HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-03-17, Page 1111.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE!
TSB RIOT IN DE rsolr. k' down with as" ad wft the "iv
:(Firmin the Detroit Free Peer ul8atunlsy.)
Ymtrday was the bloodiest duty that ever
!pawned upas Distrait. The feeling of revenge
lad hotrod which had been eedendered by the
lMIoetrags spots the person ut a little orphan
girl girl outran/and in the moat brutal awl
bloody riot that ever disgraced enycommuniy.
IfoigIy uatha pure!.( the symptoms el the riot
legis to ran. ifer. thew strong.
Mr Y the day progressed, until the final erup-
tion and fuel ad desastious consequences
erbitch reaped. It emend u though the
muds of the man who 'constituted the vest
envied Adak assembled in and around the
Oit,liail is the forenoon were bent on mur-
derme mischief. T..ey were resolved that the
agro Fullmer @bread forfeit 1111 life at their
hands, be his verdict sad sentence what it
. Uy to 11 o'clock ■oou no d'uturbence of a
serious nature had occurred. At *bunt half -
pmt 11, after the adjournment of the court,
the Moods wbtab oonorded the coming storm
began to gather. The mob first iueugunted
the day by peuy persecutions of +any oe;rota
'who chanced toco,0v in the vicinity of the
�at! Heil. Any of that unfortunate race who
}eppond along were suhject•,d to kicks. cuffs
,.aced btows,and were Iiable to be butchered up-
msi the strum. Ems women ane children were
Pot esempt,serersl of them being abased iu a
most sbareetul and outrageous manner.
These proceedings continued without inter-
ruption until the reassembling of the court,
ween all who could obtain in(reaa iuto the
haft did so, and the street became compare
eivsly Beet it w • quiet that immured
Wiser than dimiaiand the fierce passions of
the enraged and uocuntrollable men who had
eel' themselves tip in defiance of ibr law. -
Arun the very balls cf justice then were
epvq sppnbsostew that enlace would he
to give vent to their malice.
Tbe first hour when a negro family resided
one ed of which wee used se • cooper shop.
situated on Bas him street, was amaelted
with bricks, p•4ing nous and e els. About
• dozen negroes were st work in the shop or
Mopping is the home at the time. The moat
of tbem were armed, and find several shots
into the erowd from the windows,taking effect
is newel in.tsneee, but not Bally injuring
any one, as tar m eou.d be aecertai,ed,
As each shot from the negro hovel reser
berated tbroagh the vicinity, the fiendishness
o( the mob became more manifest, ed their
desperation more dreadful. The firearms in
poe.ession of the eegroes deterred them from
entering, for it would have been almost certain
death tor any lnaa to attempt it. Any mis-
eine tbal mould be obtained were hurled at
the rendezvous of the negro.!, the widows
and doors bent opera and everything destroyed
which could be wren by those outside. Finally,
' that they could not be forced out of
Oft place in any otber manner, th.-
m•tllh of the, incendiary win placed .t one
end p( the building, and i0 a very short tip
ale lames spread Mr se to avelope almost all
tba eel$ lisildipg The wrens at this up
wp mkt egdrly %Megdeseriptinn. With-
��isi lata s perfeft Ieod of livid Game,
s%Oi s seri of b1e06-!hire rioters,
• re sternest at the doors
their hand, waiting for their
to spoon, it use • ugly pitable and
Imbue sight To. poor wretches inside
abeam! &untie with fright, undecided
whether to remain snit die by means of the
devoeneg el.msat, or ager the almost m-
eat sei\y tete which awaited them .t the
hard. of the aigrette= erowd. There was so
nervy etei dad M the a1Rri.g ereaeWe
thee cawed bars bees.bews to • ratloss•b..
1h tesweteM mem, no Orpiment's snap
de swat* fine, *Ad deephoneal spiels of re,
asp *Met had mhos penman of Mat mess
d psaple. Ose nand weans* maty hes cp•
peresee a the dens with a hale eth4le leer
a mi.so the soh Por wrseey. The
s sellar- kart amt be !mkt; ler emarM.ppeoh
When Wet with a shame. of brise, sena and
.iebs Meer herself ad babe la her area
Wet ase the bent' ng beildisg. •t thi jea-
n* ege!tae, moM is maty at fhb s.*,d-
1r taM� hhetmo• est, rushed a hot senermee,
met seWf ptsssdng M. nese tam
Ma einewai wyat tia
rtered her. Ret the I
had re cede mosedia. They net
d Cane ere to sl wkeMed sadwith
diem tarn etemiyeualf ei�sflwtl .it\ r.ery
gown .or e1 -L for.itg awes, .prigs
tale* s..M be
mAe01b► mrd trwelmW/
end r. mews of tank. The higharad
emesis nes anew as Idea an felgte
!tate pass sewi eon nth eadaaets As they
fmime emets7 weer berme end bntud An a
MtaMbtlti iMt w.Am,•Beetl
but who alerwards nooeand oal7 to he
again set upon and beaten to imenability.
