . •
buti. t_hey are sat feast...11, Ilioll:h, &stilev wen. not goin2
nerved in power, are all &sae:milled wiillin i rre..''' umix'.rs P..reLie kiln'
the narrow precincts or this grand old litti.iF hmlfil: all eyes al.°. t 0 reed. upon the to be. nevried. they seemed to think theme -Ives
Prince of "% aim, who; in ha uniform of a relieved f om tier necevany ot lo,kung .nt the
°heir. hke 11:10 taeaeu ' of the elation to I
d wed b
''ttle It mtled h Post Pneriemme ef this ha ..v di are .
over the Dont and remains grutng down ut
them steadily with an expression of bind
pride which iiallitintistak.ible, and in which
no trace ',feriae tu be diecevered uow.
The 10110.
Againthe cheers come louder and more
sustained than ever fruw the outside ; again
Br isle
E 10.01
H . 11.11/
'E iY�T11 5.72
It MIMI ET 521
CLINTON ..... feed
*15 Aft halm- Sharer.- This
mar reed epos Certain word* uttered
et, chewers plff with one, of the
rines known to the law.
Seel% I live in the township
the parties to this action,
township of Flaageen. In the
Jet last heard McCulloch sad
In g of preyer meetings at which
rearreelli,lated. McCulloch propoetei
estafe next is MeInteres boost. The
dotter demidlesd that Istr ward not age re to
that dew tilliat he had, his do.
,end explained
eummitung the
Ile was asked what
.05t. N. that he had seen M
criteria Bestiality.
Elijah Nrekinson-
ship of Steepen. Was perm en the ors
skin rheirtioued liy last •itivessi. I heieve 61,
evidence is co, rect. I told 51vbitee
should not sneak et bard about hie neighbor
1 herd minverration on the subject tome
le after uneelf. Turner, McCulloch and
Mclotee trete together. Melntee trIsherf
Mitchell to Lodi the setter up. He cost
nted to do so il the other would draw back
he onis. Mellor refused to retract, 5,1
and. •I am loin; down to Port Elgin to take
1 my oath up.ni ll'
1 hemas Turner.-Livet in Township of
S ru .•reee knows McCulloch well -he M sn
II, the Pres'7te,ian Church at Purr
g.n. %Was Adele:Mg td Mr. Meloiteer a/teut
the al -air with McCulloch aerl said he must
h sve metal:en in &apposing he Mb pi?
ectine the turner stated. He said he WILS
it. Ibere WW1 FRIPY1W
1011u.)(14. itandiug between the parties. This
eleeet tee . eier. liolriuson *skid for
leave to in rve for • uou suit in term, which
!eave s0.1.4 g weed.
M-. II vri ',son addremed the jury ort behalf
of the ;AT in a speech of remarkable power
uel glowing eloquence.
GpDEBICH, C. W., APIIIL 3 1863.
It is with feelings of profound regret
-that we record, thus early itj the iteatt.aa, an
spieling disaster, 01 L • liana, is...th-
ing in the death of three of etir hardy•
The lake being deer on Saturday last
area the weather protnieing to be time the
fishermen of Goderich were tempted to
counnence the seaeon's fishing orrations
Accordingly a few bade went out on that
day, and after setting a number of nets
returned, although the afternoon turned
out very stormy. On Tuesday morning
a fleet affiter boats, manned by from three
to for as each, went out to inspect the
nets ma down and we believe, to act a
number .f fresh ones. The morning
wasi toe, and as the stout boats darted out
07461 harixo, the men raised the chorus
lime is the town -
young, Irate
masa le Awl
the sod of
six years.
we hear, he
as if he rather liked
The Often vs. Wu.
John Yoang, eworo-I am a Doctor
of Medicine is Kiebam, Hallett, County
ef Huron. On the S tat of Deeember far
at 4 o'clock in the aft/moos, my bottle
was in the stable, but in the turning
was reported to sae by my boy to be wet
4ai if he had been dragged though a pnnd;
part of the bridle was broken, the saddle
misplaced, and tbe horse's mouth
so much ittjared that he can only eat soft
food since. The horse was ia geed health
before. I know the primmer. Has sever
beets in my stable to my kuowludge.
Michael Griffin. -1 ate hustler 55
Knox's Hotel, liarpurhey. Saw piast-
er once on New Year', Eve. He was ma
henna ack and I tied his bone up. Hetet
know how far Harperhey is from Kb -
burn. Can't say how long he stayed, be-
lles be *eat away.
