HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1863-03-12, Page 14.a.w..,. It W. T. OOX, Editor and Proprietor.] *1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE! Tke OisSW* sibp.rt Pima the Quebec Yermry. TM Report of IM Ottawa Commission tell, is penin, straighttxward style the story of Weals and sea rd,loss mission eminent tar Whisk tha revelations of last sere.° prepare) the pps.Wl, mind. A story mon replete moth wvid.sea of folly and wrung it were not easy to eoaeeive. There was *eeligenee at the very outs" Th preterites'' examination of the intend • sites of the bailding", which should bare bre the soodition precedent of all actual work was never asdertabn by the Bard of Work to whom the duty unquestionahly belonged It was indisp.e.sble; It was dtie to the pa ties redenag for contracts; it would have prevented tbs costly expenditure in regard to the fo.adatiom which hem occurred; but it was not carried out or even 'arrested, though lea lbw • fortnight would trace sufficed for the whole task. "On the contrary, atter the competition plans had been modified to suit the require- ments of the Government, it was agreed he Zemin the Deputy Commissioner of Public Wo rky and the Architects, that its plass to be exkibited to ir,tetded tenderers for the Parliamentary Buildings should be made on as s•seawd line two feet under the assumed lime, instead of thea actual one. And t the plana to be exhibited for the Depart "seam! Boddie*. should be on an assumed lie three feet three webs below the lent 0 the ground door. As the Department.. Buildings actually eta ed, Mr. Stent nays the fr.datious of the excavated parte of tine bsildings are nine fret below that assumed lire, and in Ib. uoexearated part four feet below it As the Parliamentary Buildings now Mand, the resumed foundaion Ito. tavola." the ground at • few places, but the • actual foundation are for the moat part from two 10 fifteen fest under the assumed line on the plans. If ll.e ground lines hal been giv- es to tat Arcbitecta, part of the difficulty whit} followed would here been avoided, a. d if test pits had been sunk, ant the true nature sad tion of the rock ascertained, there wosld have been no extra work on the foun- dation of the Buitd.nga, and such an exsmi- sation woul 1 have sham that they could not hero been emoted for the appropraatt e. At. attune.* consideration of the ground leve!. alone, would have ',wiener! the eeptdieney sad economy of placing the Departmental , cul Boddie" especially the eastern one, l• -as •aderground titan they are, thus obrutng part of the rock excavation on their sats. ono • in the duets and d•ains leadieg to, and'from these Buildings, u well u Dupre sin` with the arms arosad their basements." queer'* to appear i. the Intractione to pro pan the eoutract wad 1 it were felly inter .d, that they *heed not appy to Patna or d tinsel work, the eoutract should have e pnasly provided how, awl at what rates wok wee to h. ped. The Brps !.menet Public Wor.a sent printed !opus of the Isco sod scheduler to the respective archi- tects for their gudunce, bat these printed co- pies did not content the words. making latae &enad.les part of Me contract, nor did they t. sbnw that the contractors had signed them as d such. 'limy were not in fact true copies of n the uriginal contract in this rea.oct. "F,or this umtuion the Dimity Commie- s. sooner cannot accuuut. •'As appears by the records of the Depart - r meat the '.Minn of public tender and public competition was Canted out according to the premien of the Department. By the form of tenders and schedules, supplied to intending tenderer', schedules of prices were to be not in, applicable to extra and additional u well w tr, cmoraci stork, nod .,ere required by the Order in Council accepting the tender of Mr. McGreevy, who put in ssche& I. in the pre- scrihed form. There were written intrue- ti"us twice given, and written contents in ebieh these schedules hedu s f o priers are mentioned as fairly tarrying out the scheiue of tenter. Everything appears fair, open, just but. he - hied all is Mud • clandestine agreement that thew schedules shell not be applied to extra nr addeiond work, which no one avows as his act, but which has been carried into efeet f unjustly as regarded the other tenderer", and I snowily as regarded the public Mutest, u Ilse event bee shown." im1 estimates were rwier d- Commurionerrtoo his h. ad. oiltoer suctioned a eonfenuee s• echos -cot fur dewraiuwg the *etre aveh !ben be agreed !oto^�ixtra w of Good jested der in future be mode a000rdtmg fe`11.4 then the Commlminaer, Mr. milted bimeelt to thio departu tract prises, and *alaid t[,ssdu the exceseirs overcharges , been pail. • e►:yrs 41: AjA 410 ‘.4"' v.. et, sib ITION. " The 9 The negligence shown by the D±putt' Com mise,oner of Public works wag followed by shot7u.g and favoritism, or something worse, on the peon of his superiors. He