HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-07-29, Page 12Ah, summer Ever go fishing in a mud puddle? These Centralia boys say they do regularly. From left, Ricky Snell, 8, Bob Corey, 8, and Bob Snell, 10, all of Centralia. "They're biting," said Ricky, but he admitted he hadn't caught any yet. --T-A photo BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C., B.A. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons Grand Bend Saturday Mornings by Appointment PHONE 519.235.0440 EXETER USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Offide — Exeter, Ont. i rectors Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 President Cromarty Martin Feeney RR 2 Vice-President Dublin William H. Chaffe Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhotm RR 1 Science Hill Raymond McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Tim Toohey RR 3 Lucan Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates Exeter Clayton Harris Mitchell RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit" Cocoanut Peach Salad (summertime salad for your party or your family) 2 boxes of lemon gelatin 1 cup dessicated cocoanut 1 sheet tinfoil 2 tins Canada Choice peach halves (buy your favourite brand of Ontario-produced peaches!) 1/2 package cream cheese (white) 1 bunch watercress (or other greens for garnishing) Dissolve gelatin in ONE cup of hot water and pour into cake tin (glass or aluminum). Sprinkle 1/2 cup of cocoa- nut into gelatin. Divide tin foil in 4 strips and fold stiff to use as dividerS for 9 equal square servings of jelly. Leave jelly in refrigerator until slightly set. Fill 9 peach halves with white cream cheese and place one in each square (flat side down). Hold in place with toothpicks. Cut up the rest of the peaches and add some to each square. Dissolve second box of gelatin in one cup of cold water and pour slowly into mould. Sprinkle remaining cocoanut over all. Chill thoroughly. Unmould, remove tinfoil dividers carefully. Slice each square with sharp knife. Garnish with watercress. Serves 9. TRAVEL TIPS • • • fot Canada's superhighways STOP FREQUENTLY. A five-minute Stop each beer at designated rest areas helps keep you alert. Walk around . . . exercise . . . have a soft drink or light snack. Chew gum while driving to relieve chance of 'highway hypnosis'. PLAN AHEAD. Check brakes, steering, lights, exhaust, tires — all safety points before you set out. SNELL BROS. CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE 450 Main S. EX ETER 235-0660 HAVING TROUBLE PAYING INSURANCE PREMIUMS? With Homeowners' Package Protection, you have only one premium to pay — and you can budget it by the monthf What's more, with this type of consolidated protection, you get more coverage at less cost. See us about this modern insurance today. M. J. Gaiser W. H. Hodgson J. A. Kneels WE CARRY THE FINEST OLD-LINE COMPANIES CONKLIN'S Mid-Summer Clearance SALE *Special Values *Special Terms! *Act Now! Look At This! Reg. $2.99 Ceiling Squares $199 Here's value in a class by itself. Handsome Ivory finish . . . easy to install. Durable quality. Act now! 4'x4'x1/4 " Just Arrived! Reg. $15.00 Door Mirrors $ 95 These are top quality and beauti• fully finished. Heavy glass—heav- ily silvered. None finer anywhere. 18"x54" Clear-Away Special! OUR COMPLETE STOCKS OF GARDEN TRELLISES and HANGING BASKETS At Drastic Reductions Ripple Mahogany 1/4 " PANELLING Reg. $9,95 $595 Golden Tone Full TAMO PANELLING $R171$9 95 Exeter hosts two lawn tourney Exeter magistrates e our t tried nine cases Tuesday and collected $279.50 in lines and court costs. More than half the fine total came from one man, John Mack- lern Smith, RR 2 Dashwood. He was fined $50 and costs for hay- ing the care or control of a ve- hicle while impaired, $50 for failure to show proof of car in- surance, and $25 and costs for having liquor in a place other thane residence. In addition, Smith's driving licence was suspended for three months. He was given the al- ternative of 19 days in jail for the fines, Smith pleaded guilty to all three charges. Constable IL C. Reid testified he found Smith asleep, June 26, op a Hay township road north of Highway 83 and was "substan- tially impaired." Gordon McQueen, 18, of Lon- don pleaded not guilty to driving carelessly on Highway 81. south- east of Grand Bend on May 30. Nevertheless he was fined $e() and costs. Corp. C. J. Mitchell testified McQueen was found to be driving too fast for the conditions near a lineup of cars entering the Grand Bend pragway. Magistrate Glenn Hays, Q.C. said the defendant owed a duty to the passengers and to the lineup ahead, He said a speed of 45 mph was much too fast considering the existing cir- cumstances and the number of people in the car. Bertram McCullough of Kit- chener pleaded guilty to impair- ed driving and having liquor in a place other than a residence. His request for an adjournment to August 10 was granted. George Arnold Maxwell, 21, of Hensall pleaded guilty to squeeling his tires on several streets in the village on July 