Huron Signal, 1863-03-24, Page 2aka"
•tw , latret ed i•
gee mid, a g+sasis .. et tym
ot highsttmeing, and also a dreier
*WS aaep f mese whom ill seppeMt
A some way to impose heseedf
ahem owed lira, the sequel
11.4 M is* very "imposag" fellow.
Far sr 1M mare i the Olin.
s M wade his .t viI mss
qse N Moue, in Ih.t al
towns on the Iran of
the Leland y.gtua itail.eeJ. chiefly,
we believe at ltidrl(e Alt this time be
he toms ase: sersel, tmeyela visiting thew who
heel sheep to sell Iba> t that section of
the t'Jlat., exeeYuru, docks, et„a§.ne
ether partied to buy tar him un tumtui►not
had makes r eatdnste• *opera, contest -tine,
however, with sloe* of wham be profrseed to
bey, so sister the "keep, acrd them
seimetims ebaeefiag. This benress, Minims
iadnrtr.5 y 151 se toe .bunt vary glad ■l much s match, but 1 am le tl,
Toe sawn Al.czaa-
eaa -Aa 11.1 thine 4
507 area is the papers of
lee mother Alexadrs. We
quote the fulNwiug 1i.., flee..s a private k1.
ter from a lady a Cope.►age ; tow
eloaet 11 with the Primer Louise the other
dry for nearly half the day. *beet di.;diee
some prises comma charitable object, and to
worry. they are eoiue to dist: ere* them
nuhlrely in the En:lisl. Church. I'.wrres
t oeise, you know, is the Prieto,' Akasedrs'.
mother. elite rook • medal of the Pri.oce • f
Waley from beer bosom sod *hosed -, ants
said, with team in her eye, One ought id be
amain eteneidareble motive in his travels,
gwftdaig moor two small drags c.uhed et the
hsa4t which .err genuine, and undine note
oboe d writ*ee c.,ut:a.ts for eurchas-s of
sheep, weieh he had Intend into with differ-
ent sellers. Ity *eve and ether '• ■trate •ic "
tree.stineo he worked to t1 • delusion of the
•• enemy ;"-sp•rariug as a man dot ng a are
and m ,u..ste; as the agent of an
estsedee titer; and .ma whose brr,sactions
regsrted the use of much money.
1Ma estate the "stuck." A week s,o
last Saturd.y be hired a livery team in Itut-
laud, to be uh; est three or foul dors; visited
Orwell, B,andua Y.ddleeun and Vergennes.
ted reteruee to Itut!*,,d net Wedaerdny at=
teraouo. Immehateehy on his arrival there
be preseuted ted procured to be embed at
On it rtl.rel Cuurtr R.ok, a d;rf* purportto;
to be draw, by the Lo;om. .t branch of the
Statelier* of Iodises. uu the City Back of
New Fork Coy, leer 1.1,600, The draft was
rtatardst* y forwarded to New York, and on
Pridey the Rutland Coulee Bank received •
teisgrats *hat the draft was a forgery. It
t•rrns o,t that while &tient, from Saturday to
Wedeeslay. he chid a meet Laarishi a bu i-
wrry and Shed. nom at losing ley eseehter,
tied {led u giving her. to surly au czeetteot
rout,: men. 7 S,a is so domestic:Vd, sad
lures her chedreu w mach, one tenuot feel
for ber perdu* with the Printers. 11 herr mJ
little II ----'teed the looping cough. the sent
me 'tach eu esos1.nt receipt fur him; and
tittle incidents h'., these show the g•.odrteos
of her heart. end the interest she 'ekes in
d•;ly life. She Ins been a devoted mouser w
her children, and the Printesecould nut hare
aiek and to
importing fFvm the
0. of the New York T
imaatary epithet of"Copperheads I
contented with thia it was ~IN to
Iia cooked -up telegrams with
the wiener in which the
put down his foot " upon
to compel them to mime to the
about. This wsertioo, we are
wee manufactured out of w
such tranaaetioo took place 1
could have been its motive ?
ticipate a change of M'
of iia old patrons 1 Was Of lig
about recreant "grits ask
merely done to pave thefiay for
political summersault It look. su"M•
it. The L 10, a000rd[
to its own rr.antent, sot thous oppi
dire re -
which it
we would
ro " to any
on the
dily ad -
h, len.
sty, Norge ,palati J $•ski•
Witham Maar fleece *Aker, DOLL'
`dile, Rohm tas•soabee, Jueeeh $Vit list
colo YclhrrmPL
L punas.%=11ew I
Iwrd, *We *MINA etektelleader
N. flew, A Jtir., 'xJ
Yrs( Ihsv tYaiker. i
r, Lion otrit
Wawasus.. -. CYrka 0
xsnry lesteent,
nt Currie, 3
id Ventre*
the mf>>•11 rebesse s_ile.I 9
then ordsrad them to door., sod after ewh-
Isg up fsraittare, now, ts•, .or«seed
khnhng the bui•drn_e. The "agrees ted for
Me woods, whttk,tlrey seetelAts beaten
althoas► some of them WWII se 1
Aper banana duets the witched leer y
weals thornier house* td i r g
.Ida A/ bow I es these wort bent of tops
they weld not barn. After the hay tc. Ord
bsai.d, 1 tore down the hoot dings. Tbe)
thee teem (ewe w Hain Suess to o *tiiding
somtest 4 a colleted .tear the tams et
Lamb to • h.rb.rshun i they lambed ha
dregs eprboke M windowa, end wen suing
b rsee dyer bwtdid•oat m mouesg of its
I money htalaboa u -opted by whits. -
on the shut, ted
►1«r strested
and Gaon.
other i.sadar..
