HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-08-26, Page 11Invite you to join them for Worship, Fellowship and Sarvicas BINGO Legion Hall TONIGHT! Thur., Aug, 26, 9:00 p.m. Sponsoted by , Ladies Auxiliary JACKPOT $200 In 54 Numbers Admission $1 for 15 iu Rodeo Grounds - 21/2 miles west on Huron St., Exeter Saturday, Sept. 4, 9:00 p.m. Open Air Jamboree with all types of music Admission: $1.00 single, $1.50 couple EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by Exeter Saddle Club RODEO DANCE August 26, 27 and 28 "MOVE OVER DARLING" Aug 30, 31 Sept. I "SEX AND THE SINGLE GIRL" Shillelagh MOTOR HOTEL, LUCAN 0, Thur., Fri., Sat. & Next Week the COUNTRY [> RHYTHM PALS 4 DANCING NIGHTLY lOMote/ Units • Dining Lounge•Dining Room —Sundays 7 pm to 7 pm • Banquet Rooms for up to 300 • Snack Bar —Daily to Midnight. Licenced under the Liquor Control Board 227.4411 for Reservations Exeter Ladies', Bowling League Meeting at the Bowling Lanes Wednesday, Sept. at 8;00 p.m. TEAM CAPTAINS CONTACT PRESIDENT MRS, MARY HOLTZMAN BY SEPTEMBER 7, TO ENTER YOUR TEAM. ANY NEW MEMBERS CONTACT THE BOWLING LANES PHONE 235.2781 Full Dining Facilities Sundays from 3 p.m. WEEKEND SPECIALS Homemade Cabbage Rolls, Sauerkraut, Pig's Tails, Pork Hocks 4oneASHWOOD HOTEL yr" STAN HOLUBOWICZ Licenced Phone Dashwood 78 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1,111i111111111/1111111ifilli1111111111i111111101(111111=1 /11111111i1/11/11111/1111111111111111011111111111/141/111111111111 1 /11111/111MillIlilinillialliffillii11111/111111111111111111W11/111111/S' Fr. 7=7 SEE IT HERE! 450 Horsepower on 2 wheels! E.J. Potter's Fantastic 2-Wheel Chevy Fueler GRAND BEND DRAGWAY SUNDAY Be on hand when the Michigan Madman comes blasting in from outer limits. He has run 160.57 MPH and burns AUG. 29 don't miss it! So wild it's outlawed by NHRA up a tire in 3 runs! There is nothing like this show, so THIS GUY IS NUTS! qinfiniiiiMinlitithlIONIUMMiu1111111ifitilluilltillUfflt1H11111M111111111111111111111i1{11111111110111411111001111MUMMUMMIIIIIIIMMIMI{utiltlitint.; New teachers at SROHS BIRTHS — BELL — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell, RR 2 Kippers, announce the birth of a daughter, Sandra Lee, at South Heron Hospital August 23 a sister for Vicky Lynn and Pamela. ENSING — Mr, and Mrs. H, En, sing, RR 2 Grantor', announce the birth of twins, Andrew John and Elsie Joan, at South Huron Hospital, August 19. RETHER — To John and Louise Rether, Ottawa, a son, Douglas Robert, on August 17. ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mr, and Mrs. George Lawrence will be at home to their friends and neighbors September 4, being the occasion of their 60th wed- ding anniversary et the home of their daughter and goo-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Johnston, 31 Main St. Exeter from 3-5 and 7:30-9:30. Gifts gratefully de- clined. 26:2c Friends of Mr, and Mrs. Char- les Paul of Kirkton are invited to call on them on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniver- sary on Saturday, August 28 be- tween 8 and 10 pm at the hpme of their son Mr. Leon Paul, No gifts please, 26* Almost all the earth's air is below 500 miles above its sur- face. SUMMER UNION SERVICES of James Street Church and Main Street Church in Main St. United Church 11:15 a.m. Sermon: Jeremiah, who preached to stubborn people. Preacher; Rev. R. S. Hiltz Soloist; Mrs. R. J. McCaffrey Nursery provided 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School at both churches ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz Sunday, August 29 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East Mr. Peter Vos 10:00 a.m.—Worship, Dutch Rev. Stanley Sauder 2:00 p.m.—Worship, English 3:15 p.m.—Sunday School All Welcome ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON H. G, Zurbrigg, Pastor Sunday, August 29 10;00 a.m,—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Rev. M. J. James speaker EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 55 Main St. Rev. L. H. Johnston, Pastor Sunday Services 9:45 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.-Worship 7:30 p.m.—The Gospel Hour Tues,, 8 p,in.—Prayer and Bible Study; Y.P.C.A. Vacation Bible School closing exercise Thursday, Aug. 26 at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. CENTRALIA FAITH TABERNACLE Rev. H. WUerch, Pastor Sunday Bible School 10 a.m, Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evangelistic 7:30 p.m, Wed. 8 p.m, Bible Study ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. henry Bieber are celebrating their 25th wed-. ding anniversary. Reception and dance to be held in the Lucan Legion, September 3, 8:30 pm. music by Doug Lewis, Everyone welcome. No gifts please. 26c CARDS OF THANKS wish to thank all my relatives, friends and neighbors for gifts, flowers, cards, visits and treats while a patient in South Hu r on Hospital, Exeter and Victoria Hospital, London. It was sure ap- preciated. — Edna Hibby. 