16. Chief E. R. Davis said he attempted to stop him but was unable to do so. The accused stated he did not see the constable who was not in uniform. He had two previous charges for similar offences. Fine was $50 and costs. "Just to be smart, I guess," was the only explanation Philip Wayne Davis, 18 of Exeter had for the court for careless driv- ing on July 16. He pleaded guilty and was fined $50 and costs.' Corp. Mitchell testified that Davis was going West on Huron Street and in making a turn, spun the car directly around. This happened at several points. Corp. Mitchell stated that at one point the accused was driv- ing on the sidewalk to avoid timmaramgm N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 JOHN S. McGRAIL REAL ESTATE BROKER Niagara St. WYOMING Phone 845-3932 Specializing in Farms and Rural Properties. Listings required on farms and rural properties. CALL JACK ROSS, SALESMAN at Thedford 296.4689 hitting another vehicle. The car was judged unfit for driving by the mechanic. Robert Jackson of Exeter was fined $10 and costs when he pleaded guilty to failing to yield the right of Way at the inter-, section of Highways 83 and 21. Jackeon'e car collided with another creating slight damage to both cars, Jackson stated he was blinded by the sun. Richard Jackson, 19 of Lon- don was caught by radar on July 4. Const. E. P. McNeil testified he clocked Jackson going 45 mph in a 30 mile zone. Jackson pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and costs. Wagon' sets new record It was a hair raising, wheel standing display byCalifornia's Bill 'Maverick' Golden with his 'Little Red Wagon' which brought almost '7,500 drag rac- ing fans to their feet Sunday at Grand Bend Dragway. Golden pulled an 11 ft, 0.vheely' for almost 200 ft. and turned his fastest speed ever — 134.11 miles an hour — with his 700 horsepower herni-Dodge half ton pickup. His best elapsed time for the standing quarter mile was 11.43 seconds. Next week 'The Bend' fea- tures its annual competition and gasser meet over Saturday and Sunday. The Brothers Brown with their Miller-Greg- ory blown Chev-powered Fiat from Toronto will be among the top cars present. GB yachts plan regatta The Grand Bend Yacht Club annual regatta gets underway this weekend, Saturday, Sunday and Monday at the resort har- bor. Commodore John Young expects between 40 and 50 yachts to take part. Races begin Saturday at 2pm with classes for A and B cata- marans, keel boats and centre boards. At 6 p.m. the club will have smorgasbord dinner at the club house and sailing movies and an informal get together. On Sunday race time is at 12 noon and Monday at 10 a.m. Presentation of trophies will be made at the clubhouse at 2 p.m. Campbell clan gathers at park The first Campbell picnic was held Sunday, July18 at Riverview Park, Exeter, with approximat- ely 72 in attendance, The following were the win- ners of the different races and sports; Races girls 6-8, Bonnie Campbell; boys 6-8, Fred Campbell; girls 8-10, Betty Campbell; boys 8,10, D a v id Smith; girls 10-12, Janet Smith; boys 10-12, Brian Campbell; girls 13 and over, Joan Camp- bell; boys 13 and over, Gary Campbell; wheelbarrow race, Linda Smith, Jim Campbell; girls kick the slipper, June Campbell; boys kick the slip- per, Don Campbell; married women's race, Audrey Koehler; married men's race, Ray Con- sitt; ladies kick the slipper, June Campbell; men's kick the slipper, Harold Campbell; ear- ring race, Audrey Koehler,Ray Consitt; relay race, Glen Koeh- ler's team. Peanut scramble was held for the children and a baseball game followed supper. PINERY FIRES Investigation has begun by the OPP into three small fires found in unusual locations in the Pin- ery Park. The fires had been spotted by rangers and were quickly doused. LUCAN Mr. Wm Allen of Winnipeg is returning to his home on Albert St. Mrs. Allen and children came ahead and are living in Mrs.. W. J. McFall's home until their own home is vacant. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott were Monday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Gardiner, Exeter, who have just returned from a trip to the West. Mrs. John McLean, now of Toronto, spent a few days last week at her home here. Mr. Wm Cochrane is a pa- tient in Westminster Hospital, for tests following a sudden Ill- ness last Friday. Mrs. Harold Hodgins who un- derwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital is able to be home and has her sister Mrs. Lily O'Neil of Detroit with her. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Crozier, Jane and Susan, have returned from a nine-day motor trip to the St. Lawrence seaway, Ri- deau Lake area and New York State. Mr. & , Mrs. Duncan Tindall of Listowel were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Don Abbott. Mr. Thomas Morkin Jr., is a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Miss Joyce Rummell is holi- daying with her sister, Mrs. S. J. Morrison and family of Detroit. