HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-04-02, Page 3the WA. ineupol eaa Oda ; Weeded le Mew 104/1660. We bib et Cher 686 wtO sew MIMI srf era My hes 1161es ewe wily Uwe pee sphia 1.0 yew preseelle. arts the hal( et soy wea6 I yew" tele M w sea eet with one whew Wake am Coed reiglii is devoted Weservies el my Was heedful oddest whisk perish - Wee mew Wm. of Ws eameless. Ois en 161 imam venebse it, hew aril mere a thintrbier Wear meet hely shank I thew - awe. se behslt gees semssmig, mosso the "Seen• add, Monteldo j-1 am =11., Aeons Wet arehipskage 01 desert less. by We am. et We leeess. Wowed ea the west .4 Wept vises Yew telele, Is Now Ossmisda, there le use relied 66 Wei's.* ft le ibe leseret amid ewe* Modem at the grey, sad lies the must to 411114/11111. At We seam polls which reel • Wile ww3.0 the eta, thew etas& aso di. heave! et Jag*, the none will be at ber hit in tie meat tweedy minas* past 111411rithe heemiee, sod thee lie gado. of she WC mule to bat biabssi &Il- ia bee will be throws 4oe wet. (To as ocarrumw.) Nue ltraertireasen Municipality of Colborne, , illibeetestreas het yew eke ' Tavern Limes Reeled Ilineria AO Jobe Banesey's do Isms. * Now Limp too 's do tesheiroa.gazeiV Coster tor 1111 1 111 63 sisal!. OP 110KELS: 11.142.4 411,1. 100;m0kk 211.1 re 00 20 to 4111 rat liem 1611 ter !Wt. tree es le Noel, Gorremooreireor, dos., Ise Indeneips lewd la Canada will entre Mr t eerier. Morrow ot say Cary or roma, end vie ans., *shoat eildural The cur. IS epee dey dee rester isfammitrol prom sell el Ile Ce4 ...sad ler Customer ord Vityylar.mentootag err.. Jen. I. 1b4S. swieurany Nees C. Pewilhaeyer's 11* POP ao Tugs Osiessaw's Soh for 11162 . 4 Tweserer's yet Cottage for 1842 STANDS, MATTRASSES, 214 98 40 0771 ha M r..1 Way alI nla tem 1t1. IIr.- 1 11e Aso- tkey ems D er he shew We hdr herr ear r.. the WIN tK r. ea - wee ►.1 w ed 1F k►- e.ti .y care mw W ✓ 4 t./ IM b tip w .I. uY 11. M w. ur to tie ee. I eP we ID 3 b 7t se i•. W et ✓ it ,1 M M e - • Pe • r • • t. 4 i It1• Ilitresstiwid paws sae --CioZwa Nereld.) MAW neeidiuy thie city, bet eke • yew leskelar and meneweetable Weir, that *New trenspriag ie Desk township, wiles OM* Of 4/www. Mom Lee se adsesed814dens7ter .bremayile name tresess, else is ims pen of airs W obi alai ged ems seeripseg the snsims-roose 4.er, abets a week sum., she dmove.ed tee miget to he es ire, amd the inseam env* Ira:. lie be, sedsriusic isers so engin het been me Are bet% in the room Ws issereleg so des bed bees carried into the seem ear eseW the &wily im any way sir 114•04 fee the fn. le less thee se beef lie•••• IMPS ONO Weiss hum mune nip is ..•toorbae room. Tke mime aley Me girl's dress towel this Cm &sterns led used is wiping 'bier Mos, ups beiog bony on a mail, com- mended loarniag. This Wet occurrence look paws in tie preseece of mem twelve persons, gone of whom are arson the most respect - ski* in tie Mace. Nest straw stack near vibes • Number of persons were ia the house, the feilies amuse heavy eaketauce eat herd im She chamber &needy err Usk, bee& Uri. going ay stairs, it proved es boa bay of books ao4 rags, avid suspeoded by • cord to • beam. n. beg els on tile, and tIse avast wee also burning whoa the portico seamed the room. and family became se murk Panned by these moveuests that try lett their home. Whom Wm furniture wee being moved, • meek, amd aot ban been opera far mole them • year was discovered tu be ua fro, sled whoa apporoi:d, the Genies burst forth, The &Andy are oow living