26c I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my neighbors and friends for visits, cards and treats while I was a patient at South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Also the Oddfellows Lodge for the use of a 'wheelchair and crutches. Mrs. Jack Carr. 26* To the many good friends and relatives who were so very kind to me during my long stay in Victoria Hospital, my sincere thanks. It helped more than you will ever know and will always be remembered.—Harry Coates. 26c I wish to thank all those who sent me cards, flowers and gifts while a patient in South Huron Hospital. — Mrs. George Hep- burn. 26c CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys Sunday, August 29 10 a.m.— CHURCH SERVICE You are invited to worship with us. Nursery available for pre- school children. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. K. McCrae Sunday, August 29 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:10 a.m.—Sunday School THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, August 29 ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 11;15 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Litany Junior Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, B.A., S.D. 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m.—Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p.m.—Back to God Hour CHLO (680 Ke.) EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, B.Th. 11:20 a.m.—Worship Service Sunday School for the chil- dren 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Wed. 8 p.m.—Prayer Service We welcome you to worship with us. PEACE * LUTHERAN CHURCH (Services in Caveri Presbyte• rian Church at Main 8. Hill St.) Pastor: William A. Gatz 8:45 a.m.—Divine Services 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School CARDS OF THANKS — I wish to thank my neighbors, relatives and friends for the visits, cards, letters, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since re- turning home. Special thanks to the Doctors, Sisters and nurses at London. .•- Mrs. Ken McLean. 200 To the many friends who so kindly remembered nee while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home I ex- tend my sincere thanks; with special thanks ta Rev. Mr. Lewis, Dr. Fletcher and the hospital staff. — Stella Southcott. 26* We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes, messages of sympathy, memorial cards and kindness shown us in the loss of our dear mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Rev. Wm. Getz for his comfort- ing message, the T. Harry Hoff- man funeral home arid Dr. Gulens. — Melvin, Certie and Sherrie Stade. 26c I wish to thank all my friends for visits, cards and treats while I was a patient in South Huron Hos- pital also Dr. Boyes, nurses and staff for all their kindness, — Evelyn Whiteford. 26* IN MEMORIAM — MARTENE —In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Henry Martene, who passed away 20 years ago, August 50, 1945. Sunshine passes, shadows fall, Love's remembrance outlasts all; And though the years be many or few, They are filled with remem- brances of you. —Ever remembered by wife Elizabeth and family. 26c RICHARD — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Richard who passed away Aug- ust 19, 1941. Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear; Thoughts return to scenes long past, Years roll on but memories last. — Always remembered by wife Jessie and family. 26* Exeter service for Mrs: Winer Mrs. William E. Winer, 94, formerly of Exeter died in South Waterloo Memorial Hospital, Galt, Thursday, August 18. She was the former SusanEng- land of Stephen Township and she married William Winer, also of Stephen Township, in February 1898. They farmed in Stephen Township for 29 years before re- tiring to Exeter. They marked their golden wedding anniversary in 1948 and later that year Mr. Winer died in Preston. Mrs. Winer was a member of Trivitt Memorial Church Exeter, until going to Preston to live with her daughter, Mrs. A. D. McLag- an. Surviving are two sons: Oren of Hamilton and Severne, Exeter; three daughters: Mrs. 0. G. (Ger- trude) Tremner, Strathroy; Mrs. C. F. (Phyllis) Chambers, Dor- chester; Mrs. A. a (Alma) Mc- Lagan, Preston. Funeral service was held in Trivitt Memorial Church Satur- day, August 21 with burial in Exeter cemetery. DESERT THREAT Desert conditions are a con- stant threat in the parts of On- tario where forests do not pro- tect the land against erosion by wind and water. Land owners may obtain trees for planting from the Department of Lands and Forests. Mr. M. P. Lysack, another newcomer to Exeter will be teaching French arid Latin at South Huron Districtfligh School. Mr. Lysack, who is a native of Manitoba received all of his edu- cation in that province and gra- duated from the University of Manitoba with a 13, A. degree. At university he studied French, La- tin, German, Ukrainian and Rus- sian, lie majored in German. Mr, Lysack holds a Permanent Collegiate Teacher's Certificate from the province of