HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-03-24, Page 1W. T. COZ, Zditor and Proprietor.] $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE! tie lis*TE'A TREIUSRE. mutiny, or do yaw call dieeleying my order. so Provocation. Ill anima it to those who have a right W nab, he till then, let me sed the moa who den opal his gawk to me is this ship." I promise yuo,' replied I. "though you 'prune hen et present, your power *hall have an end, end you shell he called to aunount for you .oldest in this day's work. This blued shall be required at Jour hand. Aod lou shall ban to NII id Billy Hurnet,i prom. yo..." This staggered hem considerably. He stopped short before me. and while his face pow Mack with sup - premed wratb sad fury, whiuperrd, (ro rl CONTI UID.) • , Timedetk.e auras •tree• Wht1.I stood eaamioiag the real (the was masa bt) nun the par, two oiler*, w seemed reembeg idly about, stopped and gap to wows* ws* by nay We. " Hua the Dart gut all Isss Mede, Torn," sale one " •4e W 1.. .swan op for suiliug. They stmeseald to tee lubberly Dutakmau now what deur W lead her • Mimi out sod get a•iheg peony fur • glut of grog." • N no p bed cheer," replied the other, "maybe 1 dada t tell cot that 1 aids • trip in her to MP ago, and • clasper or a livelier thing hot os tete water. But there u a limb of t dove w ken thin u ~met to cause her air* M she bottom. 1t mu in uur voyage o that M did for Bally Burnet, welt the pain .eel's( rw,.4enuae he wuiveled • biy w�.t bad)) i. jump w4su he wr old. seek W set .k. turesuyal. 1t was hie 1 von" , sd las boy was mortal eked te ve ten, bet the Captain swore be would mak hey, pad is W wok kit • rap wi We Trot net ••d hailed bion. When be sa tetat he NA dose, he lifted and hove 4i oreetbe side, ..d away • lung day the ate wuellend west Isad beouons of little Billy, fo theta was below at dinner, ad pone b mgMf uw the foul murder. It was needless furyr to domplai• and get him, evereaulrd as there was no witnesses. 1 felt 'het aha ed.births would be servo. before I bout gate •alt him again. Knowing what lyra dneene en are, to geu.ral, Lel how muc thou peaeogers' comfort dereteL ,.n them, wee Meew►a aurtled by We pew of eller motion seepectisg they temper of the man •M w sail with. But Deeming has uo law Ti.. eircttmiWoes were much murepreseut e and frust • simple act of dacipliue exogge sett {o as act of *annul cruelty. But that as it may, my a rs eery urgent. The ouother vessel iu port bound for We ar then to Canada. I determined to run t ask of !meting a had C*pt...,w I sec o My preparation were few am tngisc. I was ou board the Dart just as s wee unmoorine trout the quay. For lou weeks we hail m quick and plera•ut voyage The Dart did not belie her name for beim Aewir•icao built, originally • privateer, Y sailed Uncommonly fast, nothing at 144 ret of twelve miles au boor. As 1 had .epee Captain Mahone proved to be, in point of.,, Tenements, not at all above the cos somro ofstpipasestera He wast bau,lllty and over beanng, and domineergd cver the crew with high hind, io return for which he wee evident. ly foam( end detested by Item all. He had been many years in the West India*, part 04 which time be had ranged u commander of • • pi vdmee, end bad, between the fervid sura of gone high latitudes, and the copious use of grog, become of • rich mahogany colour, or w mstbieg between vermillion ad the ant of a *sheen of capper. He was a middle- sized mast, pane built, with • powerful will roseulor fame. This aspect, naturally harsh and f orbeidiag, war rnrderel more so by she sinister expression of his lett eye, wheel had bees .early forced oat by wine •cc,dent. and the lineamene of hi. couute- oa•es expre ted plainly that he was oaasiooate sad furious us .n the eztreme. I kept nether distant and aloof, and except et meal*, we seldom exchanged mule than ordinary civili- ties.. By our reekoui.,, our ship .o. neatly one b•ndred miles from the Bermuda, when oneeatttiug at sunset, the wind, which had abets leen favorable, fell at once into • deet lathe. The dei had been clear and ,bright het now hr;e lessees of dark and cooecalehaped cluul.l began to hover over each other m the -western horizon, which, 1 being tinged with the rays of the sun; die'. played that turd cud Jeep brawny tint w well kneel' to merger* ., tree to,en of an ap- proaching steno. Toe oldest boys were went unto hand and seed down the ruy:.l and top- gallant smile, and strike the masts while the topsails and stars were close reefed. These preparations were beteg taken be, •use of the appreeehin;y storm. 'leery werejst Guiahad, when the wind shifted ad took us aback with such violence u nearly a capsize the veaael. The whip was pot round se soon as possible, and brought to, till the gale should fall, while a'I leads remained on geek 10 ease of se emergeney. about ten, in the interval ofa ago•Il,we beard a gun fired, u • signal of distress. 