HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-08-12, Page 11BEFORE YOU INVEST . look into the advantages of Investors Mutual Fund and Investors Growth Fund. el--41tiedtez,64 SYNDICATE LIMITED TED HOLMES 145 Deer Park Circle, London 471.6005 or Enquire at The Times- Advocate RVIN RADER Mrs. Hilton Ford, Cpl Lonie Petersen left for Sioux Lookout. Mrs, Wm. Nolan (Karen) left for her home at Van Nuys, California, after vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Petersen. Mr. and Mrs, Olaf Petersen received a letter from their dau- ghter and family Mr. and Mrs. Bud Durdin saying they had vis- ited in Denmark and Holland and had visited with the couple who had been with the under- ground when Bud'e plane was shot down during the last war. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Manuel and family of Bimington, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manuel and family of London were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grigg and family have moved into their house purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey while the latter have moved to Schatz's apart- ments. Paul Eckmier of Stratford spent last week with Philip, Doug- las and James Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and family have returned from a trip through the Canadian West and down to Disneyland. They visited relatives and friends in Little Souris, Man. Roblin, Man. Prince Albert, Sask. Edmonton, Alberta, Grant's Pass, Oregon, Crescent City, St. Jose, Fresna, Redwood City and Santa Monica, Calif- ornia. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and family were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Koessel and family, Cathy Beck and Mrs. Nora Koessel of Detroit; Nick Miller, Mrs. Len Huebert and Darlene of St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans and Tommy of Richmond Hill spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McCrae and Bonnie. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Corr- veau of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dietrich of Centralia, and Mrs. Norman Scott and Janet of Toronto were Sunday visitors Seldon Fuels 235-2314 EXETER 235.0602 .4. ,, :.:0,40K5pAivo?.ozo,0*,W.MgaiM 404,:kalWEMMASOIMOV"ig this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon and during the evening throughout the week. 4 7/Pte 1 It's CHEAPER than you think $9.00 $10. 00 will send a beautiful arrangement as far as British Columbia, Halifax or Los Angeles is all it cost to send an arrangement overseas. ROELOFS' FLOWERS SHOP 235-2242 EXETER EVENINGS 235.2906 August 12 .Page 1 1 with Mrs. Lucinda .McISeee- Mrs.. Al Werd, Sherrill, Judy, And Billie returned to Windeer efter vacationing with Mrs, 14- clods Meiseag,. Mr.', and Mrs. George Link have returned freen a trip to the West Coast and Washington State. They visited the Calgary stampede, spent sometime on a ranch, Jas- per, Vancouver, and Victeriee Mr. Larry Horner, and Mr. John Ziler of London spent the weekend in Niagara Falls. BURRO PROPANE GAS Refills 100 lbs 4 45 20 lbs 95 Yes we deliver for a small additional amount By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE 17 Property For Rent 3-BEDROOM house near Exeter, modern conveniences. Phone 35R5 Dashwood. 29tfne - BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed, $45.00 per month. Phone 234- 6394. l0tfnc 1-BEDROOM lower apartment, unfurnished, Main St. South, near Huron, ,available now. Dial 235.2427, 10*tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment on Main St. in Crediton, available im- mediately, private entrance, all utilities paid by owner. Phone 234-6336 after 5 or Saturday. 8tfnc HOUSE at 250 Carling St., all conveniences. Call at 157 Main St., Exeter, 12* SELF CONTAINED apartment, central location, 1 bedroom, heat and hot water supplied. Available August 15. Phone 235- 1456. 12c APARTMENT — 3 rooms and bath; completely furnished and heated. Single person or couple preferred, Phone 235-0177; 59 Huron W. Exeter. 12* THREE-ROOM cottage, central location, with or without furni- ture, suitable for one or two people. Available September 1. R, E. Balkwill, 47 John St. East. 12* 2-BEDROOM heated unfurnish- ed apartment in Exeter. Rent reasonable. Available now. Call 235-0906 or 229-6576. 12tfnc 2-BEDROOM house in Exeter, living room, dining room, 3- piece bathroom, oil heated. Would sell. Available now. Dial 235-1817. 12tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmon's Apt. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12tfnc APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, fur- nished, air conditioned, heat and hot water supplied, $60 per month. Parker Apartments, Main St., phone 235-0915, after 6 p.m. 227-4652. 7: 22tfnc 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric — Beavers Hardware, phone 23.5- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc 20 Wanted To Rent 100 - ACRE farm — Ekke De Vries, RR 1 Clandeboye. Phone 227-4573. 29:12:19* 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter by Sept. 1. A. F. Williams 438- 5078 London. 12* HOUSE, 2 or 3 bedrooms, in Exeter, occupancy Sept. 1. Ap- ply at Times-Advocate. 12c 22 Notices NOTICE to all residents in the Dashwood & surrounding area. Anyone interested in Huron Co- op Health Insurance kindly con- tact George Link, secretary, RR 2 Dashwood not later than Aug. 20. Phone 34R3. 