HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-08-12, Page 5A Hensall area couple, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elder, arrived at Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Ne- braska, for the start of the International Flying Farmers 20th annual national convention. It runs August 8 through 13. They were among some 1,200 farmers and their families from throughout the United States and Canada who attended the meet. It is one of the largest ever held in Omaha with about 400 planeloads coming in. CARS 1965 METEOR MONTCALM 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic 1965 METEOR MONTCALM 4 door sedan, just beautiful 1964 FORD Tudor, 6 cyl., standard 1964 FORD 4 door Custom, 6 cyl., standard 1964 MERCURY MONTCLAIR, one owner, loaded 1962 CHRYSLER 2-door hardtop, V8, auto. matic, power steering, power brakes 1962 STUDEBAKER 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic, white walls, wheel discs, radio 1961 MONARCH 4 door sedan, all power equipped 1960 PONTIAC Convertible, 2-door, 6 cyl., automatic, radio 1959 RENAULT 4 door sedan, just what mother needs 1960 METEOR 4.door wagon 1958 METEOR TRUCKS 1957 FORD 1 Ton with racks 1949 INTERNATIONAL 1 Ton BODYMAN'S SPECIAL 1959 PLYMOUTH 1958 PONTIAC 1957 DODGE (4) Drop in this weekend, Boy! Look At The Prices in Henson PICNIC SHOULDERS LB 450 91,6,CAL 6 oz. tins Robin Hood Pouch-Pak 9 oz Schneider's LEMONADE 10/$1 HENSALL Minced Ham LB. 49( Round Steak OR Roast L..19( Wieners LB. 45( Monarch 32 oz jar Salad Dressing 59( Red Rose 1 lb. tins Keta Salmon 2/$1 C PIE FILLING 21t)in°s7 3/$1 GRAPEFRUIT 8size/:14( BARBECUE SAUCE 2/191 STORE HOURS Closed all day every Monday; open all day Wednesday; open Friday evenings Until 9 p.m.; open Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. SPECIALS FOR AUGUST 12, 13 & 14 """."12#02'4=Far=1.23210/NOMEMZZLIEMISSSIMEMZEZZOMMEatr • CAKE MIXES Banana, Chocolate or White Aylmer 'Canadian Style BEANS Campbell's SOUP Brown Bear HONEY 16 oz. 3/49( 3/491 4 1/4)z§( 2/59( Stafford Cherry 20 oz. tins tomato or vegetable Times-Advocate, August 12, 1945 Page 5 District Rebekalis annual picnic held at Seaforth Will reside in Hensall Double ring ceremony The Past Grands of the Reb- ekahs of District 23 held their annual picnic at Lions park, Seaforth with a fair attendance from Goderich, Exeter, Seaforth and Hensall. Hensall Lodge was hostess with District De puty President Mrs. Edna Caldwell of Hensall as convenor. Sports results were: kick-the- slipper, Mrs. Harry Beaver; pass the beans on a plate relay, Mrs. Elsie Moore's team; guessing the articles in a cotton bag, two Goderich Past Grands; paper a- round the wrist, Mrs. Fred Fritz- ley; passing the spool on a Cord, Mrs. Edna Driver's team RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles, Robert and Ann returned last week from a pleasant and interesting trip through the U- nited States and Western Canada. Their trip was made by car and they were gone six weeks and travelled over 9,000 miles. They visited relatives in Pasadena, California; Vancouver City, B.C., and Brandon, Pilot Mound, and Snowflake in Manitoba, Miss Margaret Chesney of Sea- forth showed films taken on a trip through Western Canada, the United states and Canada at the Kippen East WI meeting held at Bill Gibson's cottage on Lake Huron. She was introduced by Mrs. Charles Eyre and thanked by Mrs. James Drummond, Couple mark 25 years wed Relatives, friends and neigh- bours numbering 150 met atStaf- fa Hall Saturday evening to hon- or Mr. and Mrs. George Boa, RR1 Hensall, on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniver- sary. They were presented with a well filled purse of money and other personal gifts, the presen- tations being made by Roy Smale. Lunch was served including a three-tier wedding cake followed with dancing with music provided by Nelson Howe and orchestra. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Boa left by motor for Georgia USA for a two weeks vacation. Miss Ruth Anne Traquair and Mr. Terry North of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, Blen- heim, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Mrs. Ross Dick and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Murtrie spent a week on Saddle Lake Island, Michigan, the guest of Mrs. R. S. Hopkins at her sum- mer home. