HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-09-10, Page 2also a member of St. James
phoir, trustee at SS 12 & 4
Clandeboye School and spent 40
years in the trucking business.
Mrs. Lewis was janitor at St.
James eight years, preaident of
Guild four years and president
of WI two years.
With Mrs. Clarence Hardy at
the piano all joined in singing
"For they are jolly good fel-
lows". She favored with other
suitable music.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have three
sons; Arnold in Clandeboye, Cecil
and Gerald of Lucan, one daugh-
ter (Dorothy Anne), Mrs. Or-
ville Taylor, Brockville. They
were married 43 years ago on
August 9, 1922. w e nty-five
years ago May 1, 1940 they
moved to the farm, having pre-
viously lived in Clandeboye, Ex-
eter and on farm Con 2 Bid-
They are moving to London and
will live at 29 Giles St.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Taylor,
Brockville, Cathy, Stephen and
David came up Friday night. The
children visited relatives and
Saturday they helped Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis move to London.
Sunday Sept. 5 the Rey. G. W.
Sach took the service at Clan-
deboye United Church at 9:45 and
Sunday, Sept. 12, Mr. Sach will
have service at 9:45 am with
special speaker, Rev. Dr. F. Jet-
Heather Mills of Kirkton visit-
ed a couple of days with Nancy
Mrs. Ida Knox of St. Marys
v i site d Tuesday with Misses
Blanche and Rhea Mills.
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine were
guests at the Pfaff—Heywood
wedding in Exeter Saturday last.
Debra Jaques visited a couple
of days with Gwen Mills of Kirk-
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Pringle,
Brenda, Wayne and Terry of Lon-
don, Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean
were Sunday guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia
and Ellen.
Mrs. Robert Rundle was a
weekend guest with Mrs. Gordon
Culver and Kenneth and attended
Strathroy Fair Saturday.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Dykeman
and Susan of Carleton Place and
Mrs. Doris Shier of Ingersoll
called on friends in the village
Miss Jean Copeland, Mrs. John
Rodd, Mrs. M. Griffin and Mrs.
Robert Rundle attended a toy
demonstration at the home of
Mrs. Fred Payne in L ondon
Thursday evening.
A miscellaneous shower was
held in the church basement Fri-
day evening for Miss Marion
McNaughton, a bride-elect of Sat-
235-2242 235.2906
Don't Forget
Don't forget to order your
shrubs, evergreens and bulbs
etc. this month. This is the
best time for planting so that
your plants will be rooted be-
fore the winter sets in.
We are taking orders now till
no later than October 15
The sooner you order the better
plants you will get. So come in
and place your order now.
New Hours
effective Sept. 7
Open Daily 8 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Supervised 9.5 Daily
Except Sunday
Monday and Friday
Evening 7.9 p.m.
GRAND BEND Hwy. af Lake Rood
See ae
Special Return Excursion Fare
8:55 am
Busses leave Exeter at 77:30 am
4:25 pm
Children Under 12 yrs. ;6 fore.
Sept. 10-18
9:25 am
11:50 am
4:50 p
Special Buses leave 9:00 pm from the
Fair Grounds to return.
Travel in air ride comfort
Contact Your Charterways Depot
Children Under 12 yrs. 1 /2 fare.
Buses Leave Lucan at
Betty's Market
Exeter 235-1913
Shamrock Restaurant
Lucan 227.4489
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SEPT. 13 to 18
Watch our sale bills, windows, and the
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Memorial service at
St. James churchyard By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Abram and attended the twenty-fifth wedding
three sons of Sarnia spent Mon- celebration for Mr. and Mrs.
day with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Eyerard Miller at their home
Etherington. at Zion Tnesday evening,
Mr. Johnny Etherington re-
turned home recently after hav-
ing spent the past three months
at Norman Wells in the North
West Territories, He will be
entering University of Western
Ontario September 17,
Miss Barbara Miller's name
was omitted from being a guest
at the Westerik-Vanderla.an wed-
ding in last week's paper.
Esther Merrill of Clinton and
Margaret visited last week with
Darlene Passmore.
Betty Jean Miller of Woodham
visited last week with her cousin
Barbara Miller.
