HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1965-07-22, Page 4By MRS. NORMAN LONG
closest wedding anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Fuss; lucky
table number, Wayne Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNichol
returned from a trip to the
Western provinces.
Mr. Wilfred Mellis spent the
weekend with a sister Mrs. Cla-
rence Hutchison and Mr. Hutch-
inson in St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Don McLean
of Kingsville called Saturday
on Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long.
Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper
attended the funeral of the late
Mr. Dean White last Wednesday
at Ailsa Craig.
'Page 4 July 22, 196$
and district news
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
....4.;;,.'"""21:7115-01=7.0::=1=1: '''' •
Sunday, July 11, sixty-five
members of the Cochrane clan
met at Clangregor Square, Bay-
field, for their annual reunion.
Folowing a picnic supper, a
short business meeting w as
held with the president Wm
Elliott in charge. Plans were
made to hold the 1966 reunion
at Hayfield, the second Sunday
in July.
The officers for next year
are: President, Wm Elliott;
secretary, Mrs. Harold Jones;
treasurer, Ian McAllister; table
committee, Mrs. H. Fuss and
Mrs. Mayme McAllister; spor-
ts committee, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Love and Mr. & Mrs. Ian Mc-
Sports were conducted by
Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and Mrs.
Harold Jones with results as
follows: 5 and under, Susan
Sinclair; girls, 6-10, Cathy
Fuss, Heather Sinclair; boys,
Stewart Sinclair, David Elliott;
girls, 11-15, Brenda Turner,
Margaret Madge; boys, Kenneth
Jones, Gary Sinclair; young lad-
ies race, Brenda Turner, Jean
Turner; young men's race,Da-
vid Turner, Grant Jones; laies,
kick the slipper, Brenda Tur-
ner; men, Ray Hillier; three-
Kill your smoke and let the
forest live.
Products Of
Gener.tl Motors
Sales with
1957 FORD 1 Ton with racks.
1960 METEOR 4-door wagon
1958 TRIUMPH HERALD sedan.
1957 DODGE (3)
Drop in this
• aaaa ...,aaaaaaaa:aaaalIaMAMEI
Cream Pies
Reg. 550 ea.
2 for 4*
commissioner, Mrs. Bob Ba-
ker, captain of Hensel]. Girl
Guides, and Jane Smith, and
Margie Allan, girl guides, are
camping this week at Glen Mac,
near Seaforth.
Miss Margaret Smillie has
been successful in her year's
work at College of Education
in Toronto receiving her Type
"A" Teaching Certificate.
Margaret will be teaching High
School in Toronto in September.
Miss Linda Mock is a patient
in Toronto General Hospital,
in the Private Patients Pavilion.
Mr. P. L. McNaughton is a
patient in Clinton Public Hos-
Mrs. Wm Kyle, who has been a
patient in Clinton Hospital, has
returned to her home in Kippen
after spending some time with
her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caldwell
and Jamie, in Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blatch-
ford of Rock Glen, Arkona, was
a guest the past week with
Mrs. C. L. Jinks. They are on
a vacation tour for the summer
having sold their home in Ark-
Catharine Anne Christie, Jill
Drysdale, Jackie Simmons, are
spending this week attending
Huron Presbytery Camp at God-
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bartlett
of Thamesford, visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell,
and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc-
Mrs. George Follick is a pa-
tient in Clinton Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moon
observed their silver wedding
anniversary Sunday with a farn-
ily dinner at the home of Mr.
Moon's mother, Mrs. Myrtle
Moon of Watford.
Later In the day they also
visited with Mrs. Moon's sis-
ters, Mrs. Harold Barnes, Mrs.
Hazle Campbell and Mrs. Pearl
F/L and Mrs. Robert Palmer
and family of Downsview visited
on the weekend with Mr. & Mrs.
Emmery Fahrner.
Mrs. M. Haviland returned
home Thursday after spending
some time with friends and
relatives in New York.
Mrs. Violet Young of Fort
Wayne, Indiana, is spending a
couple weeks with her sister,
Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Smith and
Mr. Lloyd Gaiser returned
home after being a patient in
Victoria Hospital.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Emmery Fahrner were
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Haist of De-
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Preszcat-
or and family and Mr. & Mrs.
Fred Preszcator of Exeter
Visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Paul Field of Llican.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Pfaff and
family of DaShwOod and Mr. &
Mrs. Alfred Tilley visited Sun-
day with Mr. & Mrs. Don Jory
and family of Forest:
The Wade reunion was held
Brinsley UCW
holds barbecue
legged race, Kenneth Jones and
Kevin ba.mport, Bill Ruxtable
and Grant Jones; wheelbarrow
race, Grant & Kenneth Jones,
Bill Huxtgile and Kevin Lara-
port; relay race, Cathy Fuss'
team and Mrs. J. McAllister's
team; youngest baby, John Mc-
Allister; oldest person, Mrs.
