Huron Signal, 1863-03-17, Page 2h hs ba tet vie* N eta
known is boa tort sf Ile liggpmaim
dopes ober i McDwsy
pitd iasaw
d • d Mas Where r• wi
a4r,•mss AZ" A;Isy
J)h4-` 'e1 11
coracle blow Vitdalia ,
mem why theyeba•lder
Hai.qq f ui IMO► a
spwfrlI taecked, may do
oast yd amid naval f
fir Mir ami sista. ..'ett
esis a.
ttita Nit
o,ter a yr not
fur the less of the Queen of the eel,
• se much be sant of the ler of the
ola t The danger to the latter ought
haw formeeu_ -The
ethanol was that baring a stationary
twat or capita, she could only dative, her
alts sherd, commanding shout fortyfire
geese oft hunaou. All the rebels h,.d to
or utero of ber W
Wipes harm esa. n
• Lave reoeii.d from Bft. Smith
r•gpiss ef bislehper•;
, eo .dt,t;rebee
Mew Ica and tea reg ire the out
le deeper $older nates,
A../ tender chimer, sad loving peak
Ituuwl youth s seer dream Ids Aoay,
1 hoes sots -sere tilting army sates
A )1 the
soft, ttutiky Isle,
h, metier htllahya
flush aryl thought err/trite,
Lon h ie. love tier $e4 :he bells,
As round lair focus, niece awe
'Tia seven now -'ti
AuJ steeper sounds the bell, JnP ;
1s in the solemn march «hoe
they ring with fuller anvil ;
AA tell of strife and toil and carr,
Of grief end se.,dereJ Iles,
And to the heart subdued by grief,
They're ring•ng is the at,et
Of reit above, where Jews dwells,
t,.me h.:me, come home, they faint
'75a tea o'clock -the rs'i.hed hours
Haag out their warniud tones ;
The p;v..y notes of infancy
Aad go&len elueee are gone.
Tao pat r all a fleeting dream ;
The few*, o►, hoe grand 1
.La 'mid it deep rad su.em., peals
With paard lip. ee *tend,
Diu( don', dine .1 mg, it slowly rols,
Peeling the requiem of Souls.
TI. clock has "truck eleven -hark
The awful moments pus,
Yid milled hells we hear them die,
And watch old time's hour's glass.
Solemn red slow we hear their knell,
Terry ring of end,nr strife,
Tao*'s more of tender joy than grief,
Which veil ofmulles. life. a
U6 1 jo)ful knells, life's evening bell,,
Ufctwtlicis pat, theirmusic tells.
'Pia twelve o'clock -the midnight hour
Rolle out its thrilling k,ell
Ah I not of grief aud not of death,
Does its deep tolliug tell,
ToCSristien soot. -so high ! so grind !
Aro the bright hopes it rings,
That 'mid the solemn koelle of time,
The parting spirit ship.
Aa midnight belt. hie. Soft away,
'Tu endless owe is upper day.
'Ti matter ors iu that bright world, .
Ore everlasting day i
Hoots hare pealed their last farewell,
Asti minutes past away.
Ti. one effulgent bril,iunt noon,
015 flood of light and lora;
One solemn never -a ding xow
Is that sweet hone above.
06 1 the deep joy of msssosz,
When waking first o° thet blest shore.
for the Sigurd
(No. L)
In a certain.,fear a fishing schooner be
longing to some port in MaseacIusetts Bar,
started far its cruise. She wu tam frum arena
stem w stern. Tale trim I.tt1e ship was ready
her Cruise to the
Bank k of New.
and for a cargo of fish, when the skip-
per, a 4adthtl, iutelrigent and hardy old fish-
.. emu, a is the case with most of thea 'alu-
• able etas* of men, was taken £irk, and ,rag
eompelleJ reluctantly to reliuquub the voy-
Per, mo becames necessary to proeare a skips
it west busy season it was not an
easy miter to procure Use right kind of a man.
while. however, o ever, it was
nothing better comld be dune than to p that
led lamas Heddle for this trip. appoint
Jayne ur Code Jonas, ►ad been at sea
dunng the greater part of his life, but for the
last fewi° the years had been engaged occasion:a y
"'kept sober hfishine wa' a cal when be could be
.otld endure more lea deb valuable
haul up Ithe
cad faster
than Untie Jona, He also sacral
odor his dna as a earigatoeaodit was neatly
agreed 'had 6e should acs ..a kipper for this
triA provided h , would promise to keep sober.