7 he night war as bleak es pitch, but the Bash showed us that the stranger ■a cot far to the lee, so to avoid drifting n the wreck during the darkness. the main -top sail war beaded round en I filled, and the ship hauled to windward. In the manner we kept alternately beating and heaving to sod fro, u the,gale rose or fell. till the mcruing broke worn through the hese we perc,ived a small vessel with her masts carried away. As the wisd'bad lulled, the Captain had gone to bed, so ed was the male's watch oo deck. The steegman, pn old grey, headed seaman,named Jam* ,Geon.&, proposed to beer down and save the Iteople, ,tying he bard been twice wrfcked himself, and knew whet it waste be in pee a reenter!. As the Captain was b.. loot' the mate wan irresolute what to do, beu�,aware that the success of the specula- lloo-tn which the Captain war ee;(rged, de- pended on their reaching the port st • car - tai time. The helm wes at length pit Up, and the skiff here king t, tb. wreck. As we neared it, and wen standing by t0. misaea • abrovd0 with our glasses, the Captain came up trope IAA cabin. He looked up with astonish- megl to the sails mid the direction of the vela s head, and in a nice of suppressed papier, said, as he tamed to the ate, W)At u the meaning of this, Mr. Wyllie? Who 1M dared to alter the ship's case*. with- out my leave, when you knew very well that we 'ball hardly be an brae for the markets, nee, what expedition we may Y' The young mai wee oogfused by this Unexpected e4s len/feted wt•maarred out something &boot {hpm 4vieg persuaded him. " ft wr I, Aire ieterkesd s old senor, wwhing to avert She storm bre. the sate, "I thought you wove mot have the hart to leave the week and thee, people to perish without leading e�{M h Mod to tan therm. We should be lid to Noe *amen to amen hiedaMaam-'''sllome you and tits *molt, yo0 ' tared nem? do yox presnd to pommel to me r tb..dered the De ate; hie fury tinselag out, trhit smelt es * diwb eiders, gi yi10 some - thin; to Melt n1," teff 1.g s' repass �, .Nth ley weer him, MI heeled it W the steers adv with all hie slight. Th. We w *&seal, one sod of it *reek him sense tks bed with awl. fermi r to sweep him is tug WOW from by skeane. et the wind, ant lois with *Mese* de lee slam h• ley Werth% and IMAM - "lobe' Mt hal M Ssamod I" elait.ed the 0Rt.1, as he took ths 1.4*, fail smog cot to the see, •eased by, .bats ad '�,N4 hada lee lot g.." la • twiwbSag }�r� weA.. round, and the Theft. 1laid tiftlgu der tor as *hotibe s hale* r sae Qty tilled to o at t1 bar b. old that r1 can e, ulr is he to ut P red arld ret • t4 n i a r ut w • d atm h I r' be There Wen 1r used be K he ltd, h THE STATE OF IRELAND. Prom the Motile Express. " The speech of Mr. William Ifeuebton chairman of the Great Southern and Western Railway, is emiseutly worthy of attention. - Mr. Hwehtrw is a practical mao, intimately acgaaiuted with the cu*ditiou of ibis country. He hes an olasrving, reflecting, and diactim- ie*ting mind, and h s nl,iuion upon am sub_ jest to which be gave hes attennoo would be of great value. Added to this. experience of the working of we of the main arteries of our railway tr.fbc five. him opportunities of judging alae the subject, which make him one of the highest authorities to which we could neer on vomiting connected with seeial program. The railway*, it mrtbeadmitted, afford a good index to the rete of prugreaa iu the country through which they pay as they are the mate channels of its traffic. In reads. Mr. Haughton's speech, then, we are confronted *4th the fact that during let veer the traffic on the Gies' `Southern and Westreo line declined to the extent of I r per cent.; and it appears from mimes fur- nished ur nished be Mr. Bianconi for 12 roads, uueon fleeted with railways, on. which his cant run the South and West, that the traffic tell off in the same proportion. On tlw railway then wan no diminution of *be receipts frees third- class passengese, the excursion. trains to the Currrgh making up ler lou in the regular coarse of traffic. The fine -cleat p•ssengets decreased during the year by 6,472, and the second -eternal., 6,178, causing •use fu teensy of nearly £7,000. There war also a serious loan ender the head. of cervi*. es, hers -o, and do{s. There was also* frhineeff in the mili- t.ry traffic, or rather a total au 'tem. The tutal dimiuution of the reveuue for the year was £13,72e. Haw is this se lou. diminution to be ac - recanted for/ Alter *teenier for the lues of ibe military traffic, and fur the total throne. of went traffic, -111 important item in pre. vious years, -nod for the internati•,nal Exbi. bilion, which caused so many people to *;.end in England money *het they wou'd otherwise have spent in !relived, there eel still be a considerable decten.e to account for. Mr. Hhuihton ascribes it in • great measure W a succession of had season.. The claws who lave suffered, be righty infers from the rail- way st*tin es, are nut the lower classes, bot the middle and upper -farmers, sh•.pkeep.ra, and gentry. With thew moue-spramne claret economy wee last year "the order of the day." Those who think that Ireland is ening fest down the bill will probably avail themselves of those railway etatuti,s to support then doleful doge. But Mr. Bailee.' floes not take this gloomy view of tits country's fa tore. He says that it would be denyia4 the goodness of l'aovtnzx, r to say that the de - premium is more than temporary. He bastes strongest confidence in the stability of the Company and the security of their peonerty, and, 0ouaequealy, in the resources of the era;try. 