12* NOTICE TOWN OF EXETER CLERK'S OFFICE OPEN 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. MONDAY — FRIDAY Eric Carscadden, Clerk 12c NOTICE We are now carrying a fine selection of SACRED RECORDS $1.98 $2.98 & $3.95 These Diadem High Fidelity are scientifically designed to play with the • highest quality of reproduction on the phono- graph of your choice, new or old. If you are the owner of a new stereophonic system, this record will play with even more brilliant true-to-life fidel- ity. In short you can purchase this record with no fear of its becoming obsolete in the fu- ture. PURCHASE 2 AND RECEIVE ONE FREE WILSON'S JEWELLERY AND GIFTS Pleasing You Pleases Us 12c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate On the premises 73 HURON ST. WEST, EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY EVENING, AUG. 20 at 7:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 231 & 232, Plan 20 104x165 ft. on which is situated a well constructed 2-storey white brick dwelling, Main floor—Modern kitchen, large living and dining room, den, 2 bedrooms and utility room and 3 piece bathroom. Second floor—Modern kitchen, living room, 3-piece bathroom, 2 bedrooms and den. Large basement, new oil fur- nace, double garage. Home com- pletely renovated, new alumi- num windows. Ideal home for two families. Convince yourSelf by inspecting this property before sale date, TERMS of Real Estate-10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid if not previ- ously sold. FRANK HERMAN, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12:12c Cool Way to Shop for Hot Bargains-Want Ads 25 Auction Sales Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques & Misc. Items On the premises MAIN STREET IN THE VILLAGE OF LUCAN The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE — Consists of Plan 350 Part of Lot 8 and 33 in the •Village of Lucan, on which is situated a well con- structed 2-storey white brick dwelling, with large double ver- anda, Main floor—Large living and dining room, den, also suit- able for bedroom, kitchen with built-in cupboards, dinette and utility room, Second floor — 3 bedrooms with clothes closets, 3 - piece bathroom, hardwood flooring throughout, oil furnace, large basement, combination barn and garage. Dwelling in first class state of repair, conveniently situated, beautiful lawn and shade trees. Convince yourself by inspecting this property before sale date. TERMS of Real Estate-10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Cherry dining room suite con- sisting of square top extension table, 6 chairs, buffet, china cabinet, in brand new conch- tion; solid oak round top ex- tension table with 6 chairs; an- tique butternut combination glass cupboard and writing desk; 3 Victorian style chairs; antique style chair; corner set- tee; 3 occasional chairs; wicke- er chairs; oak rockers; corner whatnot; Axminster rug 12x20; Axminster rug 9 x 12; antique centre and end tables; brass umbrella stand; mantel clock; electric radio; pictures and frames; electric lamps; tri- light lamp; brass fireplace equipment; jardinieres; Singer sewing machine; daybed; an- tique clock; antique desk; ma- hogany antique style complete bedroom suite; 2 solid oak bed- steads; dressers; chest of draw- ers; commodes; cedar chests; vanity; bedroom lamps and chairs; Philco med. size refrig- erator; Beach 4-burner electric stove; Kelvinator washing ma- chine; small annex stove; elec- tric heater: 2 steel cabinets; enamel table; carpet sweeper; crokinole board; fernery; as- sortment of valuable linens; bedspreads; towels; table pad; mats; curtains; drapes; silver- ware; fancy dishes; antiaue dishes; fancy vases; hanging lamp; coal oil lamps; carving sets; water sets; ladies' jewel- lery; 2 complete Limoges din- ner sets; kitchen utensils; elec- tric toaster and iron: copper boiler; gale. tubs; garden tools; shovels; many other miscel- laneous items. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. No reserve. Every- thing will be sold to settle es- tate. TERMS: Cash. ELMER D. BELL, LEROY M. COLLINS, Executors for the estate of the late Lena M. Bawden GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29:12c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor and Farm Machinery FOR ERNEST H. LEWIS Sale to be held at the farm Lot Part 1, Hwy. 4, 1/2 mile east of Clandeboye on THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 at 1:30 p.m. Full listing in later edition. ERNEST LEWIS, Prop. PERCY WRIGHT, Auct. 12c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 26 THAMES ROAD WEST, EXETER NORTH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 927, 928, 929, 174x150 ft. on which is situated a one-storey frame dwelling, also small barn and garage. This is an ideal commercial property. TERMS of Real Estate-10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, Complete listing of household furnishings in next week's is- sue. TED WALPER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12c Important AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques & Misc. Items On the premiseS in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 at 1:30 p.m. ALBERT HESS, HARRY IIOFFMAN, Executors for the estate of the late Anna Hess ALVIN WALPER, Atictioneer 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF LUCAN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 at 1:00 p.m. MRS. DAVID EGAN, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques & Misc. Items On the premises 146 ANDREW ST, NORTH IN THE TOWN OF EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE Consists of part of lot 994 and 995 Plan 20 in the Town of Exeter on which is situated a well built 2-storey frame dwelling covered with asphalt siding. Main floor — Dining room, kitchen with built-in cupboards, 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom, utility room. Second floor — Double bed- room with clothes closet. Full size basement, newly in- stalled oil furnace. Home beau- tifully landscaped, ample gar- den land. This is an ideal prop- erty. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Ches- terfield, occasional chairs, sq. top dining room table & chairs, china cabinet, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, antique chairs, , wicker chair, mirrors, writing desk, centre tables, smoking stand, Axminster rugs 9x12 and 9x6, organ stool, modern bed- room suite, box springs, com- mode, dressers, 42 inch bed- stead, springs and mattress, sewing machine, complete toi- let set, dry sink, portable RCV 17 inch television set, re- cently purchased; Moffat 4- burner electric stove, Servel med size refrigerator, electric heater, Quebec heater, vacuum cleaner, mantel clock, plat- form rocker, cherry table, card table, pictures and frames, res- taurant seats, lamps, 2 pair drapes, large assortment dish- es, glassware, silverware, an- tique dishes, bedding linens, sport jacket, like new, size 12; girl's dresses, like new, size 6 and 7; quantity of fruit, seal- ers, crocks, kitchen utensils, iron kettle, girl's and boy's bicycle, small scales, 2 power mowers, step ladder, extension ladder, 100 new bricks, garden and carpenter tools and many other misc. items. TERMS: Cash. No reserve, everything will be sold, Estate of the late Percy Tyerman MRS. HECTOR ROWCLIFFE, Proprietress DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE and HOME BAKING TABLE THURSDAY, AUGUST 12 at 6:30 p.m. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH LAWN, EXETER, ONT. Grand piano, good condition; television s e t; heavy duty range; drapes and curtains; 3-piece chesterfield suite; pic- ture frames; odd dishes; sev- eral occasional chairs, in good condition; wash stand; settee; television antennae; small an- tique clock; trilite lamp; kitch- en sink; water softener; coffee table; step tables; lawn mower; 9x12 rug; variety of children's toys; 3/4 size bed, complete; bongo drums; rocking chair; sealers and many miscellaneous items. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer By MRS. NORMAN LONG — Continued from page 9 included Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lawrence and Mr. James Law- rence of Moose Jaw, Saskatchew- an. Miss Bonnie Robinson return- ed with her grandparents for a couple of week's vacation. Mr. Dean Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown, ric and Alice of Grand Bend visited Saturday afternoon and evening with the former's daughter, Mrs. Elzear Mousseau and Mr. Mousseau, also Mr. and Mrs. Ross Faber and Kevin. Mrs. Wm Haney of Wingham visited with her cousins, Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Mellis of the village during the past week. Mrs. Keith Stephenson, Robert Turner, and Jim Consitt are On a holiday trip to Pilot Mound, Mani- toba. Miss Dianne Consitt v is it e d last week with her cousins in St. Thomas. Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Bert Faber and family were Mrs. Amos Ruby, her son and daughter, Sam and Sharon; Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Forler and family, all of Tavistock; Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pen- hale, Ricky and Wendy of Hay- field. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stokes of London visited Sunday with the latter's father, Mr, Robert Thompson. By MRS. M. H. ELSTON BIDDIJLPI I Descendants of the late Moses and 'Jane Davis held their 18th annual reunion at River vie w Park, Exeter. The late Mr. and Mrs. Davis were born in County Down, Ire- land. After their marriage they immigrated to Canada in 1845. Their parish church was Mag- heradroll, near Belfast. The fam- ily were of Welsh origin. They raised a family of eight children, four sons and four daughters. Coming to Canada they hewed logs for their home which was situated seven miles north of Lucan at Saintsbury on what is known as the Sauble Line. Their four sons helped to build the log church in 1861 which was later replaced by a brick church and is known as St. Patrick's Anglican C h u r c h, Saintsbury. Until the church was built church services and Sunday School were held in the home of Wm Davis. The late Mr. and Mrs. Davis are interred in St. James Cemetery, Clande- boye. Oldest person present was Frank Smyth, Centralia; young- est, Mark Burke, North Caro- lina; oldest lady, Agnes Davis, Exeter; person coming farthest, Dora Noels and family, North Carolina; closest wedding anni- versary, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston. Borden Smyth, Centralia, was elected president for 1966; Mary Kooy, Ailsa Craig, is secretary and Kay Elston, Centralia, sec- retary. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall con- ducted a short program of sports. By MRS. M. H. ELSTON PERSONALS Terry Flannigan of Hamilton is visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Blair. Misses Wilma and Sandra Wei- berg are spending a few holi- days with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Len Purdie, Hen- sall, following a picnic supper held on their lawn. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Weiberg attended also Mr. & Mrs. Tom Humphries and son Tom of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy and Clayton of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday evening with M. & Mrs. Lorne Weiberg and family. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Atkinson were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Eagleson,Greenway Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Doug Stephen, Doris and David of Winchelsea were guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. R. Heckman, also Mr. & Mrs. V. Becker of Dashwood Sunday evening. Mr. & Mrs. George McFalls were guests Sunday of Mrs. Artie McFalls of Centralia. Mrs. Chris Fischer visited for a couple of days in London with members of her family. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fischer and Gregory of London spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. C. Fischer, also Mrs. Higgs of Ilderton. Holiday visitors with their uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Smith, were Bonnie, Sharon and Margaret Campbell of Exeter. Miss Marilyn Smith visited with Miss Karen Welsh of Edge- wood for a few days. Mr. & Mrs. Orville Langford and John spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Art Hern and family at Ipperwash. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Orville Langford were Mr. & Mrs. Bev Westman of Granton. Miss Helen Mol of Zevenberg- en, Holland, is visiting with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Gaby Mol. Mrs. Verna Burgle of Wind- sor is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Jessie Lewis. Mr. & Mrs. Dean Gibson spent a few days on Manitoulin Island last week. Bradley and Jimmy Gregus of Exeter spent a couple of days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. John Spacek. Visitors during the week with Mr. & Mrs. John Spacek were Miss Peggy Pryde of Exeter, Miss Monica Woodall, Windsor; Miss Linda Heckman, Lucan; Peter Pryde, Exeter and Danny Gilmartin of Lathrup Village, USA. David Elston spent the past week in Exeter with his grand- parents, Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Gib- son. Misses Geraldine Blair, Judy Blair and Sheila Elston were camping last week in the Pinery Prqvincial Park. Winners for children, 6 and under were Jeffery Young; 10 and under, Michael Davis; 10 to 14, Donald Noels; young men, Clayton Kooy; shoe scramble, Mary Lou Tin- dall; kick slipper, ladles, Heath- er Davis; men, Larry Greenlee; most buttons on clothing, Sheila Elston; blanket relay, Hugh and Hazel Davis; wiener relay, David Elston's side; pillow relay, Larry Greenlee's side. PERSONALS Karen, Gary and Dianne Skin- ner visited a few days with their aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. How- ard Pym, Elimville and cousins Joan, Brian, Elaine and Margaret Pym. Mr. & Mrs. John McAllister visited in Hamilton Sunday with the former's brother, Mr. & Mrs. Albert McAllister and fam- ily. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Skinner and family spent a few days travelling north through Manitoulin Island and visiting relatives in Sebe- waing and Elkton, Michigan. By GORDON MORLEY PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Grant Amos are enjoying a vacation to Western Canada. Mrs. Violet Allison, Kathleen and Gordon Morley visited Sunday with Miss Verna Greenlee, Elmer and Bert of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Martin of Nairn moved to the farm he pur- chased from Mr. David Morley last Friday. Church service will be held again on Sunday, August 15, at Brinsley United Church of t e r Rev. Davies' vacation. Mr. Jim Wright is adding an addition to his barn. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Lewis and Allan were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Thompson and family. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin have returned home from a trip to Western Canada where they visited with Mr. & Mrs. Wm Stephens, Douglas and Sheila. Miss Doris Mills has returned home after holidaying the past month in Western Canada. Mrs. Robert Rundle, Jim and Jack attended the Payne reunion held at Fanshawe Park recently. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Webb and family of Manitoba visited a couple of days with Mr. & Mrs. Norris Webb and family. The Mann children of Toronto visited the past week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. Norris Webb and family. Miss Joanne Webb of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Webb. Mr. Lloyd Jaques, Debbie and Nancy and Mrs. Mary Jaques visited with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Lambert and family in Davison, Mich. Sunday. Danny returned home with them. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robinson and family spent the holiday weekend at Chesley Lake. Mrs. Earl Dick and family of Thamesford visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lawson and family. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Park of Ex- eter were holiday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lawson and family. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and girls visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Barth and family of Melbourne. David and Teresa Keizer of Stratford spent a few days with Geraldine Beckett. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Scott of Exeter visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brintnell and family. Linda Russell of Russel- dale spent a few days with them. Mr. & Mrs. Graydon Wells of Long Branch were Sunday guests with Mrs. Robert Rundle, Jim and Jack. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs. Sam Bell of Peterborough. Doug- las returned home with them. Dianne Smith is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Brock of Detroit. Jack Rundle is spending some time with Kenneth Culver of Lobo village. Debra and Ronnie Webber of By MRS. E SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Louis Restemayer was pleasantly surprised by her chil- dren on the occasion of her 80th birthday. On her arrival in Zu- rich she was taken to the Dom- inion Hotel where a gaily deco- rated table awaited her complete with birthday cake. 4-H CLUB The fifth meeting of Dashwood Gardenettes was held at the home of Dara. Goodale with all girls present. Notes were given on canning and exhibiting vegetables. A dem onstration on canning tomatoes followed. HOLIDAY VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stormes and family with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wein and Lea Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wein of Sudbury with Mrs. Herb Wein. Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Seebach and family of Hamilton with Mrs. Cora Geiser. . Mrs. Wilbur Stewart of London with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geiser and Kim. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and Miss McCormick of Seaforth with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Biesen- thal of Windthorst,Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haugh and Sharon of Moosejaw, Sask., with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Martin McGren- ere and family of London with Otto Restemayer. Miss Anna Messner of Cal- ifornia with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Messner for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Annan and family have returned to Pick- ering after vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Miller. While here they all visited with Miss Nell Dodson of St. Thomas. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader, David and Paul visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Bren- da of Zion last Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Ford of Detroit vacationed recently with Mr. and Warren, Mich. spent a few days with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webber. Elizabeth and Marion Levy of Russeldale spent a few days with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Levy, Margaret and Da- vid. Mr. Ken Mills of Orillia visit- ed Friday with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Brock and family of Guelph were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wm Dickey and family. Mr. & Mrs. Tom White of Toulon, Manitoba, visited Mon- day with Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler and David. Weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wm Dickey and family were Mr. & Mrs. Don Masnica and family of Severn Bridge, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Ford and family of Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs. New- man Baker of Wellburn, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Ford and family of Winchelsea and Mr. Gerald Morley of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Webber, Stacey and Barbara of Warren, Mich. visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webber. Debra and Ronnie returned home with their parents. Miss Marilynne Lambert of Davison, Mich. has been holiday- ing with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and family. Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Exeter visited for a few days with Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Rodd and fam- ily. Mr. Morris Komanosky of Wil- lowdale spent the holiday week- end with Mr. & Mrs. John Wit- teveen and family. Mr. Edgar Mills, Mrs. Clar- ence Mills, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mills of Exeter attended the fu- neral of their cousin, the late Rex Mills of Burlington. Mrs. Gerald Brintnell and baby Gerald Scott, returned home from St. Marys Memorial Hospital, Wednesday last. BIDDULPH NEWS Pioneer descendants unite at Riverview Notice: Cecil Murray has sold hi s share of Marshall & Murray Machine Shop and wishes to thank all his customers for patronage. He wishes every success to the new owner, Laverne Hamilton. FIRST MORTGAGES FARMS *** RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Prompt, Confidential Service THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Established 1889 Contact Our Representative: JOHN BURKE REALTOR and INSURANCE PHONE 235.1863 EXETER