Huron Signal, 1863-04-02, Page 4�,-,9.a`_l eit7 f _ a BA -TU TU 1..irs4 / e...11 15/ O‘nsilk fit; IttuooOA Codfish." Where prey a L we lie • ear, •' 1141 `Flan when he morrsates sealed le W . per~ w • akde.ua is dotag kitchen d u 1y. say w Donal(, '• Herat Connell.*fuConnell.*H•�Iwru wit Mer a F0I14* ted, sat rade in o001 ad tor common , ," se a -elata)T am t , •ot;SmLlja, . M ick BeeB'sb•" 'ben were re if the reediest fairies. t • achrwl.■ate whose clothier/ is mot (1fM►i th • M:wrr, en pscitdly whim we rwrsembor Stat 00110e ut the aforesaid laray's uratic, s ars inmates of rte pouedu ad, se feel a etronn eerim to shun. r in bo, curs, •• Hurrah for Codfish." When we hear a Iron or wnw,0 Ie,.atin2 of tb iraw•eotry, auJ laking ynso.kd I,:rus to display their pre,end.d family cels 1f erns which he has stolen tees u.tge old b,r.k of heraldry, ' we lay. ► and say to a u, selves, ''Hurrah for CulIab." What we see an ejJant carriage duhia4 through the et,ect with hera'd:c devices mu bla road 00 im trat•p+..:e, roil a eoaebma sed fuotmau dec•k.d out in • lied of live:y� and especially rhea we knew that its mister mule proprietor male bit most, ay Te,di, purely re.etable pills, which nem nothing sore or les, than do d peas,, we eselerty a' Hurrah ter ('uk(1h," 10 short. when we see people putting os bau,;hty airs, !.o -a oo it hes pleased I)ivite Provo ace to endow them with a liberal share of this 0 all's gouda, or aloes .e ate the supdeei.ems sneer ot eontrmet upon the face of • person 41 epos hie or her t661113 00 of our wit. 'works for li,io0,' we feel a strong desire to show our estimation of Ihe* by etrl luting ,u their earl, "Hurrab fur Codfish !' SICAL' bY, ie AR STORM O2' F. Way Swat, Ooderic Auk Oysters, Burdines, always e. head. • -•>i III GE ASSORTMENT OF NH and . 0taaatal T1ee1 01,311,41.PE7 vZ.1.173E18 Otra*Aerfte* ,:M/ad mod R4w6are ARK. / ta, wc. M n. so & cameral til to bo Rti�oeP bo t uu . teal ,� x -m IWme him0t4e._ a r. VeIgl •darhu4N s{ hue. .oil','Mfhah Puralis/O AT 110J I weed of pa(eoeiiq hennaases ih• ue:a wtain Descriptive Priced adulators Free ow Application. T a elllrcfY.ta urrKlla nus SA AT REDUCED PR JN/ .aUOsp c Further Beauties of the Draft (Fn•m the Quincy Ilerakl ) It ie now said that the panneut of '300 will clear a wan poly of the first draft. and that be is subject to the second mad all sub- sequent .trdtts pereisely d if he bed not Leib drafted at ell. If there are three drafts ,r- ebored ill three months, you are liable to br drafted three limes leu tort length of time and be compelled W zo into ties make or pay your 5300 three times, or as many mom limes as a draft urn, be ordeted. This serum to be now the rue -all, receired construction of the law. If web is to he the op era,ion of the .owgnpt law, it will prove mune odious to tija le than it has yet beet' suppue-d it The &sine cwstruehun, ae presume, IIs .Lo to the provision ra•spectwv sub rlllgflta If a-drrtlted. mad hires a wbatitute L will nett exempt bin/ flora future drafts, and hs may be,,mlied upon either to tats his place a the ranks or furnish anothersthetr• tate, or pay another three hundred dollaa a half dozen times ia the coarse of a year, - With this enrutruenor of the law -which the St. Lona lb politicos goys is the true otic, sad which nobody has yet oontruveneJ, so far se we have teeu-its op4atiuu