Tho eases which followed were u(• simi-
lar mature. 04 men, eighty year. of aahga,,
were sus in the least reapeeled, but soaked
down wile the is. fiendish eidetic -Unease.
which characterised all the other prom:eddi s
of the day. Alter the but building had bees
reduced to mho, the appetite of arms bad
only been whetted. and nut at all appeased.
As night approsc►ed they grew bolder, •sd
d1.1 not scruple a comsat de worst crimes
epos the calendar with perfect impemty. The
houses on Lafayette street, between lima•bies
and St. Antuin •, were btsnlly soaked of (hair
content, and tho furniture piled in the mid -
d e of the street and burin 1. Among. the
s,ticles constituting the bonfires, • I•
number of magical i•atr.mente could be da.-
cure.ed, base violins, banjos, guitars, ascot.
demo, and almost every musical instrument
in existence. Feather beds were ripped open
sod the coutenta sc.uereed over the streets,
and everything valuable totally destroyed.
Then, not satisfied with having destroyed
teem ratite of furniture, the tura was ap-
plied to the building. sud uesrly the white
of the entire block, un both sides of the auhet,
sem soon levelled to the,(rouod. The steam-
ers were on the spot pruuiptly, bat would not
be permitted to throw water on the hnu.ea of
white men W frevent the cou6ayettion from
becoming geoerel. The mob threatened
tau the migrate would be tura w plume if
they attempted w play epou any other build -
tugs than th.eedesi;osted. As there you no
room for doubt that these threats would be
ammariy executed, if necessity compelled
%bat course, it was deemed proper w cater to
the wishes of the mob to that respect.
The work of dretructiun then programed
with fearful rapidity. Nu sooner was um
building burned than another was set on fire,
some of them being several bloats sport.
Tree notorious Prow alley was totally dr
stroye.l, a also were several biaildiugs iu slat
It war impossible lett night to ascertain the
number of building.' destroyed, but it v safe
w say that they will r,�greeate not Tess than
forty or fifty.
At about nine o'clock in the evening, y
barn war de overed on fire in the alley bee
of the City Hotel. It wee thought that the
fire wu the work of an iacendi.ry, tbuu,(h
for what reams its impossible to say. The
building in which the fire urigivated was
totally columned, and smother bui.ding adjrs
00.1 'sieved t0 • conard.rnbte retest'. f!
The baro of Q. 1'. d.r sby on •Lrned street,
between Ilastinas and lti.aid, was alau de-
stroyed by fire. How the fire originated its
sot known The opinion, however, pervade
that it was purely accidental.
About seven o'clock the dames of the cos-
6agrauon illuminated the entire city. and ap-
pearances seemed to wheats that the primer
pat portion of the Third Ward wen on fire and
would he totally desuoyed In • short time
the stab, which bad previously been operating
un Beahion street. moved down nater to
the centre of the city, and art vita tire a nest ot
old houses and sheds un Bruit), between
Congreet a.d Fon `Stn -tea 1 hs caused the
greatest ala.m, for tear that the valuable
b.oc4 Of attires surrou.,dim; the market would
become ignited f um the sparks, which were
contently being blowu upon their roofs. The
bone, destroyed were ueemple t by poor white
people, who are by this muslurtae left en
tireiy destitute.