'These rerar,.* are mainly Agri cultural, But we are *sued that they are rapidly diminishing. For examtdr, Mr. Jos- eph Fsherstates that the estimated value of the crops of Ireland in 1841 eves L50,000.000 sterling; r 1831 it eras reduced w £4:3.000,- 000 sterling; ad in 1861 it had further fal- len to £:15,1100,000 aterlmg. Mr. Fahey naturally nssark& upon the angular anomaly of an agricultural country "unable to pro- duce fwd enough for its own population; and obligedto become at irporlOt of armee.' We doubt very much the assertion that Ireland e not able to produce cerealseetrwth for beg own people. We I.elkve there .re fbllacies *gnat ors this subject, and that, it we ?new *be exact moaners exported from all tb:. pore of Ireland to Great Britain, we would n ot say that the lead did not •' prods: a eau b to feed its own population." But, be that an .t ay, we have no doubt that by a proper Svstem of cultivetion the pre dee. of the country might be. doubled. lir Fisher himself pays it ought to be worth 76 million* sterling, issued of 35 mili,ws, us present value. He thinks the country u crashed under a turd of taxation, a:ml he would hare two or three millions annually snuck o0 We heartily wish nieces. to every effort to abolish the income tax, sad to de- miab the exorbitant spirit duties. But we are afraid teat this would not arrest the down- ward tendency which Mr. Fisher deplores. - Mr. Disraeli once celled the Nitional Debt a mere"Oearbite," and there is no denying that England bas progressed u arvedlo• sly en- der teat euonmous burden. Teas that press opo* the spring* of industry and paralyse its ctinn are as impolitic as tiny are Lieut - But, unless it be the chaining busin.r, we }l 'i♦*Mvh.k,, semi wee one to b� apes tetwti' ` key rbMie ruMelohled hew be met. I 1St eat:, et aN reaml4 *Zig bI. top. As 1Y > metpi W bed. " fsimiles. w taeli ed *MeatKeane' *Id � 1•J know of no branch of native industry amneg us that is thus *praised by taxation. The local rates amend robe too tinny, but they are impo ed, not by the imperial Ley/edema, bot by the landowner and ratepayers *ban - selves. They certainly are not so creamve u to have broneht down the valets of lend in the market. On Sate/day week a term of 80 acres, nun Relit., was sold by auction, and the tenant's interest brought £835, or ten gotinea an acre, thon,(h tbe tenure was only uien years, or ore life. a neem is a Certain tints of w.errcata jos( r4 always resift to arca ad tease of r. ss somdPteg or sose6rdy,, awed they oaf b tweeted a. sn tAar it fa thee nwr. jraadl. nem.ro�fa sate are web tenpin* blames (Aa bei! rids asd (Ae Padfasswaf - Now they see. t desk flat Haase. itself ham sand against ties, ••d they .tarts Nair miefoneme upon too enemas. W. thank Mr. Brig&*. • ease to imipste fhb to .ms's pentads fa g se deeinve Ito manna to M .Wired to ..se to tM O -lI q, Its if am are t..rw- .ogb(y e�yo[e.sad that if this Mead wars to- Wesel ens higli th.er $ud.h, n SS.osel pro teed tomemi Pay doable the present &mo.ntne. land*.. The Irak is, oar Grmce4 an a gess, .a sot idestrieue a ado", or thrifty, rod .. Whoring peeplq as a etaor, .n ant base enema dory week a hie deey''/s wimps. Thi. re I0rt applies she as embassies *Mare em paidWises ypoem week. We domed ham isr Mrs mat Imo nose, if swan s seism id their work Wry •d Mesa As a rwlrL err ak sad b• levet Ire week, Me is trait a •h !jell • rt. Tea ease Isla Lspr is a /slelitly asap leM ad Iw N•/knrtg i. den• -tet 1 sad dmais�a••he• ••d,i• • ease.. M. pmt i► ar irate* sefwrk afl� No the whims $.t .tm•.m thee ehe weedier �ism% seepmade" la wain moil. mill4.. Mei all` w wip. is 1. Oa ef �S dam , .I�Mgthe seeep fon the end of Ilgse.bse, 0144. the femme Lw heel atI .meed bice mem their's mesad smell toe mid of Oesebee dr' it t flown id4 t eta ►4 *wale MIS o N - met. mon twee than t heir's ? Ie to �''`' t, deed these rem sada, E- di that hes leads or COO so 4'74 .. g round .i%4out petting H id`tas�E1ln ? Mr. Dix Hutton, indeed, said that the nes- tleman who he. his magnificent c fees • month beton his mit amity of tenure. W leans cheap the o.' d�'essmaSel gha make the sue shine m ~groogly and eel. staidly oa the farm ? Are thole not lots* leases in may pane of (reload? Arm then not eetaI. on .bleb the YMese }•ro never been daturbed for many aenerutiore, and would not be disturbed it they could doll% the prodsee of their fuss? But what is to ee done in order to have • good soda well ripened, a mnoth earlier? Fi the seed should he sown • month to make land It for this, thorou,f{r�afnf•f. and, in some ease., su soiling, a all that is required. Now, for this proclim the tenant would he manly repaid in tires years by dee ab.ad•nce end excellence of he crops. But if be doubts his landlord's honesty, is it sol easy to obtain kip consent to *be improve - may sod get an $4reemest that eke hereat *h*11 he left to enjoythe benefit without an lithesome of rent ? Hot the better wav is for the landtorda themselev. to Lek atter this cemented atter of drainage, we tented rare. estiy second Mr. Hauehten's recomse•datioa one Oho mea impprtaat satuect." Btfalo and Lake Huron Railroad Testae TA1311.