disregarded an obviate duty ; they, in tarn, *ride with the tenders, and temporized with at lea t one of the contractors. "Where the. tenders were opened, at was found that McGmrvy's had no schr,lo!e of prima, and was ambiguous as to fire -proofing, and it was further found that the tender 01 Mr. Peters was precisely the sane sum, but had i propers:hedule, and was not ambito- ons. In the list o(seeee of the lows' tend- on, proposed by the Deputy Commiuiurwr far selection, be wrote against the name on Thames McUreevy's under the wool •• infor- mal." In fair dealing, Mr. Peters' ought to have been sceepted; but it it were intended. as the result has shuwa, that the •cheduie of prices was not to be applied to extra and ad- ditional work, then alt !eiders should have beets so informed, mud all put upon an equal footier, "Ie his report to Use Executive Coenc:I of the 17th November, eubmntng the seven tenders, the Cheer Con.miutoner stated, " that he did not feel warranted either in re- jecting or entertaining Mr. McGrrevy's ten- der, and thereupon, on the 22n0 of November, an ceder in Commit was in d" that the under of Yr. McGreevy 'hoard be received aid ae- eepted for the whole work, but that he should be called upon to submit the names of new sureties, and that schedules of prices should be prepared by bum to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commiesiorter of Pubiie Works. lir apparent compliance with this order, Mr, Yea -eery did send in a schedule of prices, which was not si: nod, but ern mrok on tine of the printed form; and bore upon the fat: of it that it applied to extra and additional work. Un examining it, it was found notap- plicabl. to tete bulk sum of hisc•,ntnct, and had been so made, that if the progress esti- mates had been prepared and paid upon these priess, be would hart received the whole con- tract ..m before the work was half finished; it was therefore rejected. At this petite, one ° sf the two theca* was clear, either that he was aitakeu in the quantity of work to be done ender the intended contract, or that he was trying to impair. °pen tat g0ven.ment. It s was fair to presume the first of these Amens tire; and he should have been informed that, if he seppn.ed these prices represented in de- P tail the value of the work contemplated by his tender, he was mistaken, and that he must either adapt the sehe,luln to the tender or withdraw it, and be should have bean ,sada to understand, that without • schedule apple- t cable to the tender, it could not be taken as a tender at all. He refused to put in another, or have it apply to extra or additional work. Imetesd of destine hie tender, be was allow. ed to tempora. and make his own terms, for. 1 as Yr. McGreevy states 1, Mr. Keefer, the Deputy Commtaoner aimed, but se the Dep uty Commissioner samers the Co•.mvnioner agreed that the schedule of prices to hos at- h mead to the coetrsct shou'd not apply to ex tin and additional work, and as .he Commis- sioner himself state* it no agreement sat 1° mads at all, to gin Mr. McGreevy any ad ' vantage ever other tadsrem; bat it is Wer- ° tai., that whoever made the a,reement, it was carried .ma with the keovl.dg�ee of beth the Ron. Cemmiwiooer and the Deoute." I. the fir,. Mtatee, the eontreet for both ce the Parliamentary and the Ilopertmentel le Beildinp was gisen to Mr. McGreevy, and $ t his playing with schedules and pikes, thaw- to fore, had reference to the whole. - t P mbwgws.Ny, Mt before the contract was as =Mews Jew A Co. awarded to re .x .stets of tat Dspaitese Buildings, at 0 e Pups..!$ the coettset Prue s i16aiM for w Pari ret Beilddlg sad 71,310 for the Depart.ssent In both o ewe. the issuweliome stern to the lbw MR 0 elms .f the Comm, ie respect to the prep era ties et tat so.ttser, dictated that sebekelee of prem should be attached The wry ' sshsddes whirl' had hew prepared by Mr. be $met and Mr. Monis, ea ate primed frmq. it, wee swat is without alteration w remarks so b. asmde4 .d they were Mashed m end 1 dadas.4 Ma terrain beading of them, to bomb of ate tsspossiw .ont.ae; .d mw siredb she watreesoes as ..eh, .her they •semen*. the *strain*. ea the 714 key of Dassmbo.. 13611. whom masak or Protest e( ea Mme, by .f this parses to'M on."- IMwatkslsmt b mem .ebsry, ne Pomp ets_ssl5.h the thwmese ewe es foamed as . M sib tier siehaid.r m past e( the err -t And .r pet.sY-In ems slab w to theme ad disk wort, sa speietd r the hese Mat mise .