An beer or so previus to this, the authori-
ties becoming 'harmed, ad fe.'ling atisfiedd
that no force that cou:d be mustered iu De
trait would be affeiently powe fel w quo l
the riot, or stop the ontragea of the rioters,
wtegrepbd to the commander ot the tw.aty
seventh Iotwutry, in comp at Ylsulsuli, re-
quetio,t him to forwaud r b•tW1iou ofb.s
men, by special train, to amen in dispersing
the mob. About this time • dispatch sea
received, stating that til•• request of the city
oMtiab had been complied with, and that five
compote. were on their say. This news,
together with the appearance of sereral
.'gads of armed men, us various parts of the
city, bad no influence in oeenw,ng the crowd,
but rather tended to increase their rage tied
The fire-belia now sounded an alarm (,rale
Fina Ward, and a couple of 'teem engines
started fur the place indicated, followed by •
Targe portion of the mob. The alarm won
found to have been caused by the punning of
• b..rn in an alley between Fort and Lelayette
streets. It was entirely consumed, and tie,
ergines, after putting out the embeia, re-
turned a rapidly Y pasrb.e to the polus of
their previous labors, ix the vicinity of the
market. Befo•-e reaching it, hoseyer, the
alarm bells signalled 'mother fire, in the Sixth
Ward, and the firemen hastened to the spot at
once, erriviwg is time to see • iood-eta d
frame building, on the corner of John R.
street and Miami accoutre in a blase, .,d
parte ly conwmed. May respectable pen.
ple are convinced that the fire* in tke lower
part of the city were caused by negrues. The
back portion of the dealio the barn,
woodshed and kitchen -wen sated, but
the front part can be repaired at • trilling
c. -at.
Great alarm and diatetic prevailed every-
where, as theme fres successively beret forth,
and in Gonne Iota ities the citizens mined
tbenvolyes and turned out to protect their
families and preperty.
The last fire of the night destroyed • barn
attached to • hoose on Jefferson Avenue, near
Dr. Ho�(•rtb'r church, but it was •weedily
fincord by the steamers. After the Inst bre
bean extinguished, the note s suddenly
persed, completely worn oat and dispirited
by their latices.
It is impossible w give the names of ail the
person. injured. Awing the eesualtiae we
intim the following :
Cherie* Lngor was stint terrine' the lenge,
nod nmta.uy tilled, as of the large aim
• hints to the heat being eat
Snry Hafu.rg. was w.ur,ded in 'he fleshy
part Dram with buekebot His wound
se notaari011.
Marisa Horan was shot three;h the jaw,
and seriously injured, by one of the negroee.
Edward email was shot the taea the
hell paring nroagk the sppe,oetiee of the
William Berridge was strsek by a buckshot
in the throat
Besides them, perhaps a deem w
were struck ■'d mon or Ism injured by
Mellen and shot led by the veld es
▪ rare.
the upon there are all sorts area"
it b believed that several were killed, bre m
ler r known meldsg is panders eowe►ni.r
the mater. Our reporter es. a large nam
bier In an ineeosihle soadatioa is the genes
sed alley, bot sons stiely dead. 4 leego
welsher. however, severs v.r71"4010f7 isljseei
an it is prebblo y et them wan
w eer recover.
eity, Mean
eaT. 4ineme i, heeled bh.. the
seattefing te every dM.asie, • targe mrmbs►
geieg over tee river to .Anile nosy
enewty hod in the weeds *Mie .ins
sod tins eras .fee pnM.d penis
swiebo, and no rad !lithe tae •
reebhmewss Alice rendered them OsiJy n-
it to take we *f Iltemwl.M TMM Who
did eel bus. de easy !acrid •emetwe
ve�.,�ne�rir in the bkteb.a and sedsimet of the
*dig de photo ser *stab .d �eaas Tb«+_ w
soli w Oanbee rewire ice 1 Tweeds fuaisg \bels. apparent dn.
Mnas.l e( lbw vete 15100 soar !!neem._ were
Mims at sae, grelle taglere
the city. II. IL Pit
Ielse an lleyon
milhew7. Tbe
at Towhead gals
Ian *die
release u ales
of the riot tor'
seven o'clock the
street, OBI strong.
vice patrolling the M
city where the Ores
the crowds were
Geed were blas as
tsar teak of holding 1110
shear, against ievnWtti CLL
Guard. were oat is Cores,
destruction of each oaleabie
n opsr portion of the eity.
fifty regulars frost Port W'
brass pieces, did much to
Gradually the erowd dad away, the
became len napuoes, and the eased he
to dispense. By 11 o'clock all wen
qukt and the street. wen deserted.