sod isespe ted they sin so* km Mrwtmbt
b tee, l'Masgrow have tow returned.
aid are lethal at the sakes with mournful
nent of any jorernmentr
member the hf y manner
changes aides upeyasioa rtqui
ire Gni to 'Isiah thseits opp of
Gorerntneat" L manufect
eliding .tale bleb
w may
been better bwuebt up than in such a heave J°ice to any r
as she has had. Mr. J. 8. McDonald bed resib ,,
that John A. had again received the p
vincial , bow readily
Leader might bare turned room/ Slid
shown that it was entitled W the togas.
ship -in -chief of t'pper Canada is that it
had soundly rated the wicked ' grits" sad
introduced on their behalf the gentlemanly
term of " Copperheads." it is by no
means wonderful that the Leader should
be a little surprised at the i.d.peedeet
action of certain liberal members of the
Legislature, for it had never to complain
of such qualmtohnesa en the part of its
former friends and patrons, but we think
Rioter Ina Te: IRIIIr1 Orattatrrr'a.-
The Quebec Vindicator mates the the
pro -Meyer for that cite has called a sleeting
to Reek, rrrengensnta to dense s.,me lassos
of wreathe: the uistreased operatives its
Srrc•rns IS BIot•tvllet.-The Brockville
ieoai:or re4rete w announce that a [r. Rohe.
Peden. Revenue Inspector for the County,
reinstated suicide wlrest taboret • under a
nee.-hlee:hag Oro berth. Lit Ur•WII, Btaadon- I
M.ddlrhury and Ver4r.lues, ;n the fullowin4 1
RUMS by pn+euriot to be coshed similar fury
td deans, (name of rhe h
however, purported
lo be drawn by s Toledo, Ohio Bank, on the
Ocean Bank of Yew York.) vis: el Bcmdu,,
14.700, et.Oreell, 14,300. at eliddlebu.y,
41,600 or 3,700, and a like Rum at Vergennes
Fres there this enterprising et:irdue?, of
eomHe, west, as soon as he had transacted
his little amines* at tbe bank, on Wederaler,
oe Tbursd.y, sddrJ to his pose at s Batik in
Bellows Falls, by a .imi.'ar drawieg process,
the further spm r.1 3!,000, making the total
of his operation; w lar as heard tromee,a1out
$25.800. imateJiately ea receipt of ds in-
tell;.le,ree on Fr'day last that ail the drafu
were forged, all possible measures were taken
to urerrstle the villsya ; the police have been
put mon the alert in all the principal pones
sa the Junta and it is hoped that he will be
headed or sod cantered.
sitlaie Tragedy at Columbus, Yy.
A t r.( the CincinnstiComrer
tial gives the following account of the las
tragedy at Columbus, Kentoeky
"At the Columbus House, yesterday morn-
ing between 4 sed 5 o'clock, I was ssskeoed
from my sleep by the door opening from one,
of the rooms .to the hail where I was obidg
ed toaleep, u the room* had all Mea tale,.
empurarr fit of insanity cw Thursday morn -
n g.
8rflalo and Lake Huron Railroad
• imm TAr:11.1C. It might, on this occasion, with far
more u 10
Write R
so. J h L' l.eod, Wi Whale 1.. irhlydoument. It extrude ov.rorya r "im k the French io n *ea.
h r expected that oar fleet will won he ps_ artole placing the in pree;saly the lams difficulty. TYey bad
li° msec. sen., 1ti ,-te hu. lorded ov.rnieht for their intended smelt.
♦autRx Towsa.:r,- em t rba to reduce all to Cuefrderets (ortiGca- to it wall be ce interest to those more tear• Dr. on a par with tb• bemired and one gsaek 1t the short die"anee which divided tbe front
diatel co,ttrne a report,o
It two
n Saitb•
Kr axe VIII .to*.-Sl.lco's Menge* Youda) test, see to the epsct flet the goo- say That I i m yon p )
upon the nature of the , one •apedwat of sesta=rad the musket round to a
m Raise, J►mes fieory /4.-- 'he•t 'Moats= d Forth Pemt.eruoa $tate of the Ytlittt 01
the ProrlIICe• d etedJ•ed the eharse. Tbe te-
Ps• s'nus, Joe0ptr C""i' Rter Erlbert rte tltsmd.y .ad
Sunday' but wituutdccisice reesel the Deo a reading ■ad tltiak;ag yak woe edopted watt seeress sloe6 the
esw't The andsRepoof mere**,
K's, i of • re t now pc woud plate aeon it. W hat amuses tae a 8o r.*rd. it *ppe•rN am
rld Giliie. ltribert B.ire, William The Coeferknee [once is estimated at 6,000 ;■ the bands of members, u not • sere tenni-fffsss
Dawrge Sturg•:m, John r Geo. •Ren• da I G particularly feu tee word o , the (met raw • d try
!safes ; but the tabular netemrnu scathed large letters heading the
r, Ed.ed
les, 3. D. I'a
as Orchard, John
Henry Brune
in, William llelirele,
sm C. Brae, Robert
tart Cies
Heintttsi * sit.
arirnud to Oe. Omswk .
Oen. Curtis i. Kisseari.
