HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-09-23, Page 15BOTTLE DRIVE and pick-up— Saturday, October 16, commenc- ing 000 0.m, Bottles of every description, picked up at your door, Help us help you clean out those cupboards! "B oyle Fund" committee, Trivitt Me- 'mortal Church. (Special pick- ups and out of town call 235- 2335, 235-1977,235-1766).23:7c HAM AND BEAN SUP pER— Teesday, October 26, in Trivia Memorial parish Hall. 23c Parkinson and family were Mr, & Mrs. Jim Miller and family and Mr, & Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl of Woodha.m. SOUTH HURON. DISTRICT HOSPITAL Women's Auxiliary SAT. .Sept. 25 Please give generously when the tagger calls on you! KIRKTON FALL FAIR Sept. 30 & Oct. 7 PARADE OF SCHOOL CHILDREN led by Clinton Legion Pipe Band. Decorated Floats, Palomino Horses, Tug of War for Public School Child. ren, Rides for Children. 4-H CLUB & SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION Pet Show Hogs, Poultry, Ponies. ALL CATTLE CLASSES *- DRAW on a PURE BRED HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALF from the herd of Tom Hern & Sons, RR 1, Woodham. Tickets 500 or 3/$1. Draw to be held at The Fair. -9( DANCE FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1 in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Good Music Admission 504 Clarence Switzer President Public School Children FREE Cars Free Alex F. Crogo Sec. Treas. TiMeg*Advocate, Septerebler 23, 196,5 Pays 15 PRENATAL CLASSES— A series of prenatal classes will begin on Wednesday, September ?p, 1955, at 2:00 p.m. at the Hoaith Unit Office, basement entrance off Anne Street, South HuronHoS- pital, Exeter. These will be held at weelciy, intervals for Aline wooks. Those interested are in- viteti to attend op the above date or phone the Huron County Health Unit .office,. Exeter '235,4 0 be-. tweeri .8,00 a.m. and .12:00 .neon.. 10;2ao Saturday and Monday Sept. 25 & 27 featuring Huron County's largest HORSE SHOW Monday Night 6 p.m. M.L. "TORY" GREGG, M.C. ZURICH Fall Fair SAT. NIGHT Local Talent Variety Show Zurich Carnrriunity Centre CASH BINGO MON. AFTERNOON Monster Parade Pet Show ,Baby Show 441 Calf Club Midway in Operation tattle Show FUNSHE ENTIRE HIM gilaY • • • • •• • •• • • • • • LITE FRI. and SAT. September 24 and 25 OUBLE FEATURE) " Fluffy " TOUR •10 BROWNIE'S DRIVE—IN Theatre - Clinton Children Under 12 In Cars Admitted Free By MRS. ARcHIE DEWAR Dr. & Mrs. George Morphy of Toronto spent a few days last week with his sisters, Mrs. Doube and Mrs. Gordon and relatives. Mr. Jack Wilson of Toronto visited Sunday and Monday with his brothers Gordon, Charles, George and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. & Mrs, Tem Coward and boys took a tour through the south east coast as far as Nash, ville, Term. and saw the Grand Ole Opry. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Chambers, Barbara End Brenda of Wingham were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Coward and family. Guests with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bosanquet Agriculture Society 106th Annual SCHOOL & FALL FAIR AT THEDFORD Sept. 28 & 29 AMATEUR CONTEST— Tuesday Sept. 28, at 8 p.m. Admission 25g. Entries to be handed to Sec'y not later than Monday September 27, 10 pm. WE by Thedford Silver Band, Leaves school at 12:30 sharp. Lorne Henderson M.P.P. Lamb- ton East will open Fair at 1 p.m. 'SPECIALS—Baby Show, Pie Eating Contest, Freckle Con- test, Balloon Blowing Contest, Bingo, etc. VARIETY CONCERT — at 8 p.m. by RES. —RIDGE — HI. — 8 S, Groups of London—‘,VARIETY 65". Dance after to their Or- chestra. Box office opens at 7:30 p.m. First show at 8 p.m. After Sept. 25 weekend shows only V...w.••••••••.,e. THURSDAY September 23 This Summer's Biggest Hit ! "WHAT'S NEW, PUSSYCAT?" ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED ID 11115041 WORT p ADT a Dm ABSOLUTELY NO CHILDREN Color Follow us! ... and find the answer to the comedy question of the year. Peter Sellers. Remy Schneider Peter O'Toole. Capucine TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY At 8:00 & 10:00 p.m. Special Admission: $1.00 per adult Pink Panther Cartoon FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 24.25 - DOUBLE FEATURE - "THE PATSY" Jerry Lewis Keenan Wynn Color "ENSIGN PULVER" Robert Walker Burl Ives Color Cartoon Legion Hall TONIGHT! Thur., Sept.23, 9:00 p.m. Sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary JACKPOT $250 In 56 Numbers Admission for 15 rounds BINGO 14 Games $200 Plus a starting jackpot of $700 in 50 numbers, or a $50 consolation prize. Jackpot increases $50 and one number each week it's not won Thur., Oct. 7 8:00 p.m. Admission $1 RCAF Centralia Recreation Hall Every Other Thursday Thereafter Snack Bar Ample Parking ZURICH ZURICH FALL FAIR Vat/tee to the music of THE MYSTICS (direct from Western Fair, London) WESTERN ONTARIO'S NEWEST ROCK 'N ROLL SENSATION ZURICH Friday ARENA Sept. 24 = E. = E. = _ = ITI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111811I181111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111116: Also Queen of the Fair Contest open to any girl over the age of 14, Valuable Cash Prizes Full Dining Facilities , Sundays from 3 p.m. WEEKEND SPECIALS Homemade Cabbage Rolls, Sauerkraut, Pig's Tails, Pork Hooks the ew iiniSHWOOD HOTEL .14P1/40:4; etjWaS jg 112 : 4 STAN HOLUBOWICZ Litericed Phone Dashwood fib LUCAN DISTRICT NEWS — Continued from page 14 yer and Mrs. Duncan McPhee in charge of the election of officers. President is Allen Melanson; secretary, Janice Walker; trea- surer, Paul McPhee. Mrs. Lockyer assisted by five children took the worship service and Mrs. McPhee told the story. HI C ELECTS OFFICERS The Lucan—Clandeboye Hi C grotiP attended the Bible Society meeting in the church at 8 pm as the religious part pf its meeting. The members retired to the school room, where the election of officers was held. o-presidents are Carol Latta, Leroy Maguire; secretary, Mar- garet Sach; treasurer, N Park. Another car wash and paper drive, as money making projects, were discussed but no dates set. Lunch committee was Carol Latta, Sandra Abbott, Leroy Ma- guire and Eleanor Walker.. • Organist visits former pastor Mr. Ken Clarke, now of Acton, who preceded Mr. Gordon Jack- lin, as organist of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, visited his former rector, the Rev. J. P. Prest and family at NorthBattle- ford in August. As roads are too bad for an ordinary car, he accompanied Mr. Prest in his pick-up truck (to which a shelter has been added) to visit a number of the Indian Reserves. He even play- ed for a couple of services. Mr. Clarke reports that Mr. Prest, who is Indian Commis- sary for the Diocese of Saska- toon, is doing a splendid work, among the Indians, and that Mrs. Prest is a most helpful assist- ant. Lucan man loses climbing trial For the first time in four years Vancouver's ace tree climber Danny Sailor was challenged by Roger Heath of Lucan, a lineman for the Exeter branch of Ontario Hydro, at the Western Fair Satur- day night. Every day of the Fair Danny climbed the 90 foot BC fir tree in about 28 seconds. Lucan's contestant made two attempts at 5 pm and 7 pm but will need a little more practice for his time was 41.6 seconds and 43 seconds. However it was a good try. Pigeon winners at Lucan P..geon Club members raced pigeons from Peterboro Satur- day, September 11, a distance of 1'72 miles in sunny, clear weath- er. Winners in order of arrival were Clarence Hardy (three in first), Jack Hardy & Sons, M. Culbert & Sons. The birds also raced from Tweed, a distance of 222 miles and pigeons arriving in order were owned by C. Hardy (2) Hardyholme, Jack Hardy & Son and M. Culbert & Son. Saturday, September 19 the birds raced from W. Toronto, a distance of 102 miles in hot, humid weather. First