The Light Oared were morn in Y Denny
Sheaf, w serve for 24 hours. The 17th
regiment will remain in town for several
days, or lentil the excitement dies away, to
prevent a fresh outbreak of any distarbnoee.
t7 of wwbe
.!(dose or Rnbineott.
e.1•rtd and the 9•ilned
other have ioterves which
te calk- bat might easily be ramp
fest it should be made • County and
?mvissisl question. 1t all the ergs.
from those perio•lty Mtermtrd
ty or twde, the Impe-
meat can amity get rid
Maties It as • personal
ring h to the Gert. As a
RNratis.ieg tM i.tereats of the Prov-
MIts madeneer that this should be
ofnfuge, sad both Railway
could probably be brought
Not which would nuke this plan
to be. For many years we have
this, but the obtrudi. sg cf into este
of Corporations and of Railway
Ins always prevented justice being
aodtoth.Prorl.e,. With -
Company, without • Buffalo on -
Railway Company, and without •
agitation, we might long age lune
had• proper harbor and • p•eoperoa
. But these evils exist, and we mast
to get on In spite of thein. In my next
I may restore to suggest ho.. 1 am not
ietereeted in • mercantile sera, but may
safety sobecrihe myself, to my cwt, • very
Brisk and !.sits Hama' UBilread
'riots TABLIC.
.sear. tatr rarer
CLINTON 10.42 "
HARPUKHEY...- 10.01"
8RAFORTH .. 11.07
CLINTON. .....
6.22 "
626 "
6.30 u
2.45 "
3.00 "
3.45 .1
4.35 ••
mon ,1zgn4I.
GODERICII, C. W., MARCH 13, 1863.
Special Diapalch to the Signal.
By Telegram Last Itght.
Tee correspondence between the Duke
of Newcastle and the Canadian Govern-
ment is printed. The Duke 'suggests that
the supplies for sustaining the Militia
should be voted for five years, bud urges
that the amount required yearly should
be raised by special taxation The Cana-
dian Government, in response, replied that
the Volunteer Principle is alone applica-
ble to Canada, and repudiated the idea
of voting the supplies in advance five
years, acourae which no British Minister
would dare ask the House of Commons
to adopt, and which would not be enter-
tained by the Legislature of Canada.
A deputation composed of highly re-
spectable business men from Oswego and
Toledohad a meeting with the Premier
to -day, and asked for modification of the
Tolls on the Welland Canal in order to
meet the depreciation of American cur-
rency, stating that if something of the kind
were not docs, Western trade to a greater
extent than ever would be cheap through
the Erie Canal. A detdthaen from
Chicago is also expected to be kers.
Hoe. Ws guson Blair Wt for re-eleoties
to -day. It is expected that he will teat
very little or no opposition.
The Separate School Bill is expected to
come up for a second reeding to -night.
Parliament will probably adjourn for
two weeks, for Easter. Legislation Is re-
tarded by the demands made by members
on every eo.esivable subject.
The Declaratios took place on Woodsy
last. 'The Sheriff anao•ssd Mr. Brown's
majority 273. Messrs. Brown sed Bed-
edwell made speeches. Now that Mr. Brown
is to take his seat, the eoentry is anxious
Mme what mane he will penes. Wo
coshes that we oannot gather from the
Globe which side be ern1 take.
Is this day of Social Programa wises -
hen ie acknowledged by d rt+betirtg
naiads 10 be of vast i. time!, tad in
beessiaw more rid mise "pietism' by
the seams et moiety.. ft is the c•faiicg
baedaid,( Belkelse, 1 i`dktp.e.sble
Ie of pe4al bet irises obv.ties of the
middle sod looms defw---is the derikp.
sen et i chide d diet, mod he the ad.
easessmet ef the Idle sad esir.es. Hamm
the.vesitty tbstas lirrass endri�lbB
vow a imgoi'+e. 'a *very possible�
tined lel ty ais.M bi neer.d, in mew
lhtn the yes. may be sal est lie
world Mr -quasi to bade imdlbl.tly
wifilts ems and diMhia
Osier*,,, tis ire prod M stye V
bolded my More is Omsk 1. tide
Our b..Mlbl ()a.ertd fluid. .spy'
.la baa
imein the M
Dookr eek r • ` Board for in
the two leaf of which he had chess of
new gneiss dock works en the Grant
Moak Birkenhead) has been appointed
assistant to the Belfast Harbor
and DockBoard; in which positron ha
will have an opportunity of displaying MA
further his talents sad industry."
The gentleman alluded to is the &O11
of Dan. Liters Esq., Clark of
Peace for these counties, and pas a
" Goderieh boy," having been brought up
and educated here, as were aim his brothers
Daniel 11., and John, the former of' whom
is a Barrister and County Attorney for
Perth, and the latter a Surgeon and De-
monstrator of Anatomy for University
College, Toronto, aced who is eminently
seceead'al in the practice of his profession.