Quite a number from this com-
munity attended the-trousseau tea
for Miss Marion Kerslake at the
hpme of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Howard Kerslake, Exeter,
Glenn and Calvin Rohde spent
the weekend with their grand-
father Mr. William Thomson pf
Exeter. Mrs. H. S. Pettibone of
Aylmer and Mrs. William Thom-
son spent Friday and Saturday
at the CNE.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and
girls of London with Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin Rader and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller
recently returned from a trip to
the East Coast.
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Oluf
Pedrsen were Sgt. Gord Maki of
Alsask, Sask., last week; Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Cassidy of Ottawa, Mrs.
Ron Lower and family of Peter-
borough, and Mrs. Chris Custing
and Harry of Wingham, all for a
few days.
Cpl. Loric Pedrsen of Sioux
Lookout spent his leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Pedr-
Rev, and Mrs. C. B. Carr of
St. Jacobs with Mrs. Dan Weber.
Mrs. Bruce Seebach and fam-
ily of Hamilton With Mrs. Cora
Geiser last week.
Rev. and Mrs. Fred Irish and
family of Arnprior, with Rev.
M. J. James and family; the lat-
ter is Mrs. James' sister.
Rev. Merrill James with two
other Ontario ministers attended
a workshop on church camping at
Paynesville, Minnesota last
Rev. M. J. Juries haStakerithe
morning service at Crediton for
two Sundays while Rev. Zurbrigg
was on holidays.
Visitors with Mrs. Lucinda
Mclsaad Were her son Wilfred
and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mc.-
Isaad and Daniel of Detroit.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Pfile were Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Maynard and Amy of Lana
sing, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Pat
May, Bruce and Kelly Of Pontiac,
Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stroe-
der and family of Toronto, Mrs.
Clara Jacobi and Laird of lien
salt, and Mr. Mid Mrs. Arthur
itdessel of Lansing, Mich. Who
will Spend the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rim-
mer, Centralia wish to announce
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Mary Alice to Robert Wil-
liam Watson, on of Mrs. Ruth
Watson and the late Mr. William
Watson of Exeter, the wedding
will take place Saturday, October
2, 1965 at 12 o'clock in Our Lady
of Mount Carmel Church, Mount
Carmel, Ont. 10c
We wish to, express our sin-
cere thanks and appreciation to
relatives, friends and neighbors
for the beautiful floral tributea,
messages of sympathy, memorial
cards and kindness shown us in
the loss of a dear wife and moth-
er. Special thanks to Rev. D. M.
Guest and Rev. Ron Hall, Cen-
tralia United Church Women and
others who contributed food and
the C. Haskett & Son Funeral
Home. — Murray Abbott and fam-
ily. 10c
I wish to thank all those who
sent cards, flowers, gifts and who
visited me while a patient in South
Huron Hospital, special thanks to
Dr. Goddard. — John Cochrane.
I wish to thank all my friends
and neighbors who remembered
me with flowers, visits and gifts
and to those who helped at home
on the farm, while I was a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital. Thanks
to the nurses and staff, Dr. Wal-
lace and Dr. Louvatt. — Gordon
Hamilton. 10c
I would like to thank everyone
on behalf of my mother and fath-
er, Mr. and Mrs. George Law-
rence for the lovely remem-
brances and gifts given to them
on their Diamond Wedding An-
niversary, September 4, 1965,
also say thank you to everyone
who helped me in so many ways.
— Mrs. Ed Johnston. 10c
Mr. Orville Langford and John
wish to express their sincere
appreciation to their many
friends, relatives and neighbors
for their kindness during their
recent sad bereavement, floral
tributes, contributions to the
Cancer and Heart Fund, special
thanks to Rev. Guest and thought-
fulness and kindness of the UCW
of Centralia United Church, Has-
kett & Son Funeral Home, the
pallbearers and all who helped
in any way. 10c
I wish to thank my relatives,
friends and neighbors for their
cards, flowers and visits while
1' Was a patient in South Huron
Hospital and since returning
home. Special thanks to Mr. Jim
Hennessey, Mr. Al Horton and
nurses and staff at the hospital.