• aves▪ i Of the injustice to other tenderer., and the sbamelesenes with which conditions essential to the protection of the pubic interests were tampered with for the convenience and benefit et Mr. McGreevy, the Cummwtuners further remark: "At the time the plans were exhibited to intending tenderer*, there was submetted with them bleak printed copies of contrecis an ore in the Department of Pubic Works. and thoru tendei,4 were left to infer that tat form of contrast was, in its principal clauses, the one to be teed. That the Department su understood at, appears from the fact that the fire ori:tad draft of the contract was un th.s form. It and the subs. -quest% draft cout.ined a clause to the effect, "that in carr the amount voted for this uc.vice by the Legula- twe hu f should ,e • at any time toweled previous I'• p t w to the completion of the work cuutracted'f.'r, the contractor might, "r might net, as he saw fit, on receiving • notice \s writing from the D,nnruun.t to that effect, stop the work; but in any case the cuntrsctor should nut be en- titled to any further parmeut fur work done, after tree "-nee of the notice, oust the ne- cewry fuuds should hark been voted by the Legislature, nor shoed the contractors hate auy claim for eompensation or damages for the sespeneioe of payment." When the °rig- inul draft contract was rubmrtred to Mr. MC. Gnevv, Ie objected toshJclause, and at his suggestion it was left out, 1u this respect he gaited'''. Weems 000r all the oth r traders. Aid the last th..t this Madre was not in the con tr ,et as had been usual, was taken by the Ilon. Mr. Kt Isly as the ;;round for condor. lig, in has judgment, the Government liable to the connectors for ;he amount (Mauch los- ers as they could e.t..b,i.h, because of the ausp ensiou of the worsts." In other mopeds the contractors have born even more 8e.gnmtly favored. A clause iu the co, t -set relerriog to the heating sed ven- tilation of the buildings, stipuhdrd that the alteration of any wall or flue flora the eon - tract plan, to aj reb with that of Mr. Garth, the contra for fur beat and ventilation, shoed be made without extra charge. In prulice, however, this clause has been disregarded, and every such alteration ullo+ed and paid fair as an extra. The reset has been that the Galli coctract-which eras for $61,285, exclusne of exa,r.ttems, and mason; brick- layers, end joiner's work -has entailed the enormous expenditure of $834.000. " The gravest mature is the whole maman- agement was, that the *mks cuunected with the beating and ventilating eyelets sere al- lowed by ,lie Deputy Commissioner to be undertaken, pro.:etdin with. and paid for, without runtime being made or called for, *rtlieut • contract, without arty check, any schedule or priers, or any a•ran,iement what- ever as to teems or price of work. The ext a «mina -y exi.enditere was shown by the maothg rataina44 for the tar 1860, lor they exhibit extrus,auuuntiig to the sum of 3311, 420, which dou!d in tete way be accounted 'for, by the mete fuel of extra excavations, and ex tra work under the assumed foundation lines of the bid:Mee. Considering the extent of work repaired for this'nyntem, and the cdm- 'button at was hkely to produce, at was the utas of the poetical head of the Department 1' Public Works, not to have allowed plana for the butidings to be exhibited i,, tenderer*, .ntd that tor beating and vrntiaating baud been maturely adopted, and inrorpurated with the Inns, and it the apeetticati,.ns for the con- trurt,on tet the Widows. This was not dare, .or was any preceetiun whatever taken to recent the confusion, and not amount of ex- na and adduiunul work which subsequently lace. connection with thin, while extra work bein1 prrfotmed without order or reti- te, at pat d for to the other ca.tractnn month to month, during the working , of 1860. to the emouut of 4103,108 nn anticipation of :.:r. Garth's control, which was nut noted. till the 12th /marry. 1861, although his tender was accepted on the 28th ay of January, 1860. In reply to he appli- auon for advances in the me.utime, he was •,formed that nothing cou d be pend to ham, fur anythin, h. had delivered or dune, until is contract was signed." Another illw4ation of the neglect and les- anagement which the Boa d of Works die- .eyed throughout, is afforded Ly the .barns f any definite oudenstending meta the archi- tects, their remunerate., their duties, and iwpnrrmbi!ities. As !*garde their remuneration they say, r. Reefer earned they were to hare five per ret on the mitts,. True,there was an Order n Commit hooting their remseemtio. to :43,000, -bel this say, they never eesent.rd hoed claimed from Mr.tteme and yet slurs o be paid live per or"t on the *Ade esulrry, abe,r right, le Bass view of their Meta to numeration for all expenditure, and in view f the ex me provene of the contracts, that n extra work whatever should be dose with. °a the woven author tis of the Cosmiwio u r f Peelle Worts, Oren prior to the exeentiue f tat •o14, or any allowance, or passe.t whatever hem a for the wase, in ease it larval be dos. without sash authority ; it mss heir duty not to hers allowed arty week to done, or recognised any *Mir mads for without such written mehmity of this Cosialsomer, sad yet wry the whole of h extra and additional work was s.daMbw sod done, as if In task Mame is this essi set se toed." The are►A.em seem, b haw Y osd tat f actre s for which aee4i- are hell ww�is.eg g�rva°m�s enders sod devi a 0* sme4rled, actually vigaiag its sweaty eotisnes of he eostrseter without trembling thiamine 551.