HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-07-22, Page 9TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE
Auditor's Report and Financial Statements
Auditor's Report
June 24, 1965
Capital & Loan Fund Balance Sheet
• • • • • •
The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers
The Corporation of the Township of Usborne
Elimville, Ontario
Oeneral Fixed
Due from Schools
Public and Continuation.
Collegiate and High . . - . ...
Accounts Receivable
Other Tangible Assets
Usborne Township School Area - re new
I have audited the accounts and records of the Township of Usborne
for the year ended December 31, 1964, and have prepared therefrom the
statements listed in the index accompanying this report.
With respect to these statements the following comments are pre-
All bank balances have been reconciled with amounts confirmed di-
rectly to me by the Township's bankers.
Debenture Debt Issued and Unmatured
Public and Continuation 202,000.00 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET
Sundry accounts receivable $1,418.30
Road accounts receivable 1,105.00
Interest on loan to school 83.55
Due from ratepayers re spraying . 29.75
J. Inglis re McElrea Drain . . . . 200.00
$ 1,418.30
65,738 40
18 941 00
Due to Other Municipalities
Temporary Loans
Investment in Capital Assets ! • .
Drains $5,214.46
The above figure represents the outstanding balances as shown by
the drain ledger as at December 31, 1964, adjusted for accounts re-
Revenue Fund Balance Sheet
Due from Province of Ontario $28719.22
Highway subsidy on payments . . . 25,972.35
Grant re McElrea Drain 2,058.30
Sales tax rebate 673.87
Grant in lieu of taxes 14.70
$ 28,719.22
1 211.20 Cash on Hand
Accounts Receivable
Sundry 1,418.30
Agreements Drains 5 214 46
Due from Province of Ontario
Due from Other Municipalities
Due from Schools
Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5)
19 252 30
Taxes Receivable $19,252.30
Negative tax verifications were mailed to all taxpayers in arrears
as at January 11, 1965.
No penalty has been added to 1964 taxes collected between Decem-
ber 16, 1964, and December 31, 1964, as authorized by by-law No. 11,
All by-laws should be signed by the reeve and the clerk.
Duplicate receipts, serially numbered by the printer, should be
issued for all funds received by the Treasurer.
Other Assets
Bank Overdraft
Temporary Loans (Schedule 6)
Accounts Payable
Debentures and Coupons Due
Due to Other Local Boards and Commissions
Ausable River Conservation Authority
Upper Thames Valley Authority
The operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $2,075.26
after providing for the 1963 deficit of $2,195.00.
Presented herewith is a condensed, comparative Statement of
Revenue and Expenditure for the three years ended December 31, 1964,
1963 and 1962.
1 123.38
Other Liabilities
Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8)
Surplus (Form C)
41 709.87
57 443 06
Year ended December 31
Revenue 1964 1963 1962
Taxation 146,384.92 136,390.26 116,438.53
Grants and subsidies
Province of Ontario 48,617.32 43,871.57 36,601.55
Other municipalities • • • • 81.84
Licenses and permits 578.00 550.00 520.00
Interest, tax penalties, etc. . . 1,804.75 1,262.36 1,578.20
Other revenue 8,153.55 14,862.43 8,525.48
Miscellaneous revenue . . . . 573,30 360.73
Surplus from prior years used to
reduce levy 4,161.97
205,538.54 197 509 92 168,268.30
General government 8,667.51 7,814.10 8,001.51
Protection to persons and property 2,862.46 3,337.67 3,313.33
Public works . . 72,778.44 79,731.22 60,568.29
Sanitation and waste removal 431.00 550.90 323.60
Conservation of health . . . . 8.56
Social welfare . . . 395.93 4.00 1,038.39
Education • . . 69,113.63 60,858.40 52,592.67
Recreation and community
services . 1
Debt charges
6:7 579..40 80
Taxes written off or refunded
520.00.9 86
Capital expenditure out of revenue 402.73
County rates 38,759.17 38,694.11 38,451.91
Miscellaneous expenditure . . 403.66 390.55 110.89
Deficit from previous years
levied for 2,195.00 1,403.37
203,463.28 199 705 04 169,671.67
Surplus or (deficit) for the year $ 2,075.26 $ ( 2,195.12) $ ( 1,403.37)
Statement of Revenue and Expenditure
Total Revenue from Taxation (Schedule 3)
Contributions, Grants and Subsidies
Governments: Ontario
Welfare Assistance . . . 152.00
Highway Improvement. . . 41,070.65
Payments in lieu of municipal
taxes 770.49
Unconditional Per Capita
Grants 4,656.00
Warble fly 510.20
Retail sales tax rebate 1,457.98
Licenses and Permits (Include
dog tax)
Interest, Tax Penalties, etc
Other Revenues
Rents, Concessions and
Service Charges
8 031 11
Gross Total Revenue
Deficit for the Year
Total Revenue Section . . . .
