Huron Signal, 1863-03-17, Page 3Wei. ted mom them rig plasm of ler yeelesiess bat ewer W it base W Iles es that • plume •d w m .ei. in tbie mesh bespiusbay, +ply *Me saw, avid be ties *lee earpri.p i. fed is .Mll eery rIte.asa ditaeet suck • ear wes • I<,} The asepses of Northers prayed, dr saroyed al eta b the Co.hd•rm.s mime sad ppreimasers, AiNatta, Florid*, Rstribsuuw. Simon, Jet Davis, he., easy be emi.alad at from tan Mama sW*u. adobes*. The Melo 14 it ISUN wt M `Jfrlyiltie3 d New lbviertiscments. A RAc- 8F" ASII TOWNSI-. ' ' HULL FOR THE YEAR ENIN BY THE TOWNSHIP. ALjP?J'O die Yrtenefa, ttMa O OWI. M resets • better a•.ps.,. eia*r M sate r pr.i•i.ry, m shit object et tArir •w '.nr•tY•, da : te utak. O4 tl..aM,M .1. �Mmww--ww ismer' art protect Ib., 6111111611 Omer%dismay, end rare. 1t weld ant be eapemd Jet the L.ekww Ce epeey. M the review et Goeersek. es the 34th •f May rr.sW nosh Me. 1 is the l.umhos, yurt be was ore Meet last by • Wile semi roe nu their pert, they wired M Wes Ott be very far from ie. 810 spoke et suaiimhk lentil, on the con- duit of crest Britain and Canada 1■ the "Trost" eller, end eseeleded by •Hying, that .Ass the .ahihstwmi d heleg at Ant •teat. 1st w..e Oro M • et aeon Canada tea de •olden epithet .f disloyalty. lie w+d ap- pledd s...ral lima, den.g his speech, and tM vara► a}•!pest proved himself quite as te the art rr/ speaking u in ►s nsere ■ of Nellie, rigs aunt prim... r. J. J. Middleton, ea invited Amer , meet cohered •• the Canadian Vol.. Mea,` whisk was respeeded to by Mr. F. J ■eeklldas. "Th. ray and Nary by Liget. Somerville, was ably impended to by beresaat Magee. " Th. Bench rd Br of i:aw•de" was proposed by Mr. T. C. Rook Edge •.d to by E. W. Securd. Mr. F. J. Reoklidg. .eat proposed, as be saesidwud the toot of tb. evening, •' Tho lmdis.1" which was ably and humorously s.ep•nded to by Dv. .1. lfel'evi.b, and the Italy impe.min k4 after to worthy Dr. set dews was, that it was somewhat carious that w who so thortiethly •ed.ntood and appre- eiated the good mod great qualities of the fair" ma, s►o•Id so long remain to single blemad•da The Dr. Mated, however, that it IPSO �his �� imeatnie to become more direcly .e.... with them as noun as as opportune reem+d. Tb. seat toast was by lir. iCieeie Cos-'• The Commissioned OFicars re iter Company." responded to by the offs vete mepastiwly; "Th. Noe -commissioned OS.... of our Company," byJ. McO•rdy, nes repealed to by Mr. F. x. After a dew Tolenteer torts•nd n.pon.e, irrkrs;.e,s. d with rams Ruud soap by ..tubers of the .emp•ny, "Oka Host arid Hostess," was eh..rt.11y drank and responded to by P. O. whit*, tita whole company then joined in the desk, •'' God Sar. the Qum,.," and quietly a. lhr "'Mies•" not to be behind in showing their respect and loyalty for our future King, termed out on r.esdav for a gen...l parade. They tame oat in full dress, and in marching throats th. streets, tar Intle rillage'present- .d quit* a military •opear*uce. I3AYi TELD, !flit VOLC TZI* COMPANY --19•••• SAND, *C. 'Signe I last a4dre.seeJ you upon the subject of the Hayfield Volunteer Company. 