The old gentleman may justly feel proud
of the success of his sone, as every
father under similar circumstances must
feel. We give these merely ae instances,
because, did oar space admit of it, many
others might be pointed out. If the edu-
cational efforts of the pat were so fruitful,
what may we not expect from the more
elaborate machinery now at work. We
wish success to the self-sacrificing men and
women who ire engaged in this noble work,
and we can assure any persons contonr-
plating removal hither that their children
will not suffer on account of a lack of
means to secure an education both sound
and elegant; because, as we should have
stated before, there are, in addition to
those alluded W above, several private
teachers devoted to the cultivation of the
lighter acoomplishmenta.
Meeh. Leonard Scout k Co., of New York,
kindly forwarded to us the last numbers
heir American reprint 0t the British Ile-
ws a..d Mega- With'out giving the roe -
tent of mica ih full, we may ay that every
important question of the day is taken up and
discussed in the usual masterly manner.-
anner:Every person who rubra to keep np with the
spirit of the age should obtain there expellent
publications They can to had of abs pub-
lishers fur 110, although thepritp eta items is
shout 130. Tbe pesegt is i gted nate W
subecrite, and ens Mope mer Canaan waders
wall Live thee • tearoom airport. See ad-
vertisement, or lave- yens, McLean at this
.lr p- ,,� -.
To de Editor of alae leejf "t►�_
810, -in your last nam he me informed
that papers are moved for is the Upper
Hoene, on the abject of the grant or palest
ouserying d title for a term of yuan is tae
Ondericb harbor to a Rail way Coepaay.'
Yoe are glad that soma light will sow he
thrown epee this vexed question is which all
of ss are w much interested. 1 say ell num ,
for tsgb many as not bolds.;
they am yet taxpayers to • Wit•M,
and hence are diene dy ietnMed ea all non-
diters for jasrssya to Quetta, rrbM pirate
rights we *flea diseuwd at very eneldsfible
podia expense. }t
The only document of mach in s'I•
is eideriag the gnesuon of Colons 'el
acids or declared void is the lease MOMM, sed
is aticipation of the informatieo .hick may
be elicited by dbintsreste l I+ftiss is •*cher
beam, permit ma to subjoin a mpg of it.
for no&tee
9 r fey
cent fur the 1t(. Nal
aforusid, and aha shell
isk, cies., chargee se4 eI
tires Ind at satimea Aurin
granted well and alfi,-iret
m . ,
auate. and keep tl • mid
t•h:aml and maser Basin in
and nacieut repair and ht p 7
sable for the safe Iandin;; of
ten the discharge of vessels n Isocline odine ad wareb,nutin
Iuesengere therefrom. Aud
they condition that the BuffRaneyHuron $ney Company and t
d ual.
wll when sed so often Immo . ;
•h,y may contemplate my a.'
provepne or •dditione at the e
or et the W►arvea or Piers conn.
with or constituting part of the a
mate e and the plans, diagrams
rations thereot respectively to the or
ioner of Public Wks and the Cum
of Crows Lando, and shall nut cu..
e..'reed with the said alterations, i
m••nta *1 additions or persecute, carry f
congdete the same or any part they eo
..art the approval of the Commianou
I'u',fle Works and the Commission
Crown Leeds. And Further, that the
In:aiuoerof Public Works ande Com
loner of Crows Lando or either of them
their Regimen, Architects and other 031
and Servants m may frotime w time du
sech periods of aliersuo e, improvements
...Id; ions and at all times whatsoever ba
.f� '. acetest t, at and from the said Hsrh,u
rha yes or pie • eeneesed therewith or cot
rime. stinting pet uftke s. ad toexamiee and
,leve the state end condition of repair and of
the navig•Ilei of the aura ab.
the •cn may •
and that all ouch alterwuuns, improveeeute
and additions shell be executed to the ate-
iaciion•of theCommiesiooer of Public Works.
Aed upon tbfurtb*r coedit', m that the said
Company and their successor, shall 0.4 d
permit and air foot - Mrd` Other
per4pne la apish, hid wharves 'tiers fur
the purpose car sad '0 -e., or upe.ethe,
said wharf
eel with -t
that the
Mese w
th.'..«▪ e▪ b THE AMERIOAH WAR.
New YORE, March I I.