Joseph W Intehead.-I am • WIseinede for
awes Ceenties._ Tee remove vas op before
se to • trial. Ele made • steteverett before
me to the effect dirt 6. guilty of the
offer, charged ageism bite-
11.- McDermott, prisoner's Counsel, argued
there was hot a panicle of evictors wallow
that his client had dor more tbs. take the
here witheut any felonies intent ir • ride,
w hich was tel not stealteg •Mee;h it
night be an offense in the eye of the Ir. e.
Vre diet, Not Guilty. Diachareed. ,
le gaol,
lively jigs,
of going to
Ifni/rm. -Horse
7 Anreday.
Sterenson et al.. Ales. Traynor -Eject.
meet. Traynor was called, and failing to
appear. a verdict wee Linen for plalutiff,
dsmages one shilling.
Thr Cinema es. Henry B. ;Tisane.-
addresering the jury, Mr. Robirrson,who Pramicing Medicine without License. Pleads,
'i'i' for defendant, held that there -was not Guilty.
no 'evideace to show that there had been any The indictment sal found against defend.
malice in the ease.
His Lerdsliip charged the jure, *0 .6 it ef-
fect, from ex, petition in whi,h we sat, it is
impossible for us to say.
ant at lair seater but Le could not be found
at the tone.
Thomas Man, sworn. 1 :ivrt in Irsherne
ane know Mr. Winans, He liver in Exeter. Geo. Cattle; Ju. Addison ; JOU;
Verdict for pa, 0100. Be ass in attendance on my wife when she Hunter F. Jordan ; J. W. Elliott ;
Hodgins rs the Corporation of Hem, wee cosfined. 1 did not call ben in and did H G. if. Zeeman.
and Bruce. -The was an attion brought tate pay him anythieg for be services.
it* oaa, it wee a .1
• Mahe eem. I thiek Jsmake hiders be Rept spew.
Mr. Harmon addrereelehejley. He point-
ed out the thicropery henna the evierce
of Graham sad Richard yreet.4 The .atter
bad an immense lets er is trying to ek•ve
that there bed bus feragras hstbat Mies,
he would not he cried mate psy the AMMO -
He naked the eery, If thryired say remondlle
doubt sf the ga:it of the primer to he Mier.
ciful sod reser him from die 1taiek uf tire
gra).. V eoliv $.i
TIE atemseding °Meer in Lass:gum
received a letter hoot Sir F.
stfeegly condemnatory odder =
MI Cornish, ad severely the
mak ke ad citizens for theft
in not giving armies to any ef
regret at the treatment of the ollicearies
the fray of I Oth llareb. It is riallirbr•
intimated that the troops will be removals
from the city, which, the Press Press selej,,4
will exercise • neat dep.10100111aili
on the trade of the plate. We egiblferidi
the Globe in thinkisg that die penisienalg
is hasty end perhaps itedigailled,althettgitel
oirtainly, the wrong Was tweet aggewtritil
in. We think tbe authorities elighedo:
much worse than sold the troop ay i
anderich We °mild give that • *torsi
did lecatia, good railwayoometunintliega;
&c., while oar people would treat them
with proper respect, and the Mayor amid:
be sere not to get drank sad quarrel with,
the officers.
Godench St. George's Besernieutt $os;
atty. 1.
The preliminary meeting dor the putt.
pea orpinizing the above Soriety,whii ,k
mai adjourned from the lath to *how
accoset of roan! of the members
coined on drill-snet op Thursday !MI-,
Mg, the With, when the following dhows
were Appointed :-
Joo. Davao°, Peesidera.
C. Crebb, 111 Vial Plaided.
E Clifford 2nd " "
W. C. Pridbam, Secretary.
Geo. Parsons, Assistant Secretary.
Thos. Andrews, Treuestrer.
Elisihsto csocrne,i. 41 im hrelje badee. atm Men pitied of their water -song, never for a motnent by ;dee ef the townsLip of McGillivray for John Trick. -I live is Exeter' and eat at e J. M1e1I ; 8. &add Jai& „
stance Villiers. da... bier of the Fithl of (ler. a nod or ly feeteheup t a bow of • . y -
dauehler of the Eerl of rt• • Led Con- " ' k' 'be Queen, gaVe w'rr thmaming that there would be an d'ffi d•ur".78 w' -------------- lrealm or the q'''inied "ver all"d44
Mount-Fellecumhe, end Lade Feal tre...a g . . f3:1Piatt.