Actual Budget
146,384.92 146,249.00
48,617.32 55,366.00
578.00 550.00
1,804.75 1,000.00
8,153.55 10,155.00
205,538.54 213,320.00
205,538.54 214,053.00
General Government
Executive and Legislative . . 1,572.00
Administrative 5,937.70
Other 1.157.81
The Usborne Township School Area Board had a deficit of $1,977.03
Subject to the foregoing qualifications, I hereby report that
Protection to Persons and Property
Protective Inspection . . .
Warble fly
2 524.71
(1) The financial transactions which have come under my notice
have been within the powers of the municipality.
(2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions
of the Department of Municipal Affairs.
Public Works - Roads, Highways and
Streets, etc.
Sanitation and Waste Removal . .
Social Welfare (Schedule 10)
Welfare Assistance 359.33
Welfare Administration . . . 36.60 (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of
the •Municipality as at December 31, 1964, and the results of its opera-
tions for the year ended on that date.
Date of filing June 29, 1965
Signature A. M. Harper
License number 2775
Education, including debt charges (Schedule 9)
Recreation and Community Services
Debt Charges
Long-term debt charges
(Schedule 11) 33,043.88
Less own share of school debt
charges 28.037.90
Revenue Fund Surplus Account
Debit Credit Balance
Balance at January 1, 1964 . . . 37,439.61
Deficit included in Current Budget 2 195.00
Balance after above adjustments
Surplus for the year (Form D) 2 075 26
• Short-term interest and other
charges 1,793.50
Joint or Special Expenditures
County Rates ...... . . 38,759.17
Provision for deferred revenue 403.66
39,634.61 Gross Total Expenditure . . . .
Deficits from Previous Years Levied for
Totals of Debit and Credit Columns 41 709 87
Surplus for the Year . . • . .
Balance of Surplus December 31, 1964
(Form B)
Actual Budget
8,667.51 8,870.00
2,862.46 3,368..00
72,778.44 83,000.00
431.00 500.80
395.93 800.00
69,113.63 68,855.00
1,057.00 1,500,00
6,799.48 6,206.00
38,759.1'7 38,759.00
201,268.28 211,858.00
2,195.00 2,195.00
203,463.28 214,053.00
2 0'75 26
205,538.54 214,053.00 Total Expenditure Section • .
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The annual Schenk picnic was
held July 18 at Queen's Park,
Stratford with 53 in attendance.
Winners in the sports were:
races, 5 and under, Donnie Mc-
Ewen; 6 to 8, Dougle McEwen;
9-12, Launa Fuller; 13 and
over, John Bierling; shoe throw,
boys, Dennis Bierling; girls,
Launa Fuller; shoe scramble,
Rita Schenk; guessing the jelly
beans, John Bierling.
Relatives were present from
Hamilton, Toronto, St. Cath-
arines, Mount Brydges, London,
Exeter, Brinsley and Crediton.
The third annual Hodgins re-
union was held at Poplar Hill,
July 18 with approximately 100
in attendance. Winners of sports
were: Races, preschoolers, Ke-
vin Hodgins, Karen Hodgins;
girls, 6-9, Joanne Latta, Wendy
Clarke; boys, Robbie Amos,
Billy Phillips; girls, 9-12,
Lanna Clarke, Wendy Clarke;
boys, Jimmie Latta, Jim Pick-
ering; girls, 13 and over, Cathy
Amos, Beatrice Phillips; boys,
Bob Elliott, Mac Hodgins;
throwing the ball for distance,
Dianne Hodgins, Wendy Clarke;
Lucky spot, Patti Tasko; la-
dies purse contents, Norma El-
liot's team; men's string relay,
Wayne Hodgin's team; elimina-
tion, Wendy Clarke; prize for
oldest woman, Mrs. Dora Burn-
ey; oldest man, Mr. Alex Scott;
youngest baby, Gregory Hod-
New officers elected were:
President, Mr. Murray Rowe;
secretary, Mrs. Marlene Turn-
er; sports, Joan and Jim Scott,
Norma and Bob Elliott, Sue and
Wayne Hodgins, Judy and Joyce
The fourth Hodgins Reunion
will be changed to the fourth
Sunday in July for 1966.