H. gave it, that is a pled,;., that he 100.4
abstain during the trip, at the same time inti-
mating that he sever esu otherw,ee than sober
during bio life, and be wee forthwith induc-
ted Tato office- In order to aid hire io keep -
sat his peones, le eke owners, 1:0011 Joao*
took with him ten or a d.,asu galloov of geed
loved.old Jamaica, • ►ererags .then hwj,arty
He had no deceit oI bit qua'ifiesuons to
perform well ►s duty as skipper, rad 6e was
determined to bare ajolly time of it at alt
emir. fie had a quadrant and a Bowd:teh-
er's ■migator, ea well u a chat of ale at-
Ocean and of the American coati, but
ey were all despised. i might as well add
panted metier. His great reliance was in
skill, and especially ea a navigator. He
aware that by steering *roue' of gut
urn sad remain; in the direetdtm foe
days,he ahosld retch the Gredfrl0bi.
world 'snow by lb. eels( of tee wat-
termdiags, the asetber of birds
remelts; sad that em hie retsrain
would knell the wrhew rand broadside ff
Mar be able to
of Dates Rey
irf is • roerinj storm K
and ie order sew
It ail to
et grog. ffs Wier
horse, sail
that die tbtb
was sumo ie
aserty • meg"
e a of Cape Clear,
Se lieeod.'
The skeeper .caked hi. trumpet to the dock,
4d sprang perea,Jscalar fear fat. ley actual
'litaasiresaeut, so tow 8 a that she fire egret
of eatenntme"t, ebeiher of a pkw$treahle or
•p• iuful character are p,hioely die maw, and
prompt ao a nae iuti:rctivel to
exercises- J glmarstic
he►e,ppeewee a an awkward predica-
ment,bad gees *crow the A don tie safe end
exped,iio+sly enough, but he was doubtful
It' whether his skill to °aviz atiou wuu,d sulfite
to carry him Iu.Pk.
He ezfleierd his case to the captain, who,
after a hearty laugh a the expe _.. of Corte
J. mss, e'Oie1 (uroiah h m wish a navt-
gator. He rdiupy put a young Seeman
un bonne, w u was very atillu,.
t hrvlw thereru mtover bboard sod r, though re .
Jun u begged hand w reline it as as a solace
,n his great msfortunr, but the e:ew awl the
new commander overruled him.
7'6e run*wav war tuned erwrd and head id loss L' stow lay, ■nd lot sided on in the of Liberals took place thi, mo
wake .f the miine!a..tmai. In due
reached the bents so lungtime i1" I the xitnatiou of the Government wee
looked lar, nod to I
shoe it arrived at /knots a14
ItoenJ felt
4bc aldp if
his Irwse.
Ya tae Irish
leper, with a
whets mew we,
0' ERICH,,
CL . TON 10.42 +•
flARPURHE1' 10.0'2 1
SK AFORTH .. 11.07 e
CLIN'ft 1. ...
3.22 't
S 26 "
6.30 .'
Special Dispatch to the
By Telegraph Last
Tug adjourned meeting of t
two months.
co et
What do you think, kind reader, wou:d you
li',e to take such a merry sail.
grarely discussed. A division being
on the question whether the 31in
would be sustained in the Programme
Tac yah. e
' agreed to when it took *Bee, all premise,
With hardly a di+setenting voice, decided! to ager .everal
extend a generous support to the Gori planes pittsi a,'aitiet
The London Telegraph has the following I went, and a deputation was sent to map
. . remarks tuucbin. the nyi.nnuun of {Palk. •. my Tow°, the latter
ell idiom Armstrong,,.,a.d lbs wt.. of his I munioate such intention .o the Premier,at distinct and direct vthys
system of ordnanceArr :-
- noon, which remover the apses. This wa, the repaid
Sir Wiliam .trmetmng has bun( at last punt difficul- l to the world thntu_h attested
like one of hes own breech ba.' lou at'e of ties. Hon. Messrs. Darius and that w
not wnt
t' it i., the lean cisrnspett of • retie mond were present at the Canoua, Drum- P6t' e
County Oats tvttrstulated
man, undoubted) one ofand it t of bur at but, tiler
artil'eris[ J the st of • 1 etie On the '
a but °nly bis o (" capacity as u sold the Lower Canadian Liberal ftrouble, in a fair-wty of set-
grmud munnpolist of envenom• aud mvie are
- presentod stat the reciguatioa ofthe preaemt ting
u:auCrr. Into this ridicYluas Nahum we are itself A Commute wax ap.
glad to believe he Ors rather th,umt than that
Government would lead to the d xleat a site is 1t a;krrtnn, sod
he climbed, and from it be has nor ,eirc•ted destruction poiot•u
with as m•ch dignity as was enrao■uble with of their party and render impossible any [repo s meeting to b brL! in tbaE
the circumttaaees. What is the circa ti etre further eonnezioo with i' plan he purpose of making prepare -
which the throe or four .r Can
es, . Upper oda yawn'
f s
rule he t
At rection of the ' uo
lh l v Baild-
e N' I
ass Ikpanmeit has rodded to the ening!Ltberals.
side of our teeunnts t Will three milli,,as in hat meeting. was l:ell csr,ut three
of money corer the cost cf the pn,tnnmtd and ,r ler the Iuncaclinc session, tb.
prodigal expottmeal which air William Arm- TIIE SEPARATE SCHOOL BI..L. Ct ttcr reported f]vorabiv, ."1:A;
strung has been permitted to m
1:pens*? tw a_. are
. aka al our I .. ski A_ -_ lvsr. _. _. r t. .