upon the Footer classes will be onerous and oppressive to the,eztl.we. In'sple ot all they can alt{ it wilt force them to become soldiers and to leave their fami,i.es to the cold protection of a most hopelessly bind arid unconcerned charity. It is nut surprising that the pour laboring meu of the country, without disline tion of party, should be hoatiug public talo[• lags 01.1 deeounciwe this conscript law. amp. Shoclnng Accident. A shocking accident occurred on the Gres( Western Railway in the vicinity of Prineston, bet -veers eleven and twelve o'clock on Monday night lest, and which manila -4 iu the death of ea in newel Robert Jenkison. It appears that Ne dee-eased was employed in the capa- city of brake.wan. on a special freight train eaouio; from Hamilton war. When just east of Princeem, Jeokiusuu found it mere* mirylit P5"s from one car to lie other, Ly rousing a, tt,-the train meanwhile bele! in 11•011u0 -whilst doing this he tripped, falling between two caner the track, where he was fearfu:ly n,a,t,:ed, be can passing o'er Lis body. The IsiplrbBhg stopped, the remains of the ill fatatjpeau were conveyed to a hoes.. Gear steeds relatives immediately telegraphed. Yesterday an inquest ores held on hie body, a verdict of '• aceTd-•rite;is kill. d• being the nowt. Deceased was quite a dowse moo, being very little noire than tw'eDty-one years of age, he was formerly a three -months' vol- unteer to the Federal army, having been 03 prerent at the holt 1E,, erngement. The parents of the dears d resale is idocb.3Mr, Yeteg lir ';••'y �.11;,J rite nnI0tal,era, and etea- Dying a retp.-eh'lle positron. IJgewnd err unmarried, and is desc,ibed as badwg bona • woo!' of prepcsx di5g appearing% withal heiag well gust' ilk(' fur the p sitiu0 which be kale. It is to be regretted that beakesseoLo wed Home emolorad on the ear% are not wasted by the fre.lee,rt melancholy occurrer .as recorded relative to th- sudden deaths of _ their comrades who have reclaims!, met their death; runnin, along the top of the cam wile{ the train is la motion, is at any time highly dangerous proceeding, but when viewed to conjunction with the fact Nat the • used endeavored to do w at midright, it is 7o be wondered at beat the accident oe- and bad such a fatal ternritetion,- remaina of Hobert Jenkie.o0 will be ed to his home at Hocheeser, kis halter arrived for tbat parries. - Fret 0 hha Pa0SO..Irws--Gen. Sch►na& tales, at Beirtere dimes/ns the era s tom, to the pin N 1Ml eh rebel gaeraje .re politely w privets. Mei pew hi. Nate eat se esti oast piotaptt, The reswtt n.. aft steleo ane att.... e .en. talo. : dehi d b.. lie Instil - s .Gem of th tame ea .lite rebel Nasi. tied .:wady bens ..d.. rr O•a of Ake eowtisrnt s now' Maim Plias ..d t Htl�ted on t fwasdai410 iso Z210 of 11 • saga bey. > S •f1 t' TION:! or Stallions, Calls & Spring Seeds ot Tan COCIITT a kApN 4QRx;ul,TW AL SOCIE; Y. A SPRING EUjfu1TIOxennneetedwith J 1 the {More & die& Will ba ha;1 n GOD& R1Ct1. oa 1.1.'•DA,T}. =nit' 7flifp APPJ1i:,' YE81, Wkea the fi/fhlwI ranoi.Iny rel tie awarded: ansa from 4410 a,. t.t� 1 clad hatko•.itits'2d beat 2.. g10. Brat •Med, •lO; 1.d hast du sin. The tialreelek,,R pn•wnnnr to travel wohia 10e hm1• of lea :Meier, donne Moe Sear*, are 1D ..sod bar 0.0541 al MO: wll..wm0 pleas Pth day : -Tows • 1 Hodench t a1 New' Towers 0 linens H..d. Colborne ; et N,1AwerM, H.II., rlaatw1-0 Town.hop, commonroom to trawl ,e re. [+Forma !al May, aw',whuue as above thr.mghwl *be ,eeme. S 1\T 0- EEE.DS <'oa.ala Cbtpaar4 tis., for scene Iran*: Yet JO Wheel. 