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murdy spent last weekend in Mt. Forest visiting Mr. & Mrs. Ed Morris and family and caring for Mrs. Morris and Sandra who have been on the sick list. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Morley and Larry have returned from a four-day motor trip to Ottawa, Montreal and Kingston. Rev. & Mrs. E. C. Attwell and family of Ottawa spent a few days with Mr. D. A. Ash- worth and Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins last week and Mrs. Helen Smith has returned to St. Thomas after a two week visit. Mrs. Burns Smith who under- went surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, is able to be home. Mrs. J. R. Murray is re- cuperating from a cataract op- eration, at the home of her son, Mr. Jack Murray, London. Mrs. Lester Howland, De- troit, spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hamilton. Mrs. Harold Cobleigh of the Lucan PS Staff and Miss Donna Heins of London have returned from a two-week motor trip to the east coast and New York. Last Tuesday, Mrs. Gerald Hamilton celebrated her birth- day, with a party of 18 rela- tives and friends from Bur- gessville, Ailsa Craig and Lat- een. Peggy and Nancy Stretton, ten and eight-year old daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Herb Stretton who have been holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Hodgins returned with their parents Sunday evening to their home in Hensall, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins isunder- going tests in St. Joseph's Hos- pital. MOUNT CARMEL Mrs. Gerard McCarthy and family of Maidstone are visit- ing for a week With Mrs. Mi- chael Ryan Sr., and family. Rev. Father Vincent Guinan, CSB, visited with his sister Mrs. Michael Ryan Sr., 1 ast week and other relatives, A. meeting of the Holy Name Men was held in the parish hall last week with Rev. F a th er Clark in charge, New officers Were appointed and plans were made to renovate the church and Improve the new piece on the cemetery. Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Ducharme and children, Windsor, called on Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Carey last week while on Vatallori. Mrs. Nora O'Brien visited for a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O'Brien and fam- ily. Mrs. George Fres ar d and family of Detroit spent a few holidays at the home of Mrs. Josephine Regier. Mrs. Clem Boland, Mrs. Ca- therine Morrissey and Mrs. Joe Conlin motored to Stratford last Sunday and visited with Rt. Rev. W. T. Corcoran and Geraldine Harness. SHIPKA Mr. & Mrs. John Lovie (Mal- lard Line) visited Sunday with Mrs. Baker. Miss Janet Guenther has re- turned home from a holiday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Nicholson and family, Brigden. Mr. Dave Sheppard, Cooks- ville, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sheppard. CENTRALIA Mrs. C. Rowe, Linda and Car- olyn were visitors for a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery. Mr. Rowe motor- ed over and spent a couple of days before they returned to their home in Windsor. Anne Bell of Exeter was a weekend guest with Marie Powe. Mr. and Mrs. George Snell and family visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Casey Van Der Gulik and fam- ily in Wallaceburg. Mrs. Allan McLay of Ripley spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powe and family. Elaine, Marie and Alan Powe accompanied her home and will remain for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sorensen of Chatham were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery. Mrs. Lorne Hicks and her sister Miss Wilda Pollock will arrive home this week following a two week vacation with rela- tives in Saskatoon, Sask. They made the trip by boat and train. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Arm- strong and Mac of Teeswater, Mrs. (Rev) Errol Shilliday of St. Thomas, Mr. George Pletch of Alberta and Misses Bonnie and Mary Ann Pletch of Bel- grave were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powe and family. DASH WOOD Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda of Zion were Monday visitors with Mrs. Ervin Rader, Sharon and Paul. Ford Miller accompanied Ro- bert Annan to Pickering where he will spend a few days. Mr. & Mrs. George Wolfe, Toronto, vacationed with Mrs. Wes Wolfe and other relatives last week. Miss Thelma Weber of Lone don and Rev. & Mrs. C. B. Carr of St. Jacobs vacationed with Mrs. Dan Weber. Mrs. Jack Geiser and Kim have returned home after two weeks in London with Mrs. Wilbur Stewart. Mr. & Mrs. Siegfried Miller and family of Port Dover spent the weekerid with Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Miller accompanied Mr. & Mrs. Fred Pesch, Doreen and Maureen and Ernilien bumonceaux of Kipling, Sask. to Dresden on Monday Where they visited Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Clark and Way- ne. Mr. & Mrs. Ford Miller and Mr. & Mrs. Robert Annan and family of Pickering spent Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Wright, Galt at their Summer cottage at Port Elgin. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Pesch, Dor- een and Maureen and Etnili en Durnoneelibt of Kipling, task are spending sometime with Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Stade and Sher- rie. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Erdman returned to Detroit after va- cationing with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac. WINCHELSEA Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Vivian and family moved into their new home this week. Attending a family picnic at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman and family, Sunday, were Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ische, RR 5 Stratford, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid Annis, Joan, Ken and Calvin, RR 3 Mitchell, and Mr. Bonnie Miller, Joanne and Hal Hooke, former field of- ficer for the Ausable River Conservation Authority, has been appointed secretary of the select committee named re- cently by Premier Roberts to consider all aspects of Auth- orities throughout Ontario. Hooke left this area in 1961 and went as field officer to the Otonabee Conservation Auth- ority in the Peterborough area. It is expected the select com- mittee will not have a report for about one year as they plan to make a thorough study of Au- thorities from several aspects; including constitution, financ- ing, expropriation and the abil- ity of member municipalities to pay their share towards con- servation schemes. This latter area is one of prime concern to the Ausable River Conservation Authority as it may lead to a solution of the present Parkhill dam ques- tion. At a recent meeting, the ARCA named a committee to work with their office staff in preparing a brief to be present- ed to the select committee at one of the hearings planned. Members of the committee Midgets nip in for tie The Exeter Midgets came from behind with three runs in the final inning to tie Hensall 4-4 in a game that was played at the local park on Monday night, The contest was the second tie game of the year for the local crew. They tied the Lucan Juveniles 5-5 in their first game of the season. Exeter pitcher Larry Willert went the full six innings on the mound for Exeter and allowed three hits while Ken Smale who was on the hill for the visitors gave up four safeties. Hensall scored single runs in the second, third, fourth and Sixth frames and held a 4-1 lead goieg into the final frame. But the hornesters ral- lied to tie the game after one was Out in the sixth. Pitcher Willert started the rally off with a single and then rode home on Hill Pairbaire's triple. Bill Bourne went down on stri- kes for the second out but Bob Beavers gained first base On an infield error. He later scored on pirich hitter Pete Lawson's booming triple that was hit into right center field. The four Exeter safeties were scattered among four different batters with Lawson and Fair- bairn picking up triples and singles coming off the bats Of Bill Farquhar and Larry Wil- lert. 75 attend Parsons picnic The seventh annual Parsons reunion was held at Riverview Park, Sunday July 25 with ap- proximately '75 members atten- ding. A full line of sports were run off under direction of Mr. & Mrs. Doug. Parsons and Mrs. Jack Parsons. Winners of races were; up to 3 years, Cheryl Ann Parsons; 3-5 years, Kathy parsons; 5-8 years, Judy Par- sons; 9-12 years, Allan Par- sons; 12-14 years, Bobby Par- eons; young men, Ronald Par- sons; young ladies, Lynda Re- gan; men's kick the slipper, Laird Finlayson; ladies kick the slipper, Muriel Parsons; pass- ing the orange relay, passing the weiner relay, Maida Gal- ser's side; passing the kitchen articles , Howard Holtzman's side; oldest person at picnic, Mrs. Olive Andrew; youngest was Faye Geiser; largest fam- ily, ielr. and Mrs. Frank Par- sons; coming the farthest, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Parsons & fam- ily, Montreal. Officers for 1967, President & Sec. Treasurer, Mr. & Mrs. H. Holtzman; Table Committee, Mr. & Mrs. L. Finlayson, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Parsons; Sports Committee, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Parsons, Mrs. Gretta Richard, Miss Alma Richard. Bob Templeman, David Daw and Henry Neevel were among the 4-H members from Perth County who enjoyed a bus trip to Douglas Point and Port El- gin recently. Miss Mary Miller, Monro, visited recently with Miss E lea- ner Kemp. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Bowman at- tended a school reunion inHag- ersville on Friday evening and later visited with Mr. & Mrs. A. Bowman, Hagersville. Mrs. Bert Daynard has been a patient in Stratford General Hospital where she underwent surgery last week. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lyall,Nancy and David, Agincourt, are holi- daying with Mrs Lyalls' mother, Mrs. Sam Norris. are: Lorne Hay, Hensall; Jim Stewart, Lobo; Joe Bryan, Bid- dulph Township; Charlie Cor- bett, Lucan and chairman Free- man Hodgins, Parkhill. The ARCA plans to send no- tices to area councils advising that their comments will also be welcomed by the committee for inclusion in the brief. At present the select com- mittee is touring various Au- thorities and the public meet- ings to receive briefs are ex- pected to commence in the fall. The Exeter Lawn Bowling Club etaged two tournaments as well as a club jitney last week as the lawn bowling season moved into the mid-season point. Tuesday evening 2Q bowlers from St. Marys came over to bowl on the local green while last Wednesday afternoon the Exeter club was the scene of a large tourney with bowlers from Mitchell, St. Marys, Lam- beth, Woodstock, Port Stanley and Goderich taking part. In the Saturday night jitney Wes Watson was declared the winner with two wins and aplus of 12 while Wilf Goodwin and Girlie Ince tied for second place with two victories and a plus of four. Bob Middleton's score of one win and a plus of 10 was good enough for third place in the evenings competition. A total of 46 St. Marys and Exeter bowlers took part in TOWN TOPICS Mrs. William Taylor, of Pri- nce George, B.C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. C. Coates. Miss Vietoria Coward is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Miss Mary Van Camp was in Owen Sound and entered two of her paintings in the Jury com- petition at the Tom Thomson Art Museum. The show con- cludes August 7. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wil- liams are leaving August 2 for a trip to Western Canada. They will return about October 1st, Mrs. Norman Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phelps, of Detroit, Mich., called on Mrs. Frank Taylor, also Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weber and Mr. and Mrs. John Ovens, of Clan- deboye. Mrs. Ford is leaving for the south shortly. Mrs. Whitney Coates return- ed home Monday after visiting for a week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Doherty, Mount Clemens. Miss- es Denise and Debra Doherty returned home after visiting ten days with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates. Mrs. Bert Gillies, of Midland, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey. Mr. Gillies is at present assisting the mana- ger of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Parkhill. Mr. Bob Johnson of Oshawa spent two weeks vacation with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Johnson, during which time they took a trip to Tobermory. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Klein- feldt, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Carter, Danny, Tracy and Paul have returned home after spending a pleasant holiday vis- iting with relatives at Niagara Falls, Lockport, Buffalo (N.Y.) HENSA LL Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie, Mrs. Ross Dick, Mrs. R. S. Hop- kins visited in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eller and Mr. and Mrs. James W. Coch- rane. the Tuesday event after which lunch was served by the lady members of the local club. In the night's competition, Carrie Lindsay of St. Marys won two games and had a. plus of 17 to take first place honoars. Exeter bowler Ray Smith re- corded two wins and a plue of 13 to finish in the runnerup position. Other prize winners in the event included Ted Chambers, A. Petrie, Cord Ball, Hugh Love, Wes Watson, Lillian Pym, Bob Nicol and V. Sgaricilla. Local bowlers fared very well in the large tournament that was held at the. Exeter Club Wednesday.. They capture d first, fifth and sixth positions in the day long competition. Fred and Betty Tilley were the tournament champions, with three wins and a plus of 17. Wes Vernier and Kay Bell of the host club piece fifth with two wins and a plus of 19. Wes Watson and Mrs. Ruston came in Sixth with two victories and a plus of 18, A Woodstock rink led by Norm Bell placed second with three wins and a plus of 16 while Seaforth and Goclerich rinks held down the third and fourth places, Page 12 Times•Advocate, 4uly 29, 1965 .Careless drivers head court docket MgEnlititintNatranitERE-7 .211:23MSHOMMMIUMMIEtIMMInt Business Director IMMEINWINgeraMiTOMMIZZigratal C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9 - 12, 2 - 5 Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 119 MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensall Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 p. m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 DR. DON FL GRATTON DENTAL SURGEON D.D.S., L.D.S. 346 Main St, Exeter Phone 235.0601 Closed Wednesday Afterrioon JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types of sales "For Top Prices" EXETER LONDON Phone 235-0720 4514630 I 1111 III 0 I I I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141111 I I II 11111111111111IIIIII 11111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110IIIIIIi11111 News from round and about 1111111111I111111111111111111011111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111 II I I 1111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111M1 I I II I II I II I I I Hal Hooke named , to Aut h o rity study