Sigel, aha bas withdra v
tsaisel by (r•eakt, apply f u cum- On head* of a peek ter lew:ese Selby", 00 -Saturday at l o'clock. fur ;u proteeliun. lh eke even; of the
to Texas. matter what may se their condition ;ei e. Tina. Glover wee ptseed rt the bar awed 17th, the F.e.irb infantry sands a eemoes*h-
ma expeditiini From all we rwa boa,, 11e eo:ored pwpk with heriug committed an sesame on Sudsy Iwo seas•% tbe tiu4lfiv liar. This woes•
Louisville, Y 1.
rbc were Shoos maltreated sero honest and rwnt led sba frost ranks of the s.tglis► u
:adustnoss, and rertrinft•brd u good elsirns lair upon John Benet. Iltlendaot pleaded htsd their musket. and .ben 11. enew7 n•
ken ted napol r peat t•sceleed u the consideration of Oil Springs and vi- guilty, a`thou:h, as was remarked, be !molted t.4. eel were 043.4 in the u.sal wanner ;
g tote -
ring their
On lox
The battle
gee„ to the
at I5J
4 boon.
r The
town, 'It is
Pars to•
hs eon -
will me
ton esigna-
The late Oil Springs Biot,
The Chatham Please gives the following
•ddiuou.l particulate reeeecting the recent
disdreoeful resat the Oil Springs: -
er. /lets bliss
iK the theses epel Ise lyes tie Lei ■,sod
ov.s.iriee.lea Simard r s epedy
t'arsePs piens pared over
airs ef. Stars .al J. v Your eel 0. Bowes se►
Yo"wr, 4 r..,
A complaint was preferred pima C.
Crabb, Esq forge alleged assault epos 1)114
Watao, on tart Wednesday week -tree ofthe
s, bt. tet
tbe eherivsri. Watson complier*
Oust Yr Crabb stopped hi,* by placing. steak
uoeom(ortebly Isar Imam" bet without stri-
king him. Hr Polley testifet that be saw
Mr Crabb taking bold of plf, who said 'let go
of me.' The menace of Kr Nasaytb went
*show that deft merely looked et p16 es if
wrecoanise bins where*pon Off need very
regain passesso we imam them N
*s steer serest lo i► epos the ems*
ead s mmstJhipsoileet m s ht hoeti«otese.bemthee elt y.
the firm d tae arltw.d Borers of the earth)
Yeedy, oe hope sma, fir we Ere sad sad
sums world se the result.
New Waterloo itaeedetss.
A somber of saw aslisoteerof t1Tldrt sof`
Weldepettpdeels /We toremE
ttjI;ve• is the ItW auseher L Eliwblyd
Rostra, o. distimgtsitthsd setbany. Jjp
/,llote150 fedi he of Wanes t ' 'Alma se
hoar .Ilse ma -rim,' seta the eedewer, IOU
Deb wede op to our aerostat and Mnwtil
gluts i ie t ova a Imus trona d0 1t Wee
thrwslo.iag t.evement of tie way'd
Ott words, .Yep odd, 1 hear aotting wits
Blether.' Haven't yam heard firs kfey8h •
aide the Wad d the battle ►• was Ae wpl .
'No, nota word,' rejuined Ihe Duke VeeY
Mem what hes h.eetse of him.' While Gtr
Deka endear *fermata Inn seratiniriper
re;, which the enemy war thee reek.
btasohemoas leagasye. The Court fine ddfl. ieR, an old s;d* de eovered tett11 mid,
$l, but he appealed to the Sessions. as his Mew wee cove with foam, ods tp
ktr Crabb thee took his scat as a ate to the Hoke and said s Sew words, of whisk
Time Shaw, carpenter, wee cbsr'e•ed with the only One diwinguobable to a bystander
Warre'rtbe .ideiecamp p •need r
" We are informed that the • having trespassed on the premise of Arced anti r
direr N on. TM Dake Shote tanned nosed
ed of s mug of tcasste,s sad w.wdcheppers, Chisholm uu the 16411 ;rut. Kr Shaw was, to tM galea ofteet ritb .hors glass he Yadl
rte nom ass+ cornrrdiy 's' edoadlen' .kis it seems, acting under the directiur o(Job.. bees wanking the march, sad said welts
ha , stick from thew satin note after
lee teed Cott* Sanaa beauty end a
suit alarm! clotbes-men who have vrulatre
their oaths. std steed recorded un the books
oltAe te which they be•
Fair Frey•, .lw www the horse is which Chis--A:whnees wbka implied that the inteltigenes
holm lives, and was b Brio; down s shed fur louts toneersed bion --'UW Bucher hes had
ho D119) $0 of rel+airins it. Kr Sinclair who • d -d gaud bek;sg.' His cornettses-
pe.ew d ►ie surprise and re ret. ers bosh
appeared for dlt caked for as adjournment w Wsere ' tM Dave adds, •twenty .lira al;
ton$, as rioted rteee.iers. W. bop. speedy until Saturday s0 that Mr Fair could be to .sd 1 r
they say 1 v. been Nebel,
mum sill be aeuJ out w th, wbo!e posse, attendance. t.e.' The Nis then gen aloes for Me
v that the rift
w of our country for good immediate 0.10.5* of ►r the Pla•
srry trder
overnmrot rift nwt he allowed W suffer at The case was stecordie;lee adjourned till teas or Moist*. Jean, and ler cavalry *bra
pallt'ton of lira. 3taae•ry's furcal ,t , n any utber eta" od ow eu . eelif. u it be had tune off only second best. He bet the cheers were not withdraw.. From
•••••••111.4.1••• Morgan's "flare Wt Re- If peopie will run away from tnerr n.rtve land
was Sund i:l and cuts, 14.00 to all. that moment the rata fill in torrents. When
Mis.rii . Tee.., y-st• d•e, lied whipped and Tome to Gaited., they mall he 1.044bt the troops amend arms in the morning, they
V.1entine. -" ' ' theta bevy, driving them tsutely that Canadian law u for the viocheation of Wend that they could neither witbdrew the
e eacCaiium, Jona H. Nay. evenhanded justice to all, and not to prow% HOWICK. charge* Doe are the musket. •- The rain had
IL esloomer Albert. from Charleston,w;tir tee raaca:ly and lawless. Again se say that !asked OM cartridges, powder.