Failure of the Armstrong Gan.
e hare obtained t So far era, r'en'ts .hu
as we snow. 14.7 Mr. R. W. introduced abje by ay be wmroeJ up in a hecto of u dueness,Scott is of considerable im- t>)i a nnmbcr of tS members
Mel! enough for light held guns, and interest I Portance, and, for the informationof our d9 [ liar muuG aud desert tined
ing as an F zbtbn n fro Lv fret
r n - . o quire ate -"-d-- -- r, to
rual.o,16 between decks, delicate and dao-
. _ng a resume or it', I e• the whole affair.: and this too hal
eroue to handle; costly to mauafacture and I provisions, u this course is necessary be- 'absence of two members trio had be-
fore any intelligent 'oder,
Ken judgment can be ass c voted in favor of 11'allcrtnn. LesT-
oo°cennK it : According to this all other actions of this body aside, ire,
rot " an be
of modern war. Were we t o p t t e - LOST -
rived at
venture once upon every one of hose can•
nor, admit or mounted, and deceive our. , J number of peraons,not hem that disinterested spectator look upon this
selves into the belief thi.t they will h five,being
he replaced b 1' not Only heads of families aud freehold -et proceeding u one of the most
y more powerful and pe; feet Ors or householders, re,ident within auyrraceful that hu ever taken place in Car
weapatrhti there yet remaas an awful margin
of money literally blazed awn at tl school Sect'
butt Considering the abut and wadding *ted Village or Towntorw withinP
which the Superintendent
t , re as
expended arrive of
all Aartillerist,after J convene a pubho meed. 6o amount of special ph -c1 ., can akin
of persona desiring to eatrbiish a P'/e over the diereputabie affair. and indeed
p c cno cont h as had
lou C J e practice ton of anT nsh' incorporada. After this we may wheel:, what ie
of ordnance 6 any esu the vola of a Municipal l'ouncii worth, if
this gun, tdnt gun is • City or Town, and being Rom: it is to be vetoed at the :cry 71.11 m y
sorry product And whet is the troths fie Catholics may e!ttttlg
as h.
unlimited vee
and gold, comes forward, crashes in School for Roman Catholics, in Oh can only make It appear w..rc:In the eyes
plates which the A
lures a fiery shell into the fabricnwh not tack,
Annst which the
lighter pt dales not pi owder.nJ thisM'withwe
come to the y conclusion that it
Elewick bud been ll ft tol 11 own manure's, as
Mr. :: hitworth has been to hie, we should he
richer by miilimu, std ins position besides
to take the best of the two goes into service.
Hut protection, which was tented mit of door
••:sewhere, found an asylum in the War De
partrn.nt. All the eastmreutive faculty of
the oink.. was Ignored le (sour of one official
pet, who has now acknowledged hired
heel " u
i'di r ', ked the',hie/spa/die
grace to sy fiats
the dismissal rhicypttblis: opinion w
fainly h.., ieasor4 'pea,
ek:IF we can't if
nelerist.though we hive
William the ofiked.,
d, esid tonalities, Mill
6.bmore s.
Hut, o
Wi liam,
wnh him tt
rootracu, 515
)1Ir retina..
o,d.tatse works im
ielereet." Aid so,
ever weapons it
fervor to Mr; Whitt,
we are bund fin deal
the heavy bonder C7
1,heny to Ms the
iron clay, a. which
of that "bleb - 't
W. Arnetroo
doubts or do
;emotes a
toil system
under farongYli
is also •
igeore mete
ass rot
SO6OOI Section or ward, for the electlonof
Testees Inc the management of the ar."
<' A majority of the persons present, be-
ing freeholders or households*, and king
Roman Catholics, and not
Trustees, tts7,
may, at
meeting, elect three J' any such
in such vection or adjoining e•idte to 44*
as Trustees for the m - ret
such Separate School, and of
ng a British subject, not Jthan 2 II
rs of may
be elected fee
sod aTrusts.
bother he be a freeholder or bo
of the people of Bruce. Sparate t4.
County indeed! Is it even i!l,`:!ed that
such a couree• esu s cure a l •ion benefit
to the
Mm ,Int 1
-. l i .
N The thing r
abeotntely ridiculous -merest child's -ply,
and we 'sincerely 'trust that the Lapsla-
tore will not for a moment countermen
such a thing, and that the worthy depila-
tion may be rent borne, havF_ only mute
seeded in addin, a hundred nor es
to the large amount already ..:own away
by the Pm. Council In ur4s d,>dgery.
But we are happy to recon[ ;eat atter this
extraordinary proceeding bid belet' e-
nounceed by Mr. Broeklebani and
in fitting language, gentlemen went
mho could not give themaslry to
t, and amongst them sur&
the Wedge, who[ be beam
steeping to ere:hing low or
following Protest ems Arum up
signed, although eheeve hy sad 41"
We gentlemen who hi soeeslpiefa-
stultified theneeh'cw ref peel to boar it
, not wishing, perhaps e.; (.01 the foist
ire cutting truth.:
gets were
his a raw Ft • weaned she wen
Ottalm, were the ,' m to abate lissi • err
•ass- with • oyer b
baste Ss 'e llltae tin took
for mew.,
or fib= td se mitring thee 6g .,
the be4, lot the ea west
s be flwawa th"s tby weeebt h via hi
A baste g der. wall f. seder ,dna r •.vet
Aa le skier Ir
tows ie twW in. Set ee me I
ore 4 OM* of ray was 4
ysrslbesel w 1246rplal M sie ,
Mad > rsslsna of gra b
Soldisn of Yet*
That:tory i 1
°dm, bet
fi f yobb ani lei as ir
• whim host.