$. WINTER Ae4ANOtte(NT. sweat. liar F.sprem. Mixed. OODUIQH, 10.00..... 11.00a. ... CLINTON10.41 '• 12.05e. n. HARP(IRHEY10.02 " 12.45 " SEAFORTH .. 11.07 " 1.10 uatya. SEAFORTiI 5.22 " 2.45 HARPURHEY 6 26 " 3.00 t'LINTON5.48 3.45 GODBBICH 6.30 " 4.35 urn Signal. GODERICH, C. W., MARCH 20, 1963. VERY LATEST FROM QUEBEC! Special Dispatch to tk. Siymal. By Telegraph Last Night. The Financial Committee bas been en- gaged for some time in investigating the Departmental system hitherto followed. Hon. John Rose has been called upon to give evidence ea a witness, and I under- stand Mr. Galt is alno to be examined. Tree iovestigatioo is proceeding so that the Report may be ready to lay before the House after the Easter Recess. GROUNDLESS STATEMENTS. The Leader's telegram tilt the Prem- ier attempted to bully Reformers into sup- porting him was unfounded in fact, and is strongly denied by liberals here. Mr. McDonald left them to take the course they did without ioterference1 but, as a matter of course, he felt desirous that dif- ferences should be healed up and the party consolidated. The Leader's announce- ments should be received with due cau- tion considenog its antecedents, and all iia talk about '•Clear Grits and Copperheads" amount to very lath. There 18 Do doubt but if it saw a prospect of a clange of Ministry, it eotld change ivy tone just as rapidly. PARLIAMENT 418E8 to -day, and members have by the night train for the West. The House has ad- journed until after Easter. and will rear amebic on the 9th day of April. PUBLIC AC000ntr. The Public Accounts will be laid before the House after mem. and Goverwment measures will be prosecuted energet Bally. THE SPEAKER WISHES A Rede. The Speaker of the House of Amombly was evidently tired of Iisteniog to the constant stream of French and English poured into his ear, for be seemed very anxious that the motion of adjournment should carry. Menus. Cartier & Co. will also hare an opportunity of pluming their rolled feath- er, and gathering their scattered senses. He will ndt mon forget the effects of the etingosg abet of the witty eloquence of Mr. Metes. T$Y L ZZI0AMt WAB. General Bs*44a hes hem •ppoimed to a new eomesod, where, it u not stated. Very btlisti* rumen relish urs with re- gard to Viekbvrg. It is said see dozy that it has been evmsated by t(t. Coe- ademem, and the scot day's telegram WI et sethingdelbwltebn been meertaited. We believe the truth u that very tittle is Lame *ism Viekaiweg er W aeeepeatti ani the matt reel-- -'is eeWakra w w arrive ea 1S that a boo el seen haws W4. k ter the pops s of sraaiwim, >`•gdt le tbs htpsedies atlenk ups Itchestsw Tl►is visit 4 the Pallor' sad as .ant Ow d the *rime ..p .. tint ellusgksidl &ribs tls pmt sued. Frena lei Ials ie asYL ; w can *arise, it w•eH'paP este evil slletltj be swim cart Os +R 1'1g r sIbitt rites Well) Jatrq a. ted Oen Mutual. yr their a few au that km led by the ee0 Ills 1ppoat of the was Iola Assault to Qo.b.c. e excitement was created in the last eight on ncou*nt of an assault 1y the Hoo. M. Repand, of ve Council, epee M. Lueig- arrespoudeot of the St. Ily- ✓uanol. The assault was colo - ie the lobby, end Was of rather a •stere M. Reamed 14110,n} the with a stick and badly +oo,tt00. beating Lao*4„vau did out resist Q ' Under the Congregational Stamp Act, *leash; tat atcd through the .t cent* the reamers of the Late Nichol.* door, hu a�it�nt oontiuuing to strike Lo"gwo.tb *4811 to panh..w a atanp to put kmuntil hew taide. The oauee of o" hu will. tie, st lett, • Ciuciouatt papier *reek was !*denss nude by decl*re., ( je oon'eap*4,, • blase b 1L. St !� TM Dusnrille I.S'prwdenf .nes that $yaalnthe p.pe Lelpl pmeeedi.tgs I th. Guv.nonhtp of the hearses.. colones the " honorable " YA•dcaf to r. Macdonald alien 4.. w.s .r bare beta talk; isa la but hr dmxhe ed ma o• the Around that b. cooed *1411 4e rueful w Genal&. Neu tell ON grand Toros 0saal efi�� /rt r Vi w,T -lit aur. St. Patrick's Dey, took plass were, of course, ell the citing sights and sound*, but the special delectation of our yowlers W. reproduce from the Globe a specimen of the apeakiag, which is all we at present have room for : Mr. M. Mearer,Pre.ident of the llibeenian So.eie ty, then mounted the porch, ad wee loudly cheered. 