— Mrs. Milton Pfaff. 10*
We wish to thank all our rela-
tives, friends and neighbors for
cards, flowers and gifts while a.
patient in South Huron Hospital
and since returning home. Also
many thanks, to those who helped
in any way at the time of Charlie's
accident, it was all very much
appreciated. — Charlie and Vera
Stephen. 10c
I wish to thank all those who
sent me cards, flowers and gifts
and the many friends who paid
me visits while in South Huron
Hospital, Special thanks to the
nursing staff and Dr. Goddard,
also the neighbors who helped in
anyway at home. — Daniel Trieb-
ner. 10*
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Whittier
and family of Peterborough, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Wein of Sudbury,
and Miss Erma Wein of Clinton
were holiday visitors with Mrs.
Herb Wein and also attended the
Rader picnic at Riverview Park,
Exeter, on Sunday.
Rader picnic
held at park
The 17th Rader picnic was held
Sunday, Sept. 5, at Riverview
Park, Exeter, with 61 in attena
dance. President Norman Wal-
per welcomed everyone and con-
ducted the business.
Sports were conducted by Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and Mr.
and Mrs. Wendell Gamble. Re-
sults were; 5 and under, Mary-
Jo Howe; hop race, Dianne Ra-
der; kicking footall, Marlene
Taylor; 8-12, running, Keith Tay-
lor; over 12, Paul Rader; back-
ward throw bean bag, Philip Ra-
der; tnen, rolling ball, Joe Mer-
ner; kick Slipper in ring, Mrs.
M. Merrier; several relays were
also enjoyed.
During the supper hour sev-
eral special prizes were awar-
ded. 70th birthday nearest pic-
nic, Mrs. H, Wein; youngest per-
son, Sandra Coleman; lucky spot,
Mrs. Leonard Prang; couple with
birthdays nearest, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Millet; Weight of box, Rob-
ert Prang, pantry articles, Mrs.
Ebner Rader.
Officers for 1966 are; presi-
dent, Albert Rader; viee-presi-
dent Milford Merner; sec-treas-
urer, Mrs. Ervin Rader; table
convenor, Mrs. M. Mernerl spar-
is committee, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Wesley Venner and family wish
to thank their friends, neighbors
and relatives for the many acts
of kindness rendered during their
recent sad bereavement. Special
thanks to nurses and staff of
South Huron Hospital, Dr. God-
dard, Rev. Currie, Hensall Le-
gion,Hensel' Ladies Legion,
Amer Rebekah Lodge and pride
of Huron Rebekah Lodge Exeter,
also the Bonthron Funeral Home.
Mrs. Ella Walker expresses
her sincere thanks to relatives,
neighbors and friends for cards,
letters, flower s, visitors and
gifts while a patient in Victoria
Hospital, London and since re-
turning home. 10c
To the many friends and rela-
tives who so kindly remembered
me while a patient in Victoria
Hospital, also to those who help-
ed in any way at home, I extend
my sincere thanks. — Mrs. Dor-
cas Wein. 10c
The family of the late Tillie
Wein wish to extend their very
sincere thanks to relatives,
friends and neighbors for their
kindness and sympathy during
their recent sad bereavement.
Special thanks to the Exeter
Nursing Home, South Huron Hos-
pital and staff, Dr. Gulens, T.
Harry Hoffman Funeral Home
and ladies of the Crediton EUB
Church. 10c
COWARD—In loving memory of
a dear husband, father and
grandfather, John J. Coward
who passed away one year ago,
September 10, 1964.
As we look upon your picture,
Sweet memories we recall
Of a face so full of sunshine
A smile for one and all;
To one no longer with us,
But in our heart still lives;
To hear your voice, to see your
To sit with you and talk awhile,
To be together in the same old
Would be our dearest wish today.
— Always remembered and sadly
missed by his wife, children
and grandchildren. 10*
Miss Veryl Hooper entered the
School of Nursing at Woodstock
General Hospital, Tuesday.
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Ruch, Tor-
onto, were Tuesday guests with
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson.
Mr, & Mrs. Fred P etch of
Strathroy, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Grasby and family of London
were Monday guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Clare Sisson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkey &
family of Woodstock spent the
holiday weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Robinson & family,
Sunday they visited relatives in
Sunday visitors with Mr. Rob-
ert Thomson were Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Foster of Toronto and Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Priestap of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carter
of Welland were holiday weekend
guests with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. N. Long were Mr. Oswald
Brown QC and Mrs. Brown of
Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Little, Marcia & Cheryl of
London, Mr. Charley Taylor of
Stoney Creek, and Mrs. Mar-
guerite Ulch of Windsor.