Mermelitzerembe drehter of la Ea.' of •
another mieme the Queen, giving- • similar l'OWallIntlfrOir 'hovers -et the wind tom- "I s'''.11 * "mnner " finc'd " Prusi."'
loess, qu e (wet.
L‘,17 „ratio. Emu." if..oit.„, ',tete. which the Quemi retuned kind. le teterning. d in road peat ilia fares heft; erstrected .0.1 of my familY-por SLd be Ill•clie• Furze ; Jas Moss ; T. J. itoorheillatti
mean to the P i i ed he I
sad the whole paseafts wean palate in aro-
gneur.strena, se good 01 connive of *awing
D'111101 awe gignin jewe is, out of the choie
Notre c.:n tell but thre who we e preemie
how he and solemn was the s-etemoly, or
wrth w much deep Slope true rlerotion
marriage of the second Prince of Waite wrs
celehrred lo hi. Georee'e Chapel, Windo,..
As tie y het tam choir, the tied the
band went pallid fie th the Hallelujah of
thus cumin.; anaryance sed daeller. Mr.
Wilsoe drapteeelikree, and explained to the
jury the teener implant/el of.
After a laree number effentoesses birdlime
railed, for the prosectioo, Mr. Harrison, who
appeared for ilefelidauts, ironed 'or, and ob.
toined a n". suit.
11.8 Lordship remarked. and yen tenably
we thin', that if all tha panne brought into
court on this case hal made a "6e." they
might have m ide the drain right is a day.
Herbert Hawkey was arraigned en a chirp
of having atte.ed forged notes st Fmneestown
on the Seth of January and 5th of February
1563. Pleads not guilty to both octants.
- Lynch said he is a Tailor in Frances -
town. On the 5112 of February Wet prisoner
refried me a note purpoiting to be drawn by
a Mr. Meltreeld, fur which I mis to give him
a mail of clothes and Iwo dollars nigh. 1 ac-
cept...I the ate, but ve7 soon &Berner&
discovered it to be • forgery. Primmer mid
it vets given in partner of wages
• Alex Danald.-I live in frehersalith.
whey lised • year with tee, aed I paid hie
his gars in rash. The Woman shown we
is n'otat. e. Hawkey belonged to the Good
end I alai. 1.0 Ws
(I.eghMr.) Reaher ; T. Dark.
T W'
o Mr. ilson.-I never saw him peseta -
their caned oak casket. • . General, hut wearing over all the insignia ground. 0..de"Iteeed edam and num d m Geethr,iee
and another, arid made believe to 'red: res if
rand purple mantle of Knight of the ti
• tley del net ithow led heer that they eone II*Ndujah to the Fat It e•
THE tIrrilx. ter, comes idowly up the choir, pertly ac-
maaded utmost their lull eril•ute of telinint- Ari•I the See llod, Doers of t
r, compluied,,piatly billowed by his brother- tion.
'melt "eh • ily*"e Pia -se lb.. lee-4,re everlasting choir, in idle
..411144111101y there is just a pereeptinte p •
13- aw, e neoe 2° 4' kw' ...,h. the- Dale as the: lama irretion moat drew their
moveartert-a kind of easeionenese that of atie coboner, robed. The
onmethieglas marred whieh telh et onee wedding Marcs is played as they move
that the Qnren 10 either cowing
no bas up with stately ease, and the Queen rises
crime, and all eyes are quietly directed to -
end comei fully forward as the host pas
title quaint old pew in the wall. In
is reached, and the three ascend and turn
itistant the Queen herself appeeza, inline toward her; bowing deep.y.
i The
"eugulmlaied by his itila Highnum the Duke of Saxe Cohoarg and the Prince of
Hoke of Saxe -Cohere and Gotha, the
Prumia retire to the south side of the alter,
brother ef the late Prime, and, as we all
and the brid in, after kneeling a few
keen, so like him an to make the resent-
aecunds in prayer, risco and etatele "tbe
blanee almost startling as he stands by the
rose and expeetaucy of this fair State '' in
aide of Ger Majesty. The Queen weus
tlae centre cif the haul pas alone, with' his
the simplest and plaiseat ef widow's weeds Am toirord u, queen.