KcCush. 1le!eela.240 *lea of eouo1,w*smetered ofAboco,by we hope the sulky in this .airy will be made Io goer issue a few seeks since I noticed d the clw a that the serer of
d the FMar.lcruiser*.*n exam le of and out •Ilowrd to go scut 4 n hi rho terms of the prc. *be ramrod wood nut extract it. The Fog -
Bea; 1 William
free, site the, manner of the murderers fad •n snot a sees ins t „
ay, John G, •1. Jobe 5t Lou s, Karc6 22. rioters of the I It of Deet nit We tat learn ressie.a111;11 of Dr. Bighorn of Slaes►le, and
Ir► M as touch dsapur r Wert
y j the iklgisn and .:.era •pasree •few boon
iDou;all, leo the Rt)rethfica. a Ye.ephe delrwd, or th.t tome rutty of them hare been sorest- was not s lune smusd t, see the place it etc• p vis, who atsaehad by the French
the 20th ..vs advices tom Greenwood Sind'" cupied in the paper, and please allow se to ts.mry. tee* aesae OfdoM.. appesred w
h' k tse*d s just intimate be gone. At length, • megesn* hit upon the
11 W there, tuow m tM Y 1 d Th how -
e, illiam Stiller. 8en., Lae Mouth II! Vletsbury ;;;`....g of the I lth says that s ! y tut dom-certainly, an enviable petition. bnal impel -meet and ,ttsptrd rt
adven;semee ' all the paper. ;■ L 'sees• hooks of the two armee they wittened oar
hoes that ver satisfactory resells ►ave.
An a aNCEMSpT. propriety, have bottled its indignation dbr n R.+kx, 11 diem Fraser, ren , Ytchd accomplished sad ay
i the awe of the Indiwul., 92 its uumbery as. Accenting t the statement
s,re+r - e r; ,w Acv ins u prepared for Without.heal anythi►t Dr. %Ahem.,
a future occasion. Its epithetical arta Ire ltnlham )T 'r II.n. rived the eke da loefure.
1!■t a I t J the information of the Reuse &mut ten door, woe know. ac.diusl mea pair tYewv Woes.
OODEEICH, IO.00a.ri. 1 I.eea, r. totes, however will more eStctttall o Iucdoebdf:Leod, We ',ere Panel, Joins months ago the vol.nteer force at the erne
1 selves into ractce throegb the tro.vmas of hail resolved b
CLINTON 10.42 '• r, the eyes of the Ref of [' ser 6tephn Walsh Jube Ye6ty, Pat cousisttd •f 11390 me. From the iaCurtos' P than and Two of these IMIRINIVIIC
SEAFORTH 11 datois real
e oyer. Peter Casa,. The Preach in Meuse.
11'Yeslie. tion acquired by Lieut. Col. Wi',y dunng his obsequious newspaper more
t , otws,
character. It may fwd tRy p 7 taw Hari, h subseyu,nt tour u►' impaction, it apposes that year rootless, ge,erally, will eborM;hly
n Sten
10.01 " 12.43 a
.07 r 1.10 , t sop rennet w the Wade is yes of ttenog
aaatva. in the effort to please all parties it h` tsutsa -John arra ro Official amerce* from Mexico down tot • teen t to the
Ute wished w stwr h
r IARNdames ,bale .uk. 125*b February have been received. Gener.l of the companies embraced to the statement, ppre.'r.te your judgment m suck mattis ers, the Antares. eo other l Texts. The wits d
HARPI.STR 6.22 " 2.15 "
succeeded in pleasing OMR. cannot wart S•r0eL,i -Arch Mla. Theateo*,
nut less than 29-represeoti4j7 1.450 men- Medical pr'ofea"ionot think excepted.
ept Yly tos their the former wished to 10 Tease iM Mau to
HARPliHUEY..... • i.tti " 100 " and i .. ,. do not and cannot wotlne, N.-Tkomu
•,f\TUN..... .... 4.44 343 •' harmoniously together.
ft(14 Roy, John Yalu' Fong s army, 20,000 strong, was at , were never pprutterl organised. At the tbat the people should ' Arkansas. The **bends were tksairewe d
Bron, J ttel.Y Stdetss, Witt attea nu:.* from Puanee th prefer- pe iod when llr. her4field Macdonald became weeiesl atterdeote, for tborouehly hottest eek. n their senora but ere devise no
d Arlsr attune at Puebla for resistance to the ■track 5(isuter oC SG ;Sia the total efbcient fie ce card w,dical men are unfortunate; g not 1 ler ty, end plan tMg *heir d beets w prove satisfactory
i complete. The determuwuw. of the Veer not exceed 11.9te vul*nWer. At rtes mp the pro .ion o till ons da when huntm 6adi .. gswaeare,
Sorrntwrros:e-dames T. C rnawa , Ahs- curate defend their eow.o y was as earuest se mens the tete! is 25,010 ; showing that in a amount of Morn fur hurnbueging of any pros the 57 5 u slog when age esese followro,
g err few mout1.a, weedy the judioi oas eu- fwsion f1Uowrd, fur this simple rescan that y upon '
dr McNabb. N Janweider, Thoma ever (ten. O te:o h:u 24,000 Mesicg
• Ibr y •emend aRurded additions Kewanee; w the saw or the pontile know hale ter nothing dial• ase" Ptoes:
cad lien* ' tee*'Kit, I'm sort u' paltered about Dilor. She
ubo Baal' Joseph \eeuu.s lla• 1 which was daily es ectcd sere c:rrsidered
ontotts p
u 4.35 „ f f medicine a urd* the greatest:
Juron ignate.
GODERICII, C. W., MARCH "4, 1863.