Aereentittea of the Chamber of Com -
mum loadasitatsnssw with the President
at which they urged him to haute
make to forthwith to ue let-
tereof aman
ens d reprisal under the re.
mut act of' Congress. Their arguments
are understood w have made a strong lee
pression upon Mr. Lincoln. A contrary
view was, however, eebsequenly utged
by senators who were prominent m oppo-
sition to the passage of the law. They
represented to the President Inc dangers
of a foreign war in ease be should do
windfi- wt was naked of him. The subject is
`* understood to have been before the Cabinet
"'or to -
its meeting toay.
ve• A special despatch to the ('oentercial
ns. ronin Jackeon, Tenn., says :-that 200
men and two pieces of artilliry of General
Sullivan's division have been surrounded
vs.the Confederate cavalry and captured.
Gen. Pemberton hu been removed from
the depart meat of the Mississippi. Gen.
Bragg is his successor, and has already
Resumed the eommand. Longft het com-
mends Braggs old division in Middle
Price has returned from Richmond,
with all the power he eked for, and
11 go to Missouri.
Bohemia to be removed, and Hindman
t eat of the Mississippi.
"erby Smith goes to Arkansas.
.d p1e,s
d *awls
•.rs and
els and
this tur-
d Lake
..a im-
h -
e hery
eordtne ,
each Stains
that melt
sere aha
to sod sop
In Commit.
pose coed'
of the cond
'aryl Meg
Mirk▪ a
and that
thereof jive.
to '164 at the
at, a tis. rea-
'pr lege
gm ,ad mew
fv a said
apt hu mut
rta&t diner the
be an 'ee-
feels. M
mon timed then
recti n to
N Lw Yoatx March 11.
he Tires Washington despatch states'
nine citizens of Fairfax were
to -day and sent to the Old bol
charged with having pilo the
orates m the lata raid upon that
Confeierates who entered Fairfax
day, jest saved 'their distance in
with their plunder. Col. Jahn -
leg after them with a cavalry
rely as to recapture 30 or 40
New York, March 1 I .
letter says the nowt
sync the
!laid the
's letter of
the 11* Novels - . , ' ' y poi
He could give me iefarmatioe es to
tepIT of Antonin to the Ewtperor Napo-
b o s las{ proposition. It was a matter
entirely between thus two Governments.
The Glebe believed the difficulty with
Bread will be promptly settled.
Prins Alfred was programing eatadac-
torily at Mita.
The minors of M. Fould's retirement
are not contradicted, but not yet fulfilled.
The bourne was fiat and lower, at ti'le..
The Polish question attract. great at-
tention. Iuaurruoticmary moveweula con-
France has taken very decided ground
against the intervention of Prussia ■ud in
favor of mnoerwions to the Poles.
The Coaetitstiownl, which is regarded
as Napoleon's mouthpiece, published *
warning, if not a menacing article towards
the King of Prussia.
There were rumors in Paris of an alli-
ance between England, France and Aus-
a+tria, to obtain a sulutiot of the Polish
The English and French pipers treat
the matter with great gravity.
Late advices from Buena. Ayres repre-
sent immense quantities of cotton sown in
that republic.
L1vaaPOOL, Fob. 2 i. -It was an -
pounced that that the edviootjust to hand by
the Australasian had cauwnl an improve-
ment in American cotton. On Monday
and Tunica), however, the market was
Mean. Wakefield, Null A Co. Ind
others report ton: dull but unchanged.
Wheat very dull and 2d to 3d per cental
lower, particularly for winter red, which
ranges from 9s 31 to 91 8d. Corn diffi-
cult to sell ; mixed 29. to 198 tid per ISO
lbs. No change in beef or pork.
Wheat dull and rather lower. Flour
quiet, but American is about the same.
Sugar unaltered. Coffee firm. Tallow
had an advancing tendency.
TOR UNuiPLOTLD.-We understand
that the workmen in the employ of Wm.
Dixon, Esq., Fauldhouae Colieries, have
collected the sum of £73 for the nnen-
ployel, and that they have sent x to
Glasgow ; £25 W Lanaik ; and £ 15 to
In Greenock, the other day, as obeer-
vant housewife picked out of the basin is
which she ens wulaung the potaloea for
dieter, cis willb praenta a very fai l
take lithe shabby fume and ad
a[ a quid, the clay sage, mouth, ebubby
asy dd the whole features
AB IBt.sua9 Towtt CommmiLLoe
AND De QotuWTDsers.-Acether w
rorle.fi ifr-L.p
1 raining wash id is Edin-
burgh,* Grief bight. Mr. Menials
'was pwMat, ldeeeripsd the assemblage
as a ester feampi, from whom
the susosgbt to hof pert away, trod
as utterlyrtby of sq man giving his
time, ate e, and tales*, to este.