is a house some three miles dinars from their large, bet the mysterious torment, termed by Me doubting "a Inuebag" by Om spiritualists- the =Awa - retied of fire and briurree,” aud by Dr. Mier% werhe of the Devil," is bound No meow bad the yirl •outtoil Iser now home than lier autism took int us tier direr - toot places. -And sue owe other tam wthre eke km visited, are se bedy tormented as the family 04. Mr. Smarm. et Corset taw excitemeet is mum integer. People an &alias is every direction to nit- ers this u sly wwdertim mymery. Some of the mem proteeed eehelen of the State, trewhom Tappan, Chancellor of ekests44111Liebigeo, Pres, Fairchild see the NOY • ' rid all mrreedsee they are kiddie myeteriM Wised tisiddepth of Me 'Meese eimeevure. Owe lima remedied thee the 'jedgmeet Geil was &beet to be Whetted apes the heads ef the wieked poor. Another old bloated Democrat mays thee the eases in which our AM, is seined is =holy, and timit is a fire ia ifee rear, ' sum to hock forth Dad devia- tor the whole North. We seepeet, however, seem will aammal the mystery.. le • co. trisestreras Slalom* of Co. Rata for 1841 263 T..1. IlImarlimme a Stetioogry Bill for 1861 211 Joseph Bea, Baud Work ea Sol COLmele400, IL D. ...... .... 13 Themes Measles% dilates en bide Boa 12 T. J. hivorbeese, SOitUery Bill for 1842 . 21 T. Weethwahl. lenwing wed allowance on 3n1 Con., S. I0 J. Gait, Resists, of Dm& en load allowante, ird CCM, S. 11 ri... ..., '1: " Jas. Itarkeu More tor allbrd and Watson, for Breed Applied to .1. Teasley, 161 now* at PIA pit- CQUERED STORE, Market Square, Nvit duo ' Saddlery. WATCHES, lEWELRY ASP ItUTIC In the beet Style Warranted. Weide Inettell Jewelry, Watches, If am. wear refaehal. Goan. a. lie horamolier eel llama 3 50 Airiest* end IIMMair, meat for do., 134 eseethe, at 14 ets. per month Healers bill foe elytkneg kr to. J. V. Dettlor's do do Wm. &Mae% for Stu*, Leveller, sad pharteties Whaety for Friteley Thos. Anderson, do Jes. Teasley, do Wm. Omen? do Joan Ktirtoghan, Auditor, Robert Proudloot do Jr. Toomey, Sel'ector of Jurors Wm. Young, do Wm. Histeett, pay as Couocillor Woe. lielleday, do Titus. Hinny, do We. Vous& do Alen. Arland, do Township Clerk mid Treasurer County Treasurer County Hetes County School Rate Portage No. 4 Helloed No. 6 School No. 6 School Worsasosh Cities with Colborne do. 34 60 9 71 0. 2 871 11 08 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 04 3 OD 2 OA 2 NI 2 1111 1 00 9 01 9 1141 9 84 124 NI CASH FOR WOOL he employe sons bra tbe teorkzei•110.1W10 •ur; weed tor rainy. let lurnilure. Dodertch. Oet. 1441. 1560 FIARDWARE ONLY DICLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE • 4151 Id • 214 011 240 11111 240 00 195 1111 200 Oh 210 ell 350 00 34 00 EY TO LEND I a Med roe of trestri„ is say saw for Nu Deposit required doves. No loterrit from amorist ol imam. Awl erne, erste. Apply 1. Scr moser door to Wellecers Guava, Hamm Dakrich, 13th Mae. 1962. 11-11 MORE MONEY TO LEND AT TEV AvD O\E.HALP PIR t'FNT., is sums at as I... than $4100, 6,r on* wt her.! year., .a torecusubeir improved Weis anw•r'7. SAVE YOUR ASHES AND CREASE, 'THE HIGHEST Moe paid fie any ousnuty and Area Factory, Godoreoh. March, 90., 11163. wtt-knip o 41. 1 43 (\ TAME TOPS, HE▪ ADSTONES FROM As Cialinnea. 4th November. litd. ARDS 40 NOT TO BE BEATEN J. Y. 8. KIRK TO ANNOUNCE that be L., has mow received he Goderich Wool Factory. 