Of the Names of Gentlemen appointed
Maeictrates within the United Comfier
Iluron and Beare, by Commission ter
the Great Seal of the Province, dut tb
February, 1863. The Richt H 'le
Charles Stanley Viscount Mooc, Gfeeor
General or British North Amerie4.&Ate.
Lowe tLo murkier re part One to A saes
y COMuwrd burning the »' more she won't go.'
- h sea' body
roe Tna coCSTT or twee the ho■pitel+... There has been a report cue uy 36 for each 1,000 soul; Upper Canada was (earl
an r -uit has chum. ,
Adair, Alexander Sprout, Tema' Writer, tee defence of Purble, and Cymouaeten 13.070 new begirt obrs;no• d
of as pnec.ples en the cunseq xo u teen w }h,cl,e,,.aek she tY Ro+ and sw whim
Jobe 13aWwuol 1+,000 re 10,000 men for t+_ u•to •c9 1 J q q else. I *!pens Iliad a h.nYeto, .rtes Teams
I The results wird h an analysis of the there ore au amount of quacks an eat
d' d ch the Timate nada itimes• l lif a mea
Certified to M s
Dark elite Peau. Huron mai Brno". for del. fLe rumtto Lu made the mut ha, wheet with retried to the rural dist tete twee, two end three ass of Soca•, Wow of tib,,,, s sopa 50 i ma
e a rime
- The French .re s;uste •t i d d ' err lure, show that the cities of Upper Ca IDI ,et Plague trio iletkeere13 I rg
the 0017.
land of the 30,000 our pa
which sn a ,o - couU;buts fewer volunteers, is proportion to
k $nocsa*o Accuses? octurred in this somber col 23,00Q can now be muttered lit war tem, the ager and the *nth 4waltesahaha
their popalation, then those of Loner Cena• Tusaship on be 19th inat. A little boy be- nim om own it q..eker ea notbis'.
frightful ravages amon 7t anew. Four bun
G of the Ci 3r n el*, ch.
Pian, died Egyptian* leave arrived, but the voyage being fa-ttnhed
Guderieh lard \I sorh,t• 63. 'dol es with them and over 100 aro nee
the cote inreverted--the large' proportion {,,word Pike, ;n the a ncn of hs mother, they're • Teter. Wiliest no tow to te4k. Pte
not all' 1 e ti
be Upper Canada. 'Thus its m,,s;rd to ;tet its 4lotbrs an
lire, and before coaxed Mimie semeaa Irak to go lo.:g with
r Canada far•usbes 6,500, or, ,word the 4,0.4 d bis die* ,t sad the mote I ones 1Y.
ge` We hare received from the Agent rent its Pais that Napoleon. is about to rec Dot :i.0?5, or, say, 29 fur ekrb 1,900. t ^ On rho region of the at,tnach see cbt+t matt 'Nell, Kit. 'aposen we swap women.'
,. conch r_... Uo....., ,end meat with rural __ ._' boors. .. _a_ . _t'
previews to my aminal at the hoax. A man Special Dispatch to rite .Sfyaol, 10. h. -The names f.Nlo watg Sirs
s auced to try bedside and placed 1:s band -- OOw sppolutmeuu.
upon me, but, expecting mischief, I was pre-
pared for him, anal preseeted a revolver to his
floe, sash told him ;D 's si, uiSant way Slat
"if be roved [ would blow his bra'los
Hs straightened himself back and I drew my I Letters bare been received Mere lin
tete 1 I Quebec] from prominent members of the
mill keeping myrevotrer omit bine
self toward the head of the bed and got I step
.d sack a
By Telegraph Laatpgtght. Asertat.o.-John Hawbi
Graham, epee King, William
Dalton, Andrew Carrick. N.-•
lough, W. II. Reed, Juba P
CoistRlx.-David Clerk
-one of Tremaia's Maps of Upper Canada, the other heed. the eilmes• which is colored and mounted in afileaki avoid s conflict which is deily wore imminent - • .
;emotes ouglo to take warnieg end weer •Slutelt 84111 apogee 1 bad a young filly,
" 'Oh ! gentleman's trade. of courser
ereeee tee me almost n Upper Wined*, or 9 fir
tier to the MIMIC:WM, said unpleas• arid pan Jaei mar, ye would° t as ea even
Jind "lee" e'reet "edit s'ith 'h. Ncn then. Slat"' each 1,00n. Strikes; an average of each leave tittle children ',about some oue with
al Mali artiste engaged upon it. We hop•
the tith:t1 re°Iations between Secretary Seward mad eeeb"°, the Pee "ntaZe L'Ai4ht 7 in ideni. 0? them for protection. trade, woe* ye f'
lwries •-b° enterPriming publi,her trill meet with a the French Ambaseadoe et Was tn.Jun, 111707 li.a.unada, bee, st! znergardas"0.1t1,1 eemichh 'N.: it 't.d be too hard. I tell rewires Ill
.1 to incept the last propos& of Fiance.
torther with the refusal of the Washineton
tee stelord's diet &al called to lent
er and knockedat the law. Legislature to w.6...., el,. tree.. Geor'Nut! wed, ef the womeees agreed.'ge
to that time that !mean drun'Ir and *leaded ""n3wri bas declated his hostility to the Moore, Robert Young, Wiigant ring. JubF.; opeatirningGpi°cDtulEreT fr':preeenAPriltihn;SarprritTedng,. isne Thethe Ple'el'ugrr htitTrec4ttnkerden'Y'b: ena.;:1101.4111e°.- County col Bruce, and its Aillatate- boot, awl may it a grads.
to rub ate. The landlord soon ramie his nie present Government, and his determine- mniyelmirn CiNlIns; iAtbdade :012 peofetlheforpsdr;.11:notr
pearikate stepeed a little in front of me KerniebsesFeielb Mullin. IV -tihn Mom' • most beautiful one. The Fashion Plates,- be well to doubt this until it is con.