1 .m happy to .tale that both otiieers and men seem to he programing, with the drill under the able taitio• oI W. J. McDonald, ! al , to whom we owe • debt of gratitude for bis voluntary in- .ructioa, and .hat ti more important in all swtsalary or:aniwtiorra is eke great harmony end good feeing pervading the whole Corp.. We had a viol lbw day (14th) from the Uri. gees Major, who put the Compzny throu;h their drill, aid from the short bee they had I ben formed. eeprea ed great pletsore at t progress made, and the fisc art arance of the ern. The Company sent rn'rrre.ssion to rat their superior officer, and escorted ler to the Drill Boom, which had Leen kil.dty furnished by Capt. Moesop. The 13r*ts Band. which, ►v{ke-w►y. has made wonoerful pro- gress seder the able tuition of Mr. Osmond, keit./ ib. proeeawir.n, playing "The Hritu Orea•dier.'and other appropriate airs,afte snuck Mr. McDonald again put the me th.o.gb w1 dismissed them. The pleasant plasmodia's of the afternoon were brought se • doss, sec ho.eeer, without giving three hearty cheers for the Queen, Brit.de Major, Olsen. Lida rosier fur their Drill instructor, Mr. McDonald. --_..,_ _ _ (WIIA[ncfil......_._. ,,._ QODERICH MARKETS. Sweat Orrice, Dud.rich, March 17,11863. Fall Wheat,0 78 • u.81 Spring du 0.68 • 0.73 Ifats, 0.33 • 0.374 Per 0.40 • 0.45 Barley 0.60 0.05 Potatoes 0.374 • 0.00 Hour, per libel .... 4.00 • 4.50 Shorts, per to 14.00 • 00.0 Bran, do .............. 12.00 a 00.0 Reef, per Ib 0.08 • 0.0 Hutton, per Ib 0.06 • 0.8 Veal. per Ib..... .... 0.05 a 0.07 Butter 0.10 • 0. 12 Eggs, per dos. 0.10 • 0.00 O.une•l, per brl .... 6.00 • 0.00 Cornmeal, do , 4.00 a 0.00 flay, per ton 16.00 a 18.00 Stlsw, V load, 5 00 a 6.00 Cardwuud(dry ) 2.00 a 0.00 do green 1.75 • 1.50 Beef, by quarter, per 100 lbs3.00 • 3.50 Pork, V 100 abs3.00 a 3.00 Hires (Kreeuj - 4,00 • 4.05 Qlseepskine . 0.60 • 0.60 Bran, per ton $2; OI res Jets 11 Mil IT t1I1 Or nutlet +•'� aa. Era swipe to Equal Lassa! h/talssae■ with imam* at 0 re DR. Received fro. County Teewanr SIM II " " Tow•,blp Collector lids 00 " "may Reserve• Si i� " rarcss... 1381 T•tal, Dr., Total, Cr., WNSHIP h 7 inlet 8 in let 11 is a mid .a1■ Maub. reed AM for Nay Poedarbips i.e...t w a•rk.l to rWIpWe ba ere Hee dam, sad .en wore, akar., The college mopes dey JAMIii E. DAY, Ittlluser foe norther lake -ate* prase tat ,.w wed for Catalogue .ed eHec.tar stamp. Addron. Havaei, ii•ar • t bet Ca. Taru.tu, lel. I. logs. ew11w4t.ly andi i ted basks, ()W TAABLaa"azoigtsAIk3, STANDS, MATTB6 3ES, COFFINS, ac., Le. Irk1.. CHECQUERED STORE, Market Square, Nilo QlDbtrt(1ltettl2ts. Amts. D St. Ca .. , Nurser nsb!ps, (r.wl DLE, CAN nanlend throe . o. hush twnit w.� peed lees+, sad Mem pirstious w whine t.• slant tame 1. pwha.e Mem bum toe stave N uremiat- Robert Wllme. 1.8. McWhlsey.1 some lrrte..taa. fames W ilki•eua, arid Pother. Jolla D,M.Moe. George w dens. *amort W . papa, Andrew Dregs A. T. Montgomery, 1.1 Worst. Lime. Jones. R. W amebae. End. W . Tampico.., Petr. -k Healy. w1 -3..o. 1825 .. 1830 644 Dr. Thom. I.. M. M. C.. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND AC. conceive. HAYFIELDI r� TO TONT ! ! THE "HURON HOTEL." in every particular. Heat moderate. Apply to Cash to Seders., ... . Ni/88 ISAAC FREDRICK, 'ATC3i(L33 & P.oawlar *tenni* paid to ,mooed work. Ad Ire rwgdocn weep Mn the hoe workmen. and .n+ nothing trot Oscine mas.r.b. era furniture 4e6n.4 4r migrated Mreu.ht{ Lumber and ISSIIMsr prod.• -w meted in exchange Mr furnuuro. • (0..l.neh. (L1. Will. 1568 ere l 3 w38 HARDWARE T H e ONLY EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE STORE 1N "f1-1ECt)IJN•l't. rhkiri ...a rg,- �'Yt• , F. ah i0 , n! We certify that we have examined the eatidactory and correct. J A Hallett, February 10th, IP63. • EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN NOTICE. rrillE COURT OP REVV:ION for the Town- ". raip or Ouriericb woll be held at the Holmes - villa Inn. on Wednesday, the 23rd day of April next, Por Ilse purymm heanng appeal. against Assess mem, etc. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY ! WALL PAPER, CAN AND WILL Be supplied either at Wholerale or Retell, m rates m low as anywhere in the Province, AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE ! March 3rd. 1563. ha IMPORTANT TO VIOLINISTS. Alwarrson or Wenunce.- None but the worried man has • home in his old age. Nu hem Merida Mat bin be ; none hut be kno lied feels the solace of tbe donee ie hearth ,• arse bet lives and fr....hens...in his green Old ,api, amid the affestirws "(hie childieti. There is re war sh.d for the old Imeheler there in Re ready hand and kind ben+ to cheer him in bis learimeei and bereavement there is none is whir eves he can see himself reflected, bed teem Whom lips he can receive the an. faikag asserancee of sane and :ore. No. The obi Imebetor may be Courted for his money. Re may ea: and {frisk and revel, am suck *Mira do ; and he ray siel.en and die in an hard or garret, with plenty of attendants sheet hint, Ithe so masy ewes -wants waiting for their pry. Rat he will never know what it is le he lewd, and to die mil allowed circle. He ISO sever kaow the comforts of the do- mains amide. BAB &MILTON. Above thirty years Iwo. Ilth Hamilton Weird sold Kilmarnock occasionelly, to lie was terribly sfraid of the police, an roared ens murder shoats es their approach. Ile seed beet to tie Poor's-house in Ayr, altho' h ome preach, for Irks he took a scup oot, Ow? w's LOW op ovum Rah, *boggle • poor W es. flerellitag about the streets one day, os the Imeboat lee something to appease his beerw, or. perhaps, something to quench het themiable thirst fee strong drink, which had lees seiendend in bite, either by mistaken Medusa us Wass folly,to deyrsde ince lower Ora he wee by eaten, in intellect, be reit sad • benefactor to the poor, whiles better f belonged to 'Aid Ayr, wham ne'rr • town surpasses '41 Pee basset men ard beanie lasses' sod seW be was mete: k. r; sit, cm., with him sere day. *Wilk do so,' replied Mr. 0--.. 'Bet elite will I rams; saW Rat,. 