Hugh Cameron; couple from
farthest distance, Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Robinson; couple with
Robert Cochrane, 86, aform-
er World Wheat King and apio-
neer resident of the Grande
Prairie region of Northwestern
Alberta, is dead.
He was a native of Kippen.
In 1955, Mr. Cochrane w a s
awarded the world wheat king
title at the Toronto Royal Win-
ter Fair for an entry of Saun-
ders wheat. He operated a1,400
acre farm near Grande Prairie.
Funeral services were con-
ducted in Grande Prairie.
A successful barbecue was
held at Brinsley United Church
Wednesday evening sponsored
by the United Church Women.
visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Doug Lewis and family Sunday
were Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mc-
Donald and family of Clinton
and Mrs. Harvey Andrews of
Mr. & Mrs. Wes Lewis left
for California to visit their
Susan Morley is attending
Camp at Komoka.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Mowson
were Sunday visitors with Kath-
leen and Gordon Morley.
Hensall club
win and lose
Thursday night the local
squad travelled to Brussels
where they lost the game by
16-7 to another experienced
They redeemed themselves,
however, on Monday night at
Winthrop by winning that game
Friday July 23, Hensall goes
to Brucefield and Monday July
26 Hensall will host Brucefield.
Surprised by
farewell gift
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tay-
lor were pleasantly surprised
at their home Wednesday even-
ing 14th when twenty neighbors
and friends met at their home to
present them with a farewell
gift, a purse of money, prior
to their leaving to take up
residence in Exeter the end of
Mr. Harry Horton spoke
briefly and made the presenta-
tion. A social evening was held
and lunch served. Mrs. E. Chip-
chase was in charge of arrange-
Tour West
Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan,
Zurich, and sons Patrick and
Michael, Miss Sharon Lightfoot,
Centralia, and Bill Hoffman,
Dashwood, returned from a trip
to the west coast Wednesday
evening last. They travelled
over 8,000 miles.
Although they witnessed much
beautiful scenery, they found the
farming areas in both Canada
and the Northern States were
most impressive. The only dry
area seen was in the Big Bend
Country in Washington State,
the western part of which is ir-
North Western Canada's
farming areas are beautiful and
have prospects of good har-
vests. As in Ontario their seed-
ing was late.
The group listed their stop-
offs with cousins at A m e ni a,
N. D., Okanagan and Seattle, Wa-
shington, and Edmonton, Alta,
as the highlight of the trip.
At World's Fair
Dr. J. C. Goddard and John
are attending the World's Fair
in New York.
Hwy 4 South 262-2604
1965 METEOR MONTCALM 2 door hard-
top, V8, automatic
1965 METEOR MONTCALM 4 door se-
dan, just beautiful
1964 FORD Tudor, 6 cyl., standard
1964 FORD 4 door Custom, 6 cyl., stand-
1964 MERCURY MONTCLAIR, one owner,
1963 MERCURY 2-door
1962 CHRYSLER 2-door hardtop, V8, au-
tomatic, power steering, power
1962 STUDEBAKER 4 door, 6 cyl., auto-
matic, white walls, wheel discs,
1962 PONTIAC, 6 automatic.
1961 MONARCH 4 door sedan, all power
1960 PONTIAC Convertible, 2-door, 6
cyl., automatic, radio.
1959 RENAULT 4 door sedan, just what
mother needs.
photo by Jack Doerr
Bride-elect has
many showers
Miss Margaret Ann (Peggy)
Alexander, bride-elect of Sat-
urday, July 31 has been feted
at several presentations prior
to her marriage.
Mrs. Harry Klungel was hos-
tess at her home when the staff
of the Queensway Nursing Home
presented her with a kitchen
Mrs. Glen Nixon was hostess
for a miscellaneous shower at
her home attended by thirty
relatives. Contests were under
direction of Mrs. Robert Kers-
A community shower was held
for her Tuesday evening, July
20 in C avan United Church, Win-
Merner reunion
attracts hundred
The 13th annual Merner re-
union was held Sunday at the
Lions Park Seaforth. Swimm-
ing was enjoyed by the chil-
dren and a soft ball game by
the young people was a high-
light of the afternoon. About
100 sat down to a picnic supper
after which election of offi-
cers was held conducted by
president Roy Brock;
President for 1966 i s H u-
bert Schilbe, Zurich; first vice-
president Ron Stuckhardt, Kit-
chen e r ; secretary-treasurer
Mrs. Bryan Kyle, Hensall.
Those attending came from
B ay field, Exeter, Dashwood,
Kitchener, Zurich, Detroit,
Clinton, Elora, Mitchell, Lon-
don and Windsor.