91 HE wilmenkiii, la wherein, !bank. to los crier... tie ine liberal support emeeded to him in the Wool Ciesliiie, Cloth (brass mrd bleaulictunn• (bee new, would lahr to wain that n o esp..... has been (tine wagon) spared in en- ing eownhins Ara roue ceder ; sod herr e nreed the sorrier -swot expwuraced Workroom. he wit! re able, from this ma, to @sante warn te ous ▪ breeches. Parties, as birretofnet, reraum from • datance, will eeldan 60 ea potash' their wool carded toe same Jay us bate to oar, hers with The hiehest market price Veil be rid in ear or cloth for qualtity no iroud, tiro Wool, free beat bora, sad oreolted. WINTER STOCK! Which he will sell at Greatly Reduced Rates ! NEW' FRUIT,: Valenti', M. R. and Layer Raisins. Patras Currants ; Turkey and other Figs; French Prunes, in jars; Or - sage, Lento. and Carle Filbert and Bra- sil Nuts; $64s2 46 ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS. --CMA Received!. From Collector, heroic* for 1861 Tavern Licenses County Treasurer. Noo-Resident Taxes Clergy Rimer.* Funds Naomi -ate. and Pounkeepers Fines From Collector for 1862 Co. School Hawe Treasure's per rouge fer 1861 Du. for 1862 11$ 14 172 00 738 00 6 00 4793 70 214 00 91 08 98 40 $4771 05 To County Treasomr To Ebileove of Taxes kr 11161 Scheele County :School HaM..: Toenabip Officers Township purposes ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTL-Condi Pei& 96111 64 263 42 1411 00 214 08 227 00 175 38 $6492 46 Reed 6771 95 Paid 6492 46 Branos 9279 49 We the Auditors, appointed by Council, have examined the Amounts and find them oorreet. 112. The Deems Pow eederstemes that par. ties se Boston are nsfesmig the United Steen pp, emsseeey tie Feyness of mortgagee deo to swami banks, sad that tbey do this ender legel otIvier, epos the ground thnt Cowes hoe Nf144 so Wows &soh bile, end asks Wee • legal Moder; sad Am, if the Gain er tbe Diked lames it will he eo Colborne, Merch 23rd, 1843. THOS. ANDERSON, j SELECT SCHOOL. MISS SICIMINGS re-npeord WEDNESDAY. ish Amu., otesIehtler emu. yeoman.. • Al 11110iss, Teekesamith, on tbe 3141, inst., the Edyledo Mambas 0100 per qr. Gadszieto, la *pi!. tow. v4 -et MONEY TO LEND ON improwd firms st 11 percent ; aim • kw J. ft GORDON. A NEW STOCK PLUMBINO PLUMBER, LEAD PIPE $20,000 TO LOAN. .1 nova Real testate for ouch woos as may br -sere ten years, at reasons:1e rate of intermit, welt priviiese of repaying • part or the whole te- Letters of inquiry must 66 prepaid. Crowu YeN,Iits taken out. if required. GEO. F. BURROWS, kb 34-awkerknagq] Donde*. O. W. EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, SCHOOL DOORS, STA1IONERY 1 • WALL PAPER, Wrapping -Paper, 4IL.e. CAN AND WILL auppleed tatter at Wboimate or Retail. at name es low as earettere *a duo Previa..., .AT THE siosrAL OFFECE! March Sed. Dealer la .1LL HINDS OF JEWELLERY. THOMAS LOGAN. Gedench kk Moo. 1363. 16.0 EI.A.Y1EC 's Patent Water -Drawer. The most simple and effective Mach:se now in use, for elesating vrater. FRO! WELLS OF INT DEPTH! DI 'T la for He conveyance of euld or hot Public ilmeekirposa Med up w Lead 'and Zinc Ba anovgrultssa COPY/ Boilers, Water Talks. Was Basks, Sinks, Wrh Trays, .Water Closcts, CISTERN PUMPS.1 ALL KUM '.11E1 111 AIL MIN RUC REDUCED: STIOAltei ,11011 illsirtIti (if IT Is Net Liable to get ent ef Order, A ND !wing whisantially noble of the lwst ma - ilk tonal* or well calculated to nuet "mato of the public in genrenl. Souse ut it• suicide •re, Water eon tot retard by 0 tu tem way than la ea/ Mew way. Vor male eit the Nursery, where owl may le se en N. T. CUSTEAD. August to. tier. T. B. MONTGOMERY, SURGICAL 164e se horrid Wale utility of the HYDRAULIC RAM1 Ity 'winch eller owe be reword from witniningi se... roweires no mum& tarot.. t bot own same; the par round • 1 Roo Orders pessolimpklunidad to. I Jam springs or essmes torero. Yards. kw Uwe watritim TOBACCOS, • ' ',UWE VARIETY AND CHEAP. theiteexces: Po Galeria. Illth Molt, Met I0411-4til The Queen POW and Life In- surance Company. Ode 011ee- Li verpool. /MY RUMBA 311. 