110441 they bad met that dry to perpetuate the *..nary of Ire'mad's Patron Saint, aid to show their feeling to - wank their nation. (Loud cheers.) Tho Society to which they belonged had prospered red p:o.ressed favorably during the oma* year, and they had assisted in enabeeh,ng Hibernian Societies in many paves besides Toronto. (Chien.) With the nL a assist• mnce of the clergy, the H,bernM.a S,oiety had been enabled to do something for the poor Ireland during, the prat year, and he win gl to my that the movement had been hath snccwlul, (Chem.) It was rertain:y re strange that (rrlend, the finest sad wealth country in the world, was always a Ler, and always asking for belp. , There must something wrong in our Government, be *bat the should .•c:ur ; an hes optu,ou the must be something r.lically wrong in t tyrannical rammer in which the Goren wap administered io Ireland. (A Voice - will always he the way while Britain hes t {ower.) It seemed atranee that this shoo he, while Irishmen occiteietl, in any i na lees. the hiebest positions, and yet th appeared to In ueaele t4,do anything 1 their nat.,e lad. They had news from Po sad -that the peoide of that country had g, o p to demand their freedom from one of 11 most powerful milita7 nations in the wort They were determined to G•bt, and die, their freedom. They had rone forward do so, and he was sone that Irene d slot still while the youth of leotard marched fe w ard to gain their freedom. (Chee.s.) H hoped soon to see the day when Ir.hme would demand th-.t freedom to which the native land wan entitled, (Load cries of • So they will•') There were at penmen organ mown* in Australia, California, New York welch were delermi,ed to make one roan effort for the free/loin of Ireland. (leo cheer.) Ma.yof these orOonisationa were he was glad to s 3, • in proccsa of fo, mateet fit 141. purpose, an •oafd pet in conttrt with the O 1)unughe in Ireland. He believed the these orgnu,zetinn were • neer *re and the were determined to demand their freedom P1ae4 M. 111 if Roads, life-1oeg Siberia 'The inuendo ell file mein. mon settee reasoning. in mincing matters. that they must take np -e their hands by Britoil . w seas of blood. --era at the million of mem-to ightagai and trample her into the d one element in the British uati thrown bask is its primitive n., not have a seapirte renovat ad some enthedat:repose that th �� I tem of petty 'arisen and clan est 'cloths, misNetfba, and all be re -int gar The. proposal *mold be jut as co be t„ as the preaching of 3Ir. Murphy re ; followers, mint J Great *tree u laid upon the admi 11land respect telt for the institution Canada, and well may such declai admire a emery " within the laws " IIRee.at siah navy ys seder maw b' It is mid 1 Weed is bankrupt been placed ever Q3' Leet .oak Mr. Jame. A at three lambs. ,.Tb.Engliah poem** M ning • ne- solution for the purehaa of the Hodson Bey Comua,y'e charter. The cu spray is ea birth •.„•elle who deserved w have t r,w j • 6' 'snarl sppttg.-Lesoder. lip e• take tT -Tbp Ottawa C7.siun, •ant Ml. this .cu 4 use present I O',mmentin '� 0toe�,,k•: Whatever the of, fide of thw Administration may be, their 00 , has been marked b good dl lid , .. ve measures, and the full 4 der , 1 of their policy wiil probably of i be ..tory, or et bast adapted to the al interest in a oorreponding degree. , They have demanded • fair trial, and the Laugh t prit.cipie of awarding it hu beeu attended aced in l` with consequences which, there is aro rea- roagh Inn W believe, will .zine regret, and the of a , courtesy shorn, if followed out legitimate- "' be pnxluotive of the best effects on the and. I morals of our political met. 11,if1 be A BURYING SPalio.-Mr. Ralph by 1 Folder, of Mems*, writes that he has a 1 bunting spring. It ie situated on I.ut No. 239, on the South side of the Talbot Road, h-,,near the village of Leamington, C. W. The well is about Ave feet deep, and keeps • boiling the whale time, and by applying a t match to the water, the fire will dark over it. Mr. Footer says he covered the well over with .boards, and boring a hole through, !astened on a common dinner horn, covering the top of the well with clay. When iit,a splendid Rmdight Will prodocen,wh.c•s would burs always. Some y it is from oil. For about two months e erect, oil came to the top of the water. - inter .lfrrnary. h- Id D. ey which they s1``permitted to bellow �r treason. "Ulla& is trampled upon, he t people are nottitl1d in high places," an e why-? If three a ike those of Mr. Mur - d. phy are to be disood into English earn, it to would b comm;�ILollyto overlook them el and perhaps those risen are too blind bisect' re that they are takiegehe eery sups likely to .. hinder England, as they would hinder any is it Nation, from'ezteading greater pri*ilea a lid to the Irish people than they at present his enjoy. Great dumb our Parliament gets •boil d for its Separate School Bills and its ad. Satu d jouoments in bettor of St, Patrick I r in writing as we have done on this sub- alolat t jest, we have no dories to offend the re- t ligious prejudices .f any than, and we ap- peal to every ietil set latent Catholic ewho may read this, lines to lend his ar f eistanee in crying shame upon any man whaoan utteree+Iust istep upon the Lodi. lotions of Canada'.ad bare treason against the Sovereign temps in the same breath. If