Corr Or rl:oi'-.-_
Ile• the .n.1.rsigned Be.,-r•and greet'
1L!..,. of the Pr0Tsim,al -o-r swell t of ter
County of Kniest et ('oun,d .s -sl--.- - ,de
hereby eater our solemn Pnnrtt tb
.Mlew of e majority of there, else"'
)M M Comceil, (.thho hay. bronchi h,r,
• ried, a aheme for the dies,. of
• os the toltoeing grou..1: ....
the ll.-
T 'fiat undue adna.yr,
be die- lehhig this vote don"; the
;a tns4i t re( this Council. '
TMat at (t f st
g ,.:JJ (_' ix F'eh;.,, 1st
good, 'sondem,', a (fry
the - Mrrnd plat-.. weir Ian
W „f Wi dksrtrm fns t. C
t10t Oft ffiasmrddiy 1'ki. RI
Dew B w,d who fMitisid vip•ge of ti,Ike
to think it of Cs5setlit t of vows n a
(S, e, rb. rd
' e(em atN a/netedtts torn;
to the
•w imican de .ee east nem Siberia
Xalerlly ton away Gamper r. mothers.
ear fwd* oft
badly fed,
rod an iudegw l sr
emmee i tLitrsar mtt 1 ,
hstw the •teti7.'^'
vintenMe P '
minnans bx*SS• P Omar.els the tbufe • .
ware,., ' fir •bre ` u'a f is
eeelliet. yes eve Iterifei
lbetarnity , lee jerk
k the Om., thew sincere,;
teppeetieed. have
While 6 Y PSI times Terri
1!"6rrd, Tho or 16.
moved*f6f l„►
inn, .n4 rnn,led
stagy Ntoto of Kinlo.r, in the list
a t the Warden •rel (herb
beehot fratruct.•d to.irr, rad
.ap1/ p'vele t he t 'svaa.y
mer of the Omirelv Beitd,n . .
bel atieres 14; h. pl„Ad
4the rgro .,('an•f onud.ertiw
MuiL$t W r . 1t'ttrhn, be a eimrMM es
Osslet{s.111et1l m/•w r an .44.4 1ss 1'
rtlDlte ,eu iLtLttt.Btw wer.14.
tbjtyn:. g a 1,-
3445.4 Iry'the Coelederates
iekahurg. Ielestuni had
received sten dim tory( were
stores sod war mwdemabt from
the iuterinr, M , how-
17 kmowo surto eta,We as to
speskw'i sty.
CmM p 4.a -Adria'. from Memphis
WW1 ol weepier, err to Thisry *veneer' .. important move -
place below, and
Me public me) lookforimportant remits
rtes•• The limo° Pau is likely to give ad -
0I i su del heretofore aopreciaed.
•rmen. j,st from %'+ckeburg say that
that strorg6old meet won capitulate, or do
Ilse Tone, Waxes 15. -There was an eat
brat pothering at, the Academy of Mase.
''tttemas, to rattly the peoceeding•t of the
4... ass, d bullets meeting. Secreteria
ChisiCIas4, M. re were resent
Seven! hundred Quina held a meeting at
St Palma' Hell last evening, and adopted an
adders imptimiet to that of the Polish Na-
del* Gossett.. eerier speeches wore
m•ie, and•• committee appointed to arrange
l• greed demowtretiul •t the Cooper Io-
Waamzatmz, Nereh 14.-A' .peei.l des-
patch to the Herald says:-Inforttntion has
boss received that Secretary Chase b u bees
tsy setxeufel in making arrangements in
Sew York fur.zee,aies loans, whi.-h will re-
lieve the wants of the Government to suchen
trend ea to preclude any probability of sp
ddi4swml brae of legal tenders.
Information haq,*dched here that the Con.
federates ham Srsaiderable force of esyslrv,
artillery and infantry 1u tlw Shenanduu6
Reliable intrllt,enre has reached the Cov-
enant* that Lee's army is not material y
weakened, but has been trdwtiosaty employ.
ed erecting defensive works at F',edericke
burg. fin intention he. been ma,ifest,4 of
abeadoninli that point.
A. '1.1 despatch to the Sieveary says: -
Gen. Hooker. will be ready to twee in tamest
a week. It a rnm orad that he will march
direct to Biehtneed, wen Urbana, oa the lower
The War Department 1
pa n closely employed
e arranging the maehi,.ery for tha coming
Si. You, Much 13 - The Ar■;o has
arrived from Po.t 'loyal on the 12th instant.
Gra. Negley and a pally of hos staff are pis -
It was feared at Port Royal by the Grne-
ralSCiirodtithat the personal l 11l- Ity exist -
i• between Lima the Se
end r, cetm
of War
W his to du with his a rstatl.