The Thomson family held its
27th reunion at Mitchell Park
Wednesday last., There were
60 persons present.
During the afternoon sports
and contests planned by Eleanor
Thomson and Jean Simpson for
the young and not-so-young
members were enjoyed.
Winners in running races, 4
years and under were Patty
O'Rourke, Bruce Thomson; 6
& under (girls) Vicki O'Rourke,
Brenda Pepper; (boys) Brian
Miller, Bruce Thomson; 8 &
under (girls) Beatrice Thom-
son, Vicki O'Rourke; 12 & under
(boys) Ray Dilling, Wayne Sim-
pson and John Thomson (tied);
11 & under (girls), Mary Thom-
son, Beatrice Thomson; three
legged race (girls) Mary Thom-
son & Vicki O'Rourke, John
Thomson & Bruce Simpson; best
speller, Bruce Simpson; kick
football, 6 yrs & under, Brenda
Pepper; clothes-pin race, Bert
Vorstenbosch; oldest person
present, Robt Thomson, Kippen.
Following a picnic supper,
eaten under the trees, a short
business meeting was held pre-
sided over by the president
Clarence Priestap. An election
of officers took place.
President Is B. Vorsten-
bosch; vice president, B. Thom-
son; sec. trees, M. Parsons;
sports committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Thomson; Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Thompson; lunch com-
mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Ad. contest, Mrs. E. Manson;
the family coming the furthest,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foster of
Milton; lucky plate, Bobbi Dale;
best guess, Mrs. E. Keyes; the
family arriving earliest, Mr.
and Mrs. B. Vorstenbosch.
It was left to executive to de-
cide the date and place for 1966
The Miller family met in
Stratford Park Sunday, June
20, for the annual reunion. A
total of 73 attended having come
from Staffa, Seaforth, Science
Hill, Woodham, Kirk ton, St.
Marys, Exeter, Woodstock,
Grand Bend, Stratford, Lon-
don, Toronto and Strathmore,
Alberta. Following the noon
meal a business meeting was
held with Percy Miller, Science
Hill, as president and Lillian
Hodgert, London, as secretary-
Officers for the coming year
are: President, Clifton Miller,
Staffa; secretary-tr , easure r,
Mrs. Jack Miller, Woodstock;
sports committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Miller and Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Miller. both of Staffa:
table committee. Mr. and Mrs.
- Please turn to page 10
The 40th annual reunion of the
Hodgert clan was held at
Queen's Park, Stratford, Wed-
nesday, July 14 with an attend-
ance of 80, from various parts
including Chatham, Toronto,
Mt. Clemens, London, Owen
Sound, Seaforth, Exeter, Kirk-
ton and Hensall.
The sports committee in
charge of Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
Luxton conducted a full line of
sports. Winners were: boys and
girls, 5 and under, B r a dl e y
Cann, Ruth Bray; girls, 9 and
under, Dianne Hodgert, Laurel
Hodgert; boys, Robert Bray,
David Mayo; girls 12 and under,
Brenda Hodgert, Joanne Hod-
gert; boys, 14 and under, Bryan
Hodgert, Jack Hodgert;
Single ladies, Karel Ilocia•art,
Lillian Hodgert; single men,
Brian Hodgert, Bryan Hodgert;
married ladies, Margaret Gil-
mour, Margaret Franklin; mar-
ried men, Reg Hodgert, Ross
Hodgert; ladies, kick the slip-
per, Brenda Hodgert, Florence
Hodgert; men, Brian Hodgert,
Allan Olson; bursting balloons,
Ross and Lillian Hodgert; man
with most nickles in pocket, Reg
Hodgert; pace 150 feet, Wilma
Coates, Judith Cann; hammer-
ing nails, Arnold Cann; three
legged race, Brenda and Joanne
Hodgert; wheelbarrow r a c e,
Roger Luxton and Larry Mayo;
apple contest, Mr. and Mrs.
James Hodgert, Maida Gaiser
and Bryan Hodgert.
Oldest lady present, Mrs. Ada
Webster; oldest man present,
Mr. John Bray; yoUngest pre-
sent, Faye Gaiser.
Officers were elected for next
year. Honorary president is
Garfield Hodgert, Regina, Sask.
president, James Hodgert, Exe-
ter; secretary, Mrs. Allan Ol-
son, London; treasurer, Mrs.