being 822,4;1. la Closi 1). 60 *ripen I
were maiden aggregate of $20,952 In tett o
sapposeig up et
For the de, Kn. Here's s shotxn that's wadi tut
dictinsand in TT pri' et Cagnetta. delta*, of ifs wain • s Tit give it sad
Mer Brace. i -5 rt that P
le to lOth ebruery. 61 volanteer tom- The Administration of Justice ut the
that ar Ear akiu•lusnoiii* ilia mit of my
Prier Robertson, James Tewaley
at tion to break it up !
my left. The man who thorn, all I' ;
the music, the racy stories, &e., are all sp einthine. f entl find humorous and maces te Ose teepee n, having aim made a sate -
steed appereetly with cleoched tilt:, and Currox N. let aGle-Ft*haid Them**, to Godey's standard of excellence, 116011,
Iowa op to full hereto, Sprang towards us,
The re
y and tiro childrea were steeple The b eh 0 Frederkit j"ePb as we have often said before is • high
and we dodged into las room where tbe land. ports so circulated Whiiehead, Louts H. Smide r/ tut Stripier.
TRAORDIN A WI RICHNESe. 34 in Lower Canada and 42 in Upper Cana- de illustrations uf the manner in which the . feelorY wletee'reee abort c rtm,
administration of justice is conducted in other
We (Victoria paper) are indebted to Mons The returns of the Sedentary Militia show
countries; the Western Stens, partieularly. respectiit destinatioss in that,
.h ch eel motets • fair proportion of ridicule. We " American's haven ot eternal nese
Det6s, *scientific cectlemen whe has had that 21 district* intn which the province it .
Feund • tittle (ember Mame'
they all wrest on llnit way rejoiciog tu their
mimed between the landlord and tbe stranger ordered b th Go ' ' " eilih i tet•e Iletto". we receive no utagazino which is mare
•I'41,re l Bonert Gibbons, :Ansi Watson. /1. The PRINTER Eir March is welcome ; many years exprnimee in the . a. a en* din e
"eel 1° Welter', for 0" f°11°`eine bielely belong to Lower Canada. Dividing this think,. however, sbould the conductors o our
one front tke other, et tbe ace& wbich gtl:n I titiem of untlecele4,7 Prin.ting have been, B. O'Connor Jam M important ineennation in reference to the on- henna of the militia east claw*, in co thee puttee journels feel anziSos. to AMR op some
' be ri oar* it woh the Icor we bam Owe remits : of these ridiculous proceedines, in their true Johnue Cope.
leads in Cariboo. There can be no doubt Lewer Canute- tst cleat service men, 33.- hot, they need not neeenta!lly go farther
,,„„, 20,105 4 Upper Ce,,,.,14.-ja el.'', Gee then Western emote for sufficient material, ' 11" "db" d the b••""" "d "thie•I
whatever that a field will shcof y be opened 630 e 2rei eleourrice men. 6S,213 ; reserve
iriducemerit fee azpifaliefe to enter upon tbe 393 ; 2iid clam, 83,1e8 ; reserve, 20,917, to exercise their talents iii that direction to sse:ilt,inogf:: ily,°"bn,"thlei'' ielraaltasti.Lordheliiii4
_ who is said to here been rine of tie erriliele
in that direction which eel offer the steceigest
development a the mineral resources of Total rank and file. Loser Canada, 111148 ,• the fullest extent.
British Columbin. Mese Deffis yesterday Upper Canada. 173,068. The tete:netted W• new propose to *toed an aceoure and met whimsical a monki•d. mak a
sho. %et teswoillolinarearsedeeelp,:e2 0,,,rheitehertmoontica, nLoanoweberr ocfmawimilitia1.97,0n00. nif usdpIpers, okois,nadsts. I,: th. k.i.nip of Kink..., .inn, ..i... aa info, s., Jew. cop.... is issit kssiss, ewe or.
bsorbing topic tieing the eetry of the gums, s Frenchman, has brouebt dower from 180,000.- Lea r.
metioii was laid *store him, egsinSt S certain epi ..,,,Pbswfori,owde,r kr 1,:ignir*,..4"ireat froZIPthletwo,e•
rineess Alexandra into -
party. who had committed a theft in tbe stee tea iligb1 tin he rerneee Inenkar. II is
ay the Europa sailed. Tbe preparations
Liebe or the BMeoes Creek, in Carib*, It contains meld,
ether and teed in Ise* quenelles. Moe. - Terrors of_the Doctors.