7 lass. Aiwa nil Julies Robin, 11, 4 and Hennes'', in wood sod Wines, Berryman's Nn. 1 Port, told Tow, in wood and bottle, Old Rum Dunlop's Scotch, Murphy's sod other W hiskeys. ORI ; 1RT iC GLW1881$E EVE YTHING In GROCERIES asrr Awn soh $AL.w At t .Mn b.A r...a.r.tne pries G ader,.1 1611 Deo. tele. 14Miee-Orer the Medial Nall, 1.1 Ott.0.1h0e• lhal ate entredest le WIN IS shawl me neer. Artilkia teeth inserted ow Vaksamed Gold, ciher, and Conlin there -work. Perticuler attention paid to tbe emulation or amoral away 11. -A. eerier away of Teeth Pearther e at ea mad. Oulr 54 crow emirs. Sign of the Large Padlock bog to trona the public tbat they hamt opened% flerdwere More. oft the Coiirt Were Figuarellod we• ll *elected :...tuck II•nr• 4. .54.0 Buidektra. sompretait Rat Iron. n11 mom Hoop sad Blend Irons Canada Pima Ti• Plate Sara. all kindle Cod Cha Oat V ref, Smith's Eletlenr: Hone hem; Cut Nark Premed Neils; Wrote& Nola mind Paietat ttpalos and Sherrill Units sir Petrel els win htrerbee Shell Hardware, of Every DescrIrgion. • noel's/tint that rhorold be bee in a ilwif Cleittroca. I WI. 3* DAYS' HOTEL, 03 Tilt GRAVEL ROAD, NBA* WROXETER, THE nitinellier, in retreated thanks tn ed soon ts. wielefle beset • ay,. •• nafineted orre-tateallew•Bowr IP' pruaag kw *war moods ink As 01 the fort thou h. bra sew Swam johmor wee. ix the enneep. •• mall mai the sham of powneer ketbert.., Ortrr•rted iadivel persolde you rata the haat that 0 all Mr •4111. tort been. fp. to WitatITT te .04. !even, not ialy his beet not that Floor. hot in: lee dist•et by any erailllbat to tote - O W*, and theira.n. travellers Maw In Delmore. ti0tet" Me the f11111111 gravel fel;11. &bee yang Ont., raid W1140040,_. _101 w.f.** st any hoar of day ismer Oer ate - herr tbe mom commnifirree le theenanty Wee borer., imitate. cp.-opted.) For e vww of the Maros err It W. Woven*, R. Marlin or L. Ike - toe's New Mope( the Crary. 91. ION pr.11111..1 rlsonsnor kr ha &Ma' CHAICI.FA DAYS. PELEE ISLAND, AND POINT PELEE REST, LIGHT HOUSES. moth, Hatrffrnd Teo* Brushes A. 'F HISTLITIFS. Oe We 136 law, by the Wm W. Bryon, at the sweidesee the knee's fairy ishent Peelleed„ et Demesnes, to Mem Plow /Wet, wend deacheer of kir. Jams RA WK -Dy the Bee. Mr. Deeper, 1111. euldsees' et We bride. Wm, em tbe Wet. As. lesosers, ; weo, airy Asa, ahraluee et B. W*SUS. of Carrick, has • law year* eise Lomb art weiriee fD7 lb/ . wiles REVISION COURT. 'rill MST IIITTINO of the Reonoloo Cosa Needay, the 27th g April, 1863, At Ms M Tee Vekek is the kerona. JOHN COOKE, Tows** Clerk. As6/0/4, Wawa V, MIL teked NOTICE. TEN ROM OF REVISION TOWNSHIlk OF STANLEY, ON MONDAY THE 4TH Of MAY NEVI At 10 teclork, •. al. All pima Immened,pleine Stesat - Orrice, 0.▪ 48 a 0.041 1=es 6.4141 11.114 6.374 a 0.66 Ilona pir Mt . till a chit Ilbeste, per tee 14.40 • HA per lb Let • OA borer ISM gm- t• ie a 11.61 Cordlewed 2.16 • 4. Harps, Goils,,,_Adeutic and Paarsos's 1741.10.n. ..skIPIE 1 IL At do Nivea Oflet. Houlitspiren) 4.