311; sees beet la.abel.,1., 31; 3rd tam le bl.allele .bo g.). *111.100 11.10 0 ,lata, 34 ; 411 beet J.. $3; 3nt 13 Ices 10 Loiters !'roe, s4: dad hest ,b, 3051 rr M du g!. Meet a h.eh..4rd.y, • 4 ; YALUA8LE & WELL -SITU PROPERTY, FOR SAL,! IN TES TOWN OF OODERIrC�.H.. Tll111ut+yl.•r is tellma w .dor far 01' a Ike b,r,Tlwe otti ab10 property, vies ABt�1Rfi1F011Y STTUATED PROPta ' of �TAsem aoaa. The gums .•cies seven largo cellae, Aro . There ere k.ur-elihe of y lend si YIN* fc+wd, ad . reemerges.. Mosier. TN . M wily ,n 0350Itilt Ikea ,. tha 100010V1.( a ,te odd view aa' Lase Hums. ad bat • short dl•. Water from Ike 3larket 8*.are. zirn si d, Lorkh O 44s ;Yarm[ &4. et Rao ltr.e, A fry lass wea ar the Posu• 'shdary1.� The ho.n notate, wee. wade. In 1* rums 01 sued her a sseam often chokes (tad 1••,i, re 'knobs, ale There is epee/ ammeters for a woderlie Metal lasuly. Egg COTTAGE Oa rho Balled Roo 4, !Vere re ■ stable, wimp, die., ea I10 Tho home unlams ars •oe*awl 91'4 propn0 mek.da two lot., well (soled, nyw,uK uuw tartlet to area. I30�3 anti LOT fro Beitsasar. Rood, we. the iters.. Rod. le The boa.e commun. ail norms, kd.•bon, err. !kw Ty'ahsr• pnhwrty will he sold cheap, Alp - do ,l, ply to a; G. H. TRtIEMAN, lea do 33 ; 3nl lest do 52. Bawt ' b.h (b Sated, 33 ; WI hen. 3 t Beet 1 1.atb.d Tama, kiwi. IN 3 Ad Irak du 12. Iron The 0100pr .uw ere ..p0 to the mon Ws,.t, and w41 its. •wanted to /alar& mowers a.1 - Inn Bram only war -h .r ot r.Id,ro wrinlanw the Novae) Ye Ne 0th. Jat'(:.r l4rJ ■t u prow Da t.rrze►edtwrlve ■ad • halt coots le -r I.u.hel a ver •d •lave the market - LIQt7ID pm,..00 that del. RULES OF THE EXHIBITION: I romatic Physic 1. A11 wemtwaa harm!K pd time mhocup1 and only moll 10 be eixtlhd 1..,eoprt.. 1. 1 bra'o s thlhpr,1 nm.t hate La -an pndu ed un 1 Fano ufthwexh,bnnr to Itta1. 3, All avmpetd, rte pre,onnn ,,u4 gore the Se wrnry 0.4100 the Jeer piton of the work or pato mrv,,lewd shrew %lure ten u'dody A. M., of the day M show, vie: t,d Apra. 4. -Com itno05 wall a,4 Ir «nettled 10 more than our p remonn fur Ibe same load of grain from the game term, 'ter i (%.der•eh, lo Septeu.l.er- Appraiser. aclioOeer, doll y a1 DR. HULL'S ion The I to he seal Ib,I..ih.w3 -erer•ey. tons ler heI AN Tmportaat Family Medicine. 'o ( lf. T'Mt'EMAN, Src'r Omdeceh. Feb. h, 1043, FOR the rare of dioceses of be LIVER AND STOMACH, Indinest B.li 105, Dura a +inti•,. taientices P 01 Ilse Hart, C•rtiveb0m of the }Leaner, Sisk - Headache, Piles, Jaundice. a.d all other times - !'here an opening 4eulle physic is lequireed. TO ADVERTISERS ! THIS MEDICT ATE 1 CONTAINS NO MERCUR A. 1- OTHERDELIBTERiOCBDQ Ilr,nr..3 men throuirboct bks Pelted Coan thea of /boron sad Borer, and elsewhere, will OR' � du well to remember that the • - HURON SIGNAL, 2EiN „TrEd,RYtPALAT/Le& . As AN It r. amity a teepe,lle to natio*, eivi•1r the a ie ties sea tam or the Province , 1 T►w •• •' ew beesg very fk•s.nl 101 1 baying 1 hire become eery pewits, with Ih.rse tat warned wok eaweoue C ,,D1p'1RRTISING Iandahnnby.rtwntofo "`".Stomach, • b tldtY l al h F�IIT)H } 141 kbemr the bode tterivea lel. warner. I have baso lewd C}rrslatNe of Mere tku DeuMe Aloe., Mhalr,b, are. that .4 any other Iowa* is A. Cuuahea MsacitANrs and others who desire to reach the greatest number ea people with thew emcee, may, a1 arty tme.exannne.Aker aur4y d Joao fit autw•hLrra, or the pole of wetted pee polo moms week • true. when we hays taut V.. sheeted doubt they well be eu..lied with regard to what we sate, t'in'e No, AT -Queen .wired the Ant MYlenpie. of Ike tllo.