arrivals were owned by Tom Hardy, Clar- ence Hardy (2), Jack Hardy & Son and C. Barrett. Also the final race was from smith ,Falls, a distance of 300 miles. Winners in order of ar- rival were Clarence Hardy, Tom Hardy, Norman Hardy & son and Tom Hardy. Public school board meet The Biddulph Public School Board, which meets the second Monday of each month, in either the Biddulph Central School, or the Lucan Public School, met in the former school last Monday. Mr. Les Kennedy, Lucan, 18 chairman; Mr. Orville Langford, RR 1 Lucan, vice chairman; Mrs. Russell Goddard, Lucan, Mr. Thomas Gagoe and Mr, Leonard Knight both of RR 3 Lucan and Mr. Clifford Abbott, RR 1 Lucan, secretary-treasurer. A letter was sent out to the ratepayers informing the parentS of the charges in both school8 and introducing therri to the new teachers. The board has arranged for accident insurance coverage for all pupils while they are at school or proceeding to or from school. Parents will be given the option to extend this coverage to a 24 hour, 365 days per year basis in the near future. ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL Although the addition to the St. Patrick's Catholic School is not completed the two new class- room's were opened last week, making a total Of eight class- rooms; The attendance haS risen from 182 to 205. The three new teaCh- erS include Mrs. Edna MOckler of Byron, Mits Janet Blair of Ceetralia and Miss Murray of Good enrolment for explorers The Lucan-Clandeboye Ex- plorers are off to a splendid start this year with 16 girls in the Red Star Group and 26 in the Blue and Gold Group. Mrs. James Lockyer and Mrs. Duncan McPhee were in charge of the graduation and presenta- tion of eertificates to Messengers being promoted to Explorers. Mrs. Ross McRoberts and Mrs. Lorne Mohr took the Exploration "Being an Explorer" with the first group and Mrs. William Froats and Mrs. Russell Thomp- son took the Exploration “Ways of Worshipping God" with the second group, During the business session the following items were dis- cussed. What to do to earn stars; how to earn a chance to go to camp; the amount of offering to contribute each meeting and a betton collection. Officers were installed by Mrs. Thompson. Chief Explorer is Julie Henderson; assistant, Susan Crozier; Keeper of the Log, Elizabeth' Revington; Keeper of the Treasure, Mary Mohr. The meeting closed with a game in charge of Susan Crozier. Graduates will continue study Lucan's four successful grade 13 students have reached one of life's great cross-roads. From now on their paths will, no doubt, drift farther and farther apart. Barbara Ready, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ready, has registered at the London Teach- ers' College. Barbara Park, daughter of Mrs. Dave Park and the late Mr. Park has entered residence at the University of Western Ontario. Judy Thomson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson, has enrolled in the School of Nursing at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and Carl Van Geel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Van Geel, has entered University at Waterloo. Earns trip to Washington Miss Marilyn Lewis, 19-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lewis, of RR 1 Den- field, who last year won provin- cial honors for completing 12 4-H Homemaking courses will represent Middlesex County on a trip to Washington and New York this month. She will visit the White House, Arlington Cem- etery, President Kennedy's grave, the National Art Gallery, the FBI building, the Smithsonian Institute and the Lincoln Mem- orial. In New York she will see a Broadway play, visit the World's Fair, tour the city by bus and b o a t--Chinatown, Rockefeller Centre and Greenwich Village. Most of the trip will be paid for by Middlesex County. Man picks lilacs in September Intended for last week Blooming lilacs in September! What next! Although the man, who