The prim slimmer Atkii,., from Key West,
has arrived her'.
State of Affairs at Vicksburg.
The World of Thusday' last snakes the
following rather startling announcement :-
"Privets information from trustworthy
scarcer near the se••ue of operations, leads es
stip we chat active operations armed
r swill sof be resumed for at leas(
s etovtA, possibly 'Ont until the month of
the. fbloirap explanation of the
he Odell the Helier bloeknee-runners
re by ♦ ` au cruiser off
Ina lea rej wriueu by as
Homan at Norse to the Bettie
in the place, however,
't from eta being the head-
e-r,nners, and, leaving
e(the place, its people rode
for wether lime, I w;11 note
the blockade -rumen
sty es 1 bare butt able to
fad ut vessels, and almost
Ouse 'ray connected rite the
usW,tlr arriving from
caaaon, pouch r,
.boleti and alt sora of things
South. Fur m while these
far up the harbor, with • show
but now they have dune it so much
hopmgty, that they lie off the wen and
trwAedhe a cargoes with pe; feet freedom,
talitbolitics wink a, it. 'The steamer'
rem to Charlr.tin are all printed •
rid hhab, which renthe hers, mon.
kshabla form the hwiwa T6ry
n here at such • time that • common rem
wilt bring them off Charluton about midailbt
the third dry from beta tben, u they eon
easily ora our Beet, they steer quiet;y between
the blockaders, end brig of the dull lead
color, and with their single mum and smoke
pipe lowered, and •ithal being woode,fudy
long, low and seift, they aro almost eel tate
of xetti►g--tn. Oomisg oat is silt more a
certytuly, for at Monet the? take from Filet
Sumter very precise compass olaervutioos of
our deet at anchor, and then, as our veaack do
nut change their positions Myer duh, ,t u a
perfectly simple matter to steer solely by the
cuaopess ot.t into the open sea. Once out
there a no diniger,"lor they can show a dean
pair of heels to any of our g■nboats. Com-
munication is truly more frequent with
Charleston than New York, and we here
New York dates six or serer, dame later this
way than direct. Since I have bees here.
now nix dot., one steamer, the Calypso. has
arrived from Char taton laden with cotton,
and fire, the Ruby, Giraffe, Antaniga, Nicho-
las 1, aud Leuperd, have sailed fur the
place, bud-. serertl sail vessels whit °e'
cleared for no,tbera ports. but with chut..
that make it o•rtai. ih y trioses Charleston
or W ifiniegtop if pomible." '
The Stnitford Examiner states that about
four ou chock in th
9 e •Qeruuon of Thursday last,
a fatal accident ooairred in the Township of
Elms. by which a worthy, and much respect.
.d nee$ hbor, Mr. Thorns. McNichol, kat his
life. !te res u the raising of ,t loj hones at
the res, ence of Mr. Gamble.on the boundary
between Remington and lbs : owwhip,when
• log (.11 on Mr. McNichol, as he wont mak-
ing his escape. If a two thigh bones *ere
broken .54n,R driven iwlebie inside. After
lingering in the most indescribable agony un-
til three e'doek on Sunday morning be ex-
pired, leaving a wife-aud two children, with
nasceroes other frieeds end relatives in Elm.,
as well as a large faintly of brothers and
sisters w South Easthope, to lament his
SEVERELY FROST Butes.-One of the
most fearful commentaries on the drinking
usages of society has lately been afforded
in the towna1lipof Clintou. About a week
ago Benjamin Miehmer and -Sleet
were foetid dead of the Concession line'
rear of J1r. Peter Bradt's' farm, Clinton.
Michner wu found sitting in the bend of a
tin with a bottle by his aide, and 'heat
lying o the ground a short distance from
him. ui coroner's inquest was held, and a
-.verdict rendered that both men had Dome
to their death by the exceseive aye of
liquor and exp,eure. Another man named
Fisher wu found at the h same time fro
exhausted that his recovery waseousidered
doubtful, and it is reported that 6e baa
since died. It is said that the public are
very severe in their condemnation of cess I
twin tavern -keepers in the ticinity, who I
areaocused with haviug supplied the men
with liquor, one of whom, it is claimed,
drank three gallons a day, or t pint every
hbur, supposing that he did not .sleep
during the 24 hours. The necessity for
an Inebriates' Asylum is certainly eery
lhasygreat, and we hopo the movement oom-
. law untoward prOsnuttinaia, ea -
„Arra (, Oe & costal, army to mom lemlfbt stemmed at Toronto will be successful.
de ,manrm by d'wrow and desertion than
amid result from even ,ns ,cceeslul fighting ;
bet es mo fighting Budd at pr' -sent teen place
which would lot prove nesuccra.fel, there is
nothing for it tut to try the resources of eir-
ewi4as esginee, ing to rave disease sad 0r -
arias to do their works law of Me from
three causes u not attended with the los of
prestige which would resd1 from another 1 a town note fairly entitled to aeetethinz b e -
,m else, Warm weather, mud -iv ground. yond a mere weekly paler. -Brace Pisdi-
and ii ',mitt atmnaphere have pot a sixth of calor. • .