'Amy tiles yen plow.; whie Mr. G --'s re. Wr. Ci -s 68 rift Lowe, pre orders to the ewes thee, eild Rob grim, she was to gin him hie Erseirr. true trt leis word, Jt. mm1 if east day is high* teripatioes of aver silesier. Hs ins meet kindly and got • 011ie& Aber he bed iiirthed his repast, the Mimed ea seeing Mr 10- firm. Oe IN aleareatinn, Mr. 0- mune deem med *mired the mime, mime 114 wwwielty, sad ethed Mr 0 - whet be verg. es his frames whole he mews se Ayr le thr7iele eked lif he trot • glees nf nisabsy aim ble 1 Mr. 0- wee se noel elemelt wish 's higisiees &vim so ebeide his Koper. that he et Wile ordered ht. M gos aglow of the beet. After drieking Mr. aid SW 0*i's health, be Wft the mansion thas,10:11.1141, Mad Mite ised pekswitmr bb Mew see elweems Imo set memleeeZnediesizwati mg tof pia whelseme diem his sent, tebeettlia lib the leillielleeedEis eimeeemese "WO *wipe* 21 the Amin the 909wieemenew. ethe ea dm lemerremeie we Se OA. ohs soosh asme el Twee Dellessie *9 en tie USW Cflemi. glebe kiessesed mew ewer eierele. rrue GENUINE ROMAN E STRING; -1 88 inches long, NerlYnd and Mr rale T BUTLER'S. JOHN SlIAIV, Township Cterk. March 1618,1863. w7 -3t 200 ACRES. erne ABOVE LOTS are offered for sale very cheap, and, on reasonable terms. - And the public are hereby cautioned agninst stealing from the mid Lots, or tren pausing on the sarne, as wny parties offending will be proceeleil agitinal. under the new Statute 23 Vic , Cap. X XX VII, which Meshes the steelint' or destroyinz of timber puaish- able by imprisonitet in the common gaol for 6 months. For particulars ea to sale of land or timber, apply to Dederick. March 6, 1863. f sw33-6t FOR SALE! CHEAP! Dissolution of Partnership. ey mutual consent on the 3n1 lbs3. WNI. BAILEY, ANDW. CHRISTIAN. March 7th. IWO. gre•St CAUTION. rr MS IS TO FORBID .II eiekScon; reevigiug co. heironating me of hand given by Will rpm gar tin: sum of $198.00 -as the mid note teas been WILLIAM WILSON. Goderich, March 19th, 11163. w1•3t SAVE YOUR ASHES AND CREASE! rr HE HIGNESTf once paid for Eng imantity 1 ot Ashes and (imam.. at the Soep, arta and Potesh rectory, (torten. h. March, 9th, HMI. artr-:1ingp SEIERIFF'S SA1LE OF LANDS. Untied Count ie. of DV virtue of a Wro of Huron and Bruce, 1.1 Venflitione Esrmner To vett and Pert l'scoeti• Semi out of Her Majesty's c.,ua of Poist-... Reach, and te me directed, tenon* the landa and *woman of Thome. Lee and Hebert fla3e, st7the suit of James Daniel Mackey, hare Priam, and hilien in Executer* all .114, right, MN and inters* of dor reed Defendants in •ad to lag Randier Sim, North *Ode Mrs++; L.t Number Eleven, Wee 4idv of Huron Street. est Part Lot Number One, .mielt node 04" High Street. all en the Town n(Sooth•nipton in the 1 mint,. of Hence. Which Lends Ond Tenement. 10.11 off, for mho •1 nor tailor en the Cinart Homer in the Town of Coxierich. Ton/oder the Fourteenth Siam elect noon. JOHN MACDONALD, By N. Potence, Deters, Sheriff. Phone.. ogle. Gnierich, • 1648 llama. 