•.t., (fifteen yea05 age), it hu leen weedily roorn.nr .n 1-1014ui0a, a0! 4.r 0400 lora greater clow m co. prams n.. - .rat ! We do not wee these rriarke on &ermine of any Ante.g clt ie owe AdvetWiw4 Palr,na:e; on Ise c„ntrery, we be sit r nen It I w• TLOR & SON h, JOHN FAIR, & CO ARE NOW OPENING T1!EIR FALL fl3TOCK or Wherever at has been introduced r h4d met with gnat sewer, sad a likely to anis. .0 othn seines as a goad and plows' ���ij,�c. PAezza4l:Aynmp aad Mae pisemlly. r GODERICH LEATHER MANUFAC jRY, y In nn every AND d we Dine :1 a point serer to arrow an wirer Leather sr i dingjSLwre bargained sur ret cal edu � � +aaaa++a(r, W quarter a• to else cursoostly tial room tis i an those[ l to reveal, m tar per and the tame I t e 0300 nose -k nessee have toes turned awry dw ire. the pew ail menthe, 00 we are ortrrmened, is accordant* 1 _ with toe *aeon d t0. Paas emenneliee. eel le I i adow them "sea ata cent k rhe. the pesos re- - 7 cw,v,i7 nom locil mettlenta, 8intwnhMading - Otte, however, donne the toe thmaCesed, we have *foraged tan 01.o.aa of weir manner week. Thinker proves ■ temente ' .t re well kn,.wa try alt advertisers trst clarets faff all Tele Me her and, L Lott t0. al 01 1 kM 4 0�oemawn ah.=�, e hold l.eow MAw ban he Insts, tee citesp lore to ad es.", to auk* the Idealise Blackwood PRB artIC ow the _ what twilit* of ay ant. 1i. wove {day, obis, 1 1 li 'kffee by 1impart? eta twolrsr4t.4 thessuel lawbeht! 2'1e twit is hetet ee the !meth bratheh of rivotr is sate he halt ` retry* at eat diseteree waggons. TU. osamosssil sway* taw, wort W it Is that dte etre eel ire shoat St/tett ti *O• f - &ask Ord As ta. raw 4teNstee the wives rigs whys bort) P,w wry ane e) Paw any inns Or 0, all Aar of e amok • Leh. the ..,e e aV H 414 • ar ...a. • fY-a & J. SEEGI 1rLLER 116 graauy enlarged the taro n ie. of the 34. uisalory, mow kw.p constant!) on hand a IjargeAnd wall Prepared OCK OF LEATHE (if e'w7 dwe•r:lxton, ra.dsae & OPFER Hip i Moo Ci..0 PORr et.ak. n their Lem her sad f '..pert►. wit0 the shore writs 0d Mark of aylmet a ewe Cal Skits, Morocco, Goat, I.e(ie4Coes arewf a, 0./ldse s large lwpwly • .00.180 sews. ■awe Star . - TeComp Lau 7.e.. Node. IV! _ iI.agstbr *30, few ww �OIiTICLT i tM Air/' lh,owre, es w► [creeps pot tared eras& BC MI 17 sit .cit thetwool awl Ow BIMoesimam te d whit*0. -Well dllbr ha ...46=,:brooweweiotat MaptoIe le Seedily*: Others 11 l Holo Ws alas AMA* lie FSR'$ GUIDE, 'Btlfndwtil}Ny1001 of g0(nth57b .4d ..Ton, aYWi Co1gp. weller wtlr.�a; is brN.*so wiehe , 44 LEO VAlW SCO IT i Pali* "H� w U 3. Patentee w MINN .r. aro Ott s 00,51 T taw NI, SIS do Tetra LaiB I.M. a .ra.ry Aho al T•:..kro r,a ate w e 'V14IR Alla • 111, t7M tr, w the a 7701/•nr 00 *0 0003'. sen WenNn0s., the .ii e.1 libels outett nwee...1 40. 0t, Park Irnfh abed 0e.. or R melt teems sed 14 (tie, itiek, r .0117115120 ALL SHL NOVELTIES OF THE SEA$$$. They are daily expecting a CHOICE LOT . Of WHILES, D1a107 Tana LONDON AND PARIS. Corner of Market Square an West Street. doderich. 