the *hale army in the erupitsla while want _- _
4Ji••iptiae, exposure, the enervating elfin•
e au of the elitaate and the depression cnus.d EXTRAott01N+RT EXTRAPtt0N or A
by the late disasters cause those who are not Mi-nzm RAIL i art • So,rti•.-The Staf-
yet brMgbt down try sickness 10 desert by fordebine Advertiser tells the following neat
k•aYee•: "'Neve is scare demoralization link rteyt--on Tumidity lest, being curious-
rs (ie.erof (inlet's command MAA* has ly enough the 17th anniversary of the haute
beemeadmilted a'rta►treelse in tie army of Sobraun, a reterrn 'pelted at the North
sisee tie irriwwing ejr,tr rrnr. StaMR,rdsbire <nfrmar,, with en hove musket
tt 7%i C'urard, ver cue n'i oa trhirA so ball or grape shot lodged under the "boulder
beteg• Rehm Ave been expended, aid from i,lyde, received from the Seth. on the day of
•dictdtA Mg* atria ober/ more d tete that beak. Ry means or the trephine aid
fly gdfdt d. is a meosded jour .. forceps the now onntraeted h01e hi the enep.
mill t epopis are making b plr► the ole or .holder black was a little wi,lened,a,d
se•s e1// of t[esting pat q rf, with• eke bait.**meted by Mr. Folks, Ila mw., of
sa!'ttist salicin, by lin Tatler bur. .ed by eew*s. beieg heel anco.o,ck.ns daring th.
Labe PveeiWI►. The fkcalki tblo.'pe. p ens.. *stoefdwsIly, Aowmvm,, hPcomin*
jar weea u,.fhoaght of lith the stair attempts seeder restive eUnepk to give mot to some
bei misoarrwd it (elegem against rig .stow lika eaelaaatione,in other words.
seek wvees*e e(. us tileojlteti Maw- dad*, t1n*k mist and brae* enough before
Net, be arnai oat p' 4. r tat *time delle saint ids. whkk b hardly
h steely Tgltleli im Oaf. Ivy the Y,ap 1'erq WOW 6r', sad, imbed, ndigbd the idea of
seer ism A•' allebette►ie with item payout roilperag hies.
of floitg r7^ to Greas std d.Wseteg
10,,,,b6.14:: kveM Wkfgo •t 1110* pdbt, Maleediwg
demo rho Tnaoo rive to Tasee .,,y Tea Pities or WALLS. -Lord
Ober. tett, ass wow. •ilthidsn of levo; dl irt+wtirdpring s, siebae in the hoose, whish is ex eiliells eardere or 06the44th ult.em the Prince
yTUp1M , *pike a p7 Wake Anarchy' hill, thus I.ommed Op
1p y Slat qualiio•tioY. of the Princess Akxan-
ts te 6b ,.or if we es Wh., the question orae of es
...>. _, '8 :0 hos. 4i. heeling n Peltier* who might he the with
the rptaw N ear Biybos,a na mink Wi'r'a of the Triwdp Washes, the foikiwing ear'
Pelt Med sten neer Calsro4.sp F'a,M, attiring Owe 1btt+t Miss r '.*rte : lira
oils • from Wee._ TIs*i10 •prie vel alt. th•t Me; 4.r ldt hs. yo..g i stress,
hi wrmeteW N great risk, the beer h•viur sisal A. •
no eho'S+ et gemming y the seem roots 6t' and 'kelt ;ijd t ibs
which *J cwt date um Taro*. If they Ida t ' b rrilliM
eft ea* IntSpe.: tM re412, soap mantis*wdet:::.v)::;:,
r/b t(Illfdariarmyof. r 1p O a- w M,lwelhsl it lbsdier,__airiafs _eraswptMb a.e,p4.g alma,
ywM4 Sabel .p, • ')
he famrvysd 8.1 if tta ttah M t 0 r .
., the adsYrpt of..dseea will has she t I tf , shoat th•
We have, for the first time, reeeired the
Semi- Pfeeidy Signal, and like it very mush.
11 is too well EISOWu now fr./ as to describe it:
we 'hall only 'Ay we hope it has not disappoiet,
setae:, 1; nes spirited rentals, which we
hope is properly appreciated in Goderich -
Ms heeivior eirling woke, thug *berme
Mairall/ tier st• the
vele ea
diem to
as tie gam
Sr Ogee 4114.111 ,14, -ted
is t mit ow it via 141Psidarsho ve
.if Ore Priem el Widen"
tater thetorar-
eal tit Ibis jest ems
MindPee,00e saapi el roe. while% le *beet
*OW awe ilaa theT went
gar We ars indebted to several Brume
friends fro i•foessatwim reseeding the
Couuty Towu Question. An Article ea
the subject will appear in neat Weekly
air We would direct special attention
to the advertisement of Hotel to Rent.