neijhborhood, instead of surrunonine the said that Alen Cope Bed, the areetarese alit
Soupier' lisd the quartz pecked by Labert.mrdrere,
40 h lived in sce and art to a peer berme, him to, trial, pot I, ,t,,,d horse Morita bein foremost ; Opus whit*
south oeffeithley's Creek, andi wars discovered sichesed,aret semuumed his 'medical mane geiffy," whereupon II» worthy pnriterver of ed, " Y has graa
that he it 0 A
ile had attained supported culprit, and informed her of that
b " eel"er "°" •"" it- The chemist round sbe s onset. could bare set the peer", ea...eeriest', preemie, he. tome,
and I pawed out of the oppoitte door now 're .1- bury, John Held*, Jr., eta= lliKel• interesting to the craft , $ .00 a yam,-
, n rough a passage . y log at ui regained is done I Juba V. Detlor, teatime W. White. • Id d f '
whit* led to s third hall, when I entered the at tni
room uf a frieud by the mate ut Tatman, and
told etre to get sp, as tbe tweeted wee hay 00 Ione
tog a figlo, and that I wanted a light. eln to eveet „O.,
hearing the screems of* woman, who cried
noes. It tbose who
pap from the old Ministry
op o ce, ran back to
*met, ;hen 1 met two nter,10 the second hall,
ie front of tbe landlord's room. Here I got
• beaver view of the curateriorn person who
teas so beat on tuesehiet, by the aid uf • dila
light, bunting in the hall,
He was • tall, atbleltc. large•boned man so
serviette ia his step that 1 resat, knee him to
he my foe, sted on seeing me &rain, in s eery
excels* stomp" apeeeh, he said, 'Here beide
arid aiming itiwart.1 me avers, with a weapon
in kti head, which I fancied s lase
I retrieved My steps as far as posenale, and
I got jaw tbe ball from the narrow i-
erbieb led to Iltit hall which I had jug
I tamed and gave him s shot, wham es
to go ahead again I'
follow Mary emb-r Seek
mid I gave kis. tie sawed aboi
▪ user an settee rising t•
1 bed the tine sass jail es
we no stain at tha sett et
isto Tolima's Mom sad in -
mid the sued
of sae weemilmil
whit tbie deed,
iats ball
Tell °TVA
Specifications for
buildings are being
pared, is order to pre
ties with the Cont
The Governor
eer Wood next
pitting tin Ottawa
carefully pre.
future dilical
race Horton, Alexander 11. Boss. N. -
opher Gmbh, Malcolm C. Camerou, W.
By teirgraph we learn that
news is not of great inipor
Thomas Mattel, William Piper,
hill. George Cox, Henry Ford. a
Wilkinson, diem 11.11. J Tor- P
ICU bie. John Hit r. Jobe d
the English
taws, the 0N
untcastle, were on an unexampled scale, anil -a brit- a French piwtter, as far In Lytton, non In the r„r te I me P 1 P -
the ram, wi• the beat«, sibs likes." Eltire
in/ wrote south., loam deeeriptios of tike
brittle, entitled "Tnteeet Muir," Mem um
surges is tbe eillete. Doe of Mese, law
liant demonstration scald take plate. Me
Case, Walter Fin. Henry Times asserts that duliag the WWI!
rroderiek Knell John 4 -jai'''. tory of London she ha, nerer aslif AMA
31/ Sam" Murree. 1-4•i'l day, and the cense IA the 61111111,0101116doet
Michael ler, James Siaillo„
nehmen, Johin McAlia-
Bingham, noose
Sorrow. N. -Thomas
egimer., Joel Rogers,
Boeove Thews
Foreleg) Dewed
hear* There ere two companne ;tie ha." him rigtrt rrillt a derma eutorost es ein- and informed, that she would be *qui
is the pride entertains,' by the Deka for ftic.„ mp eherns alneady, 'is t nee brocation; but le have recovere4 health so nmke affidavit to thst elfizt, which so -
M. Chashard Villentaine s. tor aceerdlager sent for, site attended the fifty reals--hed been demended and the
c dd, Sad after the wecessary fee -
the moral eminence rf the royal family, Yen Coltarwo noel Smear." teirtrany, and wou'd have been 'irregular.' The doe
- raised by the virtues of ite b,eaad. who boa hod • Tut 4eftl °t matriarchal clerk aunlig en illneas of forty cue wse satorectorily dismemed 1 etc
The Princess had, at last mmelltallfs
ari-zeti at Windsor. Tile royal witeldr"
left the Nore early on the 7th, mad arrived
on landing there wait enthusiii. ela WU'
nt. The party reached Loans 4- I,
30, and proeeeded tawards die
the etmoet excitement entll 4060111111"
r before equalled in tot014
W1LATIVC11. AID Ptuvailillr g*"'
aorn-The Meek tone ettelt
24, remake -With aneil=01.46.1
u p ba Thalweg evcry
lam gift
senespeediess, ripens,
OW say otker
theitio, is le laid Wen bit
-4:hirreiseepfswe Corbett, David Wit•
Pease. Stephen Yaw, Boner
Wiffigielfrisos,Wffitiatai Memel.
illhelitele Domed Sea*, Jobe
Holm" Clutters Winnharl.
W. Owsw, Jews ilea,
Mks Weeds, Pose
Aelblise, Nokia Oahe
ofeekts Ileseed, A. b.
Asko Ines,
experience as a swami& amacer itt Writhe, oceee. A shore reee efter the old gentleman s riirred some erne aeo, t re. e
and Lower California, metres us ilea neeer death the doctor'a bill cams in. Its cements era story to the reedees 01 no •• Signet " Ise "it •••••71,40•••""e " "'eh
Per this Smith rests te Ittdernstos after die
petatientiost of the seat mid mat • drawer
tn meet Ma. there, and mown
were comprime in nee litie-" Medical .1- this community, yet it n nevertheless Mend- 111"6"4 bill' sateen ntianted wit tbs.
nedance, medicines, ite., Al II is." The ly free. This/me perSOosire, nottosig Sem ..
executor disputed whet he csniceived to be e. essued • minorant foe the arrest of • arresie
slightly unreasonable demand,anit was servedeiparty -in which there is nothine sewn& er
with • writ. The action proceeded, and pae "repeal/it-Ina the novel sod iriesemease
tjealara were eennieded of tbe bill or charges. modes operasmii matutyed in ownag As
pectelete eiembers of lbh medical pious ehe tees Ago: maniek. • titirn
and she *mentor was adeised to moist a- dvirloid;y ,ka. Time desseibed
thodorentent was submitted to serene reg. 1..4 deeenits,loia: t do g
a ciwwprontitta, being st tat) rats ot o guinea i of etemosisee, teem' which the palate de sies
...a • 1•111• weelt for advice aod Ethnic. l restive tey wine sweat et lejetry, beit a
The dewier sod bie htwyttas proposed lotus Inn has jam ectioned hem, winch la arty=
teredered, sod aceepted by tee phylifilln, I*. tend' to eatMe this adosiwirenntinw of *tire*
at the rats of retrowrireve re -week. lo Ike free, *ea tho oftationtesows sepaisf eskpakto
bill, 216 elitism charged rarities abillines le weft es =we resent& 'ewe dm
Paine each,54 *on pills at oett shilling rule mathehry ist otatienslag tar Oa seem
dors at a shilling A dose of rumor oil Of • sy test le "Met the faoritterl eml Jo risit
end OgineasspeatIo ror a phainer. What wet tais ••41141 aloe alkeing* *sere sand pr.