Vacation in Europe
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dilling
of Sarnia, are on a vacation in
Europe for eight weeks. Upon
their return they will take up
residence in Scarborough where
Mr. Dilling will be educational
consultant on the Scarborough
School Board, Harold is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dill-
ing of Hensall.
Honeymoon in Florida
Bruce Hicks, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hicks scored three
firsts in the London Horseman-
ship members' show at Hyde
Park Sunday. Mr. Frank Hicks
and Joanne attended the show.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Pen-
warden of Sarnia, who are hol-
idaying at their cottage in Grand
Bend, were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Lammie Thurs-
Mrs. Sherman Eaton and Bon-
nie of London were visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp-
son Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Thompson returned to
London with her daughter for
a couple of day's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mol-
nar and Jimmie of Agincourt
visited last week with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKin-
non and family of Scarborough
were visitors during the past
week with Mr. and Mrs. Bor-
den Smyth and family. The lad-
ies are sisters.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. John Thompson were Mr.
and Mrs. Reid Brown and Rox-
anne of Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Heaman and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Sherman Eaton and
Bonnie of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dean,
Mr. and Mrs. James Dean of
Truro, Nova Scotia are guests
with their sister and brother-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Borden
Smyth and family.
Mrs. Cyril Jordan of Strat-
ford was a weekend visitor
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bow-
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Hensall personals
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train falling from the neckline
with a large rose at the top.
They wore rosette headpieces .
of the dress material held by
a veil of the same colour and
carried a cascade of light pink
roses and white shasta daisies.
Robert Boogemans, brother
of the groom, was best man,
and Xavier Boogemans, and
Rene Boogemans, both brothers
of the groom, ushered the
A reception was held in the
church rooms where the bride's
mother received guests wearing
a pink carnation silk shantung,
two piece ensemble with match-
ing hat and corsage of dark
pink roses. She was assisted by
the groom's mother wearing a
jacket dress in golden wheat
with white accessories, and
corsage of yellow roses.
For travelling the bride wore
a white cotton crocheted two-
piece suit with pink accessories
and a corsage of pink carna-
tions. Following the wedd in g
trip to Florida the couple will
reside in Burlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Frans Booge-
mans entertained the Booge-
mans-Passmore wedding party
following rehears al Friday
night at the home of Mrs.
Pearl Passmore.
Miss Norma Pearl Passmore
daughter of Mrs. Pearl Pass-
more, Hensall, and the late Carl
Passmore, became the bride of
Felix Rene Boogemans, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frans Boogemans
of Dashwood, in a ceremony
performed by Rev. S. E. Lewis,
Exeter, in Hensel' United Chur-
ch, Saturday, July 17 at 3 p.m.
Mrs. John Turkheim, Zurich,
furnished the wedding music and
accompanied the soloist Mr.
Allan Elston, Centralia, who
sang "The Lord's Prayer and
"The Lord is My Shepherd".
Given in marriage by her
brother, Ron Passmore, Lon-
don, the bride chose a floor-
length gown of sheer white or-
ganza over bridal taffeta. The
fitted bodice was fashioned with
bateau neckline and lily point
sleeves. The controlled skirt
was enhanced with embroidered
swiss appliques and swept to a
chapel train. A rose type head
piece held a French illusion
veil in place. She carried a
crescent of dark pink roses and
white gardenias.
Mrs. Shirley P assmore, Lon-
don, sister-in-law of the bride,
was maid of honor. Miss Sharon
Smillie, London, and Miss Car-
ole Westcott, Hamilton, were
her bridesmaids. They were
gowned alike in street-length
dresses of aqua sate peau fea-
turing at the back a bateau
Four out of five forest fires
are caused by negligence. Be
Coroner pair learn
to fly over Bruce ROASTS
Lion's Head office is equipped
with a radio receiver on the
plane's frequency and the hope
is to get a transmitter at the
Wiarton office as well.
Dr Mervyn Hopkinson feels
that, when both he and his wife
are airborne, the service to
their patients will be that much
The problem peculiar to the
locality is rattlesnake bites.
The two of them have probably
administered more anti-venom
vaccine than all other doctors
in the province, with 26 treat-
ments so far and no fatalities.
Dr Mervyn Hopkinson is
medical director for the largest
Canadian-owned drug house.
WIENERS 111.430 sil kDEBACON lb 690
The husband and wife team of
Doctors Mervyn and Norma
Hopkinson of Lion's Head for 14
years have covered most of the
Bruce Peninsula by car, horse,
on foot or by a plane shared with
a Wiarton doctor.
Dr Norma Hopkinson, a grad-
uate of the University of Wes-
tern Ontario, is the former
Norma Cook of Hensall, Dr
Mervyn Hopkinson, a graduate
of Queen's is from Tillsonburg.
They have three children, Joan
14, Bruce 12, and Mary Beth 8.