Whitney Coates, Centralia;
table committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Bray, Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Hodgert; sports committee, Mr.
and Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Lillian
Hodgert, Agnes Bray.
The 1966 picnic will be held
at Stratford the second Wednes-
day in July.
The thirtieth annual Harrison
picnic was held at Harbour
Park, Goderich, with 70 in at-
tendance. Picnic dinner and
supper were enjoyed by all.
Winner for the lucky draw
on a lawn chair was Stan Col-
lins; lucky plate, Stan Collins;
youngest member present, was
Barrie Willert; eldest person
present, Mrs. George Proctor;
members coming the farthest
distance were Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Harrison of Brantford.
Races and games followed by
a ball game were conducted by
the sports committee. Winners
for girls and boys, 5 years and
under, George Collins, Kenny
Aikenhead; girls, 8 years, and
under, Darlene Burdge, Ber-
nice Willert; boys, Murray Sie-
mon, Jackie Aikenhead; girls,
12 years, Darlene Willert,
Brenda Hodgert; boys, Jerry
Willert, Bill Collins; girls, 15
years, Darlene Willert, Brenda
Hodgert; boys, Bryan Hodgert,
Ricky Burdge;
Young ladles, Barbara Wil-
lert, Viola Collins; young men,
Bruce Collins, Bryan Hodgert;
married ladies, Olive Siemon,
Elizabeth Collins; mar Tied
men, Stan Collins, Albert Tay-
lor; couples back to back,
Bruce and Hazel Collins, Jim
and Viola Collins; children's
shoe scramble, Darlene Will-
ert, Sharon Willert; women,
kick the slipper, Barbara Will-
ert, Viola Collins; men, Bob
Collins, Bruce Collins.
It was decided to hold the
1966 reunion at Lions Park,
The officers for 1966 are:
President, Percy Harrison;
sec.-treasurer, Mrs. Percy
Harrison; sports, LeRoy Har-
rison, JoAnne Harrison, Viola
and Bruce Collins; directors,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orr and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harrison.
Ford Reunion Ready Mix
Plant 235-0833
Residence 228.6961
The Ford Reunion was held
at Caratara Park, Sarnia, Sun-
day July 10. About 40 people
Races and games were en-
joyed by all.
Officers for 1966 are, pre-
sident, Bill Ford; secretary,
Marlene McFalls, sports, Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Hensel, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Kirby.
The 1966 picnic is to be held
the second Sunday in July. C.A. McDOWELL Ltd.
The eighteenth Becker re-
union was held at the Dashwood
Community Centre with about
135 in attendance.
Sports events were conducted
by Mr. and Mrs. B. Becker.
Prizes were won by Brian 01-
ley, Cathy Becker, Karen Kim-
pel, Wendy Webb, Brenda Beck-
er, Kevin Barr, Peter Datars,
John 011ey, Marilyn Pfaff, Be-
verley Stire, Roy Becker, Bruce
Pfaff, Patricia 011ey, Marlene
Barr, Susan Kimpel, Brian Mul-
ler, Marty Becker, Randy Beck-
er, Judy Greenan, Don Muller,
Mrs. Joyce 011ey, Mrs. Annie
Becker, Mr. and Mrs. H. Beck-
er, Gerald Martene, Mr. Fred
Stire, Sandra Datars, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Stire, Mr. and Mrs.
P. Coburn and also Mr. Fred
Ten Eyck.
Supper was served followed
by a short business meeting.
President is Mr. Gerald Mar-
tene; vice-president, Mr. Gor-
don Feltz; secretary, Mrs. G.
Muller; table committee, Mrs.
Edmund Becker, Mrs. John
Barr, Mrs. Walter 011ey, Mrs.
Albert Becker; sports commit-
tee, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Da-
tars, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beck-
er; booth committee, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Tieman.
Our Thanks
Thank you again to al I the people who helped to
make our opening so successful. We appreciated
the flowers and advertising on our behalf by our
contractors and friends. We will endeavor to
merit your support.
Stan Holobowicz
The Bullock reunion was held
Sunday, June 13, in Riverview
Park, Exeter, with about 95 in
Officers for 1966 are the
same as this year. President is
John Schofield; secretary-trea-
surer, Nola Lewis; sports com-
mittee, Iva Lagerwerf, Stuart
and Ruth Bullock.
Winners in races for pre-
school children were Judy La-
gerwerf; six to nine, Danny
Lagerwerf and Tom Bullock;
10 to 12, Bobbie Lovie; 13 to
16, Eldon Bullock; men's race,
Bob Moore. Little tots enjoyed
peanut and candy scramble.