there is no IOl .eo(oe raised rush *idlers* patriotele3r, Murphy, backed up by a Toronto piapap.t• will succeed in embittering the with us fullest introduce into most deplorable evils-Rrligio.re met now by a tiagaoni,n. and it will alum, also Dern. - A terrible emi- t, reselling in the death of Mr. Geo. an en_ineet in the employment of J. K. Lai. ett, oak place on Thursday The unfortunate deceased had at t • .1 to emus a copper boiler containing ter, Ilse lid of which was not secure- , in doing this he stepped on the he baler, which gave way beneath and he was procipitated into the 'the poor fellow lingered until dying in great agony. The leaves a wife pad child. Arab &mounting to nearly, seventy as made op by the employees in 'es of Mr. Labatt and Meson. hieh will be presented to the ngu ido*.-Loe Free Press, even of at required the sac lice of hum. blood. (Cher's.) 1f the time had cos wheat it was necessa'77 Coate ifice s million o lien to pain. the feedono of Ireland, they would be willing to sacrifice them. (Gees (heeling ) He hoped moon to see Ireland in a prosp .roue state, but lie believed *lay would go home to do what was needed if they were required to contribute towards giving freedoms tt their native land. He believed that three tureen 'tribe irnh Roman Catholics on Ihii continent *mill sacrifice their Hetet alit ism nevessary to eatery freedom to their fellow. cuunttymen. There was nothing to resist oar Irak buynnet. (Loud and prolm.ged cheerine.) He then went on to sae that ooly where 1,200 or 1.600 Irishmen wen collected together they made their meek. But with the org&pis.urns he bed spoken of. a*hou- sed men hen and a thousand men there, when massed together, no person on earth 'timid dare to refuse them their freedom. (Cheers) He had to tha.k the member of the fli4eruae Society for the excellent man- ner in which they h.4 oo,dected themsehes thin day. The display had been highly crediteole to them. (Cheery) Theta wen men who did not approve of such dtamay*,and there were others *h , .used the sprit of nationality to die out, but he was glad that the Hiben.ian Society were delerouued to keep up the spirit of nationality, and by doing so give freedom to their native teed. He went with the 1aitjority, and that majority romidered net was beneficial to keep op the national spirit. and they Dever could be beat down. (Loud cheers.) ''heir oppneene hal stated that it wan their intention to carry the Sacred Host through the streets of the city in the pr.oeation that day, but then was no troth in it He would, hyowever, an) that it His Lordship the Bishop had thno;bt it'w- cerer; t4at it should he done, it wood have n no toom.do(Great se there was They were , tie deter permitted to do anything within the laws of the wont?. They sem 'stalled with the Gowenteent of the country, and went frilling to &hi•de by t4.. Imre. (Closers.) As then were other speak - ens, M would sow retire. The antimeats labored by worthy Mr. M. Yarphy are Merely r much bnmeoab, of edea they meas *nwsediieg. If there is •parade airs& u the itatem.•teof the meter quoted, there is .w oegonisetbw in Canada, the United Stater, Australia, Re,, the objet 4 whish, illdedd d though it he, is to brhlg &bolt a Revcletiae i• tae British Supine, in o fares belted is en integral pet .f it The asset ilf the day, it it tree, doete ane onndeees.( b the hntedrt., ete.n•pleee ta.k of era renniag over the list of irelasd's *vier aro.., fanned or rel. Hs time pot take the trouble of ertmperleg 1be preseel with the pet. That is es port of the Peso grosses, sod we are aware that orators of more ..rooms end M greeter elegem. 4w tort hie m man* le this tare. h is trash mem to peeselbp..seeelt tiller te aped b proles toe M laeekm eeld4boded rases -yeah mein IZ Mad theof Will siitit .oldie. abet elm CEPmtlsedt to a laky Retied,,. ksew bi. •4..nsu mei knew brew tor' M .obs, b t, 4 eew'q, Watt $p/ Ili .ides stare to kr .seek ted Tai EDi,ntr has arrived. It and able articles iud now at Great Britain, tigress : Contents : I io ; Diaries of F fields and Gold the life of Robles Convict eyeless is Vktor Hugos Judaism ; Paddle Leopard Stott IWehave neatly got op tory of the City the arisen ogee. Bt • Ree are McDonald and Mit, ply of Perlia= (From IA* We Imre by • Are heap oat ROOM rif the Cooney ewe it mold be Serellas was het elightly sontatien shish die the paw, *ors ohlegoesuresset is wish 01111111ed le laws, as* ppm wale ell prissewo ie the Ire. The Wadi briand to its fe sad gore Pialsitt of those who enjoy tad protection, and ul Province that viedietive of all social 1. Let the evil be of popular indigo:h- am miss its 'mid 11•11111 fot January elaborate Subjects whirl, are aueh attention in interesting ea - Lord Niihau. - mu Omits , Gold- Oadributiona to of 1931, and Ireland , , Modern the b Carlino 101A i POLAKT about 4,0 Romen or foree throe the cutlet -eat. The teens At in possession country mope. inhabitants of t til the whole Ur. H. Matthews uf Woodhouse, by accideuudly placing hi. hoed teeter exe while being wielded hy • fellow well...fe- l:1e is expected to reeurer, ter. Tbe Leadoe Times, in an article upon collimy accidents in Great Britain, say. that it terrible to skid' that upon an averege neer!, tweet, lives ere lost ie the coal Anima AT THE EGG LR OF A.