•• a 446 LSO a Lae farmers of Huron and Dwell Toe eau be &applied wok PULE RV" & TIMOTHY UED Al Ile beret Ibudret pee% by Poore eel gebonil Mete. oomose, tea wow* 109111 BSSON, Township Clerk. Her nun LIVERY DESCRIPTION OF IMPAIR- 11°``T „LA or Mere wed warrared. Jewellery monk 1•••'°°°0 to onkr. Werld.es imps ce my owe mate ,..un silently Irep. on Wad: 1111e or! stand, sem (lore to I be St oralollire. If Goderich Cabinet Warehouse. Cabinet Maker at Undertaker, , Ban le growers ie the takatataate el 410dino neh end weereeadem that be boo sows. bird at kis Were s, West Street, Goderioh, alwIptioa, Web ea Tablet, Betsteade, Berens, CitaL.., Mattrumm, &e, 10 Hama ltseelbessm. sad meal to min. atd mborteet=1". 1141T•111.11.1sele MO QUEBEC AGENCY, MB TIM TWA giteCTI10111 Oft ?IBM 60,111U11111111/T OMP ITHE COtritTi OF REVISION tea T.1.1 TOWNSHIP OF liTISPHEN. Wel be her is Scher Here erre. re, ON .TNE MON SATUADAYN APIA, Oreerosetoe et MI eeleek, a. m. British Po kNur THE l'HU110/1.3 wrarticular. Rent as.. t. 11. C. CAMERON LAKE ERIE Wagon and tleigti 114 041.7 is **else risen that en, and sit- . thrlSolo et' April nett, the Ligkt mirk - rid PM pit labled• Mee' these end of lake Rev, ii aimed ea ee te e fright mid, Petrie reet to a e ed anti Wei, wee ap the will he reartiard ea de 14 sdo. UDEA r, Insurance Co. OR SALE, in Low Rates. Nome - Nee York. retl Tis ens . VOW hoiden in Goderiek. 4,1 116 tons ; Ave yews OM wished in the bees style, sad sing order. I vue•lorth Of money down ; balsam tot be amme and nein, will/ Goderieh, March 5.114 Apply to VANEVIII4, re Hitten end Bnoe Von he hoe on bend a TR, nor) cutlery.. Whtch Won damp ter iintr or approvnl /1,111. Victoria Street, Goolectle Jan 1; 11.63. .49 Sim SALE! kik roselOiner. kenos am). • 01. Lew Rama. Aerate ScHOOM PM pwa AND BAD'S TO OR Oppetate Ts lasers co slist shot orreety-oe• A eels Mee ale doe era". otoaloo. eipplisebee wel es eel, So My I im she Nseemea• Woe =sal*twiddle Mire of .1 ea atteettleo *Yew elm/ el) base le told Corny of Mese, deemant WK. Nollitio oraehlwa. Wow 416, EICCILANGE OFFICE. Asmorioeu Paper Money Bought, et tke ~sees re** err BT W. M. 8ATE3L4 Neste lemwts. leseresores tit4M.118/17 '0 *hew IP* 1111•11mem. 16. SICIA 1g, 111.11111116111. be., (lete WS SAL& EOM RALE : atiwermalk POEM NOTICE mores rs EIWAXBY emu tut Th... LI seised Ng Seeks awmPan ef Gawp hasp el ibis foam. *Wel alobak* jel...4,seurtitaiez Ira Ora the awbusal pal. Porde /Po 0644 DatiVritZIFF ha meta imeeselesieetsbe AA aby mei lore sallasallVerr prameratkaa. beobry, Mash 1 MO wiles 17111 ONDTED All 010152, OI- L 4. use, de the tronearre at al par- ties vela./ is Upper enswieowereeeme, welt sea PUINIMS aheirein7er•111/ Peee•ea lbw Lew* meet, et miselrlest *my •Ihreesine etes16•61• al tbe Clew* L•1•6%; Or mbar Pelee 041v-ve easy love imperil aki Pawn we ea • way so =or ogyi=1 Po.. Nubs 101004411 am* *TWA II IrTL0011 fasiense, kerb Mk, gm wpm bourse TII Britian La Derr. Fek seft',1a 10.1n. •13R R enders Area ler Cou pee ire Gratrwteh ?elle rAtit reatere by W. Flomtne. lad Witeressook RACINE DA ACRES Maitland itealledk Am: Olt TO LET or lhe Low Lama of Leta weawat 114 1,14.11144 NAL tano. -737.0 • (IWO. 1/111110111,--elawik a st. Itheiet. ese TIMM* 1111418111‘ biller. Pm/IN VA ler tames Nosttos,owie.,lbe. Joke Loa ..r) era. ti.�., of A•r..rbe. �War ,a Ih.r,ee d er.«t 1. "t bee. 1..de rw tI1.,.u1-.till be .t et rt.•M. s..8v ni Throsperm, tit r,1. Tows of Gokrielt, .r Tbtesui, Sealed +a St April, \A. D. 1443, .t Terve 4+11hr AIL-1ira";r4piotaaAwaor ado Wawa IMO Z. 1114.114-1118111m0 THE FoLI,owroo