Visitors with Mr. & Mrs. David
Triebner were Mr. & Mrs. Paul
Ayer and Larry, Richmond, Mich,
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Shoebottom,
Ilderton, Mr. & Mrs. R al ph
Triebner, Brussels.
Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Kerr ac-
companied by Mr. Foster Ben-
nett of Seaforth spent the holiday
weekend in the USA.
Sunday, Sept. 5a the 42nd an-
nual memorial service of decora-
tion of graves in St. James
Church yard was held. First
memorial service was held in
Sept. 1923 with the Rev. Ken-
neth McGomi as rector.
About 25 years ago throughthe
courtesy of C. Haskett 84 Son
of Lucan a public addregs sys-
tem was set up in the church
which brought the church ser-
vice to these outside.
Extensive decorating has been
done to the interior of the Church,
the walls have been painted, new
hardwood floors laid, a wide
aisle and two smaller ones car-
peted, pews refinished and a new
arrangement of the seats for the
junior congregation, a new red
carpet was laid in chancel and
nave and the vestibule has new
floor covering, new dpor and
During the last of June, July
and August the services were
held in the chapel.
The rector conducted the Sun-
day service. The Rev. G, W.
Sach of Lucan and Clandeboye
United Churches read the lesson
and gave the address, Mr. Mackay
lviorison of Lucan was soloist
and Mrs. Kay Egan, Lucan, also
sang. Accompanist was Mr. Gor-
don Jacklin, London with Miss
Joan Cunningham as acting or-
Andrew Carter is cemetery
superintendent; John C. Murdy
Flowers on the table were
white glads, given by Mr. & Mrs.
Mervin Carter in memory of
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Carter. Other
flowers were placed by Clande-
boye women's Institute and Vic-
toria Lodge LOBA in memory
of departed members.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bieber,
RR 1 Clandeboye, c el e br at ed
their 25th wedding anniversary
Wednesday, September 1 by hav-
ing a dance and reception in Lucan
Community Centre. Douglas
Lewis and his orchestra furnish-
ed the music for the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bieber were
married in Main Street United
Church by the Rev. Norval Wood.
The celebrants have two sons,
Gordon and Wilfred, both of St.
Marys and twin daughters, Shir-
ley and Sharon, and Ruth at home.
They also have four grandchild-
A party for Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Lewis was held at their home on
Wednesday evening. Euchre was
A presentation was made from
neighbors, friends and commun-
ity, a kitchen set of table and
chairs. Mr. Maurice Simpson,
acted as master of ceremonies,
The Rev. E. 0. Lancaster spoke
of their willingness to help in
the church and community. Mr.
Lewis was supervisor of the St.
James cemetery seven years,
ferson Neil, St. Martins, N.B.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Beckett, Kit-
chener, Mrs. Ruth Ann liaidysh
and Miss Sandra Beckett of Lon-
don and Peggy visited Sunday with
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Millson
and Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Millson
and Debbie.
Mr. & Mrs. David Kestle and
Janis enjoyed a trip to Ottawa
seeing the changing of the guards,
also Algonquin Park, Upper Can-
ada Village and Trenton. They
arrived home Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Millson
and Debbie and Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Dickins, attended the horse race
at Dresden Monday,
Mrs. Omer Cunningham had as
guests Mr. & Mrs. Ernol Cun-
ningham of Glencoe, Mr. & Mrs.
Elmer Cunningham of Ingersoll
and Mr. & Mrs. Joe Mackovyack,
David, Paul and Karen of Detroit.
Mr. & Mrs. James Maynard
of Chatham called on Mrs. Almer
Hendrie Sunday.
Hammond Construction Co. of
St. Marys laid asphalt from Car-
ter's store to the road east to
No. 4 Highway near Earl Mor-
gan's residence.
Erni'. Mrs. Glen Stewart as-
sisted her.
Mrs, Reg. Hodgert gave aPiann
solo and Mrs. George Kellett
gave a reading.
Mrs, Edwin Miller and Mrs.
William Snow showed a film "The
Living Harvest". Mrs. Miller,
president, conducted the lousiness
It was decided to have a turkey
supper in November.