1883. ( SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. umtei Dv lomat. of Teo Write Heron and Brume, 1_1 of Veaditioei Exposes To Wit •ad Ene Writs ot Foss Fs. Mae word or el -Her hfsgrines Coon of (Joemes Renck end CoutityCoort • nd to nee directed Noma the Lends mad Tesenswes el -Joseph Welker and %Valise Walker, et the re of Tbe Sank of Fe- Kainneint i James M. tereoleert sod Charges at the lase Ahmed.. Weed Prechae, darmird, I bare seised sad lakes se Beireimes all thong*, nale arid Seers of*. sold Defeedatits, ea and so Township og Pare donterwrai 13 Ames i pin et 63 aeries Les IS is the 1st reeramenw. N. D. it, eamerisie SO revs; 1.st 111, miewerien. B. D. R., emlefeims In INNS{ pert ef Los 1111,111 mei list, lee rolleregine, P. D. 11.1 Lee 113 N 1St et Leen* erseressius to D. a., eresaming la sees ram el Loa* rt leo eiseceanaii, 0. D. IL,remalieleglit se is Oster's*" of Pram est Craw as *we. Wheh Lends sal Tierra* 1 trall raller Walk at my Ake in Me easel lamer le the Terra Oaderiela, Tweeds, fledeal day ef Disswesier seal. at tee bar el twelve the oves. JOHN Mt.CDONALD. Sy S. Pewees. thew, Pharr fiber* 's Orow, Dederwh, 1m gewerbser *11.11. 41 The them sale is premed mita Therdee 111w1611 UM. Me three sets le hither meseed oath Wee. The them asto 110 esnIssraspeal US Frew Ile INN Ise I Ottelsones. proems 0-71770111111110T. Tbeetwee ear Is Arks priraselleill Tomboy me teem las et Slereb eat dew its fa day Of 111, eerie mi. latitelicepowed ad Thew THE SIDE - WHEEL STEAMBOAT " VALLEY CITY," MOW laid up ;;; puderich. :linters about II 100 tons ; five years old ; fitt,81 snit fur- nished in the best style. 1114 in perfect run- ning order. of the purchase money down; ba'ance to be di•ided over this season nod next. won s.insfactory necuritr. -Apply to VA NEVERY MGM 11A Godviich, Mardi 3, 1863. fse53e6 SCHOONER FOR ma! FOR Sale. the *bootee,. "Belk ; t. cenere-horiel. sails. complete. she an • ism wader. F.' funkier par treulargapoly to HENRY LA W E. flunrollei. Feb 13,1963. FOR SALE': THE FRONT EIGHTY ACRES Maitland Con., E. D., Colborne Cho* Apply to Goderich, Nth Janne re, er3.1Imr42 Blackwood's Magazine AND TAM BRITISH REVIEWS, PRICES CHEAP AS EVER, to Tama Irmo 1,14 einem LT IN Nr.)TWITHSTA DING the roue of Reprinteag e naequence or the eue.rweaus mi. on the ponce ol P•relr 411 general ad•ance in lin ot/wr polgonitooria. we shall contonne. Mr the ye. 1663, rate*, Wilt - THE. LONDON QUARTERLY (Cmeernilnel• THE. wErrrm ;acme RKVIEW (Liberal). Ns*. Seta.0 For ell feer el the IfffrOon. 11 00 Per emberemPs 10E9. . 1 00 Fur Meek weed sad the her t0 00 nem urge beer primer ell who pay prim to the he of April. Ts ow.• parfait 011 rho met tome, the prime rill be imeresed to seek es - ler tInt regressed mar Of Illerlait nay desired Seed la you Orders tad gore you Katy. LBONARD SCOTT it CO.. PerIsligere. No. 11.1 Walker falreet, M. T. We dee Publish the FAILURE'S 01nini, 3,P. Pee$110. es two Cap. voti.Ohagee PIIIICE.-1111,1k to• rimer Re 99 rt. 11/. Ile-Wellmilmelloweie dad, anablilleg en Osman wit metes lbs leepreses Pres ,itirras. Po Pampa IOld Rochester Nursery S. MOULSON, Proprietor. 