The Huron Hotel m fitted up in a very
superior style, aud the situation is excel-
meeting of these interested is to be held
in Mr. Husker's Hotel, ou Thursday
evening next, fur the purpose of eremite -
bag the proposed `Society. These Societies
have been in successful operation in various
parts of Cuads, and as they are based
upon charitable and benevolent principles,
we hope W see one established iu
OF CANADA. -Mr. J. L.:tlitehell of Toron
to, is at present gathering the materials for
the above work, which is to bo published
early in the summer. 1. good carefully-
preparers Gazetteer is almost indispensable
to business men, and we hope the enter
prizing compiler will meet with abundant
soccer throughout the Province.
unteer Companies of Goderich were in-
spected by the Brigade -Majora Saturday
evening. There was a full turn out, and
ager a careful and critical examination and
Review the Major said he was very much
pleased with their progress under Sergeant
McLean's instru^tions. Ho specially
commended the artillery company fur the
program made since Inst inspection, and
also praised the Rifle. for the steadiness
and celerity of their movements.
+ YOu . nap t• yeti' ttta.p r•ti1
Hgawrtly at cum, ashy you wide, for
flhii hew trishaw proper holidays which
are Art observed in free cuuotrias-- uu
aqr the **pew rah of same Consume,
and the worse than deemaSie prcesugs
e hiders of pa ite! ma: u
Britaiu, holidays are diwantenaneed. li
is not w here. One of the most itaportaat
gy.Dta of our dal -the marrialp of arra
of the foremost of earth's, ldocarchs--s
widow's son of grans ptdarire and hope.
This is surely a Sales eateries f1eto
joiciag i and it it brie kept throughout
Canada u a holiday -another proof among
mmy that the pooplo do Dot *rept that
their oouatry is one most importer{ fe-
togrul part of that Great Christian British
Empire which is " one and indieisihk."
Wall days it should be observed de-
cently, soberly and rightly. Any depart-
ure from right on such a day would be
doubly wrong, and todeed very JaiBerous
tn doliuqueote, for the Court being iu
Seasiou punishment might, if the Crewe
pro.ecutor saw .t, follow an offence with•
unusual promptness.
Any further instruction will be at odor
given to you on the request of your Fore-
The Queen vs. Jacob Hobson and -Ren-
nicks, false pretences. Verdict, Not
The Queen vs MichAael Wentrope.-Lar-
ceny. The particulars of this case were
printed in the Signal at the time of West-
rope's arrest. Verdict, Guilty; 8snteree,
4 months imprisonment.
The Queen w Patrick Smith-Ptoasee-
tiou for not delivering up a school homer
key. Verdict, Not Guilty.
The Queen vs Janet Robertson-Lar-
ceny. Guilty, sentenced to six moth's
The Civil business was not of mach
public interest. A new Division Court
wu set off, the Court to be held in Paisley.
The following order was made at the
adjourned meeting to -day.
" Ordered, that the prevent divisiem
Court advertisements be withdrawn, and
that in futu all h be
re sue not ose published
by the Clerk of the Peaoe in two mews-
egg- We are sorry to say that another pers only, [tilf discontinued by the Judge,]
of - • ful affairs known as chiri- one in Huron and one in Brume, sod that
'ace in town this week. no other notices need be give
h egs dt'ttie w'iZ'7u-rts7
itmrs a lot of young men and
'belt446 been giving groat annoyance to
Mr. Crabb with impunity If these things
are got up, as alleged, for the protection of
Society, we honestly believe the cure is
much worse than the disease, and we think
it would be well in future for the authori-
ties to put a stop to the practice. It can
do no good. and certainly docs harm.
G. D. L. Brant. The book was left
in the Herald office, where you can get it
Thanks for it.
The Marrutge Day.
Whether the I'rince of Wales was mar-
ried on Tuesday last or no, the pimple of
Goderich celebrated the event in a very
agreeable manner. The day was dry,
clear, and not too cool for out -door exer-
cise, while the ■bseece of snow on the
streets and side -walks added much tn, the
pleasure of pakatrians. in conformity
with the
proclamation of his worship t
Mayor, in Tuesdpy'e .1' nal, the oho
were all closed,and the l n,the lade
(accompanied of course by the gentlemen,
the band, the soldiers, and in fact, near!
everybody, turned out to see and be
The respective Volunteer Compeer
numbering in
all about one
hundred rod we
Marched round the town headed by tb
band, and made a very fine appearance
especially when firing a fru de joie of to
rounds on the square. Seldom ind
has a pleasanter day been spent in God
rich. We hope the same may be said
throughout the Empire, and that it may
be the commencement of along, happy and
useful life to the Prince and his pretty
little bride.
The Grand Jurors for oar 1.dy the Quin
on our oatht
{rreser That booing merited
t e Gaol we find that the recent improvements
a satisfactory, and denies of 16e odium
ptly executed according to tee state -
eels of the Mr. Robertson, the
Jailor, praises the prisoners for their good
The Grand Jury is bappy to eo•er.tulete
e Court upon the lightness of the Criminal
lender, .6ich fret, ennsid.ring the vast ex.
vet hf these Counties, they think is an evi-
nce of the decrease of envie ,n the commo-
n r7.