Clothes pin contest and bean
carrying contest were much
enjoyed. Sack race for little
tots was won by Judy Leger-
werf and Janet Bullock; sack
race, Norma Bullock; young
girls, Marion Bullock and Betty
Tug o' war was enjoyed by the
men. Guessing contest, items
of tray, was won by Wilma
and Isobel Bullock; candy
guessing contest, Miss Ruth
Youngest baby present was
Arlene Walper; coming farth-
est 'distance, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Leeder and boys of
Live Better
Pfaff-Oesch 411 Year 'Round=s
The Pfaff-Oesch reunion was
held at the Riverview Park
July 11 with a large attendance.
Winners of sports are: Races,
boys & girls, 1-6 yrs., Dennis
Pfaff, Marlene Clarke; 7-10,
Glenda Pfaff, Ricky Bowers; 11
and up, Bonnie Clarke, Don
Clarke, Doug Finkbeiner, tie;
throwing ball in the basket, Den-
nis Pfaff, Kathy Dinney, Nancy
Preszcator, Danny G alloway,
Vicky Clarke, Sandra Hutchin-
son; run with clothespin between
legs and drop in the basket,
Susan Schenk; blindfold daugh-
ter and find mother, Barbie
Pfaff; guessing contests, guess-
ing name, Mrs. Evelyn Hutchin-
son; guessing weight, Judy Fin-
kbeiner, guessing peanuts, Don
Dinney; youngest girl, Karen
Hutchinson, 4-1/2 months;
youngest boy, James Adkins, 6
months; shortest married cou-
ple, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowers;
oldest woman, Mrs. Lovina Rei-
chert; oldest man, Mr. Nelson
Schenk; largest family, Mrs.
Robert Sell; most freckles
John Bierling; lucky number
under plate, Mr. Sam Oesch.
Officers for 1966 are: Pres-
ident, Jim Clarke; vice presi-
dent, RW611 Clarke; ItC. trea-
surer, Mrs. Joe McCann.
The 28th annual reunion of
the descendants of Henry Doupe
who emigrated to Canada from
Ireland in 1849 was held in
Queen's Park, Stratford, Sat-
urday, July 10 with 38 in at-
tendance. President, Mrs. Al-
len Shaddick, Londesboro, pre-
sided over the meeting. Short
speeches were given by Fred
Doupe, Mrs. Lloyd Walkom and
Roy Switzer.
Greetings were read from
Mrs. Hugh Kennedy of Saska-
toon, Sask., Mrs. A. McCallum,
Brandon, Man., Mrs. Wm Mc-
Pherson, Clinton and Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Luther, Gorrie.
Officers were elected. Pre-
sident is Mrs. Wm Harding,
vice-presidents, Mrs. Art Fer-
guson, Miss Velma Doupe; trea-
surer, Mr. Fred Doupe; secre-
tary, Mrs. Fred Roger; sports
committee, Miss Eleanor
Doupe, Mrs. Bert Kincade; re-
freshment committee, Mrs.
Glen Millson, Mrs. Don Brine.
It was decided to hold the
picnic next year July 9 at
Queen's Park, Stratford same
time. A splendid sports pro-
gram was convened by Miss
Eleanor Doupe and Mrs. John
Gray. Winners in races were:
4 years and under, Gerald Hard-
ing, Ralph Harding; 6 and under,
David Paynter, Donna Switzer,
Craig Townsend; boys, 12 and
under, David Paynter, Craig
Townsend; girls, Shirley Swit-
zer, Norma Switzer, Ona Reid;
ladles race, Norma Switzer,
Lloy Shaddick; men's race, Al-
vin Harding, Fred Doupe; kick
the slipper, 1 a di e s, Norma
Switzer, Ona Reid; men, Fred
Doupe, David Paynter; throw-
ing the ball into pail, children,
Craig Townsend; ladies, Al-
berta Harding, Anna Denham,
Grace Brine, Beatrice Roger,
flip the thimble, Mary Hazel-
wood, Irene Ferguson, Ellen
Other races and contests won
by Joan Harding, Shirley SwItz-
er, Sarah Switzer, Evelyn Walk-
= and Ruth Shaddiek.
What a glorious way to
live - in air that's
always the perfect tem-
perature, humidity-
controlled, cleaned and
freshened for year-
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All-Season air condit-
ioning (heating and cool-
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Come in or phone for
complete details
377 Main South EXETER 235-2361