«5* the work theses ser forth and N •ll this lemmas, tied Mao= mai osegemee h Y set wrprising Rtes fe d Wets t THE AYERfOAB WA1t. Naw Yoe=, 14 4. Th. Washington Star .ays !hams!. meat of 50 men of the 1st Verwd.t Cate airy was surprised at Aldi° by 70 "robans, io and that 10 of oar mon were captured, Mt - eluding two captains. The Philadelphia Prean states that up• wards of a million dollars have been sub- scribed ub scribed in New York for the new telegraph lino, and subscriptions are about to be re- ceived in Philadelphia. Th. Company is to have a capital of three millions, and b toad its wires, whish are to be built for ' the moat substantial manner, from stifax, via Boston and New York, to Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore, with branches Lon, New York, via Albany, Huffelo, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago, to Milwaukee, with lateral branches to all the chief towns in the Western Sous. A "umber of gentlemen interested in the Atlantic t c Tele h met at the ^esChamber of Commerce Rooms today. Mayor Updyke subscribed 32,500 to the innd, nod other gentles eu contributed 813,- 400. Mr. Field stated that $195,000 had been sMseribed in England, but n wu determined netetoeummence operations until 1300,000 are subeenhed "The cireurnstaoces met marking with his °tidalg s.ov prices, before any extra ,r'eej the Department, *seem twatward a i the Commiasiooer himself the met, which wore usher than the, attached to the contract, end so ts�(set :M busing the disy*nshig with 1 cording to the a;reroment with Yr. McGres 1 as alleged by Mr. Keefer." Meanwhile, Mr. Roes retired from the De- partment,and was succeeded by Mr. Csuchue, who proceeded w squander so mach of the ate propristion as remained iu band, with a reck- lessness which few respowib:t pioisters would dart to equal. �I 1" At the time of the resienation of the Hoe. Mr. lune in June, 1861, there was on hand of the original eppropriaiiou $327,986.75. and to thin sum was added two .moon(. d $100,006 each on the 13.d 4*y of September aid 19th day of November, by Orden in Council, of those dots respectively. The rooters. esti mates had been regale rly psid,s°d embrace all the work doer from month to mourh, and so continued tail the month of August incluse. TM wbo:e works were going tiered there was money sufficient to cs.ty them on at their ordi- nary program, to the tad of the building see 5014. • !'The Hon. Mr. Rose bad been succeeded by the Hun. Mr. Cauehon, who not heistJ on terms with the Deputy Commissioner, d.l not consult bim, or any competent officer of the Drryrtr.ent, and wbo, unfortunately for the public lutenist', not a.tisfed with prying the monthly estimates, u had hero the practice from the eomwencea:ent,ut Ili/town authority, and without the ordinary or usual vouches, paid Mr. McGreevy on the 8th da of October. 1861, the *um of $ 40,000 On the 19e " h Ucwbrr .. IU .U00 Un the 20th November •'• ... 45.04.0 And to Jones, Haycpek A Co: - On the let August 1861 the aunt of.. $10,000 Oh the 24th August •' 40,000 On the 11th September " . ,. 2:1.700 On the 9th October, " ... 30,000 On the 28th 10.000 On the 20th November " 45,000 On the 13th May, 1862 " . , 2,V0U Making a total sum of $225,700 of which 395,000 was- paid to the euatractor for the Perliumentsry beide.* between the 8th day of October mod the 20th day of No- vember. and 4158,700 to the costume -tots fur the Departmental buildings; between the lis August, Irtil.aud the 211th November. a fur• Mier sum of 82,000 briny again ad.aoced to them uu the 13th Slay, 1862. istimats mer , r r tf tt In Amno•Nut� stets! M By rinse S �+ f a..AUSM •;�! mel .. Jeer* i tin*. elite: W As to ti,W a .ed for the coon pletion ofr port serum ode by Mks , s. of r. 6dlaly that of the Conatimiomes tioIlon. Mr. KtlW)rs y te for coteriDee Parliamentary Baildibga $432657173:9,9245 454Q25 75 External work 37?394 25 --•-.- 267290 00 11091510 00 ( aiiaate of Cuamimiou exclasi.e of mater isle en hand :- Parliamentary Buildings 3636253 91 Deprrtmentel Buildings 306696 79 Extern al Work 12O673 - 6.3 Work connected with Mr. Garth'. 00 Contract .. 