-a widow's up, a black silk dread with
white collar sea- cuffs, and black gloves. Sieh ai 'imicanws• in one in which few
The only coleireerhiehWpon her are men appear to advantage; ,yet the Prince
the star of the Order 17tle: Outer, and pies by pawing through it. With the
bitte riband, narrowed to the width easy grece that Deems natural to all his
Her Majesty usually wears, *erase her left scoots he stand alone, the watched and only, does the 1' ince torn. R•14 to receive Ha kse&1 Higher' Prince Chnease
shoehier. She looks well in health, bet observed of ail observers, neither bashful her, het cheek, himself we Ire sees them all Denmark.
Aimee, and eider, with the permanent nor confident, but with a !wanly royal bear- bowing to the Qu.enand for the 6nn and His Itoyal Highnein the Roisters Duke of
*Wee of deep wrier and care stamped on Ing that became hie Megrim's birth sal only time he seem irrerolula to what be SAX! roboure.and Gotha.
• • •
airy linament of her features. exalted ration. He looked round upon might to do. The lona keen scrutiny ...eta., .
Abe etaids et the window of the royal the splendid scene for • moment quietly to hav&Warbled his convenors et brat,
litres4Bir words ',mail lay iv paint them. -
Their drowns were all ef wonderfirt
mixture of silk and laee, that made there seem
ethereal in their liehinees, r party entered
in loge soft vete they Twareil as eotreeesely
as • retie* which rano* he forte,, or ce e
eribed. Lady GeovertaseHos.hlbu, dee fhter
of the Marren of Mittel:aril+ tees ori
Wm Ida unborn shall tong his glory, "
The ea:Ailed:ion of trod."
Th. nailed peocestion of the bride and
hrwleeneen relented to Um Castle ,n the fol.
Maio.: order:
rtreretealeree •
The Earl Sieneer, finnim of the Stole 10
intended f min one of the lovely sin, liar III* Royal Her/mese the thidegenem.
aas unfortunately prevented hy imlispwition. The Marquis sat Aileabesy, blamer tbe
whien, thou:h not severe 10 elithicier. von 11," oe.
Sulfiviea.t to prevent her att..ielaiiee uoa. The Viscount Sydney, Lori Cbsenberlida.
fee Lod ot Si. Gernia,,a, Lind Siewaid.
THit 00000 11 77.1*1.
Slowly the bride remelt.% the Anal pe.; os
she MOO 10 how to the Queer, some ,,j bre
teir attendants, who ant apeareetly more ner-
vous than hermit, attempt to 1.nee1, lett MA-
MA their mistake, rine quickry and move on
as if they hid not rem ii. Then, sed then
aseter cern:rent
THE ItRIDE AND naitmottoun,
eines eeeefece.
1111 Roya! Hiatus and Crowe Prises or
His Hovel Hi Thum the Duke of Cambrid
peir, a hale withdrawn from garners! gate,
and only to be seen at ell by those en the
opposite bide .7 (6. choir glassing quietly
=1......611 Usenet while the Duke of Sate -
to6"-speaks and apparently
er here armaments going on below
fee the gleet etriesoey whieh hes drawn
her forth from bee mourning and mole-
affiu After a &a mistime she Sesta hen
Zs. Hula mg crow the window, and
reeires--Hes: Mn. K. &nee,
alealolikedles eats is deep soeumieg,
6Meritie pae. leis Id vide* ead age
poise of sheering an be heard ado, end
OM 1 atm, broken after s few !wisest
"Ite greet rade awl peculiar hue Thiel
irse jr•st mama elation in the nem teaks
J. rising.
1 int of rise tliveo penerealons iua&
bet, so as moves is the choir till
titelag BR ie seen, headed 61 her
,pre4 rest Ames of state, emaing
meek in Pauly arta, filing of te
ipft ,es they mar a ante
see link whinlrn snow twit
•lop, wren&
/Bilk Prime' Edward of
filo Prinee of Laski -
es Captais of the &tt
°let theartnr.s• thei
oiAisier !Ting'
' In
'Illre ea NI"
are esetered, ot
6. Alia elete0 gat eititti
Olnithit i
limiter Mill
Mili? Ihflik#111
gees is.hie mit
vie twos lad
6.0 4. *05
sad smelly, and his every movement, his
look, his very bearing, anted in their
vivid likeness to his royal father to ease
and impress all-isven those whet by their
rank and statioo, might be supposed *0 6.