Mr, and Mrs. Donald KernIck
held a family picnic at their
home Sunday. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Castle Sr. of
London, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lillie
and family of Willowdele, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl. Dolliver and fam-
ily, Mr. and. Mrs. Reg Castle Jr.
and family of Dorchester.
Pig. 2 ilMesAdveciits, SiPItOrnbOr 1O, 1965
• : • a, ... aa=anavar,., . , ... ......
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The first fall UCW meeting
was held Wednesday evening in
the church basement with Mrs.
Archie Etherington and Mrs,
Lorne Passmore as hostesses.
Mrs. William Snow was in charge
of the worship service assisted
by Mrs. William Lamport.
Mrs. William Johns gave the
introduction to the study book on
Diet Concious?
CRAVEN — Lt/Cdr Geoffrey A.
and Peggy Craven, nee Rnwr
clifie, announce the birth of
their fourth child and second
daughter in Norfolk, Virginia,
September 4.
KOLKMAN — Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Kolkman, Rit 1 Clinton an-
nounce the birth of a son, Ro-
bert William, Aug. 28, inClin-
ton General Hospital—a.broth-
er for Helen.
REDMAN — Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Redman, Exeter, are
pleased to announce the arrival
of their chosen daughter, Lau-
rie — a sister for Lyndsey.
CANTELON—pr. and Mrs.
Bruce Cantelon announce the
birth of a daughter, Catherine
Barbara, in St. Thomas-Elgin
General Hospital, August 30.
CARTER — Doug and Pauline
Carter, London, (nee Simpson)
announce the birth of their son,
Larry Douglas at Victoria Hos-
pital, London, September 3 —
a brother for Karen.
JACOBS — Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Jacobs, RR 1 Zurich, announce
the birth of a daughter, Wilma,
at South Huron Hospital, Aug-
ust 31 — a sister for Helen.
HINTS — Mr, and Mrs. Michael
Kints, RR 3 Exeter, announce
the birth of a son, David, at
South Huron Hospital, Septem-
ber 4 a brother for Diana.
MacDONALD — Mr. and Mrs. I.
C. MacDonald, Victoria St.,
Exeter, announce the birth of
a daughter, Theresa Catherine,
at South Huron Hospital, Sep-
tember 6 — a sister for Robert
and Carol.
REITBERGER — Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Reitberger, Carling St.,
Exeter, announce the birth of
a daughter, Susan Ann, at South
Huron Hospital, September '7
— a sister for Dawn Marie.
ROSS — F/O and Mrs. C. D. Ross,
RCAF Station Centralia, an-
nounce the birth of a daughter,
Susan Jane, at South Huron
Hospital September 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coursey,
RR 1 Lucan, (Coursey Road) take
this opportunity of inviting their
many relatives and friends to
attend their fiftieth Wedding An-
niversary, Open House, at their
home on Wednesday, September
15, 3-5 pm, 7-9 pm. (No gifts
please). 10c
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne,
Sanders St., Exeter, will be at
, home ,to friends and reaatives on
1,yealnesday, September 15,
5 pm on the occasion`Pf their
fiftieth Anniversary. No gift s
please. 10c
Mrs. Kathleen Burns, London,
is pleased to announce the en-
gagement of her daughter, Pat-
ricia Anne to Mr. Richard Mi-
chael Boyle, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Boyle, Exete r. The
wedding to take place on Friday,
October 1, 1965 at 7;30 pm in
Church of the Resurrection, Lon-
don, Ont. 10c
Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Shaw,
Grand Bend, wish to announce
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Marion Dianne, to Mr. Wil-
liam Gerald Chapman, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman,
RR 1 Exeter. Wedding to take
place Saturday, October 9, 1965
at 3:30 o'clock in Grand Bend
United Church. 10c
the Exeter office of
will be
for Holidays
Aug. 30 - Sept. 20
Instalment payments may be made
at the Banks listed on the cards.
The acting agents for Osborne,
Bidduiph, London, etc. town-
ships are:
Hugh Benninger, Dublin
Clayton-Harris, Mitchell
A custom-fitted garment is the answer to the
diet cpnscious. There is a way to redistribute
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and that is to choose the right bra and girdle.
Let me measure you for a custom-fitted Spencer-
Spirella to correct posture and spot figure problems.