36727 95 Add for Superintendence and Coro • 311U73,i 69 tau;enclee,15per ce.t 166103 04 Total 81273456 7:4 Btfale sad Lake Blum aatlrosd TIMM. TABI.M. warren •NAAMO(M[MT. aerur. Lar Eapeea ti.s.4. OODBRICB, 10.00..x. 11.00s.1. CLINTON10.42 '• 120.7,. x: HAIHPCRIIE Y 10.02 " 12.45 - SEAFORTH.. -.,11.07 ° 1.10 P65. and own t .rte "1'he amount paid to the contractors pre- vious to the above advances by the Hon. Mr. SEAFORTH Caution was 3738,855 49, roakong a grand HARPURIIEY total paid on all the hetes antes up to .he stop• CLINTON parrot the work, on the IstOctober, 1861.of (IODHRICB 8994.555.49. On the 27t.. Septemler, six days alter having sent the lion. Mr. KuLdy with instruction; which will immedietey &p- ricer. he ordered the works Oi the respective buildings to be suspended, because the app-o- priation had been exhausted. In fact so far as it appear., he lead without necessity ex heisted the •pproprietiou and immediately ..signed this circumstance, as good cause fur suspe,diog the work-" Haring virtually spereede1 Mr. Ke, the professional Weiser of the department. it was inert that Mr. Cauehon atppuld seek wine. other assistant, to aMed pmfi•xts for paying to the contractors sums largely in ex,ers of those to wbioh they were emitted ender the co ntrect A more batting instru- ment than Mr. Kiltaly could nut have been found. With regard to the inste urt,on furnished by lir. Cauchon for Mr. KitIsly s induce, the Commiwioners observe: "These instruction to the Ilon.lir. Killdy did nut contemplate the settlement of the con- tractor's claims for the stoppage of the work*, but immtd,utell• after be received them, he was informed that the contractors had recede. ed orders to dtaconiinue the work in tote. In has report of the 12th November, 1861, he in- forms the Di -pa tme..t of the cou.se he intends to adopt with reference to the rates anion which the contractors should be paid for all work not originally contemplated. or included an the contract, and th,t these rates should he .pplicable to all ouch work already performed, Or reta.iuina. to be due to complete the who:*. "This. M far as it appears, was passed in silence by the IMparttnent, leaving ham tr toter that what he proposed to do was mi- nuted to., and hawse part of has •rhinal instrucnons. It ilio Ie regretted that t del not occur to him that toe settee •nt of what were far prices in the work done, or to be done, was the one thing, and the damages which the contractors chinned by reason of the stoppage of the works another, mud that they hoed no necessary connection with each other. It was prayer to show what fair •sans. 6.22 6.26 6.48 6.30 44 2.45 •" 3.00 " 3.45 •' 4.35 " arca signal. GODERICII, C. W. MARCH 4, 1963. VERY LATEST FROM QUEBEC! Ar By Telegraph Last Night. Special Diepatc/ ionise Signal') THE Bankruptcy Bill to belaidbefore the Hods* to -morrow (Tuesday) will be extended to non -traders in Upper Canada but not in Lower Canada. The ordinary expenditure of Crown Lanae Department for 1861 was 179,000 P° dollars , in 1862 it was$122,000,ehowiog a decrease of 818,000, which does not w include a reduction by dismissal of useless in officials of 312,000, making a saving on ra the year of $60,000. Mr. McDougall receives much praise for his very* able st 8' Jeb 0 at as the /rids (sawibingn as be - ie.. it the f will eon- tpat kis lite of hien • whit lea that in past times .Dogs upon 1 as upon those of but we held, and, of o, that times bat. which we cite tobrets. .114th k and grade is the on which last ye* led in the name of the to offer an asylum d to the Pontiff of t that there was • h and action, sad ;us $IsaOP 0r COLUMBIA AND ATLAN- nlau a Canadian h w. foal ut'sled, to to ' o insult his the agrarian bls and yet, after oft, subject and al - the remarks of to sP in eoonceUon sena " only through We hardly feel �wquired, in Rome. 1R. po \ psrfhat libertys,f as Irish gentleman o empaper, and wh • be the first _faythe�rland, declarer trim u not b taking fair view lowing, as fair as our contemporary with our own, we English spectacles.' wrpered that a large po has 'offered from wretchedn and wast. Here is the " Iri is Canada, inveighing bit Britoil and everythin_ B yoaderie Ireland, are journals bees ter years preaching the trines Inky in a more ultra How sen any people thus taught diwoa/nted, sod being di.00 oto they advance in point ofphyat fort," Meellsetual cultivation, or rel traioietsf The thing is imposeibi: it is.amly astonishing that the 6n rferpremion has not been grater. &mar, is dismissing the subject, are pleased to know that the disc hat boo carried on io a fair and frier spirit, and we sincerely hope the 1 Caaadimi will endeavor to steer clear the viola.* and even disloyalty which marks Metope of so many of his brethren at home. In everything else we wish e paper wbL Washington, March 4. All the weal approprirtioh bills were peered and signed by the 1'nsident. These, together with other appropriations, alumna to about oue thousand millions of dollar - BRITISH COLUMBIA. We clip the following interesting items from int British Cofesabusa of 7th and 90. January. TIC -PACIFIC RAILWAY. e Mee trot able, from press of other mat glee •sketch of Me Bishop of Comm- on "Egypt and i h 1 P staid-" 7Pt 1 t we seise the first opportunity again to congratulate our city ape. so vulwble a eum- sencemeut of • curse of lectures, and to call ms,kedattentiuu to the quotation from the Bishop's speech, delivered in Belfast now more than three yews ago, and eluded u in the lecture. Ilia Lordship, by the exorcise of that sound sense and foresight for which of Ireland l he u .o remarkable, speaks confidently of l:anada and British Columbia humane the and misery, gnat road town Eastern pumeesioe and Eew Camad'tan" ern commerce by means of • mighty Inte- •ainxt ocenn,c Railway. Having alluded to the Cir- . ao euoatanes under which British Columbia was h, and, opening up opppourtuu.tus fur commerce and ich have emrgratiou,,nd the responsibility of the mother to , i!