the most familiar with hie features. As
the pound of cheering was beard without,
mirking the coming of his youthfil bride,
he kept turning hie head every moment,
for from *ere he Wood, in the entire of
the altar, breould nee through the screen
sad goers the nare beyond to where the
crimson eurtaitia wouki hide the maltal-
in of the btide'e ion. Often ad
of the ai
this way, barn the
and gave ortAge
• r whom ell low
leached for won snob seger. eopeastias
that the suspense even of the slight dtlag
seemed alai( paildtd. Still he ellbod
aloes and th, sigh evidently keenly
for the coming of his yam( bridsret
the eager earstiny of ell with a gait sem
the' was sharmieg.
tee tare.
though only for • sewed see the Amino TIM JOC Ecr.T.
&atm &a4.1) ire a lithe apart whel, tbe
here and ln.deefillent are lett stereting In the At 34 o'clock it was understood dot dn.
middle or do. Age)", ih, wt., &one. iii. rnyal tam. tamed leave the emetic on their
f„,ems, of rattle, e:wapiy imrrnentd4...7 hi, way tothe ilo.as Western Slalitm, "Ilene*
a itnedins beldessalis.,n, ei away. . „h., they were 111 deport int their eurney to Os.
in Ant serornewe min a ...yid., .1 ...roe hJrnr, .4i6. !null a.ale„ er eh, after the
sod 040,7 ,,,,,,,.. the 0, di g rf ,,,,,,.% r-1;,,,iti, territories of the verrmayitteei been anximis
the serrewedisg elitist. in dense maws spun t ir wow(' %braised
the eye reve tern with. feeling like rest Ger t•ech ilt" it6"17 th"". rt•th•rt.d
155 114/11TT /5 visas&
Howlers march f -ors ••Josispit • lbed lines
pIttl ermeriag. het all marc NIA my...4
se be ty sinnel stensted the &tar till its
etranw `nor mit with the soiree wOrells of
the chore:e
Y. Thia day, with joyfal heart sod •oire,
• To Helly'n he relied a nation', pray', ;
Alan .;ity Father. &ten 1., (ma
Thy bleasiez to the eedlee pair.
Re shell no ere& of sorrow &le
the winaliim of their early Myr
Pit feeppires redem• rnnd
Shall still tereters ad their way•e•
The aturieitely port inane of this elver, at
ore reelren 054sererntful, was reverend by
*6. 6.. Prover eameret. It may here herr
Lo has with a greet clanfrm 07 '71 e•iled.rep".a"hyet6 sette6s.17,:tath4gaimliegrm. het erisii:
ets, 'dash se4ret are mollesi late s tits te is that Mill. liymitoseeed
iedielesteme bellied the earteies the keg Iteetety drew hue* from ftle-Willts &do
looked fer procaine of the aide eases, pee, and, awe a toren to Saar her sito
bed the icr,,eeiirien oss leek se at tieseere emy to lare taws enduawnernwelaw0.
am* sh. alba alma* ko." .or 4)4 .6. therghore malt 01 ,8. /IWO-
ars Amid ors atm Qom, and lbw was slay aunty mas10 b samposere.
hit kat agaislill his alisawed Seeds b51
sivie hiss
The hash *5. 1101 ao deep sial bend,.
la diet eat the name glitter rid*
jewels that, t wiekled everrilhere
asset bri Irma ie, medolespiee oae
Nitro. vitith hot teleseci
everre wood set erseree,d am bees hi
fag sotteRy %ON, Iliflos•
all the approaches to the .y A huge
soutito et men favored vie lure athrtit.
eel within the ca. ion hy the C05' 1500 of Obp.
Bulketey, and wee ied me sterte -tech
luid erecterl fete the remenn. It was
soon seennered dee ale. process of leer -
'airing would oemery ontil at Ire 4 o
sad h was ea fmtil few minutes two that
boat abet die Pronate Koval of Preemie end
her heehawed arti..e.1 10110 Ibeiribft 1 -ave
.4 ,1,. hsppy couple. They ..re Yft red eg
• treed of henor of the Poldenmen, avet
atter 5 shat deter, the Pratte rind Prim -elm
af wales 4.4100 ref in an open 5.01510 410.0
by 1,.n,' while Arrow.. err Preceded he ofit•
rider. desilerry mounted. Them eopearare
was thebAlbel (WY perimps dee leader horst
at cheering which hal hien !Word throsghout
tee lay,: ad es ewhen tisafor earriate of
the erkherestetm Railway mesa mil moist,
sh.vies* the station, and tles Priem. and
Primers sivwefwd sw the ninare, the entity'
owes hewn,' almost frantic In a moment
ewe ite vs.,, Sni 410epparerl. mil. so I'm
es regard. W indoor, the ceremony wee at as
ars Lanstrnars ans.
ree inassion comma . The forteenur ea see venter by Tre.