Manitoba. Last year, by attending an eight- week summer course, he obtained an Interim B High School As- sistants' Certificate for Ontario and taught at Little Current, On- tario. As a hobby Mr. Lysack likes to paint landscape in either oils or water colours. Mr. and Mrs. Lysack and their two children, Colleen and Michael now reside in Exeter. Miss Hergott Miss Patricia M. Hergott of Kitchener will join the staff of South Huron District High School this September. In her first year at South Huron, Miss Hergott will be teaching English, History and Girls Physical Education. After moving to Kitchener at an early age from her birth-place in London, Ontario, Miss Hergott completed her elementary edu- cation in the Kitchener Public School System. She entered the general course of study at the Kitchener-Waterloo C o 11 e giate and Vocational School and gra- duated from Grade XIII in 1962. This spring Miss Hergott re- RECEPTION and DANCE Karl and Mary Regier (nee Shea) ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat. Aug. 28 Desjardines Orch Everyone Welcome ceived her degree of Bachelor of Arts with second clasp honours from the University of Waterloo. Sociology and History were her major subjects of study and her academic life was supplemented by many extra-curricular activi- ties. During her three years at Waterloo Miss Hergott was an elected member of the Arte So- ciety and of the Council of the Federation of Students, held the position of Chairman of the 1963 "Homecoming Committee" and was Vice,Chairreae of -the Board of Student Activities. This summer Wee Hergott is attending the Ontario College of Education summer course in London. She will take up resi- dence in Exeter at the beginning of September and is looking for- ward to teaching at South Huron District High School, D.J. Solomon ' lie was born in Port-of-Spain, capital city of Trinidad, an island in the West Indies, 27 years ago. He attended Public School in Port-of-Spain, and received his secondary education at Latima and St. Mary's College. He gra- BRINSLEY AND NEIL SCHOOL PICNIC will be held Sunday, August 29, at 2:30 pm at Brinsley School. Bring picnic lunch, dish- es and cutlery. 26c ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY SER- VICE will be held at Zion Ceme- tery Usborne Township on Sun- day August 29 at 2:30 pm (DST). Ross W. Hero, Grantor) Secretary-Treasurer Zion Cemetery Association 26c HURON COUNTY HOG PRODUC- ERS' PORK CHOP BARBECUE August 31, 1965, 6 pm to 8:30pm, L on de sbo r o Community Hall. Adults $1.50, children under 12 $1.00. Guest speaker, entertain- ment, Caterers, Webb's Pine- brook Farms, Pinkerton. 19:26c BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN Theatre - Clinton Children Under 12 In Cars Admitted Free COME AS LATE AS 11 P.M. ' AND SEE A COMPLETE SHOW Box Office Open at 8:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 26 and 27 - Double Feature- "YOUR CHEATING HEART" George Hamilton, Susan Oliver The great life story of the late famed country music singer• composer HANK WILLIAMS Plus "LOOKING FOR LOVE" Connie Francis, Jim Hutton Color Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY August 28 and 30 "FATHER GOOSE" CARY GRANT Leslie Caron Trevor Howard Color Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 31 and September 1 "MONDO CANE No. 2" Daring Shocking . Completely Uninhibited An E xperience You'll Long Remeniber! ( Adult Entertainment) Color Cartoon dusted with the Cambridgelligher School Certificate in F are 1), Spanish, Latin and English. During his years in Well School he was active in both sporting and extracurricular pur s u i t& Soccer, cricket, softball were the games lie played most. He also belonged to the Sea Scouts for a few years and was a member of the College Choir for a short while. He worked with the Trini- dadcivil Service for a year and a half before entering the Univere sity of Toronto in 1059, where he did an Honours Degree inModern RECEPTION and Dance JIM PFAFF KAREN HEYWOOD (bridal couple) Sat., Aug. 28 Exeter Legion Hall Ian Wilibee Orchestra (Everyone Welcome) (COLOUR) (ADULT) Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood Two Shows Nightly RAIN or CLEAR First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars FREE JUST MINUTES FROM GRAND BEND AT SHIPKA Languages. There he met his wife who was majoring in English and they were married in 1963. They 'have one child a boy acid are pre- paring for the addition of another. At University he was active in waterpolo and soccer, He also took part in the activities of the French and Spanish Clubs, •being Publicity Director of the latter for one year. After .grAduattou,, he returned .home and taught at his, Alma Mater, Datima college for two years and has now accepted an offer to teach in -Exeter, Times-Advocate, August 26, 190 Pay* 11 Starlite Drive In Gospel Services CLOSING. NIGHT Sun., Aug. 29, 8:00 p.m. Speaker: Rev. A. J. Baughey Plus a Company of Singers ke.V A. J. sAWHEY ' ANNOUNCEMENTS ,,,,,,t„cick 1