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consitt, Dwight and Bill, attended the funeral of the late Kenneth Manns in Toronto Friday. JaCk Boa, Goderich, was the lucky winner of the semi auto- matic Winchester Rifle in a draw Friday evening at the Legion Hall, sponsored by Hensel]. Branch 468 Legion with proceeds for service Work, Top salesman was Garnet Allan who sold 56 books of tick- ets. Rev. H. F. Currie occupied his own pulpit at the United Church Sunday morning for the union services for the month of August. Mr. Harry Horton was soloist, and flowers Were in memory of the late Kenneth Maims. Lynne Dodds of Seaforth spent the past week with her grand- parents, Mr. and MrS. Sim Roe- bol. Mrs. Reg Green and daughter Sandra of Toronto were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McE wen. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haslip and family, Susan, Joey and Jimmy of Burlington spent the weekend holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Lorfic Hay and Linda, Mrs. Jean Cornell, Bill, Beverly, and Greg, are Spending this week vacationing at Port 91gin. Miss Mary Payne, London, spent the weekend holiday at her home. Cpl and Mrs. Lloyd Lee and family of Pieton, are holidaying With the latter's parents, Mr. Robert Mickle Robert Mickle of Hensall has been awarded the John Gordon Mc- Intosh Scholarship, Number 1, for the highest standing in the class. He came in first in the examina- tions and year's work for 1964- 65. He has now completed his second year in Honors Physics. A history of Hay Township was given by Mrs. Robert Bell. Members wore dresses back- wards for the backwards meet- ing except for three who were penalized. Mrs. Cecil Pullman gave the motto 1 t Keep us, 0 Lord, from pettiness." Mrs. Eyre chaired the program. Four 4-H club girls, Anne Kleinharr, Marian Roberts, Don- na Whitehouse and Barbara Gem- mell demonstrated some of the first aid techniques learned in the project "The club girl stands on guard," Mrs. Vern Alderdice presided for the business when club lea- ders since 1962 were presented with gifts by Mrs. Grant Mat- lean. Those honored were Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs. Stewart Pep- per, Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse, Mrs. Vern Alderdice, Mrs. Viv- an Cooper, Mrs. Russell Con- sitt, Mrs. Hugh Hendrick, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. Ross For- rest, Mrs. Robert Gemmell and Mrs. Harry Caldwell, It was decided to put on a program November 1 at Ontario Hospital, Goderich. Plans were made for the dinner fashion show in October. Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Mrs. Glenn Bell were hostesses. and Mrs. Fred Peters and Bonnie. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vol- land entertained the Volland-Al- exander bridal party at their home Friday evening following rehearsal. Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie, Mrs. Ross Dick and Mrs. R. S, Hop- kins visited in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eller and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Cochrane. Mrs. Gerald Bell is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, having undergone surgery. Hensall firemen were called Friday evening to extinguish a fire in a car parked in the CNR station yard owned by Glenn Mc- Kenzie of Hensel', Damage was confined to the back seat of the car. Mr. Sydney Geiger, public school inspector of Gore Bay, Manitoulin, was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kennedy, and Mr. Ira Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilson and sons, Larry and Barrie have returned to Regina, Sask., after visiting with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charl Wilson, Benson. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited re- cently with her son-in-law and daughter, mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGregor. Mrs. Mildred Bell underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Saturday. Mrs. Grace Harpole returned home from a pleasant visit with Sgt. & Mrs. Robert Lambie and family at Gypsumville, Manitoba. Mr. Roy Cook of Toronto and niece Mrs. Edna Smith of London visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. David Blackwell and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart 131aCkwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holland of Clinton visited recently with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster and Bradley. Mrs. Jean Cornell and faintly returned home after holidaying at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. torte 'Thomson returned to Toronto after hol- idaying at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacGreg- Wright reunion held Sunday The annual Wright reunion was held at Kirkton Park, Sunday. About 60 attended the dinner in Aberdeen Hall. The 1966 reunion will be held at Seaforth Lions Park July 24 With Lorne Ross as president and Mrs. Laurabelle Reichert, sec- retary; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ruston, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ross; table committee, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton. The results of the sports con- ducted by Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper were: pre-school, Larry Dalton, Billy Jeffery; boys, 6-8, Maurice Ruston, Larry Dalton; girls, Lois Dalton, Joanne Ross; boys, 9-11, Larry Wright, Dennis Pepper; girls, Ruth Jeffery, Kay Reid; girls over 12, Marion Ross; boys, Larry Wright; m at' r i e cl men, Carl Dalton, Percy Wright; married ladies, Myrtle Baillie; kick-the-slipper, children, Mar- ion Ross; ladies, Doris Jeffery; men, Carl Dalton; children's re- lay, Ruth Jeffery's team; milk bottle relay, Ina Wright; Ladies' smallest shoe, Jean Pepper; men's smallest shoe, Orland Reichert; youngest per- son, Julie Wright; oldest person, Mrs. Mary Ross; most recent- ly married, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reid; longest married, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kercher; close st birthday, Nancy Pepper; biggest waist line, Herb Kercher; most jewellery, Mrs. Herb Kercher; shortest brush cut, Larry Dal- ton; baldest head, Ross Pepper; most buttons on dress, Janet Dalton; most pennies in pocket, Larry Wright; most unusual ar- ticle in purse, Myrtle Baillie. guessing number of candies in jar, Ruth Jeffery; guessing ar- ticles in egg, Lois Dalton. Services for area resident Funeral services for the late Percy Tippett of Varna were held from Honthron Funeral Home Thursday, August 5 con- ducted by Rev. Harrison of Hay- field. Mr. Tippett, '76, passed away in Clinton Public Hospital Tues- day, August 3 and is survived by his wife, the former Elsie Petty, three sisters, Mrs. Wm Hayter, Varna; Mrs. John Pease, Lon- don; Mrs. Charles Upshall, Bay- field. Interment was in Hayfield cemetery. pallbearers were Elmer Har- vey and Mervyn Hayter, Lloyd Pease, Ervin Pease and Jack Baron, Hensall native dies in Toronto Funeral services for the late Kenneth Manns who died suddenly at his home Toronto on Tuesday, August 3, were held from the Turner and Porter Funeral Home, 131oor St., Toronto, Fri- day, August 6 at 11 am. Kenneth, 45, on the staff of Goodyear Rubber Co. was on vacation when he was suddenly stricken with a heart seizure at his home. He was born in Hensall, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manns, and is survived by his wife, the former Marguerite Mayer, and one son, Donald at home, who recently signed up with the Toronto Police Force. Mr. W. S. Shepherd of Hensall is an uncle of the deceased. or and family moved to the farm they recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNichol east of Ripped. Mrs. John Henderson will leave Sunday, August 15 by jet to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bates of Whytewold Beach, Manitoba, near Winnipeg, whom she has not seen for 27 years. She will also visit with her sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, Winnipeg, her bro- ther, Hubert of Saskatoon, and with relatives of her late husband. Mrs. Gordon Vickers, Catha- rine and Allan of Newmarket visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Horton and Mrs. Peter McNaughton and Ro- bert. Mrs. Wesley Veneer is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Rod Chapman returned home after spending a week at the church camp at Goderich. Mrs. Peter McNaughton, Mrs. Bert Horton and Mrs. Gordon Vickers, Catharine arid Allen of Newmarket visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold SCruton, Port Dover. Broom corn is a grass from which brooms and clothes brushes are made. Marilyn Elizabeth Lone be- came the bride of Alvin Taylor at a ceremony in Our Lady of Czestochowa Roman C atholic Church, London, Rt. Rev, Fran- cis Pluta officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lone, Lon- don, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor Jr, Kippen. The bride's floor-length gown was imported Italian pure silk peau de soie with fitted bodice. The controlled skirt, double plea, ted, had a front panel appliqued with lace, Her fingertip veil of pure silk illusion was held by a matching peau de sole band and she carried a .W.n.gnet of Ameri- can beauty roses and step.han, oti.s. Miss Florence .Godwin was maid of honor wearing a floor, length gown of rose peau de soie, with matching lace bodice, William Shaddick, Hensall, was.. groomsman, and Murray Baker, Hensall, and Robert Clarke lish, ered guests. For the wedding trip to Cal, gary and Banff the bride wore a white silk suit with brown .accessories. The couple will reside in Hen- sail. The bride Is a graduate of London Teachers' College. Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002 Mrs. ,Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 Margaret Ann Alexander (Peg- gy), became the bride of Donald Preston Volland, In Cavan United Church, Winthrop, Saturday, July 31. Rev. J. C. Britton officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alexander, RR4 Walton and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Volland, Hensall. Miss Margaret Bosch of Ex- eter provided traditional wedding music and accompanied the solo- ist Mr. Harry Klungel of Hensall who sang ‘10 Perfect Love" and "I'll walk beside you". Given in marriage by her , fa- ther, the bride wore a floor- length gown of nylon organza. The basque bodice of Chantilly lace was fashioned with long lily point sleeves and a scall- oped high scoop neckline. The bouffant skirt featured a scal- loped hemline of lace caught up with two lace rosettes. The back was highlighted by a detachable watteau chapel train scalloped with double band of matching lace, caught at the shoulders by tiny bows. A double wedding band headdress held her pure silk illusion finger tip veil. She car- ried a cascade of 25 pink roses and ivy. Miss Louise Jones of London was maid of honor and brides- maids were Mrs. Glen Nixon, Hensall, Mrs. Gary Alexander, Seaforth, and Mrs. John Alex- ander, Holmesville. They wore identical dresses of pelican pink french chiffon over taffeta, styled with A line skirts, two panels of chiffon, caught with tiny bows, fell from waist at back. They wore matching shoes and head pieces and carried crescents of white and pink glow mums, with white ribbons. The flower girls, Lori Alexander, niece of the bride, and Sandra Nixon, Hensall, niece of the groom, were dressed in white silk organza dresses styled with boleros. They carried white baskets of pink roses and pink ribbons. Keith Volland of Hensall was his brother's groomsman, and Gerald Volland, Hensall, Gary Alexander, Seaforth, and John Alexander, Holmesville, ushered guests. The wedding dinner was served in the church parlours, Serving were Mrs. Merton Keyes, Mrs. Everett storey, Miss Marlene Pepper, and Miss Elaine Beattie. For a wedding trip to the Northern States, the bride chose Area resident passes Funeral services for the late Mrs. Alex Crerar of RR2 Hen- sail were held from the Bon- thron funeral home, Hensall, Fri- day, August 6 with Rev. H. F. Currie of Hensall United Church conducting the service. Mrs. Crerar, 83, was the for- mer Lydia A. Mitchell. She was predeceased by her husband in 1946, She died in South Huron Hospital, Wednesday, August 4. Surviving are one son, Allan at home and one sister, Mrs. John Campbell, Brussels, Burial was in Listowel cem- ' etery. Pallbearers were Messrs. Harold Mitchell, Neil Campbell, Archie Campbell, Edison For- rest, William H. Bell and Jim Sangster. a pink two piece lace suit, with white picture hat, shoes and gloves. A white gardenia com- pleted her ensemble. Mr. and Mrs. Volland. will reside in Hensall. The bride is on the staff of Queensway Nurs- ing Home, Hensall. Guests attended from Seaforth, London, Herleybery, Goderich, Weston, Stratford, and Hensall, Kippen East WI shown films of Canada and U.S. II llllllllll I lllll M11111111111 lllll 111111111111MM lllllll 1111111 lllll 1111)1111MM lllllll 1 llllll 111111N I1111“1$11111 IIIIHt1. lllll Hensall personals lllllllll MIMI! lllllll Illig111$ llllll I lllllll It llllll 1111111.111 llllll 1111111t111111011111111111111111111111111111 lllll llllll I Flying farmers METEOR, COMET, MERCURY Hwy 4 South 262-2604 HENSALL MOTORS LTD