- country an consegaence,the address proceeding as follows :- ma r still. "There t another topic which I do not to b. Me to pose over an conuemion with this path- way to the east, and that is, it may he eke oleo how mea.. of preventing European war- Where it England's 'lath .ay now to the Feet? It through the Territory of other people. 8 nes to France • let rue per through Torr country, and I Sall gate five days in my route to lone" '• o, all mean," says the pclitenea of France, •develops our railway system by English. capital," and Marseilles e rases in importance. We go -to Aurelia, sed say, "allow me to per through your terri and have another line to the lomat," ad este ries on Britishcapt*I. We go to r- ke•, and say, " let us make a lin by he o Euphrstes." " By all means," awls Ta ey, ake far •nnd says, flet i go on; it wilt heel -and Ruin loeks l nae day to get to India " W. go to Er d we say to the Pasha, "let us make a y over Egypt." •• Oh t ye.," w s la "wake your lin." English . n- lan it, aid Englth navvies mak the war, ati prose of their health 'lit atas • cove." the land of �t, Cairo am letatd ' i crease h and populuion, and "li ed Ivy I4. s1s he "lin db mei�a duo ■ moaner g through his nem rm. u En land emitting �be jeslo.y and en el -venom it was a chief esus* nke is trying 10 get nearer Ea uT to secure , uustentinople. of that encroaohmsnt for t ern possessions, tCIUO,000,000of tdr. It it h em in her path - r mei in bed war. (l8 m - d • OUR CORRESPONDY.I S of the ban rho k' The J star It-. it stead '8s, where, 4 amiable lame circle of f ho now their madders herearsmenl. The place yesterday 1111 o'clo.k, a. a,r by a Ttry large concourse of people, ioai°d- ing • largo number of the R oval h'rgirwn. The Rev J. Sheepshanks, Rector of Holy Trinity, of which Church demoted was a mem• ber, officiated. AMOTMaa StILt.1-It bernms Mr meten- cMoly duly to anewunce another sadden death -the third within the short space of six days. William Kneale, who hr been for some time occupied al r Y. 1 Hooner'e Mill,w ' lite putting y the band upon the Large fiy wheel yesterday morning, it would seem, slipped anti tis hemi coming in contact with the wheel, was in atanily killed. Doressed was 28 years of age, • naive of the Isle of Mao, ad late of Don. euter, Canada West. imine. Baso the deeea e 0505*-'• IA fermi! time os t� Victoria i y Iasi spring deportment olid toeing. lids Amid 10 tat err: A I stow t ibis Mr ere w hope N tdjr ea sesd►m of the Aigw•! I hope �fr� this matter de. weight 1 em she swpb»d that some of the psetemkree Maly mars ham est taken the .setter rlp. Bat attho.gk rho week) editions of thou dailies are w ell tiep- porte�i. thea Veiled Ceeetire, the yet pat s very 14111. suwttisw. as a Essen) role, b oar o waists or wish.. Wins we wart noytlrleg of thio kind advocated, we bars to go to the lo - al paper, and the local pater is that whk•h the people should support, If they .ademood thew tree imams. I bare known m..11IkM for local es.didsbs for Parliament, and thee were right But them same mea again shot . their inconstm�eenrrceyy by eendins to -Tomato, Hamilto..r Swedes foe• weekly paper, o44 carelessly mods .p by the foreman prillldr (nem the dailies of the Game 0Igce, lu those distant weeklies they can 'suet se age no Iocd news except stale and at soma hank while they overlook the *drwtsgse d their own County paper which par them. ie ,a.41 pomsrlon of all transporter assay them selves. Ime have mere Pa say M amati.r time ) of advantages of the kwl p.pmr. The sleighing is nearly gees in this is part et the country, but yet when continue 10 mead in rapidly to the Blythe Mille. ..d all that comesfin.ie a ready sale at an aroma* juice of about 10 ants per 'Wallet I meder *s,Pl that 20,000 bushels of wheat bare blies pure I chased at the Blyth. Mills this seaGon. Tww, Ac., IL BUFFALO AID LAZE BD-RO1 RAML W AY. ON the 27th ult. tho Committee on Pnvate Bills, dtc., reported as follows, on a matter affecting the above company : On the Petition of the Ilarsilton and Port Laser Railway Company, praying for an Act b amend their Act of Incorpo- ration so as to allow them to base or sell the said Railway to the Brfalo and Lake Ilrrui Railway Company,your Committee finds that no mention is made in the notice of the Datum of the amendmnents desired, wbioh notice *overs amendments of an ordinary nature only ; your Com- mittee, however, recommends the suspen- sion of the 53rd Rule, as it