picked a large bouquet of sweet-scented lilacs from a Main St. 1 o t last week, wishes to re- main anonymous, yet, no doubt, his wife, who was having a large number of guests over the week- end, had a most unique Septem- ber table arrangement, ("Doubt- ing Thomases,' may see a sample lilac at the Mad Hatter Tea Room). PERSONALS Miss Ruth Cochrane enrolled in the nursing class at St. Mary's Hospital, Timmins last Tuesday. Her parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Cochrane took her up, last Sun- day and returned Wednesday. Saturday, Mrs. Clare Stanley entertained nine little girls in honor of her daughter Anne's ninth birthday. Mrs. Florence Cunningham of London was a Friday visitor with her sister Mrs. W. J. Mc- Falls and Mr. & Mrs. Harold 1VIcFalls. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Young and Mrs. Roy Farrow of Mitchell were Tuesday guests of Mrs. Herman Young. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Watson and family of Winnipeg are visiting Mr. Watson's parents, Dr. & Mrs. T. A. Watson. Mr. George Strasser is now a patient at the Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy, Mr. Tom Weller, son of Mr. & Mrs. Toni Weller of Lucan served four years apprentice- ship with the Ellis Dori Construe- tion Co. of London. Recently he Was very surprised to be pro- tooted to a superintendent. CanVas for the Bible Society begins this week. Mr. & Mrs. W. W, Garrett of London Were Sunday Nests of Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mr. Gordon Froats and family have Moved to Water St. Mr. Froats is working at the Lucan Farin Equipment, With histeusin Mr. William Prosis. Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Morrison and family Moved to Brampton recently. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. William Aylestock were Mr. Cecil Jackson and daughter Ella and Mrs. Ja.rneg Keen of Stratford, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Woods and. Mrs. Alice Topp and daughter Lauretta, Listowel, Janet Goddard, five-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Russell Goddard had her tonsils removed in St. Joseph's Hospital last Mon- day. Ward Hodgins, son of Mr. & Mrs, Murray Hodgins has begun his second year at the University of Guelph. His mother took him to Guelph last Tuesday. Mrs. Al Bromwich and Mrs. Gerald Lewis spent last Tues- day in Toronto. Anniversary Services Chiselhurst United Church Sun., Sept. 26 2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Afternoon Speaker Mr. Harvey Sporting Toronto Evening Speaker Rev. Clifford G. Park Cl in ton SPECIAL MUSIC DANCE Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Pfaff (newly weds) CREDITON COMMUNITY CENTRE Fri., Oct. 1 Dancing 9 - Music by Doug Lewis and the Townliners EVERYONE WELCOME Tony Randall, Shirley Jones (Colour) "Sword of Ali Baba" (Colour) Peter Mann, Joceyln Lane Two Shows Nightly RAIN or CLEAR Box Office Open at 7:30 p.m. First Show at 8:00 p.m.' Children under 72 in cars FREE JUST MINUTES FROM GRAND BEND AT SHIPKA THEY'RE HERE AGAIN! \\‘,- •-,z/ Dr. BOB PIERCE presents the WORLD VISION KOREAN ORPHAN CHOIR DIRECT FROM KOREA THIRD WORLD CONCERT Stratford Festival Theatre Wed., Oct. 13, 1:45 p.m Admission by ticket only—P.0 Tiokols available of; Spackthari 8 Doss Pharmacy- Stratford Weiewriehf Flower Shop... Stratford Percy Sacker, St. Marys be wt/to: World Vision of C000da, box 187.-K Toronto 12 KEEP THESE DATES OPEN, Ex- eter Kinsmen Harvest Jamboree, Oct. 8; Exeter Kinsmen Car,Show, Oct. 14, 15. Sep next week' paper. 230 TEESWATER FALL FAIR—Fri, day and Saturday, Sept. 24 & 25. Bands, Cleickwagon races from Calgary, Performing buffalo act, Hydro cooking shows, "Big Al" from CKCO-TV, rides, County 4-11 Show, Regional Shows, Hors, es, Cattle, Swine. Exhibits Hall open Friday evening with local talent entertaining. Variety show and dance Saturday night. 16:23c A forest fire is a burning shame.