0 NOT TO BE BEATEN TIHE SUR...SCRIBES-Agent for the oboe. attention of "Geodes( plintent to thee large avaartmeat Dwarf and Standard Trees ! Apricots. NIrctarines, Peaches, SIBERIAN CRABS, S..c Ales, to their large noel of NATIVE AND FOREIGN GRAPES ! I Currants, Goose berricts, kr., oldie leading and lakei vertebra. IN ORNAMENTAL TREES, This Nursery cannot be surpassed! (15 UPWARDS. PLU PLUM Coulon Streat, Opposite the LIST a a le ir amoup4 many Bearing Orchard, , supplied by this Noruery :- 0011/.11100 ToWnifIlr Iterhanl Allaworth, Won. 11.11, James Lomas.. Jame. 3:11iott, James Wilk onson, Henry Cook, John 13allie. James Moms. James Sallee, John Morn.. - t John Cooke. John Finley. Dared McCarron, Coe. Desmond. We. CAMPBELL, Agent, Ordain Mleolsalty attended to. LEAD REGA TO ANNOUNCE that he LP kr now received D. WINTER, STOCK! Which bc CM sell at Greatly Reduced Rates! NEW FRUIT : Valentia, M. R. and Layer Raisins. Patras Currants Turkey and other Figs, French Prunes, in jars ; Or- ange, Lemon and Citron Filbert and Bra- zil Nuta; 13(11 is Kw the conceyese• 1 to MI pans of Dwellong H 1 Lead and Zinc hog trete. otels mei is will{ Pickles& Sauces, WEST, ST.. OODERICII, Next door East of !Mr. Stotts' Saddlery, saw‘ .rn.O... WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY In the best Style & Warranted. ligeld St Plated Jewelry. Watches, Osouriantly m Mom mot animated N as represented Gadench. 10 Pecorinletr HIM 011441 CASH FOR WOOL ALL KINDS. \MUCH REDUCED: AY YU Goderich Wool Factory. rr HE initecretwr. in reeetrnine thank. to hie etnaiwnem ler tne liberal support extended to him in the Wt.! Canting, Cloth ring Pannufacinnnx hosinees. woUld Lee to mete Met no einem., has been OM. promo) spared in glu- engaged the worvie. of experienced workmen. he grill he able, from the dale, to executor orders le any •onaint in the shove bounce., on all +li- ons branches Paoli., al heretofore, coining from a defence, will seldom fail in grout, their wool eardod 105 oitiou day, la tntio tu tarn' bons* with The highest market price well he prod en rush or C11411 for • quaattly of good, CIAN W004, free from burs, •nd well weaned. THOMAS LOGAN. Golench MI11.4 Mb Mat. 1962. Sign of the LargeDadlocle 11. GARDINER &`C0. beg to intorn ihe public that they lave oginavu ench. 1 ht., glwags bare "a hand lane nod well "lei:tool :Jock ot Rearm 4, Slug/ lisedertuaa der Iron. •Il nem: Heop anal Rend 'met Canada Plate; Tin Plate Steel. all kends; Arrant Veva Smith.. Believes; Home hada; Cat Nadal Premed Nails; Wrought NI la; Pints tido and Paints Sped." and Shoseleili lion. and Purloin; Shop Pirenke Sawn Shelf Hardware, of Every Description. HI FACT, Everything (hot should be kept in a Med. ware Store. Gedmiels. 1861. 3• Copper Boiler, Water Tan ubleicraLE.s: Basins. Sinks, Wal Tra Water Closets. FORCE & CISTERN P The attentoon of tanner, Brewers rind Companies is inward to the utolety of t !HYDRAULIC R Patent Water -Drawer. ALL KINDS. The most simple and etktive Machine I now in ase, for elevating water. s TOBACCOS, 1 IN L UWE VARIETY AND CHEAP. FRB WELLS OF HY DEPTH! Mhseb meter can be elevated INT adjn *ruing. or reek. to Form Yank. tor the WC 01 Stork; to Rrewertne. Reedencee. *1141* /Jerkier require. no manual III 111 Ready atrea in 04 water, by SUELGICAL 011iee---Over the Medical Ball, nEGS to infiorm the Public that he will perform la *I Operant** tint are entrusted tu him In • akillid manner. Artifices 'Teeth inserted on Vulcanised Rolm, , Gold, -elver, and Continuous Ounnerurk. Particular attention paid to the regulation rhoklren.. teen, and the presenntron of the n•t ural ones. Charge. Moderate um( all Wort Warranted I N. 11.