23rd Sept, 1062. fawns 11 U e _ G Y `r d Si S a k , AND HEAVY HARDWARE, they offer the : Very 'Lowest Prices DRY NODS ' D A RTMiENT CONSItiT8 OP Egliah Cloths, Blank' eta, Prints, Dress4 r Goods Cottons, Stripes, Denim., Flannels, Shawls, Mantles, Ribbed*, Tritnmings, hosiery, and a VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CANADIAN TWEED AREW-MADE CLOTHINC, vs*. tkf 71110seskie e1 the pihlic; variety of sorts end qualities, 1 MST CHOICE LOT OP LADIES'- & GENTLEMEN'S FURS. I. 1 BOOrrS .A. '... D 54110 SI, Well assorted and of superior quality. _}� � Taw An HEAVY HARDWARE, .h 4 slisliwR of Plated Wale, Cutlery,Lat(!`es, Car' Toolsand all other article*a�inebat•wmrw is revel demand, vy Hardware, consisting of Iron. Nails, Glass,-Iwky 82seta, Pates. Aavib, Vices. Bel nwa he. 'Agents for Circular, ;Holley and other IMws, at Itasl•fsef.nts' Price. PAINTS A OILS. Gtr I. C) O XI MIL 1 313 8 W.,. baaR►t at the late ale in Montreal„ at prices which warrant them in saying they cannot be atadsnsid. Their Tea Mn twee web ae4eeW, and kering prna•haoed a 'urge mammy, they will be alae Io A.m..h erailetry Merchants at Montreal Wholesale Prices! Aa Iarpectins i. So.i .1,.. are not d,air•lae at jlunb*ging, but court inspection, that the"vivre," , ray be played. ' he .n/bind 0. ewtinse-ruin; at n.locrd prices, they feel ft ineemtwnt no dem to dustaw.i2y wall then ceee0en, awl ,sy that they expect all amount• 10 M pad pnmrpety sed la Ili - J. V. DETLOR & SON. __, th keno .rle,.. k 1 d PIKER & CATTLE, WHOLESALE it RETAIL DRUGGJ:S-TS !.! KINGSTON STREET 'O '; ranch Establishments : Owen Sound & Durham. D1ALEKs 1N DRI!HS,CHEM ICA LS. PATENT MEOICti1EP TKBSI &•, DT It PTI' 8, l/ Paw., V Tar Puny, Koen, T u Cd.l a M.ir,�l�sl4 a.1�9w (dies, •ww►awa Oe:' SKS', er'",rgm°ei,. p•R V•••5 k r. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES 1 All Ordain ~wan to .err et• Ia171 1.. carefully and op to ,w' J", n12M -T!7^ r' I.ARik icra atercf-44,4 •' I,la,'t.e' m*o,» a ma tie bete. Oednre, MSrek, 1.47. HURON FOUN1RY1 Las am RD lidellirdb . a+- 1'' t ' ifir Y;.:41It0141 NC ,rY. 'seer% air-►� r �'• �.. R U N C 1M' AF �c>Or�T� "VT r ilandaaturers ot-Aiistraani- Bowring' $*y lotrilashainweigThri ANT era ' _441101' BOuLu6y atnolvAdot#INGii-M.A.CIITINEN, 4. : s: • 100411 L NI. i4, N. :u, fee. 14, 5. WI ese4. 200 ACRES. pHs JUDO II10.4-8 •• eery eheepond ,AAnddythe pati, on _,. .I►7 ee~i [melee•[~ 03.07 8hewe 111r10.4 . the Moll l,wg. er thele ,rant M •ei w"iwt in tk. •.5*l Fee pow.,, tip dither, apply I. O. O. & ale (To fearrM, Mtwh bonlekr se >;drod termed& r.b Ake Ot.M l4.0.m .l«?Odle. w llrwesN&q/`• TwrAe a(Ine ;N. T. Custea,d,.: (( ittrie►J(oraery, fietgbo l0. felt swig ; ai'd's sAxaE' of X41DBl Cawed couaum of QY ` , 411 a• t fit q Hero. sed Wwcw, } 17 I'Etjli't�/ To wit: ))led Preen awYl qt(f of Nor Yyespra goer! Of Quad's sad to we dwmMA agora tits • I•nh . /M 0aamaat-.i Tadao, Les and Mates[ H•IM at she out of Jame. Daae ey Jon 'cis.) rad mar a 611.c.,hdt elf Ole title mad menet d tea sad (• _Md Lel iterate.' Kit. Noah .ads of f 141 Ilumar E4wws Wgr1 wt. lit tired Pars 1.0 Nuttier Oise, `'oath 0.