Iwo awe tkit Mite of the pour moth mums saiMaima. Dream *imam% orestroll IMO*
eimakte..• elute A this river og &work staf ma Wider swim Yes the imetionette lee*
WI boos petrel Moo Me sollonsatin 01.41 Ito tem wirsoftionsoopt kommardi . •,,,Afig
sod masiamosa any *wets WA, ee lea *ate thisieldrete be the estriewitill NI eemebsoi pot
sew anything no neh ea the o ver g
Co.'s fend has been proved tri yield from free
gains rt Num* and Lo'wer O•lifisimitt Dearer
ly say Or olt metal.
A few bet from the surface the Tomes at
&Noes Creek predates fes far se *in he
lettered from the immys already merle) the
pee kw ton ; #64 per Ise; lead OW
per ton.
deeper they have germ into tee mere
Asher Me lewd, mid *von in or sia
the memo swum to make s
in the eta Illaw owe emeits
ebb is ohs lisoisioos oho in
ae besdrol not boo, awl Ass
all tio way, ft amulet hits,:
opriti • of cm ram 'mime aiseemprea is
awed et atom ly pleas with* weal rise -
lay of 0111 ann /Over. ele het tinsel it pre.
eMenthrog Jibe the reereenoil Annan
•111 elmatielies:se se ewireterets.
00111011.11f Wel al with this leper
lest thtMtee Itesteese, Wee the femme' ow,
alai lewd% • seek knot presortisa Asa
81. now, eral thief's* ie the iseseaeldinias.
seen *stet smarlanyi seim
wits Iiits soy kriewledge 4004
lead to sada wetakdas IF* Una OF
%OWN* se NIA* Wkiik
At limas Latr.-tdOs.
thealaimmilla -1•00104
The rapw•r•fartol moo WA es faitep-
4 them as way he bawd e= 161111.
We bps awe Is ho able le Saes set ranti
weir peemeles of haperaral bete blow
hi area tie sambas Wo asbiled
Ihmals, MAW ere Ilia Om Imo.
eft 41.1. aramilasms i• Oar" via
Saion belt, SOW
Irene. Themes
Ws amok
*Mb, Tiara
Jaw Ilareeff.
, Joke
takes le tie late and hesv;4041 oehe
ap tar Mit time in rarMir thO'Oeldel
milleent, bet the after Ass. If MI ha
werytaleault stiappiwi provably, WA'
served Is belay the Improggotilll se nosh
68•1104 8•114.1 The wheel, Insit
essessesstly dragged as row sb•
▪ .4 it is rie
fluoure, snit r the
aet dear of bpi,
an sea lately to be an barapball
porno!. The erpeoure et.f.elpflIkt vat`
to have Wt re
isnot so
"Ig/silp Sig an thole
ha stia Sem le
MOM Mileh,
is the so* seen
matallettet ban
erteristie of the ma. I "Om% awe Wok
seed the heisese fartnee, lir. Smith
list Thee ewe lehestw as mese to
ION ; ha kid kin sr sow kn. and I tett
teak it' him, sod tf I dillak r. shirr Ada
Mak To lieeht ; so Ill As as in 41-111
es sift r
any awl Six hesulted ,41•4 lonely three ty, wails slaw wog
dotegilisl IP/ fame bested of Ohl is tee tame fteresbery. marines wan
abeiweiskidis north a 511(04,
ilet the .1 tie bill. Mora
bete, sal Iko
*aurae, Ile
be eritias
aka WAN led
Dm* pr
ma Ina isvowe
Ike let Wier „ger ece atelsalaLke net
41 mipriPPI
ho neallend es at ab•
one wafts was sed %es
Marrs wiesso eat obeasa
%ow boo Inn esealle.
%los nab, he is essiseslike wet Yet
=ow Me No k Obi libi
or 1 P.'s reseabled et be kival sad
=1 sae bee% Irlialt.-Ist es do
Was Mod mid One OA% led
ililwirl, im••• ei ciarell:.
sod eke 11, w -
es al dolga. 1 wip, WOW er asks as,
les Loewe Tiaiss.-fle Ionbe Noe
sear onylor perans, even Walk sad
depertiesis Wog weesed obi Jr sasst ape
lea ow a daily eiresistase et 4,886,soads•
leg arms Yea et gap. sr par day. The parer
teed is et Ism Tie Inge 4144 Poo
les wk.& be ittere is primed liaree
levriog sheet 11,41. pee ham
--agwel SO ewe downed envy bat a.m.
After a. trio • sot for Mr dageis omple. sem
"qr. oires are non at ls. n subs ea sap-
per gems hem *leek ta vim a ea/dam Mum
ter * de,. No papaw ars koled selawik
As Iter. -117 1•6144 si pip III sl dia
TM sant rkiiIiiiehoweity on paid OS de
till *OM itioastrith as ordrilit
Till141 ant -
tested of
het ale be
arab Nip • tim gado
loomork ram
eaddien mot sows era moan 44 ere