will be eom- t for them, as Committee tee onPr' Private Hills. to provide that no injury b the in- terests of any party shall arise therefrom. eetifdy01041ltfe , 13LY'rHI . A YOLUNTSBI COMPANY wits coursoISU- Orrccgis' UNt- POaMb-WHAT THS OOVSSNM6nT SHOULD DO -LOCAL PAPSh$-WNSAT BUTla0, 60. SLUT'S., Mord) 2nd, 1863. Blythe is determined to have • rade com- pany- On the 27th alt. a large and highly resp.ct•bl9 meeting was held here for the is purpose °forgantnng owe. '!'here wereabost he two Modred men present Peter McQueen, Esq., • smerke of the well-known Editor of the Maros Signal, in past day; was unan- imously chosen chairman; ad seldom care 1.em the cbairm .n of • public meeting act with mint impartiality, dignity and good tete. He won the seem of .11 present. - Several loyal and patriotic s!eacbea were de. livered, and the Governmsid received due prove for the simple and inexpensive method m they hare adopted of embodying • Provin- cial volunteer force, in contradistinction to the eomplicated and expensive method pro. polled by the late government When the list was opened seventy men put down their names, and many more would bare joined, bat a baling pyre -aided that the Government Woad not ncogeees more than fifty in a cons - n Earles Whitehead, . C k 7 herd, of Blythe h ilk, was unanimously chosen Esq., A tt.r *lime* euuld not ares heen mrd., It w :y g ►a infiaeece :katthe was , rst FII/M6 T. and Ueorgc . . Yea thaw Ws me happy to have it to say that we have snesmded in securing, at soma ex - rise, nae, 0smsepondante at every impar int in lisps Counties, who will traI this oist the vary -Latest loos} iql nee, ofalsy importance, This plant e feel * dent, add maternity to, tercet en of Pa a antral management of this important Depart- ment The news of Mr. Brown's swear in South Oxford, which was immediately telegraphed, was received very calmly by all parties here, but several members of the Opposition boast that they will be able to carry a motion of want of confides** when he takes his seat. Like many of priees were, as well ea what was a ear coos- their boasts, however, this one is not permed.. for an alleged injury, so long as it was adersto od that the dnmags had nothing hosed upon truth, and they will, I think, to du with the actual pries of the emelt. The lid tlemseives grievously mistaken. mere contract work could never -hare been dame tor the for which it was taken. Whet The House Emigration Committee was enabled the e s tremor to proceed at all was organised to -day. Mr. McKellar u the extraordinary quality of extra and ad- y ohair- diuonai work. and the extra.rds.ary prises that it had born allowed upon it peevioss to his coming. To have stooped this sura work would have ellemealle stopped the townie' work also ; aid at is d,ffieu t to ass on what peineippte damages were expected for cortr.et work admitted to has hems ruinously low, Pse for stopping exits emir which the Gleam Mat 1ud sot hoed itself to have done. I. any evert the quantity . ( work done, and its vuue, wen totally o,,esnonecled with dams - get real Or amag nary, nr thew stoppage gtthe work; hut Mr. Kiilayhppcars to have Ijswd his made of ser.reseht and edea fel the pea .ad futon wake, int so have jaunted them, on the Emend that the ieele al d, rather pw.eleded, all claim For damages for the s oppyls of the work. The whole ar rstsgem..t mode by him was virtually . sew *entree' for the *rtes nod additiomel work wheel had bora dose, sod wase he dome at rams pGrftetly aslirfrelMy 10 the eeausetoni, ba algin inee.seitieb4e with fair presto, tat bade* prises aesrhsd to tat es.erset, the hd.1. •(peers pat in the Arlt imeamee by r. MAreavy, sad rejected se not repree.ml. sheieztrec *metras, or the poem wbie4 the se Mr. Pogo, and the ♦ssaeieadfir aid .gsmbL .ler 1�h t wmins ie posgrem* M sed to 1. tat details of the sopsn tesebi.. t4, Mere dowsed fee .seeds* sed M sauce melt, sear V. RAMT'a Vara* whsdek b e tem e.nnary Inst .. Vaal fella* eat by do 5. Pao r ~ Wselr the arshimsq and ea isrti lb vela ds1l..sd M e�w Wwlmp.�rt.wt .6�e..t� �e clad to Aswbe. of csislea* ...e. eq..kw .ties! ireiem Ir. satkd tat (s wlp.~wawpl. 4ii,"1lbe ha 11 by the faroRs and heftiness ■ and Brno) in *sir total s have dre*dy receivd74i3b- ■ that our efforts to **Ware a careen! hire of the anyin nod :that of thisaeattpn ooaotry are u oiated. T8.85 41 01 o lrho have eo favored us with their valuable eyed will please Wept qtr .ordist thanker We givetoday am ilrterostiwg kpe► from Blythe. O.y A'rd spld wave, front the hander of thirty or forty new sub- scribers thee*. The account of the forma- tion ofai rill.lOispaan y at Towater will appear in ourslSxl GODU1CM RAIBO& Ir should by .roe of . ijantj.n yp very bs it- wrrosodi s.