�sa( h*nom all ie the _TOW* at( ttouthetueWIt albs loyIt, Salve Nue► •nd'bces tts111M•allw fee tale at 4ryy eOl6. fa Nb Coln 12... in w Tow. or Uarer0►.. ow T.awd.y rah h..w.ab day d Apnl as{t. at the hear 41r.'f sirs ot lie .tor* 0005.t, ,fOHN IJACDO7a1.1± sk'ee, g a. By S. Pot.c.oca,' steel• ' 8b.rfP•erv; ' •h', t 13th M..oh. I. 1 Blowing and Rbrkpta g Machi13r11, "WOOd/_ *MC .' ft CrCanollterilir A cm -®.70(x • =as, /won flsothila made, ate HIrk0,ithe wnrk done is a mat and 1 t Osaha pollifbay detirrlpeito wade order. Also, ailkis.& of nasbta.e� repaired on sheet twice. A large MOI* of " UTyA COOKING, P, LOUR AND BOX fiNVE41i IA,wwy n howl,aaosbad Pipe Botha. As oaf p pa ve 4,0..at .p twpvev1 raid, we. .add WWI.. frame*, of ow slwwk when, se um are • the stows me IM low,aI rewMeetirs prier is. loll rpe peeved Oda._ .l� •554. Copes., v all Lids.( vedap helot he a wehwwp. Oeistjak, Ow0sbsr.1ek s. rr ♦1► ' NOTION gay mime, ' apses IMOMEStlYtautainuom Netteireeitiestit ow, Nem alba ass& ea so doe SHBBIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. ttmwd CauMw4 d Y virtue of a Writ ,e (fees. rod Brew, R) Faro Fames, ...owlam To WA: al Her lrap.ty'. (:rorty Coen a t0. Vested Grata. of Hares end tlelwa, . ad to aa. dvo1.d mq.0M the Isola and Tec seam of Job. Piternea, it she rd of Tho.ea. w. Y0.p.O., 1 hon wed and mhos au Ewer. *weal IM MI6, balr awl Lards d the said De. 4endaM. m sad to Lax Newhrr Fin in (0.10,- ..,h cdnicasiows, Kasten IAvaaos a the Tamer altsp ame - .h'P a! CoS00 ..d Comely w H.ruw, contemn- i.g h rh.eworei.eet (hoe hundred acres, be the rax set' ow 441., wok ter Madams. throve 00.040. WOO. L..d. end Mwewlei10 1 shah aid sr Gals at. u .Gc..1. the Came Hems u Me Tow • of tioder.-0, on Twrwday the Twenty e.hN day of April went, .t the boar of Twits of the ain't, sous. JOAN YACix)NALH. case riJ, II. 4 B. ey S. Poems, Depose Lend. Bhenr'e / nit e, ti, denier , Nth Jaaary. 1se3. ( (N Sheriff Sale of Lands. f3a. notal Cwntered�� Y va las of • West of n HursodBnar, fern Facto, Mewed not 10 *IT: Sof Het M.jrrty'. Como', Comet cf the United Comore. of Hurua and Briars e d to me dneatod neatest the Lemur ...1 Twee - menu ul 'Willman Naftali, .dease,wraIur 01 the goods mid edemas a Joh. Smith, deceased, at the we of Joepb Cook, 1 bare v.zct sat tale. id Ezeculwdell the nabs, title end ,nle•iret d aha ✓ ed ',Olsson Resadl, as such Adme.Mrslot, I• .d lY Let One I'rnelan;ore How..n the VOlegr a Kireaskse, .0 the Coaly of Bruce, mete ming 0114alfar serer row 1r less, w.th the Wading, ahem... Which Lando and Tenement. 1 shall eery tor ate au 1'v Ogee w Ne G..rt Hoar, as .he Iowa d 6akna4, re. These., the Pleb shy oe May oett, at the boor of Twelve a tie cluck, moon, JOh N MACDONALD, Ohara H. & B. By Pot.(eet, Deputy Sherif tJ►grnrre (.(eke, ()lderw-0, 31w J•suary, 1061 i net SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Vaned Comoros of j1Y none of • Wnt c7 Haar .d Brume,PJ.J Yewda.na, Expos/sand To Wit : ren Face Jared ort .4 Her Majr•y'. Court of Hewes'. Bert, coil w we directed corse. N. Ino. asd warlord. d 30115 SPENCE. at the wool tie Tab: 11450 OF CPPEK CANADA, 1 have atoned turd takes le exea-utq .11 the night and .mesad ot Me rd ell fe.denI ,n and helots ate iv nice Incluan. hor- des r.,-tees lothlnv-sows iedeatn, .a)4 ,nwo toAny- der,. clewve on the south 'soled Head Meet ; 133I>ue 4511rtrie tortiodyr,-gds etscrsisw j1 wee. seat, iiir.d a .diatbteed[; jaVI ud ea *be westsee o: rtmwawd