-A eonsiant pupply of Tooth Powder 1FOR SALE! brick residence, known as ' MERTON VILLA,' in a kw mintete. walk of the Court Howie, is geoleman. Will be /old on the moot resaoriable term+ '1 be home conning 12 moon. sod pried oilier notable outbuildings, with • rood &wordy of water. The while in thorough repair. Fur- ther pernenlars ca. be °Maimed by applying to Ma.GEO. WORE, propnesor. on the prom Oarkeich,16th January. ma. ser39.51 THE CANADIAN AGRICULTURIST AND .(01 /ANAL °ETHIC BOARD OF' AGRICULTURE or UPelliE CANADA. THIS LOW) ESTABLISHED PERIODICAL well for the liters% Meniabed Heel member ger misstate ea kr thin 40 papa, Dimersead by Wood Curs The Hartireherat awl Vermeil" Depsvtoisents pardwrisr. will he velaind sod impreared. sad TERMS : Riegle enrage.* ewes • year. Pere totem/dr *mire, lu pre met dierneet. Treaty -ewe to lay cores*per rem. Pi:rizalea sad operates. IS per MN dervevet Seberriptians parable always Sorrily 1141113. Ttimereakeeereseryliswira Aerie -14 tem 14 Upper Cerra. Askew Park Lees sir ratio Rdishresra Vaisrleare Orem, sad of Upper Csegada Allesdess rigs sderessed te ••• 110/110/07 Of The Dear of Agrarians", Trams Menu es Aselevieeee 0,11116. 7ereens. Derr ober. Ma NOTICE Ta HEREBY STV EN that taw ginemis et A pinions trespeeseig en the fiends oarrwl hy W. Hawker, In the Township. of Aslitteld earl Wewmoulli 911 be prosecuted se tee Law MACRICE DALTON, in their of LIMY is Ash4.41. 012011011 IlleE A T, abets, 9 Iamb to Wiiersemett. ItIlt SAUL 01 TO LW. Ive. Tema ad Part Ism Apply seam amen Wes Pre Mom SOW( HA Parameter 1. 16111 31 Guthrie* 391h Noy.. 18412. ar.19-tint COURTS -HURON and ORE, • 1012 1803. DIVISION COURT : Toesdny 10th, Count rourt and Quarter Seseidns-I 2. DIVISION COUR No. 11 y 24th 31et, Assizes at y IA, County Court Thrin • 1 /Mk Chancery Sittings No. 12 No. Offi same tire, of the si 820 THE WOO porOoge fun 118•1014 tOWoo Lewes af CObOO LIQUORS: Brandies, Julies Robin, Rensalig, Martell.' and Hentiesy, in wood and We. Witte* Sandeman s No. att, err aotin'a No. 1 Sherry. Dv/toiler's Gin. tooth's old Torn, in wood end bottle, Old 'noire Ruin. Dunlops Scotch, Murphy's tee.r, sod other Whiskey.. •100 ir marg.:meg IT ls Not Liable te get ant of Or4er, A ND being gobehantially resale of the hest gm - ▪ tenets is well calculated to meet the on•nte of tbe pulite en general, Some ale. enroll. are, that it du. surg J., se up trs aJd that water can he lowed by d Hi lees tame than tn aril ether Way. For gale* the Nursery, where one may believe se °penile.. N. T. CIISTEAD. Atwell IA. 114/14. ERYTHING In GROCERIES KEPT AND FOR RALE G h ISM Dee. 1862. lag SPEING EXHIBITION! ids or Tait COVITY