*i A eutIMMR See& W pared elle Imo kJ worts .f dm awnings at ab. hems a a &need. %iniag at Iowa occupied AMP how. eeere Etward Benson, a workman et Mr. Reed's nirnine shop, Leaden, while wing en auAur which is mtde to rev AV(' by steam. power. accidentally allowed tee tool to twee neat three or few inches int,. he ittlfitinea. He lies' in • very dmigeruus condition. lir- F. 0, G. Smith has delivered a ...Lerch of three days letigth in the Maine wealth and greatness a union ef )1aine with the Cumulate uoder Britiah protection and government. Ile looks forward to tbe time when Maine can '• mount the whip of hope and go back to the mother govern - ter We leant from Out St. Marrs Argus. which left *het village about Dix LIIITIA ill 1.11Wee Mk-. wen of there. etth a brokeii ratite the neck, which resoled in • entash up of cars and freietit. The en- gine god two nos pasted over the broken mit se( ty. but tee thire end yield feliterine ears were breken up and 'completely drone!. erl. Fortunately no lives were bee The train comprised twetitrewo cane Three of the cars detitiqyed were eliden with throuels freight fur Chicago, tbe ethers being empty. about a animater tram • rural parish who apuloeized to hie audience a few SabLates preteens f bevel forgo:tett his text. ILD eon, a wand, intellieent boy el' ten or terrine yeers o!d, lo whom he bed privately commit Matted his feet, upon the announcement being made, quietly mooched up to the pulpit stood, and pointed out, in the paves of an open octet -Bible, the forgotten text, to the Other - meet alike of pastor and people. The loaner the. gave out Ms kelt, aud proceeded with his sermhn. they were taking their Arne th. fulpooieg Kum took pleat: kuska•i was .au.weetly sp*.5.j S , *lira our 4 egg m wp. The bade t bd wap M.wkMg the shell ea wh *ought It�iseag .rel. 'Hew *usage it loath,' sold she, eta pee you bleak your •8a et 14e earl sd, my deer I No amu 01eo does hes and i1 hookas° odd.' 'Oh, I {bink n e geite a gond, in feet better than bs.sbhog it at the largrt cud, my love ; fur wkem you break the low eud'thr egg row over t►s top.' replied the. husband. 'Bat it woke eel ode whoa red-, out clic tires so,' rej.tiawd the wife. '*0.4., e oow,1 really du no* think it is • sire w•1 jetty have gut of eating an egg. That stripe of bread and butter eau egg -isnot t.dy. Bet 1 do not ohjeci le doing no you please, if you • rill Id am my egg at the small sod,' retorted au tow hand. •I am sure my wayis not qutasih hod ; u e.ttieg Truett. with • ei4•, anyen d v iatlo steed of using s fork ; and you alw.ye ass* syrup, an if you were not *.stomal hr kora such %Mega. Yee really do not see Mm wiry and it leaks, or 1 am were you woes mid. so,' added .Ire elle. ' fle syo.p ewe be rate. ■,th the pe 1 we why it away on the plow Y .eked the •Nu wall -bird person titer clear their p4Nn .e if they were Ytar,ed,' said the Mid. with I* contemptuous cant of her heed. 'Weill, aura. I am nota well -'.red prison,' replied the Isere heed sag' ily. 'But you trust be, if we are u. live ,,,,,rortaltly tees -there was the sharp •a serer of the ( udtuw lady. 'Well, 1 m101' break my age at the small end, w it dues a• ; and I must also eat lire syrup 'Thee I will out have either fruit -pia oreggt at the table.' 'But 1 will b..e them,' petty eptly exclaimed the hwhand. 'Thu. t wn.a '., I had not been married to you.' awl the amtts,;wsfe,twainfinto tenor. 'Andes •o 1,' added the now 'Acetified b.shasd, se les One mad walked out of the room. 1'h. dernestic quarrel wan fettered by art►. -.e equally 1i!lurg in their origin, oro) &**rear fel ei their character, until the silly cos de suede them..:tes wdis ereewbl• to sec ether' that their home become unendurable, mei they sep.:ated. -6a1. Mrporier` Catwousa RI.Trrxcuraz'T.-.0 rumor pew rails in old London, which, it u sad, l.* caused considerable stir among the Com t linen sod 1e. ladies, to the e4• • • th,t the Princess for ewwesp n reducuun of thera's iirricel is to be h0.e.» aktrta BN outwit ug the ditrm.oi.w.e uo wh;eh crinoline has awelkd of lam eras, the F.no. e. *44 not bat easily put dere, epi ,e••.n 9• a-aeveratinrw an bald to be ting, in the Ligl er circler of the ewnforts of .,;set• lice. and the d..termivat.on W prwaeave it. .1 fashionwhich has taken so strong a hod .,t' the feminine word. rimy prove too etcuo. 1.. - the young Danish Princes to uproot. If the Empress el the Freoe'4 who i..trod.ced t1,.