Ay�p p 5,ee,hrur, ave a 4Ws fhi eeM ,lit. amd ,*2,, bre & wx, on the west .Die oft, eowo,:d Avenue ;1 four, eve ed ue, on the east side, and direr, r, dye and wear /ode to the we/ole of 70/6010M and eleven on the unwed ale of WefregtenMm,t, eOlteionFFone-rwreh of a acre each, an m IM lOwm a bids. la the county .f HnR. Las tee sod awoke, oe the east .de of Vireos Meet; ale* tbrrteon o■ all north ed. of Bob onto, ten and twelve, o. the mot .add et Yankees street, thirteen, cat the n wesole of ''miens Mmes, e d 16tH -nine ed forty 011 the meth eek ot Can • 3,h1LloR me idie¢11r1R-lea a rnri.a &ea., in thrioam ee(d,lisRMnm4n. n tee 41.,.1 ro,unty 1a Hews ; weals la la•wd..l.1 slue o'er tee sato at ant • olive ()Oen douse, i. the tows of0)oderwb, .. &y, Aa 17th day ei absorb wee; a /he boar w Twelve d W cluck, soon. 1 0 l" g nl1.1B. try K. Pol.t.ecz, Deputy a by February, 1882. f I tll!er,oyyrr sale le t1 ..pa•s,��aa ttkh.a 8t .easb.deij.1 Jed t;'0 TI0t7slnd plane, �. r,1 MORTGAGE - -SAL V.Clake .Ja.itJt3tts)h m� 1 trDL+it sand -n • 0M,4 aye died. by T1rmr H . n. of e/ et wwryo of Co1bY6e jn {se Cgay Am*, bi M H 1.nwe d 114. till Part d�I �Mhri1 twha1o(441pprr fi�bN.,51:1 l( JeM mWr eye. hero.Dr, wr d)Aryd mows m die P opll. s w Preettamft Y t I • rYM w.11 a d Oudasb, 0 : l0 wit ro Haded es. Alit •• ►a .era •.,'IE• el cw.eapalaol ot La Iwl drone I tIsy IAare, and clew. [ as Idi.�l� qf.* sad to 1ae number r edlrWM.e with "litigator/I (tqu M wtsa, ants .ma :be„1/l,isi lo.da;sad asendettee bertrurriry de muck, sous. .. •0 a. r Y. Por �o 114 l£ By Sba,d'. OC.-., , •tj Pshtsse ossik, t . ,a..-: ,I 1133 M mad 1 . •.u' av L.,•ats sidt Piga. „8,.... 8,. .771.s��e�wrd�� q ;11,1T tree .14144 est a Ikea see 'Claud ale 6( ty a•t71a Imo' anti .ee apnea sow ate ast6 nu d W*00. t1r , f • 10,--npass{I id Nh..a M�{d slksb. ryM I�wp:„..., i....,ss ship h Henke ra.0 tttet ! {ba4MNSner tad* Ohs C\alis .0 ,liehloe►ta.e'...at.•a. +w Cow 140.1 y� ( 01Vp.n.L, ie. •...a ley" 53 W, ros&.w hymen* n* (k. road envenoms Of ww00e09� l eg TIM,mlvdz m sadCeAtxwwti TI. 'r1Ae+at 43 tu.arop..51tdterNoSk1.-i.11 . torr.e d aChwm. Thai M.374 U'W Jana [Yell put w 4.64 ePTEwety kwvuy►irs. .'iw.LO i'arylisfFjva pd 7}e�ry�, r1 of ea ceras; Tb0,.e 71.70° Ib W. a= yy,lw d Sax Massa mod Twenty -dove LI/1N, qdw or lam, Y as .meets heesdary er'Nal Road ae braes lrrwew. 1.00 Bea Tweetyk tie wed Tw.atTwat 75..s.. hi. 3741 ad R. Wag IM SwNn. Mnladasv of and Moat a dw..ee of Twelve Cbairee w the he .0.1. 00.10...4 b► t Aa0, Ter. woo.. •ed 0,n.e. Pmelhs, 14 lbi-osie now elf levo, arab W 4i 10g. •Nape ylAr .4. Wkrh Lamle aad T,,.waea Sown .ern for sale at my Ole. m the Coen Hers e Me Iowa. of (logien, o. Tuesday tire Tww1Ah day a day. seat, at the hour of Twelte d clock, sous - JOHN MACIIo7ALD; Pham, K. t B. By 8. P uoca, Amway Sheriff. . Sheaf 's February Rh. lar . 1 wL . sitraIFF'8 R &L OF LAHD1i. ThmdR, e•Seci Ofiril A. 11, 1dS'hl T'M1lvafitAlr1�fd�, seas, THI *z*e L ie No. 111 Ati .m'efwiea)) ..ft (0005ag lead Han'da.d • ender w ay ha CAMli ice* Wit__t , Yt Da& w31 AdetrsJ*i ala(traMm,1 dpUTL Sal h Cnm•e0uo. (Few. eetelbetter...ka• load. wow heat Terms d 8.le In the Poliriter.,'. �.. P PR11l8� it Called Coe sties of+ t moue oltwo Woos d Huron eat Itrure,} 13 {'eisdxnoa Esyyes sad 70 W., • 1jj11 Med Ferias woe elutofHer Majesty's ('only Cost of threeway dfti.ey, and 1a we 110ezowl ytt the V n& aad a0esaao what werenHaim craw a abeaw, deuaaatd. a No tune of hon death, leu the bands of Iota .tale.., Robert ('aims awl 1)avxl (lick, to be 0miaaesed at meant* o(Jobn Creed?, It.. and A4•zLider Mol - 000,1 haveena d old taken in Bzea-utw all rte rpts.wle and ibserea of the earl dol den, wad to 141• Numbers 1, 2, 3.4.1, soi„ to, 11,.11, 111, 14, 10, 1 11. 