Of the 1002 with eg- MORTGAGE SALE DAYS' HOTEL, Ole TUB GRAVEL ROAD, NEAR WROXETER, ejIHE subscribe+, in rounders. thank* lo fhel J. punier No the very liberal patronage he,t,w• ed open hint --rape...oat!, while hi. hut*. •n nn6nished state -take. this opportunity oi *ming hos many (needs end the public greerally, ol the fact Mel Me hour now ars& rem ilatton iriftrerar De tame Ss Cellealv, their - fore treats that by a proper *teatime to bowman* he will still inert the share of petronage beelierbi bntowed upon him. Let no flage•MAR Of olive? offerer -fa godividiat per.uatle you into the 103..1 Mgt it is en the mew whether you go to Wroxr iOnee,. !nu tat miles dens* by say reed that ie Iron a aod therefore inertia* gong lo Seism+. r Hmor• t" on the mein /revel rood, shout • mile Le- ond the linger board pointing to Wrametet, and welcome at any hour of day ow nig*, Our es. - ling is the moat commodious * the Ilemity twit/ hong., vernier, camped.) For • view ail.. TNDER and by Mew of Power of Sa,e eon - KJ tamed in a Illetivtgete new* Dr Themes Mu - ran of the Township a Colnorne. in Om County of Ilurins. of the liret VIA, anal Maly Anne, his vide, Ow the parts*. of berreng her Dower) of the mooed rt, and John W. Serener. el As -- the third part-doeUelt b.ving bie Image in dm due panne* thereof -PHI be 1 the Ainotoe Man of Mame Soma At Tho . in the Town et Gotta tie ,Thursday,the ond day of April T/1.1 70 a PRoPERTT, VIZ: Lot Pte. V le lhe Fourth Com -moron (Eug- ene Denagoa he Townehip of Colborne, con- taining ANTS 01 IAInd. loolb ogler*. Deod wer of Sale Terms of Sala Mil bo 921119114yine to the Solicitors. 'IRON Ji ELWOOD, Sureitos foe Mortimer.. Wagon and Sleigh IMC C4 21 NE. ih ECle y rpilE aelocriber would annonnee to the r,,,7 of Huron •nd Bruce that he lir os Mail lannieumber of Stria ha, Cutters. Strew -Cotten, IliniproVed TUrnip Ctitters„.ge wheels Will Int reit cheap or ramh Rpproveti freak. blood conlWood taken In exchange. JOHN PASSMORH. Victoria Street. Oolerklit Jon It 1953. rater ISION COURT. .„ Kincnniine. lab Southampton IL. COOPER. ei Ow NAM, 11111101 aim notiesteilL,, at the goalie*. SIS. The SosIliorie trate, the lowto ere Socer• to. eanif lid mares* the lith der o -low. of 1 leper let May, and lbe wan*. perm. or permit. m len my bed otos:, Ott1:78, .0.44,0., 1 • S YR ITT ai• Hen •Olsges,et, Amur Isabela& 11 / 3rd toter.* Law 4 Vol Best 8red. $3 I Owl brat owed, t kW viejsz actual pewees mid isineres;11; fey Fet *edge pri,a04.1ors ha/freer ret me /wire 11m4 de). The Swords lo le snli AND MADE TO 0 DT so Ages Awe. 604AT -ill Opposite the All %Wide of repalrin to eieraMete Sem ism\ weir se may he spesed sew keno Me ger ef roe rd. PrrreA ism, If rivembed. he Wriere pretramy wish I as der Apret raid mar matIFIle heist Orem reit; mime ha Farm of ttra hirer m wit mown row we mertned le same loud al.* • fleArelea. Pell geal ri Ow wed TOW, Caraver,/te. ICON 111014/M, Mirebeet Tail; lir • Plterstr. ire wressio- % Al be 99 et the /Imelda 119•11 etti Theewwww, O• a. D, 191, et Twelve 9 tbs ebtesk. 699 1." The, im the imbed onsomis•