HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-08-26, Page 16Do You Need a Study -Room? Let Beaver Lumber help you provide this most important Room NOW! We can guide you to Do- lt-Yourself or do the complete job. A full line of materials are carried in stock and term Financing con be arranged. BEAT THE RUSH I ! I Phone to-day and get your room done first. Beaver Lumber Co. 235.1582 EXETER ...and it's time for A VISIT TO MAY'S BLOUSES Shirt-Tale Blouses in all the latest styles and colors for fall . . . 3.98 FOR THOSE WHO LIKE TO SEW Our new Fall materials are here plus a complete line of sewing needs. GIRLS' SWEATERS High Bulk Orlon sweaters by ALPINE. Textured like soft, hand-knitted wool. Coffee, white, black, pink, turquoise, coral ...8.95 & 9.95 8.98 The famous Glenayr KITTEN sweaters in shetland, orlon, bot- to 12.95 any wool and fur blend. SPECIAL SALE Dress Pants values to 5.95 Short sleeve sport shirts regular 1.98 . Sale 1.98 ... Sale 1.49 Orlon Shells in multi-c olor stripes or plain shades, trim- med in lace or fringe or the ever popular turtle neck. • .. 4.98 SWEATERS Tony-Day sweaters for young men . . . 9.95 to 14.95 Penmans long sleeve turtle neck T-shirts-red, white, black, blue. . . . 3.95 F. A. MAY Son 388 Main South 235-0852 Exeter SKIRTS Mini, hipster or kilts in all wool. . . , 6.95 to 12.95 BOYS' PANTS KORATRIM Permanent never need ironing. sizes 6 to 18 sizes 30 to 38 Press P ants- . . . 7.95 . . 9.95 Brighten his outlook With VITAMINS Paradec Liquid 4 . . . . $3.50, $2.00, $1.50 , Paramette Syrup $2.95, $5.50, $8.50 Infantol $3.50, $2.00, $1.50 Tri-Vi-Sol . ; ..... $4.25, $2.95, $1.65 Paramette Jr. Tabs ...... ...... ..... 75 for $2.95 Parmettes Special, 25-day size FREE with $6.00 Size One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins $3.99, $2.75, $1.49 Hallborange 'C' Tablets, 100 fel' ....... ..... • $3.80 Maltevol Vitamin and Iron Tonic $2.50 II ORUG STORE UNTILEYS A PLY 7 EXETER r dA Telephone 1 n s Ofiriitio..111.,. 2334070 .........v._-, Your Head Quarters For SOUTH HURON DISTRICT High School In order to improve our communications with Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton, and to arrange transportation to it I would like to meet with every student (or a parent) who has been attending school in Clinton and expects to return there. At the expense of the Huron South District High School Board also I would like the students (or a parent) entering Clinton in the occupations or grade ten of the Science Technology and trades course this September to attend this meeting. This meeting is being called TUES., AUG. 31, 8 p.m. If it is impossible for you to attend this evening meeting, it will be necessary for you to come to the school in Exeter for an interview from September 1 to 3. STUDENTS attending S.H.D.H.S. who fit into one of the following categories should telephone the school Mon- day AUGUST 30 for an interview time Tuesday AUG- UST 31 to Friday SEPTEMBER 3. 1. All Grade 13 Students 2. All Grade 11, 12, 13 Students who are taking subjects in two grades 3. All Grade 11, 12 Students of the four - year programme of the Arts and Science Branch. 4. All Grade 11 or 12 Students who wish to change any option on their registration form 5. All New Students in the district who have not registered already Further details about the opening of school and the $5.00 registration fee will be in this paper September 2. L. D. Palmer B. A., Ed. Principal Elizabeth Gosar Do your buying at Walpers, that's how. There must be a reason why so many young men shop regularly at Walpers. It's true. More young men outfit themselves at Walpers than any other store in South Huron This makes Walpers the largest exclusive .men's wear in South Huron which in turn helps insure the largest selection, the latest trends, ex- pert fitting and tailoring AND the lowest prices. Season after season more young men in preparing for back to high school or back to college stop first of Walpers, The smart young fashions come from Walpers. Palmer - By Elizabeth Gosar My past five years at South Huron District High School have passed quickly. I can honestly say they were enjoyable years and I have many happy memories. In order for school to be a highlight of your life instead of a time filled with despair you must have the right attitude towards education and secondly you must participate in extra-curricular activities. What is the right attitude towards education? Every- one's opinion is different but for one thing you should decide that even if you don't like school, you might as well do your best anyway instead of just wasting your own time as well as the teacher's. A final column You should remember that homework is assigned for your benefit and should be done. Just because the teacher doesn't check it every day is no reason not to do it. By the time you enter high school, they believe that you are mature enough to realize that you should do your homework. The teachers are there to help you and if you ever need extra help most of them would willingly stay a few minutes after school or at dinner time to assist you. You should attend school regu- larly. Once you have assumed the right attitude towards your edu- cation, you must decide to par- ticipate in some extra-curricular activities. School is not only a place of learning and this fact should be remembered. It is by participation in these other activities that you become better acquainted with your classmates. By working on pro- jects with them you come to understand them better and you learn the value of co-operation. Participation in activities also helps you to develop your own distinctive personality. GREAT VARIETY Our school has a great variety of activities to offer the students and there should be at least one to interest each student. For those who enjoy sports there is track and field, volley- ball, basketball, wrestling, curl- ing, badminton, football and cheerleading. Besides these ac- tivities there is a drama club, a glee club, an orchestra, a Bible club and a chess club. Those who are interested in library work may become li- brarians and those