• ...noon, were to sha.deu sadln'iawuw4ave&. it, the victory might pwibly .he wr.uii b..t without wase auxiliary ad ait.ilen s newt* to remain seeress ado Geld. . eeer et • public dinner' in- Edinburgh the other dwy there was intt educed a new dish. - As the dinner was detwing to a, emiclu.sien. tee waiters brought into the nxmi a very a crimson cloth, and paced it io Inint of the cbairman. •• Aid when the pie wits cenetted" nut five and termer idudthirds" WPM, fAllid. hid are youne- lions I The young princes bad been brought for the purpose of hang The population of Poland is fumed, which ereeleeey wee eceseee le00, awe tenths of whom ase pleated. secomeanied by a literal libation ef feitholics. The Russian port wineetheyevrere returned tu their anxious nit the kingdom at the time of ma. • fleeted to about I20,00e.- fortified places ere centrally the CAA ens while the view, to he under the control ot the ingerreetion began with the dies end has extended un• Awn- noble*. rnerehams, Tbe Catholic printer eneouraee the abetment, awl so unanimous, enthusiastic, &dilate -ate have all the inhehionts become, that the war must be 'eluded as Ma 'protest tuitional o risme setenst opprelsioil hes occurred the century. l'nfertunately. it is never like Ivo lead to the indeoeideace of Poland. OF TIT! ROYAL WEDDING. The rrespontlent of the Maneheetert Geo a says that it is finally settled that Mt> rith is to paint tbe marriage the Pri Wale°. 16 bay' the hen •ention of marriage uted aequiescei in Mr. Frith's w. the arida and importance of the year's work of en etnployed on a commis -I, tuna, for which he ie and on which he does employed Esseb, if at all, The Rigs et eft • very Irs „A Manchester par hosed frog. 004, -*Pa li mu -reedy reported diet th. auto of the eVrtreme motel to have bee. *Wed 17 bieektidieg aquae" son •IiIsa. I). It wins primevally Pal is Awes sf 4 flag amp seek. Fee, lealles flemiteat the dee NW insane., aml bred LK er' Otis disk woo afterward ese new *re wee, hy the kelt emr,sie Miaow and hy 'shaman, skews of LIDO mei.; hat 0.11• edgiest bider. me tarp eenewriags of the tee*, whelk seed Ina not Usual, wee( mew wow thassiseit for apostatises. lied the need IAN it a ssomated that ler monad half wain awl* of another roma hi art Ink Beeurt asp Meets& The Ilarabostie rid OW Morro ante Awe, r• rat Kelm tbet or Mr. J. A. Mcdonald has given notice that he will move the following pro- posed resolution to place a grant of land at the diapered of the Imperial Government for the relief of distressed operatives:- " That an humble address be preset ted to Ilia Ezcellency the Governor General, praying that he may be graciously pleamed to cause to be set apart not less than 5 000 acres oldie public lands of this ro- vince fit for settlement, end pl st the disposal of the Imperial Oor For the free settleniest thereon the distres- sed operatives of the contrtry, sod that this House pledge to give effect se any legisletion gamy be required Ibr the purpotte of es mg opt this rem - fat Sam or C _1.1 01 lit AMERICAS al of IrelioRI was glop by the Lord eivesiot, and hie reply to hie in any troy rk saes. brethees la lie is AN OLD MAN'S SPORT. --'t Wei So pledge,' said an old man, 'at the ten tit , the gallows, shoo I saw • young uses . said, 'If you have anything tal say, speak over. C r you have only live minutes to • lit., ' The young man burg into loars. little brother ; he load beautiful blue eye* t an.1 Glen hair, and I got drank, and, coming home, found him gatheadog berries - in the garlen, and become angry mahout tonne, and killed him with ono bloa with a rake. * * Whiskey hes done 11 -it ruined me 1 I have but one more word to can ietoxieate I' An Item for loiantoeru The Louden Free Frees rays the fol- lowing lies of prises eurreet for accoutre- , meets, fumished in Esirlaud, is fur- .. city, who oz tuned the lint front a friead in Eamon TM articles spoeilkid ars prised at retail ; therefore, as Coksel Powell ha• gone to England for the pur- pose of purchasing sworda, clothes, As, wholesale -at the Inetance of tie Gomm. us/vit.-the talkers of the various/ Volunteer Companies in Canada may reuasalty poet to obtain uniforms at eousidersisfy- reduced priers .--Oncers' sword belts of bootee loather, anti bronze furniture and book, I la 6.1 to 13e starling ; do. do., with phied fnmiture and cher, 15e tid ea shoulder belts of dm ••11111 leather, with dispatch boz, We to l..ta ; sward Mite or Meek pelmet leather, with hawse feted - tare, Ills tes 1 3a ; do. do., with plated he- llions sod clasps, I fel to :Xt., shoulder belt he do., 12a fel to 1 8i; ermined -a, spiv flog saps, pouch, whietle and Olson, ad 15e. Additional to Assn' swords wat from 12 to 154ho awgpsat's de. from 20e le abyss prime are for goods ef the To Pawners Forays*. rem Wpopiag potatoes foe for yew! teovek some t tubers were wish lud VIIB en oloot or Mil ti....moi OM Igo yea lathe that Wows& led kit • eill el istorestisa eel meal watea, 0 bow the ef eise et see 11.011. LOW. imeamee, 14 044 111411.141.111011r. te tap bold of tho trIto yes *ivy is Or bog. rnoms of Iles toe* hi ofokoisto Ms Mob *goo Ow throb« fro. sit =7 peaty,. Re wee hived - 111110 ants wick' er.a. sea of the Plias much hed wpm searti eat markt by the Wrote. es. De is ma peognesitig es whoa obsooraor of AU Pumps, Sainversowe.- pile is errtrie. ' to go 4011 ASA ow blef pow. 11. (AA loco ease 11111. • that lb oils ID Par. 0‘100r f hot. 41