of 10
d 121h'o K
r Queen esmp•ned� bytethe
Aldo of liaise, visited •yah
wow In the course
IsOthe OOrdena at F
Peat, 1
chnom,mde.ee eftbe Linins
The Wins Zeitung ensMine a
!bete Deeneep. to WWI it ad
Booden reports relstiie $ Me buts. awtafasd
by the itsurgwle amp Mei, are
many ho
perearIwge Mi. 01
twkaee•" eads, b, lsq(a Rsusi,t) bat-
tery, was tried • error{ emra O
order of Lan who s ear its lb
mem tantalite, Bea Brays (O* far frees
agree.) wit& 0,000 tolersl4y weed
mea. Both atheist nod rent* advi.vf
enalrm the stansinen s msdely is Pe: eh '
insurgents reissue, •.• abs *Wow wear
of the Mussiaoa ie the oT
Towas,rw, wb%cb is not far from Zemnwr, p
Celoost Redone.. has committed tern* 4r..•
eities. He had three paws grwspei '. (tke
vtolfr) pot to death. • 4 cant. Znwadsli mut
Lieutersant Wesilewdd *cted Y faeeutioo re. .
The tear of the insurgents to fall alive i,.ro
toe bands of theireueteies makes them Ark
like demons, and the cruelty of the Rem1ns
hss greatly cun4tbuted to dares!1M„t/tlpnw
nun. r
The Ministerial Ganes) Cnevireemsdears
lean from 6 -inhere th,t inner/win hoe in-
formed !Fre HselnsoMe.r whoewrmani tho
troops opposed to that les, •, •• by was of
reprisal, bus had • venula namt.w of but
prasuuen elwt. The orraoatiow of the it
surtent bawls s proggresaia; rapidly, and thy
commander of the Jarmo' corps have gimes
strict order, to their inferior to avoid register
betties with tar It usiaa. Fuer deuettne•Ia
of the insurgents ham 'managed to pe tem
Poled into Lithuania, when they are fir,
gaited in iesurree-tiouising the rural .ttltieu,
fwo of the detachments ero•se.l the lie g, art
an great distance from Bre.u-Liteaski, ser) it
mut be concluded that the garrison a *bee
fortress is very weak, Y it mode nen smarm t
to molten the insurgents. A few din *1O tho,
Russian regiment lamtuloffcruised the, Ild(f
at Tempo], and it is apposed that it i�,ftew
quartered iu the above mentioned etro.g'io'd.
ee Warnaw authorities deny that the igen„
rectiee feu bared to Lithuania, Voikywse
Podolia,mnd the Ukraine, but the prsolaina
rine of the mate of siege in thorn proviso est
must be co sidpred proof positive that the
Grand Duke Costa tine and his rat&Iss Al'
tutus ay the thing which is not.
Our 00.erwor
upota fhb Caths.
u defwlt
provisoes. limitations
Letters patent and t
term Meshy granted
shall be end Ws
mop to be meal
se it is
creepy the ab
The Home Government and the Atte
The Globe of Thursday morning lave
We i.h this mornings very Miele -
gra report of the correspondence on tihe
sub of the Militia and the deforms of
the Province, between Lord Mimak; the
Duke of Newcastle and the Cfiwldispasu•
ernmeit. It will be observed that, in tho
early portion of the correspoodenoe, t -e
Cobuaal Minister and the Gunton es
the strongest diaappreb•tioo'ef fhe'pblt5
of the present Miuietry on the defence of
the country, and for wipe titnayw$ believ�eer,
it was a !clatter ofd0.bt whether torsi
lfonck wpuld not comPel himself to sock
other onuncillore. The Government was
perfectly firm, however; the crisis fortu- r
cutely panted off without a direct onllir
ion, and now the swoons of thug volunteer
=has, we believe, oolktiseed,..jise
Government that tie poWy d: 1&e
present Ministry is the best that Genii
&avw been adopted. Twenty-five daseabsrl
mm have been raised by the spreetatl*T
action of the people, at a very ed cell 521
pewae,who are certainly worth in rix
any hundred thousand who ..coca ides
been brought into the field by the deeltiM.
given proposed by theQogt�eat.
if the equipments are we have
little doubt that 50,000 yr ertree
raised, sad drilled with more or lam $ c-
ieney. As we aro informed, all dtsgtiattc-
tion on the part of Downing S'reet with
the preparatio•ain Canada are at an end.