21, at, fa. >A >tl.i1, ly 31, 36, 37, 4T, 43, Li, 44 41, }o. 4f, 00, 1. $,, (d•. e l, '76. TT, 10, M, 1!!, d1 IB; lie, t*1 tr I, ter, 33 '3V' 3X4.0, Idd"'tee, 112, I'7, ? 4. t , .1111. 117, 118, Hb. 4* 141, 112, 134, 1115, HS, 446, 147, 1N°, IAJ, !ht. ma, 1u, 4611 ed 310, a0 en the Village M Jrvermay, to the Charity a' Hage, twine mleliruoes ..Harm IW Susie Gree 30 in the ae0 ,10 conces(ua he the Torraeltip d Arran in the Mid ('meaty of Beer.. rho abort leu o-rm, Lao' eomperdd all thaw pows nes d (ansa 1.10 Nus. tip.ad 3D, aateret 4pkdrvd d ro Yd - o'er me lags whaat m'hy Ul1Je k,. the Tole. Si.4Kiek; os day d A uezl, u the dock, JO111i NACix)NAlilt Bhsdfi,i . da 11 . Br 8.Uetle ok. Y'>• 1 ,ad P tit M e, .drnch) a -- step. ( 0.7,. , *a7 to .JYs 1 AO 4'( O., .t o5.06116 f s' sHERIPF S ailz of reuDs. Ironed (.,,.5. hf 'T) 7' nitrite' of two Wri a 0 Yes..01 awe., 1i'reidotenl'EzpMadgld to *4: P.. 110034' 00414 M et Her sla1..•":1111714::: c•.ry 1Couay. Peart d 164 Couuy of llahun sal to.aed.nrpct#agae.(. 164 La.de and ee.raw *fiche Por10y,' at eke sept o1 1hvd Brooke, 1 have wised 0d talo M R moved@Nl tag nal. Ilk and lowest of the sad,Dctssaipt 10 and TO Lut huutbr1 Ste is the Testy Carew n on u(the Towneh,p of Murry cid .16011a47 p1 Hems, rostaa.,,g by .Amcaeurine.l Mets -fair Aron d Load, he the =me Aore'wr W high Lembo are 1he.wenen 1 a0Mlt nerliW . 611Py O w .p the Coon 14..1, n• she Town of (i.,L.eib. ea Tuesday Wog Tway-deM'4ay w April Nast, e, the hour s f Twelye of 1111 ckej, O 0011. _. _ .�_..... (:boar, H. k B. By S. Po..tnr•a, Da ittlMenr. Shwa 'a Urn, Oedtneb, 4 17N Jaa.ds. Yr,. :{' • ' .• seer ' y• e SHERIFF'�S�� SALE OF LANDS. Ceded Counter.; 01 .,nq of • Writ or Help s. 3rMWS} Fleet Facia lama a, T W )d Ht M3jlae[A *4onty' Coup M 11,4 'i'ndp,1 � k(q� Here Ord to me Shand Weeder *00 1 ni and 1010.010 d Nra•r(Moor aid - 20100 *Ma at the .01 .4 John Plummet dal Jobe Ptly'1Ln wised •d sten 11 a•yt,. .11 1s. n 0l. 450. •sit ialwM r d ha "1641 .air saltr i b1(at par14 oe (r0M 0(1/504, awstelae. ,lying a8e'.g 03 Tew.d!ip a( 1.! s!4P,r% s gYf4Aro. Pmv(krlt aj 5 r tsttrin.wt (iM•'AerO ,,�o.ftr tel�eo'1,t Lot mast* ?gi0of` 11rR •ydllptmRr of .ahead raster of IM bid 11p,at,� ea 'be .wd Ln. Road u•mW.gs, me- talline,Oa. zdfnmarall ,ab.ressd a 11. *Ike 1ke saidr Debet .rev, with Ha twat- MN wt-eN amen.' greeted; whrb Laid. •0 T...- g enu 1 3 4 I (3. lea Two- :This NI 1xr4�re in tam he Nla► i 1 Iha Sew o erre Ts N11 Pt e s t Twelve • •.,sIoall'!d'CDONALD, tesir D ithieft"4iktr.n Ld Mr8' GALE OP a Used Cero0ns,t Frew" era' mels N M .M3a. •�. InaloJtarlq . of. fora m a 1�• lathwarto nbet([ SiMn owl.J0.. Jabot, 1 M b,wlibd .N 1•111030iizersrw .0 tie nate u l...b14 r' '. 1j i(Chs03 1.04 • tlWrfAlMllww t*,wR�le�'oft Vabes t yY mot ce* ViaFo f Omit h eo ttt • •i day has, IK . erkriara„, jIntie Acifox While" Woo PdP*4 of envw OR IVO 000V tY141414/MUIP? merriceit it he -A MAMA ilratarleb.1110 Kee. NW