HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-08-19, Page 11By MRS. ERVIN RADER Larry Snider Motors Ltd. Ford, Fairlane, Falcon and Ford Trucks 586 Main South, Exeter 235.7640 Times-Advocate, August -19, 1965 Page 11 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate On the premises 73 HURON ST. WEST, EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY EVENING, AUG. 20 at 7:00 p.m, REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 231• & 232, Plan 20 104x165 ft. on which is situated a well constructed 2-storey white brick dwelling. Main floor—Modern kitchen, large living and dining room, den, 2 bedrooms and utility room and 3 piece bathroom. Second floor—Modern kitchen, living room, 3-piece bathroom, 2 bedrooms and den. Large basement, new oil fur- nace, double garage, Home com- pletely renovated, new alumi- num windows. Ideal home for two families. Convince yourself by inspecting this property before sale date. TERMS of Real Estate-10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid if not previ- ously sold. FRANK HERMAN, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12:19c Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques & Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 68, Knell Survey, in the Village of Zurich, on which is situated a well - constructed 2- storey brick dwelling. Main floor—living and dining room, den, kitchen and utility room. Second floor — 3 bedrooms and clothes closets. Full size base- ment, newly installed oil fur- nace. Dwelling duplex style suitable for 2 families. Ample garden land and shade trees. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate-10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, HOUSEHOLD E F F E C T S — Grand upright medium size pi- ano, in good condition; 3-piece chesterfield suite; Admiral 21" television, like new; electric radio; solid oak dining room table and chairs, buffet and china cabinet; cherry round top centre table; end tables; fern- ery; hall tree; pedestals; set- tee; 2 toilet sets; 2 wicker rockers; chest of drawers; oak rockers; glass cupboard; dry sink; White sewing machine; electric lamps; coal oil lamps; mirrors; pictures and frames; cuckoo clock; gothic clock; an- tique kitchen clock; single bed; 3 oak bedsteads, dressers, corn= modes; Captain's chair; round top mahogany extension table, like new; kitchen table and chairs; washstand; lea ther chair; cedar Chests; trunk; couch; Axminster rugs various sizes; carpets; mats; quilts; bedding; pillows; comforters; linens; diamond ring; small lady's watch; assortment glass- ware: silverware; antique dish- es; kitchen utensils; electric stove: antique wood scale; cop- per bailer; galvanized tubs; quantity fruit; sealers; crocks; quantity of coal and wood, No reserve, everything will he sold to settle estate, TERMS: Cash. ALBERT HESS, HARRY HOFFMAN, Executors for the estate of the late Anna Hess ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19c Farm Sold Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor and Farm Machinery FOR ERNEST H. LEWIS to be held at the farm, Lot Part 1, Highway #4 1/2 MILE EAST OF CLANDEBOYE THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 at 1:30 p.m. LIVESTOCK: Roan Hereford cow with excellent calf by side; red Hereford cow, steer calf by side; Holstein cow in milk; Jersey cow in milk; choice veal calf; 3 Hereford steer calves; Durham calf; 3 yearling steers; 9 yearling heifers( open); ex- cellent yearling Holstein heifer (open). TRACTOR & MACHINERY — Standard Ferguson model 20.85, hydraulic 3-point hitch. This tractor was purchased new and has been used exclusively on this 80-acre farm, Ferguson cultivator and scuffler attach- ments; 2-furrow plow; bean puller; New Idea 7 ft. power mower, in new condition; Int, side rake on rubber; Geo. White tractor manure spreader; Fleury Bissel double discs; M.H. 13 run fertilizer grain drill; Int. all crop hay loader; 2 - wheeled trailer (steel box); bolt pulley for tractor; rubber tired wheelbarrow; root pulper; rubber •tire wagon and flat rack; Set of scales; reel type power lawn mower; Massey Harris baler with motor; 30 ft. bale elevator, like new condi- tion; milk cans; forks, shovels, other articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: De- luxe model Frigidaire 4-burner electric stove; Warm Morning Model 520 coal ,and wood space heater in exeelient condition. This unit would be especially good for summer cottage or in 25 Auction Sales case of power failure, Electro- lux vacuum cleaner; writing desk, other household accesso- ries. ANTIQUES INCLUDE wooden butter bowl, spoon and printer; oil lamps; wicker baby buggy; desk; pictures; mirrors, Mr. Lewis is giving up farm- ing completely and is moving into the city. TERMS: Cash. ERNEST LEWIS, Prop. Tel. Lucan 227-4317 PERCY WRIGHT, Auct, Tel, Hensall 262-5482 19c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF LUCAN The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 at 1:00 p.m. Mike refrigerator, recently purchased; McClary 4-burner electric stove; Beatty washing machine, like new; Forest Oros- ley radio; Admiral 21 inch tele- vision; Rogers Majestic elec- tric radio; Karn antique organ and stool, a real masterpiece in style; miniature antique church made with clay and stone; din- ing room table and chairs; oc- casional chairs; oak & leather rockers; fernery; small tables; library table; cot; buffet and china cabinet; Singer sewing machine; antique chest of draw- ers; 3 trunks; antique lamp; pictures and frames; round oak centre table; bedstead, springs and mattress, dresser, com- mode; bedroom chair; tobacco cabinet and pipes; large as- sortment glassware, silverware; antique dishes; bedspreads; . quilts; bedding; linens; table cloths; drapes; curtains; mats; chesterfield cover; oilcloth; new men's clothing including shirts, pyjamas, underwear; books; assortment of potted flowers; kitchen utensils; lino- leum 9x9; rugs; ice box; com- plete assortment of professional boxing equipment including 12' sets of boxing gloves; new power mower; step ladder; rub- ber tire wheelbarrow; galv. tubs; garbage cans; storm win- dows; garden tools; lawn mow- er and many articles too nu- merous to mention. No reserve, everything in first class condition. TERMS: Cash. MRS. DAVID EGAN, Proprietress GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 26 THAMES ROAD WEST, EXETER NORTH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 927, 928, 929, 174x150 ft. on which is situated a one-storey frame dwelling, also small barn and garage. This is an ideal commercial property. TERMS of Real Estate-10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Complete listing of household furnishings in next week's is- sue. TED WALPER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL directly across from Hensel]. Coach Works SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 at 1:00 p.m. Sale consists of Real Estate including large 2 - storey brick dwelling and valuable building lots suitable for residential or commercial property. Complete list in following is- sues. DUNCAN STEWART, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19:26c By MRS. ROSS SKINNER There will be no SundaySchool or church services August 22 and August 29. Dennis Hutton spent two weeks vacation at Listowel. Misses Joan and Elaine and Brian Pym spent last week visit- ing with Misses Karen and Dianne and Gary Skinner of Centralia. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Hutton of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Hutton. Several ladies attended the trousseau tea at Zion Saturday at the home of Mrs. Thomas Hern in honor of her daughter, Muriel. Misses Joyce Kerslake, Carol Bell and Brenda Skinner visited Saturday evening with Miss Mary Ellen Preece of Winchelsea. The Elimville Women's Insti- tute enjoyed a picnic and barbecue Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Gilbert JohtiS. I-A writer to be married By MISS MURIEL HERN ZION Mrs. Thomas Hera entertained at a trousseau tea honoring her daughter Meriel Irene whose marriage to William John Tookey takes place Saturday. Guests were received by the bride, the hostess and Mrs. Tookey, mother of the groom-elect. The tea table covered with a lace cloth was centred with an arrangement of white gladioli and pink cornflowers and pink and white tapere. Displaying the trousseau and gifts were Mrs. Gordon Sturdy, Miss Janet Blair, Mrs. Ross Bel- lantyne, Mrs. Ray Jaques, Misses Barbara and Sheila Hern, Mrs. Jack Box, Miss Shirley JaqueS and Miss Ruthanne Salmon. Serving were Miss Lynn Box, Miss Elsie Miller and Miss Mar- garet Salmon. Miss Lynda Sturdy and Miss Eleanor Salmon were in charge of the guest book. The bride-to-be was honored at a community miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Tom Brock. By MRS. J. EBENEZER MEMORIAL Sunday, August 15, the 11th an- niversary of Ebenezer cemetery since the extensive renovation In 1954 was marked with a memorial and dedication service. Rev. John Davies of Ailsa Craig and Brinsley churches was the guest minister. Mrs. John Armit- age supplied as organist. Mr. Paul Graham sang a solo and a trio, Mr. Graham, Mrs. Vicky Eizenga and Mrs. Armitage from the Pentecostal Church, Lucan, sang a selection, members of Brinsley church assisted with the singing. Mr. Gordon Balding, Lucan, is chairman of the cemetery board and Mrs. Fred Fenton, RR 2 Ailsa Craig is secretary-treasurer. A good crowd attended the ser- vice for the over 100-year-old cemetery from Toronto, Sarnia, London, Woodstock, Mt. Brydges, Parkhill, Exeter, Lucan and Clandeboye. ASK HIGHER PRICE About 700 attended the Con- centrated Milk Producers meet- ing at St. Marys Arena Friday night. Producers asked four dollars per cwt for 3.5 milk f.o.b. farm. If they do not get the price they asked 90% voted in favor of hold- ing their milk. WITH THE CHURCHES At the Sunday morning service at the United Church Mr. Edward Phelps, London, supplied and Miss Judy Scott was pianist for Mrs. Sach who, with Rev. G. W. Sach, is on vacation. At St. James Church, Mr. Ro- bert Boaz from Huron College is supplying while Rev. E. 0. Lan- caster and Mrs. Lancaster are on vacation. NEW RESIDENTS New residents to the village are Mr. and Mrs. Greg Helten and family from Brinsley and Mr. and Mrs. Liliford of London who have moved to the house be- side the Carter store. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Carter visited Mr. & Mrs. Alan Tindall of Wiarton, Sunday. Other guests were Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Abbott, Lucan. Mrs. J. H. Paton and her daugh- INFANT BAPTIZED Connie Dianne, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schroe- der, was baptized in Zion Luth- eran Church by Rev. Wm. Gatz. Mr, and Mrs. James Hayter were sponsors. ADULTS CONFIRMED Two adults from Zion Lutheran Church and one from peace Luth- eran, Exeter, were confirmed recently at Zion Lutheran Church by Rev. Wm, Ga.tz. MRS. FLOSSIE STADE Mrs. Flossie Stade, the former Flossie Gieger and widow of the late William Stade, passed away suddenly at South Huron hospital, Exeter, Thursday, August 12, in her '75th year. She and her husband farmed in Stephen Township and after his death she moved to Dash- wood. She was an active member of Zion Lutheran church, a mem- ber of the choir and the Ladies Aid. She is survived by a son Melvin H. PATON ter Mrs. Wilfred Logan, Thorn- dale, visited Mrs. Dave Hills in Victoria Hospital Monday. Mrs. Robert Latta returned home from Victoria Hospital last week. Mrs. W i 11 i a m Hornell, the former Winifred Haskett, and daughter, Mary visited with Mr. Victor Hodgins and Mr. & Mrs. R. Hodgins and family as well as other friends several days last week. Mr. & Mrs. William Simpson had their sons home for the weekend, Ralph Simpson, who is with the Department of Highways, and Murray Simpson with the CNR at Beechville. Attending the Hardy reunion at Hayfield were Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Scott and family, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Heaman and family, Ailsa Craig, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Taylor and Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Scott and Dean and Misses Judy, Betty and Brenda Scott. Sunday August 15 the descend- ants of the late Mr. & Mrs. Ward Hodgins gathered at the home of Bruce Hodgins, Guelph. Attending from Clandeboye were Mr. Victor Hodgins, Mr. & Mrs. Art Hodgins, Laura, Patricia and Paul. By MRS. O. HOOPER PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Morley Waugh of London visited Monday with Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family. Ann Parkinson is attending CGIT camp at Port Ryerse this week. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson and Paul visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wallace at Gould Lake at their cottage. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. G. Jones and family were Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Lottie Jones of St. Marys. Edwin Jones spent several days with David Bryan of Prospect Hill, Cindy and Nancy Bryan spent several days with Donna Jones. Miss Ruth G. Hooper is spend- ing this week at Ottawa with friends. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Salmon and family of Port Elgin were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Langford. Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Petch of Strathroy and at- tended the Humphries reunion. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson, Sharon and Mary Lou attended the Ferrin reunion at Fanshawe Sunday,r. Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Joseph Muxlow at Brown City, Michigan, Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson and Mary Lou visited with Rev. & Mrs. Joe . Lindsay of Trenton Wednesday, it being the 50th wedding anniversary of the latter. Carl Jones is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital having under- gone surgery on his eye. and a granddaughter Sherrie. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Sun- day noon and then at Z ion Luther- an church where Rev. Wm. Gatz was in charge of the service. Interment was in the Lutheran Cemetery. Pall bearers were, Gordon and Kenneth Kraft, Vernon Schatz, Lorne Dietrich, George Tiernan and Hugh Boyle. DIES IN FLORIDA The death occurred Sunday in St. Petersburg, Florida, of L. H. Bates. He is survived by his wife, the former Merrilla. Willert of Dashwood. The body was taken by plane to Evans funeral home, Hamilton Road, London, where service was held Thursday at 1.30 p.m. with interment in Forest Lawn Ceme- tery, London. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reste- mayer and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Restemayer and Robert vaca- tioned at Inverlochy Lodge near Parry Sound. Mrs. Albert Seiling of Elmira is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Braid and family. SURPRISE FOR 90 YEAR OLD Mrs. Lucinda mcIsaac was ta- ken by surprise when ten ladies from the neighborhood called on her Thursday, Aug 12 on the occasion of her 90th birthday to wish her many happy returns of the day. Her son Wilfred of Detroit also spent several days with her. Ronald Mclsaac and Miss Anita Spear of Detroit spent the weekend with her. Miss Elsie Miller of Zion spent the weekend with Miss Norma Weigand. Relatives from this commu- nity attended the trousseau tea at the home of Mrs. Tom Hern for her daughter Muriel, bride- elect of Saturday. A surprise party was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker on the oc- casion of Mrs. Becker's birth- day. Present for the event were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred TenEyck, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brandt, and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Eckstein, all of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Becker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Glanville and family of Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Becker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Pfaff and family. Miss Diane Becker spent last week with Miss Marilyn Pfaff, Joanne Pfaff is spending this week with Diane. Rev, and Mrs. M. J. James and family have returned home after camping and visiting the eastern provinces. Rev. James was camp director of the church camp for juniors for a week at Golden Lake, Ontario. Following camp they visited in Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. Miss Antionette Zimmer has returned to Dearborn, Mich., after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Kirb Crocker. Miss Sharon Rader spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Free Miller and Brenda of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Braid and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith attended the Witney-Muss- elman wedding at Elmira August 7. Nancy Braid was junior brides- maid for her cousin. Whalen UCW plan bazaar By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE WHALEN Mrs. Laverne Morley and Mrs. Charles McRoberts were host- esses for the August UCW meet- ing Thursday afternoon in the church hall. Eleven were pre- sent. Mrs. Eric Atwood was in the chair for the program. Her open- ing thoughts were on “prayer". Mrs. McLeod Mills read the Scripture lesson. Ruth Ann Mc- Roberts gave a reading and Mary Johnson favored with two vocal solos. During the business some plans were made for the bazaar in Oc- tober, PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins, Sharon and Burton attended the Hodgins reunion at Poplar Hill Sunday. Misses Gayle Duffield and Nan- cy Wilhelm are spending this week at Goderich with Mrs.Salt- er. Sue Ann Squire is holidaying in St. Marys with her aunt, Mrs. Mac Baron. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins and Allan were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gee, London. Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Morley attended the Batten reunion Sun- day at Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hern and Mr. & Mrs. Wm French chap- eroned the regular Teen Town dance, Friday evening at the Community Centre, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins and Gordon attended the Funks cern meeting at Cottam Thurs- By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and girls, Mr. & Mrs. Wm Hol- liday of Rannoch, Mr. & Mrs. Doug Parkin of London enjoyed a picnic at Fanshawe Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lawson were guests at the Proulx—Mil- ler wedding in London Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Levy and Margaret attended the Sperling picnic held at the Park in Mit- chell Sunday. Patricia Bain of Toronto is holidaying with her cousin Ilene Johns. Mr. & Mrs. Don Wilson and family of Uniondale visited Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith, Warren remained for holidays. Debra and Nancy Jaques are visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Earl, Karen and Kimberly in London. Mrs. Robert Rundle visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Culver and Kenneth and Jack Rundle of Lobo. Miss Doris Swartz of Credi- ton spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Ted Insley, Murray and Karen. Douglas Wit teveen of St. George is holidaying with his cousins Sharon and Brian Wit- teveen. Harrison Mills of London spent a few days with grandfather, Mr. Edgar Mills and aunts, Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Larry and Leroy Skinner