•. spected repeMstlsyve far o aefi nail bate tem maims la Least of Ig - L. U. R. Co. I(oa ltpt Ino. Mr. Mopdeada 4. the lean of 0o4ridt Reads sold Lake lI posy, ami a!1 t„I°Or'w , e'Ordess i j !heels-(l�i+slsd►otbGr mtota ,6m�rlig 1 bawl e mac. The labors of t) a Committee, it u s'o6d.nUy exported, will be attended with Cou important results. the Mr. Mdts;s has tendered bale resignation. t A has not ibeen ted It asnep yet, but will , he. the Th odometers ij tat Usury Law es.! Com Past 10 any t4. meMare to restriet the rate f4Aj .Vet this 9aniOn. song OXFORD. By epeeist telegram last aight we learn that, es we antaoapated, Mr. Brows was 7 1, L • It^ E g; are u mpt .lwri*king. suedes sm0tsg Eu for this pathway at Wight seriously imI Englaed with her the other day it was Triste, Enka w^' wit4 F11ra Willi her e-"1 wa uf,T h Co.h abs hes 1 n pew !metria stntah -•' cer di3ur u merleale0. pe K . -.. will al iH 60 as, 4.i This is the wary bass mow shah limn lsea link i .rd.,1• yew trsessaio ''lsra 1, tend mete a me? eon 4011.0 slit ie-. M.Dnmstd w.' n with 145.4 oa lbs gts! dais psSli•p(. the aisles. of Mr. Di.kAo., souls+ b rssuswe twat pp 5. fMPw. 13.dwd 874, oar utarwm i• a atpi 4 ____ s Btwvt 904 ; tojnriry 4. Brown 230. r'r"4 °am be i• "int r fa It iq timsbew stews esrhi. tot Kr, arem,.1°" l'�. If a $fl55* S Steles !PRI be retuned, amid h. will bas. defined B/6s liepre * pmkaily Mho his asst in the How asst es Art it 6149 40iba1 vile- :whin hem armee Male w hie ss"" d that "user M � esa sddraaase tai tttvw�ll the 9M; .e *gime! lewd •at• . IILSh-_s� we sew V will giwttml[iaistryaporsrsl suppers p'. Pauper w eGsry!�meslian Oat thee at A � � hBwc Ilan 55 Vat They die ultra O tieaess as the Her e1 lin. IB.www'e pgf'Alg( ems Atlisedesisemt i etereemieg the Kiwis • happy m ase, Asp so that wad M sem• NOS yet hos•• hat `4f Wrist the J( nthe Ste. Year's make of 'M tiled w IK win duty lag ter 0. kentism teem H: v Pet rig is a In y the OW My are 4, • 1' • W ere hem ie woe est w .1 f} Tb. census of H.miltnn, which bat just been taken by the corprontion, shows • population of 22,134 sale -an increase sin•. 1861 of 3,038. The military has of count. made up •.hen of this increase -they tum. hering 1,200 mots-men,womea,and cbildree all told. Ther .e find a nemrwl growth 1n two years of nearly 2,000 inhabitant- This is • sign of prosperity which augurs sell for the fetes healthy rise and progression of Hamilton. Toe SoUTHSSN ARMY. -The Phil r delphia Inquirer says :-A man lately from Richmond slays there are only 481 regiments in the Southern army, but that these are all kept full, and all skeleton regimette have been abandoned ; the total n umber Of moo at the present time being 625,000, which will certainly be increaser! to 700,000 by the fins of Jane. The 'bolo number of rebel officers he estimates at 25,000, or about ono -half of those in the Federal army. He says it is a com- mon occurrence for then to be shot down, for attempting to shirk their duty, and that to hie knowledge, gathered front the records, at least 2,500 have thus perished in different Datta of the country. When be left Richmond there were five thousand negrves engaged in atiengthening U.e de fences of that oily, and now itis surround- ed by three lines of fortifications. In bis opinion, the rebellion can never be put down until the finances of the rebels are rained or their army' broken, for until those events take place the leaden will . have their own way and the aaassee re• main in a state of subjugation. Dexo raox Dante.- We learn that • per son well known by tbe eitizens of Lonoru, as baying occupied the position of sub+ditor on the '• Liberator" -whilst it existed -died in Hamilton Iasi week from the effects of drink ; his name was G. lieverege B. A , a mw mote poPaaed of considerable intellect and • clever keurer and humorist. Th neat tunate man through drink was gradually dragged to themea, dying in the Hospital at Hamilton, the result of his legs being froaen, he having i• • state of drunk&noted thrown limiest(ou the sidewalk to sleep • his was • miserable end indeed, for one so talent, ed; the is, however, but one mane instance of thtskn drrd's final doom.-L'r, On Western correspondence L increasing sed•varrety. A correspondent in _Wkronsin, mentions • legal limita Jags lase add P. 8. Starr, .S.q,, two 1.sat lawyers starred for home, from a�roe�wh�ere they been ate ndin e eosin. Awore somewhat addicted she aldh01,11084meried •bottle with teem. When 1 1654.4 at George P-'., • half way both alighted 10 replenish the 456 Ni pt wits. Lot Judge Stone tett tat vest le his own words fell got limo sten buggy and rode along. '• BebrsI had goat • greet treys it occurred to me that 1 had forgotten .omething. ( looked.' mist fh esn4and s.cvrtained that my bookie wase eat there. 1 felt in my pocket; and ere - =lius I m ts 4 bi i i rink!, 1 .Mt- dmlej IkM I mmol he mistaken, and dl;pv. Aar although I was unable to rid of the 5oavktioa that I hd deft Ling. Finally I arrived at my destine. and ma mot Itis • friend, ehe asked* h Mery r "Teat's (t, I leder* 1 Met Starr r•