The Grand Jan has reeeieed a enmmonie•-
ti n from Christopher Crabb, Eent.. Merchant,
o Gudeiich, cnmplsininr that he had, during
rerat nighta of this week, suffered ineon-, sod les of property by a riotous
gathering,, of men and boys in front of bis reel•
nee, andalso alleging that having applied
the proper autbonties, he failed to ,ivo,vs
itection. We very much regret that the
reputable practice of charivering should
allowed by the civic attbontiee of the
unify well -ordered town of Goderich-es
believe/it to be dangerous, mioehie y
imical 10 the interest of Society,.ed it r
II known that it has been a freqent tate
strife and blood -abed in rations parts of the
entire. N e believe it to be no-Rritish
d unwire in the extreme to overlook and se
coara a such diagraeefel gatheriega, and
would respectfully urge the mutter upon
e attention of those responsible for the poses
1 good order of this community.
We desire to express
our shooks to
P the
um P
♦ Attorney for his kind attention ou is,
wishing us with required information oat
tiers brought bels
nre us,
We are happy to learn that the Solicitor
neral tor Canada West is about to bring •
1 before the present Parli$meat for the
yment of Crimiusl Witnesses. We tett
at this measure will become law.
We beg toP
P p
x ref
0o thanks b
Judge for his able assistance and Modeles
win thediacharre of our duties.
IND Jute Boom. G"Daati,
The burners of theme courts is shoot
being finished as we go to press. We
subjoin the Judge's Charge. Some awes
were tried in which quenions of interest
arnee, and we Lope to gire short reports of
them in our next.
In addressing the Grand Jury, of
which Mr. James Tomnce is Foreman,
His lic nor Judge Cooper, said :
The comparative lightnexs of the cal-
endar, embracing only the ordinary caees
of larceny and usault, does not, unfor-
tunately, indicate truly the state of crime
in the Counties.
There is less crime tea be oboes red than
among the Rime number of people perhape
in any district ; but there is still much
more than might reamonably he expected.
Prosecutions for more grave offeoess,
such as attempting to pare forged meney,
and aesaulte arth intent to t.nke life. will
more pmperly come before the approaching
You will be etarefel to observe strictly
all the rules with regard to secrecy of your
tribunal. Them have been often mated
in peblie, peblished, en that yon can
have 119 di ulty in understanding them
Yon will admit no one to your
who dose sot beet ticket fmm the eller
d the Pew or Crown Attorney; and, a*
yea leer nely one ale of the ease, be
elliefal to put (rely these upon their trial
whom time is soma sulaSeetive,
thee* is weed sot le eoeslasivo, wi-
:11011 Sherif ean, if he phone, eeseete1
yew ea jeer %seal rem, ne Word you
woe °thee gettable place. It somas that
the County Covert form kindless In a
peedeleimel geettease wham premises
weal tallarthalkoly burst, hall Ilk his
She Peso lise ea seat ; hue hie loser. is
oleo jr1111#041 life 114 the Se
lase possoseitse while re erir lase.
1•11 ellealhareset et Ihe her Ile
win Iola welt e mane as be soul 111.
(Reported specie:1r tor On. Heron Signal ny mashy
correspondent )
Wei:in...11day evening last, being the termi-
nation of the 'lanes of twelve days drilL the
"Lucknow Rifles," desirous of exteedisig le
Sergeint Magee, of the 63rd Regiment, their
appreciation of his efficient services se thoir
drill inatructor, entertained that gentlemen at
a supper, given at the " Lucknow, Hotel," on
the eve of Isis departure for Kincardine. It r
Ink, necessary te mention the name of Ile,
P. *G. White es "Aline flost," to convert*
aderrate idea, es to the sumptsom ane -see
might Monet say--extravagent manner, ie
which the table was spread for the otesellier
the molt fastidious epicure could not hotte
everted being more than satisfied with seta es
inviting d.splay of everything necessary tie
constitute empeatically, •• after."
to preside at the bead of the Wok. wile
with soles invited guests, Wit flOWII,14,111 I e•A
assure yes, should the Lectern. Seem 'wove
themselves as actin: rid rearm le die ese
NOW of small mooed' on a battle Seldom thity
did at " table, en Weelewhaey
night, they are in • fair way le Weems die-
tingu.s, for
The eleth baring Item removed, Camera
hest had beast so ably dispeaed cd. wit flekle'll
gaper something rice nasileeeatl,
*vial lbea who partook of die .allesers
Mewl" te up a eileopee, ether whisk dm
dermas proposed the tenet*. maw ihst.
The (Mem," with • Mom dime them
three; 24 U. IL the Plows a Siam
all Me Proterim-ramooded to by the Cum
rainy ie ix Marty masers WO -
elan that they nella irati wow the Wafter
of the eareitemer eineed by the ealehresier
f4 the nesse haw 'MN les wipe sea
rinse theebstreses met etre • doe Gee. -
Ores. of eattrio• eel easel ass etetesegA,
yet, be me estopareleely • swasim maw
e s. vet es hot every tease le helm thee
Ike pa* a Om*. yield be bah plased
&Al benefited hy his
was eel eseasedlei to *
maim aeil mites west! sever II
gbh mow p6res hi dds fereirt sem