The lahil WW1? RAW WOW,' 0411;.81'11^^ "..11.rai thiA4q•
!kik., fro fm, pr. mid ‚.0.1 1113& Issilrnisr fries 5.10 11* sew,
Illo9eseis Orildreare ton fah from' the
Wok of the read se, se la theegli his
she towed 11 Out illotedeat. As
MOW Maid the NAM. eideeweee
dish. 164 OW evhate, ie
124e Wed tilt
Atesedre I
%XIS ited sed Dam eve es
Net ell of ea tam teeter volesses ef thee,
tlessedre I
Melrose hfre eileillsee 47 rot mut nt hat 1
,letnes her . itwelletts; Gear 07 ,41 ernes
'Mersa W, sit we row off solo%
!noticed to blow fresh frail the N. W.
increasing as evatieg appiesched into a
gale, accompanied by blinding drifts of
snow, the air moreover becoming intensely
cold. About three o'clock all the boats
appeared in the offing; two of them beiag
far enough to windward to gain the harbor
with some difficulty -indeed one eirne
!here on tsids the piers, the b•nutubed
crew bring fumed by great exertions on the
part of their fellow -sailors on shore -
The two reutairieg boat*. finding it impos-
sible to heat "far enough to reach the
harbor, put -as isid headed for Hay-
field, about 1ije1 dietset, the beach
all along theme's' being 00 thiCkly covered
with hnge matillinfies that running ashore,
as might have done under other cir-
cumstances, sartout of the question.
They were allfBaytield about five p. m.,
mid one of tie boats' got in mfely,
although the mew was it • suffering
condition. Tt4remaining boat, crag -lin-
ing Samuel 1, T, Fairfield,
- Gerny, strike the pier, we be-
lieve, but the 45.00 so completely he -
aimed that tb4outd not " make fast."
The strong
drove the boat
ern where she
trived to
upset, the pow
no mut in
which Wel* setting out
again into the break -
amt. Mitchell cat-
boat, and k,,rein she
s going down to rile
'fe shouting for help,
which the "Peseillits oe shore were unable
to afford. eilb,
Wu leave widows and
families d and already, We are
gisul to shil are being mimed
to eseriethe them.
Mr.asold resident et
Goderiek.' ladies ha74r
reeo learns:11
Hefei«, 10
pvielale• of
the 13111 of Ms.
16. 1416 ale**
Joke Sterling
'Where on den
bit laths sad
Ram sat edit
the tyre walla/
eheed pesitierty
bored dee WO
X,. Molina
of eninsdarna, leek
lits Lordship
sec I • *vios bewaybd•
ea,. ht•
rent --P•
ose elm ie the andel
Odle die *11
Ortsfeetinm- Ann
the ahedint
ishietass seder
festar's barsa
telbdi ems bow ea
that he wasi as his
Mao, ISM. Sew
1st • /hot walks
Smoking arid well
war& bet de.
sot h.., ws.
gam OR hetudf
liery.whe most
le !islet* 'ns,
pluiediff or the
Norma fur
Ile(lorysilek said
's Wier
got, the 11111
T.) • .eryas
tie* ether ine
Thoe. Neint.-Pritemer
free time. I nad
C. Rabies's fer
The I'
who apposed
the mod dt
dist lithe Tempara.
eat, .4dot le ems seed.
the note. and gave Wm the
5.1 00 the tam. thy, I reor
the note was arsieet sheet la'
ter. 1 told him dial the
denied hawing any
TheewNaire.-I 6d.. tie
endives. nth sAlls is
hasiteralag, sad 1 eat
Mord* dee tim7
peipseeleet thst tbe
aimeso tissbythe omit
to th•6MPWS estanely
The Jury reeelcceal • smile* et die*
wittiest is Unite Mb llowriShips
rearbiag em 18. eneemity ef 4. 04..