The peaceable spat of the relations be-
tween England and the United Stats est
also Lave had its effect upcm the m
The navy of Britain is being largely
duel, a step which would not be
then were any danger of • collinoe.
teeth, as we Lave often mid, there is Y01fh
danger of war between Belisle tied Anon,
io* a1 this time than there bac bow sine
the establishment of the Repeldie
of t
(Cary-) Metek
Promos of Canada. Amerits•mrica
Wean. in Ceie1
VICTORIA by Gree of GOD of the Nova
of Priest
same, he.,
d., nI Jaw
thorned ei
11. Iwenl
lir C..m
Coiled Kt m of Great Rritmo and
11.faed. Wen, Defoedar'o( the Rath,
he , Ike., be.
Tb calf crime taw promote atoll rwma-
Know TO tbst in ermsideestinn n( the runt,
reese edisu, povboe, eendltiose and •gree-
nest. berenm(br reserved end anetaieed, We
Imes dement leased and wet •sd d. by Orae
CPI=paasnoW Semim tams end err nen T11. Ref
LON deem Railway Oo.poy std
abs parcel of lead m•ened with setter,
sitemed 11e towesd i of Oodiri b pad Col-
borne he the Andy el Meeemiin is mid
pp++wnni•tae of Qred� �abt� 1M>I►.er tem is
free ef the eswc f oeWdti
h. Labe Hama,
aduncle!( • mi1 se thesee\ sodIndaft f the Moe Millla,d wieder with
leg nom late le the mood o n, entmeditl
tmlfwl Labe Biros MI the said Sew no rile
IreJearsaid awes eighths o(• m*• es eppelite the
!torte Bass pace of aro acid Mau d Oain'M tbm Y M srJ , alt me m•Jsg et the
.ev's dg• *f l� Bea.e te the enwr►rre
-' e4 rho t e eters* Rem bum wbswisg en
th• aur , side M abs To.. 0 Goinie1 ;
ars Rao Ove bemi.d mew a tete Mder M 0.10.01, towel .ereberly
P.'N't akaILelRe. always r the dunes
d the b eded� oho, mew es tea fa auresw law w14geble ewer eve ado
!teas Son te de ew r% edge i. w tews-
>leal 81 nor province wag.
Mir tient trusty and ! tM
Use Right Ho.wsrehle
t Mnoek, Hanesihiiiisof
in the Comely of
' Of British North
and Governor
pre'imw of d thCaneWird
k and
Vice-Admhwt d the . a,
Qmttee. this
of nor
LAM nee tby
CM Maty tyro, std is
ma o
R} Tb Emirate Napoleon hr jam rip
plete•t the model of • bnae►doadine rifle
swat, of meet, Iur service in the navy. ellnear
is le be fried on booed the Magnus or 84 -
A eommunieetlon from Csyerra, gone
sed rn tee .4beriilmis, mates %bat lava bowel..
widow of Dumollerd, the Ism -demo, haus *emirs
metered the num riage state salt a uaus;rurted
t} Vktor lingo hes wddrmmed an 0'0- ,
great exhortation to the 11....an soldiers, ad.(
vaiin� ,s.druImmothem, by every cnron.s Iso
By,fntentIty, ami liberty, naw fight agar
tho bawswt Poles.
t} The hkaa lm even order ft
4reuedta5 prigaration of the
tho is brilliants, and c
beer, yhe peespptction to Ismail
1lsverel eembe s of Ike
have kern •kergod
over with
I hereand alt ssi(M)
'la vie. of
iteek-re eonsidW
the last p
Mame "peteeVe
M then nen
bend or he
step calm b
base spin •
the Ooeer.5e.S
Orrice Qt -as ,1st, 101Ebe s.4w
py[iIs.el de ungt.JM de Perinea
of gltnl", thle
whiley P" �bwbsherind-
i, and h thoepap*5,
hos nem le yk ss be frmeF
can C�yha�n� o�f
" Te
lotba pemwt
wtiek • flee
;Wag. ar�dM 'hmete etiii�ts.0 .1 en
pier,wyeh sae OiIM with • little blew
the .!AIL gal Watt at the i one -
erkh those unmet on • bosom hot 1M►
gumy meed de lake of r io•v rna, wipe
as m.o.b abase 0Mr* 1br+t►1.5-TN
nwilsomi sad
vie teahN ▪ mo sv
lave e•1 452
Aril .weft ,w 1 a+ 1vArs