The Hopkinsons are the only
husband-wife coroner team in
the British Commonwealth and
she is one of two women coro-
ners in Canada.
Transportation on Bruce pen-
insula can be a problem owing
to distances. The couple are the
only doctors north of Wiarton
which is 21 miles south of Lion's
Head. Tobermory, the tip of the
peninsula, is 34 miles in the
other direction.
The doctor team have ordered
a plane of their own. Dr Mervyn
learned to fly a year ago. Dr
Norma saw her husband get his
private pilot's licence and deci-
ded she, too, must become a
pilot. Although it is hard to find
the time for instruction with her
medical practice and her family
of three she hopes to solo by
They have three 1 a nd i ng
strips, the department of trans-
port strip at Wiarton, a private
strip at Lion's Head and a farm-
field strip at Tobermory.
They have an office at Wiar-
ton as well as the one in their
home at Lion's Head. They al-
ternate days at the offices. The
Ontario No. 1 6-Qt. basket
Pillsbury Angel Food White or Cherry
CAKE MIXES Reg. 2/$1 59g
Maxwell Instant
Reg. $1.19 990 COFFEE 6-oz.
Orange Crystals 2R/e4g9g 2/4 30
16-oz. tins 5/77 0
Reg. 2/370
Canada White
VINEGAR Reg. 310
40-oz. • tug 250
Kellogg's 16-oz.
100 lbs 4"
20 lbs 95
Yes we deliver
for a small additional
Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the
weekend visiting with her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy.
Mrs. Grace Harpole visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson of
Loramie, Wyoming, USA visi-
ted last week with Mrs. Wil-
son's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren
of Oakville visited over the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Chapman, and Mrs. Ar-
chie MacGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy,
Michael and Bill are vacation-
ing in the Bruce peninsula and
other Northern places.
Mrs. Robert Cook was able
to return to her home last week
following treatment in Victoria
Hospital, London.
Mrs. Otto Smale and daugh-
ter were recent visitors with
Mrs. Smale's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Fitzsimmons at Hay-
Rod Chapman returned home
Friday after spending a week's
vacation with his brother-in-
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Don MacLaren in Oakville.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little are
leaving this weekend for Es-
tevan, Sask, where Ed will man-
age a sales lot for Mr. Dennis
Porter. Ed a life long resident
of the village, who was formerly
on the staff of General Coach
Works here, his wife and fam-
ily will be much missed from
the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook
and family are vacationing at
Turnbulls Grove.
Mrs. Jack Consitt, Larry,
Billy and Dwight, spent last
week, vacationing at the Shep-
herd Cottage, at Ipperwash.
Mrs. May Gates of Burling-
ton, was a weekend guest with
Mrs. Pearl Passmore.
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Pyette
and Jane have returned from a
pleasant vacation at Honey Har-
Union services were obser-
ved in Carmel Presbyterian
Church Sunday last with Hen-
sall United Church worshipping
with them. Rev. John C. Boyne,
for his sermon topic spoke on
"Is Christ's Teaching Imprac-
Miss Sandra Troyer a grad-
uate of Wells Academy London,
has accepted a position with
Clarkson, and Gordon, charter-
ed accountants, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy,
Michael and Billy, are on a two
week's vacation.
Allan Reid is holidaying with
relatives in Tiverton.
Miss Mary Payne of London,
spent the weekend at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little and
Cheryl visited withtheir daugh-
ter Marcia at Blenheim over the
The meeting of Kippen East
WI will be held Wednesday, July
28 In the cottage at Homestead
Heights at 8 o'clock. Hostesses
Will be Mrs. Harry Caldwell
and Mrs. Glenn sell. Miss Mar-
garet Chesney of Seaforth will
show pictures of her trip
through the West.
Miss Patsy Van Wieren of
Hensall IS holidaying this week
with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Van Wieren.
Mrs. T. Lavender, district
Seldon Fuels
CORN FLAKES Reg. 410 2/690
Liquid Bleach
JA VEX 64.13z. jug Reg. 490 430
Heinz 48-oz. tins
TOMATO JUICE Re g. 41, 3/$1
Saturday at the home of Mr. &
Mrs. John Wade.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Finkbein-
er visited Saturday With Mr. &
Mrs. Reg Firtkbeiner of London.
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Faist and
family of Waterloo visited Sun-
day with Mrs. Mary Faist.
Mr. & Mrs. M. Price, Syl-
vester and Susan of Douglas
spent a few days last week with
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Radford and
Sunday Visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser were Mr. &
Mrs. Win Decker and Mr. &
Mrs. Ferd Haberer of ZuriCh
and Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Grigg and
family Of Dashwood.
EXETER 235-0602 STORE HOURS Closed
all day every Monday;
open all day Wednesday;
open Friday evenings un-
til 9 p.m.; open Saturday
evenings until 10 p.m.
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