Of whisk Iv had hat Mee* eleadelled,
ha oohs
Chlitlea Snell.- Lire in Exeter. I hought
medicines of bins, end asked hull to see my R. coepeeir4.. Wilson. ..• "
as a neighbor, and as one *be knew
The next goo.' '41101044' Ail be heti
more than I did shoat sneh thinr. Fairer
pattjecenecre than 75, a, 0„„ time, ood did °orbs 2neWedatoday in April, at it o'..•
*10 517 advice given me. cloak p. m.
Moved b Mr 'Adams seconded by lir..
Inv in Fierreemoics.
tome, Nis. Woman .%&p*d'.d
bar coofioement. Mr. Wicuum
Menefee -Lem near Exeter.
upon Dr. Wiese* as dotter,
Ittemything not of bit dreg
waled. AU I got was for cattle
si.--11rator Dr. Winans ; went
stewed • friend. Da Arnow
saythieg for i
Mr. Robiwese that
rivet evidealepo seed dee
His bedsit, Merged
oict, Not Guilty.
Pleads awe
*et &I.
Mb" Yer.
t -Fenton%
test a pit.
in she box.
on I eased to
, from the
constantly tied
1111 MON el
heads. the
bad • sate
hie niece
at die
fold ser
Elliott, That the kind offer ei Mr. Honker.
be 'tempted, sod that AIM modiety meet at.
the Maitland Hotel fottles , hoseseetiouof
Imam ,,
Witchcraft et nstoslaas,
- A eouespondent of the Banffshire JOIPIIN
nal relater a rasher of cases " emehe
craft," which occurred receetly in • Doran-
ereetiney parish of Abeniershare, filettanne.
eirotter, • new tenant, lon 1A19 00.1 Off
Ow WWII .15)1, 5.4 soar of thereat worthier
attribettehtlee ealatetty witelaeraft et. ober
part et 160,166. at the former mat. '1 bus'
party Oyer wIrnosi the etcher loosed his weir
cow beetselit over the anneal himself, nests
haring use. s tonip'ete claiirane• of der
bermileded, 1"f151e00d up the cow ia ere
the ..etesing" arm thaw
tape rowed taw. la 11,. .1005054
hit of tele, of the • tans oast 'ti
sttheigs Imre tossad to have hews
the ...wing" mow& to the • dap
the w&'" nor& the Ape, ,dastrwasere,
thout elle Glair believed ..41,eareeterteta
trneeler wee an compliehed witeberart,'" -
oe the part, no doubt, of 16. name to set
lady. In stiot136:11wistrinee, • tin0-lbelittt
leek shortly • ieieg at Ms raw piece.
It wee atteibuted 00 wilicheirt, and • *so-
loist's. 51*6. eatimed even Omaha Arm at
heteoeher " 1*16. sleeps, Ora "*5 1.00
4. Wiltb.s." A Med case was Our-
refredly • wifely Wale* ht
444; sea leis Anse*
be, wraghesse taa we the
55, 40.58, jest se the auto.
leg, sat srepsearierneyslerwert eosahe *Oh •
made " en gestlemess," dathy sew
ION whe alkt ler saes leAsti
hie* ratte-df
wklati her eit Is •
larliester nut with
esii twiefle
es orna hi; Mona to 50(05. 4. bWM
la • tarns searet, owl,sest he *id a
4.84. wowed do en say we*.
ftiOssg.- Sauer h ley bag
lashes. tie And .Iib.. Tease mithers
ail Ma Wigs time ate bow shoat a Me
ailed We wine tru weelting a • see horse
is de ~story tot I ratessi to de es
De est roesselsw isfshog Orstnow 1 wss
spowd0le Ihr M..n-*.t is. doe be afoot I. I
0111111p moo woo kyr hiek.enarbed • • pip
see es* far Mo. Iliertgast sty aems to it
Muses ley ham plasius. teleari mast
teR ft lea did 55181. Ig
him solority tei de i k5*t ow 4. 4.
O leo Dee. 1031 h wee eiter setiat
es ea la, ems, ei tla aess
Mho width via • irs.,'ma 4* awf Fiagrpki ad zp, teem 1k:wit
eif haehre
- .e.
the mere, hent
Ores is' •
Teastrio.a-Tee Pre York 1010.301, 15'.'
Let Iltemorpelermoonsom.hatoti how hauthreauelle lbw 'askor.
lrns 55s upea Peasestheaa.
i*5... leseriz %withhisi vete, •
dap ,he
sada an lie= tir • Ti
zImpr4i ▪ at elite