of Munro spent a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. R o y Kirk. Church service will be held Sunday at 10:30 with Mrs. Gord- on Wanless of Grand Valley as the guest speaker. day followed by a banquet dinner at Poplar Inn, Mr, & Mrs. Peter Qoudsward, Melrose, Mr, 4 Mrs. Paul Sch- rier and Ann, Stratford, spent Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. La- verne Morley. Mrs. Florence Johns, Exeter and Mr. Harvey Herbert, Bramp- ton, were SattIrdaY visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman. Other weekend guests with the Pull- man's Were Mr, Alfred Barnes, Toronto, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kirk- ham, Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Jas Riley and Wayne, Brussels and Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gower and Danny, Woodham. By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Mr. & Mrs. Warren Brock of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Mill- er were guests at the Jenken— Stewart wedding at Wesley United Church and the reception after- wards at the Ivanhoe Club in Lon- don. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jeffery visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. William Jeffery of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde, Douglas, Glenn and Calvin visited Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Morley at their trailer at Ipperwash. Mrs. Clara Hackney of Exeter, Mrs. Mildred Bell and family of Hensall, and Mrs. Lloyd Ballan- tyne are holidaying at the lake near Grand Bend. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Luther, Janice and Susan of Sarnia visited Mon- day with Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jeffery. Mr. & Mrs. Almer Passmore, David, Dennis, Darlene and Dale attended the Heist picnic at Riverview Park Exeter Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Listoen and family formerly of Winnipeg Who are being posted shortly to France. There will be no services Sun- day, August 22 but there will be Sunday School August 29 but no church services. Miss Anne Simpson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Simpson, Bruce and Wayne of Exeter; Mr. & Mrs. Fleming Simpson, Rennie and Dale; Mr. & Mrs. Ken Simpson and Ellen; and Mr. & Mrs. Walt- er Atkinson of Stouffville visited with Mr. & Mrs. James Simpson Sunday, the occasion being Mr. Jaffieg SiMpetin'e 80th bliihdaY, Stephen Township Clerk-Treasurer, Tax Collector Applications for the Position of Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Township of Stephen Applicants to state qualifications and salary expected Applications to be in the hands of the Reeve by Noon, August 30, 1965 Duties to Commence as Soon as Possible OFFICE CLOSED Township Office Will be Closed Till Further Notice GLEN WEBB, Reeve Temporary Work Available MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK DURING SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER AT VEGETABLE CANNING. DAY OR NIGHT WORK. COMPETITIVE WAGES. APPLY: Canadian Canners Limited 210 Wellington St. West 235.2445 Exeter 216 Main St., Exeter S $6.00 val ue MOO 0004110011000000410041 0 • • • •65 SIGNET CONVERTIBLE, P.B., P.S., V8, •console automatic radio, loaded with • extras, A48305 $3395: 064 DODGE 440 SEDAN, 6 automatic, radio, • • whitewalls, sharp, 778601 $3395. •63 DODGE 330 SEDAN, automatic, 938874 $17950 •60 FALCON SEDAN, radio, needs some • body work, A50640 • • • • • • • • 0 • Save On '65 Dodges: • •Year End Prices • • • $ 495. • Dobbs Motors Ltd. • • • •••••••••••••••••••• DOBBS FOR DODGE 235.1250 1 LSMFT 64 GALAXIE 500 V8 4 door, hardtop, loaded A49867 52800 64 GALAXIE 500 2 door hardtop, 6 automatic, A35939 $2400 64 FORD V8 coach, radio, A49926 $2150 61 CORVAIR Monza coach, A63895 $1150 62 FALCON wagon, 6 stick, A91095X $1150 60 FORD sedan, 8 automatic, A50508 $ 900 61 DODGE sedan, 8 automatic, radio, A50516 $ 825 61 YOLKS, A56636 $ 900 59 FORD sedan, 8 stick, A80728 $ 900 57 METEOR coach, a nice one, 975353 $ 600 60 ENVOY sedan, 945906 $ 600 58 YOLKS, A54635 $ 300 59 FORD F700 dump, ready to roll ................... „„ $1650 60 FORD pickup, V8, style side, long box, rebuilt motor $1150 56 FARGO 1 ton express, above average $ 550 61 AUSTIN van, a real gem $ 385 60 CHEV pickup, driven by a quiet farmer $ 150 60 DEXTA DIESEL with industrial front end loader $2100 52 JOHN DEERE "A" with late model 1-row mounted picker $1800 60 CASE Harvester with row crop and pickup attachments $1250 52 COCKSHUTT 20, used very little $ 450 ENT for GRADE, 9 w e have a special pack o f the things you will need to start school with • It is ready now $5.00 GRADE 13 if yo u hove not yet ordered to rchr text ,booksget in 6Y AUGUSTwith us 24 The Essentials of The chemistry text required for grade 13 is Che "- Graham and Cgg mis try ra Be sure you get This book ti MACMILLANS 235-2973 EXETER