who are able to twirl batons may join the ma- jorettes. Thus somewhere inthis extensive list there should be an activity to interest everyone. These activities help you to develop your skills and talents in other fields rather than a strict academic pursuit. Thus if you assume the right attitude towards education and participate in some extra-cur- ricular activities, I don't see how school could he anything but a highlight of your life and a time you'll always remember. NEED GUIDANCE Although there is a wide range of subjects at our school, there is not enough guidance for the students. Many students are not aware of the many fields which they may enter upon graduation from Grade 13. Many find out too late that they are taking the wrong subjects and so are not able to enter the field they had planned upon. One way to solve some of the career problems is to have a Career Day such as we did one year or to have different speak- ers visit the school during the year. It is much more interesting to hear someone speaking about his profession or his trade than to read about it in some book. It also gives you an opportunity to have those questions answered which you don't find answered in books. It was such a lecture which made me decide what I wanted to do in the future. Therefore I hope that this year there will be more guidance for the stu- dents. WE LACK SPIRIT There is a definite lack of "school spirit" and while every- one is aware of it, no one actually does much to solve the problem. Perhaps one way to solve it would be to have more direct or audience participation in compul- sory and extra-curricular school activities. Although "school spirit" may be revealed the most clearly at football and basketball games when the entire student body is cheering with the cheerleaders, it should also be present in the classroom. This means no grumbling every time homework is assigned. Perhaps this year U the stu- dents and teachers work together i•school spirit" may be revived. One reason for the lack of it last year occurred when only the girls could attend the girls' bas- ketball games and only the boys could attend boys' basketball games. This happened because there was not enough room in the gymnasium to seat everyone. However, maybe this year con- ditions may be different. CAN'T COMPLAIN But there is not really much at our school which I could complain about and I think we are fortunate to have this building in our town. I always found the teachers very willing to help me if I had a problem and it is reassuring to know that they are interested in you. I hope that our Commencement will not be dropped. Although it took a great deal of time pre- paring for it, at the end it was worthwhile and many of the stu- dents were able to participate in it. The Formal is another high- light of our school year and it is climaxed by the crowning of our school queen. Everyone should attend the Formal at least once if it is at all possible, for to miss it is to miss part of your school life. In conclusion I would like to thank all the teachers and stu- dents who helped me when I needed it in writing my weekly column. ,Continued from page 15 house system and it will be as- signing students to the houses and explaining the system after school begins. Personally I am very interest- ed in all kinds of sports and I hope that these are not promoted at the expense of other activities. I just happened to catch a part of "Sing A Song" on CFPL-TV this week and would like you to know that Don McKellar and I played in the school orchestra when we were at St. Thomas Collegiate Institute. Maybe this will be some assurance to the students who like activities other than sports. The Times-Advocate has been very obliging in announcing our new teaching staff for September. I expect that the total number of staff will be 42 as compared to 30 last year. The increased number is needed to teach the new subjects and the six new programs being offered. It is also necessary because Mr. At- kinson, the Technical Director and I need free time to super- vise and equip the new addition. In addition to these the public need to realize that the staff has to have more time to prepare courses than under the general course. If mathematics is taken as an example there will be 15 different courses taught this year at South Huron; and no teacher can be expected to teach more than five very effectively. With the increase in enrolment heads of departments need time to supervise their subject area and to assist the many new teach- ers that are entering the teaching profession. One other matter that interests all students and their parents is examinations. There will be a major change from the past in examinations. There will only be two sets of examinations for all students ex- cept the grade thirteen. These will be in the last part ofJanuary and June. There will be no recom- mendations in June. Therefore students will write examinations in every subject in June. Parents may expect reports (1) at the end of November based on one or two-period length tests, regular testing and daily work; (2) at the end of February based on the raid-term examinations and term work; and (3) at the end of June based on the final ex- aminations and the whole year's work. ENCOURAGE RETURN In conclusion I would like to en- courage any young person or adult to continue their formal educa- tion. If any member of my staff or myself can give you informa- tion or advice please telephone the school and arrange an inter- view. I especially encourage students who have left school for one or two years and who would like to look into returning to school to come and talk it over with us, You might be amazed by the op- portunities and subjects that are open to you now that were not available two or three years ago. I cannot stress too often that we exist to'teach and are willing to teach any person who is will- ing to be taught. Indeed, South Huron District High School has an excellent motto "Finis Opus Coronat" that freely translated into English means, "The goal makes the work worthwhile". Page 16 Times-Advocate, August 26, 1965